By hook or by crook. France mobilizes African terrorists to fight musicians

By hook or by crook. France mobilizes African terrorists to fight musicians

How fickle fashion is. I'm not talking about clothes or other material things. I'm talking about love, respect, admiration and other things that have no price in material terms. Just recently, almost every day, in the media and on various Internet platforms there was only talk about the heroism of PMC fighters, and suddenly after the well-known events and the death of the company's leadership - interest disappeared...

I understand that this happened largely because the musicians' units were withdrawn from the SVO zone, and it became not so easy to promote themselves on their exploits. And the orchestra itself did not particularly want to shine in the information space once again. They completed their tasks on the Russian-Ukrainian front and returned to their usual work.

Not many remember where the musicians in the SVO zone came from. For Ukrainians, the musicians just popped out of the blue. Well trained, incapable of retreating and highly motivated to win. They appeared in Syria and then in Ukraine. Although there were reports in the press that many musicians worked in Africa.

The silence lasted for quite a long time, and suddenly, attentive readers should have noticed, advertisements for recruitment of employees for PMCs appeared on the Internet. And in the early advertisements this was not the case, employees are recruited for a specific place, if, of course, Africa can be called a specific place, and for a specific job. To fight terrorists!

It is enough to think a little to understand that the musicians have taken on a very serious job and understand perfectly well that the enemy will be quite serious. And if you recall the media reports about the defeat of a detachment of musicians by African "rebel freedom fighters" in Mali, then everything falls into place. The guys got involved in a really serious "problem", and they will be confronted not just by the "chief of the Yumba-Yumba tribe", but by an entire state.

Again, without much effort, just by looking at the Western press, one can understand that Paris will work against Wagner and other PMCs. It is France that is rapidly losing ground in its African colonies today, and therefore losing the resources that French industry needs. And it is in these former colonies that the orchestra's employees have been exposed.

France cannot resist the national liberation movement in the colonies

France, despite the assurances of its military, today does not have sufficient military force capable of maintaining dominance in the colonies. I agree with one of the French generals who openly stated that the army has been turned into a toy for parades.

If earlier, in the late 50s and early 60s of the last century, at the height of the GND, the colonies achieved independence in direct military confrontation with the colonizers, today the French army was simply asked to get out of Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso.

Never mind, they wiped themselves and left. But colonizers never work with their own hands. They create a huge network of their supporters from among the local population. Moreover, the colonizers' protégés most often occupy key positions in many sectors of the economy and play a prominent role in the political life of countries. We experienced something similar in the "dashing" 90s.

Naturally, the governments of the liberated countries, after breaking off relations with the colonizers, also become economically liberated. African countries have come to understand that their resources are expensive, and it is stupid to give them away for next to nothing. Hence the search for new partners who would buy resources at fair prices.

Then everything is simple.

If the local government is against cooperation with the French and their allies, there are only two options left to search for. Either Russia, with its reputation as an honest partner, or China with its economic power. In principle, today these two states are expanding their presence on the African continent.

The former French colonies chose Russia. At the same time, realizing that the Russian Army would not be able to be present in the region due to the events in Ukraine, they went for another option of military assistance. To conclude a contract with Russian PMCs, ensuring protection against a possible invasion by their former masters and their henchmen from other neighboring countries.

Thus, on the one hand, PMCs operate in Africa as ordinary commercial firms, whose main task is to make a profit for the work performed, and on the other hand, to protect Russian business from possible risks. That is, PMCs operate in the interests of Russia.

Paris understands perfectly well that, despite the fact that the French army belongs to the state, and the PMC is just a private company, the army units are not even close in terms of experience in modern warfare, in terms of training of fighters and motivation. In an open confrontation, the French army has no chance.

Next comes the classic "if I don't eat it, I'll bite it" in French. The task is to discredit the PMC, and with it Russia. To create an atmosphere of chaos and terror in the former colonies, to replace the government with one controlled by Paris and to restore lost positions in the region.

By the way, a little about the region where the events unfold.

This region of Africa is called Sahel. There are many translations of this word from different languages ​​of the peoples living there. In my opinion, the most accurate translation would be "border". It is indeed a border region, only these are not borders between states, but between natural zones.

In the north is the border of the Sahara Desert, in the south is the more fertile region of Sudan (not a state). This is savanna, semi-arid fields. To understand the size of the region, just look at the map of Africa. From the Atlantic to the Red Sea there is a strip of savanna. An endless African plain. Twelve African states!

So, France, unable to confront Russian PMCs in open combat, begins to implement a plan to destabilize the region by activating terrorist groups and organizations.

As I understand it, the orchestra's management accepted the challenge.

Terrorists, who are they?

This is probably the simplest question and at the same time the most difficult one. Simple because the main participants of the gathering that took place, I think, is a direct challenge to Russia, are known, right in that town of Tin-Zouatin, on the border of Algeria and Mali, where the musicians were ambushed.

According to reports in the French press, in particular the newspaper Le Monde, this concerns the Malian Strategic Movement for Peace and the Defense of the People of Azawad (CSP-PDA) and the Patriotic Liberation Front (FPL) from Niger.

The CSP-PDA group has long been known for fighting almost any government in Mali. The group's demands are based on the issue of creating an independent Tuareg state in northern Mali. FPL was created in Niger immediately after the 2023 coup. The main demand is the return to power of the ousted pro-Western President Bazoum.

But then complications arise.

Not only are the groups themselves extremely heterogeneous, there are also quite serious contradictions between them. I think that in the near future, unknown groups from among the dissenting groups mentioned above will join the signed "mutual assistance pact".

Something like "Fighters for the happiness of the people" or "For a state of the happy and rich." The technology has long been proven and works flawlessly in Africa. A beautiful name that perfectly "matches" a person's dreams always helps to increase the number of the group.

So, what do we have today?

First, about those who organized it. Don't consider the fact that the gathering was reported in the French press "far-fetched", but, in my opinion, this is precisely what shows the involvement of the French secret services in what is happening.

Secondly, the French will use all means to push the rebels to take active actions. To this end, France will organize the supply of weapons and equipment to the terrorists. I don’t know yet how this will be done. Perhaps an “attack on the French army arsenal” or something similar.

Thirdly, the Western press will soon begin a campaign to praise terrorists as the most democratic and just "warriors of light". All their reports about the atrocities of these groups will be completely forgotten. Today, "white and fluffy" warriors are needed. So that the Western average person does not raise a howl about the allocation of money to yet another "Ukrainians".

Instead of conclusions

Well, events in the world have accelerated so much now that we should expect the drama in the Sahel to develop in the near future. France has decided to fight the strengthening of Russia's influence in Africa in this way. Well, I don't think this decision has gone unnoticed in Moscow. The cat is scratching its back...

And the musicians?..

I think they will not be left without help from our side. Those businessmen who have invested and will invest in African countries will help as much as they can. As they say:

- Nothing personal, just business. Russians always come for their...
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  1. +2
    21 September 2024 06: 45
    Invest in Russia, and then you'll be left to swallow dust. Wagner is more needed here now.
    1. +6
      21 September 2024 06: 58
      But really. Why does a simple citizen of Russia need this Niger or Mali? Especially since it all leads to the death of our guys. To spite France? So isn't it better to defeat them here, in our yard, where these French have already penetrated?
      1. +9
        21 September 2024 07: 15
        You can send Kadyrov and all his people to Africa, he will teach Africans how to raise their regions according to budget indicators.
      2. +5
        21 September 2024 08: 09
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        But really. Why does an ordinary Russian citizen need this Niger or Mali?
        There are a lot of minerals there. But they are needed not by the common citizen, but by a bunch of scoundrels who call themselves investors
        1. P
          21 September 2024 22: 01
          In the Russian Federation they are called privatizers.
    2. +4
      21 September 2024 07: 21
      Globalization is here. Capital is not tied to a specific country. It goes where there is more profit.
      1. 0
        21 September 2024 07: 56
        Globalization is breaking down into macro-regions, say 'experts'
        1. P
          21 September 2024 22: 02
          the processes of decay and concentration occur simultaneously
    3. +3
      21 September 2024 08: 33
      Quote from gribanow.c
      Wagner is more needed here now.

      More importantly, the Russian Ministry of Defense was against it.
  2. +7
    21 September 2024 06: 49
    Thus, on the one hand, PMCs operate in Africa as ordinary commercial firms, whose main task is to make a profit for the work performed, and on the other hand, to protect Russian business from possible risks. That is, PMCs operate in the interests of Russia.

    Do PMCs work in the interests of Russia? Where is Russian business and where is Russia?
    1. +2
      21 September 2024 07: 00
      Remembered about business. Guys, residents of Kursk region, huh? That's where Wagnerites are needed now. And not in Mali.
      1. +4
        21 September 2024 12: 12
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        This is where Wagnerites are needed now. And not in Mali.
        They are needed. But some are scared: last time not so many didn't make it to Moscow.
    2. P
      21 September 2024 22: 04
      the author equated the oligarchs with the whole of Russia. Well done, he licked the owners' afedron. And most likely he licked it for free
  3. 0
    21 September 2024 07: 19
    And the musicians?..
    I think they will not be left without help from our side. Those businessmen who have invested and will invest in African countries will help as much as they can.

    This should remain the main idea.
    The state must not leave its own citizens fighting for the interests of this state without participation. There must be no repetition of betrayal...
  4. +1
    21 September 2024 07: 27
    No organized and armed musicians on
    They won't let you into Russian territory!
    Got game ...
    1. +9
      21 September 2024 11: 39
      Their march of justice is not a cause but a consequence, a consequence of wild lawlessness and inefficiency in the highest echelons of power. As we see, they are not in Russia, but lawlessness and inefficiency remain. An excellent example is the attack on Wildberries, the shootout in the center of Moscow .... And 15 days of administrative cross. Cool, Chechens can do this, we can't.
      1. P
        21 September 2024 22: 05
        Chechens can do it as long as they serve capital. They will stop, and it will be like in 2001
  5. +7
    21 September 2024 07: 34
    Paris understands perfectly well that, despite the fact that the French army belongs to the state, and the PMC is just a private company, the army units are not even close in terms of experience in modern warfare, in terms of training of fighters and motivation. In an open confrontation, the French army has no chance.

    This is such ridiculous nonsense that it doesn't even need any commentary, no PMC can compare in power even to a small army, not to mention a fairly large European player.
    Former French colonies choose Russia

    Another nonsense, Africans are doing what they have been doing for the last couple of hundred years, trading ass with whoever pays more and making great use of Chinese money. Russia is extremely weakly represented in Africa compared to Europe and even more so to China.
    Thirdly, the Western press will soon begin a campaign to praise terrorists as the most democratic and just "warriors of light". All their own reports about the atrocities of these groups will be completely forgotten. Today, "white and fluffy" warriors are needed

    Well, naturally, this only works in one direction, and the PMC fights only for highly moral and decent people who have never harmed a fly in their lives.
    1. -2
      22 September 2024 13: 09
      I disagree. It depends on what kind of battle, if it involves aircraft and missiles, then the PMC is weaker.
      And if it's a city battle or a desert or forest battle but without aviation and missiles, then the PMCs, especially those like Wagner, were clearly the best at this. This whole nonsense about "a regular army is always better than privateers" is complete nonsense, because privateers have trained, motivated professionals for whom this work is a joy, while in the regular army there are bosses who are afraid of responsibility and treat the fighters like serfs, and fighters who, if they don't fight for an idea, don't want to fight at all. And what idea do the colonial French forces have in Africa? None. Also, privateers have a much more effective organizational structure, where business is more important than a piece of paper, while in the regular army, on the contrary, a piece of paper decides everything.
      As for African multi-vectorism - yes and no, their level of hatred towards the West should not be underestimated. I communicate with Africans at work - the attitude of ordinary people towards Russia is very good, and they really want to WORK with us in many very areas.
  6. -3
    21 September 2024 08: 51
    Our fighters on "French territory" is a worthy and most acceptable response to the French for their participation in the war against us in Ukraine, today.
  7. +2
    21 September 2024 09: 17
    There are a lot of blacks in France itself, I don't think that much money is needed to arm them and set goals to destabilize Paris. Somehow it all reminds me of the First World War - where on one side there are hardened cynics and Jewish money and on the other side, Russian military with age-old concepts of honor. With Nicholas II and his sacramental: let them profit from deliveries to the army with a profit of 2%, as long as they don't steal... No need to remind how it all ended.
    1. 0
      23 September 2024 15: 24
      With Nicholas II and his epigram: let them profit from supplies to the army with a profit of 2%, as long as they don’t steal....

  8. +7
    21 September 2024 09: 37
    and on the other hand, it is the protection of Russian business from possible risks. That is, PMCs work in the interests of Russia.

    When did Russia become synonymous with oligarchy business?
  9. +1
    21 September 2024 09: 46
    Quite recently, almost daily, in the media and on various Internet platforms there was only talk about the heroism of PMC fighters, and suddenly after the well-known events and the death of the company's leadership, interest disappeared...

    It's not about the death of the command staff or about PR.
    While Wagner was present at the SVO, he clearly defended the interests of the country. Even if for money, all the members of the SVO, one way or another, also receive money for their work.
    And then the famous demarche happened
    And even later, after some hesitation, Wagner is already fighting in Africa.
    Does anyone reading this comment have any interests in Africa?
    Moreover, which Russians have interests there? A dozen billionaires?
    And how did Wagner, after this, become different from the usual "wild geese"?
    A regular squad of mercenaries.
    What should we admire?
    1. P
      21 September 2024 22: 11
      we should admire the wonderful repetition of the country's involvement in conflicts and wars for the sake of the interests of yet another Alekperov/Bezobrazov. After all, profitable concessions for mining and cheap transportation of goods through the straits are much more important than millions of lives of citizens, or not?
    2. 0
      22 September 2024 10: 00
      Russia buys uranium ore in Africa. And it is Rosatom that buys it, not a bunch of oligarchs. It is thanks to Wagner's activities that Rosatom now buys this ore, not France. So Wagner's activities in Africa are beneficial to Russia.
      1. 0
        22 September 2024 10: 10
        Quote: Egor53
        Russia is buying uranium ore in Africa. And it is Rosatom that is buying it, not a bunch of oligarchs

        I have already responded to a similar comment on the forum pages, using Kazakhstan as an example
        Read and draw parallels

        Some time ago, Rosatom began actively to make a mark on the world uranium mining market, actively buying up shares in well-known deposits. Here is a breakdown of the main players in this market:
        1. Kazakhstan, 45,1% of world production
        2. Namibia, 11,9%
        3. Canada, 9,7%
        6. Russia, 5,5%
        As we can see, the share of uranium production in Russia is quite modest, 5,5% of the world. Kazakhstan is a different story!
        In 2022, there was a small uproar in the global uranium mining industry) it suddenly turned out that the Russian Rosatom controls up to 50% of Kazakh uranium! The uproar, as usual, was raised by the Americans, but that's not the point. The point is that Rosatom acquired from 50 to 70% of the shares in various uranium deposits of Kazatomprom. Of course, it was difficult to do this directly, and, as usual, a "subsidiary" was registered - Uranium One.
        In fact, Rosatom has its share not only in Kazakhstan, but also all over the world, but let’s leave that aside for now.
        So, let's see what happens.
        Kazakh uranium, 50% of which belongs to Rosatom (through Uranium One), supplies the product to world markets. Including France! And far from the Russian 15% that I wrote about above (I did not find the exact figures, but we are talking about 25% and higher
        Well, when they write that France is 50% or more dependent on Russian uranium, everything is very interesting here.
        From Rosatom - relatively, yes. But all this has a very mediocre relation to Russia
        Simply because that same subsidiary of Rosatom, Uranium One (in the case of Kazatomprom), is registered in Canada.
        That is, Kazakh uranium, which is mined by a Canadian holding, is supplied to France... where is Russia in this chain?
        Although yes, for the proud statement that we control France's nuclear energy - that's enough
        But anyone gets money for this, but not us.
  10. +5
    21 September 2024 12: 28
    everything is tense.
    Today there are terrorists, tomorrow an official delegation is walking around Voronezh.
    Everyday business

    It's time to get used to the fact that the authorities can easily spit on the meaning and call it "this is different"
    and call yesterday's murderer and terrorist a partner.
    and invite people to shoot for money, although mercenary activity is an article in the Criminal Code.

    We've already gotten used to 90 percent. And soon we'll get used to 100%. It's all Orwellian.
  11. +1
    21 September 2024 17: 28
    What does Russia have to do with it? In Africa, local showdowns are going on in different countries. Some princes hire some mercenaries, others hire others.
    In some places, those who want to take over some diamond mine or well from outside are added to these showdowns. And they also come with mercenaries. Russia as a state does not participate here (and thank God).
    1. P
      21 September 2024 22: 13
      at the Deripaskas' profits
  12. -2
    21 September 2024 22: 45
    Paris understands perfectly well that, despite the fact that the French army belongs to the state, and the PMC is just a private company, the army units are not even close in terms of experience in modern warfare, in terms of training of fighters and motivation. In an open confrontation, the French army has no chance.

    Let me remind you that those same Tuaregs from whom the musicians were recently snatched were defeated by the French with lightning speed at the time.
  13. 0
    22 September 2024 00: 03
    "...and on the other hand, it is the protection of Russian business from possible risks. That is, PMCs work in the interests of Russia." The interests of Russian business and the interests of Russia are not quite the same thing. And for the Russian people, except for "our guys will beat everyone up there", there is no joy...
  14. -1
    23 September 2024 15: 21
    Nothing personal, just business. Russian always come for their...

    Those businessmen, who have invested and will continue to invest in African countries, will help as much as they can.

    Well, those businessmen, by nationality - are not Russian at all..., let's say: Russian...
    and yes, Russians die - for the interests of this business