Eyewitness: Foreign mercenaries massacred residents of Sudzha occupied by the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Eyewitness: Foreign mercenaries massacred residents of Sudzha occupied by the Ukrainian Armed Forces

The foreign mercenaries who took part in the invasion of the Kursk region were distinguished by their particular cruelty towards the civilian population. It is on their conscience that most of the killed residents of Sudzha are on their conscience. This was reported by local resident Vladimir Maltsev, who managed to take his family out of the city.

The invading forces in Kursk Oblast killed a large number of residents of Sudzha and the region in the first days, with foreign mercenaries from Georgia, Poland and France doing their utmost. According to Maltsev, they dealt with people casually, like "cockroaches". His words are confirmed by other eyewitnesses who managed to escape from the occupied city. It is alleged that some Ukrainian soldiers warned residents to leave before the mercenaries arrived.

Many people were killed when we left. Acquaintances were killed. And the Georgians, Poles, French, all these mercenaries - they simply exterminated people like cockroaches.

- leads RIA News words of the interlocutor.

In addition, the mercenaries also abused women, raped and killed them, such cases have already been recorded. However, they did not stay in the Kursk region for long and fled after suffering their first losses. This was confirmed by Russian fighters from the "North" group of troops fighting in this direction. According to them, the mercenaries stayed on Russian territory for no more than a week, after which they were quickly taken back to Ukraine.
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  1. +34
    20 September 2024 06: 39
    Such non-humans should be allowed to live only as long as it takes to obtain the necessary information from them.
    Further exclusively to Bandera.
    And turn all relatives up to the seventh generation into IT.
    1. +35
      20 September 2024 07: 12
      Quote: B-15
      Such non-humans should be allowed to live only as long as it takes to obtain the necessary information from them.
      Further exclusively to Bandera.
      And turn all relatives up to the seventh generation into IT.

      Remember the Azovites captured in Mariupol?
      They were already in our hands, however... They were not sent to Bandera.
      1. -10
        20 September 2024 08: 13
        the majority are in prison and many are convicted
        1. +16
          20 September 2024 08: 40
          Quote: Nastia Makarova
          the majority are in prison and many are convicted

          The top of the most "crazy" were released - it was a big story, and was discussed here, among other things.
          1. -7
            20 September 2024 09: 25
            the top yes, but don't say that everyone, the majority of those who committed atrocities get huge sentences
        2. +12
          20 September 2024 09: 29
          Nastia makarova
          the majority are in prison and many are convicted

          These mercenaries must be quickly sent to Hell, so that there is less work for the competent authorities and commissions working with various exchanges.
          1. 0
            20 September 2024 09: 31
            and that's what they do now, at 22 they were kind then
          2. +4
            20 September 2024 09: 56
            Quote: frruc
            Nastia makarova
            the majority are in prison and many are convicted

            These mercenaries must be quickly sent to Hell, so that there is less work for the competent authorities and commissions working with various exchanges.

            Don't hold them fast for their atrocities against civilians. If it is confirmed that he participated - put him on a stake, on a thick one, so that it tears him apart and he feels it! And for a full understanding, before the punishment, read the sentence, so that he gets involved, what will happen to him!
            1. +5
              20 September 2024 10: 00
              If it is confirmed that he participated, he will be impaled on a thick stake.

              I'm talking about the same thing. Impale him, but quickly, before his asshole heals from fear.
              1. +1
                21 September 2024 09: 41
                Cola doesn't care. It will tear apart even what has grown together.
        3. +7
          20 September 2024 13: 49
          Well, they are sitting here now, it is not a fact that they will not exchange them for someone or something again. For gas transit, for example. Or the Turks will ask
        4. +4
          20 September 2024 20: 20
          That's exactly the bulk. And the most frostbitten Azovites were sent with honors to continue killing Russian soldiers and civilians.
      2. +13
        20 September 2024 08: 38
        They were already in our hands,

        And they will come again to kill civilians. Now they will kill even more and with even greater pleasure.
        1. +12
          20 September 2024 08: 49
          And they will come again to kill civilians. Now they will kill even more and with even greater pleasure.
          In both cases, the blood on the hands of the money changers and thieves from the Russian Federation.
          1. +1
            20 September 2024 09: 30
            And why didn't anyone else show up there? Did VVP personally arm Banderastan and give permission for Banderovites' atrocities?
            1. -2
              20 September 2024 09: 46
              Did VVP personally arm Banderastan and give permission for Bandera supporters to commit atrocities?
              Can you tell me more about what you are talking about?
              1. +1
                20 September 2024 09: 48
                Can you tell me more about what you are talking about?
                Yes, you can. These were questions for you.
                1. -6
                  20 September 2024 09: 51
                  Yes, you can. These were questions for you.
                  I will be happy to answer if you ask a specific question.
                  1. +2
                    20 September 2024 09: 53
                    I will be happy to answer if you ask a specific question.
                    And why didn't anyone else check in there? Did VVP personally arm Banderastan and give permission for Banderovites' atrocities? I don't feel sorry. I repeated. Very specific questions.
                    1. -5
                      20 September 2024 09: 56
                      Why didn't anyone else check in there?
                      I didn't ask you to repeat it, I asked you to formulate the question more specifically. Who, when, why, why...
                      1. +1
                        20 September 2024 10: 01
                        I didn't ask you to repeat it, I asked you to formulate the question more specifically. Who, when, why, why...
                        You asked for specific questions. I repeated them, maybe you couldn't understand the first time. The questions couldn't be more specific. And they don't allow for double interpretation.
                      2. -6
                        20 September 2024 10: 04
                        You asked for a specific question.
                        Okay, then who armed him, when did it happen, and what atrocities and when, where did they happen do you specifically mean?
                      3. +2
                        20 September 2024 10: 07
                        Okay, then who armed him, when did it happen, and what atrocities and when, where did they happen do you specifically mean?
                        Well, that was a question for you.
                      4. The comment was deleted.
    2. +3
      20 September 2024 08: 07
      Quote: B-15
      I wonder, who doesn't like the comments of BBB and B-15, name yourself, or don't you have the courage?

      I wonder who is giving me minuses - did I say something wrong? Were the captured Azovites sent to the black soil?
      1. +3
        20 September 2024 08: 31
        I think there is a team of downvoters here, the same crap happens often.
        1. +2
          20 September 2024 08: 33
          Quote: Alexander Salenko
          I think there is a team of minus-takers here

          People really don't like to hear the truth - it's often bitter. They prefer sweet lies.
          That's why truthful comments are unbearable.
          1. +2
            20 September 2024 09: 26
            but why do you have the truth and that's why you get minuses for it?)))) and others have lies
          2. -2
            20 September 2024 09: 32
            That's why truthful comments are unbearable.
            The truth is that there are no rightists in this mess. And while criticizing some, don't forget about the others. Their contribution to the beginning of the SVO will be greater, which is clearly visible from the expenses. And I won't say anything about the fact that they achieved their dream.
          3. -3
            20 September 2024 14: 03
            People really don't like to hear the truth - it's often bitter. They prefer sweet lies.

            You can also rephrase. What is true for some is a lie for others. So here some people immediately accuse those who do not agree with their point of view of being agents of the Central Intelligence Agency. The truth is always one, the pharaoh said so. And that is why he was called Tutankhamun. (Nautilus Pompilius.)
            1. +8
              20 September 2024 16: 06
              The truth is always the same - last name, first name.
              Who from the General Staff of the Russian Federation is responsible for the mistake in the Kursk region, who missed the concentration of the Outskirts troops and their deployment, and the seizure of Russian land, and for the hundreds and thousands of dead Russian soldiers that will have to be sacrificed in order to liberate Kursk, who will answer for their blood?
              Last name, first name, punishment?
          4. 0
            21 September 2024 18: 19
            I put "-" because I'm not sure that you yourself know the whole truth.
      2. +9
        20 September 2024 08: 40
        You allowed yourself to publicly doubt the wisdom of our leaders who let their worst enemies go. Is that not enough?
    3. AAK
      20 September 2024 10: 46
      Mercenaries are creatures by definition, they will not be captured, either they will be hanged straight away, or those who are tainted by the torture of prisoners of war and civilians will be impaled or quartered on the wheel, and who cares about all sorts of corrupt human rights activists, but the main responsibility for the ruined lives of our citizens lies with Mu-Mu with Khuzhenetovych and the majority of generals, and especially with the Great One personally - this is for the failure of preparations for the SVO, and for the squandered 350 billion from the "partners", and for attempts to "make deals" with the Bandera, and for all sorts of deals with both the "partners" and the Turks, and for "redeployments", and for "complete import substitution", and for the supply of strategic raw materials to the enemy, and most importantly - for the blood and lives of our military and civilians...
  2. +11
    20 September 2024 06: 39
    “Foreign mercenaries were distinguished by their particular cruelty towards the civilian population” —

    - Don't take these prisoners! ...
    1. +9
      20 September 2024 06: 44
      what captivity if they have already left? identify specific individuals, specific units and destroy anywhere in the world....
      1. -3
        20 September 2024 08: 40
        And who will destroy? Aunt around the corner.
        1. +5
          20 September 2024 08: 49
          the one who is supposed to, the special services...
          1. -4
            20 September 2024 08: 50
            Basharov and Petrov, they are good at home.
    2. -1
      20 September 2024 07: 49
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      Do not take these prisoners!
      And they don't take them anyway. At least, judging by the fact that there is much more talk about them than any demonstration.
      1. +1
        20 September 2024 08: 41
        There is always more talk than demonstration.
    3. +15
      20 September 2024 08: 17
      It is interesting why our authorities are keeping silent about the events in Sudzha. Israel would have raised the whole world if something similar had happened in the promised land, but here we are silent as if nothing had happened, as if no one cares about it. It is amazing.
      1. +4
        20 September 2024 08: 33
        Well, there are Jews there, everyone has always offended them, and here there are some Russians, big deal... Who in the world is interested in our problems?
        1. +10
          20 September 2024 08: 44
          So there the Jews destroy their enemies en masse without asking anyone's permission. And our Jews' main concern is filling their wallets, and the people, well, what about the people, they'll bring in migrants at the slightest provocation.
      2. +12
        20 September 2024 08: 42
        So that people don't ask two well-known questions - who is guilty and who should be hanged? And then everything will be hushed up and forgotten.
        1. 0
          20 September 2024 10: 02
          Quote from Aken
          So that people don't ask two well-known questions - who is guilty and who should be hanged? And then everything will be hushed up and forgotten.

          Find, kill, and then divide everything! It's simple, Karl!
      3. +10
        20 September 2024 09: 35
        Afraid to touch the sensitive strings of tolerant Western souls. In my opinion, we need to talk about this loudly to the whole world, compare them with the Nazis and that Nazism was condemned by all countries in 1945 and that these Nazis should be tried and hanged, like those. I think it's all about the money and children overseas.
      4. +7
        20 September 2024 14: 07
        You might also ask how in Belgorod region two entrances were demolished by French bombs and there was no answer at all. Something similar was once done in the late 90s, when one young politician said he would wipe out in the toilet - and wiped out. It's a pity he is no longer with us...
  3. +13
    20 September 2024 06: 41
    These degenerates come here like on a safari, I can imagine what will happen with a full-fledged NATO invasion. There is no one to rely on, only on yourself...
  4. +5
    20 September 2024 06: 42
    ...the border is "locked"...the key is lost
  5. +10
    20 September 2024 06: 42
    Many have also said more than once that mercenaries should not be taken prisoner. They "earned" such an attitude towards them. I completely agree.
  6. Msi
    20 September 2024 06: 43
    after which they were quickly taken back to Ukraine.

    Yeah, and the warriors of light, the Ukrainians, came... Why write this crap? How does he know the nationality of the soldiers? This civilian. They're all the same there...
    1. 0
      20 September 2024 07: 34
      Actually, you can tell by the pronunciation of the language/adverb - there is nothing complicated here, but all the mercenaries are gone!
    2. +5
      20 September 2024 08: 35
      And indeed, it is a strange attempt to evade responsibility, to try to shift everything onto some mercenaries.
  7. +7
    20 September 2024 06: 44
    This is what I see. Everyone, from the bottom to the top, knows that there are inhuman beings fighting there. And accordingly, we must deal harshly with the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Up to and including the use of weapons of mass destruction. Since we are holding our borders with limited forces. Did these people, the Kursk people, even think that this would happen?
    1. +12
      20 September 2024 07: 38
      Our managers should have thought about this, but they just ran away at full speed - what kind of bastard abandoned 60 Russian children in the occupation zone??? - who will answer for this? - and everyone is still silent about this!!!
      1. +2
        20 September 2024 09: 04
        What kind of bastard abandoned 60 Russian children in the occupation zone???
        - Can I get some info or a link?
        1. -1
          20 September 2024 09: 20
          You can - https://serg07011972.livejournal.com/4485933.html
  8. 0
    20 September 2024 06: 46
    I'm wondering, who doesn't like the comments of BBB and B-15, name yourself, or don't you have the courage?
    1. +2
      20 September 2024 06: 56
      Forget about these minuses, they are just candy wrappers
      1. +1
        20 September 2024 07: 12
        alexandreII asked and left...
        I think that if the comment is on point, it’s one thing, but if it’s just a waste of time, then it’s worthless.
    2. Msi
      20 September 2024 07: 01
      who doesn't like BBB comments

      I give Vorontsov a plus if I like the comment. Sometimes he writes with humor, sometimes he repeats himself.
      1. +1
        20 September 2024 07: 14
        ...that's true, we are all "analysts" to the same extent.)
    3. +5
      20 September 2024 07: 16
      The site is full of enemies. Skakuas, Americans, there are also representatives of one Middle Eastern fascist state. But here most likely Skakuas.
    4. +4
      20 September 2024 08: 36
      Not enough, tsipsota most likely sits and shits. During the Maidan I was sitting on one Ukrainian forum, being then still a citizen of this country, they banned with terrible force, now they crawl into our resources, because their get-together is not interesting even to the Ukrops themselves.
  9. +1
    20 September 2024 06: 53
    Whose conscience is responsible for the blood and death of these peaceful citizens?
  10. +11
    20 September 2024 07: 02
    More than a month and a half has passed and those guilty of all this are still in office and at large...
    1. +2
      20 September 2024 07: 15
      ..."when the master arrives, the master will judge us"... maybe.)
    2. +10
      20 September 2024 07: 53
      In the political structure of our country there are clear signs of Favoritism, Cronyism and Nepotism with all the ensuing consequences.
      They all cover for and lobby each other there, no matter that many of them completely lack professional and specialized qualities!
      Yes, for show, now a dozen undesirable or insignificant people will be arrested, shaken with criminal cases, and in a year or two they will no longer be of use and will most likely be transferred to other cushy positions.
      And no one will touch the more significant and weighty ones, not according to the concepts, because they are untouchable!
      1. -2
        20 September 2024 08: 49
        Who do you consider to be the brave one? We went together and voted for this government. Slogans: If not Him, then who? If only there was no war. And now you are looking for someone to blame. Look at yourself, it is we who are to blame. It was we who contributed to the degeneration of the government itself.
        1. +6
          20 September 2024 09: 26
          Do you think that if you vote for someone else and he wins? You are naive...
          The reality is that voting is a performance according to the script of those who run it. And voting almost never works correctly and honestly. There are options, holes and loopholes everywhere. Well, at least the Central Election Commission, which is under their control.
          I will say more, even radical methods do not always work correctly, during revolutions and coups d'état always to the top to the new elites! ALWAYS someone's protégés or planted Cossacks infiltrate. And there will not be the path that was originally planned...
          That is life!
        2. -1
          20 September 2024 10: 06
          Today, 08: 49
          Who do you consider to be the brave one? We went together and voted for this government. Slogans: If not Him, then who? If only there was no war. And now you are looking for someone to blame. Look at yourself, it is we who are to blame. It was we who contributed to the degeneration of the government itself.
          - Well, don't wave your talons around too much and don't point them out - I traditionally go to the elections, and when I receive my ballot, I tear it up and throw it in the trash can, or I don't go at all.
          1. -1
            20 September 2024 14: 58
            I didn't vote at all and I don't go to elections.
            1. -1
              20 September 2024 15: 02
              It is better to go to the elections and destroy your ballot - in this way you destroy your vote, and if you simply do not go to the elections - your vote will be taken into their hands and used for their own purposes, your soul will be at peace.
  11. +13
    20 September 2024 07: 43
    Thanks for this to the Guarantor who guarantees nothing to citizens.
  12. +7
    20 September 2024 07: 51
    We'll kill all this scum without mercy, even if they raise their hands!

    Konstantin Simonov
    Kill him! (If your home is dear to you)
    If your home is dear to you,
    Where have you been nourished by the Russians,
    Under a log ceiling,
    Where are you, swinging in the cradle, sailing;
    If the roads in the house are volumes
    You have walls, stoves and corners,
    Grandfather, great-grandfather and father
    It has well-groomed floors;
    If you love the poor garden
    With may color, with bees buzzing
    And under the lime tree a hundred years ago
    In the ground buried by my grandfather's table;
    If you do not want sex
    In your house, the fascist trampled,
    So he sat down at the grandfather's table
    And I broke the trees in the garden ...
    If mother is dear to you -
    You are breastfeeding,
    Where for a long time already there is no milk,
    Just stick your cheek;
    If you endure no strength,
    So that the fascist, standing to her,
    On the cheeks wrinkled beat,
    Scythe wound on the arm;
    To the same hands her,
    What carried you into the cradle,
    Washed his clothes
    And made him a bed ...
    If you did not forget your father,
    What shook you in your arms,
    What a good soldier was
    And disappeared in the Carpathian snows,
    What died over the Volga, beyond the Don,
    For the motherland of your destiny;
    If you do not want him
    Turned in a coffin,
    So that a soldier's portrait in crosses
    The fascist took it and tore it to the floor.
    And my mother's eyes
    He stepped on his face ...
    If you do not want to give
    The one with whom he walked together,
    The one that long to kiss
    You did not dare - so loved her -
    So that the Nazis will be alive
    They took it by force, holding it in a corner,
    And the three of them crucified her,
    Naked, on the floor;
    To get three of these dogs
    In groans, in hatred, in blood
    All that holy shroud you yourself
    With all the power of male love ...
    If you are a fascist with a gun
    You do not want to give up forever
    The house where you lived, your wife and mother,
    All that we call homeland -
    Know: no one will save her,
    If you do not save her;
    Know: no one will kill him,
    If you do not kill him.
    And while he did not kill him,
    Shut up about your love
    The land where you grew up, and the house where you lived,
    Do not call your homeland.
    Let your brother kill the fascist,
    Let the neighbor kill the fascist, -
    It's your brother and neighbor who take revenge,
    And you do not have excuses.
    Behind someone else's back they do not sit,
    They do not take revenge on someone else's rifle.
    Since your brother killed a fascist, -
    It's him, not you soldier.
    So kill the fascist, so that he,
    And you did not lie on the ground,
    Not in your house to moan,
    And he stood by him in the dead.
    So he wanted, his guilt, -
    Let his house burn, and not yours,
    And let not your wife,
    And let him be a widow.
    Let her cry out not yours,
    And his born mother,
    Not yours, but his family
    Ponaprasnu let him wait.
    So kill at least one!
    So kill him quickly!
    How many times will you see him,
    So many times and kill him!
    November 1942, XNUMX
    1. +9
      20 September 2024 08: 17
      The current Kremlin does not fight, unlike the Soviet Kremlin.
      1. -5
        20 September 2024 09: 25
        The Soviet Kremlin fought a lot, especially in Afghanistan. How many guys were killed, and what was the result? They said then that if not us, then the Americans would come in, and that was a threat to us from the South. But then they came anyway and what - they left, even fled.
        1. 9PA
          20 September 2024 10: 05
          orders of magnitude less than now
          1. -3
            20 September 2024 13: 52
            Of course it's smaller, the scale is not the same. But for what?
        2. +4
          20 September 2024 11: 45
          compared to what the current Kremlin is showing. The Soviet carried out a perfect operation with ridiculous losses and colossal results
          1. -4
            20 September 2024 14: 15
            During the ten years of war in Afghanistan, several thousand Soviet citizens died, the most common figure is 15 thousand people. You find it funny, right? But in reality, it is much more.
            Here is what a former soldier who took part in that war writes:
            " I completely agree that the loss data is understated. My guys and I once calculated the average monthly losses of the 70th KANDAGAR brigade. It came out to 1 person per day, 30 per month, 360 per year,
            3240 in 9 years. And this is at least for 1 unit. How many units were in Afghanistan? So where did this figure of 15000 dead come from? And the figure of 620 thousand participants is greatly underestimated... ETERNAL MEMORY TO THE FALLEN GUYS!!"
            So what result did this, as you write, "ideal operation with ridiculous losses" give? By the way, my friend's son came from there in a zinc coffin, they didn't even let him open it when they buried him, his mother couldn't stand it, she died a year later. So much for "ridiculous losses"...
            1. +6
              20 September 2024 14: 36
              15 thousand in 10 years? Yes, that's an ideal operation. That's 1,5 thousand a year. Or 4 people a day. In our city, that many more die from traffic accidents and bootlegs.
              At the same time, SA controlled most of the country. And even carried out sabotage operations on Pakistani territory.
              Compared to the SVO, this is simply an example of a military operation.
              1. -4
                20 September 2024 16: 46
                Do you believe in 15 thousand? I don't believe in these "statistics"!
                1. +2
                  20 September 2024 17: 45
                  I don't know. But I don't have any other data. And according to the stories of those who were there, there were far from any battles for Stalingrad.
                  1. -3
                    20 September 2024 19: 11
                    Of course, there were no such large-scale battles, but 9 years of constant skirmishes, attacks from ambushes...
                2. 0
                  21 September 2024 19: 24
                  It is your right not to believe, but the documents speak of such losses, show other data, documents. Well, believing or not believing is not an argument, give facts about other losses.
                  1. 0
                    21 September 2024 19: 33
                    Did you read above how the Afghan guys counted the losses in their 70th brigade? Think what you want, believe who you want, it's your business. The truth is in the archives, behind seven locks, there are still many classified documents on the Great Patriotic War, and you think they will tell the truth about modern conflicts...
            2. -4
              20 September 2024 19: 14
              Who is this quiet guy who is putting up the minuses? He should have substantiated it, disputed it, otherwise he is like a mischievous cat...
            3. -1
              21 September 2024 19: 33
              The guys and I calculated, is this an argument, Mr. Solzhenitsyn with a straight face declared that up to 30 million people were destroyed in our years of repression. Let's believe it's funny, all the data on losses in Afghanistan have been published, liberals would definitely have hung 150 thousand dead, but it doesn't work, facts are stubborn things and so far no one, I mean experts, has questioned these figures, and the stories of a former serviceman, well, that's just funny. But for the Chechen campaign, the data is still approximate, if unknown soldiers of the Chechen war are buried in a memorial military cemetery near Moscow, and you write about Afghanistan.
          2. 0
            21 September 2024 19: 52
            I will answer with the words of the poet -
            "Ah, it's not hard to deceive me,
            I’m glad to be deceived myself. "
        3. -1
          20 September 2024 12: 29
          @61st: "The Soviet Kremlin was annoying, especially in Afghanistan. How many guys were put in, and the result?"

          The great mistake of the Soviet Kremlin in Afghanistan was NOT PUTTING ENOUGH FORCES IN to be able to win - although, since it was actually the Gorbachev Kremlin from 1985 onwards, it was most likely a betrayal and deliberately engineered defeat, rather than just a mistake . By the early to mid-1980s, it was obvious that 100,000 Soviet soldiers - even together with the Afghan communist government army - would not be sufficient to hold and control a country with the size and geography of Afghanistan, which moreover had a very long, sieve-like border with the hostile Pakistan through where continuous aid and reinforcements were flowing. This was even openly written about in the anti-Soviet Western mainstream press of the time - for example, the American TIME magazine wrote in the mid-1980s that at least half a million Soviet soldiers were needed in Afghanistan in order to decisively defeat the continuously resupplied insurgency and properly control all the Afghan territory. But the Kremlin stubbornly refused either to send more troops to Afghanistan, or to systematically bomb the mujahedin "refugee camps" just across the border in Pakistan, where the mujahedin were sheltering, regrouping and being resupplied. JUST LIKE the Russian Kremlin today is stubbornly shying away from systematically bombing the bridges, railways, border crossings, transport and energy infrastructures, and leadership and administration of the continuously resupplied Ukronazis!
        4. 0
          20 September 2024 16: 36
          In 1988, I was at the KTP Border Troops Directorate. It was March. There was already information about the imminent withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. And one time, I was standing on the floor. Officers were passing by me. And one old major, one of the eternal majors, lingered, tapped me on the shoulder strap and said the following. “Gorbachev should be hanged by the balls for this. In ten years, the chumps will be in the outskirts of Orenburg. I won’t see it. And your children will tumble around.” So, not everything is so clear-cut. It’s a question of results.
          1. -2
            20 September 2024 16: 43
            "In ten years, there will be logs in the outskirts of Orenburg. I won't see it. But your children will tumble around."
            So what happened 10 years later, did the logs approach Orenburg? And what happened 20, 30 years later?
        5. 0
          21 September 2024 19: 21
          Well, comparing Afghanistan with the war in Ukraine is a bit cynical, it’s not the real story.
          1. 0
            21 September 2024 19: 24
            It seems like no one compared. The conversation was about the truthfulness of the losses. It is cynical to put minuses anonymously, without justification. This is simply spitting on the graves of soldiers who were not counted for political reasons.
    2. +3
      20 September 2024 11: 47
      And don't you want those who left people a few kilometers away from the enemy? Or those who stole all these years and now the army can't cope with covering civilians? Maybe THEM are worth it, first of all?
  13. +8
    20 September 2024 08: 08
    It is necessary to take them prisoner, but not for long, for a couple of hours. Then let them smoke in turns, the main thing is that the first one smokes and the others watch, also already doused with gasoline. If they don't go gray, put them on the wheel.
  14. +7
    20 September 2024 08: 16
    Why not send a missile to where the bases of mercenaries preparing to be sent to Ukraine are located?
    And also: take mercenaries prisoner and hang them, broadcasting the execution on television.
    1. +4
      20 September 2024 09: 26
      To do this, you need to have eyes - a group of satellites - to see, and a brain - to understand what you saw.
      We are seriously lagging behind in this. Now everyone knows about it.
      This is one of the results of the so-called SVO - a revealed flaw. Destruction of the legend.
      I hope that hard work is underway to eliminate this backlog.
      1. +1
        20 September 2024 14: 22
        You don't need some incredible satellite constellation to find out where the mercenaries are. It's enough to recruit one of them by offering three times more. And then he'll go out for a smoke when needed.
      2. +3
        20 September 2024 16: 39
        For this you need to have iron Faberge. And our bigwigs are like cats. Castrated.
  15. +8
    20 September 2024 08: 46
    Further proof that the doctrine of humanism in relation to Europe needs to be changed. They never missed a chance to kill us Russians with impunity and for fun. Never! So we should be embarrassed to play humanism. It has been proven for centuries that it is useless.
    1. +2
      20 September 2024 09: 33
      I have no illusions that in the event of a NATO attack the word "humanism" does not exist. For the Anglo-Saxons, the Slavs are subhuman, and the Russians in particular. The British are at the forefront of this process. I have often heard comments that if Russia is to be conquered, the Russian people should be exterminated. Concentration camps. The average Briton is a boor and a primitive.

      The Slavs have a completely different approach. Surprisingly, ordinary Czechs and Poles on the street say good things about Russians, some even say that we should stick together and not fight each other. Unfortunately, their governments brainwash them on behalf of foreign rulers.
  16. +5
    20 September 2024 09: 08
    Creatures. After such articles, your fists clench and you are drawn to the front.
  17. +3
    20 September 2024 09: 22
    Some Ukrainian soldiers are said to have warned residents to leave before the mercenaries arrived.
    This is true.
    It was the same in Bucha.
  18. +4
    20 September 2024 09: 48
    The invading forces in the Kursk region killed a large number of residents of Sudzha and the region in the first days, especially foreign mercenaries from Georgia, Poland and France.

    It is now clear who not to take prisoner, and after the battle the captured mercenaries should arrange a "disconnection" through the birch tree, tying them by the legs to two Urals....
  19. +6
    20 September 2024 10: 30
    Many people were killed when we left. They killed acquaintances. And the Georgians, Poles, French, all these mercenaries - they simply exterminated people like cockroaches. - RIA Novosti quotes the source as saying.
    Here you have the result of the "strengthening" of the GG of the Russian Federation and Ukraine since the beginning of the SVO.
  20. 0
    20 September 2024 11: 15
    There is only one conclusion from the article: do not take mercenaries prisoner, if they are captured, then extract information from them and then dispose of them anyway.
  21. +9
    20 September 2024 11: 20
    the main question remains open. How did it happen that the enemy was given territories with cities and population and who is to blame for this? the supreme commander has distanced himself from everything, drives around and smiles and draws red lines. And so it turns out there are no guilty parties, it just happens that way. We should curse not only these degenerates, but also the authorities who abandoned people to be devoured by these beasts. But everything is fine here.
  22. +4
    20 September 2024 11: 43
    And what about the main question. Why weren't the people evacuated in advance? I understand that given the proximity of the border it was impossible to completely secure the settlement. But why weren't the people evacuated in advance? Wasn't 2 years enough? Or is someone again lacking willpower?
    1. +3
      20 September 2024 14: 18
      The answer is simple. 1) They lied again and came. 2) They didn't wait. The entire border should have been mined, on their own territory, in a remote place. But even that wasn't done.
    2. 0
      21 September 2024 02: 44
      Not with will, there is none, but with money...
  23. -3
    20 September 2024 12: 04
    There's a decent two minutes of hate in the comments. But no one has gone to the front yet. laughing

    It is significant that it never occurs to any depth-diver to ask whether this is not a propaganda invention?
    It would seem that the obvious fact of a rabid information war on both sides should prompt the average citizen to be extremely critical of any information. It is enough to recall the legendary "crucified boy in panties", when Channel One fed people with choice feces, and they asked for more, squealing in exactly the same way about the "atrocities of the Nazis".

    But no. In the consciousness of the deep establishment, the awareness of the criminality and absolute corruption of the Russian government as a whole and absolute trust in the official media, which are the mouthpieces of this government, coexist absolutely harmoniously. And no cognitive dissonance for you.
    1. +2
      20 September 2024 14: 39
      Well, the media works on the level of the subconscious and reflexes with emotions. Where does dissonance come from?
  24. +3
    20 September 2024 12: 15
    No mercenaries to be taken prisoner! Shoot on the spot
  25. 0
    20 September 2024 18: 00
    Big deal, they'll put them in jail and then exchange them for someone. The only thing is if they get killed in prison.
  26. +2
    20 September 2024 20: 22
    Just a public hanging in the square with a sign on his chest "Punisher". Or have we forgotten our fathers and grandfathers. SMERSH should be there and not only there, but all the waiting people dreaming of their former life abroad should be there or in the logging camp, and not doing harm here using their position.
  27. 0
    21 September 2024 09: 30
    There's nothing stopping them from collecting data on these devils and then quietly paying them off all over the world. Shooting them and then running them over with a car. Like what happened to one helicopter hijacker. They brag about it themselves, they probably post the content online. Does anyone even record all this?
    1. 0
      22 September 2024 07: 45
      "Nothing prevents us from collecting data on these devils and then slowly paying them off all over the world!"
      It was said: "We are not like that."