Pentagon: US does not believe that lifting restrictions on strikes against Russia will have a decisive effect on the course of military operations

Pentagon: US does not believe that lifting restrictions on strikes against Russia will have a decisive effect on the course of military operations

The possible lifting of the ban on Western missile strikes deep into Russian territory will not have a decisive effect on the course of military operations, said Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh.

At a regular briefing at the US Department of Defense, Singh, answering journalists' questions, including about the possible lifting of restrictions on strikes against Russia, said that the Pentagon does not believe that this permission will somehow affect the course of military operations or have a decisive effect on the war. At the same time, the US has not yet changed its policy regarding the use of long-range missiles.

This is not a silver bullet. This is not the one weapon that will win the war or suddenly unlock anything for Ukrainians,

“she said, adding that lifting the ban would not help Ukraine regain its “lost territories.”

Earlier, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said the US was not ready to announce the lifting of restrictions on the use of Western weapons. weapons on Russia, the decision has not been made. The Ukrainian press writes that Biden is allegedly waiting for Zelensky with his "victory plan" to make a final decision. It should be noted that the main point in the plan is precisely the missile strikes on Russia, which Zelensky is placing his main bet on.

But judging by the Pentagon's statements, the US is in no hurry to give such permission, since Russia has already issued a warning. It can be taken seriously, or skeptically, but no one will dare to claim that nothing will happen. What if this really is the last warning, followed by strikes? Let us recall that Putin previously warned that Russia would consider the lifting of restrictions on Western missile strikes as NATO countries directly entering the conflict.
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  1. IVZ
    19 September 2024 22: 28
    The possible lifting of the ban on Western missile strikes deep into Russian territory will not have a decisive effect on the course of military operations. ... that the US is not ready to announce the lifting of restrictions on the use of Western weapons against Russia
    Are they refusing Ukraine or explaining something to us?
    And one more thing. The US is not ready to lift the missile restrictions or announce their lifting? Understand it as you wish.
    1. +2
      19 September 2024 22: 54
      Are they refusing Ukraine or explaining something to us?
      And one more thing. The US is not ready to lift the missile restrictions or announce their lifting? Understand it as you wish.
      Russia has launched over 8000 missiles since the war began. There are also several thousand drones. And what is the result? Yes, it would have been much harder without them, but we would have ended up the same way anyway.
      This is what the Americans want to convey.

      Once again. The Americans demand from Ukraine an exhausting semi-guerrilla war of attrition with retreats. Zeleboba wants to fight in a maneuverable manner with constant attacks and defeats of the Russians. This is where the differences lie. Thanks to Zelensky, Ukraine will lose, since he chose the wrong war strategy. And that's good!
      1. Msi
        19 September 2024 23: 27
        Russia has launched over 8000 missiles since the war began. There are also several thousand drones. And what is the result?

        And what is the conclusion, in your opinion?
        1. +2
          19 September 2024 23: 32
          A slight decrease in the logistical capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Here is the result.
          1. Msi
            19 September 2024 23: 33
            A slight decrease in the logistical capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Here is the result.

            And all these 8000 thousand were used on logistics routes or on personnel and equipment?
            1. +2
              19 September 2024 23: 37
              Do you understand that the losses of personnel from such strikes are just a drop in the ocean compared to the losses of the LBS? Even Poltava and everything else is nothing at all. If you do not understand, then there is nothing to talk about. Regarding equipment, it is about the same. Warehouses with ammunition and logistics, yes.
              1. Msi
                19 September 2024 23: 45
                Warehouses with bk and logistics yes.

                And the Iskander missile strikes were not carried out in the LBS areas? And fuel depots, and energy infrastructure, and airfields, and headquarters. You write like there is no point in our missile strikes, you want to understate their effectiveness.
                1. +2
                  19 September 2024 23: 48
                  And were there no Iskander missile strikes in the LBS areas?
                  No. No. No. Maybe a couple of times during the entire war. What are you talking about? There are FABs flying there. Artillery. What Iskanders on LBS?

                  And fuel warehouses, and energy infrastructure, and airfields.
                  Well, that's all logistics.
                  1. Msi
                    19 September 2024 23: 53
                    No. No. No. Maybe a couple of times during the whole war. What are you talking about? There are FABs flying there. Arta

                    A couple of times... request Maybe I'm reading some unreliable sources. There was information that we were running out of Iskanders (missiles) in the summer, or maybe already in the spring of 2022. They were shooting at everything they could. After a pause in use, they really were. It's only now that the strikes have become more frequent.
                    And fuel warehouses, and energy infrastructure, and airfields.
                    Well, that's all logistics.

                    Aaaah... So that's it. I see.
                    So what do you propose in the end? Not to use them because of their low efficiency, or what?
                    1. +1
                      20 September 2024 00: 07
                      A couple of times... request maybe I'm reading some unreliable sources. There was information that we were running out of Iskanders (missiles) in the summer, or maybe already in the spring of 2022. They were shooting at everything they could. After a pause in use, they really were. It's only now that the strikes have become more frequent.
                      Do you understand the difference between LBS and rear? Apparently not.

                      Aaaah... So that's it. I see.
                      So what do you propose in the end? Not to use them because of their low efficiency, or what?
                      It is absolutely necessary to use it. And I suggest we agree with the Pentagon's statement that it is not a silver bullet and will not decide the outcome of the war.
                      1. Msi
                        20 September 2024 00: 10
                        I suggest I agree with the Pentagon's statement that this is not a silver bullet and will not decide the outcome of the war

                        I suspect that the Pentagon makes such statements for other reasons. They simply heard the message from our officials and are trying to "shift" from the topic...
                      2. +1
                        20 September 2024 00: 15
                        I suspect that the Pentagon makes such statements for other reasons. They simply heard the message from our officials and are trying to "shift" from the topic...
                        It seems that the State Department continues to insist on such use. I think that rational analysts simply sit in the Pentagon and they have roughly calculated the profit from such actions, taking into account the number and availability of missiles, the air defense system and the logistics base of Russia inherited from the USSR. Even the combat range of the SU-34 does not allow them to be significantly suppressed. The point will be very insignificant. And the response will come.
          2. 0
            20 September 2024 02: 01
            Quote: Arzoo
            A slight decrease in the logistical capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Here is the result.

            And what about economic opportunities? Almost the entire West pays them, with all kinds of help. They are constantly supplied with weapons and equipment with fuel, but who will do this for us?
  2. -1
    19 September 2024 22: 40
    Boris Johnson is upset. So is Vova the clown. The European Union has adopted a resolution to lift restrictions. Strange. The shorter the flight time, the more they show off.
  3. +1
    19 September 2024 22: 41
    What a load of empty talk from this lady. wassat
  4. +1
    19 September 2024 23: 09
    Why is Don-Bidon preferable for the Russian Federation?
    Is war profitable for the USA? NATO's empty military warehouses will be replenished - global disarmament is not expected even in the distant future, and who is the world leader in arms trade and its main supplier to the EU=NATO? To replenish the empty warehouses, raw materials, equipment, etc. are needed, and this is the income of the owners of factories, associated scientific institutes and the entire economy. As a support for their oil and gas magnates, they blew up the Nord Stream and banned the use of the surviving pipe, thus creating problems for the EU. It is far from deindustrialization, but this in any case affects support for Ukraine. The President says that the Russian Federation has long since recouped the costs of its construction with a profit, i.e. the oil and gas magnates are not at a loss. I would like more, but even so, Qatar and the USA have surpassed Qatar and the USA in deliveries of 139 billion in gas to the enemy.
    What is the main factor in the growth of the Russian economy?
    Military factories operate 24/7, and how many other industries and productions do they drag along with them? The economy is growing at an unprecedented rate, and the problem with labor has become critically acute. In market-speculative conditions, it is impossible to prohibit the free movement of capital, otherwise there is a threat of a coup d'etat.
    To keep capital from fleeing, the US imposed restrictions on cross-border transactions, personal sanctions on wealthy citizens, and even confiscated some of their assets to keep them quiet. What does Forbes say about the dynamics of wealthy citizens during the war of 22-24?
    Lifting restrictions on strikes against Russia is a Rubicon and Putin has spoken about it. This is not only not beneficial to anyone, but also dangerous, and therefore it is unlikely that anyone will decide to cross it.
    1. -1
      20 September 2024 07: 42
      Quote: Jacques Sekavar
      Lifting restrictions on strikes against Russia is Rubicon and Putin said so. It is not only not beneficial to anyone
      By the way, this can be refuted by your own arguments. For example: the destruction of military warehouses in Toropets and before that in Ostrogozhsk is very profitable for the Russian Federation. The emptied warehouses will be replenished (and before that — rebuilt), this is the income of the owners of factories, scientific institutes associated with them and the entire economy. Military factories work 24x7, and how many other industries and industries do they pull along with them? The economy is growing at an unprecedented rate, and the problem with labor force has become critically acute.
      1. 0
        20 September 2024 13: 00
        Are some elements of cooperation not visible?
  5. +1
    19 September 2024 23: 29
    Indeed, a substitution of concepts, not a lifting of restrictions, but direct participation in the war.
  6. +1
    19 September 2024 23: 42
    Americans began to suspect something wassat
  7. -1
    19 September 2024 23: 59
    "This is not a silver bullet. This is not one weapon that will win a war or suddenly unlock anything for Ukrainians," she said, adding that lifting the ban would not help Ukraine regain "lost territory."
    After such statements, a silver bullet is unlikely to help Sabrina Singh, but an aspen stake will definitely help. It's good that Indian gurus do not see or hear the "creativity" of the press secretary of the US Department of Defense. crying
  8. -1
    20 September 2024 02: 25
    We need their capitulation. In what way? In any way! Can they bring Russia back to the Stone Age? Unlikely. Can Russia bring this misunderstanding back to the Stone Age with conventional weapons? Yes. Possibly overnight. In the morning, the forelocks opened their eyes: no power, no water, no internet or communications, no electric transport, no metro, no banks or ATMs, no charging anywhere, only cash in stores but no power. No supply of ammunition, fuel or reserves. Refrigerators are leaking. Meat is gone. Electric stoves and air conditioners are not working. And so on and so forth. The way out is capitulation, disarmament and arrest of war criminals. But for some reason they think that they will continue to be spared. What the hell? Wake up, non-brothers! They constantly raise the provocative issue of nuclear weapons. They can be pinched to the point of impossibility anyway! And the core is for the respected "partners."
  9. +1
    20 September 2024 03: 13
    they need an excuse, so they look for all sorts of excuses and by the way they look at our reaction, like they will put up with it again like always
  10. 0
    20 September 2024 10: 06
    The US does not believe that lifting restrictions on strikes against Russia will have a decisive effect on the course of military operations

    The main thing is what to consider a decisive effect, if the attack on Rzeszow, Warsaw, Kuev and Brussels is not included in this list, then of course it will not have an effect