The Murder of Russell Bentley

The Murder of Russell Bentley

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (ICR) recently announced that it had identified all those involved in the murder of American volunteer and war correspondent Russell Bentley (call sign "Texas"), who went missing on April 8, 2024. According to information from his wife, published shortly after his disappearance, he was detained by servicemen of the 5th Motorized Rifle Brigade near the site of the shelling in Donetsk, and was held in their custody. It later became known that Russell Bentley was killed.

According to investigators, four Russian soldiers – V. Vansyatsky, V. Agaltsev, V. Bazhinov and A. Iordanov – tortured and beat the man, and after he died, they blew up a VAZ-2115 car with Bentley’s body in it with a TNT block in order to hide the true cause of his death. The car was first taken to the territory of a brick factory in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, which is located near the front line.

“Depending on the role of each, they are accused of committing by a group of persons acts that clearly go beyond their authority, the use of physical violence and torture that resulted through negligence in the death of the victim, as well as of concealing a particularly serious crime by moving the remains of the deceased to another place (Part 5 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph “a” of Part 2 of Article 244 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Part 4 of Article 33 and Part 2 of Article 316 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation),” says in the publication of the Investigative Committee of Russia

It is worth noting that the situation with the murder of the American was hushed up for a long time, and those who wrote about it were subjected to pressure. For example, the former commander of the Vostok battalion (in whose ranks Bentley served), and now deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the DPR, Alexander Khodakovsky, who called for an investigation into the murder and emphasized that "The military department must show that it can not only remind about responsibility for discrediting, but also restore order in its own affairs", was soon forced to delete this message.

Officials of the DPR and representatives of the Ministry of Defense did not comment on the situation. Meanwhile, what happened, like other similar cases, is a consequence of the permissiveness of local commanders, who are confident that "war will write off everything."

Why was Russell Bentley killed?

The motives for the murder of Russell Bentley are not entirely clear - the Internet suggests that the soldiers were intoxicated (and possibly drugged), but this does not explain why they attacked the American. Most likely, judging by the fact that they "detained" him not far from the site of the shelling in Donetsk, the military mistook him for a "spy".

The same version sticks to and journalist Andrei Medvedev:

"When they saw him at the site of the attack on the city, they decided that they were looking at a terrible American spy. In 2024. In Donetsk. So they kidnapped my grandfather and tortured him cruelly. And then those who covered for them told stories that "Texas" himself attacked the military with a pistol in his hands. And they, almost defended themselves. Approximately as now in the Goodwin case they are already trying to explain that there were no UAV operators in the unit, that no one sent the fighters to assault, and they themselves died because they were chatting on their mobile phones"
Such cases of detention for "espionage" in Donetsk and Lugansk are, in fact, not uncommon - if a person takes photos near government buildings or military units, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB or commandant's office may approach him to check documents and even take him for a conversation if the person seems suspicious. Previously, this sometimes led to various absurd situations, but the case of Russell Bentley clearly stands out and stands alone: ​​such incidents often did not lead to torture and murder, mainly only to "preventive detentions".

In the case of "Texas" there was real chaos, which not only ended in tragedy, but also in an attempt by the people who committed the crime to, as they say, cover their tracks.

Judging by the fact that there were also attempts to put pressure on those who tried to cover this issue in the media, the commander of the unit whose servicemen committed the crime tried to whitewash his soldiers and hush up the matter in every possible way. Information was spread that Russell allegedly filmed something that should not be filmed, he was detained, and he might as well die...

However, the case of Bentley, a well-known person in Donetsk who received Russian citizenship, turned out to be resonant, an investigative group from Moscow took up the case, and in May the suspects in the murder were detained. Among the charges is "concealing a particularly serious crime by moving the remains of a deceased person to another location." They will not escape punishment.

However, will their commander who allowed such a situation to happen face any punishment?

On the impunity of commanders

Often, such cases are hushed up, and given the adopted law on discrediting the RF Armed Forces, covering such topics is often fraught with administrative and criminal liability. Given this factor, as well as the policy of the Ministry of Defense "not to change horses in midstream", generals in the field feel their omnipotence and impunity.

Indeed, there were cases when some generals were not only not removed from their positions for failures at the front, but on the contrary, they were even promoted. With the arrival of the new Minister of Defense Andrei Belousov, significant personnel changes occurred, but they concerned rear generals, bureaucrats, and not local commanders, so in this regard the situation did not undergo significant changes.
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  1. +32
    24 September 2024 05: 18
    "don't change horses in midstream"
    And as Napoleon said: "But donkeys are changed!"
    1. +13
      24 September 2024 07: 20
      Quote: Uncle Lee
      "don't change horses in midstream"
      And as Napoleon said: "But donkeys are changed!"

      Don't change donkeys at the crossing? But this old and wise proverb refers to something completely different. Naturally, even the most ignorant peasant will not change horses at the crossing, which does not last that long. But if we are talking about a longer period of time, then fresh horses run faster, and the exhausted ones are shot
      1. +8
        24 September 2024 17: 04
        Don't change donkeys at the crossing?
        Once upon a time I got into a fight with an anti-Stalinist. And when I asked him why liberals and democrats hate Stalin, he started spewing out standard quotes about the GULAG, "five hundred million personally tortured," and so on. And when he realized that I was openly laughing, he asked me: "For what!?" I didn't even think about the answer, it just flew out: "For personal responsibility for a failed case." The higher up the official sits, the deeper he will fall. After that, the guy got carried away, and after about five minutes, apparently having gone over the cases known to him in his memory, he agreed. He turned out to be a clear-headed guy, not a brainwashed one.
        1. +2
          26 September 2024 14: 43
          Well, you were lucky, not being a Stalinist yet, but confident that he was being attacked, I volunteered to be his lawyer at the seminar, well, it was interesting to defend a losing position, I thought my classmates would eat me up there. But they didn't find any clear arguments to counter me, and I had very few of them then, unlike now.
    2. +11
      24 September 2024 07: 42
      Quote from Uncle Lee
      And as Napoleon said: "But donkeys are changed."

      It's better not to mess with donkeys at all!
    3. AAK
      25 September 2024 15: 25
      Well, we don't have Napoleon, so all the donkeys, led by a mule named Moo-Moo, continue to frolic...
  2. -18
    24 September 2024 05: 26
    What a surreal thing. It is not Ukrainian Nazis who are being tried for a clutch attack, but Russian fighters, for the crimes they committed.
    1. +32
      24 September 2024 06: 15
      There is no surrealism.
      To understand, it is enough to look at the documents about the crimes in the ranks of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War. Everything was...
      The main thing is to take action, but not to lump everything together: the murder of Russell, Goodwin and Zrnest, and the atrocities and murders of civilians that are taking place, etc.
      Moreover, the measures are not only for commanders. And not based on the speculations of military correspondents and other bloggers, but systemically in the matter of establishing law and order in the troops.
      Laws of wartime once.
      Military court in each division, brigade two. Strengthening the commandant's service, in Wagner this was done by a unit equivalent to a regiment.
      Appointment of experienced officers as locksmiths to work with personnel.
      People in the army are different, and it’s too late to raise them as grown-up uncles in the full sense of the word, but it’s possible to keep them within the law.
      1. +14
        24 September 2024 06: 33
        What I mean is that to date not a single Ukrainian Nazi has been convicted for war crimes.. but the words were we will catch them all, we will convict them all
        1. +5
          24 September 2024 14: 51
          regularly condemn and publish information in the press about the condemnation of Ukrainian military personnel.
          1. +1
            24 September 2024 17: 25
            But only small fry, the leaders are all beyond the reach of justice
      2. +13
        24 September 2024 09: 18
        It is a great shame that you won't find a greater discredit to the army... Yes, and also the murder of a family last year... by two "defenders".
        1. +6
          24 September 2024 20: 57
          Quote from: dmi.pris1
          It is a great shame that you won't find a greater discredit to the army... Yes, and also the murder of a family last year... by two "defenders".

          Unfortunately, in any army in the world there are such 2 warriors "I remember we were reading an order in front of the motorized rifle regiment in the Central Group of Forces of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Where they announced the murder of an elderly Czech and his seventy-year-old wife. Three drunk soldiers broke into a house, raped an old woman, killed an old man, took about ten rubles in our money. But the times were different, degenerates were given the death penalty. And this despite the fact that convicts were not taken into the limited contingent of Soviet troops abroad, there was a strict selection. And in war, degenerates are like fish in water ...
  3. +30
    24 September 2024 05: 45
    Well, what did you expect? There is no state ideology, the strongest motivation for many is money, capitalism. Control is difficult, a hodgepodge of whoever is possible is fighting. What should the work of educational officers be based on?
    1. 0
      24 September 2024 10: 04
      On the genetic code and sense of rank.
      1. +12
        24 September 2024 17: 16
        And what is the sense of rank of a criminal who decided to go to the SVO together with the kichi and get out of prison safely?
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +4
    24 September 2024 07: 16
    Yes, it was even worse in Chechnya. Here, many go for money and quite a few of those who want to get out of prison, but there they were driven by force, such things happened that were terrifying, and no one investigated anything. Severe stress, weapons in hand, the illusion of permissiveness and gives rise to terrible actions.
    1. -11
      24 September 2024 07: 57
      Did you serve (I won’t even say fought) in Chechnya?
      Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
      1. 0
        24 September 2024 09: 05
        I was there on two missions, but I didn’t fight, we were doing something a little different.
        1. +6
          24 September 2024 11: 46
          Since you were there, then - I think you understand that the real questions are always for the middle command staff. 99% of the questions ultimately come down to a specific captain.
        2. 0
          26 September 2024 06: 15
          Have you personally witnessed mass crimes committed by military personnel?
          Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
      2. +10
        24 September 2024 11: 07
        You know, in war you have to be a human being, not a beast. In relation to civilians, and to those whose status is unclear. And so, yes. Many people who cannot be trusted with weapons went to the SVO
        1. 0
          25 September 2024 07: 20
          I'll tell you more. TnSVO was started by those who can't even be trusted to clean up shit.
          Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
          1. +2
            25 September 2024 07: 31
            But here, I completely agree. However, the same ones remained who can't be trusted with shit. They just moved the beds in the brothel.
    2. +5
      24 September 2024 14: 54
      Yes, it was even worse in Chechnya.

      There was nothing worse there. Yes, there were murders and other crimes. The prosecutor's office worked, the criminals were convicted.
      In Chechnya the group was 100 thousand. Now the group
      about a million probably. According to statistics, there are 10 times more crimes, and taking into account the recruited contingent, even more.
  6. +16
    24 September 2024 07: 37
    It’s unlikely to be an isolated case, just a well-known person, and how much time passed before (if) they got to the bottom of it.
  7. -31
    24 September 2024 07: 45
    All this fuss because he's American?
    1. +21
      24 September 2024 08: 12
      These degenerates could have done this to anyone. Even you, if you were there with a camera. It just happened to be an American. A complete disgrace to the uniform, they should have mines put on their necks and pointed in the direction of the Ukrainian trenches.
      1. -14
        24 September 2024 11: 17
        Quote: Little Bear
        These degenerates could do this to anyone.

        The investigation is not over yet, keep the mines for now.
  8. 0
    24 September 2024 07: 55
    For example, the former commander of the Vostok battalion (in whose ranks Bentley served), and now
    Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the DPR, Aleksandr Khodakovsky, who called for an investigation into the murder and emphasized that “the military department must show that it can not only remind people of responsibility for discrediting, but also restore order in its own affairs,” was soon forced to delete this message.

    Coward and chatterbox!
    Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
  9. +6
    24 September 2024 08: 12
    The author wrote in articles about migrants that crime has a nationality and these are Central Asians. Based on this, we can say that the people mentioned in the article are Central Asians, especially Generals Ivanov and Popov, who were burned in the Russian Ministry of Defense for corruption.
    1. -2
      24 September 2024 17: 38
      It's a paradox - when some Tajik stabs someone with a knife, there's a howl to the skies, the people from a bunch of countries are to blame, who apparently have a single organization. When some general brings soldiers to the parade ground near the front so that they wait for him for a couple of hours or supplies tens of thousands of defective armor - then everyone is for himself and there's little noise on the Internet. Although many of our staff officers have killed more guys with their antics than all the migrants combined over 30 years.
  10. +1
    24 September 2024 08: 18
    Unfortunately, usually behind loud slogans and beautiful screens there is truth. And sometimes the curtain opens a little and we see a little more than slogans and a beautiful curtain.
    1. +18
      24 September 2024 09: 37
      There was one American who came to Russia with bright, sincere feelings and he was killed... by Russians... "It's sad, girls" (c) We slap ourselves on the cheeks, clap our ears.
      1. +10
        24 September 2024 10: 42
        Is it just one? There were many such idealistic "eccentrics" there in 14, the same late Murza, Goodvin, Ernest, local Mozgovoy, Givi, Motorola, Batman and other militia commanders. They all went to build the Russian world, saw what was happening and nevertheless continued, in the end some were shot by their own, some were tortured, some were driven to suicide and these are the most resonant cases that have reached us, how many are lying there in the mines only God knows. In all this bloody nightmare, the most sane people there were either office workers due to their job, or Wagner for the money.
        1. +3
          24 September 2024 11: 48
          Quote: Skif3216
          In this whole bloody nightmare, the most sane people there were either office workers due to their job responsibilities, or Wagner's for the money.

          I can't give a plus, but I can support this suggestion with a message
        2. +4
          24 September 2024 17: 40
          It has long been known that in our country there is one main patriot. And whoever is more patriotic than him does not live long.
        3. +2
          24 September 2024 18: 27
          I would exclude Batman from your list. This guy fits perfectly into the market, according to Chubais. He made money by killing his own compatriots.

          Russell was liquidated because, while fighting from the very beginning, he saw the abominations that the Russian Gauleiters were committing in the “newly annexed” territories.
    2. +2
      24 September 2024 09: 43
      Quote from turembo
      Sometimes the curtain opens slightly and we see a little more than slogans and a beautiful curtain.

      Yeah, yeah! But they are silent and will remain silent about the Strelkov-Zakharchenko confrontation. Because there is no point in telling everything honestly here.
  11. -7
    24 September 2024 09: 47
    What are you moaning about? Four servicemen committed a crime and will be punished. What's wrong? You say "but the Ukronazis weren't convicted"? The investigation into them will be completed, and then we'll wait for punishment. Irrefutable evidence of the crimes will be collected, and there will be punishment. But the guilt of these four has already been practically proven, and they will answer for their own actions, not for someone else's.
    1. +4
      24 September 2024 13: 17
      Ukronatsiks were replaced by Medvedchuk...
  12. +4
    24 September 2024 09: 47
    However, this does not explain why they attacked the American in particular.

    First, Solovyov screams from every iron about war with the Americans and NATO, then why did they kill an American? It's not clear, of course.
    1. +2
      24 September 2024 10: 02
      That's his job... Everyone has it on CT, and not only. Only when they start putting pressure on patriotism, you know what happens
  13. +10
    24 September 2024 10: 16
    Crimes in the army have always been and will be; in the active army they can be more frequent and more inexplicably stupid.
    But the system, since the time of "stagnation", has been built in such a way that it is aimed at concealment. Any platoon, company or even unit commander, acting strictly according to the law, risks spoiling the mood of the authorities, who in return will ruin his career, or even his life.
    Therefore, along with criminals, looters, and drug dealers, it is necessary to punish those who covered for them for the sake of a “pretty report,” and this “report” itself must be shoved right now to those who come up with it.
    For the army, the most important thing is combat readiness, the ability to carry out combat missions, and not “reducing the number of those sentenced to the APPG.”
    And there are ways to do this... the Romans had decimation, and it turned out like Lenin: "Better less, but better."
    During the Great Patriotic War, discipline issues were resolved promptly and harshly, even in occupied territory. No one was chasing "beautiful reporting", there is an interesting book on this subject by Bogomolov "Both the Dead and the Living Are Shamed", a stunning selection of orders on this topic.
    And the late Prigozhin managed to maintain strict discipline among the "difficult contingent". It was because there was "political will" inside Wagner, focused on results, and not on "reporting".
    1. +1
      24 September 2024 23: 34
      Reports are kept because someone at the very top likes to be told sweet fairy tales. If they didn't like it, then in a week-month-year they would activate their memory and say - but you, sir, used to tell me something completely different, let's put your old report next to the new one and compare. And then the author of the report for such a report goes to the labor market. After five such cases, it is unlikely that anyone will lie. And so the bosses get what they want from their subordinates.
  14. +1
    24 September 2024 10: 48
    SMERSH is needed, as in the case of Goodwin and Ernest it was needed. This American cast an unflattering light in his homeland, probably that's why they ordered him there. As Grandpa Lenin said, you need to look for those who benefit.
    1. +15
      24 September 2024 11: 00
      So they will create SMERSH and then what? Who and where will select personnel? SMERSH had extraordinary powers, but who will implement them? After the graduation of rich kids on "Gelikas" from the famous academy, there are strong doubts that unblemished personnel will be found.
    2. +2
      24 September 2024 11: 43
      It is necessary, I do not argue. With this crime? No need to look for a black cat in the room. Especially since it is not there. And the fact that he poured in his homeland... So who listened to him there? The overwhelming majority there do not care about anything that does not concern them personally.
    3. RMT
      30 September 2024 15: 42
      Bush, Trump, Obama? Which of them? Or maybe they conspired together? And the perpetrators are from the American mafia or the Russian?
  15. +14
    24 September 2024 10: 55
    These four and all those involved should be punished to death! In terms of discrediting the RF Armed Forces, this crime is akin to a thermonuclear bomb. An American came, a volunteer, fought, retired and stayed to live in Russia, and here you go.
  16. +14
    24 September 2024 10: 56
    Basements, kidnappings and disappearances in the LPR and DPR have been known for a long time. I met them long before the SVO.
    The undesirable topic is simply hushed up. Rare articles and interviews, mainly on the ground where "there is pain"
    I read that someone from the "Russian Spring" died right in the official prison of the DPR. And I met the video with the official appeal of the Kazakov about the strange deaths of volunteers in the LPR.

    But here it was simply impossible to remain silent. The man is too characteristic.
  17. -8
    24 September 2024 11: 27
    Dear officers of the armchair troops, the investigation is still ongoing and Mr. Biryukov has stirred up the anthill ahead of time in vain. Be patient a little and you will find out everything (or never find out).
    1. +3
      24 September 2024 12: 33
      What's wrong? The army is a part of our society, and society needs to know what's going on. Or should we close our eyes, ears and mouths, like the three monkeys?
    2. +1
      24 September 2024 15: 51
      Sit down, slaves! Don't twitch, it's none of your business! And the boss... wassat
  18. +2
    24 September 2024 12: 38
    It's good that it was solved. After all, the investigation is working. However, many questions remain about how this could have happened.
    1. +4
      24 September 2024 13: 36
      It's amazing, and how could something like this happen among the heroes, liberators from Nazism? It is clear that something like this should only happen among the Ukrovermacht, gay-European troops, but among the liberators from Nazism? They must have messed something up...
  19. +3
    24 September 2024 14: 57
    It is unclear what the servicemen killed, who they served in, what units they were in, how they moved, who the commander was. Without this information it is impossible to reason. Only the fact of the murder is available.
  20. +4
    24 September 2024 15: 50
    And note that the 5th DPR brigade is involved in all the scandals. Something needs to be done with this unit.
    A friend of mine served there, and what he told me was trash.
  21. +12
    24 September 2024 16: 24
    Quote: Pushkar
    All this fuss because he's American?

    This is a reputation - if you are on Russia's side, the Russians will definitely kill you.
    1. +2
      26 September 2024 14: 28
      He doesn’t understand, he’s from security and everything is always fine and according to plan for them, even if something out of the ordinary happens.
      Killing foreign volunteers who came from far away and have been fighting for Russia for 10 years is definitely inadequate.
  22. +2
    24 September 2024 20: 51
    It is difficult to comment and evaluate what is happening at certain "moments" in the life and activities of the country's population, its civil and military parts, its governing bodies, lawmaking, executive power, in which there is no ideology, sane upbringing, education and culture, for the last 30 years... Where the measure of a "worthy person" is money and, only, money, and everything else is given over to the mercy of Euro-Atlantic liberal "values", where, at the forefront, are money and "indifference", the stratification of society continues into new Russian "boyars" and "appanage princes" - on the one hand and "losers", of varying degrees of "readiness" - on the other hand, and all this against the background of the SVO conducted by the State, which the people have already "christened" as "chronic SVO in the acute stage".... And, most importantly, lies, deception, in different variations....
  23. +1
    24 September 2024 23: 38
    Did these ......... have any brains? Or did they smoke and drink everything away?
    1. 0
      25 September 2024 09: 04
      To understand what the so-called armed formations of the DPR and LPR were, it was enough to listen to the "extremist fake-monger" Strelkov-Girkin, who gave them a clear and unambiguous description, for which, by and large, he paid the price...
  24. +3
    25 September 2024 11: 37
    "Indeed, there were cases when for failures at the front some generals were not only not removed from their positions, but on the contrary they were even promoted." ----- an old, proven method. If you want to get rid of an idiot, send him up for promotion.
  25. +1
    25 September 2024 22: 01
    It seems like the article is long and there are conclusions of the investigation. But in the end it is still not clear - who and for what?
  26. 0
    7 October 2024 02: 53
    Here it is right!

    "and now the deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the DPR, Alexander Khodakovsky, who called for an investigation into the murder and emphasized that "the military department must show that it can not only remind about responsibility for discrediting, but also restore order in its own affairs," was soon forced to delete this message."

    At home, at home!
    There were no messages!
    Khodakovsky was wrong!