"Will increase fighter survivability": US installs IVEWS electronic warfare system on F-16

"Will increase fighter survivability": US installs IVEWS electronic warfare system on F-16

The American company Northrop Grumman is working on integrating the AN ALQ-257 IVEWS electronic warfare system with the F-16 fighter, which is intended to significantly increase its stability on the battlefield.

The IVEWS system includes a new generation digital radar warning receiver, an advanced processor designed specifically for the systems EW, and high-power transmitters with antennas optimized for the size, weight and power requirements of the F-16 fighter.

VEWS is being developed to provide the F-16 with fifth-generation electronic warfare capabilities, significantly increasing its survivability.

- noted on the company's website.


As indicated, the ultra-wideband architecture of the new electronic warfare system is capable of detecting, identifying and countering advanced radio frequency threats, including millimeter-wave systems.

According to the latest information published by the developer, the IVEWS complex has been successfully installed on the F-16, and preparations are underway for the first flight.

The F-16 was accepted into service by the US Air Force in 1978. Since then, the model has undergone a number of upgrades. Currently, equipping the fighter with a new electronic warfare system is one of the priority tasks in implementing the program for further development of the aircraft.
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  1. -3
    9 September 2024 16: 19
    We would like to get a sample of it, say that for 10 million bucks for a set and Chinese passports (like they won’t live in hated Russia but in a Chinese paradise and show advertising videos from TG about how the Chinese live in the 22nd century) and some division of saucepans might hand over everything we need.
  2. 0
    9 September 2024 16: 32
    Enlighten the ignorant: why do you need electronic warfare on a fighter? So that it can be better captured by an anti-radar missile?
    1. 0
      9 September 2024 19: 44
      The fighter's electronic warfare is not a "jammer" that is cut off
      anti-radar missile.
      It is a complex system of deception.
      To prevent the fighter from capturing the enemy aircraft's radar.
      More accurately, I grabbed it incorrectly: the wrong size and in the wrong place.
      The same thing with air defense radar.
    2. +2
      9 September 2024 19: 48
      Quote from iommy
      Enlighten the uninitiated: why is electronic warfare needed on a fighter?
      If an enemy fighter (or an air defense missile) has captured a given fighter with a radar beam, then the electronic warfare system on the radar frequency should output something: either garbage, against which the target is lost, or a distorted signal, due to which the target's location is given incorrectly. Modern electronic warfare systems do not emit constantly, only when necessary, and only on the frequency that is currently in demand.
      This is how I understand it. If I'm wrong, correct me.
      1. 0
        10 September 2024 00: 24
        I won't go into details...
        "The upgraded AN/ALQ-257 Integrated Viper Electronic Warfare Suite (IVEWS) electronic warfare system for the F-16 Fighting Falcon allows the aircraft to counter threats using new frequencies and detect and defeat more advanced radars and weapons.
        Because the Yankees have used new power amplifiers and adaptive countermeasure modules, the hardware allows for faster response times, wider frequency coverage, and detection of targets in all directions."
        To which some expert, like ours, stated that Russian fighters and air defense systems would be able to detect and shoot down American fourth-generation F-16 fighters.
        The Yankees tested IVEWS on an emulator, and ours will test it on SVO.)
        1. 0
          10 September 2024 10: 12
          ...sorry, typo... "hardware allows..."
        2. 0
          14 September 2024 09: 16
          The F-257 Fighting Falcon's AN/ALQ-16 Integrated Viper Electronic Warfare Suite (IVEWS) electronic warfare system helps counter threats

          But did the Americans supply the F-16s that came to Ukraine with such electronic warfare stations? This is very unlikely! Extremely unlikely. Most likely they will give something "second freshness" at best, like ALQ-135, on the basis of which the "Sorbtsiya" electronic warfare station was once made in Russia, the most powerful Russian electronic warfare station at that time 25 years ago...
          1. 0
            14 September 2024 15: 19
            Hi, Strelkin, everything may be, the Yankees are not fools, but to test their hardware on the battlefield... who would refuse, especially since there are a lot of these 16th.)
            1. -1
              14 September 2024 15: 22
              It will fall into the hands of Russian specialists (they shot down an F-16) and reveal to the Russian military industry the most secret secrets of American radio engineering thought! How can this be allowed? In one way: do not give the latest developments into the thick of a war with unpredictable developments.
              And we see that they are not given.
              1. 0
                14 September 2024 15: 29
                Did I say that the khokhol will fly... and straight into battle?
                Most likely, some Tommy or Francois will fly; the Yankees feel sorry for their own.
                1. 0
                  14 September 2024 15: 31
                  Whether Mykola or Taras flies, no one will send Tommy or Francois behind the front line - then Macron will have to crawl on his knees, begging for his citizens to be released from captivity?!
      2. 0
        14 September 2024 09: 19
        If an enemy fighter (or an air defense missile) has captured a given fighter with a radar beam, then the electronic warfare on the radar frequency should output something: either garbage, against which the target is lost, or a distorted signal, due to which the target's location is given incorrectly.

        You understand everything correctly. smile
    3. +1
      14 September 2024 09: 03
      No, sir, the electronic warfare station is on a fighter, good station Electronic warfare can reduce the detection range by about 10 times. In any case, this was the case with the American ALQ-167, which was installed on the F-14D, it reduced its detection range by about 10 times - instead of 120 km, the Su-27 could detect the F-14D only at a distance of 12 km. Naturally, its chances of victory dropped to zero, and the chances of defeat became equal to the probability of hitting the F-14D with missiles.
      Today's electronic warfare systems installed on American fighters are much more advanced. And they radically change the picture of the relationship between the combat capabilities of the opposing sides.
      On the other hand, American radars, most of them already with AESA, have very serious jamming immunity against Russian EW stations, where the lag in radio electronics is even more significant than the lag in radar/radar...
      Unfortunately, it is very difficult for aviation fans "from the couch" to imagine that the gap between the parties today is not just "horrible"! But "horrible-horrible"!..