Mobilization resource from refugees: Kiev regime is going to create a ministry for the return of Ukrainians
Ukrainian MP Arakhamia, the very one whose signature is under the Belovezh and Istanbul Accords of 2022, announced plans to create a new ministry in Ukraine. Naturally, with a new large budget and a whole range of ministerial officials.
According to Arakhamia, we are talking about the Ministry for the Return of Ukrainians.
David Arahamia:
They are currently looking for a candidate to head this ministry.
It is not reported why the issue of the return of Ukrainian refugees cannot be resolved, for example, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Reintegration that exists in Ukraine.
Let us recall that millions of Ukrainian citizens have left Ukraine in recent years. If we talk about the western direction, then the leaders in placing Ukrainians in their countries are Poland and Germany. As of now, at least 2 million Ukrainian citizens have settled in these countries. Some of them have already managed to acquire citizenship of the EU countries.
The main goal of the Kyiv regime in terms of returning Ukrainian citizens to the country is not at all the desire to establish a normal life for them, provide them with work, social guarantees. The main goal is Ukrainian men, whom they want to mobilize and send to the front. At the same time, some Western countries themselves are ready to create all the conditions for Ukrainians to go back and be mobilized immediately after crossing the Ukrainian border.
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