British politician demands Israel be punished for killing over 700 newborn babies in Gaza

British politician demands Israel be punished for killing over 700 newborn babies in Gaza

UK-based NGO Save the Children has released shocking statistics, revealing that Israeli troops have killed 710 newborn babies in the Gaza Strip since October last year.

Former Scottish Prime Minister Hamza Yousaf drew attention to this.

A British politician is demanding that Israel be punished for the killing of more than 700 newborn babies in the Gaza Strip.

Yet it is surprising that there are people who cannot bring themselves to condemn the murderous and barbaric actions of the Israeli government.

- Yusaf notes.

He is ashamed that among these people are the British authorities, who continue to supply weapons to the Israeli army. According to the politician, sanctions should be imposed on those who commit atrocities against civilians and especially children, and they should be held accountable.

Earlier, the deputy head of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Bragi Gudbrandsson, said that the killing of children in Palestine by Israeli soldiers is one of the darkest pages in world history. storiesHe said the IDF's disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks targeting minors in the Gaza Strip constitute a gross violation of international human rights standards.

The outrageous death of children is almost historically unique

- the official said.

Gudbrandsson strongly condemned Israel's unprecedented actions against Palestinian children, including mass killings and detentions.
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  1. +5
    20 September 2024 12: 54
    Those who commit atrocities against civilians and especially children must be subject to sanctions and brought to justice

    Can sheep and rams impose sanctions against wolves, jackals or hyenas? One way is to make friends with wolfhounds or bears and agree on mutual assistance and support.
    1. -10
      20 September 2024 13: 20
      make friends with wolfhounds or bears
      This is, excuse me, like in the song: "Piglet fell in love with Winnie the Pooh with pure love" wassat ? The sheep will be eaten at the first attempt to make friends, and the wolves will get the bones to gnaw.
      1. +1
        20 September 2024 13: 34
        former Prime Minister of Scotland

        Here is the answer.
        Exes - many of them are like that.
        They don't decide anything, but they present themselves as smart and moral.
        1. -7
          20 September 2024 13: 36
          Exes - many of them are like that.
          This Humza became a former because, while serving as Prime Minister of Scotland, he tirelessly fought for the poor Palestinians. He simply didn't have time to think about the Scots.
          1. +6
            20 September 2024 16: 48
            Quote: Bolt Cutter
            This Humza became a former because, while serving as Prime Minister of Scotland, he tirelessly fought for the poor Palestinians. He simply didn't have time to think about the Scots.

            Yeah. Just like the last five British prime ministers - they care so much about Ukraine that they don't have time to think about their own country... that's why they all fly out long before the end of their terms with failed economic reforms and ratings around zero :)))
            1. -1
              20 September 2024 20: 13
              that's why everyone flies long before the end of their term
              That's not the point - they're just dumb and don't think to reset. laughing .
      2. +1
        20 September 2024 13: 43
        Bears are omnivorous and if as I wrote "agree on mutual assistance and support", then there will be no conflict. Bears in the forest feed, and sheep in the clearing do not intersect in interests. No need to exaggerate.
        1. -5
          20 September 2024 13: 46
          Bears feed in the forest, and sheep in the clearing
          Leave the cow to graze on a leash at the edge of the forest away from the village Yes The bear is smart - it prefers the most caloric food, and meat is much richer in calories than berries.
          1. 0
            20 September 2024 13: 49
            He doesn't eat fresh meat that has a musty smell.
            1. -5
              20 September 2024 13: 51
              He doesn't eat fresh meat.
              He feeds on everything he can lay his hands on.
            2. +3
              20 September 2024 14: 54
              Quote: Irokez
              He doesn't eat fresh meat that has a musty smell.

              Israel should not be punished, but destroyed. Animals that have lost their human form have no place among people. hi
    2. +1
      20 September 2024 14: 21
      Today, 12: 54
      [/i]Can sheep and rams impose sanctions against wolves, jackals or hyenas? One way is to make friends with wolfhounds or bears and agree on mutual assistance and support.[i]

      The Middle East is a long-standing fiefdom of the Anglo-Saxons and all their actions are aimed at replenishing their income for the military-industrial complex, insurance companies and training Islamists at military bases in the territory.
  2. 0
    20 September 2024 12: 55
    Nothing will happen, Israel has carte blanche for any actions.

    - Bomb Gaza? - As much as you like!
    - Blow up pagers with bookmarks? - Please!
    - Attack neighboring countries? - No problem!

    It's not a matter of double standards, but "because they can."

    For some reason, we'll explain it as a gesture of goodwill, we don't do that with Ukraine. And then there are the "red lines".

    ● Suvorov said:
    "You can't take a city by standing still."

    ● And Churchill used to say:
    "There are only two lines of defense - one against the enemy's bases, the other against your own."
  3. -2
    20 September 2024 12: 59
    UK-based NGO Save the Children has released shocking statistics, revealing that Israeli troops have killed 710 newborn babies in the Gaza Strip since October last year.
    This is of course very sad, but it would be worth citing the sources of such information.

    Former Scottish Prime Minister Hamza Yousaf drew attention to this.
    Not only is he "former", but he also has a very "Scottish name and surname..." So I'm not surprised, especially looking at his photo and reading that
    Born and raised in Glasgow to Pakistani immigrants
  4. +12
    20 September 2024 13: 05
    In my opinion, the Jews have had enough of hiding behind the Holocaust and other persecutions against themselves (I wouldn't be surprised if after the war they exaggerated the scale in order to get more "goodies" for themselves). So they will soon be equal to their main historical persecutors, the Germans, in the scale of their crimes.
    1. +2
      20 September 2024 14: 59
      Quote: Eskobar
      In my opinion, Jews have had enough of hiding behind the Holocaust.

      Jews squeeze the maximum benefit for themselves. Even from the death of their ancestors, and the flight from Egypt. I do not deny the Holocaust of the Jews, but after the latest events, and do not condemn. To each according to their deeds. hi
  5. +8
    20 September 2024 13: 10
    They won't punish - all world governments are on the Zionists' short leash. Hitler probably understood the danger of Zionism better than anyone else.
  6. +3
    20 September 2024 13: 11
    "British politician demands Israel be punished for killing more than 700 newborn babies in Gaza"

    — “Then Herod, seeing himself mocked by the Magi, was very angry, and sent and killed all the children in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from two years old and under” ...
    (Matthew 2: 16)
  7. +3
    20 September 2024 13: 14
    1. For some reason, the actions of both the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the West are soberly assessed and condemned only by people with the prefix "ex". Where were they all before?! It's too late now, in my opinion.
    2. I believe that the entire top of Israel, together with the senior, middle, and junior command staff, should be brought to trial. Before a military court, if that. For crimes against civilians. And there should be no restrictions on the sentences at this trial. I believe that for every innocent life destroyed, each Israeli should receive a life sentence. In solitary confinement. Feeding once a day. The lights should not be turned on for such prisoners. Let them sit in the dark for life. Eat and piss by touch. Until the end of their days.
    1. +2
      20 September 2024 13: 47
      Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
      Let them sit in darkness for life.

      Isn't it too much to eat and sleep in the dark for life (as it should be) - it's just a parasite's dream. It's better to let them work in a colony, prison, ghetto, camp and give everything they earn with backbreaking labor to those who suffered from their bombings.
      1. +2
        20 September 2024 15: 05
        Isn't it too much to eat and sleep in the dark for life (as it should be) - it's just a parasite's dream. It's better to let them work in a colony, prison, ghetto, camp and give everything they earn with backbreaking labor to those who suffered from their bombings.
        I understand your idea, and I agree. But! The choice is between "life" and "against the wall". And here I give preference - life. Work in the colony - let the executors work. And the one who gave the order - must live, but live - like a rat. And as long as possible. Let him go crazy, let him constantly hear the voices of those children who died, thanks to his order. Try to commit suicide - pump out. He must live a long time, and think about those whom he killed. hi
  8. -3
    20 September 2024 13: 16
    Former Prime Minister of Scotland Hamza Yousaf
    He became a former member due to his excessive zeal for protecting his fellow believers and pushing through the wonderful idea of ​​moving all gas workers to Scotland. This nutcase did not manage to distinguish himself by protecting the interests of Scotland and the Scots, moreover, he practically did not speak out on this subject while in office. And he got into office in the hopes of the SNP - the Scottish Nationalist Party - to get rid of the image of skinheads with crowbars and expand the electoral base. After the nationalist riots, he spoke for a long time about how he and his children were now afraid to live in Britain, his daughter was afraid to wear a hijab, and he did not know what to do about it. Something like that.
    1. +2
      20 September 2024 13: 47
      Oh wow! Judging by your post, that guy is a Jew of the Islamic faith.
      1. -1
        20 September 2024 13: 49
        The whole of Britain was stunned by his rationalization proposals (and market impudence).
    2. +1
      20 September 2024 13: 51
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      After the nationalist riots, he spoke at length about how he and his children were now afraid to live in Britain, his daughter was afraid to wear a hijab, and he didn’t know what to do about it.

      What you fight for, you get. If the English don't show who's boss, they'll be like the Palestinians.
      1. -1
        20 September 2024 13: 56
        What did you fight for?
        It wasn't even a fight, but a festival of impudence. Just like Zelensky put Ukraine on the pedestal of the masters of the world, this bastard put Palestine on the pedestal. His wife is from there, I think. At first, they were simply surprised and thought that he had decided to try whiskey and lost his bearings due to lack of habit. laughing Then I got tired of it.
        Who is the head in this house
        After a series of protests by the indigenous population, even the most hardened black lovers began to understand that they were not welcome. This is the basis for the current split in the Labor Party.
        1. 0
          20 September 2024 14: 04
          Quote: Bolt Cutter
          decided to try whiskey

          So you seduced a Muslim to try Anglo-Saxon nonsense, and that's what you got. Their faith doesn't allow it, so what are you doing with the poor and offended emigrants? They'll start smoking and eating pork and showing their beautiful hair and hairstyle to the infidels. Are you really imposing democracy here too?
          1. -1
            20 September 2024 14: 07
            Anglo-Saxon foolishness
            Celtic. The Anglo-Saxons prefer gin (I fully approve of their choice - the main thing is not to overdo it with tonic).
            beautiful hair with hairstyle incorrectly show
            It is already quite common to see a busy mother and daughter walking down the street in torn jeans and a pink T-shirt. And every other child born here drinks beer while watching football in pubs.
            1. +1
              20 September 2024 14: 10
              I see. Into the melting pot of all, but what about the multiculture in each European country that was initially talked about and invited others to live?
              1. -2
                20 September 2024 14: 16
                Into the melting pot of all
                If you don't want to, don't get into the pot. Wrap yourself in rags, sit in a social housing apartment and have children. True, they only give benefits for two.
                initially they talked and invited others to stay
                Apparently, this wonderful idea took root in Russia, but never took root in Europe.
    3. +1
      20 September 2024 14: 09
      Well, yes, the Pakistani got into the stream of tolerance and multiculturalism, imagined himself equal to the white sahibs. But he remained a "dirty Arab" for them. Just like the Palestinian babies.
      1. 0
        20 September 2024 14: 12
        thought himself equal
        No, he imagined himself to be the best - the smartest, the most cunning. He thought he would bring his fellow countrymen and Scots (there are 5 million of them in total) and make them national minorities. But the white infidels somehow figured him out and chased him away with wet rags.
        Palestinian babies.
        The Palestinians will do something else - they know how to do that.
  9. +5
    20 September 2024 13: 36
    these are only newborns(( but in general many more children died there, they won't tell us the exact numbers
  10. +1
    20 September 2024 13: 51
    Like: "...An eye for an eye..."?
  11. -1
    20 September 2024 21: 51
    "Former Scottish Prime Minister Hamza Yousaf"... Surreal crap. You can't make this stuff up!

    By the way - does "former Scottish Prime Minister Hamza Yousaf" care about Russian children killed by Ukronazis in Donbass and elsewhere, too? Which is supported to the hilt by his own UK government, which he was a part of? Or does he only care when the killed children are Muslims?