US Press: By occupying part of Kursk Oblast, Ukraine has violated one of the greatest taboos of the atomic age

US Press: By occupying part of Kursk Oblast, Ukraine has violated one of the greatest taboos of the atomic age

The American press notes that the head of the Kyiv regime, Vladimir Zelensky, having initiated the invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk region, is actually going for broke, trying to provoke the start of a nuclear conflict against the backdrop of his existential defeat in the armed conflict with Russia.

As the Wall Street Journal writes, by invading the Russian region, Ukraine has violated one of the greatest taboos of the atomic age. This is the first in the world stories an instance where a non-nuclear country invades and occupies part of a nuclear power's territory.

At the same time, according to the authors of the article, it remains unclear what further steps the administration of US President Joe Biden and other Western allies of Kyiv will take - whether they will prevent Zelensky from continuing to follow a course that could well lead to a nuclear the war or, hoping that Moscow will not use nuclear weapons weapon against the Ukrainian Armed Forces, on the contrary, they will increase support for Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory.

The article published in the American newspaper suggests that the West as a whole is still under the illusion that Putin is ready to negotiate peace on any terms, including those that include Ukraine's possible entry into NATO and the EU.

The authors of the article believe that the administration of the "lame duck" Biden is no longer able to influence the decisions of Zelensky, who rejects Washington's advice. The next US president will most likely be forced to develop a new policy in the context of the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis, which Biden was unable to prevent.
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  1. -24
    4 September 2024 16: 59
    Liars. They knew what taboo they were breaking by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And as for "our" leaders... It doesn't drip on them.
    1. +21
      4 September 2024 17: 02
      Quote from: dmi.pris1
      what taboo was violated by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki

      And which one?
      For example, the residents of Dresden didn’t feel any better because they weren’t “naughted” but burned alive with napalm.
      Again, after what the Japanese did in China - 2 bombs are not enough, even 200 are not enough there...
      1. +11
        4 September 2024 17: 29
        Actually, Tokyo was burned down without nuclear bombs.
        1. +4
          4 September 2024 17: 31
          Vladimir Zelensky, having initiated the invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk region, is actually going for broke, trying to provoke the start of a nuclear conflict

          Has it finally dawned on the "exceptional" that Zelensky is trying with all his might to provoke a direct war between NATO and Russia... For him, this is the only chance to survive and retain his power... And the Americans cannot help but understand that this conflict will involve the use of nuclear weapons, after which it will only be possible to talk about Ukraine and Europe in the past tense, and Russia and the States will be destroyed and weakened... And China will become the strongest, both economically and militarily, and it will no longer have any competitors for the role of the sole world leader... Yankees, come on, tell me honestly, do you really need this...??? am
          1. +15
            4 September 2024 19: 04
            Today I watched a video on Telegram of Ukrainian Nazis torturing our prisoner in Sudzha with electric current. angry
            After such a video I immediately want to glaze the entire Western region with nuclear weapons. am good
            These are just rabid dogs that need to be destroyed. am Yes
            1. +4
              4 September 2024 19: 54
              That's where you need to throw it (Yao), to the west...
            2. +1
              5 September 2024 01: 32
              Quote: Bearded
              Today I watched a video on Telegram of Ukrainian Nazis torturing our prisoner in Sudzha with electric current

              Where do you see all this? I can't prove to my liberal friends that the Kiev regime is criminal, they tell me every time that it's all "Putin's propaganda"... WHERE CAN I LOOK FOR EVIDENCE, at least tell me!!!
              1. +1
                5 September 2024 04: 11
                I recommend you to watch the telegram channels Two Majors, River of Changes. Lots of interesting information.
                I don't even try to look for cruel channels. The atrocities of Ukrainian Nazis come to light anyway.
                1. +2
                  5 September 2024 10: 33
                  Quote: Bearded
                  I recommend you watch the telegram channels Two Majors

                  I subscribe to "Two Majors". There is little real evidence there. Mostly descriptive (from someone's words). Such arguments cannot be presented to those who initially proceed from the assumption that "Kremlin propaganda lies".

                  Understand that individual episodes will immediately be declared by our enemies to be excesses of the perpetrators, which do not characterize the Kiev regime itself. What is needed is mass facts of crimes for which no one has been punished. The ideological followers of the Nazis in Germany have drawn their conclusions based on the results of their defeat (very relative) in the Second World War, and no longer commit their evil openly, documenting their crimes. This significantly complicates the collection of data for the subsequent Tribunal on Ukraine, which Russia will definitely have to hold.

                  I didn't know about the "River of Change" channel, I'll take a look. But I suspect that there's the same problem with real evidence there. I've only heard rumors that the RF Investigative Committee has a video from a Nazi %-dish's phone, or something like that... but you can't present all this to liberals in Russia, you can't rub their noses in Nazi shit, only with assertions that certain crimes were committed...

                  I suspect that there is no such evidence on Russian patriotic channels at all, here you need to know how to collect information on closed Ukrainian Nazi channels. And again the question arises about Durov, whom our people for some reason let go, but whom Western %-sausages got for themselves... which, to put it mildly, is disturbing.
          2. +3
            4 September 2024 21: 05
            Quote: Lev_Russia
            Zelya is trying with all his might to provoke a direct war between NATO and Russia

            Do you really think he decides anything? Zelya is a tool, a pawn in a bigger game.
          3. +2
            4 September 2024 21: 23
            try their best to provoke a direct war between NATO and Russia
            The junta attacked and NATO sent it only to see what would happen. They saw that they were afraid to use nuclear weapons, so they could go further, maybe they would throw logs or someone else, anyway, there is nothing to be gained from the presence of nuclear weapons, a paper lion.
          4. +1
            6 September 2024 06: 43
            America and England are trying to provoke this, hoping to sit it out behind puddles. Europe for them is stupid Indians.
          5. +1
            6 September 2024 14: 48
            Ukraine is captured by the US and NATO, and to liberate it they need to threaten to strike Washington.
            Legal justification: judicial cancellation of Gorbachev’s illegal decisions, cancellation of recognition of Ukraine’s independence, legal borders of the Fatherland following the results of World War II.
            If the threat does not work, insert flight missions into nuclear warheads and target US cities. This will cause panic among the Americans.
            Without US support, Ukrainian nationalists will quickly scatter.
            1. 0
              6 September 2024 17: 00
              To free her, we must threaten to strike Washington.

              Total nonsense. Threats, demonstrations, dancing around the fire will not affect Washington in any way. On the contrary, for the States to use Ukraine to harm the Russian Federation is the only available option, they will continue and continue to do this, no threats will help. What will help is deeds, which are very weak in the comprador Russian Federation.

              Who should I sue, Santa Claus?
        2. 0
          5 September 2024 21: 02
          and "Agent Orange" shouldn't be forgotten either
    2. +2
      4 September 2024 17: 05
      Yankee opened his mouth - that means he is LYING!! The same goes for the forelocks!
      1. +5
        4 September 2024 17: 42
        Quote: Lemon
        Yankee opened his mouth - that means he's LYING!!

        Yankee opens his mouth -
        It's immediately obvious that the "female dog" is lying!
        And don’t disturb the “forelocked ones,”
        There is nothing but deception and lies there.

        Russians are strong in truth
        And they are not deprived of intelligence!!
        The NATO bloc is not scary,
        Because God is with us!
        1. +1
          4 September 2024 17: 45
    3. The comment was deleted.
      1. +3
        4 September 2024 19: 57
        Nobody's pissing themselves. "Maybe we'll have a blast? We'll definitely have a blast, the whole world will go to hell, but then"@
      2. +1
        5 September 2024 21: 07
        What practical sense does this make? Zelya and other riffraff will survive the blow, many civilians will die, from a propaganda point of view - this is a sure-fire loser. Now look at Poltava))) And practically and propaganda-wise Russia is the winner, and with two missiles at once, so many elusive targets... if they get to the front... And NATO members in coffins... Only pluses.
    4. 0
      5 September 2024 11: 46
      Quote from: dmi.pris1
      Liars. They knew what taboo they were breaking by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And as for "our" leaders... It doesn't drip on them.

      Quote from: dmi.pris1
      You yourselves knew what taboo you were breaking by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

      There were no taboos there. Because no one else had nuclear weapons at that time. After all, no one used chemical weapons in WW2, only because they were afraid of retaliatory mirror measures, and not because of some taboos.
  2. +8
    4 September 2024 17: 00
    Poor Biden!
    It turns out that Zelensky deceived him too!
    I just live like an unprepossessing KVN player who fooled both Putin and Lukashenko, and Biden to boot.
    1. +13
      4 September 2024 17: 04
      Quote: Victor Leningradets
      It turns out that Zelensky deceived him too!

      As a result, the US will suddenly notice "there are NAZIS there", open a second front and hit Kyiv with a nuclear weapon (traditionally, a couple of hours before our troops arrive). And they will demand a share in the division.
      1. +5
        4 September 2024 18: 11
        Quote: Hitriy Zhuk
        As a result, the US will suddenly notice "there are NAZIS there", open a second front and hit Kyiv with a nuclear weapon (traditionally, a couple of hours before our troops arrive). And they will demand a share in the division.
        I recently watched the 2006 German film "Dresden". Two things caught my attention:
        1. In January 1945, the "allies" plan to bomb Dresden. And their generals loudly declare that "Stalin has requested help." In January 1945 (!!!), when our troops reached the Oder on the 22nd, he "requested help"?!?
        2. It is clearly stated (even a newspaper with a drawing is shown) that "Stalin must not finish the war alone" and "the Royal Air Force is still good for something".

        Well, that's basically all you need to know about the participation of the "Allies" in World War II.
        And you are right, it will be the same here. They will try to get in our faces, just to preserve at least a piece of Bandera's Ukraine, where they could have a foothold for constant harm to us.

        P.S. What were the scriptwriters of this "masterpiece" thinking when they gave the characters such phrases? Why did Stalin need help in January 1945 (see point 1) if he "could finish everything himself" (see point 2)?
        P.P.S. The film proves that it was precisely the "blow of terror to a peaceful city" that would break Hitler's will to resist and end the war faster. A direct American copy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, now intended to explain to the Germans that it was simply necessary and only for Germany's benefit.

        1. +6
          4 September 2024 18: 48
          Quote: Zoldat_A
          1. In January 1945, the "allies" plan to bomb Dresden. And their generals loudly declare that "Stalin has asked for help."

          There is a major railway junction there and the Red Army is approaching.
          All the salt, I think they burned it. Slow us down.
          But how beautifully they present it.
          This is not propaganda. This is super propaganda.
        2. +2
          4 September 2024 20: 34
          Quote: Zoldat_A
          just to preserve at least a piece of Bandera's Ukraine,

          But this must not be allowed!!! Never! Not for anything!
          All Banderites to Bandera. And those who survive, let them take them to some reservation somewhere.
          It's still possible to go to Mars... Let them dig the sea there.
          1. +5
            4 September 2024 20: 44
            Quote: Zamira
            Quote: Zoldat_A
            just to preserve at least a piece of Bandera's Ukraine,

            But this must not be allowed!!! Never! Not for anything!
            Leave at least two districts of the Lviv region - and this "patch" will be enough for the Americans so that in five to ten years everything will start all over again for us.
            1. +1
              5 September 2024 12: 11
              Quote: Zoldat_A
              Leave at least two districts of the Lviv region - and this "patch" will be enough for the Americans so that in five to ten years everything will start all over again for us.

              Well, that's what I'm talking about...
              There should absolutely be no country called "Ukraine" left!!!!!
              Two districts of Lviv region can be given to Poland (to hell with them, I don't mind). And if it belongs to the Poles, then they (the Poles) will deal with the Banderites much faster than we will... It is we who feel sorry for them, but they will not.
              1. 0
                5 September 2024 13: 31
                But those at the top think differently and have been messing around with this misunderstanding for the third year!
                1. 0
                  5 September 2024 14: 11
                  Quote: KLM77
                  But those at the top think differently and have been messing around with this misunderstanding for the third year!

                  Well, so... God doesn't give horns to a butting cow... (I'm talking about myself, by the way). laughing
            2. 0
              5 September 2024 17: 23
              Yes, Igor hi !
              Leave at least two districts of Lviv region
              Then hatred of Russians, Ukronazism, Banderaism will grow and spread in all directions. As it already happened. Because of Khrushchev --- amnesty for the sitting Bandera supporters, their return to Ukraine, also repatriates returned from Canada. And all this infection began to spread not only in the Ukrainian SSR, but also pro-Ukrainian ones climbed into the RSFSR, and many tried to rise, make a career, crawl higher
        3. +4
          4 September 2024 21: 43
          In January 1945, it was the Allies who requested assistance in connection with the situation in the Ardennes salient. German troops dug in along the Rhine and launched an offensive in Alsace, near Colmar (Operation Nordwind). A certain threat of the front collapsing arose. And thanks to the Vistula-Oder (Poland) and Esztergom (Hungary) operations of the Soviet Army, the Germans transferred reserves to the Eastern Front. In particular, the 6th SS Panzer Army of Sepp Dietrich was transferred to Budapest and Balaton, and many units to Pomerania to form the 11th Army on the flank of the advancing Soviet troops.
        4. +4
          4 September 2024 21: 46
          They're breathing like stars, the "allies" just got beaten up in December at the Ardennes and in early January 1945 they got beaten up at Alsace and Strasbourg. Roosevelt asked for help from I.S. Stalin, and our troops had to begin the Vistula-Oder operation eight days ahead of schedule.
          1. The comment was deleted.
        5. The comment was deleted.
        6. +4
          5 September 2024 08: 17
          Now I'd like to learn history from movies )))
          On June 6, 1944, British, American and Canadian troops successfully landed on the coast of Normandy, France, opening a Second Front against Germany.
          But in fact they did not join much earlier. They waited until the very end for the USSR to weaken.
          1. 0
            5 September 2024 11: 30
            Quote from Vrotkompot
            Now I'd like to learn history from movies )))
            If you study history from modern Western films, then everything that my father and school taught me, what my family has been fighting for for a century and a half - all of it is untrue. And even the time when my great-grandfathers received medals for bravery, and Americans chased Indians in the Wild West and hanged blacks on plantations - all of this is untrue according to modern Western films.

            And the truth that they are imposing on the whole world is that America is "always", America is "everywhere" and without America "nothing". "Historians" are hysterical, damn them...
  3. +4
    4 September 2024 17: 00
    It would be possible to glaze the border of the former Ukraine with Poland, as a subtle hint.
    Otherwise the prestige of the state will fall.
    1. 0
      4 September 2024 17: 32
      Otherwise the prestige of the state will fall.

      Where is this from!!
      1. 0
        4 September 2024 17: 34
        Quote: novel xnumx
        Where is this from!!

        And who the hell knows where they put it. laughing
        If you mean where the quote comes from, then it is not a quote.
        So, stylization.
        1. +1
          4 September 2024 17: 35
          I'm talking about prestige... It fell from somewhere
          1. -1
            4 September 2024 17: 49
            Quote: novel xnumx
            Fell from somewhere

            I mean it will decrease.
            Well, like "the dollar fell", "the ruble fell", "oil prices fell". That's it.
          2. 0
            4 September 2024 21: 44
            From the ceiling, it seems.) Where else do prestiges fall from?
        2. 0
          4 September 2024 20: 02
          So, stylization

          "vitrification" laughing
  4. +11
    4 September 2024 17: 02
    Ukraine has broken one of the greatest taboos of the atomic age. It is the first time in world history that...

    Yes, it did. And our response steps are being scrutinized in NATO and at other international levels.
    1. +8
      4 September 2024 17: 04
      Quote: barclay
      And our response steps are being examined under a magnifying glass

      But even a magnifying glass doesn't help to see them.
    2. -3
      4 September 2024 17: 26
      And what were the countermeasures??? what
      Apart from Zakharova’s abstruse speeches, I heard nothing.
      1. +8
        4 September 2024 17: 44
        They renamed several brigades into DRGs, declared everything a provocation, evacuated the population and sent the Crimean Marines to restore order, while the Taman and Kantemirovskaya divisions are apparently somewhere far away and very busy.
  5. +4
    4 September 2024 17: 06
    Oh well, a conflict of this scale doesn't go beyond the scope of... well, they try not to call it a global conflict!
    And at the local level, crossing the line is not necessary... at least not yet.
    Also, we are returning and liberating OUR LANDS; polluting them excessively is completely contraindicated.
    What will happen next, that's the question?
  6. +3
    4 September 2024 17: 09
    What should they be afraid of? Putin? His red lines? They don't watch Channel One. If it were Prigozhin or Zhirinovsky... He's only good at dealing with the patriots of his country. He can only make Russia's enemies laugh,
    1. +1
      4 September 2024 17: 26
      or Zhirinovsky.

      Name his specific actions, not statements. We have a more sophisticated specialist for "scary" statements - Dmitry Anatolyevich.
      As for Prigozhin, he chose the wrong methods in the fight for "justice." And in doing so, he killed our Russian servicemen who were loyal to their oath. A mutiny, and you can't call it anything else, is not justified at such a time. Although there are no complaints about the Wagner group itself.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +4
          4 September 2024 18: 37
          Quote: Khibiny Plastun
          Well, actually, Medvedev reacted immediately in 2008.

          He didn't react at all. He fell into a stupor until VVP returned. Actually, the fact that we started forcing peace is VVP's merit, not Medvedev's.
          1. -2
            4 September 2024 19: 12
            Good evening, Andrey Nikolaevich.
            You are mistaken, on 07.08.08 Putin flew to Beijing. And I remember Medvedev's interview that it was he who gave the order to Serdyukov. I don't think that in such matters he publicly appropriated the merits of the decision.
            1. +1
              4 September 2024 19: 45
              Good evening to you! hi
              Quote: Khibiny Plastun
              And I remember Medvedev's interview that it was he who gave the order to Serdyukov. I don't think that in such cases he publicly took credit for the decision

              Their testimonies differ. Medvedev said
              "I will repeat once again how it happened. On the night of August 7-8, when the aggression began, I spoke only with the Minister of Defense and the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," Medvedev wrote. "It was to the Minister of Defense that I gave the order to launch a retaliatory strike at around 4 a.m." Medvedev stated that "there were no further conversations."

              Putin is
              Meanwhile, on August 8, speaking to journalists following talks with his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sargsyan, Vladimir Putin said that four years ago he had called Medvedev and Serdyukov twice from Beijing regarding the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict. "As for the calls, I called Dmitry Anatolyevich twice on the 7th and 8th and the Minister of Defense," he said.
            2. -1
              4 September 2024 20: 52
              You are wrong, 07.08.08 Putin flew to Beijing

              It's not even about where Putin flew off to. At that moment, Medvedev was the President of the Russian Federation and, accordingly, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. The power ministers report to the President and are appointed by him. Putin, as the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, was completely out of the picture.
              1. +3
                4 September 2024 21: 01
                Quote: Bully
                Putin, as the chairman of the Council of Ministers, was completely out of the picture

                Don't make me laugh. Putin was not yet ready to rewrite the Constitution for himself, his beloved self, and nominated his creature for the presidential post. Medvedev was never an independent figure.
                1. -1
                  4 September 2024 21: 13
                  Yeah don't tell

                  I'm not making fun of you, I'm referring to
                  reliable facts. What you are talking about is speculation
                  Medvedev has never been an independent figure

                  What, did the Chairman of the Council of Ministers Putin also take the “nuclear briefcase” with him to Beijing in 2008?
                  1. 0
                    4 September 2024 21: 38
                    Quote: Bully
                    What you are talking about is speculation.

                    :))) These are the most obvious facts. It was especially funny to watch Medvedev's timid attempts to hint that he wouldn't mind sitting another term in the presidential chair towards the end of his term.
                    Quote: Bully
                    What, did the Chairman of the Council of Ministers Putin also take the “nuclear briefcase” with him to Beijing in 2008?

                    No, of course not, but just as the most brutal-looking machine gun won’t make Rambo out of me, a nuclear suitcase couldn’t make Medvedev an independent figure.
                    1. -1
                      4 September 2024 22: 12
                      No, of course not, but just as the most brutal-looking machine gun won't make Rambo out of me, a nuclear suitcase couldn't make Medvedev an independent figure.

                      Yes, that's understandable. Only since the times of the USSR such decisions have been made collectively, and not individually. For example, the decision to send troops into Afghanistan was made not by Brezhnev, but by the political bureau of the CPSU Central Committee, which necessarily included the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Chairman of the KGB
                2. 0
                  4 September 2024 21: 16
                  Here you can break spears endlessly, dear Andrey Nikolaevich. But I think - if you can't cope - leave. If your knees are shaking and you are not able to protect people, fulfill your direct duties, you are afraid to remove the blockheads who are ruining the Country - leave, find somewhere your lost conscience and honor.
                  1. +1
                    4 September 2024 21: 39
                    I won't argue. I just remember some interviews that the military gave plus a little insider information:)
                    But it’s clear that I wasn’t holding a candle there.
                    Quote: Khibiny Plastun
                    But I think - if you can't cope - leave. If your knees are shaking and you are not able to protect people, you are afraid to remove the blockheads who are ruining the Country - leave, find somewhere your lost conscience and honor.

                    Ehhh, if only it were your words, yes... Alas.
                  2. +3
                    4 September 2024 21: 53
                    Don't be hysterical. World-class strategy is not a banal fight in a back alley. There's a lot we don't know. For example, the attitude of our economic allies to certain actions of ours, for example, the use of tactical nuclear weapons. And this is very, very important. If countries like India and China, for example, "close" themselves economically and politically from us, then we'll get into big trouble. So, tone down your ardor. Everything is always clearer from the couch of a layman....)
                  3. 0
                    4 September 2024 21: 56
                    And regarding the “lost conscience,” I will answer with a phrase from Zheglov: “I will borrow it (conscience) from You.”
                3. +1
                  5 September 2024 10: 33
                  Chelyabinsk, I agree with you here. DAM simply voiced it, the decisions were made by others...
          2. 0
            4 September 2024 19: 56
            Excuse me, were you present at this meeting? what
            1. 0
              4 September 2024 21: 02
              Quote: Rage66
              Excuse me, were you present at this meeting?

    2. -3
      4 September 2024 18: 03
      Deal with him? Patriots? He's an incurable liberal, apparently. And why haven't they dealt with him, a patriot? "I think it's not his merit, but our shortcoming - right, Comrade Beria?" (c)
  7. +1
    4 September 2024 17: 12
    [/i]The article published in the American newspaper suggests that the West as a whole is still under the illusion that Putin is ready to negotiate peace on any terms, including those that include the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO and the EU.[i]

    Blessed is he who believes.
    We must disappoint the Anglo-Saxons and all enemies in their lack of understanding of the mentality of Russians, in whose genes the Winner's clinch is embedded with their mother's milk, which no enemy can wrest from them under any torture.
    The Russian people will go all the way to their Victory, History has proven this many times!
    I hope the country's leadership doesn't let us down with a fixed stop.
    1. +3
      4 September 2024 17: 30
      The Winner's clinch is laid, which no enemy can break under any torture.
      This is written in Russian request
      1. +1
        4 September 2024 17: 41
        Today, 17: 30
        [/i]This is written in Russian[i]

        Definitely, no Hebrew used, further uncensored play on words and idioms.
  8. +3
    4 September 2024 17: 15
    Let the Americans now think about whether a 404 with an F-16 missile of American manufacture will slam into the unprotected multi-meter concrete operating reactors of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant and what will happen after that.
    1. -1
      4 September 2024 17: 29
      It's clear even to a fool that if the Kursk NPP reactors are damaged, our logistics for supplying our troops in Ukraine will be completely disrupted, which will lead to our retreat and defeat. In order to avoid this, we'll have to kill them with all our might, to hell with NATO.
    2. +2
      4 September 2024 17: 37
      And they don't care, they're beyond the puddle. And the reactors at the Kursk NPP are of the RBMK type, like the Chernobyl ones, and don't have the same protection as the VVER.
  9. +8
    4 September 2024 17: 16
    Dozens of NATO aircraft spotted near Ukrainian borders after strikes on Lviv and Poltava

    Transport and medical aircraft have been recorded in the airspace of Romania and Poland. According to a number of sources, NATO aircraft are evacuating wounded mercenaries. And not only mercenaries, but also "peaceful volunteers" who came to teach the descendants of the ancient Ukrainians the culture of same-sex love. (I would say it more briefly, but the site rules do not allow it wassat ).

    The aircraft spotted included American planes, as well as aircraft from Germany, Poland and the United States.
    1. +4
      4 September 2024 17: 30
      Our missilemen are having a holiday after Poltava.
      I hope this will become a regular tradition... with one blow, a battalion of Ukrainian Nazis was, so to speak, put out of action.
      1. +4
        4 September 2024 17: 34
        The most important thing is that many uninvolved people, as is traditional, do not get involved in the glory of our missilemen. Like Timur Ivanov, whose awards were brought to court in two bags.
      2. +2
        4 September 2024 18: 23
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Our missilemen are having a holiday after Poltava.

        And in the ukroreikh not so much. Quote from the statement of the representative of the Ze office on the TG-channel "Speaks TopaZ":
        "Russia has enough missiles that can hit anywhere on Ukrainian territory. It is changing its missile tactics and will increase the degree of escalation, - Podolyak"

        So, first "the Russians are running out of missiles", and now it turns out that "they have enough missiles that can hit anywhere". request
  10. +1
    4 September 2024 17: 25
    Vladimir Zelensky, having initiated the invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk region, is essentially going for broke, trying to provoke the start of a nuclear conflict against the backdrop of his existential defeat in the armed conflict with Russia.

    And what is the beginning? Ukraine has no nuclear weapons, and all the European scum that has them should quietly whine in their bunkers, not even mentioning nuclear weapons... So that neither the wave would wash them away, nor the ash would cover them.
    The geopolitical enemy of the Russian Federation is the USA, which itself is sitting on a volcano...
    1. +4
      4 September 2024 17: 54
      Ukraine doesn't have nuclear weapons, but all the European scum does.
      Of all the EU countries that are members of NATO (and those that are not), only the French have their own nuclear weapons. So you just named the French specifically, as it were... laughing The rest of the European countries contain American nuclear weapons on their territory. And the launch button is also behind the puddle.
  11. +3
    4 September 2024 17: 33
    Having occupied part of the Kursk region, the XXXX, at the instigation of the Americans, tested the functionality of our Doctrine. It turned out that it does not work.
    1. +2
      4 September 2024 18: 09
      They are not smart people - to check by trial and error? The fact that a wolf trap did not work when a mouse got into it does not mean that it does not work. - wisdom of hunters of the North of Siberia.
      1. +3
        4 September 2024 18: 48
        Well, what should we call it? There were strikes on strategic objects, now there is partial occupation of the territory, constant shelling of the entire European part of Russia, even reaching the Urals. Isn't this an encroachment on territorial integrity and sovereignty?
  12. -2
    4 September 2024 17: 41
    Now we are waiting for decisive measures from the "Nikolaev underground". Enough burning cars - isn't it time to take a swing at Yellowstone?
  13. +2
    4 September 2024 17: 48
    Ukraine is a kamikaze country. It is created for the most risky actions against Russia. If it is hit with nuclear weapons, the US will remain on the sidelines.
    1. ada
      4 September 2024 18: 17
      Quote: Vladlous
      Even if she is hit with nuclear weapons, the US will remain on the sidelines.

      Not really - she uses it for planned purposes.
  14. +1
    4 September 2024 17: 57
    against the backdrop of his existential defeat

    But I honestly doubt that this will be a defeat for Zelensky personally. In short, the image at work here is: "A goat coming out of a sheep slaughter pen." Of course, the situation when a goat driver turns into "Azazel" (a scapegoat for Jews) is quite possible, but the policy pursued by the "hegemon" seems to hint that these animals will not be touched, so that there are no problems with candidates in the future for the next "Bad Guys."
  15. +6
    4 September 2024 18: 00
    As the Wall Street Journal writes, by invading the Russian region, Ukraine has broken one of the greatest taboos of the atomic age. This is the first time in world history that a non-nuclear country has invaded and occupied part of a nuclear power.

    This press has a bad history, or they are deliberately keeping silent about it. And what about the invasion of the armed forces of Argentina to the Malvi (Falkland) Islands? There, too, a non-nuclear country invaded the territory of a nuclear one!
    1. 0
      5 September 2024 21: 44
      Yes, but to the colony.
      I think that if the Ukrainians invaded Franz Josef Land, the whole world would be making fun of them, not us...
  16. ada
    4 September 2024 18: 12
    Do not read "bourgeois newspapers", this is one of the mechanisms for disseminating special information generated by the US Cyber ​​Command, this is part of combat operations in the information environment in accordance with the plans of the special operations departments in the direction. Local reflexive ones are simply indirectly involved in the process objects of primary influence - repeaters of the control information influence, in fact, the subjects of this system themselves - agents of influence.
    This is a very dangerous manifestation of threats of modern warfare, which has a significant potential for information and psychological factors influencing the developing situation, especially in fast-moving situations of both foreign and domestic political events. In this way, a reactionary mass is formed in advance for the planned event (stage or single manifestation of war), which reaches a critical value for further actions of the VPR or another reactionary mass of the population of a particular country (countries). In this case, this expected event is a nuclear precedent, after which the opposing side, against the background of mass protests by the indignant population of the countries of the world, acquires a super-moral right to appoint (approve) a true enemy of humanity and a precedent right to use WMD for the plausible purpose of destroying this enemy and his followers, including with the consolidation of his and other accompanying grounds in the international system of legal relations in organizations of international treaties.
    Here, on "VO" this process is clearly visible. Do you correctly identify yourself in it? Yes, yes - voluntary and involuntary "accomplices of the military and capitalist imperialism" wassat . True, it is no longer possible to say "fighters of the invisible front", since the activities of these subjects are displayed by technical means and this information can be stored for a long time, including with the change of its carriers of various types.
  17. +1
    4 September 2024 18: 26
    Quote: ROSS 42
    The NATO bloc is not scary,
    Because God is with us!

    Does God himself know?
  18. -4
    4 September 2024 18: 31
    Without taking into account the moral side of the issue, the invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk region is a very advantageous step for Russia in the geostrategic game. Now Russia can fully implement the scenario of organizing a sanitary cordon in the border areas - even if there are large cities on them. Everyone away from the Russian border, to the west - the upcoming winter without heat sources for them for greater motivation. For some time, these territories should be unsuitable for life of the civilian population.
    Also, some part of the Western establishment got a reason to jump off the support of Ukraine (and such articles are a kind of signal). Tired of Ukraine? Tired. And right now there is an opportunity to throw out the movie phrase "we didn't sign up for this." And face is saved, it seems.
    And of course, they will smoke out the bandits from the Kursk region. Again, without taking into account the moral aspects - there is a feeling that they were exposing a sparsely populated region to attack. Perhaps they simply counted on the sucker not being so stupid. But he has broken records for stupidity before, and continues to do so now. Degeneration, as it is.
  19. 0
    4 September 2024 19: 10
    The scribblers are inventing another shadow on a wattle fence sucked out of their fingers. But there is a clear desire for us to use the Yao, and then, what a freedom for heavenly punishment seems to them, that's what they are scratching at. And considering that their media are clearly working on the order, many different thoughts come about their plans and desires
  20. -3
    4 September 2024 19: 16
    This is the first time in world history that a non-nuclear country has invaded and occupied part of a nuclear power.

    The author of the article is not aware of history, how non-nuclear Argentina tried to wrest the Falkland Islands from nuclear England? And somehow it went without a nuclear war.
    1. 0
      5 September 2024 21: 43
      Well, it is a colony.
      In fact, Argentina risked being hit by a nuclear bomb from a Vulcan or a missile from a submarine.
  21. +3
    4 September 2024 19: 19
    Quote: Wizzzard
    Quote: ROSS 42
    The NATO bloc is not scary,
    Because God is with us!

    Does God himself know?

    Of course, he just doesn’t admit it, so that we don’t get our hopes up and, accordingly, don’t make mistakes.
  22. +1
    4 September 2024 21: 19
    when a non-nuclear country invades a nuclear power and occupies part of its territory
    showing everyone that this can be done by others without consequences.
  23. 0
    4 September 2024 21: 43
    US Press: By occupying part of Kursk Oblast, Ukraine has violated one of the greatest taboos of the atomic age

    But can't Damansky be considered the first case of this kind?
    1. 0
      5 September 2024 21: 42
      No, you can’t, because it was already 1969 (March), and China’s first nuclear bomb test took place on October 16, 1964. Moreover, Chinese scientists successfully conducted a thermonuclear test on June 17, 1967 (the shortest time between the country’s first nuclear and first thermonuclear test in history).
      Now, if the battles on Damansky had happened 5 years earlier, then it would have definitely been the first case...

      We are used to the fact that China still relatively weak in a nuclear sense. But the strange, stupid American disinformation (for its citizens and the world), which the Chinese are still gracefully playing along with. And our hurray-patriots too. More details here:
  24. -1
    4 September 2024 22: 37
    This is the first time in world history that a non-nuclear country has invaded and occupied part of a nuclear power.

    Well, so far there has been no nuclear strike on the Kyiv regime!
  25. +1
    5 September 2024 00: 29
    It is not surprising when the Master of this campaign, Ukraine and NATO countries participating in it, shifts the blame to his junior slave. He needs to avoid the threat of being called "an enemy of Russia" and being under the threat of a nuclear strike. It is surprising that the Russian leadership, as far as possible, supports this "camouflage" of his, tying their own hands and opening the "green light" for his further actions.
  26. +5
    5 September 2024 02: 05
    This occupation occurred solely because the West has absolute guarantees that nuclear weapons will not be used by the Russian Federation under any circumstances due to the fact that the money of the Russian elite is there, the children of the Russian elite are there, and many representatives of the elite have citizenship of enemy countries here. It is simply impossible to imagine the same behavior of the United States against North Korea, because if the US satellite, South Korea, captures even one square meter of North Korean land, thousands of square kilometers of American city land will automatically turn into glassy, ​​flat, hot fields. They know this well, and therefore they know their place there (stay away). And they know their place here - the place of the Master (in the case of the Russian Federation).
  27. The comment was deleted.
  28. 0
    5 September 2024 14: 38
    Wow, Zelensky is so independent.
  29. -1
    5 September 2024 14: 59
    No country in the world would support the use of nuclear weapons in the heart of densely populated Europe.
    In addition to the direct death of civilians at the epicenter of the explosion, there will be thousands and millions of victims of the radioactive trail that will roam Russian, Ukrainian and Western cities. Water, animals, crops will be contaminated... A zone similar to Chernobyl and unsuitable for life will arise in the center of Europe.
    Read, for those who have forgotten, the consequences of Chernobyl.
    Russia will immediately find itself in a zone of the harshest condemnation and in a position of absolute isolation.
    No country in the world would want to perish in a nuclear inferno.
    This will be a complete collapse of Putin as a politician. The world will never forgive him.
    1. 0
      6 September 2024 15: 00
      Nonsense. The Japanese still haven't forgiven the Americans, the whole world hasn't forgiven the Americans?????!!!!! That's it. And now the whole world is for us!!!
      1. 0
        6 September 2024 16: 22
        McKenna: It's hard to tell from your test whether this is sarcasm or serious.
  30. +1
    5 September 2024 21: 35
    It seems like an obvious thing, this is a taboo: a non-nuclear (and not particularly industrial) country successfully invades the territory of a nuclear superpower, obviously, in Sudzha there is simply an unprecedented precedent in history. But for some reason, almost a month has passed, and in our media there is NOT A WORD about this paradoxical violation of this taboo.
    We are forced to read about this in a retelling of an article in the American publication Wall Street Journal...
    Survived ...

    How cowardly our journalists, scribblers, editors and media are.
    They don't see the obvious, or don't want to see it, or don't want to write about it, they're afraid. Although the matter is already serious: it is precisely because of the Russian elite's pathological love of trading gas with hostile Europe through enemy territory (paying Ukraine for transit) this is an invasion that our troops missed...
    After all, that gas pipeline passes through Sudzha and all the top brass were sure: the enemy would definitely not strike here! But he did strike, ignoring everything: the benefits of transit, the treaties, the EU's discontent, the danger of a nuclear war... Once again, a simple, obvious moral: You can't trust the Ukrainians!
    No deal will save us from their treachery. The Russian transport plane shot down in Belgorod with their prisoners did not teach our leadership anything...

    Is there such an analysis in any Russian media?
    It seems not, everyone has kept their mouths shut (if I'm wrong, please provide a link to something similar).
    But our media loves to write all sorts of nonsense (about the excess of drones, about panic in the Ukrainian Armed Forces). They write absolute crap, like tales about how the Ukrainians allegedly chain their soldiers to machine guns with shackles. Here in AiF: - and in the text of the article, no one was chained to machine guns. It's just a headline. The scribbler decided that this headline is cooler."I am an artist/journalist - that's how I see it!"And he is not ashamed...
  31. 0
    6 September 2024 08: 48
    Everything becomes wrong if you understand the absolute truth. There is no non-nuclear country called Ukraine, it is an illegal fragment of the USSR, with Bandera (read: bandit) power and the same fragment, they are lashing out in the Civil War. Using nuclear weapons on your own territory is madness.
  32. 0
    6 September 2024 13: 25
    Do you still have dreams of defeating Russia? Nuclear weapons will be used only in case of direct defeat of the Russian Federation, I am not sure that NATO has enough forces
  33. 0
    6 September 2024 14: 57
    Two years ago I wrote that if we use TNW everything will end in an instant. But that would be Ukraine. I also wrote there that we might not have to use them in Kursk and Belgorod. Damn... I wish I hadn't written that! The use of TNW is a VICTORY. And the West understands this perfectly well, hence the narrative that they persistently throw out through our "elite" that the use of TNW is the third world war. And now it is not a world war. Only a nuclear power, having a club behind its back, waves a twig. And that is what they need, that is what they have achieved, and we, like loyal slaves, agreed. And why? Because our government does not need a victory!!!!
  34. log
    9 September 2024 09: 27
    Since things have gone this way, I propose dividing the Kursk region with the farmers. And Bryansk and Belgorod for good measure. What? Russia has a lot of land. We need to fight here, but we are fighting so-so, without any fire... Holy shit! Why haven't the railway, tunnels, ports, bridges and Bankovaya been bombed yet? Is this unprofitable for anyone? It's time to revive the MGB or KGB. There has been too much liberalism. IN WAR time.