Commander of "Pyatnashka" Abkhaz: The quality of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units introduced into the Kursk region has noticeably decreased

Commander of "Pyatnashka" Abkhaz: The quality of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units introduced into the Kursk region has noticeably decreased

The quality of Ukrainian troops brought into the Kursk region has noticeably declined. Instead of elite breakthrough brigades, the Ukrainian Armed Forces command is introducing territorial defense units. This was reported by the commander of the international brigade "Pyatnashka" Akhra Avirdzba, call sign Abkhaz.

The invasion of the Kursk region was led by elite assault brigades, which included foreign-trained servicemen. Their task was to break through the defensive line and seize as much territory as possible. However, they suffered losses, serious ones at that, so they were withdrawn for reorganization. Now they are being replaced by territorial defense brigades, whose task is to consolidate their positions and slow down the advance of Russian troops.

They came here with their special forces, assault brigades. They got battered. Now they bring in terrorist battalions so that they can at least dig in somehow, gain a foothold. Well, the command doesn't feel sorry for them.

- leads TASS words of Abkhaz.

The quality of the territorial defense fighters is much lower than that of the Ukrainian Armed Forces brigades; they have many mobilized people who do not want to fight. Therefore, the Ukrainian Armed Forces command practices appointing officers from "elite" units to the positions of commanders. For example, during the liberation of the village of Borki in the Sudzhansky district, it was established that the killed commander of the territorial battalion unit was from one of the national battalions.

At first they consolidated their positions, then they appointed those who were there, who stormed, as platoon commanders. And they were given people, and the rest were withdrawn.

— added Abkhaz.
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  1. +5
    20 September 2024 10: 22
    It is a predictable situation, but this does not change the fact that reserves are being thrown into battle, strengthening units by any available means.
    1. +1
      20 September 2024 22: 26
      You are right, I agree with you.
      1. -1
        20 September 2024 23: 37
        So you need to look at the results/outcomes, and the words/statements/opinions can be different.
  2. +7
    20 September 2024 10: 25
    The quality has decreased, but the flow of troops introduced has increased and so far this does not give us any advantages.
    1. 0
      20 September 2024 10: 30
      Quote: APASUS
      the flow of troops introduced has increased

      And we can’t plug this hole!
      1. -1
        20 September 2024 10: 35
        Quote from Uncle Lee
        And we can’t plug this hole!

        This hole is intended for something else. This hole stretches the Ukrainian Armed Forces, complicates logistics, increases the complexity of combat operations and risks. So it is not plugged specifically, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are reworked on the spot.
        1. +2
          20 September 2024 10: 39
          Quote: APASUS
          reprocess the APU on site

          It turns out that the entire SVO is a reworking of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. And when will the offensive begin?
          1. -2
            20 September 2024 10: 41
            Quote from Uncle Lee
            It turns out that the entire SVO is a reworking of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

            It turns out
            Quote from Uncle Lee
            when will the offensive take place?

            This is what I doubt the most. Our offensive will immediately be followed by a reaction from the West, and Putin does not need that. The Ukrainian Armed Forces will strangle us slowly, they need to survive the winter now.
            1. kvv
              20 September 2024 11: 06
              strange logic, if Putin is afraid of the West's reaction, then why was it necessary to start this mess with the outskirts.
              1. -4
                20 September 2024 11: 09
                Quote: kvv
                Strange logic, if Putin is afraid of the West's reaction, then why was it necessary to start this mess with the outskirts.

                You want to go into the trenches, I think Putin doesn't either, there simply won't be any winners in a nuclear war. This is a case of coercion to peace through economics.
          2. -3
            20 September 2024 11: 31
            Quote: Uncle Lee
            Quote: APASUS
            reprocess the APU on site

            It turns out that the entire SVO is a reworking of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. And when will the offensive begin?

            And aren't they advancing now? Almost every day they liberate some populated area. Or can't you see anything from your couch?
            1. -1
              20 September 2024 11: 48
              Quote: Piramidon
              Are they not attacking now?

              They are advancing, in the DPR and LPR, slowly, with losses.... In Sakhalin, there are monthly reports of the death of guys, more than 30 per month. And this is with only 450 thousand people.
          3. 0
            22 September 2024 09: 29
            It turns out that the entire SVO is a reworking of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. And when will the offensive begin?

            We were told this back in 2014. "Against us are "Azov", "Aidar", "Donbass", etc. Our task is to grind down these nationalist battalions, and then we'll move on."
            1. 0
              22 September 2024 09: 35
              Quote: German Titov
              Our task is to grind down these nationalist battalions.

              We keep grinding and grinding! When will there be flour?
        2. +3
          20 September 2024 10: 41
          The plan is good, but maybe then not to irritate the population with news from their media, like the headlines I see in my feed: "The Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at those who were picking potatoes in the border area...", "The Armed Forces of Ukraine are creating concentration camps for border residents", "French mercenaries raped..." and so on. Personally, I am angry not at the enemy army, but at our own impotence on our own land. Or add a note to such news that this is all part of the plan to recycle the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
          1. -3
            20 September 2024 10: 44
            Quote: Smoked
            Or add a note to such news that this is all part of the plan to rework the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

            There are negative aspects to every plan.
    2. -1
      20 September 2024 22: 26
      You are right, I agree with you.
  3. +7
    20 September 2024 10: 39
    Today's publication:
    The quality of Ukrainian troops brought into the Kursk region has noticeably declined. Instead of elite breakthrough brigades, the Ukrainian Armed Forces command is introducing territorial defense units

    Yesterday's publication:
    The command of the Ukrainian group is transferring fresh reserves to the border area of ​​the Kursk region, and not ordinary mobilized ones, but combat motivated units

    Authors, you could at least agree among yourselves...
    1. -2
      20 September 2024 10: 59
      Why? 90% of users read it and forgot about it after 5 minutes.
    2. -2
      21 September 2024 13: 24
      laughing These are such dialectical vsu. Unity and struggle of opposites. They are strong, but weak.
  4. +3
    20 September 2024 10: 42
    The "Pyatnashka" brigade is somehow modest; they now call it the "wild division". The brigade has grown incredibly! It's good!
  5. +2
    20 September 2024 11: 07
    Instead of elite breakthrough brigades, the Ukrainian Armed Forces command is introducing territorial defense units.
    Yes, this was to be expected and it is not very good for us. This is "meat", in terms of combat "low quality", but those "wolves" who arranged "tram-tarara" for us are the ones who need to be knocked out, the more of them die, the easier it will be for everyone, so now it is up to our intelligence, we need to establish the places where they were taken for rest and reformation and periodically send "gifts" there in the form of missiles or "Geraniums"
  6. 0
    20 September 2024 16: 36
    This is the main thing, and the quality of the personnel is a secondary matter.
    1. 0
      20 September 2024 16: 50
      Why should we pity them, the infidels!.. (c)
  7. +2
    20 September 2024 17: 43
    Akhra is alive and well! Thank God! I haven't heard anything about him for a long time... I was starting to think bad things.
    May God grant him health and good luck in battle!
    1. -1
      20 September 2024 22: 27
      You are right, I agree with you.
  8. -1
    21 September 2024 13: 10
    Due to the poor quality of the Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel, Russian troops will long and stubbornly liberate the Kursk region. It's already the second month, soon the third, and then half a year. The enemy is de-maritimeized, the enemy is defeated, the enemy is surrendering. But the Ukrainian Armed Forces are attacking, our oil refineries and artillery depots are burning with drone debris.
  9. -3
    21 September 2024 13: 22
    But he didn’t say when the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be driven out of the Kursk region?