Marochko: Trying to contain the advance of Russian troops, the Ukrainian Armed Forces command is transferring reserves to the Seversky direction

Marochko: Trying to contain the advance of Russian troops, the Ukrainian Armed Forces command is transferring reserves to the Seversky direction

The Ukrainian command has begun to transfer reserves to the Seversky direction, trying to contain the advance of Russian troops, military expert and reserve lieutenant colonel Andrey Marochko reported.

The latest successes of the Russian troops advancing on Seversk give the Ukrainian Armed Forces command grounds to believe that an assault on this rather powerful fortified area is being prepared. And the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not intend to give up Seversk, too much is tied to it in this direction. In addition, it is the main logistics center covering Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. Therefore, the enemy has decided to transfer reserves here in fairly large quantities.

Regarding Seversk, the work of the Ukrainian command is visible here. They are transferring really large forces in order to contain our offensive.

- leads TASS Marochko's words.

Russian troops, in turn, regrouped and continued their advance on the city, attacking from three sides. The enemy is resisting fiercely, the main battles are taking place in the southeast and northeast of Seversk - in the Kremensky forests. Although the advance is difficult, it is happening, ours have had successes, and quite good ones at that.

It is worth noting that the battles for Seversk have been going on for quite a long time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have managed to build a fairly powerful defense here, which Russian troops are now overcoming.
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  1. +1
    20 September 2024 07: 52
    Map of the location of the parties near Seversk.
  2. -1
    20 September 2024 07: 59
    Marochko: Trying to contain the advance of Russian troops, the Ukrainian Armed Forces command is transferring reserves to the Seversky direction
    And where do they get these reserves from! To Kursk region, there, here...
    1. 0
      20 September 2024 08: 02
      Mercenaries from all over the world from PMCs, vacationers from NATO countries, total mobilization in Ukraine.
    2. +2
      20 September 2024 08: 37
      he rents it somewhere, completes it and throws it to a new site
  3. -1
    20 September 2024 09: 28
    Seversk, it seems, was taken last year...
  4. -3
    20 September 2024 11: 58
    maybe someone will explain specifically, not with all sorts of hurray-slogans.. where is the truth and where is the lie.. then they are told that they have no one and no means to fight. 2000 per day (45-50,000 per month).. then they are constantly transferring reserves along the entire front. in Kursk, they are putting pressure and consolidating their positions...