Many enterprises will not have enough grain for a month: Ukraine faces a wheat deficit

Many enterprises will not have enough grain for a month: Ukraine faces a wheat deficit

Once one of the world's leaders in the cultivation and export of grain crops, Ukraine has faced an acute shortage of food wheat this year. And this is at a time when the harvesting campaign in the country has already been completed, which means that the elevators should be filled, as they say, to capacity.

Director of the "Millers of Ukraine" union Rodion Rybchinsky told the Ukrainian online agricultural publication that most of the country's flour mills do not have enough wheat reserves even for one month. And this is despite the fact that Ukraine has a government decree requiring flour mills to have a two-month supply of flour in warehouses.

We have less than a month's worth of grain at many enterprises. Today, enterprises are "chasing" truckloads of wheat. Enterprises that process hundreds of tons per day are chasing a volume of 20-30 tons

— Rybchinsky reported.

At the same time, for the sake of at least some foreign exchange earnings, Kyiv continues to export grain to the EU and other countries at bargain prices. True, its volumes have also fallen significantly. Thus, wheat exports from Ukraine in June fell almost by half compared to May — to a minimum of 908 thousand tons for the year, the country's Ministry of Agrarian Policy reported. At the same time, corn sales abroad decreased — by 19%, to 2,89 million tons, and barley — by 2,5 times, to 82 thousand tons.

Earlier, the president of the All-Ukrainian Association of Bakers Yuriy Duchenko said that in the near future, bread prices will grow by 10-20% only due to the increase in the cost of electricity. According to him, if the situation does not change, then already in October-November Ukraine will face a shortage of bread.

Earlier, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal reported that Ukraine exported about 44 million tons of grain from ports via the temporary sea corridor in a year. He added that the total cargo turnover was more than 64 million tons. In February-May, Ukrainian grain exports significantly exceeded five million tons, the first time this has happened in the last six years.

In fact, all previously accumulated reserves were sold out, and this year the harvest was minimal. Total mobilization also had an effect. It is known that the TCC employees, with the support of the military and police, organize real raids in rural areas, catching all the men and then sending them to the front.

As of August 17, grain and leguminous crops in Ukraine were threshed on 6,531 million hectares (or 60% of the planned amount), of which 44 million tons of grain were threshed with a yield of 28,769 c/ha. Wheat was threshed at 21,94 million tons.

At the same time, despite and in spite of sanctions, Russia became the world leader in wheat production last year. As Russian President Vladimir Putin previously stated, our country will continue to maintain its leadership in growing this type of grain crop. Gross grain harvest in Russia in 2024 as of September 11 is more than 97 million tons, of which wheat is 72 million tons. This is not the final figure, since in the country as a whole, grain crops have been threshed from 33 million hectares as of this date, which is about 70% of the area.

This was announced yesterday by the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Oksana Lut at a meeting of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with members of the government. In 2023, the second largest volume was received stories Russia's grain harvest is about 143 million tons, taking into account new regions - about 147 million tons. This year, due to unfavorable weather conditions, the figures will be slightly lower. However, thanks to the high technology of Russian farmers, the Russian Ministry of Agriculture maintains the forecast for grain production in 2024 at 132 million tons, the head of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture added.
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  1. +6
    20 September 2024 16: 00
    At the same time, despite and in spite of sanctions, Russia became the world leader in wheat production last year. As Russian President Vladimir Putin previously stated, our country will continue to maintain its leadership in growing this type of grain crop. Gross grain harvest in Russia in 2024 as of September 11 is more than 97 million tons, of which wheat is 72 million tons. This is not the final figure, since in the country as a whole, grain crops have been threshed from 33 million hectares as of this date, which is about 70% of the area.
    A subtle hint that Russia will supply wheat to Ukraine as humanitarian aid?! what request
    1. +7
      20 September 2024 16: 03
      Quote: oppozite28
      Gross grain harvest in Russia in 2024 as of September 11 is more than 97 million tons, of which wheat is 72 million tons. This is not the final figure, since in the country as a whole, grain crops have been threshed from 33 million hectares as of this date, which is about 70% of the area.
      A subtle hint that Russia will supply wheat to Ukraine as humanitarian aid?!

      On the territory liberated from the Bandera-Ukrainians.
      1. +2
        20 September 2024 16: 06
        On the territory liberated from the Bandera-Ukrainians.
        Considering the strategic importance as a staple food product. And how many fields of fields are subject to demining in the absence of mine maps...
        1. +3
          20 September 2024 16: 54
          Quote: oppozite28
          And how many fields are subject to demining in the absence of mining maps...

          If only there was something to demin, sappers could be found among the prisoners of war.
          In peacetime before the SVO, b\U occupied third place in grain exports in the world. Having returned our original lands, we will essentially become monopolists in the grain market and will be able to regulate prices. But this is not yet certain.
          In the second-hand sector, everything is simple - the land belongs to Western TNCs that export THEIR grain, and the second-hand sector may run out of grain in the winter - the master doesn’t care about the fate of the serf.
          1. 0
            20 September 2024 17: 41
            If only there was something to demin, sappers could be found among the prisoners of war.
            In peacetime before the SVO, b\U occupied third place in grain exports in the world. Having returned our original lands, we will essentially become monopolists in the grain market and will be able to regulate prices. But this is not yet certain.
            In the second-hand sector, everything is simple - the land belongs to Western TNCs that export THEIR grain, and the second-hand sector may run out of grain in the winter - the master doesn’t care about the fate of the serf.
            Wheat grain will definitely not float back to Ukraine from Italy...
            1. +3
              20 September 2024 18: 12
              Quote: oppozite28
              Wheat grain will definitely not float back to Ukraine from Italy...

              What the hell is this?? Holodomor from "friends" from TNK???
              And where can the poor find food now?
              1. +3
                20 September 2024 20: 06
                What the hell is this?? Holodomor from "friends" from TNK???
                And where can the poor find food now?
                In Poland, which is drenched in rain, and in Italy and Hungary, which are drenched in rain. I hope that Westerners are unlikely to realize the full depth of the depths of the post-Maidan processes, as well as citizens from other parts of Ukraine.
          2. 0
            22 September 2024 12: 51
            About 15 years ago, I came across an expert opinion that by controlling Ukrainian grain exports or in their absence, Russia would control and “completely dominate” the world grain market; it looks like these times are coming.
            1. +1
              22 September 2024 13: 24
              Quote: Andobor
              Russia will control "completely" the world grain market, it looks like these times are coming.

              Only if all the original lands of Novorossiya and Malorossiya return to the bosom of United Russia (not the party!). And that is still a long way off. And Western TNCs are exporting grain from Ukraine almost completely.
        2. 0
          20 September 2024 19: 39
          Quote: oppozite28
          how many fields of fields are subject to demining in the absence of mine maps...
          Let the Banderites de-mined the place. Line them up like a parade and march across the field.
          1. 0
            20 September 2024 19: 46
            Let the Banderites de-mined the place. Line them up like a parade and march across the field.
            Excellent practice from standard methods of demining the area.
            1. -1
              20 September 2024 21: 36
              By the way, this is roughly how former German soldiers demined in the Western Occupation Zone in 1945-46, and about 10 thousand ended up blown up with a “fatal outcome”.
              1. 0
                20 September 2024 23: 21
                By the way, this is roughly how former German soldiers demined in the Western Occupation Zone in 1945-46, and about 10 ended up blown up with a "fatal outcome"
                More likely when clearing rubble in cities.
          2. -1
            20 September 2024 20: 17
            Quote: Nagan
            . Line up as if for a parade, and march across the field.

            Better not in formation, but in a rank. Demining n 100%
          3. 0
            20 September 2024 21: 42
            Quote: Nagan
            Let the Banderites de-mined the place. Line them up like a parade and march across the field.

            This is what the air of American democracy does to a person! wassat
            What if the Banderites and the US PMC Forwards start crawling across the field together? tongue
    2. +2
      20 September 2024 16: 54
      Quote: oppozite28
      A subtle hint that Russia will supply wheat to Ukraine as humanitarian aid?!

      No way, no way! If it is a Holodomor, then let it be as described by the Ukrainian media.
      1. -1
        20 September 2024 17: 38
        No way, no way! If it is a Holodomor, then let it be as described by the Ukrainian media.
        What is characteristic is that the Ukrainian media still do not fully understand what the word Holodomor means.
        1. 0
          20 September 2024 17: 58
          Quote: oppozite28
          It is precisely the Ukrainian media that will never fully understand what the word Holodomor means.

          Ukrainian media only write what is beneficial for them, to slander Russia. And what was "Ukraine", or more precisely Malorossiya, in 1654, when it was accepted into the Russian state. And thanks to Russia in 1991, Ukraine was second in all of Europe. And now first in poverty, second Moldova, third Northern Macedonia, and then Albania.
          Even African countries do not beg for alms on the church porch, as Ukraine and its Jewish "president" (whose expiration date has expired) do.
          1. -2
            20 September 2024 20: 05
            Quote: carpenter
            Ukraine and its Jewish "President"
            Not Jewish for a long time now, but Orthodox, a convert. True, nowadays it's hard to tell in which of the existing Orthodox churches. Probably in the most conscious one.
            1. 0
              20 September 2024 20: 09
              Quote: Nagan
              He has not been Jewish for a long time, but Orthodox, a convert.

              A child born to a Jewish mother and a Jewish father can no longer be converted.
              Their religion does not allow it.
              1. +2
                20 September 2024 20: 13
                Quote: carpenter
                religion does not allow

                That's because it doesn't allow it, the family considers the convert to Christianity a dead person, he no longer exists for his relatives. And the priest doesn't care who the father or mother is, he will baptize him.
            2. 0
              20 September 2024 20: 15
              Quote: Nagan
              He has not been Jewish for a long time, but Orthodox, a convert.

              Oh yes, no Jew (pure) will accept Orthodoxy. If he does, he is already a goy,
          2. +1
            20 September 2024 20: 14
            Ukrainian media only write what is beneficial for them, to slander Russia. And what was "Ukraine", or more precisely Malorossiya, in 1654, when it was accepted into the Russian state. And thanks to Russia in 1991, Ukraine was second in all of Europe. And now first in poverty, second Moldova, third Northern Macedonia, and then Albania.
            Even African countries do not beg for alms on the church porch, as Ukraine and its Jewish "president" (whose expiration date has expired) do.
            By the way, it is characteristic that the Ukrainian media do not say a word about the "citizens" of the brotherly peoples of North America, the British Isles, and also the south-eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, who took an active part in the social collapse in Ukraine starting in the mid-nineties of the twentieth century.
      2. +2
        20 September 2024 19: 41
        Quote: carpenter
        No way, no way! If there is a famine, then let it be.

        And the cold sea too. Shut down the thermal power plant, but there won't be enough dung for everyone.
        1. 0
          20 September 2024 20: 01
          And the Holodomor too. Shut down the thermal power plant, but there won't be enough dung for everyone.
          They will borrow from Moldova if anything, and only if the Moldovans deign to share some dung as if it were their own, in view of the resentment over the gas incidents of last year. crying
        2. 0
          20 September 2024 20: 10
          Quote: Nagan
          And the Holodomor too. Shut down the thermal power plant, but there won't be enough dung for everyone.

          That's right, return them to the dung heap, just like their great-grandfathers.
        3. -1
          20 September 2024 21: 47
          Quote: Nagan
          Shut down the thermal power plant, but there won’t be enough dung for everyone.

          The thermal power plant was shut down. wassat Now the Balts are dismantling theirs and want to send spare parts to Ukraine. fool
    3. +2
      20 September 2024 18: 25
      Yeah, neighbor, give me something to eat, otherwise you have nothing to shit under your door with.
      1. -1
        20 September 2024 19: 58
        And about the so-called lining, we should not forget the lovers of superstitions, by the way, very common in (on) Ukraine by people who are fond of near-occult practices, by the way, and because of which, including in the above-mentioned country, there is a mass outflow of population under the pretext of refugee in the direction of the Russian Federation and EU countries. I hope the local population has already been convinced of the "sincerity" of the intentions of citizens who arrived from the territory of Ukraine.
  2. Msi
    20 September 2024 16: 01
    In October-November, Ukraine will face a bread shortage.

    Ukraine supplies grain to the West. Maybe they'll bring some cookies, thank you for the supplies, and not let you die a cruel death... request
    1. +1
      20 September 2024 16: 34
      While Crimea was Ukrainian, all our wheat went to Italy, good spaghetti was obtained, and we ate fodder bread, I stopped eating it knowing the taste of normal bread.
      1. +2
        20 September 2024 19: 49
        Quote: Alexander Salenko
        we ate feed bread
        Complaints to the bakers. Of course, soft wheat bread is not as fluffy as hard wheat, but it still turns out quite well. I bake both rye and wheat myself. So, making wheat bread is as easy as pie, even from pancake flour. It takes 2 minutes to knead, then an hour and a half to walk, and half an hour in the oven. But with rye bread you almost have to dance ritual dances, but it's worth it.
        1. +1
          20 September 2024 20: 21
          If you make bread from hard wheat, it's not at all fluffy)
          1. +1
            20 September 2024 20: 31
            It seems that bread flour, unlike universal or pancake flour, is made from hard varieties with a high gluten content. But for cakes and pastries, on the contrary, with a low content. Universal flour is somewhere in the middle, and it is unstable, even from one supplier. And the hardest, semolina, is used for pasta, but bread from it also turns out quite well. When I bake rye, I add about 25-30% semolina, so that it goes better and the crust does not peel off.
            1. +1
              20 September 2024 20: 43
              The higher the gluten content, the worse the bread rises. It is a pain to do this on an industrial scale. Such bread, one must assume, is baked for themselves by PP-shniks, concerned about the glycemic index (by the way, it is not a fact that this topic will work in bread) - well, and somewhere locally there are such traditions.
              1. +2
                20 September 2024 20: 55
                Quote: Foalish
                The higher the gluten content, the less the bread rises.
                and the better it holds its shape and does not fall. Things like crust peeling off are caused by a lack of gluten, and without gluten, for example from rice or buckwheat, bread cannot be made at all. Of course, you can replace gluten with another protein, like guar gum, but it is expensive, and it still will not turn out well, at best "a C". It is not for nothing that in eastern cultures, where the main grain is rice, there is no tradition of baking from yeast dough.
                1. +2
                  20 September 2024 21: 25
                  I understand the reason for the discrepancies) You live in America. And you call hard wheat - with a high gluten content - hard wheat. While real hard wheat is durum wheat)
                  1. 0
                    20 September 2024 21: 55
                    Quote: Foalish
                    Whereas real hard wheat is durum wheat)

                    recourse My wife bakes me pies, shangi and buns. Makfa flour, I've memorized the name! good
                  2. +1
                    20 September 2024 21: 59
                    Yeah. And I got into baking because the local bread is completely inedible, and "Russian" bakeries cut corners - they add just enough rye to be able to mention it in the list of ingredients. And what they call "rye" can be called either golden or titanium, it's just a commercial brand. In principle, Italian bakeries make good white bread, but I try to eat bread less often, it's not the healthiest food.
    2. -1
      20 September 2024 16: 37
      Quote from Msi
      Ukraine supplies grain to the West

      and that's why all the fuss is - we look at export deliveries this year and last year
      Export of grain and leguminous crops as of 18.09.2024 - 8940 thousand tons (previous - 5902)
      wheat - 4984 (previous - 2826), rye - 7,5 (previous - 0,6)
  3. +1
    20 September 2024 16: 05
    And this is despite the fact that in Ukraine there is a government decree requiring flour mills to have a two-month supply of flour in warehouses.

    We have less than a month's worth of grain at many enterprises. Today, enterprises are "chasing" truckloads of wheat. Enterprises that process hundreds of tons per day are chasing a volume of 20-30 tons

    — Rybchinsky reported.
    The rest is therefore exported to ports with subsequent departure to the EU.
    Earlier, the president of the All-Ukrainian Association of Bakers Yuriy Duchenko said that in the near future, bread prices will grow by 10-20% only due to the increase in the cost of electricity. According to him, if the situation does not change, then already in October-November Ukraine will face a shortage of bread.
    Once the breadbasket of the USSR, holy shit... belay
    1. +4
      20 September 2024 16: 12
      Quote: oppozite28
      Once the breadbasket of the USSR, holy shit...

      A targeted policy. Before that, the same situation with lard, with other products, and now we've reached grain. Soon there won't be enough land... What about the jokes about communists who ran out of sand in the Sahara, apparently it's not about the political coloring, but about the people
      1. 0
        20 September 2024 16: 18
        What about the jokes about communists who ran out of sand in the Sahara, apparently it's not about the political coloring, but about the people
        The question arises who tried to rub whom, what in the end in (on) Ukraine itself is a deficit of wheat grain?! The majority of the country's population has the status of refugees in the EU and the Russian Federation. The wealth acquired by generations was destroyed and moved to where it was not destroyed, frankly speaking, it reminds me of locusts. Although locusts, according to their nature, carry out life activities as insects.
      2. +1
        20 September 2024 17: 46
        Quote: svp67
        Targeted policy.

        An analogy comes to mind with a factory that they want to artificially bankrupt, in order to seize or buy for next to nothing.
        Somehow, this Anglo-Saxon project, in many ways, is beginning to resemble, first and foremost, an anti-Ukraine.
        "Freeing up living space in the East for..." ©
    2. +3
      20 September 2024 16: 34
      This was once the "granary of the USSR". And now it is the "madhouse of the USSR".
      1. 0
        20 September 2024 16: 37
        This was once the "granary of the USSR". And now it is the "madhouse of the USSR".
        I'm embarrassed to ask whose efforts this was?!
        1. +2
          20 September 2024 16: 39
          Well, excuse me, I didn't jump on the Maidan. And thank God, no one from my family did either.
      2. +3
        20 September 2024 16: 38
        Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
        This was once the "granary of the USSR". And now it is the "madhouse of the USSR".

        Laughing until he was hoarse... laughing
    3. +7
      20 September 2024 16: 40
      Don't be surprised, but what about viticulture and winemaking? In Crimea, they deliberately destroyed vineyards, Gorbachev started it and they continued. 80% of champagne from the New World went to Germany, one of the four enterprises in the USSR where they used not modern technology with artificial injection of carbon dioxide, where they distilled the product in half a year for a year. But natural, which required aging for 4 years.

      Next, fruits and vegetables, there is the same problem as with grapes, I go into a grocery store and there on the shelves are Simirenko Italia apples, Golden Holland, holy cow... When we were kids, when we went hiking, I was into tourism, we would buy things in these gardens for pennies and initially you can’t carry them with you.
      1. +6
        20 September 2024 16: 45
        Alexander, that's nothing... As a child I saw how bulldozers uprooted 100-year-old vineyards in the villages of Odessa region!! That animal Gorbachev and his wife shit all over the country. And he didn't die, the dog. He lived a long time.
        1. +1
          20 September 2024 16: 58
          Our winemaker from Massandra hanged himself. And they uprooted grapes, from which they made not port 777, by the way, there is excellent port, but for us this word is associated with swill. I was a child too, and I remember how in elementary school the class teacher told us about the dangers of salmonella, and on this basis they slaughtered chickens at the Yuzhnaya poultry farm, it supplied the whole Crimea with chickens, there are many things to remember and a sugar deficit, where? In the Ukrainian SSR, damn it, I once traveled through Volyn, there are mountains of sugar beets, but out of two factories in the region they began to regrind one into cane, there is no point in producing your own sugar.
          We also had a fishing fleet based in Sevastopol, which ran to the Atlantic to fish, and now catching fish in the Black Sea is not a trivial matter. What used to be dragged from the shore, now you have to leave by boat. The Turks poached, catching dolphins, among other things, they eat them. It's good that the Russian PSKR won't give them such a freebie now.
          1. 0
            20 September 2024 17: 18
            And we had the mostodonts - "Sevryba" and "Tralflot". The cats didn't eat cod...
            1. 0
              20 September 2024 17: 19
              Holy shit, picky ones, my respects to the Soviet fishing fleet.
              1. +2
                20 September 2024 17: 22
                Yes. Personally, my cat (now deceased) Timrfey didn't eat cod. He was hooked on salmon and halibut. He got cheeky, the bastard.)
                1. 0
                  20 September 2024 20: 01
                  Mine doesn't see fish at all, he lives quite well on chicken with some (about 20% of the diet) amount of canned food (they contain special cat additives that are not necessarily found in industrially raised chickens). And chicken liver just goes crazy, it's a pity to give it too often, it's harmful.
                2. ANB
                  20 September 2024 23: 30
                  . I haven't eaten cod. I've replaced it with salmon and halibut.

                  Mine refused to eat pink salmon in Kamchatka. He respected pollock and navaga.
        2. +1
          20 September 2024 19: 54
          Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
          This animal Gorbachev and his wife have shit all over the country. And he didn't die, the dog.
          He died on August 30, 2022. The earth is glass wool for him.
      2. +1
        20 September 2024 16: 46
        Don't be surprised, but what about viticulture and winemaking? In Crimea, they deliberately destroyed vineyards, Gorbachev started it and they continued. 80% of champagne from the New World went to Germany, one of the four enterprises in the USSR where they used not modern technology with artificial injection of carbon dioxide, where they distilled the product in half a year for a year. But natural, which required aging for 4 years.
        The Germans actually tried pretty well in Moldova in the 90s, but now in Germany the enterprises of those who bankrupted state factories in the countries of the former USSR are closing. How it happened, I don't even know. laughing feel
  4. +2
    20 September 2024 16: 07
    The Russian Ministry of Agriculture maintains its forecast for grain production in 2024 at 132 million tons

    And here, regardless of all forecasts, prices are only rising, to the detriment of product quality (including bread).
    1. +2
      20 September 2024 16: 11
      The rise in bread prices depends least of all on the price of grain, this year it is practically the same as last year, but other factors are pushing prices up
      1. +1
        20 September 2024 16: 15
        I have long since stopped buying bread in retail chains, it is not bread, but a bread product that is impossible to eat the next day. And in private bakeries the price is impressive.
        1. +1
          20 September 2024 16: 25
          I am almost certain that if you were to conduct a blind tasting of a store-bought bread product and bread from a private, as you put it, bakery, you would not be able to tell one from the other, and most likely you would even make a mistake, calling a bread product quality bread. laughing
          1. -1
            20 September 2024 16: 26
            .....and most likely you will also make a mistake

            I won't be mistaken, I get heartburn from this bread.
        2. 0
          20 September 2024 16: 43
          It could be worse. Here in North America we are sold "bread product" that does not mold. It may dry out a bit after a few weeks, but it doesn't technically go bad.
          1. -2
            20 September 2024 16: 53
            With us it's the other way around. Good bread lasts for a week and does not mold, harden or crumble. Takuya is baked with whey or sourdough bread. My grandmother used to bake it like this, it was very tasty.
        3. +2
          20 September 2024 18: 36
          I want a bread maker but my mother won't let me, she says I'll get fat, my bread is delicious, I'll just grind it, and if I also get some beluga from the market, then I won't need anything else.
    2. +1
      20 September 2024 16: 43
      Yes, probably first of all. I have practically stopped eating bread, we have modern technologies in Simferopol that only spoil everything, I come to Bakhchisarai, and there is that bread, the taste of childhood, ready to chew dry. Then they explained that the plant is small and it is not profitable for it to buy a modern technological line, the same with sausage, a friend worked and says the volumes are not the same. But there is an aggressive spice that will kill the taste of even rotten meat. True, you will have to sit on the potty afterwards, but these are trifles. Their enterprise is small, so it is not profitable, otherwise they would use it.
      1. 0
        20 September 2024 16: 46
        Alexander Salenko
        it's the same with sausage

        Sausage is a separate topic. I haven't smelled it for 15 years, I know that it's poison regardless of its price.
        1. 0
          20 September 2024 17: 03
          It's not about the price, if the company is small, then it doesn't have the ability to make crap, by the way, it's the same story with chocolate. If my friend made it himself and ate it himself and fed his child.
          And it doesn't have to be poison, although it can easily be encountered. The pork skin is dipped into the emulsion, soaked, left there, and then crumbled into mince. The carcass is deboned, the meat goes separately, but something remains on the bones, along with the bone tissue, salt, spices, then ground. The more expensive the sausage, this applies not only to it, the greater the desire to make not a product but crap. The costs are the same, but the exhaust is greater.
  5. +1
    20 September 2024 16: 09
    “We have less than a month’s worth of grain at many of our enterprises”

    - And in a month - "nothing to eat" ...
  6. +1
    20 September 2024 16: 13
    That's how it goes, from abundance to hunger.
  7. -4
    20 September 2024 16: 19
    I can just see, as if in reality, how our bread is getting cheaper, the peasants are getting richer, I look, and I can’t get enough of it... wassat
    1. Msi
      20 September 2024 16: 28
      I can just see how in reality the peasants are getting rich

      I understand. It's getting dark, it's Friday, but try not to "speed up" too much... don't abuse it...
      1. 0
        20 September 2024 18: 12
        "RusAgro" has not transferred from Cyprus to Russian jurisdiction. Cyprus is getting rich. Keep downvoting.
  8. +1
    20 September 2024 16: 28
    I am far from agriculture and I understand that a tank is not the right device for harvesting grain. 2021 Ukraine is 6th in wheat production, 2022 is already 11th.
  9. -7
    20 September 2024 16: 29
    Yes, everything is fine with them.
    And they will make up for lost time
    1. +3
      20 September 2024 17: 05
      What is normal with them and what will they make up for?
  10. 0
    20 September 2024 16: 31
    The forelocks will survive this misfortune, without their lard, they didn't die. This Europe will feed everyone!)) But there is a visa-free regime!))
    1. 0
      20 September 2024 16: 39
      Quote: Lemon
      But visa-free!
      And also a church one Thomas...
  11. 0
    20 September 2024 16: 36
    Ukraine faces wheat shortage

    If there is no bread, let them eat cakes...
  12. 0
    20 September 2024 16: 54
    This story has been repeated every autumn since Zeli's reign.
  13. -4
    20 September 2024 17: 06
    Quote: Andrey VOV
    What is normal with them and what will they make up for?

    Missed in the conflict.
  14. -1
    20 September 2024 18: 23
    You have nowhere to put 200 Bandera pigs, make bread out of them.
  15. -1
    20 September 2024 18: 40
    No doufám, že ČR prodá nazpět Ukrajině to jejich škodlivé, kontaminované a genetic modifikované obilí. Tady lidé nestojí o rakovinu kvůli Ukrajinskému obilí, které není vhodné ani pro zvířata!
    1. -1
      20 September 2024 18: 40
      Well, I hope the Czech Republic sells its harmful, contaminated and GMO grain back to Ukraine. People here don't get cancer because of Ukrainian grain that isn't even fit for animals!
  16. +2
    20 September 2024 20: 35
    A real science fiction convention in the comments ) To begin with: hard wheat and soft wheat are two different types. Hard wheat is mainly used for pasta (group A), not all regions are suitable for growing it, the climate must be hot and dry, its share in production in the Russian Federation is small - no more than 10%. It is poorly suited for baking - the gluten is elastic, the dough does not rise.
    Soft wheat is divided into classes - by gluten content. The so-called strong wheat (classes 1 and 2) practically does not grow in Russia (it needs a lot of sun) - in Soviet times it was bought abroad to strengthen domestic flour. Now the problem is solved by adding dry gluten. So, horror stories about bread for Russians from feed, forage grain - just that horror stories. Classes 3 and 4 are suitable for baking, class 5 is more suitable for the production of feed, glucose, etc., but it can also be strengthened.
    About sausage: it's time to learn to read the ingredients. And to be able to distinguish "category A meat product" (which means 80% muscle tissue) from nonsense like "meat product. Category A sausage product". Who creates demand for surrogates? You create it yourself.
  17. bar
    21 September 2024 19: 24
    Grain deal a success