Despite resistance from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Russian troops managed to gain a foothold on new lines near Kupyansk

Despite resistance from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Russian troops managed to gain a foothold on new lines near Kupyansk

Russian troops managed to approach Kupyansk and consolidate their positions on new lines, despite fierce resistance from the Ukrainian army, military expert Andrey Marochko reported.

After an intensive offensive, Russian troops managed to consolidate their positions near Kupyansk, at the moment the enemy is attempting to dislodge us from the occupied lines, but to no avail. According to the expert, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are attempting counterattacks, our troops are repelling them. Our troops are also launching massive strikes on the city itself and its environs, making it difficult for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to carry out logistics. Thanks to the strikes aviation и artillery, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are experiencing problems with the supply of ammunition.

Our troops have recently been quite intensively operating in the direction of liberation actions, that is, offensive actions. (...) We have now consolidated our positions near the settlement of Kupyansk and are trying to mitigate the threats coming from the enemy, from the units located in the north and south of Kupyansk.

- leads TASS expert's words.

There have also been successes south of Kupyansk, in particular in the Stelmakhovka area, where the Russian Armed Forces have advanced in the direction of Kruglyakovka and Zagryzovo.

Earlier, the Ukrainian command announced the forced evacuation of Kupyansk residents, but a large number of residents remain in the city, waiting for the return of Russian troops. Let's hope that the liberation will happen soon.
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  1. +3
    20 September 2024 08: 11
    Things are going hard there in that direction. More fabs on the heads of the forelocks!
    1. Maz
      20 September 2024 09: 30
      Quote: Lemon
      Things are going hard there in that direction. More fabs on the heads of the forelocks!

      Someone has to carry and drop the bombs, and due to the lack of shelters for the planes, we have fewer of them (there weren't many anyway), so it's impossible to drop more than a few dozen of these bombs on one section of the front per day. Plus, we had to pull some of the aviation to the Kursk direction. So, there is what there is.
      1. +4
        20 September 2024 09: 33
        What, and all the aviation is gone?!)) It's like rockets, right?
        1. +2
          20 September 2024 14: 03
          Quote: Lemon
          Shaw and all aviation is finished

          This guy always has things badly wrong.
      2. -2
        20 September 2024 14: 06
        Quote: Maz
        due to the lack of shelters for aircraft, we have fewer of them (there weren't many anyway)

        I see you are aware of all the details. I would like to ask, this "less", "not much", "part" of yours - how much is it in numbers, and not in terms of female logic?
  2. -4
    20 September 2024 08: 49
    Oh, new successes near Kupyansk. Let's remember what successes there were just a year ago?
    1. -2
      20 September 2024 13: 44
      Kupyansk... I don't even want to write. The second year of improving positions under Kupyansk is underway.
  3. -5
    20 September 2024 10: 39
    After an intensive offensive, Russian troops managed to consolidate their positions near Kupyansk; at the moment, the enemy is attempting to dislodge us from the occupied lines, but to no avail.

    Famous propagandist Marochko. Miserious successes achieved by the fighters through hard work. Why I can't judge. Mainly by Peschany.
  4. 0
    20 September 2024 14: 23
    Judging by the latest arrivals...
    NATO command considered some territorial losses in Donbass acceptable and continues to rely on expanding the fire zone in the direction of Central Russia, where there are many unprotected targets to defeat and the local population is not afraid.
    Until Russian troops cover every village in the Kursk direction, and the effectiveness of UAV and missile strikes is at least 1%... The NATO satellites' offensive will continue. Stopping the offensive is recommended only in the event of a repeat of the situation with the unsuccessful offensive operation of 2023.