Peskov comments on Warsaw's proposal to transfer Crimea under UN mandate

Peskov comments on Warsaw's proposal to transfer Crimea under UN mandate

The press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov commented on Warsaw's proposal to transfer Crimea under the UN mandate. In his opinion, even the very formulation of this question is absurd.

The head of the Kremlin press service announced this to media representatives at a regular briefing.

This is a rather absurd formulation of the question.

- he said.

Dmitry Peskov explained that no region of the Russian Federation or Russian territory can be discussed as an object transferred by Russia to anyone. And there can be no discussions here.

This was the Kremlin's reaction to the proposal made by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski at an international conference in the Ukrainian capital. In his opinion, it would be right to hand over the Crimean peninsula and its inhabitants to a UN mandate, and then, 20 years later, hold an "honest" referendum among Crimeans on which country they want to be citizens of.

Sikorski explained that Crimea plays a major symbolic role for Russia. And for Kyiv, it is extremely important from a strategic point of view. That is why, the Polish official believes, the two states cannot resolve the Crimea issue on their own.

The speaker of the Crimean parliament, Vladimir Konstantinov, considered Sikorski’s reasoning to be a manifestation of ignorance.

It is noteworthy that the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry also reacted negatively to the Polish initiative. They stated that the territorial integrity of Ukraine cannot be a topic for discussion.
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  1. +11
    20 September 2024 16: 00
    In Poland, it would also be reasonable to transfer some things under the UN mandate in such a case.
    1. +10
      20 September 2024 16: 13
      I immediately remembered the free city of Danzig.
      Before the start of WWII, Poland owned about 15 km of the Baltic coast.
      1. +6
        20 September 2024 16: 28
        Quote: knn54
        I immediately remembered the free city of Danzig.

        And what about part of the territory of former Prussia? Silesia... There's a lot that can be given over to UN control, and the main thing is to start returning the INDIGENOUS RESIDENTS there, and not the Poles who have come here.
        1. +9
          20 September 2024 17: 33
          Quote: svp67
          And what about part of the territory of former Prussia? Silesia... There's a lot that can be given over to UN control, and the main thing is to start returning the INDIGENOUS RESIDENTS there, and not the Poles who have come here.

          Why are you squandering government lands, Sergey? stop A joke.
          Actually, Warsaw is a Russian City. As is the entire Warsaw region (mistakenly referred to as "Poland")! Have you forgotten which Empire these lands were part of before the "damned communists"? And what about some kind of "statehood" of the Baltic region (Tribaltia), or God forbid... about the "statehood" of the Finnish district (downgraded from a province)?
          Since the Kremlin's moustache said "like under Nikolai II", then so be it - to return sovereignty over the entire Empire and not be a "stump". These are the "galoshes of the Russian Empire" and we must wear them! angry
          Of course, it is possible to return something (from "Poland") to the Germans.
          Only the GDR upon restoration of its sovereignty. And without Danzig! stop
          And subject to the observance of the Eternal Military-Political Union with Russia!!
          That will be right. Yes
          And even in imperial style. bully
          1. +1
            20 September 2024 17: 37
            Quote: bayard
            As well as the entire Warsaw region (mistakenly referred to as "Poland")! Have you forgotten what Empire these lands were within before the "damned communists"?

            Well, on special terms, like Finland.
            Quote: bayard
            And even in imperial style.

            That's cool good
            1. +2
              20 September 2024 18: 04
              Quote: svp67
              Well, on special terms, like Finland.

              Here come special times. Have you forgotten from whom you received your freedom? Who cut off their German lands, although for all the evil they committed against us, they were supposed to be deprived of their free status. Have you forgotten whose serfs the "lords" are by right?? angry
              Let's add it to the Kaliningrad region and... every last vegetable.
          2. +2
            20 September 2024 17: 59
            Today, 17: 33
            [/i] As well as the entire Warsaw region (mistakenly referred to as "Poland")! Have you forgotten which Empire these lands were within before the "damned communists"? And also about some kind of "statehood" of the Baltic region (Tribaltia), or God forbid... about the "statehood" of the Finnish district (downgraded from a province)?
            Since the Kremlin's moustache said "like under Nikolai II", then so be it - to return sovereignty over the entire Empire and not to be a "stump". These are the "galoshes of the Russian Empire" and we must wear them[i]

            We approve! By means of an internal referendum at the VO, the majority of votes have adopted it unanimously!
            On behalf of and by order, appeal to a higher level in order to consolidate conceptually and legislatively!
            1. +1
              20 September 2024 18: 08
              Quote: ZovSailor
              On behalf of and by order, appeal to a higher level in order to consolidate conceptually and legislatively!

              This must be done without fail, because the farmsteads have rebelled against the First Throne.
              ... There's also our Malta, taken by Napoleon, lying around somewhere. But that's for dessert. Yes
              1. 0
                20 September 2024 18: 29
                Today, 18: 08
                [/i]This must be done without fail, because the farmsteads have rebelled against the First Throne.
                ... There's also our Malta, taken by Napoleon, lying around somewhere. But that's for dessert[i]

                Wow, that was a great decision.
                From the world a little at a time, and you see, the Empire will be respected again and people will start visiting with bows.
                Just don't tell the boyars yet, because there are many evil spirits. The Tsar agrees, without any doubt, we will persuade him over the tea table.
                1. +1
                  20 September 2024 20: 01
                  Quote: ZovSailor
                  Look, they will respect the Empire again and start to go around with bows.

                  The Empire must not only be respected, but feared.
                  To fear and tremble. Like the frog in the fairy tale film "Marya the Craftswoman".
                  Quote: ZovSailor
                  Just don't tell the boyars yet

                  The boyars can't do it, they are funny, self-proclaimed, they will make a laughing stock of the whole idea.
                  Quote: ZovSailor
                  The Tsar agrees, without any doubt, we will persuade him over the tea table.

                  That's okay - we'll fasten the clamps so they don't creak.
                  Quote: ZovSailor
                  They will ride with bows.

                  And gifts, gifts so that they don’t forget.
                  And let them not send sodomites, otherwise putting them on stakes will spoil the whole look. They scream again with shrill voices.
            2. +2
              20 September 2024 21: 38
              On behalf of and by order, appeal to a higher level in order to consolidate conceptually and legislatively!
              I approve of your appeal! It is high time to bring together all of disunited Russia.
        2. +3
          20 September 2024 19: 33
          And in general, restore the Russian-German border to the state it was in before the First World War.
          1. -1
            20 September 2024 20: 09
            Quote: Nagan
            And in general, restore the Russian-German border to the state it was in before the First World War.

            Yes And rename Germany to the GDR! soldier
            And so that the "Trabant" would be produced again - the legendary self-propelled cart.
            1. 0
              21 September 2024 00: 05
              Quote: bayard
              And so that the Trabant would be produced again

              But in the electric version, together with "Warburg"
              1. 0
                21 September 2024 13: 19
                It would also be nice to give the Volkswagen, aka the bug, a lithium battery. Why should Germany ignore its history?
  2. +14
    20 September 2024 16: 00
    Sikorski may place Silesia, Pomerania and Prussia under UN mandate.
    1. +2
      20 September 2024 19: 48
      Quote: Bearded
      Sikorski may place Silesia, Pomerania and Prussia under UN mandate.

      Hmm, he can't even give up Prussia in theory. The price of giving hasn't increased...
  3. +2
    20 September 2024 16: 00
    Well, yes, and put the Polish king in the Kremlin. laughing negative
  4. +10
    20 September 2024 16: 07
    And what is he surprised about in the Istanbul agreements, which we call “good” and were ready to sign:
    the status of Crimea will be determined within 10-15 years, while Ukraine will not try to return the peninsula by force

    It’s scary to imagine what we are ready to sign in the “peace agreements” that the Foreign Ministry and Peskov themselves are constantly talking about.
    1. +6
      20 September 2024 16: 30
      Kiev knows the mood of the Crimeans very well, so any agreement will be bad for them. I was going to punch my mother-in-law's brother, they are from the West, back in Ukrainian times, my mother-in-law and wife hung on my arm, after the words that Crimea is Tatar, i.e. we are not on our own land. My grandfather was a soldier, he was ready to defend the country in Germany, where my father appeared, another grandfather built this Crimea, he was a foreman, and why the hell is he suddenly Tatar, of which there are 10% here.
      In 10 years there will be no need to ask, and why? They have already asked. Some of the nenka lovers have left, the Tatars who could support them will not support them, there is no Mejlis, in Russia they have received huge opportunities, at least the drivers, and there are many of them among the Tatars.
    2. 0
      20 September 2024 18: 50
      Quote: Serge9901
      Crimea's status will be determined within 10-15 years

      Is it true? And is it okay that there is nothing like that in the draft agreement?
      Those who don’t believe it can read the document published by the New York Times, which started the rumours about “the status of Crimea for 15 years”:
  5. HAM
    20 September 2024 16: 13
    "Under the UN mandate", and whose UN is known - the Americans want to get into Crimea by hook or by crook, such a bummer happened in 14, and how they wanted it!!
  6. +7
    20 September 2024 16: 13
    Maybe Peskov will stop competing in wit and boasting about his sense of humor?
    Sikorsky explained that Crimea plays a major symbolic role for Russia. And for Kyiv it is extremely important from a strategic point of view.

    For Russia, the Kaliningrad region plays an important strategic role, and the fact that it became an enclave due to the incomprehensible decision of the Baltic countries to leave the USSR without fulfilling all obligations and paying off debts may become a difficult issue in the further formation of foreign policy with these countries... D. Peskov could raise the question of the adequacy of the actions of Tsar Peter I to pay 2 efimki for lands that no one dares to take away from Russia by right of ownership, and the processes that took place in the 000s of the last century with these former Soviet republics... By right of succession of the Russian Federation...
    * * *
    As for Poland and its leaders, let them bark to the side...
  7. +10
    20 September 2024 16: 22
    I want to swear, honestly... referendum. I worked on this referendum and on similar events since 1998. This was the only time when I opened the doors of a polling station and there was already a crowd standing there, they almost knocked the door down, those who could vote at home, there were a lot of them, during a normal election we would not have had time to physically go around, the usual number was three times more, and many could have voted at home but they went to the station on principle, with sticks, on crutches.
    At my polling station 1800 voters voted, about 200 Crimean Tatars did not come, they boycotted, but if we count them as Ukrainian votes, then we will add another 45 ballots. The weather in Simferopol at the closing of the polling stations was disgusting, wet snow began to fall, but the whole city was on the streets, people walked with flags, strangers congratulated each other on the holiday. Although we were scared that if you hold a referendum, Russia will not take you. To which they answered that as long as it is without your "concern".
    Some raguli made graffiti in the national colors of Crimea, Russia and Ukraine, figures, as Russia is pulling the peninsula and Ukraine is reaching out with the words - you are mine, I am yours. I want to swear again, you just told us how you would come and teach us to love Ukraine. I was going to fight, one headache, who to leave the old people and children with, mine were small then.
  8. +2
    20 September 2024 16: 32
    For some reason, the words of the State Duma deputy who proposed to transfer German lands are not quoted - (part Prussia, Silesia, Danzig), which were transferred to Poland as a result of World War II, also under a UN mandate...
  9. +1
    20 September 2024 17: 01
    Sikorsky explained that Crimea plays a major symbolic role for Russia.
    I remember Stalin's words to Churchill: "But Warsaw was Russian!"
  10. +1
    20 September 2024 17: 33
    By the way, under the Kyiv government, those Crimean Tatars (who were smarter and could) fled in all directions. Maybe some of the sailors remember that in Istanbul, Seryozha, a Tatar from Crimea, served ships with Russian-speaking crews. This was in the 90s. I don’t know if he’s alive or not... but God bless him... and thank you.
  11. -3
    20 September 2024 17: 40
    Peskov said what he said, but his words lately aren’t worth a dime.
  12. +1
    20 September 2024 19: 08
    Place Poland under a UN mandate, or better yet, gift it to some African country. laughing
    1. +1
      20 September 2024 19: 59
      Place Poland under a UN mandate, or better yet, gift it to some African country laughing
      This is much more terrible than giving away an aircraft carrier...
  13. +1
    20 September 2024 22: 55
    The West is trying to smoke us out of Crimea. Nothing changes except the form of the struggle
    The point is simple.
    1. Crimea under the control of NATO troops... sorry, international UN contingent (all sorts of spies from the Red Cross will be included). De facto loss of military control over Crimea for Russia.
    2. And after 20 years of changing the school curriculum and settling Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Turks and other riffraff there, an "honest" referendum...
  14. +1
    20 September 2024 22: 59
    Does Poland not want to first hand over its Western Voivodeships to the UN mandate?
  15. 0
    21 September 2024 12: 02
    Ein bisschen Geschichtsunterricht für alle Russenhasser und Ukraine-Versteher
    by Michael Dinnebin
    Ein geschichtlicher Abriss über knapp 40 Jahre westlicher Politik und vor allem der der NATO gegenüber Russland in wenigen Worten.
    Der Russe erlaubt die Abschaffung der Demarkationslinie zwischen Ost - und Westdeutschland und löst den "Warschauer Pakt" auf, zieht seine Truppen aus Osteuropa ab und vertraut auf die mündliche Zusage von Hans-Dietrich Genscher (ehemaliger Vizekanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und James Baker (ehemaliger Außenminister der USA) im Februar 1990, dass die ehemaligen "Warschauer Pakt" Mitglieder nicht der NATO beitreten, es also *KEINE NATO - Osterweiterung* geben wird.
    Die amerikanischen Truppen bleiben in Deutschland stationiert.
    Bis *2004* sind dann fast alle "Warschauer Pakt" Mitglieder der NATO beigetreten.
    *_The Russians are blazing._*
    Putin macht dem Westen im deutschen Bundestag (in fließend deutscher Sprache) ein Angebot für eine enge Partnerschaft, um die Spaltung der Vergangenheit zu überwinden.
    Alle Bundestagsabgeordneten klatschen begeistert ...
    *Der Amerikaner verbietet das.*
    With Belarus, Ukraine and the 3 Baltic States there is a buffer between NATO and Russia.
    *_The Russians are blazing._*
    The Baltic States become members of NATO.
    A first violation of the buffer zone.
    *_The Russians are blazing._*
    putscht der Westen die Russland freundliche Regierung der Ukraine aus dem Amt und installiert eine USA freundliche Regierung. (Was mittlerweile sogar von den Amerikanern zugegeben wurde).
    At the same moment, the USA, led by Hunter Biden (the son of the aged and semi-senile American President Joe Biden), Monsanto, Black Water and US military advisers, are beginning to infiltrate into Ukraine and hold out the prospect of NATO membership.
    Gleichzeitig steigt Hunter Biden in das ukrainische Gas - Geschäft ein.
    The second violation of the buffer zone took place.
    _*The Russians are blazing a trail.*_
    Forced by the US coup (the Russians had stationed their entire Black Sea fleet in Sevastopol in Crimea), there was a peaceful occupation of Crimea.
    Contrary to all other accounts, not a single shot was fired and no one was killed.
    Außer ein paar Krimtataren sind bis heute 90 Prozent der Krim - Einwohner mit diesem Vorgehen einverstanden gewesen.
    2014 - 2022
    Ukraine consistently shells Luhansk and Donetsk with the Free Azov Brigades (swastika worshipers).
    Many Russians are dying, including Russian children.
    Ukraine has stopped paying pensions to these areas since 2014.
    The money tap is turned off. The food supply of these areas is taken over exclusively by Russia.
    *Nichts davon* findet Erwähnung in den deutschen Medien.
    Nach dem Vorbild von 2014 in der Ukraine versucht der Westen nun auch in Weißrussland die Regierung zu stürzen, was misslingt, aber es war *der dritte Angriff* auf die Pufferzone zwischen der NATO und Russland.
    _*The Russians are blazing a trail.*_
    * 2022 *
    Putin fordert *_ein letztes Mal_* eine Garantie, dass die Ukraine *kein* Mitglied der NATO wird und das Donezk und Lugansk sich weitgehend auf dem Gebiet der Ukraine selbst verwalten dürfen.
    *Dies wird von den USA abgelehnt.*
    * 2022 *
    The Russians invade Ukraine.
    To end the war, Putin demands
    - eine Garantie der Neutralität und
    - eine Entmilitarisierung der Ukraine,
    - eine Anerkennung von Donezk und Lugansk als Volksrepubliken
    - eine Anerkennung der Krim als russisches Hoheitsgebiet und
    - eine Entnazifizierung der Ukraine
    *Dies wird von den USA abgelehnt.*
    Dies sollte all jenen, die gedankenlos die Lügen oder Halbwahrheiten der deutschen, der europäischen und der amerikanischen Medien nachplappern, mal zu denken geben...
  16. 0
    21 September 2024 15: 32
    There is time to comment on Poland, but as for the Kursk region, "contact the Ministry of Defense, the Kremlin can't say anything."?