CIA data: Ukraine has the highest death rate and the lowest birth rate in the world

Ukraine has the highest death rate and the lowest birth rate in the world. For every thousand residents of the country, there were six newborns and 18,6 deaths this year.
This is stated in data from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States, published on the official portal of the intelligence agency.
Ukraine took first place in mortality rate in 2024, ahead of Lithuania and Serbia. This raises serious doubts about the objectivity of the data, because of the three "leader" countries, two do not experience famine, epidemics, or military action. Lithuania and Serbia are relatively prosperous states in a relatively calm region.
As for the birth rate, Ukraine occupied the last place on the planet – 228th. According to the CIA, African countries traditionally lead in this indicator. In first place are Niger (46,6/1000 people) and Angola (41,1/1000 people).
It turns out that for every Ukrainian newborn there are three deaths.
Thus, if we trust the information published by American intelligence, Ukraine is currently experiencing the most serious demographic crisis. According to its data, there is not a single country in the world where the situation would be worse.
The local Institute of Demography and Social Research also reports on the deplorable situation with the population in Ukraine. According to its forecasts, the country's population could fall below 2033 million people by 2033. In fact, the population of the territories controlled by the Kyiv regime is already much lower than this mark. Different sources give different data, but on average it is about 35 million people.