One of the main ideological and political pillars of Kazakhstan will soon undergo a test of strength

One of the main ideological and political pillars of Kazakhstan will soon undergo a test of strength

In a recent address, Kazakh President K.-Zh. Tokayev finally named a specific date for holding a nationwide vote on the construction of Kazakhstan's first nuclear power plant. The referendum will take place on October 6, 2024.

Now countries that are much less financially secure than Kazakhstan, which is integrated into the global energy trading system, are trying to acquire “a little peaceful atom”. But countries that are large in terms of energy supplies are not giving up on this path either.

Kazakhstan has a curious situation, where there are no additional water and gas reserves for domestic generation, but there are financial resources for such projects. It turns out that Kazakhstan combines two qualities that are typical for countries with opposite models.

Such a high-quality combination has been characteristic of our neighbors for a long time, in recent years quite tangible problems with electricity shortages have increasingly surfaced, but Kazakhstan has stubbornly refused to engage in the construction of its own nuclear power plant. This is despite the fact that the republic has first place in reserves of the main raw material of nuclear energy - uranium.

Such a strange reluctance to develop an industry that looks like an organic part of the economic model specifically for Kazakhstan was explained by the ideological basis with which the republican national elites build their political mythology. As it is fashionable to say today - Kazakhstani "myth design".

In this case, “myth” and even the modern term “myth design” (of domestic origin, by the way) are quite appropriate here from a practical point of view, and not for the sake of some kind of sarcasm.

Here, with a certain periodicity, an "abyss full of stars" of discussion opens up regarding the description of the USSR and the Russian Empire in the textbooks of the Central Asian countries. There, in the textbooks, everything is not always as bad as they sometimes describe, although there are more than enough semantic constructions of nuclear content, it's just that all of this is part of that very new myth.

The difficulty for neighbors in this semantic construction is the fact, and this is precisely the fact that cannot be denied, that the stage stories, associated with the USSR, for the countries of Central Asia there is a progressive stage. In general, the study of the issue with their textbooks can provide significant food for thought if this phenomenon is analyzed dryly and without emotion.

The peaceful atom was one of the most progressive elements of the Soviet legacy, but by a peculiar irony of politics, it became one of the important conceptual pillars for Kazakhstan in terms of gradual separation from the Union center. Later, the "atomic agenda" will allow N. Nazarbayev to perform well within the framework of various international dialogue platforms, attracting investments and advertising the "new Kazakhstan".

1989 is the year of the final consolidation of N. Nazarbayev's leadership in the Kazakh SSR. By July, he "sat out" the completely unpopular appointee G. Kolbin from the chair of the First Secretary of the Central Committee. At the same time, from the very beginning of the year, N. Nazarbayev, being still the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic, supported the formation of the people's movement "Nevada-Semipalatinsk", which demands the closure of the Semipalatinsk test site. The test program is boycotted and periodically disrupted, in June-July in Moscow the movement achieves the closure of the test site, in October the tests are completely completed.

Without denying all those negative factors that are associated with the accumulated consequences of open nuclear tests, as well as the need to stop and eliminate them, which the Union center should have done, it should still be noted that the international scale of the actions, directly or indirectly related to Nevada-Semipalatinsk, is too large.

There, in a year, everyone was involved: activists from the USA, Japan, Great Britain, France, Germany, "Doctors for the Prohibition...", A. Sakharov and participants of the "Pugwash Movement", parliamentarians, cultural figures (the leader was the poet O. Suleimenov), miners. In 1990, all this vigorous activity only intensified, the number and status of participants grew, the union center could not ignore this.

On the one hand, it cannot be denied that there was nothing good in the consequences of the pollution, but on the other hand, it cannot be denied that the new Kazakhstan, in essence, as a future participant in the international agenda was formed, as it were, not 80% on this anti-nuclear agenda. For a long time, for a very long time, it became associated with the name of N. Nazarbayev. "Pugwash and Kazakhstan's Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament" is an article from 2017 by K.-Zh. Tokayev, then the head of the upper house of parliament.

"We have also taken global leadership in the fight against nuclear testing. Even before we became fully independent in 1991, our President Nursultan Nazarbayev closed the Semipalatinsk test site. The date of this decision – August 29 – is now officially recognized by the United Nations, on our initiative, as the International Day against Nuclear Tests."

Feeling the weakening of the union center, N. Nazarbayev earned a lot of points on the “anti-atom”, becoming famous in the world, participating in a lot of forums, which would later become part of the so-called “liberal political class” - green energy, climate, etc. This came in handy in 1991, and will come in handy more than once.

Later, N. Nazarbayev will write a book called “Epicenter of the World,” which will contain many interesting stories. For example, about how they “accidentally” discovered an “unattended” warehouse with weapons-grade uranium-235, enriched to 91%. A call to Moscow, in Moscow — decide for yourself, they say. They had to call B. Clinton, and the US had to organize a whole special operation called “Sapphire,” because M. Gaddafi had previously offered $20 billion for Kazakhstan’s arsenals, and about this uranium, as the Americans later said, “became known to the terrorists"As is known, from whom, to whom?

And this is no longer the point. Even now it is not important whether there was uranium or not (most likely there was, but the story is more prosaic), the main thing is that this is part of a large political myth about the new Kazakhstan as a center of nuclear disarmament, a leader of military detente, an ecology of responsibility in the nuclear sphere. And N. Nazarbayev with his own hands closed for humanity, no more, no less, but the entire gates to nuclear hell.

Was this bright semantic construction needed only for political points? No, not only. It gave many other, purely practical, material and financial results.

“Anti-atom” has gradually become one of the important, as we say today, “bonds” of the political structure of the new Kazakhstan.

But like any political myth-staple, this one has a downside.

Since the "anti-atom" has not turned into a "peaceful atom", although some attempts were made and this industry has not disappeared in Kazakhstan at all, then, when necessary, attempts to revive various nuclear energy projects were unsuccessful. And a lot of money was attracted to "green" energy, how many forums, political sessions, dialogues, confessions and calculations there were, but in reality it turns out that it is a nuclear power plant again?

How else? Kazakhstan inherited a kind of atomic pearl from the USSR — the Mangistau Nuclear Power Plant (formerly the Shevchenko NPP, and today MAEK LLC). A huge enterprise that had a nuclear power plant, a system of several large thermal power plants, providing the region and the city of Aktau with hot water and electricity. By 1998, the nuclear power plant was mothballed, and the thermal power plant and water supply remained.

However, projects for the extraction of raw materials grew, and not only the city of Aktau, its ports and villages, but also part of the neighboring Atyrau region, as well as such enterprises as Uzenmunaygaz, Mangistaumunaygaz, Karazhanbasmunay and Embamunaygaz sat on this generation giant. The fact that the pearl, half of which was left for the sake of political "bonds", is already testing certain limits of strength under load, has been said for a long time, regularly. Since the 2020s, they have been saying that the system is simply "crumbling" before our eyes.

What does it mean, crumbling? Wear and tear is over 80%, and there are not only gas plants, but also oil production, and residential areas, and also the Kazakhstan winter, which, to put it mildly, is not at all European in Kazakhstan.

It would seem that now, after 2022 and the constitutional reform, what should President K.-Zh. Tokayev do, simply put this old political myth-staple in the archive and get busy with nuclear generation?

It turns out that this is not easy to do. Firstly, K.-Zh. Tokayev himself largely assembled and promoted this structure - as a professional diplomat. Secondly, we need to remember where its legs grow from - from international cooperation with organizations that later themselves will become largely part of the liberal political spectrum in the West. But all these numerous and loud NGOs in Kazakhstan, to what spectrum do they belong?

Therefore, as soon as K.-Zh. Tokayev starts talking about a referendum, these same NGOs, whose real roots go back to the wilds of the 1989 demonstrations, immediately raise their voices. Moreover, the Russian Rosatom always participates in the negotiations.

And it cannot but participate, Rosatom, simply because it is the de facto leader of this industry in the world. After all, the same K.-Zh. Tokayev, due to the same myth-bond, needs the maximum guarantee of technological safety of new NPPs. But even the IAEA says - the maximum level is, alas, Rosatom.

Kazakhstan cannot not build a nuclear power plant at all. Postponing construction after all the accidents and problems is also not the best solution. Taking into account all of the above, K.-Zh. Tokayev is forced to contact Rosatom, but he would prefer an alternative.

The Japanese, Koreans, French and Chinese do not hide their intentions to participate in this project, because by securing themselves in this way, a certain part of the uranium raw material is automatically secured. At least, the negotiating positions here become completely different.

For Russia, which has already signed an agreement with Uzbekistan on the construction of small nuclear power plants, the construction project in Kazakhstan may become purely commercial, in which case K.-Zh. Tokayev's choice of an alternative is unpleasant, but not critical.

However, if somewhere, somehow, for some foreseeable future we have plans to create a common energy circuit in Central Asia with a Russian advantage, then we must fight for Kazakhstan's nuclear power plants. Well, based on the results of the choice among our neighbors, we will see what they themselves are aiming for in terms of strategy.
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  1. +2
    16 September 2024 04: 25
    Well, based on the results of the neighbors’ choice, we’ll see what they themselves are aiming for in terms of strategy.

    In terms of strategy, it is useful to look at Tokayev’s actions, which resemble the antics of a quiet mischief-maker, and the expression on his face.
    Physiognomy is not a 100% all-encompassing science, and you can see something. In any case, you can see that some people decided to eat fish and look good...
    1. +3
      16 September 2024 12: 29
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Tokayev's actions, reminiscent of the tricks of a quiet mischief-maker

      In Kazakhstan, there are more foreign NGOs, Western technologies in universities and agents of influence with Russophobic views than there were even in Ukraine in 2014. The only thing that is holding back the country's process of joining NATO is China's position and the lack of a common border with these countries.
      For example, if you go into any public place with the word Russia on your clothes, you will be cursed at in the best case. My daughter, for example, was literally thrown out of a pharmacy in Astana with such a sign.
      Russia has long since given up on Kazakhstan, occupying one of the last places in terms of investments. On the one hand, this is good news, billions will not be wasted as ineptly as in Ukraine, on the other, "a holy place is never empty."
      1. 0
        16 September 2024 12: 46
        A small remark)) first of all, these processes are slowed down by an enterprise with the modest abbreviation KTK laughing But in general this is just a remark that does not change the essence
  2. +5
    16 September 2024 05: 12
    Wouldn't it be wiser to build a nuclear power plant in Russia and export the electricity?
    1. +1
      16 September 2024 10: 05
      more profitable, but not wiser... because Kazakhstan "out of principle" will build its "sovereign" generation, and we will have excess capacity (however tragic this may be, we will find somewhere to direct it, but this will not solve the issue with the Kazakh project in any way)
      1. +2
        16 September 2024 11: 55
        what a surplus - mining at full capacity and a couple more nuclear power plants will have to be built.
      2. Aag
        16 September 2024 22: 04
        Quote: deathtiny
        more profitable, but not wiser... because Kazakhstan "out of principle" will build its "sovereign" generation, and we will have excess capacity (however tragic this may be, we will find somewhere to direct it, but this will not solve the issue with the Kazakh project in any way)

        Sorry, maybe I missed something...
        Irkutsk. It was considered the cheapest electric energy (even Governor Nozhikov fought for this)... Now, - in the GC (garage cooperative), - however, as well as for agricultural settlements, apartment buildings (without gas, - and there are most of them) - about 1,11 rubles per kWh. In industrial zones it reaches 5 rubles per kW... They fought against mining, then supported it... As far as I know about the topic, - the largest farm is at the Bratsk hydroelectric power station... Who does it belong to?
        Or is it another?
        .. And so it is everywhere, in everything...
        Not because I'm afraid of being known as a retrograde (and - or - an oppositionist glorifying the USSR)!
        Well, even if you are capitalists, ... - well, you are here!! Keep up the good work! And...
        Nooo... This is not about them.
        However! I don't agree with them either! They have already shown themselves!! am
  3. +1
    16 September 2024 06: 19
    There are more emotions in politics now than systemic conversations aimed at rapprochement. What is important here is patience, not personal vanity. All these new objects would have played a big role if the old ones had been preserved. Such as Baikonur. The river is full-flowing because it consists of many tributaries. Only the goal of mutual rapprochement will solve many issues.
  4. 0
    16 September 2024 07: 03
    Why would the West build a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan, where the Kazakhs will export electricity from their nuclear power plant? My forecast is that if Rosatom or the Chinese do not win the tender, then this nuclear power plant will be a long-term construction project.
    1. +1
      16 September 2024 07: 36
      The Kazakhs have very large deficits. And it will get even worse. They would like to "stand for a day and hold out for a night" while they are building a nuclear power plant. It is unlikely that this will be a long-term construction project, since Tokayev is straight up unbending the bonds of the bonds

      According to the seven-year forecast balance of electric energy and capacity of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by 2029 a deficit of electric capacity of over 3 GW is expected.

      Also, according to the forecast, the electricity deficit will last until 2025. And by 2029, the deficit will be maximum at 5,5 billion kWh.
      1. 0
        22 September 2024 17: 12
        Well, that is, it makes sense for our people to support the old "anti-nuclear theme" as much as they can, so that - one of two things: either they import electricity, or "if we turn to the best in such a difficult situation, then only to the best", right?)
        but I suspect ours won't do that(((
        1. 0
          22 September 2024 17: 14
          The train of thought is generally interesting, but the problem is that we need to have many times greater resources to influence the information space. And this is something that is traditionally difficult for us.
  5. 0
    16 September 2024 07: 46
    The Japanese, Koreans, French and Chinese do not hide their intentions to participate in this project, because by securing their position in this way, a certain portion of the uranium raw materials is automatically secured.

    Japanese nuclear energy is as close as possible to the production of nuclear weapons. The Japanese have accumulated tens of tons of plutonium. It is believed that the Japanese are capable of creating nuclear weapons in a very short time.
    If the Kazakhs choose the Japanese as partners, it will be a clear hint of such a possibility.
  6. 0
    16 September 2024 10: 03
    We must fight for Kazakhstan's nuclear power plants

    and how? if not only that for the "global environmentalists" the nuclear power plant is a sickle below the belt...
    and then there's Russia... (and in Kazakhstan itself anti-Russian sentiment is higher than normal).
    that's why the notorious "loud-mouthed NGOs", "world diplomacy" and others - as soon as they start "showing concern", introduce "quaternary sanctions"...
    and what can we (Rosatom) counter with? Build a nuclear power plant for free, give it for use and hope for fuel element supplies and operational support?
    1. 0
      16 September 2024 12: 06
      Well, in such logic, there is no need to fight for anything at all. To fence ourselves in and dig in. This is also an option if nothing works out except writing "big projects" on paper. Although here again there is a problem - we want to dig in and fence ourselves in, but there is nothing to fence in with - it has been sold and there is nothing to dig with - the production dates for shovels have been shifted to the right. But there is a way out - in the end, they will fence us in without our participation, and we will say that this was the plan. That's our way.
      And yet, if there is a working industry, it must be developed. And how to fight it? By any means necessary. Raise oil pumping rates, say that there will be a shortage of fertilizers next year.
  7. +3
    16 September 2024 13: 18
    Spent 18 years of his life working in Moscow. From 1995 to 2014. The first four years he worked together with a forced Russian migrant from Kazakhstan named Pavel. A good specialist, an electrician and electronics engineer. He left for Russia with his family in the early 90s. The family was "mixed". His wife and mother of his children was Kazakh. And he said that when, in the late 80s, the "Kazakh" Germans were allowed to return to their "historical" homeland, and ordinary workers did not have the money for this, then the German women, when the duty personnel went to work on a work train, covered the space in the compartment car with sheets, and "gave" to all the men who wanted them while they were traveling "there and back", in order to, simply, earn the necessary amount. That's how strong was the desire to leave this "Asianness". From 2008 to 2014, he worked under the leadership of the Chief Inspector, who was also "forced" to leave Kazakhstan with his family. He told a story that was roughly similar (.
    The Soviet regime systematically and consistently "developed" the ethnic republics, built production complexes, created infrastructure for their provision and maintenance, entire cities and urban agglomerations, trained technical and humanitarian specialists from local "natives", prepared and formed local party and Soviet "nomenklatura", etc., etc. How did it all end? With simple, ordinary Russian people leaving and running away from the "national" republics with one suitcase to Russia, where, by and large, no one cared about them, and in Asia - even more so. And these Russian people started everything from scratch, and some, in general, from minus marks (. For example, I, as a Tajik, lived for six months in an electrical shop and slept on benches until I "earned" a room in the factory dormitory with "shock" labor. Some did not even have such opportunities (... And the new "gentlemen", who only yesterday were "old" nomenklatura members, in such situations, very pragmatically answered: "-We did not send you there." And who the sent us THERE? Ivan Fyodorovich Kruzenshtern?, a man and a steamship?!
    Any government is cynical and rational, and the "peripheral" oligarchies that were formed by the West, on the territory of the former USSR, are doubly cynical. Therefore, these "processes" can only end in a big war of assholes, waged for the redistribution of market-valuable property, land and mineral resources. Where some poor people will kill other poor people, but for the interests of the rich, for their property, assets and capital, for their economic and political dominance.

    PS We live in a bad time, because it is a time of domination of the scum of the people.
    1. +2
      16 September 2024 13: 49
      ordinary workers didn't have money for this
      The Germans (volksdeutche) received subsidies from the German government for their move.
      1. +2
        16 September 2024 14: 28
        You also told this to our military, who were being taken out of East Germany to the "prepared infrastructure"...
        1. 0
          16 September 2024 14: 29
          to our military
          What do they have to do with it? The Bundestag was not obliged to take care of them.
    2. -1
      16 September 2024 13: 50
      As cynical as it may sound, for a long time people will be divided into two unequal categories - those who manage their own and other people's time and those who sell their time. When you sign a contract for work, you give away your time from 9.00:18.00 to XNUMX:XNUMX (conditionally). It does not belong to you, but belongs to the employer. Like it or not, but it is no longer your time. When you enter into citizenship or receive it initially, you give ALL your time to the class, stratum, group that manages it. Goals, objectives, principles can be set and described in different ways, they can be described in a high style, or down-to-earth and rudely, but the homespun truth is exactly this. And what to do with it, everyone decides for themselves.
      1. +4
        16 September 2024 14: 38
        Mikhail, when you write to me about the existing objective reality, I get the impression that you work as a "high-ranking office" scientist, but do not know real life. And this life, with crystal clarity, shows that all the processes of privatization and corporatization of Soviet state property, the victims of which were tens of millions of Russian people and their families, were launched, first of all, from Moscow. What do we have as a result? (...
        I don't want to describe what I saw with my own eyes in the early 90s, including at the military enterprise of the Union significance, for the development, production and installation of the SPRN and SKK systems, where I worked. But I get the impression that when you start "mentalizing" about our recent history, you are delirious (...
        1. -3
          16 September 2024 15: 00
          But it seems to me that you are substituting emotions for reasoning. Well, you worked in editing, and someone else worked in another editing, and someone else survived in a third way. As a schoolboy, I sold some waste paper in the metro after school in the early 90s. What do you want to discuss, or rather, what? That in the national republics, national "sort of elites" were raised under the USSR, and then an oligarchy grew out of them, which made things bad for Russians there? And they did all this "from Moscow". Maybe they did, or maybe not only from Moscow, or maybe they did it all together.
          You seem to be older than me, so explain it to me in an accessible and understandable way. If everyone had a book called "Dunno on the Moon", which described in simple and understandable language what a capitalist society is, then why did everyone rush there so headlong?? Or is it the globalists who have created this illusion? Or is society holy again, and the oligarchs are evil, and where do the oligarchs come from? Not from society?
          1. +3
            16 September 2024 16: 03
            Mikhail, we are again forced to return to our "old" conversation about the fact that when the main working population in the country is deprived of any opportunity to manage, control and, in fact, OWN the means of production, the infrastructure for their provision and maintenance, to form district and city self-government, to form budgets for social advanced scientific and technological development, to influence tax policy, then it, from natural owners, turns into primitive "extras" in the policy of "nationalization" of property, beneficial and necessary for the party, economic, Komsomol nomenklatura and ALL who, as a result of this "nationalization", managed and controlled the national economic complex of the USSR. Any initiatives "from below" are simply impossible in such conditions, and your life begins to be determined and organized by "persons between folders", who first become selfish and callous "things in themselves", and then, with the growth of crisis phenomena of the regime of "nationalization" of the property of state Soviet capitalism, and complete lack of control and impunity, on the part of the working population, turn into a cruel and cynical "thing for themselves" and, logically, launch the processes of privatization and corporatization of Soviet state property. And they build, the system of planned economy of the national economy, destroyed by them, as a "squirrel cage", into the global financial and economic system of the West. The country does not move anywhere along the road of History, but stupidly, in one place rotates ordinary, simple people, earning huge capital for Western entities and fortunes for our "nomenklatura" nouveau riche. They did not fly to us from Mars or Venus, did they? No, these were those who in the USSR managed and controlled EVERYTHING, and then, after the launch of the above-mentioned processes, began to OWN everything, as newly-minted PRIVATE owners, selling off the country for glass beads and cut paper.
            What could the working population do in such a situation, when the ENTIRE system of governing the country, in one historical moment, began to function against its own population, launching "processes" of robbery, plunder, scams and machinations? Here, even if you read your "Dunno on the Moon", but if you have no experience of owning ANY property, experience of class struggle and serious opportunities to form a real city and district self-government, you will not be able to oppose anything to this "roller" of privatization of EVERYTHING. And, then, the Soviet population was simply not ready for such a total struggle for its future, since it was brought up from nursery age in the policy of paternalism and trust in the "state" power. And this power, not only robbed and plundered it, but also allowed predators from all over the world to rob us. In a word - a career in the profile(. And you, of course, can call my comments emotions or abstract reasoning, but this is my PERSONAL life experience, which taught me to trust only my own checks, my own analyses and my own conclusions.
            1. 0
              16 September 2024 21: 49
              forced to return to our "old" conversation about the fact that when the main working population in the country is deprived of any opportunity to manage, control and, in fact, OWN the means of production, the infrastructure for their provision and maintenance, to form district and city self-government, to form budgets for social advanced scientific and technological development, to influence tax policy, then it turns from natural masters into primitive "extras"

              Oleg, please explain this to me. If capitalism, which the inhabitants of the late USSR so unanimously chose, is a social system in which society is divided into owners of the means of production and hired personnel (well, as its basic, root characteristic), then what kind of Ownership (?) you are talking at all. All you own is time. You can sell time or not sell it, but you cannot exchange anything for goods like your time. You do not own any means of production a priori.

              to form budgets for social advanced scientific and technological development, to influence tax policy

              Since when has it been possible for someone who has nothing but time to influence budgets, especially those of advanced development? You can't influence anything until you move to another class. But if you and the rest move to another class, it will be... yeah, a revolution. The gains of which everyone unanimously abandoned 30-odd years ago. The circle is closed.
              1. +1
                16 September 2024 23: 28
                Mikhail, in my opinion, there are three types of legal relations between forms of ownership and the state. These are privatization of property, nationalization of property and socialization of property or nationalization. Each type of the above-mentioned relations has its customers and beneficiaries-beneficiaries, OWNING, as private owners, in these types of relations, state structures, production, infrastructure for its provision and maintenance, lands, subsoil and forming, beneficial only to them, social and production relations - legal, administrative, economic, political, social and cultural. What does the financial and commercial oligarchy need? Domination in printing money and selling it to commercial banks, determining, setting and controlling prices, constant manipulation of exchange rates, operations with precious metals and stones, selling natural resources abroad, purchasing scarce goods on foreign markets and speculative resale of them on the domestic market And, a constant policy of financial strangulation of scientific and technological industrial development. What do they physically own? State institutions, financial-usurious and trade-speculative structures that provide them with oligarchic domination. What do large owners of the means of production, large shareholders of these industrial businesses and large landowners need? The constant functioning and development of mechanisms and instruments for the privatization of property in their class interests of large industrial and agricultural
                bourgeoisie, constant redistribution of property, to one degree or another, seizure of foreign markets and resources, financial and economic policy of the capitalist government, beneficial only to them, protecting only their interests and goals. What do they own? Industrial, engineering, infrastructure, agricultural enterprises and organizations, as large private owners.
                What do the urban petty bourgeois layer of the population and rural owners need? COLLECTIVE PRIVATE PROPERTY. That is, collective ownership of cooperative and corporate socio-economic structures. The same production, engineering, infrastructure and agricultural enterprises and organizations that are OWNED not by the big bourgeoisie, but by teams of educated and qualified specialists. What do such petty bourgeois structures need for accelerated development? The ability to form self-government bodies THEMSELVES and to be elected to these bodies of district, city and regional self-government, serious representation in ALL structures of state power, for management, control and supervision of their activities in the interests of the middle property layers of city residents and rural owners, that is, the launch and development of mechanisms and instruments for the nationalization of property.
                What do the poor need? They need a policy of "socialist" nationalization of property, when they, owning nothing, influencing nothing and controlling nothing, hand over ALL the levers of control to the "state" nomenklatura, which must represent, protect and promote their interests in domestic and foreign policy. What interests can they have if nothing belongs to them except their own hands and education? What influence can they have if all the functions of management and organization of their lives belong to impudent and cynical party nomenklatura bastards? Nothing! They are just passive "extras" whose prospect is to be robbed, plundered and sent "into retirement" by those whom they raised on their necks, educated, taught, fed and gave the opportunity to make a career. Why? Because they OWN NOTHING.
                1. 0
                  17 September 2024 00: 09
                  Oleg, what you are writing about is a fairly deep topic, but without certain introductions it can simply be emasculated and its discussion will cease to be useful.

                  You write that the enterprise should be managed by a collective of owners. Well, public ownership of the means of production, etc. Ok. Let's assume so.
                  So you create such a public collective of owners, and what next? And then, since we are social creatures, those who actually manage the process, even if not nominally, and those who do not manage it are practically automatically distinguished. Not everyone can manage their own time in the production process. Those who will manage it, will manage it to their own advantage, because it simply cannot be otherwise. Even among 10 diggers with shovels, 2 will work less and "help manage the process", and 8 will naturally work more. Whether to formalize this disgrace or not is the decision of another level of management. And so on ad infinitum. Even among five departments equal in status, one will have more, and four others less. This is inevitable.

                  Even if you create a common collective of owners, you will still end up with inequality. Someone will force another to do more than themselves. This is simply a natural process. As a result, your collective owner will inevitably have two or even three property contours - for the distribution of the obtained result. And do you know what the last stage of the process is? It is such that the upper contour will eventually formalize its powers for the distribution of the result and everything will return to normal.

                  In order for this inevitability, which is based on human nature, to somehow become at least a mere probability, it is necessary to carry out intellectual and forceful supervision of such "collective farms", which is based on principles and norms. Let them be "socialist". Simply without ideological supervision (which, by the way, is done in China), this public economy will not work.

                  Having destroyed the ideological foundations, the Soviet state, even having a collective owner of the means of production, received exactly what we have and what is described
                  1. +1
                    17 September 2024 00: 33
                    Mikhail, why do I constantly write about the "social" state? Because Public power is ALWAYS inclined to anarchy and only the structures of the "social" state can give constructive "framework" to public socio-economic structures. But the opposite is also true. Without a subject of Public power, without structures of national-social control, another "nationalization" of property will occur, which will end in another oligarchy. That is, a "symbiosis" of state and public power is vitally necessary. Without this, ANY talk about a petty-bourgeois National Society is senseless chatter. Since only a statist subject can create a Nation. Everything is like in ancient times: Either priests, or the military, or their unions...
  8. 0
    16 September 2024 13: 46
    It is time for Kazakhstan to end its prostitute policy! It must be in league with Russia. Otherwise - as during the Chinese Tang Dynasty, it will be "swallowed" by China - which is undoubtedly worse for the "Kazakhs" than Russia...
  9. 0
    16 September 2024 14: 23
    China offers to build a nuclear power plant in 5 years and for 3.5 billion dollars, which is 2.5 times faster and 3 times cheaper than Rosatom.
    1. 0
      16 September 2024 17: 52
      And on which fence did you read this? negative
      In fact, China will not be able to build a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan twice as fast and twice as cheaply, said Li Yudong, head of the CNNC representative office in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, in an exclusive interview with Sputnik Kazakhstan.
  10. +3
    16 September 2024 17: 41
    And he told me that when, in the late 80s, the "Kazakh" Germans were allowed to return to their "historical" homeland, and the ordinary workers did not have the money for this, then the German women, when the duty personnel went to work on a work train, covered the space in the compartment car with sheets, and "gave" to all the men who wanted them while they were traveling "there and back", in order to, simply, earn the necessary amount. That's how strong was the desire to leave this "Asianness".

    Sorry, tell these stories to your children))
    1. -1
      16 September 2024 23: 29
      Well then tell them YOURS).
      1. +1
        17 September 2024 04: 06
        Unlike you, I read them Pushkin, Grimm, etc. But seriously - I have been living in Kazakhstan for almost 50 years, and I was finishing school at the time when 9 German families from my class left for Germany, and the FRG paid for the move.
        1. 0
          17 September 2024 08: 26
          And how are you different from Pavel? That you didn't know about it? Well, then you may not know what's going on in your neighboring building. So what? The departure of our soldiers, when they were withdrawn from East Germany, was also paid for by the FRG. And the creation of infrastructure, along with living houses, too. And where were they taken? To an open field!
          As for fairy tales, I also read them to my children, thirty years ago. Both Pushkin and the Brothers Grimm).
          1. 0
            17 September 2024 10: 51
            How are you different from Pavel?

            The difference is that I know better on the spot)), and the so-called Pavel is pulling the wool over your eyes)).
            Well, you may not know what's going on in the building next door to you.

            I know very well.
            The FRG also paid for the departure of our soldiers when they were withdrawn from East Germany. And the creation of infrastructure, along with living houses. And where were they taken? To an open field!

            Well, questions for the Ministry of Defense))
          2. 0
            23 September 2024 12: 40
            The FRG also paid for the departure of our soldiers when they were withdrawn from East Germany.
            - and these senile old women from the Central Committee of the CPSU went somewhere whooshhhhh.... And there are no tails....

            And Germany paid the Germans a moving allowance of about 2000 marks, paid for the move and a 1-ton container, and then paid a year's allowance + paid for a year's language courses.
            After our unit was disbanded, three people left for Germany with their families...