New Rumors About Iranian Missiles for Russian Army

New Rumors About Iranian Missiles for Russian Army
Iranian missile Zolfaghar Complex. Photo by Fars News

Since 2022, the topic of possible depletion of reserves has been regularly discussed in the foreign press weapons in Russia and the need to purchase it abroad. One of the main potential suppliers of weapons for Russia is Iran, which, according to some information, is transferring its missile systems to us. Recently, new reports have appeared on this topic, which are generally similar to those published earlier.

Fresh rumors

On September 5-6, authoritative Western media outlets published more reports on Russian-Iranian military-technical cooperation. Sources in US and Ukrainian government circles told the press that a transport vessel from Iran had arrived at one of Russia's Caspian Sea ports with military cargo — Fatah-360 ballistic missiles for the tactical missile system of the same name.

According to media reports, at least 200 missiles were transferred as part of this batch. It is expected that these weapons will soon be delivered to the combat units of the Russian missile forces and artillery, who will use it against Ukrainian targets.

Foreign media assume that Iranian-made systems will operate on targets in the north-eastern part of Ukraine, near the Russian border. In this case, the Fatah-360 missile system's strike zone would include Kharkov, Sumy and various objects along the state border.

Complexes "Fatekh-110" and "Zolfagar". Photo: Tasnim News

The Financial Times offers an interesting version. It suggests that Iranian missiles will allow Russian armed forces to carry out massive strikes at ranges of up to 100-120 km. This will free up the Kinzhal aeroballistic missiles, which can be used against targets at greater depths.

As in previous times, foreign media outlets call the supposed purchase of foreign ammunition a negative symptom, indicating the depletion of Russian weapons stockpiles and the impossibility of restoring them on their own. To solve such problems, Russia is forced to seek help from “rogue states” such as Iran or the DPRK.

Old topic

It should be recalled that there have been previous reports of Russia purchasing Iranian weapons. Since autumn 2022, this topic has been regularly discussed in the foreign press. However, despite numerous statements and assurances from sources, this information has never been confirmed by reliable facts. It is likely that the current reports of cooperation between Russia and Iran in the production and supply of missiles will also not be confirmed.

The Guardian was the first to report on Russia's possible acquisition of Iranian missiles in mid-October 2022. Its article spoke of Russian-Iranian agreements being prepared for the supply of missiles and other items. As usual, the information was obtained from unnamed but well-informed sources.

Last year, the topic of hypothetical Iranian missile deliveries was also raised several times. In February 20243, the issue was recalled once again, and in early September, another “round” of discussions began.

Khyber Shekan Complex. Photo by Fars News

It is noteworthy that almost two years have passed since the first rumors about Iranian missiles for the Russian army appeared. And each time the situation developed in the same way. First, a “respected” and “authoritative” foreign publication would publish a report citing an unnamed source. Then the media would actively discuss this rumor and make various predictions, and then publications on this topic would disappear, giving way to other, relevant topics. However, after a few months, they would reappear and attract the same attention.

Russia and Iran did not ignore these rumors. Officials from both countries stated each time that the information about missile deliveries was not true. It was also mentioned that Russian industry successfully copes with the task of supplying the army with missiles and other complex products, and therefore does not need foreign assistance.

Invisible activity

In 2022-24, foreign media repeatedly reported on Iran's supply of missile systems and ammunition for them. These reports mentioned various tactical and operational-tactical class systems, both the latest models and older ones.

According to media reports, Iran has supplied dozens of systems, including launchers and other means. Hundreds of missiles of various models have also been transferred. For example, the latest delivery alone allegedly included at least 200 missiles.

It is obvious that dozens of missile systems and hundreds of rockets would take up a significant place in the Russian missile forces and artillery units. The presence of such a number of imported missile systems would not be concealed from foreign intelligence services. the news detailed photos and videos would appear, not just statements from unnamed sources. However, objective evidence is not yet available, and is not even expected.

Land-based cruise missile "Pavez". Photo by Tasnim News

Foreign media claim that the missile systems are being purchased for use in the Special Operation. If this is true, then the Ukrainian side could have long ago provided evidence in the form of debris and fragments of missiles. The intensity of the hypothetical use of missiles, provided by the said scale of deliveries, would have facilitated this task.

However, since February 2022, the Ukrainian side has been presenting fragments of weapons exclusively of Russian manufacture. Fragments of Iskander, Kalibr, LMUR missiles, etc. were demonstrated. They also tried to look for fragments of North Korean-made weapons, but the fragments presented raise questions. Nevertheless, fragments of Iranian missiles, allegedly long in service, have not yet been demonstrated.

Production issues

It is easy to see that all foreign publications about the purchase of foreign weapons are based on the same thesis. "Informed sources" and other "experts" believe that Russia cannot provide its armed forces with the necessary weapons and ammunition.

According to this point of view, the Russian army must use up its stockpiles of missiles and shells. Some experts even named dates when this could happen. In addition, they believed that replenishing stockpiles at the required speed was impossible due to sanctions, "international isolation," etc.

However, these estimates turned out to be wrong. In recent years, the Russian defense industry has been preparing production lines and launching mass production of various products, including missiles of various classes. Due to this, combat units were equipped and warehouse stocks were created.

Russian Iskander OTRK. Photo by the Russian Ministry of Defense

After the start of the special military operation, production was not only maintained, but also increased. According to some data, since 2022, ammunition production has increased several times or even tens of times, depending on their class and type. This is enough to cover the current needs of the army and continue to create reserves.

Thus, Russia independently produces missile weapons, and the rate of their production corresponds to the current needs of the army or exceeds them. In such a situation, assistance from foreign partners is not required.

Incorrect assessments

Foreign experts and officials, including those holding responsible positions, often underestimate Russia's potential in various areas. They incorrectly assess the state of the Russian economy, the country's industrial capabilities and its defense capability. Based on this erroneous data, they make assumptions and draw far-reaching conclusions.

Since autumn 2022, one of the results of such processes has been regular news about the shortage of missile weapons and the need to purchase them abroad. A similar situation is observed in other areas where an objective study of issues and the formation of a correct picture are required. The enemy and its patrons are creating problems for themselves, and this is definitely a positive factor.
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  1. +4
    10 September 2024 04: 12
    It is common knowledge that the Russian military-industrial complex has increased its turnover to the maximum and increased the production of "consumables" such as missiles and shells several times. Now, in my opinion, it is approaching a certain ceiling, which is set primarily by the availability of human resources. A number of enterprises have already switched to three-shift work and are taking weekends. There are no crowds of people wishing to get a job beyond the passing one, and it is very difficult to train additional workers, engineers, technologists and other specialists, firstly, it takes time, secondly, the desire and inclination for such work... not everyone can be made a technical specialist. And missiles will definitely not be superfluous now, and the source of their replenishment is not so important, as long as the quality is up to par, nothing is a pity for the former brothers: neither missiles, nor shells, nor bombs. Therefore, I consider any additional supplies useful.
  2. -6
    10 September 2024 04: 13
    tornado with it is necessary to assume in that case they did not decide (well, okay, there are friends like Iran and the DPRK by the way, why won't the Union State adjust Polonez, the ranges there are quite comparable
    1. +2
      10 September 2024 05: 06
      Because this requires China's permission.
      Polonez uses Chinese rockets, only the carrier itself is purely Belarusian.
  3. 0
    10 September 2024 05: 24
    Once upon a time we they launched rockets like sausages, if you believe Khrushchev, and now we buy them from third world countries, if you believe the reports. Think about it...
    1. +2
      10 September 2024 07: 45
      if you believe Khrushchev

      If you believe Khrushchev, then from 1980 to 1991 the USSR lived under communism.
      In general, the expression "to trust Khrushchev" is a great joke for KVN.
      ps The books that are more mendacious than Khrushchev's memoirs are Solzhenitsyn's books.
      1. 2al
        10 September 2024 16: 26
        Party comrades replaced Khrushchev's communism with Brezhnev's developed socialism, and already in 1971 at the 23rd Congress of the CPSU. So there was no faith in Khrushchev even then.
    2. 0
      10 September 2024 10: 48
      Nothing to worry about, less chauvinism, a hat of arrogance and show-off and everything will be fine
    3. 0
      11 September 2024 17: 37
      When Khrushchev said this, sausages were also in short supply. They were still okay for public catering, and you couldn't find them in stores very often!
    4. -1
      17 September 2024 18: 44
      Quote: Luminman
      We once fired missiles like sausages, according to Khrushchev, and now we buy them from Third World countries, according to reports. Think...

      Iran is a so-called "third world country," huh? And yet, you're pathetically reliant on Iran for high-capacity gas turbines and spare parts for SuperJet engines like the single crystal blade, produced only by Iran, the US, France, and Britain. Without Iran, you'll be stuck traveling by road—oh wait, you import cars from Iran too. So without Iran and China, you're back to riding horses.

      And let's talk about gas turbines. Without Iran's high-capacity turbines, you can only export gas to nearby countries. Even if you complete your low to mid-capacity turbine within the announced two-year timeline, it's only good for domestic gas flow or powering a single block. But for powering a big city or exporting natural gas through pipelines like Nord Stream, you need the massive high-capacity turbines that only Germany, Iran, and the US have. And guess what? That "Third World" country produces the most efficient gas turbines in that class.

      You bought 40 turbines for $40 billion from Iran, but without maintenance and spare parts, they'll fail sooner or later. That's why this technology is one of 45 strategic technologies—so essential for any modern country and so hard to produce that there are only a handful of producers. Almost all 45 are supplied by different Western countries, but Iran is the only country producing all 45 and ranks among the top three producers in seven of them.
      That's what happens when you sanction the third smartest nation on the planet and refuse to provide them with any of those 45 strategic technologies—they end up creating them on their own become the best at 7 of them.

      According to ASPI, a Western company dedicated to identifying the best or monopoly holders to advise Western countries, Iran is among the top ten technology superpowers. And guess who isn't on that list? Russia. Even China benefits from Iranian technology. So if Iran is "third world," and Russia imports cars, drones, gas turbines, medicine, and aviation spare parts from Iran, while Iran only imports raw materials and wheat from Russia, what does that make Russia? A fifth world country?

      Iran is a so-called "third world country," isn't it? And yet, you rely heavily on Iran to produce high-power gas turbines and SuperJet engine parts, such as monocrystalline blades, which are only made by Iran, the US, France and the UK. Without Iran, you'd have to travel on the road - oh, wait, you import cars from Iran too. So, without Iran and China, you'd be riding horses again.

      And let's talk about gas turbines. Without Iran's large turbines, you can only export gas to nearby countries. Even if you complete your small or medium turbine within the stated two-year timeframe, it is only good for domestic gas or for powering a single unit. But to power a large city or export natural gas through pipelines like Nord Stream, you need large turbines, which only Germany, Iran and the US have. And guess what? This "Third World" country makes the most efficient gas turbines in their class.

      You buy 40 turbines from Iran for $40 billion, but without maintenance and spare parts, they will eventually fail. That’s why this technology is one of the 45 strategic ones – it’s so important to any modern country and so difficult to produce that there are only a handful of manufacturers. Almost all 45 are supplied by different Western countries, but Iran is the only country that produces all 45, and is among the top three producers in seven of them.
      This is what happens when you sanction the third most intelligent nation on the planet and deny them any of these 45 strategic technologies - they end up creating them themselves and becoming the best at 7 of them.

      According to ASPI, a Western company that identifies the best or most exclusive owners to advise Western countries, Iran is one of the top ten tech superpowers. And guess who's not on the list? Russia. Even China benefits from Iranian technology. So if Iran is "third world," and Russia imports cars, drones, gas turbines, medicine, aviation, and spare parts from Iran, and Iran imports only raw materials and wheat from Russia, what does Russia make? The world's fifth-largest country?
  4. +6
    10 September 2024 05: 38
    Russia is forced to turn to “rogue states” such as Iran or North Korea for help.

    Russia is now also a "rogue state", more sanctions have been imposed than on Iran or North Korea, even the ICC has claims against the head of state. Why does the author repeat Western name-calling?
  5. +4
    10 September 2024 05: 58
    Why is it possible and good to supply American, English, etc. missiles to Ukraine, but bad to supply Iranian (or/and North Korean) missiles to Russia? It all depends on your point of view. For example, I believe that any assistance to Russia (including ammunition) from any country to fight the Nazis in Ukraine and their Western instigators is GOOD. And there is nothing to be ashamed of.
    And we need one Victory
    One for all, we won't stop at any price...
    1. +3
      10 September 2024 07: 32
      It all depends on the point of view.

      The problem is that there is a completely official point of view on this issue.
      Thanks to the "skillful" actions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs headed by Lavrov, the UN adopted a resolution on defining the aggressor country (although this could have been avoided if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had taken action), and repeatedly, which raised the question - are you helping the aggressor or the victim of aggression?
      That is why such a short and specific list of supporters was formed and even Belarus is trying to distance itself. :((
      They are simply trying to forget about this situation, and now they will give me minuses, as a messenger who brought bad news, but still, sometimes you need to pull your head out of the sand to look around.
      1. -2
        10 September 2024 07: 39
        The UN adopted a resolution on determining the aggressor country

        The very definition of "aggressor country" is absolutely subjective and contradicts the "right of self-defense." Who did Iran attack? What right of self-defense does the US have in Syria?
        He is right.
        Who has more rights?
        (Folk wisdom)

        World international law has sunk to the level of "America is always right" for everything.
        1. +4
          10 September 2024 07: 54
          The very definition of “aggressor country” is absolutely subjective and contradicts the “right of self-defense”.

          There are official documents on this matter, where all this is described.

          But that's not the main thing. The main thing is that the Foreign Ministry allowed the UN to adopt a formal decision on this issue (although it could have easily prevented it :)) It's one thing to talk in words, and another to have a formal legal justification in hand. The Foreign Ministry's ignorance of the procedure for adopting such decisions in the UN led to the fact that a very rare resolution was adopted regarding a country that is a permanent member of the Security Council with the right of veto, on the formal definition of an aggressor country. This is evidence of the extreme unprofessionalism of the Foreign Ministry's representatives in the UN. And no one was held accountable for this. But we are now seeing the consequences, and if we "forget" about this, it will not change the situation :((
        2. 0
          10 September 2024 11: 19
          The US has rights everywhere because they bring democracy
  6. +1
    10 September 2024 08: 39
    Question. Why else do you need allies???
    Are you going to get together and drink coffee while discussing the topics answered??
    Quite a businesslike cooperation.
    Any burden is easier to bear together. And more fun. So there is nothing wrong with that. Mutually beneficial partnership.
    And I don't think it's worth calling them "outcast countries". These are countries in opposition to the totalitarian world dictatorship. The last ones for whom the words Honor, Independence, Freedom are not an empty phrase but the only possible way of life.
  7. 0
    10 September 2024 09: 55
    200 missiles, that's nothing. 3-4 raids, for 3-4 days. More missiles are needed.
    1. 2al
      10 September 2024 16: 29
      No, it’s enough to collapse 8 bridges across the Dnieper.
  8. +1
    10 September 2024 10: 36
    What kind of dancing with tambourines is this? It seems to me that Iran needs to sell us IRBMs as a showpiece and show off that they sold them and asked no one.
    Everything is pushing towards the unification of ballistic missiles and cruise missiles with launchers, so that it would be possible to supply each other with ballistic missiles and launch them from their launchers.
    1. 2al
      10 September 2024 16: 32
      You don't need balls to dance with a tambourine, but you can't sell ICBMs without them.
      1. +1
        10 September 2024 16: 41
        What specifically prevents Iran from selling the BRMS (up to 300 km) to Russia?
        1. IRAN - under full sanctions
        2. RF too.
        3. Up to 300 km BR and KR can be sold to normal countries
        4. In 404, anyone and everyone sells.
        5. What is the threat to Iran for this?!
        1. 0
          16 September 2024 18: 59
          The Russian Federation has BRMD in commercial quantities, problems with BRSD!!!
          And Iran also needs to test its missiles in action!
  9. 0
    10 September 2024 11: 31
    If this is so, then there is a possibility that the Russian Federation will use them as a reserve and everything that is available for a rainy day - for Ukraine. Or it will buy them for future use - perhaps there is an agreement - if Europe gives Ukraine missiles, then the Russian Federation will use Iranian ones.
  10. 0
    10 September 2024 12: 16
    Having started reading, I immediately understood who the author was - the graphomaniac Ryabov. Endless repetitions, long, worthless text. And regarding the Iranian missiles - where did the dots go with the same firing range?
    1. 0
      10 September 2024 13: 40
      Ryabov. Endless repetitions, long worthless text

      I liked how Andrey from Chelyabinsk, if I'm not mistaken, once commented on a similar situation :))
      Brevity is the sister of talent, but the mother-in-law of a fee
    2. 0
      10 September 2024 14: 12
      Dear Alex Samoletov! Regarding K. Ryabov - an old "foreign" saying: Wild West, a provincial town, a saloon... Inside there are plenty of cowboys, "visiting" bandits, ladies "with reduced social responsibility" - noise - din, tobacco smoke. In the corner a broken piano is tinkling, on which a pianist is trying to "depict" a local "hit".... Above the piano hangs a poster: "Don't shoot the pianist! He plays as best he can!"
      1. 0
        10 September 2024 19: 23
        The site moderators simply do not need to publish the opuses of Mr. Ryabov, there are many other authors who are able to convey information clearly, specifically and interestingly, and not boil water in a mortar. I have already sworn off reading the opuses of this scribbler. But here's the question - where did the dots go? Are they unusable or have they all been cut up for scrap?
        1. 0
          10 September 2024 20: 31
          Dear "Alex of the planes"! Thank you for understanding the hidden irony, and about "Tochka-U", probably, other goals have been prepared for it, in a different war, which they want to impose on Russia... We must be ready for any further development of events in the world theater of military operations... Then "Tochka-U" will be needed very, very much... A banal analysis suggests that it is categorically impossible to believe everything that is said and written, even at the very top, on both sides of the "flying eye"... There is "political" poker, "for big", where the "taken" bank "is the "age-old dream" (from the side of capitalism) - a strangled and broken Russia, and the "taken bank" - by Russia - independence, sovereignty, probably the complete eradication of fascism, as such, Eastern Europe, if not as part of Russia (in the form of regions), then in the mode - "whatever you please, Sir"... Which fits in well with the understanding of the current moment by the majority of Russians... And the USA are calm situational main economic partners of Russia, "licking their wounds" from the fight with the Eastern Tiger (China) and the fundamentally vulgar Britain, building their "new, satisfying life" in the vast expanses of Southeast Asia...
        2. 0
          16 September 2024 19: 01
          The points are in the warehouses, the question is what about their fuel, is it suitable, and the warheads are being reconfigured, I hope
  11. +1
    10 September 2024 14: 02
    Let's start "from the stove": Russia and Iran are two completely independent and self-sufficient countries that have certain agreements in the defense sphere, therefore, a mutually beneficial "exchange" of such goods is a matter for Russia and Iran... All the rest and the "snotty ones" can stand aside and smoke... "Reflecting" on how it was in the Soviet military-industrial complex is, I think, unnecessary and counterproductive... As they tell us and try to impose such an opinion (from Above) - we, no longer the USSR, we, now, are "cooler" (no matter how capitalist, like everyone around us) in matters of democracy, private property and standard of living, only not everyone understands and feels this to this day.... Well, okay... The second aspect - we, in the old-fashioned way, as it was in the USSR, were "surrounded" by Western information "garbage", which, unfortunately, only grows and multiplies, and domestic liberal-democratic media, for the sake of "hype" and audience growth, "eat" there, reprinting and scrolling stories from those "dumps", especially, themselves, without bothering with editorial "audit" (expensive, and where to find competent professionals)... But, in fact, against Russia, an information war continues, the goal of which is to sow doubts and panic, distrust of the Government, to distract attention from the main problems of the State and focus all attention - on themselves, beloved, especially in the current period of time...
  12. 0
    10 September 2024 15: 50
    The Iranians will not transfer missiles, and we will not buy them.
  13. 0
    11 September 2024 13: 43
    Why should we deny and say that there were no deliveries and justify ourselves to Europe, the USA and other outcasts? Actually, if there really were no deliveries, then this is a shortcoming and miscalculation on our part. It would be very good to buy weapons in North Korea, Iran, China and other countries. Or to make a trade barter with these countries.
  14. 0
    12 September 2024 19: 01
    Quote from Andy_nsk
    A number of enterprises have already switched to three-shift work and are including weekends.
    6-hour shift, 4 shifts, days off according to the schedule without violations.
    Not everyone can become a technical specialist
    There has never been such a task.
    missiles will definitely not be superfluous now, and the source of their replenishment is not so important
    You can't launch a missile without a launcher and a launch control system, which is why it's called a missile complex.