British press: "US is capable of destroying Russian nuclear launchers with conventional weapons"

British press: "US is capable of destroying Russian nuclear launchers with conventional weapons"

The British newspaper The Guardian published an article showing that the US and NATO are capable of destroying Russian and Chinese nuclear launchers using conventional weapons.

Professors Dan Plesch and Manuel Galileo of the University of London describe a “quiet revolution” that reflects the rise of US military power relative to Moscow and Beijing, particularly in the area of missile Technologies.

Plesch and Galilei write that the United States has "the current ability to have non-nuclear forces that can outpace the nuclear forces of Russia and China," giving it a military advantage over the two countries.

According to the authors, Russia has 150 nuclear launchers. weapons, and China has about 70, some 2500 km from the nearest border. All of them could be reached by US JASSM and Tomahawk air-launched cruise missiles in just over two hours as part of a preliminary strike to prevent a nuclear launch.

"The United States and its allies can threaten even the most stealthy and mobile strategic forces of Russia and China," — the authors write, having at their disposal approximately 3500 JASSM missiles and 4000 Tomahawks. Thanks to new developments, JASSM (air-to-ground) missiles can be launched on pallets using the Rapid Dragon system from unmodified standard transport aircraft such as the C-17 Globemaster or C-130 Hercules.

'US and NATO conventional firepower underestimated globally', say Plesh and Galilei

The strategic question, both authors argue, is whether Russia or China fears U.S. military capabilities to the point of justifying a new arms race. “The 2024 U.S. threat assessment itself identified Chinese fears of a U.S. first strike as a motive for China to expand its nuclear arsenal,” they said.

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  1. +16
    7 September 2024 05: 33
    "The US is capable of destroying Russian nuclear launchers with conventional weapons"

    We would like to hear something kind from this disgusting GB, but where there... I don’t even know why our nouveau riche are huddled in the capital of this snake pit?
    And the only answer to all this nastiness is that two (for guarantee) "Sarmats" will forever erase the existence of this country from history... crying
    Or is someone on the banks of the Thames hoping to admire Russia's agony?
    Fuck you, good gentlemen!
    1. +18
      7 September 2024 06: 17
      The British newspaper The Guardian published an article showing that the US and NATO are capable of destroying Russian and Chinese nuclear launchers using conventional weapons.

      These British devils from the Guardian brazenly eat the bread of British scientists with their "evidence and scientific discoveries". winked
      By the way, 83,3% of British scientists have proven that "Russian roulette" is completely safe.
      The remaining 16,7% of researchers, unfortunately, were unable to participate in the final discussion of this issue. crying
      After this, British scientists quickly established that they were not British and not scientists. lol
      1. +5
        7 September 2024 07: 28
        ...well, what do you want to hear from "British scientists" with the last name Plesh...
      2. +6
        7 September 2024 11: 27
        Quote: Clear
        The British newspaper The Guardian published an article showing that the US and NATO are capable of destroying Russian and Chinese nuclear launchers using conventional weapons.

        Another delusion that can lead the world to destruction. NATO is not capable of destroying ALL nuclear carriers of the Russian Federation or China. And their army is not capable of repelling a retaliatory nuclear strike. hi
        1. +4
          8 September 2024 19: 05
          That's the problem - the Western elites are deteriorating completely. They sincerely believe in their own power and impunity. The American elites sincerely think that they are "in the clear" and that Europe will sooner be covered in a copper basin than something will fly at them and cause damage incomparable with the further normal functioning of the state and its economy... They have become so stupid that they have lost all fear. They will regain it when it is too late...
    2. 0
      7 September 2024 06: 19
      Quote: ROSS 42
      ..I don’t even know why our nouveau riche are huddled together in the capital of this snake pit?

      They hope that they will be considered as people...
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Or is someone on the banks of the Thames hoping to admire Russia's agony?

      It's unlikely they'll be allowed to see it.
    3. 0
      7 September 2024 07: 04
      Or one Poseidon or 40 zircons for their 4-m SSBNs at the time of their stay at the base, at the bases and headquarters of MI-5,6.
    4. +11
      7 September 2024 07: 28
      How much hurray-patriotic fervor.... And in the meantime, the fact is once again confirmed that the Anglo-Saxons are making their plans for decades and the concept of a global non-nuclear strike has not only not gone anywhere, but is getting closer to implementation. The Anglo-Saxons have experimentally confirmed that our air defense is powerless against low-flying, low-visibility objects and they can fly anywhere. We have already seen the phenomenal accuracy of their high-precision missiles. They do not hesitate to attack any objects throughout Russia with their weapons. And now all that remains is to wait for someone to consider the possible damage from our missiles breaking through to be acceptable and to implement this global strike.
      1. +17
        7 September 2024 07: 32
        Well...And by the way, looking at how skinny drones reach strategic objects deep in Russia, you understand that what was written in the Guardian is far from heresy.
        1. +2
          7 September 2024 08: 29
          It's one thing to spot a plastic drone, another to spot a tomahawk, even a low-flying one, these are completely different things.
          1. +7
            7 September 2024 08: 40
            And this tomagawa will not fly alone. It is not about different things, but about the ability to withstand the threat.
          2. 0
            7 September 2024 20: 46
            Tomahawk is easier to detect than a drone. It is an old generation missile.
            But JASSM is much more difficult, since it uses stealth technologies.
        2. +2
          7 September 2024 11: 27
          That's why we need to build mobile railway missile systems and not stationary objects.
          1. 0
            7 September 2024 11: 30
            Possibly. There are different methods to hide the deployment. But in any case, there are bases, stationary objects for the deployment of the same BZhRK
      2. +3
        7 September 2024 08: 30
        What is the phenomegalic accuracy? In the Belgrod cassettes?
        1. -1
          7 September 2024 10: 11
          You should go to the front - talk to the guys, they will tell you about the accuracy of Haimars. And in Crimea they will tell you about the accuracy of Scalps.
          1. +4
            7 September 2024 11: 28
            The minus is not mine, but deserved, one is enough, but I am right in Crimea, what can I say about the accuracy of scalps I do not understand. Under the air raid alarm was once in Sevastopol, I do not live there but often go there for work, dolphinariums work, water parks also I do not know how Banana Republic between Saki and Evpatoria. So do not speak for the Crimeans.
            1. +2
              7 September 2024 12: 49
              I don't care about minuses anymore. The Scalps' arrivals in the landing craft and Varshavyanka in the docks were very, very accurate. Some bad person leaked a photo with the results of the hits.
              1. 0
                7 September 2024 15: 39
                But we don't shoot at them, so there are no similar photos. I don't know what the damage is, but I'm often in Sevasta, I can't say that everyone there is scared.
                1. 0
                  7 September 2024 18: 04
                  I am not speaking in general about Crimea and Sevastopol. Just some facts - Storm Shadow to the Black Sea Fleet headquarters, Scalps to ships at shipyards, they are also on bridges from the Kherson region - these missiles work very accurately, whoever needs it - knows.
                  1. 0
                    7 September 2024 19: 07
                    There is a headquarters, something flew in there, yes, I am often in Sevastopol and I don't remember about a missile flying in, a drone, yes, it happened, but it's only a building, and on a hill and visible from a long distance. I won't lie, but I think that the headquarters itself and not the building has long been in a different place.
                    You got carried away about the shipyards, in the docks. Yes, it was, extremely unpleasant, but Feodosia was hit harder, and as for accuracy, everything in Crimea was copied a long time ago, I was still a kid. Sea Breeze exercises, dad says: they are studying the future theater of military operations.
                    1. 0
                      7 September 2024 20: 57
                      Storm Shadow, also known as SCALP-EG, flew to the Sevastopol headquarters.... A year ago, at the JSC "Sevastopol Marine Plant named after S. Ordzhonikidze", SCALPs damaged a large landing ship and a submarine that were undergoing repairs in dry docks...... Etc., etc. What are the questions about accuracy here?
          2. +6
            7 September 2024 13: 00
            Quote: olegff68
            They will tell you about the accuracy of Haimars. And in Crimea they will tell you about the accuracy of Scalps.

            Wipe the nuns and change the diapers! WARRIOR.
            Their vaunted accuracy immediately evaporates as soon as GPS is jammed by electronic warfare or is physically disabled. They know this better than you and whine in advance about such a prospect...
            And in order not to cause panic, familiarize yourself with the methods of protecting our silos - from camouflage to passive and active forms of physical protection of the OS.
            And second, The Yankees on a supercomputer calculated all the MGU variants as conventional weapons against our strategic nuclear forces. And they wiped their faces: 90% of PGRKs and 60% of SSBNs/SSGNs, SSGNs of the SN class will remain combat-ready. The babble that all our SSBNs have been grazing American SSNs since leaving the PB is a fairy tale for the poor and refers to the 1st generation boats of the 60-80s of the last century. That is why the Yankees are planning SLBM strikes from the waters of the northern seas adjacent to the Russian Federation and the adjacent maritime zone of the TO.
            And the last thing. To organize 5-7 thousand cruise missiles in a salvo is FANTASTIC!!! Today, even your vaunted Yankees are not capable of this! And of course, our early warning systems, radio-technical systems, electronic warfare systems, missile defense systems/air defense systems will sleep peacefully and watch cartoons on the plasma screen of combat systems... fool
            1. 0
              7 September 2024 13: 14
              Yeah, yeah. fool Peel off the Budenovka from the head. In addition to GPS, there are many ways of targeting, in the same JASSM-ER and Tomahawks they are combined. In Skalps there is generally visual targeting.
              And if you know about the methods of protecting the silos, then why do you think that mattresses do not know? The part about camouflage made me smile especially. Submarines can be watched in different ways - from underwater sensor networks to banal patrol aircraft.
              And of course, our early warning systems, radio-technical systems, electronic warfare systems, missile defense systems and air defense systems will sleep peacefully.
              when it arrives via Engels and ZGRLS.
              And yes - I'm not hysterical. I'm not the only one who has been saying here for over 10 years - you have to take the enemy seriously, without giggles and laughs. When I said here in about '13 that there would be a war and that they would mercilessly torture us with regional conflicts - oh how much shit was poured on me... and in the end...
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. Ray
              7 September 2024 18: 02
              In vain you so frivolously think that their accuracy evaporates when gps is turned off. Read, for example, about the features of the guidance of storm shadow, or as it is written. In general, without any navigators in a deaf mode, it can fly, focusing on the picture received from the video review camera, comparing with gigabytes of digital satellite maps of the desired area downloaded into the brain.
      3. +7
        7 September 2024 09: 01
        Quote: olegff68
        How much jingoistic patriotism...

        May I ask, who exactly did you see as jingoistic patriots here?
        "Sarmat" has been put on duty? It has been put on duty! Does it have 10 blocks of 750 kt each? Yes, it does!! Will 20 units be enough for all the islands? More than enough and some left over!!!
        What exactly is my jingoism and that of users like me? That at the appropriate (state, diplomatic or political) level these British scientists need to be told that Russia has a cooler answer?
        We need to respond the same way as Kim Jong-un does. Let Russia and its citizens prosper, rather than some British one polluting the air sitting on their swampy islands. We don't really need them!!!
        1. +2
          7 September 2024 10: 08
          How many times have we answered, when SHOULD this answer be given? After the murder of children in Belgorod, the occupation of the Kursk region, the Crimean bridge, attacks on nuclear facilities, attacks on nuclear deterrent facilities, etc. - the list is long. In order for Sarmat to hit something, it must at least take off, and the concept of a global non-nuclear strike is to prevent this takeoff. We detect cheap UAVs deep in Russia only at the moment of attack, JASSM-ER is some kind of homemade product - low flight with terrain following, low-visibility technology, powerful penetrating warhead penetrating WDU-42/B, high speed and a bunch of carriers. Well, it's not funny anymore. And the English article is for understanding that the Anglo-Saxons have not abandoned the idea and may well go for it.
          1. +1
            7 September 2024 11: 30
            The US is being put down even against UN, let alone against Russia or China.
            So it's a press turmoil in a glass of water.
          2. +1
            7 September 2024 11: 40
            They answered, Oleg,. You just don't read the news, I understood about the Crimean Bridge, but from your text it follows that it was occupied, I drove on it in winter,. The dear one is still standing, it was built conscientiously, I saw how they installed the arches, how they started it up. This is a very complex project, that's why they approached it thoroughly.
            And you either have a throw-in, or it frankly looks like hysteria, because my friend spoke to me in the same vein, well, we've known each other since childhood. For him, any initiative of the Ukrop: everything is lost.
            And about Sarmat, how to hit the installation? Well, out of three you hit two, or intercepted them, one will fly in - is that not enough?
            1. +2
              7 September 2024 12: 56
              What is called a "mark" for the Bridge, etc. - this should be routine work to knock out enemy infrastructure. And yes - if the mattresses go on a global attack, they will try to knock out all the silos and carriers - they have enough missiles for this, carriers too. How feasible all this is an open question. How all these UAV flights to Engels would not be a trial run. What were the conclusions from these flights? - to cover the planes with tires and draw pictures of planes in parking lots - can you imagine the level of intelligence of those making decisions?
              1. 0
                7 September 2024 15: 47
                And who told you that the work is not going? What does the answer for the bridge have to do with it, just a second, there are two bridges, a railway and a car bridge, I have driven on it many times, they are not connected. As for knocking out infrastructure, we are not the Middle East and it is not so easy to do this. I think those at the top know about the priorities and are simply bleeding us dry, and the raid on Belgorod is despair, even, rather, hysteria. Such bad thoughts did not occur to them before.
                1. -1
                  7 September 2024 18: 13
                  The work started right from the start - an order came straight away to cover the planes with tires - and reports to the top about the measures taken and the work in full swing.....
                  You drive on the Crimean bridges now... but not long ago you couldn't because they were damaged.
                  "The Big Giraffe" - that's it, if you remember how this song ends.
                  And not Belgorod, but Kursk - and I personally don't care about their motives, whether they are desperate or something else - the bottom line is, a thousand square kilometers of lost territory from which they now have to be dug out, losing stormtroopers, hundreds of killed civilians, tens of thousands of refugees, destroyed villages and the regional center.
                  1. 0
                    7 September 2024 19: 11
                    Well, how come I didn't go? Well, there was a traffic stop, I'll tell you more, the tanker is hauling fuel, it's being fined a thousand rubles, if not on a ferry, that was the requirement before the war.
                    And if you feel sorry for something, then maybe you should have started earlier? What were you waiting for?
          3. 0
            8 September 2024 07: 41
            Attacking Russia's nuclear triad with subsonic missiles? There are simpler ways to commit suicide. Accuracy is irrelevant, the speed and mass of the strike are decisive here.
        2. -2
          7 September 2024 10: 44
          Tell us how Kim Jong-un does this in relation to NATO countries?
        3. +1
          7 September 2024 11: 13
          Quote: ROSS 42
          Can I ask who exactly you saw as a hurray-patriot here?

          Well, if you're not hysterical and drooling about how everything is bad for us and good for them, then you're a hurray-patriot. Because a true true-patriot should be gloomy, like monolithic concrete, and tear-stained, like a women's novel. What's so hard to understand?
      4. 0
        7 September 2024 10: 16
        Quote: olegff68
        Meanwhile, the fact that the Anglo-Saxons are making their plans for decades is once again confirmed, and the concept of a global non-nuclear strike has not only not gone anywhere, but is getting closer to being realized.

        We don't like Britain either and we can destroy them with a snap of a finger. Their air defense is no less leaky. But what to do with the Tridents on board British submarines? Just negotiate with the Yankees to remove them?
        1. -2
          7 September 2024 10: 21
          Read our military doctrine, specifically about the concept of a retaliatory nuclear strike, and then try to imagine for yourself - under what scenario could we bomb Britain? Even a global non-nuclear strike on our nuclear triad is not a fact that there is a reason to use it.
          1. 0
            7 September 2024 10: 35
            And imagine our country. If Tomahawk is not Burevestnik, then there is no way it will fly to the nearest launcher. There simply won't be enough fuel. Of course, we are talking about a low-flying target with a fucking awesome EPR. This is not a UAV with a kilogram charge. By the way, it won't fly that far either.
            1. -1
              7 September 2024 12: 35
              The range of JASSM-ER up to 1000 km and Tomahawk up to 2500 km is not enough, right?
              1. -1
                8 September 2024 07: 45
                And does the launch of a large number of aircraft and ships also happen in seconds? I understand that you have read a lot, but military science has so far passed by your education and understanding, sorry.
                1. 0
                  8 September 2024 22: 37
                  Here in Ukraine, we have an impressive saturation of air defense systems, but we do not always see the exit to the "launch positions" - to the launch lines of the Scalps and similar Storm Shadows, even the old Soviet Su-24. Are you sure that we are guaranteed to be able to see the aircraft that will go to the launch lines, at extremely low altitudes from Finland, Japan, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, from the Baltic, the Arctic Ocean, etc.? Are you sure that we have full radar coverage from all the named and unnamed directions, including modern means of monitoring low altitudes? Well, I'm not sure, looking at how freely our enemy drones fly.
                  1. 0
                    8 September 2024 23: 55
                    Sorry, but you are a complete layman in military affairs, and perhaps you are trying hard to pretend to be one. Everything is mixed up, from the departure of aircraft to the exit of ships from harbors. And a strike with a conventional warhead on a silo-based area will only bring the enemy a retaliatory strike with missiles with special warheads on his country. And your persistence in obtaining information suggests certain thoughts that some specially trained people would not mind talking tete-a-tete, asking some questions.
                    1. 0
                      9 September 2024 07: 36
                      The forum rules here don't allow me to write what I think about you and your mental abilities. Learn to write correctly, and only then call someone a layman. And to scare someone by talking to "specially trained" people - are you even sane?
                      Go, thieving generality, scare them with the special services - but it feels like they are not afraid of anything.
                      And I am not praising the concept of a global strike, but I am suggesting that we should not treat it lightly. That's all.
                      1. 0
                        10 September 2024 21: 22
                        Are we on first-name terms? I recognize war bloggers. Good luck with your hobbywarhorsing...
          2. 0
            7 September 2024 10: 49
            Quote: olegff68
            and specifically about the concept of a retaliatory nuclear strike

            The latest edition says that anything that hinders our statehood is subject to immediate attack by the entire nuclear triad. But this is only on paper, and for now we read the British nonsense
            1. 0
              7 September 2024 12: 39
              A very vague formulation - what exactly can hinder our statehood and who determines this? The occupation of the Kursk region, or the seizure of the Kaliningrad region, for which (in my opinion) NATO is preparing in full force - will hinder our statehood?
      5. 0
        7 September 2024 11: 23
        And our missiles can also fly anywhere, for example, to hit the USA via Antarctica. As for the impotence of air defense, as a resident of a frontline region, I will say that you are lying. I hear and see the work of our air defense and, if something flies in, then it will definitely fly in to the boxing champion in the ring too.

        Meanwhile, we have moved from a strategy of destruction, as we initially thought they would do there, by the way, there were grounds. to a strategy of attrition, and we are not the ones talking about a nuclear strike. Exactly one thing follows from this There is hysteria in the West.
        They also equated Dresden with hysteria, seeing the successes of the Red Army, pardon me, already the Soviet one.

        And lastly, don't you think that we do something there too? We just don't advertise it.
        1. +2
          7 September 2024 12: 46
          That is the strategy of a global strike, so that our missiles do not take off at all. And that they can fly - there is no question.
          The fact that our air defense is localized, probably no one will argue - that is why in the Voronezh region NOW there is a "fire with detonation due to a drone crash", that is why it flies to Engels, Kazan, etc.
          And yes - "we have such missiles, but we won't show them to you" - I don't really believe it anymore.
          1. 0
            7 September 2024 15: 36
            Well, they have the same thing, the ABM Treaty was signed for a reason. The bigger problem here is that we don't have our own proxies, so that the Mexicans, for example, could start making trouble, or blacks inside the country. They will still get a response, which they know very well, maybe not as powerfully, but it will hardly seem small. And I'm not talking about the bombing of a volcano that some people dream about. Just one hit on a large city would already be a catastrophe, and there will be more than one.
            Who are you scaring? They could have hit, they would have hit, but they just keep talking.
            1. -1
              7 September 2024 18: 00
              Question - FOR WHOM will getting into the city be a disaster? Some people there are quite counting on sitting it out in Australia, some don't have children, some are just plain stupid - what are they afraid of?
              The film "Don't Look Up" is a vivid and truthful illustration of American society and politics, when everyone stubbornly strives to do their own thing, preferring to ignore the common global threat.
              1. 0
                7 September 2024 19: 01
                You can sit it out, but what about business? Even if it is abroad, it can be taken away, for example by asking uncomfortable questions, and if you doubt it, remember how in Europe Russian nobles were essentially sent out into the world, having taken out family jewels under any pretext. And I will watch the film, thanks for the advice.
                1. +1
                  7 September 2024 20: 48
                  Well, if they build bunkers in Australia, because when modeling the spread of nuclear fallout and nuclear winter - the southern hemisphere was almost not affected... then they somehow solved everything with business - for example, by buying up land in the same Australia, New Zealand, etc. Now it looks like the weapons bigwigs of the US are fanning the flames even more in order to earn more. Boeing's financial indicators are the best... and someone is carefully fanning all the scandals around the company in order to quietly buy up the cheaper shares - they know that there are not small profits looming on the horizon
      6. 0
        7 September 2024 18: 15
        The article says it will take them two hours to fly. They definitely won't be noticed by anyone or anything and will destroy if not all, then most of our nuclear missiles? It's just that the takeoff takes five minutes, maybe even faster. Otherwise, we might have to deal with damage from the 50% or 80% that broke through.
        1. 0
          7 September 2024 18: 41
          2,5 hours, this is the flight time of the Tomahawk at its greatest range of 2500 km, and this range is most likely for Tomahawks with a nuclear warhead. The rest fly closer and have less time. And if huge slow-moving drones fly deep into our territory, which are based on civilian aircraft, moving over our territory for several hours, and no one notices them - then what are we talking about?
      7. 0
        7 September 2024 19: 59
        they check with other people's hands... but where do our people have other people's hands to check them?
        1. 0
          7 September 2024 21: 07
          "We have the means, we lack the brains" © Matroskin the Cat. Prostokvashino.
      8. 0
        8 September 2024 00: 40
        My God))))) I need to write similar articles in response.... About how everything will burn in a nuclear fire and Great Britain will be the first)))) for balance, so to speak.... And you can also make different calculations with calculations...... Just one thing.... Something will go wrong in their brilliant plan and that's it, dry your oars
      9. 0
        12 September 2024 12: 17
        The mines were designed and built to withstand a nuclear strike, not half a ton of conventional explosives...
        1. 0
          12 September 2024 14: 26
          When the mines were designed and built, there were no such high-precision weapons. And now, yes, they can withstand a nuclear strike on the surface, but a direct hit from a concrete-piercing munition, whose powerful cumulative warhead "clears the way for a powerful penetrating warhead" - that's a question mark.
    5. -1
      7 September 2024 08: 34
      They forgot about Poseidon.
      1. 0
        7 September 2024 10: 13
        In order to use Poseidon, its carrier must at least leave the base and reach the launch line. Problems may arise already at the first stage. The enemy has hundreds of patrol aircraft alone.
        1. -3
          7 September 2024 11: 44
          Hundreds, not thousands, and if the carrier dived 400 meters, what will he hear there? And what speed the boat should go is coordinated, the gut is thrown out there and there is a connection with it.
          1. -1
            7 September 2024 13: 00
            Well... I have hundreds written. Sensors for monitoring disturbances of the earth's magnetic field - they don't give a damn how deep you dive. And before you go to that depth, you need to leave the base.
            1. -1
              7 September 2024 15: 49
              Into the Arctic Ocean, what will they feel there?
              1. +1
                7 September 2024 18: 24
                Are you serious? Why are you arguing with such knowledge? The Earth's magnetic field doesn't give a damn about the Arctic or the Gobi Desert, it (thank God) is everywhere. There are magnetic field maps with all the anomalies. Massive objects made of conductive materials create disturbances in the Earth's natural magnetic field. Rotating propellers do this the most. Patrol planes are equipped with sensitive sensors that detect deviations from natural values. As soon as such a deviation is detected, the plane starts circling in a square and if the anomaly moves, it calculates the speed and course - then the data is transmitted to whoever needs it, and the boat doesn't even give a damn that they were detected.
                1. 0
                  7 September 2024 19: 13
                  And if it doesn't move? I'm a humanities person, not a techie. But there's a duty station, and then it's impossible to monitor everything non-stop, and I'm speaking as a humanities person.
                  1. -1
                    7 September 2024 21: 03
                    NATO is doing great with intelligence - they monitor from satellites when a submarine leaves the pier and then they can monitor to detect the boat - we do not have large and powerful naval groups to cover the SSBN deployment squares from patrol aircraft, and whether we will ever have them is a big question. For us, building a destroyer is an impossible task now.
    6. +3
      7 September 2024 08: 58
      I haven't read anywhere if POSEIDONs were actually tested anywhere? Maybe this viper island with "scientists" is suitable for viewing the wave height and consequences of an explosion without touching nuclear weapons?
    7. +2
      7 September 2024 13: 40
      Ross xnumx
      Today, 05: 33
      [/ I]
      [/quote]“The US is capable of destroying Russian nuclear launchers with conventional weapons”[Quote]

      And the only answer to all this nastiness is that two (for guarantee) “Sarmats” will forever erase the existence of this country from history[i]

      The Anglo-Saxons have begun to forget themselves, jokes with hypersonics are bad, ask your instructors who are over 200 years old in Bandera.
      Besides, there are still surprises, excluding Poseidonych, Burevestnik and what you are all so afraid of - the dead hand from the times of the USSR!
  2. +3
    7 September 2024 05: 35
    For some reason, all the DolboDyatly live on the Island of Bad Luck))) ❗
    1. +1
      7 September 2024 06: 19
      Quote: Sergey Koltakov
      For some reason, all the DolboDyatly live on the Island of Bad Luck))) ❗

      Seen on Monday, their mother gave birth request
      1. +1
        7 September 2024 07: 30
        Their mother is a donkey with brain atrophy.
  3. -1
    7 September 2024 05: 38
    and Russia will watch this from the sidelines...what kind of idiots live in Matrasia.
    and how are they going to destroy submarines with Bulavas...there are about a hundred of them in Russia?
    1. -4
      7 September 2024 05: 40
      With this scenario, all NATO satellites and cables will be destroyed.
      1. +4
        7 September 2024 06: 50
        Cables (male dogs) are written with an "O". And if you are talking about communication cables, then there is an "I" at the end. Please do not confuse zoology with communications. lol
        1. +2
          7 September 2024 10: 03
          Male dogs, as you correctly noted, are written with an "o", but in the plural there is also an "i" at the end.
          1. 0
            7 September 2024 10: 11
            Sergey, I don't read that far, until the end of the word. lol But as a signalman, I was taught back in naval training how to correctly pronounce and write about communication or power cables. Cadets who remembered dogs instead of cables sometimes got it out of turn...
            1. +2
              7 September 2024 10: 22
              Alexander, read to the end, don't rush. As they say in "Kidnapping, Caucasian Style": "no need to rush, yes."
    2. -2
      7 September 2024 05: 45
      About a hundred SSBNs? Or Bulavs? Of these, one or two are at sea, at best. These are easier targets than Yars and Topols
      1. -3
        7 September 2024 05: 51
        now during the at're kidding...a mattress slave.
        1. +6
          7 September 2024 05: 55
          Have a snack, "hundred submarines", take off your rose-colored glasses, come back to reality, and let's not make cheap insults. You yourself wrote nonsense.
          Satellites and cables are just child's play. Stop it.
          1. +3
            7 September 2024 10: 16
            Of course, Yaropolk was hasty about a hundred submarines, but you are also very wrong. Russia has more than 70 submarines (different sources write differently: from 72 to 78). In conditions of military danger, only those that cannot go to sea for technical reasons will remain at the berths. There are far more than 1-2 on patrol routes in peacetime, as you claim. Judging by your comment, you are very far from the sea and from the submarine fleet. So don't write "nonsense".
            1. -3
              7 September 2024 11: 33
              Yes, yes, and you should also count the bathyscaphes. But we were talking about submarines with maces. So I gave them another head start.
              Take off your rose-colored glasses when you read crap. Reality is not rose-colored.
        2. +2
          7 September 2024 08: 02
          now during the SVO .. one .. two at sea .. you're kidding ... mattress slave

    3. -3
      7 September 2024 05: 54
      Most likely, this is the case; if before a missile attack, they carry out sabotage against the supreme leadership, then it is more than likely that during the flight time, if they make a decision about a counter strike, it is not a fact that they will have time to implement it.
      1. +8
        7 September 2024 06: 03
        I think there are protocols for different scenarios. In case of silence of the top leadership, the military makes decisions. If the military does not respond, the automatic system is triggered and the missiles will fly themselves to the pre-set targets.
        1. -7
          7 September 2024 06: 05
          We have been fighting for the third year, showing how effective everything is, I have no doubt that someone has the balls to make a decision, I doubt that they will manage to do it during the flight time.
          1. +4
            7 September 2024 06: 08
            Flight time of what? For what (to whom)?
      2. 0
        7 September 2024 11: 47
        Haven't heard of the Perimeter system? Check it out
    4. +1
      7 September 2024 06: 18
      and how are they going to destroy submarines with Bulavas...there are about a hundred of them in Russia?

      There are less than 10 of them in Russia and only some of them will be on combat duty.

      And they will be able to destroy them by tracking them from the moment they set out to sea.

      The US alone has more than 60 multi-purpose nuclear submarines, hundreds of ships capable of detecting nuclear submarines, and swarms of anti-submarine aircraft and helicopters.

      The threat is serious and we need to think about it now.
      1. +3
        7 September 2024 07: 05
        Ratmir, I basically agree with your conclusions. The only thing is that the boat does not necessarily have to go out to sea to fire missiles. It can do this right from the pier without diving, as long as there is a set of missiles on board. With a range of 8 thousand km or more, the targets will be achieved, as long as there is time to fire.
        Now that we have TTR (Bulava), it has become easier to keep them on board in readiness. than liquid-propelled missiles, which were usually unloaded into storage depots after combat service (autonomous missions). During my service on a missile submarine, combat service was even practiced without leaving the pier. I am not privy to the details of such options. But I suspect that in order to maintain readiness for a retaliatory strike, if a given submarine is not ready for a long covert voyage far from the base, and there is nothing to replace it with...
        1. -7
          7 September 2024 07: 29
          Those boats that will be at the pier will be destroyed first, forget about them immediately.

          The enemy is also guaranteed to destroy our airfields with long-range and strategic aviation aircraft; not a single one of our Tu-22M, Tu-95 or Tu-160 will have time to take off.

          Those missiles located in silos will be destroyed by a salvo of high-precision cruise missiles from various carriers.

          If they strike first, we will lose most of our strategic nuclear forces.

          Probably, Yarsa mobile installations will remain, and that is on condition that they manage to leave the permanent deployment point and take up positions. But there will not be many of them and they will still have to break through the enemy missile defense.

          The only thing left will be tactical nuclear weapons on Iskanders and Kalibrs. But we won't be able to reach the US with them.
          1. +3
            7 September 2024 07: 36
            Should we surrender? After all, in your opinion, we don't have a single chance to survive with such superiority of the enemy. But here is the example of the small DPRK, to which Trump crawled three times with an armada of all his missiles, for some reason pitifully crawled back, never daring to strike... Although not a single DPRK missile could reach the USA. And Russia is not the DPRK and they understand this well.
            1. +3
              7 September 2024 07: 57
              The situation is what it is and it is not in our favor.

              We will fight and we need to change our approach to defense.

              We need to get out of the treaties that limit our capabilities. We need not 10 Boreys, but, for example, 30, so that 10 of them are on duty and they are ready to use nuclear weapons against the enemy.

              Ships are needed to ensure the safe exit of our submarines into operational space.

              We need to strengthen and develop air defense. We need not only mobile expensive air defense systems where everything is in one launcher, radar and crew, but also stationary ones like NATO ones where the crew is reliably hidden at the command post, and the radar and launcher are spread over a large area.
              The Pantsir-SMD-E concept is very correct for the defense of objects and areas; it should be extended to the TOR and BUK systems.

              We need to expand the capabilities of tactical aviation so that it can use long-range missiles like JASSM and strengthen the protection of airfields.

              For silo-based nuclear weapons, we can build a bunch of false/empty positions all over the country so that no space intelligence could figure out where we have a missile under an armored cover, and where there is just a mock-up of such a cover.

              Everything must be done so that the enemy has no confidence that his strike can be successful.

              In the meantime, things are not going well for us.
              1. -1
                7 September 2024 08: 27
                Think broadly! Will we not strain our navels with such an arms race? After all, this is exactly what they are trying to seduce us into again, or even drive us into some kind of adventure, like they did with the Star Wars. Let's say we start churning out a couple dozen more "Boreys", and by the time we have made them, progress will have gone so far that these boats will lose their significance and invulnerability. The enemy will cover all the exit and patrol routes of our submarines with the new SOSUS system, launch a mass of unmanned underwater drones in these waters... And it will turn out that we will spend money, but there will be no effect. A couple of such drones will be trailing behind each of our submarines, ready to receive a signal to destroy them.
                About false positions and equipment mock-ups. All these false targets and mock-ups are very quickly studied from space and crossed out from the targets at the strategic level. Tactically, yes, this is how the Ukrainian Armed Forces saved their aviation at the beginning of the SVO and we were forced to hit false targets. And vice versa, we neglected this and, worse, did not protect our aviation with caponiers and decent security when saboteurs could mine helicopters near Pskov. This is beyond the pale...
                I admit that I still don’t understand the principle of the Poseidon. Why would it need an underwater carrier in the form of a special nuclear submarine? If it has an unlimited range, then why risk the submarine, which will most likely be discovered before it manages to launch the Poseidon… Why not make a dozen launchers in secluded bays along the coast, from where the Poseidon could be launched even across the ocean from Kamchatka or Taimyr? Let another ten such launchers stand empty, try to guess which of them is loaded. Here we need to know the principle of its preparation and launch, why a nuclear submarine is absolutely necessary.
                1. 0
                  7 September 2024 08: 43
                  Before the Boreis become obsolete, we need to make more of them, as many as we can handle. When they become obsolete, we will make new generation submarines.

                  Poseidon is being made on a submarine for covert deployment; stationary launchers will be detected and destroyed at the beginning of the war.
                  1. -2
                    7 September 2024 09: 31
                    Before the Boreys become obsolete, we need to make more of them, as many as we can handle.

                    Do you think that Sevmash has idle workshops and shipyards that could build twice as many Boreys? Probably not, which means we need to build additional factories and recruit qualified personnel... from where? There aren't enough of them even at the existing production facilities. That is, it won't happen quickly, it will take a decade.
                    We are assured that no war will begin without serious preparation by the enemy, who will conduct mobilization measures on a huge scale. And this will not go unnoticed by any intelligence service. Simple exercises and even then bring the opposing side to heightened readiness. An accidental, unintentional attack with strategic weapons is more terrible. But I believe that even an accidentally launched missile will not lead to a large-scale war; they will have time to warn through military channels and try to destroy it before the target.
                    If we assume that all stationary launchers will be destroyed at the beginning of the war, then all silo-based RVSN should have been closed long ago. But none of the opponents are doing this, which means they are counting on having time to shoot back while they are flying at them. Or are all the fools sitting there who don't understand anything about life?
                    What a strategist we are missing in you. I suggest you run for President in the next cycle of the company. I will vote for you, by God... fellow
                    1. +1
                      7 September 2024 11: 03
                      All 10 Boreys have either already been built or are under construction, a new Sevmash is not needed, the series needs to be continued, another 10 must be ordered, and then another 10.

                      The larger the series, the faster each subsequent submarine will be built.
                    2. -1
                      7 September 2024 11: 07
                      Look at the state of silo-based strategic missiles in the US, they are not closing them down, but they are not modernizing or developing them either, they are focusing on cruise missiles and missile defense systems.

                      Our missiles are vulnerable, it’s not for nothing that the US is building its missile defense system essentially along the perimeter of our borders.
                  2. 0
                    7 September 2024 10: 24
                    So you think that it is easier to move a Poseidon carrier submarine secretly to the enemy's shores and fire at the enemy at the right time? There is only one such carrier so far, and there will be two (I hope). And these carriers will become the primary targets for destruction. They will be monitored more than any other submarine and it will be much more difficult for them to survive until the first launch of the Poseidon. And to cover each coastal installation of the Poseidons with missiles. Where can you whip up at least a hundred dummy models and simulate vigorous activity there periodically, bringing in a team of specialists... isn't it easier?
          2. +3
            7 September 2024 08: 19
            Hello. You are writing such nonsense, it's horrible. The most important and most difficult task is to reach the strike positions of this entire armada without us noticing. The planes and missiles still fly for some time, plus we first need to suppress the air defense in some places, the aviation. Deploying attack weapons without the enemy noticing is not an easy task, and it is impossible to suppress and attack such a number of targets and depth.
            1. -1
              7 September 2024 08: 37
              You are writing nonsense.

              The deployment of forces can easily be disguised as exercises.

              We did not notice the preparation for an offensive in the Kharkov region and in Kursk, so why are you so sure that our General Staff will distinguish between exercises and preparation for war?

              And given how Ukrainian missiles and UAVs penetrate our air defense, we can conclude that NATO will not have problems with this either.
              1. 0
                7 September 2024 08: 44
                Hello. I figured you would bring up Kursk. You can imagine the scale and the regions yourself. Exercises with all armed forces in all regions. Europe, north, south, far east. Please think with your head. About air defense. It's very extensive. It's easier to close an object than the entire front line and even so, air defense is doing quite well.
                1. +1
                  7 September 2024 09: 24
                  Start thinking for yourself!!!

                  We started our SVO with exercises and for the enemy, despite all NATO intelligence, it still came as a surprise. Because before the first shot, everyone thinks that there will never be a war.

                  So why would it be different in the opposite direction?

                  One Ohio submarine carries 154 Tomahawks with a range of 2500 km. Will we be able to detect it before it launches its missiles? No. And they have 4 such boats, and the Los Angeles submarine has 62 pieces and they also carry cruise missiles, and there are other submarines. And this is only the US submarine fleet. There are also ships and a missile defense system that is already installed along the perimeter of our country from Alaska and Japan to Europe and it can also launch Tomahawks.

                  A bunch of NATO countries around the perimeter of our country have tactical aviation, even their F-16 can launch cruise missiles at a range of more than 900 km.

                  It will also be possible to move and disperse equipment and infantry in Europe to our borders.

                  Before you know it, NATO will be near Moscow.

                  Wagner reached Moscow in almost a day and somehow it didn’t work out to stop them.

                  Now imagine the same thing, only tens of times larger - columns of Strikers and Bradleys under the cover of Hymars, Apaches and F-35s, and all this after they hit our airfields, naval bases and missile silos with thousands of cruise missiles.

                  You say it's impossible?! Then why do they all lead to this?
                  1. 0
                    7 September 2024 15: 30
                    A total of 62 units were built. As of February 1, 2022, 26 submarines are in service (not decommissioned).
                    1. 0
                      7 September 2024 15: 32
                      I'm talking about the Los Angeles Premier League.
      2. 0
        7 September 2024 12: 49
        [quote][/quote]Only the US has more than 60 multi-purpose nuclear submarines
        1. 0
          7 September 2024 15: 38
          At present, according to Global Firepower and the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Russia has 65 submarines, and the US has 64.
      3. 0
        12 September 2024 13: 06
        If you superimpose this cloud on a map of the Pacific Ocean, you get a dot...
    5. -2
      7 September 2024 10: 59
      About a hundred submarines with Bulavas? Dear Sir, I would not like to disappoint you, but I think I will not give away military secrets if I tell you that unfortunately we have 7 of them in our fleet, of which 3 are of the old Project 955.
  4. +6
    7 September 2024 05: 38
    "English scientists" are true to themselves. They can "suck out of their finger" and scientifically substantiate everything! Anything that they order and pay for.
    1. 0
      7 September 2024 05: 39
      Quote: Amateur
      "English scientists" are true to themselves.

      'US and NATO conventional firepower underestimated globally', say Plesh and Galilei

      Every old man praises his bald spot.
      You can't sew intelligence over a bald spot.
    2. -1
      7 September 2024 06: 03
      Quote: Amateur
      "English scientists" are true to themselves..
      The Anglo-Saxons are like a fireman who came to put out a fire with gasoline.
      Quote: Amateur
      Anything can be "pulled out of thin air" and scientifically substantiated! Anything that is ordered and paid for.
      Well, not for free, of course.
  5. -1
    7 September 2024 05: 44
    It is necessary to move the lithophore plates under Britain and the mattresses to drown them in the depths of the sea and ocean. wassat
  6. +7
    7 September 2024 05: 47
    Has the autumn exacerbation begun? wassat
    In a mental hospital, a couple of patients stole the keys from the orderlies and got to the computer with the Internet?
    Oh, those British scientists. fool
    Who will wait a couple of hours while axes fly to their targets?
    How will these missiles defeat a silo designed to withstand a nuclear explosion?
    It's time to open a section on VO called - nonsense.
  7. +1
    7 September 2024 05: 48
    "The British newspaper The Guardian has published an article showing that the US and NATO are capable of destroying Russian and Chinese nuclear launchers using conventional weapons" -

    — They provoke, like: "Come on, USA, and we'll see" ...
  8. -2
    7 September 2024 05: 49
    They can strike at the mines of the Kozelsk division with the help of Banderovites.
  9. 0
    7 September 2024 05: 50
    The Guardian article was written under the influence of Ukrainian UAV breakthroughs on strategic objects of the Russian Federation. If nothing is changed in defense, then the role of non-nuclear forces in the destruction of PGU and other strategic objects (for example, SPRN) will certainly increase greatly.
    1. +6
      7 September 2024 06: 11
      But in the States the air border is locked, the weather balloon was shot down in panic, and so many have sunk into summer.
  10. Mwg
    7 September 2024 05: 51
    US Capable of Destroying Russian Nuclear Launchers with Conventional Weapons

    They are undoubtedly capable, since they have Captain America, Iron Man, Optimus Prime and other well-known talented users of conventional weapons on their side.
  11. +3
    7 September 2024 05: 52
    English professors believe that the destruction of mobile complexes with nuclear missiles by cruise missiles with conventional warheads is not a reason for a nuclear war with all their might? In Ukraine, this concept is already being tested with all its might. There is no clear answer from us, that is why they have become so bold. But isn't it time for our professors to first voice our answer with conventional missiles without nuclear warheads to the US triad - this is not a reason for starting a nuclear war, as the English professors believe. bully
  12. 0
    7 September 2024 05: 53
    There is no reason to be shocked, although one should not underestimate a potential enemy either.
    1. 0
      7 September 2024 06: 24
      Quote: Thrifty
      There is no reason to be shocked, although one should not underestimate a potential enemy either.

      As an amateur in this matter, I am puzzled after your explanations. what So should I go to the beautiful ones or to the smart ones? request
  13. +2
    7 September 2024 05: 53
    That's right. NATO drones are already bombing ALL of Russia with impunity. There's nothing stopping them from destroying everything and everyone while someone so understanding and forgiving is at the helm. Europe must be destroyed or we will be destroyed.
  14. -1
    7 September 2024 06: 03
    British scientists are the most learned in the world! wassat In their gloomy brains even cockroaches can get lost and fly agarics bloom in lush clusters! In a word, their brains are shaved and killed by megalomania! laughing
  15. +2
    7 September 2024 06: 24
    Yeah, and these 100500 Tomahawks will fly from the USA themselves or on airplanes first, but such a crowd is completely invisible and there are no conclusions to be drawn in 2 hours of flight.
    1. 0
      7 September 2024 08: 28
      Let's say they saw it, reported it to the main fighter, the zeroed one - they're flying, they say, a lot. Who knows why, but they can also bomb. And what about him? Did the spiritual mentors deceive us again? They wrote the Constitution for us, shook hands and smiled in Courchevel. We are our own, bourgeois. And they do this to us. Maybe they just decided to scare us? Well, while the galley slave was thinking hard thoughts... It exploded.
  16. 0
    7 September 2024 06: 30
    with approximately 3500 JASSM and 4000 Tomahawk missiles. New developments have allowed JASSM (air-to-ground) missiles to be launched on pallets using the Rapid Dragon system from unmodified standard transport aircraft such as the C-17 Globemaster or C-130 Hercules.

    At least 2 Hercules carriers with tomahawks and JASSM with non-nuclear charges, as the GB "scientists" write, will have to move to their initial positions near our borders. And this is a signal from the Russian Strategic Missile Forces for a retaliatory nuclear strike. And it will arrive before the cruise missiles from the Hercules reach our launchers. And it is not a fact that even a regular 3-ton charge will break the concrete protection of the launch silos. In general, the "British scientists" are fantasizing.
  17. +4
    7 September 2024 06: 42
    The usual uplifting crap from British scientists... I don't understand why it's being posted here.
  18. +3
    7 September 2024 06: 43
    Crazy nonsense. Two hours of flight time is an eternity for air attack detection systems. Yars' group deploys in 30 minutes, and by the time the tomahawks reach Westminster, the mbrs will already be halfway to Westminster. And the British forget that the Russians have daggers, calibers, and zircons, with which the same trick can be pulled off.
    So the article smacks of provocation. Cheap and stupid provocation.
  19. +2
    7 September 2024 06: 46
    A dozen or so nuclear warheads carefully hidden on the seabed, off the coast of the USA and UK - and we politely grin at the ''supposedly overwhelming'' NATO missile strike
  20. +1
    7 September 2024 07: 00
    Professors Dan Plesch and Manuel Galileo from London University describes a 'quiet revolution' reflecting the growth US military power

    So this is... The British need to try it themselves. Half-baked provocateurs
  21. +2
    7 September 2024 07: 05
    As I understand it, the nuclear issue with the DPRK has been resolved by non-nuclear means. And before that, the issue with the non-nuclear Taliban and Houthis has been resolved?!
    1. +1
      7 September 2024 09: 32
      Quote: kosmozoo
      As I understand it, the nuclear issue with the DPRK has been resolved by non-nuclear means. And before that, the issue with the non-nuclear Taliban and Houthis has been resolved?!

      This is the base. They responded to all the local traitors with two short sentences (as usual in the VO - they are the majority). The Americans defeated the DPRK, Cuba (Vietnam, Afghanistan) with Tomahawks, now the only small thing left is to knock down "Rashka" with its nuclear triad, with silos, SSBNs, mobile complexes, hypersonic weapons, the largest reserves of tactical nuclear weapons in the world, etc. With Tomahawks!!! This is despite the fact that right before our eyes the most massive use of missile weapons in history (I think so?) still demonstrates the limitations of its effect (and the Iskanders are cooler).
  22. +1
    7 September 2024 07: 23
    They present their fantasies and wishes as reality. It's simple. They fantasized based on false conclusions. Reality is much harsher and more unpleasant than wishes and conclusions on paper.
  23. +5
    7 September 2024 07: 30
    The tag "English scientists" is a synonym for lies and malice. These stupid people do not say that 100 percent of defeat is impossible to achieve, and even 2-3 percent of retaliatory missiles will be enough to destroy American civilization and in place of the British Isles there will be a glass desert flooded by a tsunami.
  24. +1
    7 September 2024 07: 31
    Nonsense with an unclear goal - either to relax someone, or to "smoke up" the information environment.
    The US had a weapon that brought down Mother Rus'. It was finance and financiers. This evil spirit still dictates which industries should live and which should wait for mercy, although it itself produces NOTHING except debtors.
  25. -1
    7 September 2024 07: 43
    Quote: ROSS 42
    "The US is capable of destroying Russian nuclear launchers with conventional weapons"

    We would like to hear something kind from this disgusting GB, but where there... I don’t even know why our nouveau riche are huddled in the capital of this snake pit?
    And the only answer to all this nastiness is that two (for guarantee) "Sarmats" will forever erase the existence of this country from history... crying
    Or is someone on the banks of the Thames hoping to admire Russia's agony?
    Fuck you, good gentlemen!

    Dear Sir, why did you decide that these are our "nouveau riche", i.e. scum who took stolen valuables abroad?
  26. +1
    7 September 2024 07: 51
    British press: "US is capable of destroying Russian nuclear launchers with conventional weapons"

    The Englishwoman is in her element. To shit or to rake in the heat with other people's hands, this is the main rule of her existence. The only question is how much longer this severed freak of the British Empire will exist and how much longer it will shit. I hope to see, in the conditions of the rising East, the disappearance of this filthy stump of the empire.
  27. +2
    7 September 2024 07: 56
    British press: "US is capable of destroying Russian nuclear launchers with conventional weapons"

    Is it like they take pin dos on a dare?
    They remained provocateurs as they were.
    Only in response to the attack on the launchers (I wonder what they meant by that?) Russia will fire from these very devices. After all, this is nothing other than a weakening of our nuclear deterrent forces.
    So we won't skimp. request
  28. +3
    7 September 2024 08: 38
    Quote: Ratmir_Ryazan
    Those boats that will be at the pier will be destroyed first, forget about them immediately.

    The enemy is also guaranteed to destroy our airfields with long-range and strategic aviation aircraft; not a single one of our Tu-22M, Tu-95 or Tu-160 will have time to take off.

    Those missiles located in silos will be destroyed by a salvo of high-precision cruise missiles from various carriers.

    If they strike first, we will lose most of our strategic nuclear forces.

    Probably, Yarsa mobile installations will remain, and that is on condition that they manage to leave the permanent deployment point and take up positions. But there will not be many of them and they will still have to break through the enemy missile defense.

    The only thing left will be tactical nuclear weapons on Iskanders and Kalibrs. But we won't be able to reach the US with them.

    Tales of the Vienna Woods.
    Boats moored at the pier will be hit before anything reaches them.
    In case of aggravation of the situation (war never starts suddenly), part of the strategic aviation will be on combat duty in the air. The fact of the beginning of the enemy missile attack will be detected by the early warning system, after which the necessary protocol will be launched.

    Cruise missiles need several hours to reach their targets, by which time our missiles and warheads will carry out a counter-attack. Strategic facilities are covered by air defense positions, so it is not a fact that the enemy's cruise missiles will reach them.

    The effectiveness of enemy missile defense systems has never been tested in real combat conditions, so you shouldn’t rely on them.

    There is no chance of victory for the Yankees in a large-scale conflict with the Russian Federation; these are all empty fears.
    In 1999, the Yankees used more than 2 cruise missiles against Yugoslavia, but even that was not enough to destroy even half of the industrial and military potential of such a small country.
    To defeat a large country like Russia with non-nuclear weapons is an almost impossible task.
    1. -1
      7 September 2024 14: 08
      To defeat a large country like Russia with non-nuclear weapons is an almost impossible task.

      Oh, it's a pity that the people of Kursk don't know about this... Otherwise they would sleep peacefully.
  29. +2
    7 September 2024 08: 48
    But if at least one submarine with ballistic missiles survives...)))
  30. +1
    7 September 2024 09: 22
    That's right, drones have flown deep into the country many times, and quite large ones at that. Apparently, after each such visit, NATO updates the map of "roundabout routes" along which their cruise missiles can fly to us.
  31. +1
    7 September 2024 09: 38
    British scientists love to think and make decisions in absentia for their older "cousins", who are the masters of almost the entire potential of NATO, AUKUS and all other pro-Western countries, including Israel.
    Only the Estonians and Lithuanians are even cooler than them in this regard; they are even more “independent” and warlike.
    But there are already victims of these hallucinations. Once Saakashvili was convinced that they would not dare, we will support them in the media and in every possible way.
    It turned out to be sad in the end, but on average the Georgians have become smarter, experience is a more powerful thing than the opinions of "British scientists" and the "guarantees" of the late McCain.
    Ukraine. It seems that this state will not exist, they also hoped for everything that was promised, they even received support from 50! states, including the "six", and if something remains - the idea of ​​fighting Russia will not be popular there, and life will be hard and short.
    And what can I say to the English? Do you want to fight with us? And who won't let you? Please, take a chance, let's talk. By the way, not long ago, in the place of the North Sea there was a densely populated area with cities. It sank to the bottom. But maybe the process is still ongoing, and all sorts of Kiel and Scapa Flow can also become a highlight for divers of the future?
  32. +1
    7 September 2024 09: 46
    If you are capable, then why are you afraid? Although there is nothing to say about this. This is a simple propaganda technique: first, scare your own population to the point of diarrhea, and then "give hope". If you just scare them all the time, then the fear will dissolve in the routine and become an unnoticeable background that no one will pay attention to.
  33. 0
    7 September 2024 11: 15
    Let's say it can, but who said that in response they won't fly a nuclear loaf of something that they didn't manage to destroy, and it won't be possible to cover everything. So what if they will use conventional weapons, this is not a new topic. We need a nuke not in response to a nuke, but to discourage any idiot from doing something there.
  34. 0
    7 September 2024 12: 01
    In extreme cases, static nuclear (and perhaps bacteriological) charges are needed, capable, if not of destroying everyone on Earth, then at least of making life impossible in a format that would be acceptable to the enemy.
  35. +1
    7 September 2024 12: 19
    Are the little Brits so blind that they hope that Russia and China will wait for the use of a wonder weapon without a response or preemption??? You've made me laugh. Let them not hope. With their actions, they have long ago untied our and China's hands for a preemptive strike.
  36. 0
    7 September 2024 17: 56
    That is, their missiles will fly for 2 hours, and no one will launch anything in response. The Strategic Missile Forces will even have time to drink coffee before the whole world is reduced to dust.
  37. 0
    7 September 2024 20: 27
    I'm not that much of an expert and not an expert at all, but I've heard about "unacceptable damage" that the Americans talk about, they will never start a war with a strong enemy until they are 100% sure that nothing will fly to them, and it will fly to them and not a little, so they will continue to adhere to this strategy as they have been pursuing a policy of war by proxy, and they will avoid direct war with Russia. We just need to continue to develop nuclear forces and conventional weapons and make them afraid of us.
  38. 0
    7 September 2024 21: 59
    If they were capable, they would have been destroyed long ago.
  39. 0
    8 September 2024 08: 05
    Quote: Wizzzard
    Oh, it's a pity that the people of Kursk don't know about this... Otherwise they would sleep peacefully.

    Whether they know or not, on the scale of the country as a whole it doesn’t play a special role.
    By the way, in the Sumy region of Ukraine there are also reasons for insomnia, since the authorities of Zalezhnaya have announced an evacuation.
    The outcome of this adventure is not difficult to predict: another federal subject will join the Russian Federation.
  40. 0
    8 September 2024 08: 07
    Quote: Eskobar
    That's right, drones have flown deep into the country many times, and quite large ones at that. Apparently, after each such visit, NATO updates the map of "roundabout routes" along which their cruise missiles can fly to us.

    As if drones or something more serious couldn't fly into NATO countries. As practice has shown, even Israel doesn't have impenetrable protection, although the concentration of air defense forces there is the largest on our planet.
  41. +1
    8 September 2024 12: 41
    We need to sell more oil-gas-uranium-aluminum-titanium to NATO countries.
    Well, just to be sure.
    Some kind of perverted suicide.
  42. bar
    8 September 2024 13: 50
    British scientists are such scientists...
  43. 0
    8 September 2024 17: 17
    If they do not have a guarantee to organize the presence of several hundred carriers for cruise missiles at our northern borders at the moment, remaining unnoticed, and also to hide the fact of the strike until the target is hit - then this is just a stupid throw-in. Apparently, this is still the bottleneck in their concept and that is why we have not yet seen nuclear mushrooms.
  44. 0
    8 September 2024 19: 12
    You made me laugh, the launchers are located all over the territory and it won’t be possible to cover everything at once, and especially the submarine fleet, a salvo from one strategist submarine will be enough for the British.
  45. 0
    8 September 2024 19: 38
    All of these could be reached by US air-launched JASSM and Tomahawk cruise missiles in just over two hours as part of a preliminary strike to prevent a nuclear weapons launch.

    A massive launch of cruise missiles on Russian territory is a declaration of war. And in the 2,5 hours it takes them to reach our launch pads, the States and the rest of NATO will turn into a radioactive skating rink made of glass. Well, naturally, if the leadership has balls.
  46. 0
    10 September 2024 20: 06
    They won't be able to, usually the concentration of forces at the borders is fixed and the finger is on the pulse. There are usually two options: 1. a sudden attack was wasted - up to 40% of the entire army's power is lost in an instant, critical damage is still inflicted on the enemy. 2. warned - the attack is inflicted first. There is no other option.
  47. 0
    10 September 2024 20: 12
    The Russian Armed Forces can destroy the nuclear forces of Britain and France with conventional means. And we can destroy the USA with nuclear means.
    The USSR could have destroyed the entire world with conventional weapons. But did it need to? Of course not.
  48. 0
    12 September 2024 12: 05
    British scientists again...