CIA data: Ukraine has the highest death rate and the lowest birth rate in the world

CIA data: Ukraine has the highest death rate and the lowest birth rate in the world

Ukraine has the highest death rate and the lowest birth rate in the world. For every thousand residents of the country, there were six newborns and 18,6 deaths this year.

This is stated in data from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States, published on the official portal of the intelligence agency.

Ukraine took first place in mortality rate in 2024, ahead of Lithuania and Serbia. This raises serious doubts about the objectivity of the data, because of the three "leader" countries, two do not experience famine, epidemics, or military action. Lithuania and Serbia are relatively prosperous states in a relatively calm region.

As for the birth rate, Ukraine occupied the last place on the planet – 228th. According to the CIA, African countries traditionally lead in this indicator. In first place are Niger (46,6/1000 people) and Angola (41,1/1000 people).

It turns out that for every Ukrainian newborn there are three deaths.

Thus, if we trust the information published by American intelligence, Ukraine is currently experiencing the most serious demographic crisis. According to its data, there is not a single country in the world where the situation would be worse.

The local Institute of Demography and Social Research also reports on the deplorable situation with the population in Ukraine. According to its forecasts, the country's population could fall below 2033 million people by 2033. In fact, the population of the territories controlled by the Kyiv regime is already much lower than this mark. Different sources give different data, but on average it is about 35 million people.
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  1. Msi
    13 September 2024 12: 27
    The Independent took the last place on the planet – 228th

    Yeah. So if you look "from below" you get the first... Victory... sad
    1. Maz
      13 September 2024 12: 37
      The CIA reports that as a result of its work, the number of Slavs has decreased many times, and they are fighting among themselves, bringing money to the main puppeteers in the West. An obvious success, no matter what the storytellers tell in Solovyov and Vityazeva. A scientific approach, a broad outlook, excellent intelligence. Non-standard solutions
      1. Msi
        13 September 2024 12: 39
        The CIA reports that as a result of its work the number of Slavs has decreased many times over,

        I don't need such "brothers" in Ukraine for a hundred years. The more we kill, the better... One of the successes of the SVO is the death of over 500 thousand Ukrainians... Yes
        1. -4
          13 September 2024 12: 46
          Quote from Msi
          One of the successes of the SVO is the death of over 500 thousand Ukrainians.

          And they also say THERE are fascists!!!
          Even in WWII our citizens did not want to kill Germans. They wanted, and killed FASCISTS. And Ukrainians are spoiled Russians. They need to be re-educated, not killed. And many do not even need this, they are already pro-Russian. Now, of course, much less than after the Maidan of 2014, but this is thanks to speakers like you and the insane actions of our rulers.
          1. Msi
            13 September 2024 12: 51
            Even during WWII our citizens did not want to kill Germans

            ... And until you kill him, keep quiet about your love... (K. Simonov).
            They are children again... Re-educate... only kill, kill everyone who took up arms. Who shot at their yesterday's brothers. The sin of the Ukrainians is grave, the sin of Judas, but you must drink this cup to the full...
            1. -6
              13 September 2024 13: 32
              Quote from Msi
              ... And until you kill him, keep quiet about your love... (K. Simonov).

              It's not gonna go!
              If your home is dear to you,
              Where have you been nourished by the Russians,
              Under a log ceiling,
              Where are you, swinging in the cradle, sailing;
              If the roads in the house are volumes
              You have walls, stoves and corners,
              Grandfather, great-grandfather and father
              It has well-groomed floors;
              If you love the poor garden
              With may color, with bees buzzing
              And under the lime tree a hundred years ago
              In the ground buried by my grandfather's table;
              If you do not want sex
              In your house, the fascist trampled,
              So he sat down at the grandfather's table
              And I broke the trees in the garden ...
              If mother is dear to you -
              You are breastfeeding,
              Where for a long time already there is no milk,
              Just stick your cheek;
              If you endure no strength,
              So that the fascist, standing to her,
              On the cheeks wrinkled beat,
              Scythe wound on the arm;
              To the same hands her,
              What carried you into the cradle,
              Washed his clothes
              And made him a bed ...
              If you did not forget your father,
              What shook you in your arms,
              What a good soldier was
              And disappeared in the Carpathian snows,
              What died over the Volga, beyond the Don,
              For the motherland of your destiny;
              If you do not want him
              Turned in a coffin,
              So that a soldier's portrait in crosses
              The fascist took it and tore it to the floor.
              And my mother's eyes
              He stepped on his face ...
              If you do not want to give
              The one with whom he walked together,
              The one that long to kiss
              You did not dare - so loved her -
              So that the Nazis will be alive
              They took it by force, holding it in a corner,
              And the three of them crucified her,
              Naked, on the floor;
              To get three of these dogs
              In groans, in hatred, in blood
              All that holy shroud you yourself
              With all the power of male love ...
              If you are a fascist with a gun
              You do not want to give up forever
              The house where you lived, your wife and mother,
              All that we call homeland -
              Know: no one will save her,
              If you do not save her;
              Know: no one will kill him,
              If you do not kill him.
              And while he did not kill him,
              Shut up about your love
              The land where you grew up, and the house where you lived,
              Do not call your homeland.
              Let your brother kill the fascist,
              Let the neighbor kill the fascist, -
              It's your brother and neighbor who take revenge,
              And you do not have excuses.
              Behind someone else's back they do not sit,
              They do not take revenge on someone else's rifle.
              Since your brother killed a fascist, -
              It's him, not you soldier.
              So kill the fascist, so that he,
              And you did not lie on the ground,
              Not in your house to moan,
              And he stood by him in the dead.
              So he wanted, his guilt, -
              Let his house burn, and not yours,
              And let not your wife,
              And let him be a widow.
              Let her cry out not yours,
              And his born mother,
              Not yours, but his family
              Ponaprasnu let him wait.
              So kill at least one!
              So kill him quickly!
              How many times will you see him,
              So many times and kill him!

              Where is even a word about the GERMAN? am
              Quote from Msi
              kill everyone who took up arms. Who shot at their brothers of yesterday. The sin of the Ukrainians is grave, the sin of Judas, but you must drink this cup to the full...

              Now that's a different story. Only fewer took up arms than ran away or evaded these weapons in Ukraine. Out of 40 million, God willing, one million took up arms, i.e. 2,5%, and you call for killing everyone. Think about what you say.
              1. Msi
                13 September 2024 14: 03
                Where is there even a word about the GERMAN?

                Find the original... It's about the German.
                1. -1
                  13 September 2024 14: 38
                  Quote from Msi
                  Find the original... It's about the German.

                  This won't do. It's like me trying to prove the existence of a teapot in Mars' orbit. You claim it, you prove it. Send me a link to the "original".
                  1. Msi
                    13 September 2024 14: 40
                    Post a link to the original

                    Below Penzyak is my comment, the photo is attached there.
              2. +5
                13 September 2024 14: 16
                Out of 40 million, God willing, one million took up arms, i.e. 2,5%, and you call for killing everyone.

                These remaining 97,5% gave weapons into their hands, they saw them off with words of support, these are the same inhumans who filmed videos with calls to "Muscovites, etc.", jumped in a fit of hatred towards the children of Donbass when they died, and then rejoiced at the deaths of Russians. These are the same ones who bring weapons from Europe, work in factories and assemble drones, these are the ones who treat, service and feed all this scum, they are the ones who rob our citizens with their phones. They are the guardians of Nazi ideology and adherents of Banderovites. Therefore, they have no right to life!
                1. -5
                  13 September 2024 14: 42
                  Quote: Penzyak
                  These remaining 97,5% gave weapons into their hands, they saw them off with words of support, these are the same inhuman people who filmed videos with calls to "Muscovites, etc.", jumped around in a fit of hatred towards the children of Donbass when they died, and then rejoiced at the deaths of Russians.

                  This is again far from 97,5%. Another 2,5% at most -5. The US and EU give them weapons, no need to distort the facts. Those who jumped on the Maidan - volunteered in the first days of mobilization after 22.02.22, and even hung around in Donbass earlier.
                  Those who treat and feed - this is far-fetched. So indirectly any farmer or plumber, even loyal to the Russian Federation, can be dragged in. This is fascism.
              3. Msi
                13 September 2024 14: 17
                Where is there even a word about the GERMAN?

                Well, I'll give you a crash course, citizen of Ukraine...
                1. -2
                  13 September 2024 14: 44
                  Quote from Msi
                  Well, I'll give you a quick lesson, citizen of Ukraine...

                  In what year did they edit it from Nemets to Fascist? Maybe they got their brains later too?
                  1. Msi
                    13 September 2024 14: 48
                    Probably brains appeared later too?

                    You also insult our poets. I suggest replacing "German" for now with "Ukrainian"... By the way, Medvedev suggested something similar...
                    1. -5
                      13 September 2024 14: 58
                      Quote from Msi
                      I suggest replacing "German" for now with "Ukrainian"...

                      You are asking us to become fascists.
                      1. Msi
                        13 September 2024 15: 09
                        You are asking us to become fascists.

                        Most of the Ukrainians have already become Nazis...
                        Don't confuse fascism and Nazism.
                      2. -2
                        13 September 2024 23: 40
                        Quote from Msi
                        Most of the Ukrainians have already become Nazis...
                        Don't confuse fascism and Nazism.

                        How does this justify your fascist slogans?
          2. +9
            13 September 2024 14: 11
            Quote: Zoer
            And they also say THERE are fascists!!!
            Even in WWII our citizens did not want to kill Germans. They wanted, and killed FASCISTS. And Ukrainians are spoiled Russians.

            There, there are fascists. And real denazification = physical extermination of Nazis.
            During the Great Patriotic War - they certainly wanted to. Any German who came to our land with weapons in his hands deserved to be exterminated. And the experience of the Great Patriotic War and post-war history showed that the USSR showed excessive softness and humanism, so the brown hydra raised its head again.

            Ukrainians are anti-Russians, the Ukrainian idea was initially based on Russophobia. If you remove "Ukraine is not Russia", it turns out that there is no "Ukraine" as some special entity.
            1. -5
              13 September 2024 14: 56
              Quote: Illanatol
              There, there are fascists.

              Nobody denies that there are fascists there, and that state policy supports them. The point is that it turns out that we have plenty of them too.
              Quote: Illanatol
              Any German who came to our land with weapons in his hands deserved to be exterminated.

              So this is a fascist. But in Germany there were Germans who did not support fascism. Although not many, but there were.
              Quote: Illanatol
              And the experience of the Great Patriotic War and post-war history showed that the USSR showed excessive softness and humanism, and so the brown hydra raised its head again.

              The reformers who destroyed the USSR and their followers showed excessive softness.
              Quote: Illanatol
              Ukrainians are anti-Russians, the Ukrainian idea was initially based on Russophobia. If you remove "Ukraine is not Russia", it turns out that there is no "Ukraine" as some special entity.

              That's the point, many people there realize this, and there were even more of them in 2014, but WE abandoned them, unlike Crimea.
              The Security Service of Ukraine has detained the leading designer of the Ukrainian state-owned airline "Antonov" for a number of statements on social networks.
              It is reported that the detainee posted messages on his page in the social network VKontakte banned in Ukraine: “There is no such country as Ukraine. Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, in which he called for the return to Russia of the territories currently controlled by the Kiev regime.

              A banner with the inscription "Odessa is a Russian city" was hung in Odessa

              And what about the granny with the Soviet flag?
              So stop tarring everyone with the same brush.
        2. The comment was deleted.
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. The comment was deleted.
        3. +2
          13 September 2024 15: 43
          I also think that your traitors are worse than any enemies.
        4. amr
          13 September 2024 16: 17
          Quote from Msi
          I don't need such "brothers" in Ukraine for a hundred years. The more we kill, the better... One of the successes of the SVO is the death of over 500 thousand Ukrainians... Yes

          Well, this is exactly the reaction they are counting on and they have achieved incredible success in this!
          1. -2
            13 September 2024 16: 36
            It seems that "Kolya from Urengoy" (Zoer - Shurik) has calmed down! The arguments have dried up, but the brains have not turned around.
            1. -2
              14 September 2024 15: 37
              No, I just realized that casting pearls before swine is a waste of time.
              1. 0
                14 September 2024 21: 51
                Well, you, you walrus pig, know better.
  2. +1
    13 September 2024 12: 32
    According to the CIA, African countries traditionally lead in this indicator. Niger (46,6/1000 people) and Angola (41,1/1000 people) are in first place.

    This is according to UN data, and according to CIA data, Niger 44, Angola 458.
  3. +3
    13 September 2024 12: 35
    "Ukraine has the highest mortality rate and the lowest birth rate in the world"

    - Well, it’s clear with the mortality rate, but what about the birth rate? gender they changed to European ones, apparently...
    1. +1
      13 September 2024 12: 47
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      what about the birth rate?

      And who would want to give birth if the residents of Skakuassia themselves do not know the future status of their pigsty?
    2. +4
      13 September 2024 13: 38
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      "Ukraine has the highest mortality rate and the lowest birth rate in the world"

      That's not all, there is another serious problem. Note that this was not voiced in Moscow:
      Almost 10 million people in Ukraine are at risk of developing mental disorders, and this number may increase in the near future.
      This statement was made the day before by the Director of the European Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Hans Kluge, speaking at a press conference in Kyiv.

      "One of the concerns about winter is the risk of an increase in mental health problems. We estimate that almost 10 million people in Ukraine are at risk of mental disorders, from mild to severe," he said.

      According to UN forecasts, about 38 million people live on the territory of the former Ukraine, and according to other sources, no more than 25 million. So, does this mean that every third person is "at risk"? Although, with such brainwashing from their media, it may well be so. request smile
      1. Msi
        13 September 2024 14: 10
        So what does this mean, every third person is "at risk"?

        I think the percentage is much higher... hi
      2. +1
        13 September 2024 15: 52
        Almost everything, if we remember that Ukrainianism is already a diagnosis.
        And where will the birth rate come from when 10 million people have arrived?
    3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +4
    13 September 2024 12: 36
    And once upon a time... there were 256 million people in the USSR.
    Quite a sovereign market.
    And there were people to guard such territory.
    That's why these... three letters - CIA - are happy.
    The dream came true! Slavs are killing Slavs.
    All that's left is to wait a little, and then go in and take what is already NOBODY'S.
  5. -8
    13 September 2024 12: 36
    And in Russia? Mirror image. Oligarchic entities will not let you lie.
    1. +3
      13 September 2024 12: 41
      And in Russia? Mirror image.

      Mirror reflection? belay What do you mean maximum growth?
    2. +2
      13 September 2024 12: 54
      . And in Russia.

      Rosstat reported that the birth rate in Russia in 2024 Families broke the anti-record, showing a drop to a historical minimum. In the first half of the year, 599 children were born in the country, which is 600 less than in 16. The natural population decline was 600 people - 2023 more than in the same period last year.
  6. +6
    13 September 2024 12: 39
    As they say, we've jumped around in pots and pans!!))
  7. Maz
    13 September 2024 12: 43
    Quote from Msi
    The CIA reports that as a result of its work the number of Slavs has decreased many times over,

    I don't need such "brothers" in Ukraine for a hundred years. The more we kill, the better... One of the successes of the SVO is the death of over 500 thousand Ukrainians... Yes

    Oh well, and for some reason the President of Russia is going to release someone starting his. What a naive Vladimir Vladimirovich. He thinks that Russians live there. The President of Russia forgot to ask you.
    1. Msi
      13 September 2024 12: 47
      He thinks that Russians live there.

      Yes, the common rus lives there mainly, lives... Forgetting their past. There is a device especially for them, it is called "Remember everything"...
    2. +3
      13 September 2024 13: 40
      Quote: Maz
      Oh well, and for some reason the President of Russia is going to release someone, starting with his. What a naive Vladimir Vladimirovich. He thinks that Russians live there. The President of Russia forgot to ask you.

      No, he's just 8 years late. I thought after two Minsks they'd be waiting for him there, in hiding from the SBU. A fairy-tale guarantor, of course, what can you say.
    3. +1
      13 September 2024 15: 56
      He apparently thought that the Russian Armed Forces would open the gates and let us in, but there were only Nazi traitors there who met the Russian troops with weapons. Then I think even he began to suspect something.
    4. +1
      14 September 2024 03: 49
      What he thinks, you hardly know..... So who is naive here, we still need to clarify.

      Besides, we ourselves choose only friends, not relatives. And if the people are fraternal, they will remain so until the grave.If you don't have the brains to live in a family, then family ties won't help, but will harm. And who in 1991 ran in the first ranks to ruin the USSR, "so as not to feed anyone"? The favorite leaders of the Slavic peoples.

      Friendship of nations does not grow in the forest under a bush by itself. It is supported in a common state, as rational relations. But if a gathering of cretins themselves ruined this state in peacetime, there is no need to moan when they stumble upon its ruins.
  8. 0
    13 September 2024 12: 50
    And I remember Galustyan: "Oh-oh-oh, who did this, who did this,"

    Yes, HPP, there are fewer Russians, and the CIA admits it. But there are more Jews in Israel and the world, they recently wrote.
    1. -5
      13 September 2024 14: 18
      And what do Jews have to do with it? It would be interesting to compare the figures for the Arab population of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. Especially the latter.
      I bet there for every person who died, 1.5-3 were born. That's just in Gaza.

      Jews don't know how to commit genocide. Slavs and Europeans do it better.
      1. 0
        13 September 2024 17: 12
        So Google to the rescue.
        The day before yesterday I came across an article about Jews.
        Well, I've seen photos of our "elite" in their hats.
        but I haven't seen any in turbans...
  9. +4
    13 September 2024 12: 57
    CIA data: Ukraine has the highest death rate and the lowest birth rate in the world

    The CIA reported on the results of the work done. But wasn't this part of the US plans, they need the land without those who need lace panties........
  10. +2
    13 September 2024 14: 13
    Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
    - Well, it's clear with the mortality rate, but what about the birth rate, the genders were changed to European ones, apparently...

    Apparently, the males are local, some are on the run, some have already become humus, and the females have filled brothels all over the European Union. Where will the birth rate come from?
  11. 0
    13 September 2024 15: 40
    fellow Well, at least in some ways it's the first 404.
  12. The comment was deleted.