Drone that “will reach Moscow” presented at defense exhibition in Poland

Drone that “will reach Moscow” presented at defense exhibition in Poland

The International Defence Exhibition (MSPO) 2024 is taking place in Kielce, Poland. It is the largest event of its kind in Central Europe and one of the largest in Europe itself. This year's exhibition is a record-breaking one: 769 exhibitors from all over the world are taking part.

Among the equipment on display is the WB GROUP stand, which presents a new concept of impact drone Warmate 50. The Polish unmanned aerial vehicle attracts attention with its size.

The Warmate 50, as the name suggests, is equipped with a 50-kilogram warhead. This is a significant improvement over earlier versions of the Warmate drones, which had a smaller payload but greater flexibility. Unlike its predecessors, the Warmate 50 is not replaceable. This type of approach aims to maximize combat effectiveness through the flexibility of surveillance functions. As such, it is an unmanned aerial vehicle designed exclusively for strike missions. The new model will be equipped with an internal combustion engine, which will allow it to hit targets at a distance of hundreds of kilometers.

The Polish "Pantsir", as it was called, attracted a lot of interest. It is a 35-mm self-propelled gun SA-35, presented by PIT-RADWAR, a company owned by PGZ. Both sensors and anti-aircraft actuators are combined into one highly mobile wheeled vehicle. According to PIT-RADWAR, this system can be equipped, for example, with a radar station, ultra-short-range anti-aircraft missiles (Piorun and its developments), as well as a system of electronic jamming.

The manufacturer boasts that one Polish pistol has better efficiency than four Russian ones.

The exhibition features many weapons from Korea. You can see, among other things, an unmanned combat Robot "Arion-SMET", used for reconnaissance, patrol, fire support, as well as medical evacuation, delivery and transportation of ammunition, and the AS-21 Redback infantry fighting vehicle. Unofficial information indicates that Poland wants to purchase the chassis of this transporter and integrate it with an unmanned turret of its own production.

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  1. 15+
    5 September 2024 02: 57
    What an article...I laughed...there are so many absurdities in it. smile
    1. -11
      5 September 2024 03: 23
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      there are so many absurdities in it. smile

      The thousand-kilometer drone especially surprised me with its clumsiness. Tupolev seemed to say that only beautiful planes fly well. And here they hung such a horror on strings.
      1. +7
        5 September 2024 03: 50
        And here they hung such horror on strings.

        Horror or not, its predecessor is already flying, including, according to Poles, in the Kursk region... The basis for the development of Warmate 50 was the kamikaze drone Warmate 20, equipped with a warhead weighing 20 kilograms and the presentation of which took place in May 2024. And the warhead of Warmate 50 is 2 times larger (5 kg)... So, despite its awkward appearance, there is nothing funny about this drone...
  2. -7
    5 September 2024 03: 24
    Call him Drone Susanin, it will be symbolic.
  3. -6
    5 September 2024 03: 24
    Call him Drone Susanin, it will be symbolic.
    1. +1
      5 September 2024 03: 33
      One Polish pistol has better efficiency than four Russian ones.
      One PM is better than four Polish ones!
      1. +3
        5 September 2024 06: 02
        Quote: Uncle Lee
        One Polish pistol has better efficiency than four Russian ones.
        One PM is better than four Polish ones!
        So that Polish pride does not come out - Poles will not be Poles!

        I propose to the Polenyas, in connection with this statement, to hold a scientific and practical conference within the framework of this exhibition, "Who is stronger - a whale or an elephant?", and also for interested persons I am posting the topic of the candidate's dissertation for free - "The influence of Polish traditional pride on the formation of the image of a wunderwaffe in empty heads."

        They would do better to think that there will be no second Vistula-Oder operation. There will be radioactive arable land unsuitable for habitation on the site where Poland once was. In Poland specifically and in Europe in general no one will fight "for the forester's hut", they will simply burn as part of a big war. Together with their pride.

        By the way, about pistols and their "effectiveness".
        A forensic expert I know once told me several cases from his practice. It turns out that you can shoot yourself not only with the newest Polish pistol, but also with the most unexpected types of weapons. Sometimes, it would seem, not intended for this at all.
        The Poles should think about this too.
        1. +2
          5 September 2024 11: 32
          Quote: Zoldat_A
          It turns out that you can shoot yourself not only with the newest Polish pistol, but also with the most unexpected types of weapons. Sometimes, it would seem, not intended for this purpose at all.

          The Poles are proud that they can shoot themselves 4 times more effectively with their pistol than with any other... laughing Well, that's less of a worry for the intensive care unit...
          1. +1
            5 September 2024 11: 39
            Quote: Hagen
            The Poles are proud that they can shoot themselves 4 times more effectively with their pistol than with any other... Well, that's less of a concern for the emergency room...
            But pathologists have more, so the effect is questionable.
            1. +2
              5 September 2024 11: 41
              Quote: Zoldat_A
              But pathologists have more, so the effect is questionable.

              Do you mean preparing bodies for identification and farewell? Sorry for the dark humor...
      2. 0
        5 September 2024 07: 29
        This is a clumsy translation from English. In English, gun is used to mean both a pistol and a cannon.
        1. +2
          5 September 2024 11: 44
          Quote from solar
          This is a clumsy translation from English. In English, gun is used to mean both a pistol and a cannon.
          For as many decades as I have known English, I am still amazed at its wretchedness.
          gun - noun:
          1. pistol
          2. weapons
          3. gun
          4. gun
          5. weapon
          6. revolver
          7. machine gun
          8. firearms
          9. rifle
          10. syringe
          11. shooter
          12. musket
          13. killer
          14. gunshot
          15. Hunter
          16. gun for ramming the flight hole
          17. bandit
          All the great works written in English are not the work of their writers, it turns out, but the work of translators. It turns out that Pasternak is a genius, not the shopkeeper Shakespeare. laughing
          1. +1
            5 September 2024 11: 55
            gun is a general name. Each of those listed has its own
            gun- cannon
            gun - rifle
            and so on.
            1. 0
              5 September 2024 12: 06
              Quote from solar
              and so on.
              My mother and wife are candidates of philological sciences. Nevertheless, ever since I first picked up an English textbook, I have been tormented by one question - HOW do our translators distinguish "you" from "you" when translating?
              I won't even mention the localizers of English-language films. There's such creativity there that it seems like the picture is enough for them, and they seem to invent the text themselves. That's why I always watch films with AVO translations (Volodarsky, Gavrilov, etc.) whenever possible. And when choosing between full dubbing and the original, I prefer the original voice acting.
              1. +1
                6 September 2024 16: 37
                I won't even mention localizers of English-language films.

                The localizers are sloppy workers, they recruited relatives for cushy jobs, but they don’t know how to translate.
          2. 0
            5 September 2024 13: 46
            If we switched to Shakespearean language here, then add another meaning from The Beatles - Happiness Is a Warm Gun.)))
  4. +5
    5 September 2024 04: 22
    Lost in Translation smile Trouble... The merchants of death rejoice in anticipation...
  5. +4
    5 September 2024 04: 26
    Drone that “will reach Moscow” presented at defense exhibition in Poland

    In the near future we will be able to find out in reality.
    How is it possible to have and not experience it with the hands of Ukrainian idiots, when nothing happens for it?
    They will definitely test it.
  6. +1
    5 September 2024 05: 55
    By the way, how is Novorossiysk, did you fight off the backs? And they've already reached there sad
    1. -1
      5 September 2024 13: 47
      And what about Lviv and Poltava? In the latter, local blochers have already counted 760 corpses!!
  7. +1
    5 September 2024 06: 02
    and let Masha Zakharova continue to express her concerns, how tired I am of this sniveling from the top, ugh
  8. +2
    5 September 2024 06: 22
    And where did they put their miracle tank PL-1, which they threatened Russia with 10 years ago?
    1. 0
      5 September 2024 06: 48
      In Poland, from 2013 to 2015, the process of creating the PL-01 stealth tank was actively underway, which was advertised in the media and, apparently, ended in failure. The combat vehicle was developed in case of a military invasion by Russia
      Looks like we've run out of plywood!
  9. -3
    5 September 2024 07: 01
    A drone that will reach Warsaw
  10. -1
    5 September 2024 08: 05
    It seems to me that it has already become indisputably clear that there is an absolute difference between an exhibition model and a production product used in real combat operations.
  11. +1
    5 September 2024 08: 26
    Analogue of the Iranian drone Arash-2, apparently.
    By the way, it’s strange that we haven’t got arash.
  12. -1
    5 September 2024 08: 58
    A drone that will "reach Moscow"

    And haven’t they shown us DRIN, which will definitely fly to Rzeszow, Warsaw, Prague, Berlin, Paris, Brussels?
    It would be useful for Uncles and NATA to watch
  13. 0
    5 September 2024 09: 02
    The Warmate 50, as the name suggests, is equipped with a 50-kilogram warhead. This is a significant improvement over earlier versions of the Warmate drones, which had a smaller payload but greater flexibility. Unlike its predecessors, the Warmate 50 is not replaceable. This type of approach aims to maximize combat effectiveness through the flexibility of surveillance functions. As such, it is an unmanned aerial vehicle designed exclusively for strike missions. The new model will be equipped with an internal combustion engine, which will allow it to hit targets at a distance of hundreds of kilometers.

    Reading this flow of...information, the thought immediately comes to mind that the text was written by none other than Vitali Vladimirovich Klitschko. To understand what is meant by the set of words less payload but greater flexibility и Warmate 50 is not replaceable, had to turn to the original source. It turns out that, unlike previous versions, which have the ability to choose the payload between a container with video surveillance equipment and a warhead, Warmate 50 does not have this option. It is equipped only with a warhead weighing 50 kg.
    1. +1
      5 September 2024 09: 16
      By the way, the author for some reason kept silent about another development of the Polish company WB GROUP - the anti-tank UAV WARMATE Z, the design of which takes into account the experience of the SVO, in particular, the installation of "barbecues" on tanks. WARMATE Z has a special sensor (in the photo - above the warhead), which gives the command to detonate the warhead after it overcomes the obstacle.
  14. 0
    5 September 2024 09: 27
    Of course, the Poles are not short of bragging.
    But it is also wrong to dismiss everything as unimportant and ridiculous.
    It is enough to remember that not just Moscow, but the Kremlin itself was already visited by Ukrainian drones - in May of last year.
    Of course, from that moment on, the capital began to be defended more carefully.
    But the Warmate 50 is not a Ukrainian drone made of fertilizers and sticks.
    Yes, we are not at war with Poland. But we are not at war with the rest of NATO countries either. However, their equipment appears in Ukraine with enviable regularity.
    Therefore, I believe that any development by a potential enemy is a threat to us, a threat that must be taken into account and not ridiculed.
    1. 0
      5 September 2024 14: 38
      Quote from sdivt
      Yes, we are not at war with Poland.

      We may not be officially fighting, but their mercenaries are now in Kursk.
      1. 0
        5 September 2024 20: 44
        Quote: guest
        but their mercenaries are now in Kursk

        So what?
        And how many countries could you name whose representatives, in the form of mercenaries, are not on the other side?
        Actually, there are even Belarusians and Russians there.
        So, the presence of mercenaries from a particular country on the enemy’s side means nothing at all.
  15. +3
    5 September 2024 10: 13
    Quote: Lech from Android.
    What an article...I laughed...there are so many absurdities in it. smile

    True. The article describes a gun that is stabilized and fed with programmable ammunition.
    The author of the article cites Russian data that in the case of PANCYR, it is necessary to fire from several hundred to several thousand conventional shots to shoot down a mini-drone with the Russian PANCYR dual cannon. In the Polish version, a few bullets are enough. Is this funny?
  16. +1
    5 September 2024 10: 26
    It makes sense for the "arrogant lords" to remember their "campaigns" on Moscow in 1612... And how they ended.... History repeats itself twice: the first time as a tragedy, the second - as a farce...." (Hegel)... It seems that history has taught Poland nothing... Certainly, there will be no farce, by definition, but there will be a loss by Poland of its statehood, forever, or bare Polish plains covered with radioactive ash and dust.....
  17. 0
    5 September 2024 11: 00
    Quote from nordscout
    It makes sense for the "arrogant lords" to remember their "campaigns" on Moscow in 1612... And how they ended.... History repeats itself twice: the first time as a tragedy, the second - as a farce...." (Hegel)... It seems that history has taught Poland nothing... Certainly, there will be no farce, by definition, but there will be a loss by Poland of its statehood, forever, or bare Polish plains covered with radioactive ash and dust.....

    Poles remember history well. Russia is not a stranger to us. Unfortunately, our shortcoming is that we do not follow through. We could have finished off both Moscow and Prussia in the 1939th and XNUMXth centuries. We did not, and Prussia and Moscow finished us off. You also did this together in XNUMX. Poland may be losing its statehood, but it still exists thanks to its unique culture. Culture will not be shot or sent to the GULAG. And today the world is different, there is a strong China that restrains you and scares you. Let's wait, live, restore order... And do not threaten us with nuclear weapons, it is a double-edged sword. He who uses the atom will die from the atom. You have nuclear power plants. And we have something to destroy them with. Instead of threats, look for friends. Your demographics are shrinking, and so are we, like the other Slavic countries. Your stupid impudence will end with us beating each other to the applause of the interested parties. This is already happening in Ukraine.
    1. -1
      5 September 2024 14: 36
      Quote: BASIOR
      We could have finished both Moscow and Prussia in the 16th and 17th centuries.

      Poland's invasion of Russia actually took place in the 15th century and it was necessary to destroy your failed country immediately after that.
  18. -1
    5 September 2024 12: 13
    Lol, it's important not only that it flies to Moscow, but also that it does something dangerous there))) Our "drones" named Sarmat and the like will fly to Warsaw even from the Far East))) And they will demolish more than just 2 barns))) Can the Poles do that?)) Poland is not Ukraine, it is a NATO country, and a conversation with them may be on slightly different terms.
    1. 0
      5 September 2024 14: 28
      Here our "drones" named Sarmat and the like will fly to Warsaw

      A similar catchphrase by an unknown author about two Russian troubles will never lose its relevance, at least its first half.
  19. 0
    5 September 2024 19: 39
    Russia presented 6000 warheads that will reach any city in Poland and elsewhere.
  20. 0
    5 September 2024 20: 52
    Aka, lancets and geraniums will go to Warsaw!