Mossad Opens New Page in History of Sabotage Operations

Mossad Opens New Page in History of Sabotage Operations

On the afternoon of September 17, pagers used by members of the Islamist group Hezbollah to communicate with each other exploded en masse in Lebanon. Initially, the media assumed that this was a cyber attack by Israeli intelligence services, which hacked the pagers and caused their batteries to explode, but, according to Reuters, several thousand pagers exploded when a coded message was sent to them, activating explosives previously planted in them.

"The Mossad has implanted a circuit board with explosives inside the device, which receives a code. It is very difficult to detect by any means,"

– the publication reported. According to it, the devices were modified by Mossad “at the production level.”

In turn, Sky News Arabia reports that Israeli intelligence Mossad gained access to pagers intended for Lebanese Hezbollah and preliminarily placed PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) explosive in them. It detonated when Israeli intelligence services remotely heated the batteries of the devices.

Be that as it may, it must be stated that Mossad not only carried out a successful special operation, but also opened a new page in stories sabotage adventures.

Explosives in batch of pagers

Indeed, the scale of the Mossad special operation is impressive – as a result of the sabotage, 11 people were killed, more than 4 thousand people were injured, of which about 500 people are in serious condition. Among the victims was the Iranian ambassador to Beirut. Communication devices detonated almost simultaneously in different areas of Lebanon.

"Israel carried out its operation against Hezbollah on Tuesday, hiding explosives in a new batch of Taiwanese-made pagers imported into Lebanon. The explosive, weighing about 20 grams, was placed next to the battery in each pager. The device also had a switch built into it that could be activated remotely,"

- пишет, in particular, The New York Times.

According to the newspaper, on September 17 at about 15:30 p.m. a message was received on pagers that looked like it was coming from Hezbollah leadership. This message detonated the explosives.

Many people wonder: are pagers still used? That's so last century! In fact, paging has not died out completely, and is still used in some places. Considering that the head of Hezbollah said some time ago that smartphones and mobile phones are "more dangerous than Israeli spies" and should be "destroyed and buried," it is not surprising that members of the group have begun to mainly use long-outdated pagers.

They were also prompted to do this by the story of the destruction of the leader of the Hamas militants, whom the Israeli intelligence services allegedly tracked down using his smartphone (a spy program implanted in his phone using the WhatsApp messenger), and then liquidated right in his own residence in Tehran, inflicting missile hit.

However, the pager also turned out to be far from a secure means of communication.

Another issue is that the pagers (their manufacturer is the Taiwanese company Gold Apollo, but in fact the devices were manufactured by a European company that has the right to use the company's brand) were brought to Lebanon at the beginning of the year, and all this time Hezbollah did not know that they contained explosives.

Radio communications specialist Evgeny Balabas, in his comments to the media, in particular, correctly saidThat:

"all more or less standard pagers, radio stations, and other means of communication are fairly easy to disassemble, and a minimally experienced radio engineer or even a radio amateur can easily detect a foreign body in the form of a detonator cap. Hiding it so that it would be impossible to detect during disassembly is extremely difficult. And it is very strange that none of the devices were disassembled to search for such "bookmarks", even by accident, during some repair. So the security services of Hezbollah can definitely be given a "fail".

The Future of Subversive Wars

Putting aside the moral side of the issue, what happened can be called a brilliant operation of Israeli intelligence in the spirit of the best spy movies. It will certainly go down in history. Hezbollah was dealt a crushing blow, while Israel did not even engage in combat with it. In terms of sophistication in the methods of destroying its enemies, the Israeli secret services have practically no equal.

After the strike on Iran, which killed the leader of Hamas, Iran and Lebanon threatened Israel with terrible punishments, but in fact we have not seen any clear response to Tel Aviv's actions. Why? Because Iran is actually afraid of Israel: rhetoric is one thing, real politics is another. In the end, a new strike was again carried out by Israel, which had long been preparing an operation against Lebanon, from whose territory the country is being shelled.

Whether this special operation is merely a prelude to an invasion of Lebanon and the creation of a “security zone” on its border is another question, and the author will not consider it within the framework of this material.

One can only assume that, judging by the fact that on September 18, the massive sabotage operation continued (only now portable radios and phones began to explode, and here we are apparently talking about a cyber attack, and not just about planted explosives), such an option is quite possible, although Israel has already achieved tangible results. In the event of the destruction of all communications and electronics, the paramilitary groups of Lebanon will simply not be able to coordinate their fighters. And the country itself will be thrown back hundreds of years.

Also, the question of what the response of Hezbollah and Iran might be (or whether there will be one at all) will not be considered. I would like to note something else - we have witnessed what the sabotage operations of the future will be like.

It is already possible today to remotely hack the same smartphone (by introducing a spy program into it in one way or another) and overheat its battery until it explodes (depending on the device). Yes, it is difficult, since some modern smartphone models, in theory, should turn off when overheated, but it is possible, because periodically certain smartphones explode, causing damage to their owners. Probably, such operations will soon become a regular occurrence.

For this reason, there is little doubt that such methods of murder will be practiced more widely in the future. Exploding phones and radios, killer nano-mosquitoes that can fly up to anyone unnoticed and inject a deadly poison – technology will make sabotage operations and murders even more sophisticated.
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  1. +17
    20 September 2024 06: 48
    Mossad didn't just carry out a successful special operation
    this is not a special operation, but terrorist attack with indiscriminate use of civilian devices
    1. +7
      20 September 2024 06: 58
      Quote: Olgovich
      not a special operation, but a terrorist attack with indiscriminate use of civilian devices


      opened a new page in the history of sabotage operations
      - I didn’t open a page, but Pandora’s box.
      1. 2al
        20 September 2024 08: 40
        I agree, Israel and its allies are extremely vulnerable to this kind of attack. By the way, the popularity of this topic is noticeable in China, which in fact produces almost all consumer electronics and IOT.
    2. +13
      20 September 2024 06: 58
      Quote: Olgovich
      Mossad didn't just carry out a successful special operation
      this is not a special operation, but terrorist attack with indiscriminate use of civilian devices

      Well, how is it indiscriminate? They hit the one they wanted
      1. +3
        20 September 2024 07: 16
        Quote: BecmepH
        Well, how is it indiscriminate? They hit the one they wanted

        i.e. children, doctors, etc. (see news about their deaths)?
        1. 0
          20 September 2024 07: 20
          Quote: Olgovich
          Quote: BecmepH
          Well, how is it indiscriminate? They hit the one they wanted

          i.e. children, doctors, etc. (see news about their deaths)?

          I don’t want to seem cynical, but the explosions were not directed against children, doctors, etc. They wanted to kill specific people.
          1. +7
            20 September 2024 07: 28
            Quote: BecmepH
            They wanted to kill specific people.

            So they killed - children, doctors, etc., incl.
            Having violated the Convention signed by them on 28.04.2021 -
            Convention on "inhumane" weapons, where booby traps are mentioned, as is the inadmissibility of civilian suffering.
            1. +1
              20 September 2024 07: 40
              Is this something new?
              Only the means of delivering weapons of mass destruction of the enemy's civilian population have changed (been added). Previously, the same thing was bombs, missiles, mines.
              In my opinion, this is not much different from how the Ukrainians killed in the LPR and DPR, NATO killed the Serbs, the US killed the Vietnamese and Japanese...
              1. +1
                20 September 2024 07: 46
                Quote: JcVai
                Is this something new?

                These are booby traps disguised as civil household appliances-.
                1. +2
                  20 September 2024 10: 34
                  It's just another means of delivery. I don't see any difference between Israelis killing with rockets, bombs, a mine or a child's toy with explosives: the goal and the result are the same.
                  If they needed to kill more Palestinians, they carpet bombed Gaza; if they needed to kill more Lebanese, they detonated prepared mines.
                  Once again, this is simply another mass, indiscriminate use of a weapon with a rarely used delivery method.
                  And they have long forgiven themselves for this and consider it acceptable.
                  It is also worth considering that this is not the worst option they allow themselves, remembering the mining of children's toys by the Nazis or the use of biochemistry by the Americans.
                  1. +1
                    20 September 2024 11: 43
                    Quote: JcVai
                    It's just another means of delivery. I don't see any difference between Israelis killing with rockets, bombs, a mine or a child's toy with explosives: the goal and the result are the same.

                    Children's toys with explosives are prohibited and the Israelis disown them because the result and the goal are different.
                2. 0
                  23 September 2024 18: 09
                  A regular pager is not a military radio.
            2. -1
              20 September 2024 12: 10
              Quote: Olgovich
              Convention of 28.04.2021 -

              What kind of convention is this?
          2. +3
            20 September 2024 09: 08
            Quote: BecmepH

            I don’t want to seem cynical, but the explosions were not directed against children, doctors, etc. They wanted to kill specific people.

            Not specific at all, people to sow panic. And now it will flare up all over the world. Next after Israel, it will be Ukraine, and then it will spread all over the world. Now you will think about buying an iPhone or getting an old mobile phone, and you won’t be able to fly on airplanes.
            1. +2
              20 September 2024 09: 15
              Quote: carpenter
              Not at all specific people, to sow panic.

              About 3000 members "Hezbollah" were injured in Lebanon as a result of a synchronized explosion of pagers. According to Arab media, people first felt that the devices began to heat up sharply, and then they exploded. So far, 10 people are known to have died and many seriously injured, including the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon.
          3. -1
            21 September 2024 20: 52
            Quote: BecmepH
            Quote: Olgovich
            Quote: BecmepH
            Well, how is it indiscriminate? They hit the one they wanted

            i.e. children, doctors, etc. (see news about their deaths)?

            I don’t want to seem cynical, but the explosions were not directed against children, doctors, etc. They wanted to kill specific people.

            Let's drop an atomic bomb on Zelensky
      2. 0
        20 September 2024 07: 54
        Quote: BecmepH
        Hit the one you wanted

        Did they want to impress everyone? Even the Iranian ambassador!
        1. +4
          20 September 2024 11: 51
          Quote: Stas157
          Quote: BecmepH
          Hit the one you wanted

          Did they want to impress everyone? Even the Iranian ambassador!

          But what if he actively interacts with Hezbollah and has their pager for communication?
      3. 0
        20 September 2024 17: 03
        Now they will selectively kill Jews all over the world.
    3. 0
      20 September 2024 09: 23
      Quote: Olgovich
      Mossad didn't just carry out a successful special operation
      this is not a special operation, but terrorist attack with indiscriminate use of civilian devices

      The operation with the pagers was prepared by Israeli intelligence for a long time, the American television channel ABC News claims, citing an informed source in American intelligence.
      Military Review

      Is Israeli intelligence a terrorist organization?
      Still, figure out what a terrorist attack and a special operation are.
      1. +3
        20 September 2024 10: 16
        Quote: BecmepH
        Still, figure out what a terrorist attack and a special operation are.

        A terrorist act (terrorist attack) is the commission of an explosion, arson or other actions associated with intimidation of the population and creating a danger of death of a person, causing significant material damage or other particularly serious consequences (c)
        What happened.
        Quote: BecmepH
        Is Israeli intelligence a terrorist organization?

        Well, who commits a terrorist attack?
        1. +1
          20 September 2024 12: 04
          Quote: Olgovich
          Quote: BecmepH
          Still, figure out what a terrorist attack and a special operation are.

          A terrorist act (terrorist attack) is the commission of an explosion, arson or other actions associated with intimidation of the population and creating a danger of death of a person, causing significant material damage or other particularly serious consequences (c)
          What happened.
          Quote: BecmepH
          Is Israeli intelligence a terrorist organization?

          Well, who commits a terrorist attack?
          And still
          A terrorist act is a form of violence that is considered a criminal offense committed private individuals, members of non-governmental organizations...

          I am trying to convey that organized explosions of electronics are aggravated by the fact that it was organized by the Government of the state. And this is an aggravating circumstance. And you are stuck on the definition of the act and are trying to convince me that a terrorist attack is more terrible than a special operation
          1. -1
            20 September 2024 12: 09
            Quote: BecmepH
            And still
            A terrorist act is a form of violence that is considered a criminal offense committed by a private individual, members of non-governmental organizations...

            stupidity - there is a definition countries, supporting terrorism
            Quote: BecmepH
            What I'm trying to convey is that the organized explosions of electronics are aggravated by the fact that it was organized by the government of the state. And this is an aggravating circumstance.

            Who argues with that?
            Quote: BecmepH
            But you are stuck on the definition of the act and are trying to convince me that a terrorist attack is more terrible than a special operation.

            terrorist attacks are criminally punishable and universally condemned, unlike the operation troops
            1. 0
              20 September 2024 12: 13
              Quote: Olgovich
              terrorist attacks are criminally punishable and universally condemned, unlike the operation troops

              Well, why are you distorting everything?)) No one even mentioned a military operation. You wrote it yourself
              this is not a special operation
            2. -1
              20 September 2024 12: 26
              Quote: Olgovich
              Quote: BecmepH
              And still
              A terrorist act is a form of violence that is considered a criminal offense committed by a private individual, members of non-governmental organizations...

              nonsense - there is a definition of countries that support terrorism
              We came up with it ourselves...
              Despite the legal force of the term "terrorism", it does not have a clear definition. However, the most common opinion defines this term as "the violent achievement of political, ideological, economic and religious goals." Associations of individuals who carry out terrorist activities are called terrorist groups.

              In the law of Russia, terrorism is defined as the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing public consciousness, decision-making by state authorities, local authorities or international organizations, associated with force, intimidation of civilians and / or other forms of unlawful violent actions [8].

              In US law, it is defined as deliberate, politically motivated violence committed against civilians or objects by federal-level subnational groups or clandestine agents and organizations, usually with the purpose of influencing public sentiment.

              The impact on is indicated everywhere civilians.
              Hezbollah, in your opinion, is a peaceful organization? Hezbollah promotes and practices military jihad. That is why I think this is a special operation (and this is very scary) that will be included in textbooks.
              1. +1
                20 September 2024 17: 21
                Is there a hundred percent certainty that all the pagers were in the hands of Hezbollah supporters and that they were alone in the bunker at the time of the explosion? All Jewish intelligence operations are successful because of the big money for some leaders of Arab movements.
    4. +1
      20 September 2024 11: 49
      Quote: Olgovich
      This is not a special operation, but a terrorist attack with the indiscriminate use of civilian devices

      And on October 7th there was a sweet, harmless joke.
      1. 0
        20 September 2024 11: 50
        Quote: Pushkar
        And on October 7th there was a sweet, harmless joke.

        special operation.
    5. +2
      20 September 2024 13: 30
      Quote: Olgovich
      this is not a special operation, but terrorist attack with indiscriminate use of civilian devices
      The sons of Israel have planted explosives in phones before, but here they have taken it to a conveyor belt and are not selective.
    6. +1
      20 September 2024 20: 43
      attempted murder committed in a socially dangerous manner
  2. +6
    20 September 2024 06: 54
    We had this in "Deadly Force" in 2000.
  3. +4
    20 September 2024 07: 04
    Interesting chart of Iran's oil exports, somehow it cheerfully went up under President Biden, looks like a deal. Trump found a way to almost zero out Iranian oil exports.
  4. +3
    20 September 2024 07: 10
    Once again, we need to think about creating our own communication systems. Many people, including intelligence agencies, are running around with iPhones and Apple Watches, sincerely believing that this way all their data is completely safe, and also using WhatsApp and Telegram, well, how did they promise safety? But Israel has once again shown that it is impossible to relax, and is using any means, even immoral ones, to achieve its goals. I am already starting to think that the entire attack on Israel was well planned, since it allowed Israel to untie its hands, and Mossad does not look like blind idiots at all...
    1. +6
      20 September 2024 07: 17
      Quote from turembo
      I'm starting to think that the whole attack on Israel was well planned,

      And who attacked them? How much foreign territory did they take away after 1948?
    2. +2
      20 September 2024 08: 03
      Quote from turembo
      Once again, we need to think about creating our own communication systems

      They've been talking about this since the first smartphone appeared. It seems there's already a domestic operating system Aurora based on Finnish Symbian, but there is no practical application for it yet...
    3. +4
      20 September 2024 08: 35
      Once again, we need to think about creating our own communication systems...

      I suppose you need to think about producing all your own electronic products.
      And if it happens selectively, batteries in electric cars will start to explode.
      Any "iron" with Internet access will cause concern.
    4. 0
      20 September 2024 09: 47
      Suppliers need to be checked, then equipment needs to be checked, the presidential administration, the General Staff, the prosecutor's office, etc., use the Western auto industry, that's where you can plant explosives and surveillance and wiretapping equipment, but I'm sure that at least in the garage of the presidential administration, every new car is carefully checked.
  5. -4
    20 September 2024 07: 20
    Israel used something similar against us on December 25, 2016. The Russian Air Force Tu-154B-2 airliner crashed into the Black Sea and was completely destroyed 1 minute and 10 seconds after taking off from Sochi. All 92 people on board were killed — 84 passengers and 8 crew members. Among the dead were the artists of the Alexandrov Military Ensemble and Elizaveta Glinka. The Alexandrov Ensemble was supposed to perform for Russian servicemen taking part in the Russian military operation in Syria.
    The blame was put on overload and pilot error, although it was a simple interception of control due to electronics. Electronics and, especially, avionics were then delivered through Israel under gray schemes, and many Russian aircraft were left defenseless against the threat. As a result, the potential threat to the Israeli Air Force from our SAMs and aviation was politically neutralized by tacit agreements.
    I will add that the guarantees of immunity for V. Zelensky were provided by our President at the request of B. Netanyahu, and not without reason.
    1. +5
      20 September 2024 08: 54
      And what was the point of this action? What was critically important for Israel at that TU?
    2. +3
      20 September 2024 10: 19
      Quote: Victor Leningradets
      Israel already used something similar against us on December 25, 2016. The Russian Air Force Tu-154B-2 airliner crashed into the Black Sea and completely disintegrated 1 minute and 10 seconds after taking off from Sochi. All 92 people on board were killed — 84 passengers and 8 crew members. Among the dead were the artists of the military ensemble Alexandrova and Elizaveta Glinka.

      Bad example. No one would have revealed the possibility of such a method on artists. They would have found a more significant object.
      1. -3
        20 September 2024 10: 52
        Intelligence services always try to achieve maximum publicity for an incident in demonstration actions. This allows them to get the proper reaction from the opponent to a closed message.
        They don’t feel sorry for pro-Russian artists, just like they don’t feel sorry for anyone who is not under the protection of Israel and world Jewry.
    3. +1
      20 September 2024 11: 59
      Quote: Victor Leningradets
      Israel used something similar against us on December 25, 2016. The Russian Air Force Tu-154B-2 airliner crashed into the Black Sea and was completely destroyed 1 minute and 10 seconds after taking off from Sochi. All 92 people on board were killed — 84 passengers and 8 crew members. Among the dead were the artists of the Alexandrov Military Ensemble and Elizaveta Glinka. The Alexandrov Ensemble was supposed to perform for Russian servicemen taking part in the Russian military operation in Syria.
      The blame was put on overload and pilot error, although it was a simple interception of control due to electronics. Electronics and, especially, avionics were then delivered through Israel under gray schemes, and many Russian aircraft were left defenseless against the threat. As a result, the potential threat to the Israeli Air Force from our SAMs and aviation was politically neutralized by tacit agreements.
      I will add that the guarantees of immunity for V. Zelensky were provided by our President at the request of B. Netanyahu, and not without reason.

      Are you sure this is Israel? They just overloaded an old car.
      1. -1
        20 September 2024 13: 05
        Of course!
        And they confused the sky with water.
        They exceeded the angle of attack and crashed on takeoff.
        Note: takeoff towards the sea, altitude can be gained smoothly, thrust is more than enough, and suddenly they jerk towards themselves. Experienced pilots, the machine is native, and such an embarrassment!
        Roldugin played on the ruins of Palmyra - and that's enough. And the Alexandrov ensemble turned out to be superfluous. But it was impossible to hide the fact under a veil.
        Israel needed our air defense neutralized in order to terrorize Lebanon and Syria with impunity. They solved the problem. Our guys never tried to shoot down an Israeli plane.
  6. +4
    20 September 2024 07: 24
    ""For this reason, there is little doubt that such methods of murder will be practiced more widely in the future. Exploding phones and radios, killer nano-mosquitoes that can fly up to anyone unnoticed and inject a deadly poison – technology will make sabotage operations and murders even more sophisticated.""
    Well, yes. It's obvious given the development of technology, the field of possibilities is simply immeasurable. After all the devices on the planet are somehow connected to the network due to the convenience of use by people, then the fun will begin. Even without a nano-mosquito, you fly in your car with a bunch of electronic systems, including, of course, a steering function for safety, someone presses a button and here you are in an oncoming truck/wall/cliff. And not only a terrorist or an enemy state can do this, they can also waste their own regime. They wanted cyberpunk like in the movies, well, that's what we got.
    1. +4
      20 September 2024 07: 43
      "Our technology exceeds our humanity" (c) Albert Einstein
  7. +2
    20 September 2024 07: 53
    Such a terrorist act shows that the future security of any state is in danger. Because this can be implemented in any electronic equipment. There is only one thing left. Either produce it yourself or buy it from reliable manufacturers.
  8. +2
    20 September 2024 07: 57
    Yesterday the article Israel opened new horizons, today: "Mossad" opened a new page, the first author is Skomorokhov, the second is Biryukov, the second article repeats the first. This is just something new
    Because Iran is actually afraid of Israel: rhetoric is one thing, real politics is another.
    Does Iran border Israel? Isn't Iran covered with international sanctions, unlike Israel? Iran can only do what it can and nothing more, and Iran is not a monster and does not enjoy such special international support as Israel.
  9. 0
    20 September 2024 07: 59
    Remotely hack the same smartphone
    This can be easily done and then the whole country will be easily immobilized...
  10. 0
    20 September 2024 08: 00
    The Jews have demonstrated yet another proof of the terrorist nature of their state and people.
    1. -4
      20 September 2024 09: 30
      I am touched by some commentators who talk about the "terrorist essence of Israel" and at the same time fully approve of the terrorist actions of Hamas, which, in fact, started this whole cruel meat grinder in the Middle East. You are one of those commentators.
      Many have already forgotten that it all began with the brutal murders of women and children at a festival by Islamist militants (Hezbollah is not much different from Hamas). Cruelty breeds counter-cruelty. Israel, in this regard, knows how to destroy its enemies and does not care about public opinion and international law. Therefore, from a moral point of view, both sides are not far from each other.
      1. +5
        20 September 2024 09: 45
        I suggest you remember how, from the very formation of Israel, Jews began to seize Palestinian lands. And how Jews constantly bomb the states surrounding Israel if they think that a threat may come from there. Israel has been confirming its status as a terrorist state for decades. And I think that the centuries-old persecution of the Jewish people by many states has a completely rational basis. And this country will immediately cease to exist after the weakening and collapse of the United States. As for Hamas, Hezbollah - these organizations are also terrorist.
        1. 0
          20 September 2024 09: 59
          the jewish people under the control of the zionist elite have ALWAYS been terrorists
          one of the first mentions was written about themselves
          In Ancient Egypt, they robbed and "blew up pagers"
          to avoid getting a response they ran away
          another during the Jewish wars, several hundred thousand civilians were killed by bandit groups
          Greeks and Romans am
        2. +2
          20 September 2024 10: 16
          And Hamas, by the way, was created by Jews as a counterweight to the Palestine Liberation Organization. And now the Jews are suffering from their own brainchild. You can laugh...
      2. +2
        20 September 2024 10: 44
        But strange things about the February event are still emerging: why did Israel help Hamas carry it out (ignoring reports from its services, surveillance equipment, etc., that were not involved in organizing this attack), why there is still no reliable confirmation of these brutal murders of children (there were statements from the leadership with fake photos and journalists who later retracted their words).
        Yes, both sides have been fighting each other for a long time. But blaming Hamas for the February events according to the Israeli propagandists' manuals is somewhat one-sided and incorrect, unless, of course, you are their (non-)staff employee/participant.
      3. +4
        20 September 2024 12: 39
        Quote: Viktor Biryukov
        Many have already forgotten that it all began with the brutal murders of women and children at the festival by Islamist militants (Hezbollah is not much different from Hamas). Cruelty breeds counter-cruelty.

        And you forgot about the brutal murders of Palestinians with all types of heavy weapons during numerous "operations". Let me remind you:
        2006: Operation Summer Rains
        2006: Gaza Beach Explosion (2006)
        2006: The 2006 Israel-Gaza conflict
        2006: Beit Hanoun shelling in 2006
        November 2006: Operation Autumn Clouds
        2008: Beit Hanoun incident in April 2008
        February 2008: Operation Hot Winter
        2008: (The 2008 ceasefire between Israel and Hamas does not constitute an attack; it ended on November 4, 2008.)
        2008-2009: Gaza War (2008-09)
        2009: List of Israeli attacks on Gaza, 2009
        2010: Israel-Gaza clashes in March 2010
        May 2010: Gaza flotilla raid (in international waters)
        2011: Air raids on Gaza in August 2011
        2012 March: Gaza-Israel clashes in March 2012; Operation Returning Echo
        2012: Operation Pillar of Defense
        2014: 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict
        2015: 2015-2016 surge in violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
        2018: Gaza-Israel Clashes (November 2018)
        2021: The Israeli-Palestinian Crisis 2021
        2022: Operation Dawn
      4. -2
        20 September 2024 17: 37
        "Many have already forgotten that it all began with the brutal murders of women and children at the festival by Islamist militants" - oh, it turns out that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict began with the festival. And you are immediately obvious - "an expert".
        Well, no one forced you to speak up - so tell me how many children were killed at the festival. And let's see how many Jews killed:
        " BBC - Israeli forces have killed around 1 women in Gaza, according to a UN report released on March 9. The report said the figure was likely to be an underestimate because many victims were thought to be trapped under rubble.

        According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), more than 13 children have died in Gaza since the war began."
        And the numbers are only growing.
        But for the especially “gifted” ones, “from a moral point of view, both sides are not far from each other.”

        "Cruelty breeds counter-cruelty." - well then after Sabra and Shatila the Palestinians have the right to destroy their enemies. So don't start whining here that "poor Jews" were attacked by "evil Palestinians". Otherwise you'll look a lot like the first ones.
  11. -2
    20 September 2024 08: 07
    Perhaps the Israeli operation was aimed not so much at people as at communications. They disabled the warning system before a large-scale ground operation and demoralized the enemy. Now Hezbollah will not be able to quickly mobilize its fighters.

    If the operation really took 15 years to prepare, then its land part should be impressive. The most interesting part is yet to come.
  12. -1
    20 September 2024 08: 26
    Be that as it may, it should be stated that the Mossad not only carried out a successful special operation

    Israel and its brainchild ISIS are good in terrorist attack after all they literally invented terrorist attack and suicide bombing by targeting Britain but it's not something to be proud of
  13. +1
    20 September 2024 08: 45
    The Boeing kamikazes looked more impressive. After that, the Americans bombed Afghanistan. Then they should have bombed the Jewish terrorists, but the Americans are protecting them. And instead of bombing Israel, the Jews are bombing Lebanon. The Koreans didn't wait for the Americans to bomb them and created a missile-nuclear shield. The Iranians are running from side to side.
  14. +4
    20 September 2024 09: 14
    Did anyone expect anything else from Mossad? The Jews simply don't give a damn about any agreements or restrictions. They will always kill their opponents by any means available. And nothing will stop them.
  15. +1
    20 September 2024 09: 20
    There is a secret network that is used by the now rare pagers.
    The result is that whoever blew himself up is an Islamist. It's immediately obvious who it is. They probably exposed almost the entire network.
    Of course, it's a one-time event, but it's loud.
    1. -2
      20 September 2024 09: 39
      Quote: Max1995
      There is a secret network that is used by the now rare pagers

      What are you talking about?!
      And you are a member of this secret network?
  16. -1
    20 September 2024 09: 27
    So "new page" or "new horizons"? laughing
  17. -1
    20 September 2024 09: 35
    Author of this opus, who do you work for?
    Manipulation of meanings, substitution of concepts - methods of ideological sabotage and brainwashing in the interests of the customer.
    A terrorist attack is not sabotage at all.
    Sabotage is an action aimed at the destruction and disabling of energy facilities, defense industry, transport, military facilities, etc. In particular, these may be plants, factories, bridges, tunnels, reservoirs, food warehouses. In this case, sabotage involves an explosion, arson, and other actions aimed at the destruction of a particular object. Other actions include: causing landslides, disasters, floods, etc.
    A terrorist act is the commission of an explosion, arson or other actions that frighten the population and create a danger of death, causing significant property damage or other serious consequences, with the aim of destabilizing the activities of government bodies or international organizations or influencing their decision-making.
  18. 0
    20 September 2024 09: 48
    The news said that this operation had been in preparation for more than ten years! Front companies in Hungary and somewhere else, a huge chain of actors. And pro-Western Taiwan. In short, the operation was really serious, although few people died, was it worth it?!
    1. +2
      20 September 2024 10: 28
      Just another confirmation that Jews (and the entire West) do not disdain anything. This is to say whether it was worth it. The point is that the insides of Jews and other Western countries are identical - the only difference is that the West is always deceitful and two-faced, trying to justify its actions, and Jews do not hesitate to do bad things and do not justify themselves...
    2. +4
      20 September 2024 10: 56
      If processors and controllers have been loaded with NSA bugs for decades, this is not an indication that they have been preparing an operation against Russia/China for many years. This is simply the use of previously prepared means from those available.
      It is clear that now they will divert suspicion from controlled production, transferring everything to logistical intervention in order to reduce damage to these same producers.
      Because to plant caches and explosives in such a large number of different devices (and there are not only pagers and radios) at the logistical level a significant amount of time and participants is required. Accordingly, when a road train travels for a month instead of a day, and hundreds of unauthorized workers are hanging around nearby - it is problematic to hide this. But making a production batch in factory conditions with a separate night shift will not be a problem.
  19. +1
    20 September 2024 10: 17
    nano mosquito killers

    yeah... also a sex robot with AI, whose "stop word" can be turned off remotely))
    use your imagination boldly, comrade!)
  20. 0
    20 September 2024 10: 23
    They are certainly handsome, they pulled off such an event, and no one had any idea.
  21. +2
    20 September 2024 11: 39
    Terrorists, one hundred percent. Murderers without honor or conscience.
  22. +3
    20 September 2024 12: 37
    The question is different - why does Israel have the right to do this? And this is a question for the Arabs in general and the world community.
    1. -1
      20 September 2024 12: 51
      Quote: Igor1915
      The question is different - why does Israel have the right to do this? And this is a question for the Arabs in general and the world community.

      If you have the opportunity, you have the right.
      1. +2
        20 September 2024 17: 45
        If you have the opportunity, you have the right.

        When will the Russian leadership apply this remarkable statement to its tactical and strategic nuclear weapons?
  23. 0
    20 September 2024 12: 49
    It is already possible today to remotely hack the same smartphone (by introducing a spy program into it in one way or another) and overheat its battery to the point of explosion (depending on the device).

    It won't work, shutdown due to overheating is one of the foundations of well-developed safety of lithium-ion batteries, and battery safety systems, called BMS - Battery Management System, are completely independent of the devices in which the batteries are used. Overheating, short circuit on the consumer side - the battery is immediately and irreversibly disconnected at the hardware level, which reduces the risk of thermal runaway and fire. Therefore, repair of batteries in modern gadgets is difficult, with the slightest mistake the controller is irreversibly blocked.
    The industry has had bad experiences with relying on software for security; read about the problems with the Therac-25 radiation therapy machine from the 80s, where software glitches led to overtraining and patient deaths.
  24. 0
    20 September 2024 14: 33
    Dear Author! No need to come up with new "horror stories - wishes" regarding "Mossad" and the alleged opening by them of a "new page" in the history of sabotage operations... All their movements and "inventions" are well forgotten old, long ago taken up as "arms" by special services and criminals... Try to "dig" into the history of operations carried out by special services... I think that you will find plenty of analogues of this "invention"... "Hyping" on such issues, it seems to me, is putting yourself in an "uncomfortable position"...
    1. 0
      20 September 2024 18: 24
      And in such a massive way? Single ones
      use cases yes.
  25. 0
    20 September 2024 17: 41
    Putting aside the moral side of the issue, what happened can be called a brilliant operation of Israeli intelligence in the spirit of the best spy movies. It will certainly go down in history. Hezbollah was dealt a crushing blow, while Israel did not even engage in combat with it. In terms of sophistication in the methods of destroying its enemies, the Israeli secret services have practically no equal.

    So the same can be said about the first use of chemical weapons, or the dropping of nuclear bombs on Japan. Or Japan's use of ticks infected with encephalitis against the USSR.
    Mass mining of household items is just another type of WMD, nothing more.
  26. +3
    20 September 2024 18: 22
    Israel and Mossad deserve a big thank you, they opened our eyes to possible sabotage with imported means used on a mass scale. If you want a connection, make your own Lighthouse Viola Pier Kama Angara Pier and many other things were produced in the USSR.
  27. 0
    22 September 2024 13: 15
    For such creativity, the performers and drivers should have their hands publicly torn off first below the belly, and then above the shoulders. Scum.
  28. 0
    24 September 2024 11: 43
    Mossad Opens New Page in History of Sabotage Operations

    So it is not clear what is new here? Where is the difference between the Trojan horse and the time of Omir?
    Here are some questions for Hezbollah: how do they purchase and where do they get not only pagers, but also televisions, refrigerators, cars, and so on.
  29. 0
    25 September 2024 00: 03
    Aren't Jews afraid of a response in the style of the 90s TV series Bugs?
  30. 0
    25 September 2024 11: 03
    If 1 billion Arabs behave like a flock of sheep, which 9 million Zionists slaughter for meat, and cannot agree, unite, give a worthy rebuff and eliminate the threat of genocide, so be it. Having received carte blanche from their overseas roof, hiding behind a shield and for some reason considering an indisputable indulgence, imposed on the whole world at the level of religion (the Holocaust), for all conceivable and inconceivable crimes of Jewry, including direct genocide, the Zionists will faithfully fulfill the role of an aggressive military outpost of Western imperialism. Since ancient times, the Israelis cut out their neighbors at the roots, denying themselves nothing and limiting themselves nothing.