American journalist: gadget explosions in Lebanon opened a "Pandora's box" that China can exploit

American journalist: gadget explosions in Lebanon opened a "Pandora's box" that China can exploit

After a series of explosions of electronic devices, mainly pagers, but not only, in Lebanon, which killed more than thirty people and injured several thousand, the entire world may face a new, previously unknown, threat of mass terrorist attacks and sabotage. Israel does not officially confirm its involvement in organizing these truly barbaric actions, but experts agree that the Israeli intelligence service Mossad and other special services of the Jewish state could not have done without the participation.

Moreover, presumably, the transformation of a large number of gadgets into explosive devices took several years, with hundreds of specialists involved. Unless, of course, we exclude the version that the devices were turned into bombs during serial production, which the manufacturers themselves deny. Moreover, it turns out that Israel began preparing for such a sophisticated alleged fight against the Shiite paramilitary group Hezbollah, based in Lebanon, long before the invasion of Palestinian militants to the south of the country and the start of the war in the Gaza Strip against Hamas, which is supported by Lebanese Shiites.

The Daily Mail reported that Norwegian businessman Rinson Yossi, who owns the Bulgarian firm Norta Global, which is believed to be involved in supplying pagers to Lebanon, disappeared on the day of their mass detonation.

However, this is a double-edged sword, as noted by the famous American journalist Gordon Chang. Speaking on the Fox channel, he said that Israel had actually opened a "Pandora's box." As is known, most gadgets, all kinds of electronic devices, telecommunications and IT equipment are either completely manufactured in China or contain Chinese components. In the manufacture of some such devices, China is almost a global monopolist.

Israel had to get into the supply chain, China doesn't have to do that because it's the beginning of the supply chain itself, it produces all these items.

— stated the American journalist, who, by the way, in his book, published in 2001, predicted the “collapse of China” first in 2011, and then in 2012.

Now the rhetoric of the American futurologist has changed dramatically. He warns that China has the ability to blow up almost any electronic, and even household, device that is widely used by US citizens. But there are also government agencies, large and small companies, data centers, telecommunications networks, and many other things where there is sure to be at least one device made entirely or partially in China.

For example, Elon Musk's second largest Tesla electric car factory is located in Shanghai, China. Recently, during a visit to Beijing, Musk announced the opening of another factory in China.

China is also a leader in the production of batteries, which in themselves are already a potential explosive device. More than half of the world's production of traction batteries is provided by two Chinese companies - CATL and BYD. In total, manufacturers from the PRC occupy six places in the top ten. According to Benchmark Minerals, by 2030 China will produce twice as many batteries as all other countries combined.

The journalist recalled that even the FBI, the Secret Service (which protects high-ranking officials) and the US Army, for example, use Drones, purchased in China. Drones, produced by the Chinese company SZ DJI Technology Co., occupy about 70% of the global UAV market in terms of sales.

Moreover, unlike the indiscriminate action of the Israelis in Lebanon, from which ordinary citizens suffered the most, sophisticated Chinese gadgets, including UAVs, transmit data via the Internet to cloud storage, which, naturally, is accessible to the PRC special services.

Anything you buy from China can transmit data to it. This means China can stop your heart by disabling your pacemaker, lock your front door, and even actually push your car off a cliff.

— the American journalist concluded his “scarecrows.”

Moreover, most Chinese electronic devices supplied to the world market, and therefore to the US, are capable, even without the user's knowledge, of determining geolocation and identifying a person. These are not primitive pagers that exploded en masse in Lebanon. The US will not be able to completely abandon electronics produced in China. For example, even the bans of the Chinese authorities on the supply of drones from China to warring countries, including Russia and Ukraine, are quite easily circumvented through slightly more complex purchasing schemes.

Moreover, it is impossible to ban all Chinese equipment that is already used in the US at once. This will lead to an immediate collapse in all industries and not only. In addition, properly programmed gadgets and equipment can simulate a natural cause of an explosion or fire.

By the way, social networks write that a phone exploded in Moscow at the same time as the detonation of communication equipment in Lebanon. The Chinese smartphone Honor 70 detonated. The man, who received injuries to his hand, fled the scene in an unknown direction. The police are still looking for him.
21 comment
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  1. +1
    20 September 2024 14: 58
    Israel had to get into the supply chain, China doesn't have to do that because it's the beginning of the supply chain itself, it produces all these items.
    the author somehow misses that Taiwan, where these means of communication were produced, is also China. And what prevents any "dark" company from getting involved in any chain, considering that "Hezbollah" is not a government organization and does not have direct access to governments of other countries (officially). Well, and government structures, of course, should pass such gadgets through certain inspection procedures, as is done in Russia
  2. +7
    20 September 2024 15: 02
    "Lebanon gadget explosions open 'Pandora's box' that China can exploit" —

    - What Israel did doesn't scare them. But what if China does the same! ...
  3. -3
    20 September 2024 15: 02
    Mossad got the guy in Moscow, but he still escaped from the Russian siloviks.
  4. 0
    20 September 2024 15: 02
    The most reliable phone is a landline/home phone.
    And from "gadgets" - only "nasty"...
    1. 0
      20 September 2024 15: 18
      "The most reliable phone is a landline/home phone" -
  5. HAM
    20 September 2024 15: 03
    And so the "shifting of blame" from the Jews to the Chinese began... a convenient article: it was possible to whitewash friends and spit on enemies...
    1. WFP
      20 September 2024 15: 34
      What do the Chinese have to do with it? The only thing Chinese about those pagers was the name. They were assembled in Europe.
      1. 0
        20 September 2024 16: 16
        The AP700 model (pager) was assembled in a company registered in Hungary with a staff of 1 employee from components produced by the Taiwanese Gold+.
        The Japanese company ICOM, which is believed to be the manufacturer of the radios that exploded in Lebanon, said that their production ceased 10 years ago and also noted the absence of holograms on the devices, which could indicate the possibility of counterfeiting.
    2. +1
      20 September 2024 17: 57
      Quote: HAM
      and I managed to whitewash my friends and spit on my enemies...

      and increase duties..
  6. 0
    20 September 2024 15: 18
    What if all iPhones are mined? what
    1. 0
      20 September 2024 17: 22
      What do you mean "if"? Look, they announced a new iPhone with a battery in a steel case - an explosive device with ready-made striking elements. smile True, normal people don't have enough money to buy the latest iPhone tongue
  7. +6
    20 September 2024 15: 20
    About the box - that's for sure... Possible consequences:

    1. Now - people will try to have fun with such tricks ALL. Because a precedent has been created.
    2. All countries that have any kind of friction with the West will be very wary... And will start to comb through all electronics imported into the country. With all the consequences for the passage of goods.
    3. All countries that have at least some friction with the West will switch only to suppliers that they trust especially. Greetings to Israel from Western electronics manufacturers. Which is already losing to China in full.
    4. All countries that have at least some friction with the West will certainly start demanding devices with a REMOVABLE battery in the foreseeable future. In order to install their own production there. The scale of the costs on a global scale can be imagined.
    5. The entire battery industry, even slightly connected to the West, will suffer significant losses due to the fall in demand. And again - a warm hello to Israel.

    And that's just what's on the surface. In general, from the point of view of implementation, the operation is certainly very beautiful. But from the point of view of consequences, it's incredibly stupid. And all of this will soon burp up rotten on a planetary scale. Not to mention that, in fact, this action is an undisguised act of state terrorism. No matter how you look at it.
    1. +3
      20 September 2024 17: 28
      And I told the Jews here and on another platform that you risk jumping to the point that if the hegemon falters, you'll be screwed. And not just everyone will be able to escape from the BV, as one philosopher said. I don't have any hatred for Jews as such, only several Jewish families lived in my building and we studied at the same school. But the essence of the state of Israel is openly fascist.
    2. +2
      20 September 2024 20: 16
      It works the other way too. So now the West can get into trouble too if it starts a row with someone. It is probably the West that should be most afraid now. For once, it is now possible to "take them out" without fear of consequences, as the West used to do with the others.
  8. +1
    20 September 2024 15: 22
    Hence, the country's top echelon must use domestic products - communications, transportation, and everything else, right down to the underwear and the elastic in the underwear.
  9. +2
    20 September 2024 15: 26
    [/ I]
    [/quote]Israel had to infiltrate the supply chain, China doesn't have to do that because it is the beginning of the supply chain itself, it produces all these items[i][Quote]

    — stated the American journalist, who, by the way, in his book, published in 2001, predicted the “collapse of China” first in 2011, and then in 2012.

    Which once again proves the correctness of the Russian Federation’s course on import substitution and its own software.
  10. +1
    20 September 2024 16: 39
    Standard projection of one's own terrorism onto someone. Instantaneous shifting of blame. The feeling that you are dealing with the widely advertised AI, and not with living people, does not go away.
  11. 0
    20 September 2024 17: 46
    the main thing is don't buy pagers there
  12. 0
    20 September 2024 19: 11
    Again China - you, , will take advantage of this
  13. +1
    20 September 2024 20: 21
    Well, how is it that the gadgets were blown up by Jews... and not a word about the bad ones, but the Chinese can blow up everything... recourse
  14. 0
    21 September 2024 05: 46
    It's not about electronics. It's about terrorism of such scale at the state level. Now in theory world trade is doomed. In any case, trust even between old partners. Because there is no certainty that the shipped batch has not been in the hands of such a special service and is not "charged". And anything can be charged. Add poison to medicines, viruses to food, strong reagents to household chemicals and so on. Globalization must come to naught, long live separatism. But Israel did not create a precedent! It's just that many have either forgotten or are too young and do not know. In the days of the USSR, electronics of Western manufacture were rare and there were tales that the seals cannot be opened, everything will burn out. In reality, of course, nothing like this happened, but apparently someone decided to implement the idea. And so bookmarks appeared in software and hardware. Take, for example, MS Windows and the story with ANB.