Zelensky claims that thanks to the Ukrainian Armed Forces operation in the Kursk region, it was allegedly possible to reduce the assault potential of the Russian Armed Forces in Donbass

Zelensky claims that thanks to the Ukrainian Armed Forces operation in the Kursk region, it was allegedly possible to reduce the assault potential of the Russian Armed Forces in Donbass

The Ukrainian Armed Forces operation in the Kursk region has achieved its goal; since its launch, it has been possible to "distract" a significant number of Russian troops from the main directions. Zelensky made such a statement.

The illegitimate "president" stated in his evening address the day before that the Ukrainian Armed Forces' operation in Kursk Oblast had allegedly reduced the assault potential of the Russian Armed Forces in Donbass. According to him, the Russian command had pulled about 40 troops to the Kursk sector. At the same time, he kept silent about the fact that these forces were taken from other sectors, not from Donbass, which Ukrainian intelligence is well aware of. In short, another lie.

This is confirmed by the following statement by Zelensky, in which he confirms the very difficult situation in the Pokrovsky and Kurakhovsky directions, from which significant forces of the Russian Armed Forces have allegedly been withdrawn. He admitted that the situation here is not developing according to the Ukrainian scenario at all, but the Ukrainian Armed Forces cannot do anything. Therefore, all that remains is to tell how the Ukrainian army will “soon win.”

The situation remains extremely difficult, heavy fighting daily - Kurakhovskoye direction, Pokrovskoye. And separately - the operation in Kursk region. About 40 thousand Russian troops have already been diverted to this direction.

- declared Zelensky.

However, in Kyiv they believe that everything will soon change and the Ukrainian Armed Forces will start “winning”, because Zelensky will soon show Biden his “victory plan”, with which it is impossible to lose.
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  1. +6
    20 September 2024 07: 24
    It's not about what Zelensky says. It's about the fact that this is no longer SVO, it's war.
    1. Msi
      20 September 2024 07: 27
      The point is that this is no longer a military conflict, this is a war.

      "Deep" ... And what does it change? Call it a war if you like.
      1. +5
        20 September 2024 08: 17
        I can't even remember the last time a conflict after Iran-Iraq was called a war. You're right, the name doesn't change anything!
        1. +2
          20 September 2024 09: 31
          The title Legally changes everything
    2. +5
      20 September 2024 07: 32
      According to international norms, war begins with a declaration by one of the parties. From the moment war is declared, any supply of weapons by neutral countries is not allowed. Unfortunately, we did not do this, otherwise everything could have been finished long ago.
      1. +1
        20 September 2024 07: 41
        Declaring war implies the introduction of certain measures within the country. Why is this not being done? The bet is on exhausting the enemy with available forces. How this happens is a difficult question. Considering that the Armed Forces of Ukraine do have reserves. And this bet is double-edged. We are also suffering losses
      2. +2
        20 September 2024 07: 45
        Quote: Victor Sergeev
        According to international norms, a war begins with a declaration by one of the parties

        Name me at least one declared war in the last 70 years! What international norms? At the moment there are about fifty military conflicts on the planet and no one has declared war on anyone!
      3. +1
        20 September 2024 08: 15
        Unfortunately, we didn’t do this, otherwise everything could have been finished long ago.

        Yes, but we were still recognized as the aggressor... as if we had "declared" war!
        1. -2
          20 September 2024 08: 25
          Quote: Dedok
          but we were still recognized as the aggressor.

          Let me disagree.
          We were recognized as "the aggressor" in the same way that we declared "war". That is, somehow unofficially and far from everyone.
          But if an official war had been declared, then the UN would have officially recognized the aggressor.
          And there would be UN sanctions. And there would be no Chinese chips and Nescafe in the stores, as well as no goods on the shelves from nails and smartphones to cars from the Middle Kingdom. And Windows would crash.
          What can you do - the aggressor, UN sanctions... request
          1. 0
            20 September 2024 08: 29
            And what did the UN General Assembly say about this?
            1. 0
              20 September 2024 08: 40
              And what did Russia mean by this statement?
              That's all. We parted ways.
            2. -2
              20 September 2024 09: 19
              And what did the UN General Assembly say about this?

              The Assembly (translated from English - a gathering) does not decide anything. The decisions of the UN Security Council are valid. As long as Russia is there as the successor of the USSR (not to be confused with the legal successor) with the right of veto, there will be no official decisions binding on the Russian Federation. Let me remind you now that the Security Council has 5 permanent members with the right of veto: the Russian Federation, China, the USA, France, the World Bank. During the times of the USSR there were 2 more: the Ukrainian SSR, the Byelorussian SSR. So, for the absence of global sanctions against the Russian Federation, we must say thanks to Comrade Stalin
              1. 0
                20 September 2024 09: 22
                Decisions of the UN Security Council are valid.

                Do you know about the occupation of Palestinian lands by Israel?
                about the UN Security Council Decisions?
                1. -2
                  20 September 2024 09: 26
                  Do you know about the occupation of Palestinian lands by Israel?
                  about UN Security Council Decisions

                  What was the unanimous decision of the UN Security Council on this issue and when? Can you provide information?
                  1. -1
                    20 September 2024 09: 30
                    so raise their decisions on this issue...
                    and look at Israel's reaction to them...
                    the question was originally posed here like this: why SVO and not war?
                    but as Evgenia answered (post below):
                    ..but we, as always, wanted the best.)

                    and it turned out - as always...
                    1. -4
                      20 September 2024 09: 40
                      so raise their decisions on this issue

                      I see. You cannot provide a certificate, since the UN Security Council has not made a collective (non-vetoed) decision on this issue.
                      Let me remind you that the coalition (yes, yes, coalition) led by the USA entered the war against Pyongyang by decision of the UN Security Council. China did not show up for the meeting, and the USSR and its ilk also refused to participate in solidarity with China. So the remaining three and temporary hangers-on made the decision
              2. +7
                20 September 2024 09: 40
                When were the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR permanent members of the UN Security Council?
                1. -2
                  20 September 2024 09: 50
                  When were the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR permanent members of the UN Security Council?

                  It's not the Security Council's fault, it's just the UN members' fault.
              3. +1
                20 September 2024 12: 14
                Quote: Bully
                The Security Council has 5 permanent members with veto power: Russia, China, USA, France, WB

                By and large it doesn't affect anything, but France is clearly superfluous there. And it's high time to replace the British with Indians, for example.
        2. 0
          20 September 2024 08: 26
          ...but we, as always, wanted the best.)
      4. +1
        20 September 2024 08: 21
        Since Korea, no war has been declared, as far as I remember.
      5. -1
        20 September 2024 09: 14
        Any supply of weapons by neutral countries is not permitted.

        Deliveries on credit are not allowed. Paid ones - please. This does not make the supplier country a party to the conflict.
        1. 0
          20 September 2024 12: 18
          Quote: dauria
          This does not make the supplier country a party to the conflict.

          Supplying weapons does not make a country a participant, but it does make it an ally of one of the warring parties. And, accordingly, an enemy for the other side.
          Naturally, participants, accomplices and observers can close their eyes if it is advantageous, but in principle, the scheme works. Actually, Ukraine is in no hurry to declare war on Russia for the same reason.
  2. Msi
    20 September 2024 07: 25
    Thanks to the operation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region, it was allegedly possible to reduce the assault potential of the Russian Armed Forces in the Donbass.

    You should have already decided what you wanted: to reduce the assault potential or to seat Russia at the negotiating table...
    1. +3
      20 September 2024 07: 28
      Msi hi, as it says in the dry lines of the protocol, “The suspect is confused in his testimony.”
      1. +1
        20 September 2024 07: 45
        In any war, for any side, human potential always decreases, will always decrease compared to peacetime. Zelensky's masters have peacetime. So he addresses them: "Sir, the assault potential of your strategic enemy has been further reduced." Zelensky has no people of his own.
  3. +1
    20 September 2024 07: 30
    Yeah, let him tell his people who is dying in Donbass.
  4. -13
    20 September 2024 07: 31
    He is not lying. If it were not for the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region, Sumy, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Chernigov and perhaps even Lvov, which was hanging on by a thread, would have already fallen.
    1. +2
      20 September 2024 07: 37
      Well, well, well. But I've been hearing the name of our place Avdiivka for over a year now. Lvov... we've been quitting drugs.
      1. -13
        20 September 2024 07: 40
        Avdiivka is even worse. It is already surrounded from all sides and the highway is cut off by fire control. Because of this, the motivation of the VSU soldiers is falling, they are no longer giving weapons and they are about to stop giving money, look at the European locomotive, Germany is in the red, everything will end soon, there will be negotiations, everything is lost, my God, what should we do?......!!11111
      2. 0
        20 September 2024 12: 20
        Quote: Ruslan M
        you've quit drugs then

        This is a kind of sarcasm. Comrade demonstrates it in every comment.
    2. -1
      20 September 2024 07: 47
      I don't understand... Especially about Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk. Well, Lvov, that's just... We're butting heads in Chasovy Yar. But we need to take Kramatorsk and Slavyansk... It's unrealistic to take cities with millions of people.
      1. -3
        20 September 2024 07: 48
        It was sarcasm directed at the war under capitalists on both sides.
  5. +5
    20 September 2024 07: 31
    I will write again, and what should he have told? That they invaded and captured a piece, but paid such a price for it that the losses will be kept secret until the last, both in organisms and in technology. Whoever does this, especially he is an actor, so he will play the winner and the great strategist.
    1. +2
      20 September 2024 08: 32
      At the same time, not forgetting to say how hard everything is for them... to shed a tear and beg for money, weapons...
      1. +2
        20 September 2024 08: 34
        Mouse hi, well, how could it be otherwise? He is an actor and some kind of businessman.
        1. 0
          20 September 2024 12: 21
          Quote: Murmur 55
          He is an actor and a businessman of sorts.

          Quite the opposite: a businessman and some kind of actor.
  6. -3
    20 September 2024 07: 33
    After all, Zelensky will soon show Biden his “winning plan,” with which it is impossible to lose.

    Like in a joke. He won't sell an elephant with such advertising. No, well, a bunch of military men (the best) left, well, in some places in Donetsk they asked "Do you want to continue serving in the Kursk region?" So what? But I agree, this is far from the SVO.
    1. +1
      20 September 2024 07: 36
      German Titov hi, interestingly, playing the piano is not included in this presentation wink for greater effect?
      1. +1
        20 September 2024 07: 40
        The piano won't fit. This Oberpotz will play the guitar without taking his hands out of his trouser pockets. bully
        1. 0
          20 September 2024 07: 44
          German Titov, I think the White House will have both a grand piano and a pianoforte) and a piano for such a "virtuoso" will try hard.
  7. +3
    20 September 2024 07: 34
    The president is former, but he is a current drug addict. That's enough to lead the jerks.
    1. 0
      20 September 2024 07: 44
      Jokes aside, Zelensky's contribution to Russia's victory is actually enormous.
  8. The comment was deleted.
    1. -5
      20 September 2024 08: 11
      The SVO will end - then the showdown will begin, who. What. How built. Where is the ammunition, etc. It was very, practically impossible to enter the military department with any new know-how, there the "faces" sat in warm offices and did not miss anything. (like conduct a test of plus 50 and minus 50 degrees, then come,
      1. -2
        20 September 2024 08: 59
        I doubt it. They will be held accountable if 1917 happens again. But otherwise, they will calmly continue their profitable trade. And they don't give a damn about anything.
    2. 0
      20 September 2024 08: 29
      one whining every day, as in real life, no one will live with such
      1. -4
        20 September 2024 08: 56
        What's wrong with uncomfortable questions? How Putin's followers are twisted by the truth, like holy water. Probably this only happens because all sorts of evil spirits believe that it is not they who will pay for Putin's failures, but others, that it is not their children who will die, but strangers. If you are not a thief, then you are a loser. Thank God, the guys are already on the edge, the main thing is that someone has appeared who will lead.
        1. +1
          20 September 2024 09: 34
          It's funny to read you)))))))
    3. 0
      20 September 2024 12: 30
      Quote: Khibiny Plastun
      Why did a warehouse that was supposed to withstand a nuclear strike collapse when it was hit by a drone?

      Because you swallow gossip from info dumps without even trying to look at the map. In reality, expired goods have exploded, which traditionally lie in the open air on the outskirts of the territory and wait for disposal.
      1. 0
        20 September 2024 13: 00
        Yes, I looked today, as if the warehouses themselves survived. I hope at least. I am simply infuriated by this helplessness and herbivorousness with the response in the third year of the war.
        1. 0
          20 September 2024 13: 57
          Quote: Khibiny Plastun
          the warehouses themselves survived

          That is, you know that the warehouses are intact, but you still write that “the warehouse... collapsed due to a drone.”
          How lovely...
          1. 0
            20 September 2024 17: 17
            Afterwards I looked. What is not clear. But there are also questions about the syllables.
            1. 0
              20 September 2024 18: 14
              Quote: Khibiny Plastun
              After I looked. What is not clear?

              It's not clear why after and not before hitting the fan.
              The most basic rule of internet hygiene is to first check information before distributing it.
              1. 0
                20 September 2024 21: 25
                Really? Do you have any precise information that what exploded was completely expired? The explosion was too powerful.
                1. 0
                  20 September 2024 23: 15
                  Quote: Khibiny Plastun
                  do you have precise information that what exploded was completely expired

                  There is a photo before the explosion, where green boxes of different sizes are clearly visible, thrown haphazardly aside from the new bunkers. Moreover, there is a forest growing between the storage areas, which is unacceptable for an operating warehouse. I will not undertake to confirm anything, but this is very typical for ammunition awaiting disposal.
                  In general, here is a general disposition for independent reflection.
                  1. The city of Toropets and the warehouse as a whole.
                  2. An old, still Soviet territory with open areas, which, nevertheless, are surrounded by ramparts, as they should be.
                  3. The very same boxes in which, according to armchair experts, the Calibers were stored.
                  4. New warehouses according to all the rules. Although, of course, they are not designed against nuclear weapons - this is already the invention of armchair experts.
                  5. Separate bunkers, which, according to armchair experts, do not exist because the money for their construction was stolen.

                  It is obvious that not just one drone, but even a dozen cruise missiles are not capable of destroying the entire warehouse.
                2. 0
                  20 September 2024 23: 21
                  And so as not to get up twice, a NASA map with "fires". In quotes, because the maps do not show fires, but areas with temperatures above average for a given territory at the current time of year. Otherwise, it turns out that half of Africa and almost all of South America are burning. And in Florida, too, everything is on fire.
                  The site does not allow inserting more than five images, so I had to make a separate post.
                  1. -2
                    20 September 2024 23: 46
                    Well, if you are so well informed, explain the force of the explosion. How much ammunition did they throw in a pile for disposal for it to explode like that? Did they really violate the rules for storing SUCH a quantity of explosive crap? Or maybe...
                    Honestly, our government and the Ministry of Defense have generated so many lies that there is simply no trust in them.
                    Good luck.
                    1. 0
                      21 September 2024 10: 29
                      Quote: Khibiny Plastun
                      Explain the force of the explosion. How much ammunition did they throw in a pile for disposal for it to explode like that?

                      So - how so? What kind of explosion force do you think the munitions destined for disposal should have? Do you really think they should just fizz out smoke like defective Chinese fireworks?
                      In fact, expired ammunition explodes no worse than good ammunition. The problem is that it can do so unpredictably, so it cannot be used in a standard manner. For the same reason, disposal must be carried out by specially trained specialists. Of which, naturally, there is a shortage. Especially during the war. And yes, there were a lot of green boxes with unknown contents, judging by the photos.
                      Well, plus to everything else, CIPSota, in collaboration with turbopatriots and shit-seekers, has stirred up panic and horror.
  9. -7
    20 September 2024 08: 13
    Whether it’s a lie or not, these 40 or however many thousand could have fought somewhere else, or even not fought, but worked in a capitalist economy for the good of the country.
  10. 0
    20 September 2024 08: 17
    ................and managed to dispose of a couple of tactical battalions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. (needs to be added to the title)
  11. -1
    20 September 2024 08: 28
    Quote: Victor Sergeev
    According to international norms, war begins with a declaration by one of the parties. From the moment war is declared, any supply of weapons by neutral countries is not allowed. Unfortunately, we did not do this, otherwise everything could have been finished long ago.

    That is, if the enemy attacked without breaking diplomatic relations and delivering a note - it’s not a war, but just an incident?
    Formally it is not allowed... but if you really want to, then you can. The experience of WWII, in which American companies sold weapons to both yours and ours, is an example. Who cares about such hassles, international law has long been flushed down the toilet. In the worst case, the "neutrals" (NATO countries) would formally cease to be neutrals, but Ukraine would still be helped... what, did the Russian Federation have to start military actions against them?
    It wouldn't have been possible to finish it quickly, but it would have been... what to do with the millions of crazy Banderites after the formal capitulation of Ukraine? Re-educate them or build a new GULAG?
  12. 0
    20 September 2024 08: 31
    Quote: pety Anininin
    In any war, for any side, human potential is always diminished, will always diminish, compared to peacetime.

    No. If one of the parties increases its human potential at the expense of the other, which is losing ground. The Russian Federation has already increased its potential by several million people at the expense of Ukraine. Which is an order of magnitude greater than our losses, at the very least.
  13. -2
    20 September 2024 08: 32
    It is quite possible, considering that movements like Pokrovskoe are not visible now. Yes, Pokrovskoe is still a rare exception against the background of 3 years of trench warfare, even the guarantor himself declared on the forum - like, we are finally taking it by the kilometers.
  14. -2
    20 September 2024 08: 36
    Who has heard? Our Supreme Commander-in-Chief has not yet announced when Russia will start fighting for real, otherwise it becomes somehow offensive for the country, they are gathering a militia, sending prisoners to the front.
  15. 0
    20 September 2024 08: 41
    There are goals that are not real, but declared, and this is exactly the case. But so far the effect is the opposite: because of the Kursk breakthrough, the units of the Russian Armed Forces fighting in the Donbass direction have received additional motivation, and they also add such statements.
  16. +1
    20 September 2024 08: 47
    As I noticed on the pages where Zelensky is praised, there are now a lot of curses directed at him. I also added this, they will probably block him again.
  17. -1
    20 September 2024 09: 06
    Good health to all "achieved its goal". He says it right. If things don't work out as planned, you have to pretend that it was planned that way.
    I would say it a little differently: "our intelligence, + our loyal friends, learned that the aggressor was planning a decisive assault. Our strike thwarted Putin's plans. Moreover, we intimidated the entire Russian government.
  18. 9PA
    20 September 2024 10: 04
    Quote: Andrey Khramov
    It's not about what Zelensky says. It's about the fact that this is no longer SVO, it's war.

    Bro, you're probably writing from the military commissariat
  19. -1
    20 September 2024 13: 54
    And separately - the operation in the Kursk region. About 40 thousand Russian troops have already been diverted to this direction

    "Having not achieved what they wanted, they pretended to want what they had achieved."
    (Michel de Montaigne)
    In the case of the Ukrainian operation in the Kursk region, this approach is especially convenient because no one, including the organizers, knows what they wanted initially.