The New York Times called yesterday's attack by the Russian Armed Forces on the Ukrainian Armed Forces training center in Poltava demoralizing

The New York Times called yesterday's attack by the Russian Armed Forces on the Ukrainian Armed Forces training center in Poltava demoralizing

Yesterday's attack by Russian troops on a nationalist training center in Poltava could demoralize Ukraine. This is reported by the American newspaper The New York Times. The publication notes that the severity of the consequences of this attack is aggravated by the general situation in the Ukrainian army, which is retreating rapidly in Donbas.

The blow was demoralizing for Ukraine at a time when its forces are retreating on the main front in Donbas.

- says the publication.

The authors of the article emphasize that this attack clearly demonstrated to the entire world the firepower of the Russian army.

Let us recall that the day before, the Russian Armed Forces launched an attack with Iskander-M missiles on the military communications institute in Poltava. At that moment, servicemen of the 128th mountain assault brigade and other formations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were undergoing training there. At the moment of arrival, the command, as a number of Ukrainian sources claim, lined up the personnel on the parade ground of the training center. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry denies the fact of the lineup.

In addition to open space, Russian missiles hit the educational and administrative building and the canteen. Initially, enemy resources reported 30 dead militants. However, later this figure changed several times, but never became final. According to the latest data, which Ukrainian sources cite, in total the nationalists lost about 600 people killed and wounded. That is, one strike deprived the Ukrainian army of two full-fledged battalions at once.

In addition, according to Russian intelligence, Swedish military instructors were also present at the training center, training Ukrainian servicemen to operate the Saab 340 AEWCS (ASC 890) AWACS aircraft.

After such one-time losses in personnel, it is very difficult to argue with the American newspaper's assertion about demoralization in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. And if we consider that already tonight the Russian military struck a hotel in Krivoy Rog, where Ukrainian military and foreign mercenaries were also accommodated, one can only agree with the authors of the article.
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  1. +2
    4 September 2024 09: 20
    "Yesterday's attack by Russian troops on a nationalist training center in Poltava could demoralize Ukraine" —

    Poltava for Ukraine the place is sensitive...
    1. 0
      4 September 2024 09: 49
      Our source in the General Staff confirms the information of the former MP (Mosiychuk) that military personnel are being stationed in universities and university dormitories near the front line, and formations are being held throughout the country.
      Almost 100 soldiers died in Poltava, including many officers, and more than 200 were seriously wounded.
      1. -9
        4 September 2024 10: 01
        More adequate estimates than the fictitious 600 people from mythical Ukrainian sources.
    2. +1
      4 September 2024 11: 20
      And what a spiritual face in the photo, a truly “brotherly” heartfelt look at what Iskander did yesterday.
      By the way, someone expressed dissatisfaction, saying that the ruins are of poor quality. And in my opinion, even the wallpaper was blown out in the "whole" rooms.
    3. 0
      4 September 2024 11: 46
      Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      Today, 09: 20
      [/i]— Poltava is a sensitive place for Ukraine

      [/quote]The New York Times called yesterday's attack by the Russian Armed Forces on the Ukrainian Armed Forces training center in Poltava demoralizing[i][Quote]

      Great, appreciated the news; and the place is sensitive not only for Banderastat, but also for the Swedes, Tribolts, who forget to learn the history of past centuries and a reminder to all Anglo-Saxons and gay Europe - this is how it will be with everyone who comes to our land with a sword, and will perish by the sword!
    4. +1
      4 September 2024 12: 31
      Yesterday's attack by Russian troops on a nationalist training center in Poltava could demoralize Ukraine.

      I would seriously suggest that the best thing that could happen is that it would wake the fuckers up to their "real" situation.
      But I don't expect it to.
  2. +5
    4 September 2024 09: 26
    After such one-time losses in personnel, it is very difficult to argue with the American newspaper's assertion about demoralization in the Ukrainian Armed Forces. And if we take into account that already Russian military attacked a hotel in Krivoy Rog tonight, where Ukrainian military and foreign mercenaries were also stationed, one can only agree with the authors of the material.

    It landed successfully in Krivoy Rog. We are waiting for the continuation of such effective acts of demoralization of the Ukrainian Wehrmacht.

    P.S. We are waiting for another fable from the Ukrainian media about the destruction of a home for the disabled by the insidious Muscovites. smile
    1. +1
      4 September 2024 09: 40
      In Krivoye it also covered well, but not much of anything about it.
      In the Western media yesterday there was a howl about Poltava, that the Russians killed many children, pensioners, women and disabled people there. The point is to prove to their population that they need arms supplies and Russia needs to be destroyed, and that they need to be patient.
      1. +5
        4 September 2024 10: 15
        Yesterday, the Western media was howling about Poltava, saying that the Russians killed many children, pensioners, women and disabled people there.

        I confirm. B Poltava Higher Military Command School of Communications recruit exclusively children, pensioners, women and disabled people.
        1. 0
          4 September 2024 14: 03
          Yeah, they're housing these children, women and invalids around the school in barracks! As is customary in the army.
          Speaking of children! A lot of blood is needed. It seems that children were asked to donate blood
          1. 0
            4 September 2024 14: 58
            By the way, I thought a little here... But this news about children, women, pensioners and disabled people is not so far from the truth.
            Every soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was once a child, no one prevents him (by European standards) from considering himself a woman, and, naturally, he will become disabled and a pensioner (if he is lucky not to become 200).
            1. -1
              4 September 2024 15: 21
              To hell with them! I'm sick of their lies. They're so transparent. And probably the gay Europeans will feel sorry for them and repeat their lies. And Mosiychuk wrote that ~~600 people died. There were appeals to donate blood for the Swedish victims. It would be interesting if there were reports of unexpected deaths of all sorts of Western military personnel in their prime. While fishing, hunting, on vacation... Or from heart attacks.
    2. +2
      4 September 2024 09: 40
      We are waiting for another Ukrainian media fable about the destruction of a home for the disabled by the insidious Muscovites

      Of course! Everyone there is mentally disabled. wassat
    3. +1
      4 September 2024 10: 31
      Quote: Montezuma
      destruction of the home for the disabled by the treacherous Muscovites

      Well, so we made it... a home for the disabled now. laughing
      1. 0
        4 September 2024 11: 08
        that is, when they were jumping around with pots on their heads, they weren't disabled? laughing
        1. 0
          4 September 2024 11: 11
          Quote from gms
          that is, when they were jumping around with pots on their heads, they weren't disabled?

          No, this is in a psychiatric hospital, and here there are disabled people. good
  3. +1
    4 September 2024 09: 27
    The authors of this spectacular coup should be awarded prizes and financially rewarded.
  4. +4
    4 September 2024 09: 38
    Written by Ukrainian TgK "Legitimate".

    Our source reports that Ukraine wants to purchase locomotives and refrigerated cars from the Moldovan Railways.
    Locomotives are needed to replenish the staff, since the Russians are now methodically destroying the Ukrainian railway infrastructure.
    Refrigerators are needed to transport and store the bodies of those killed at the front, of which there are more and more every day.

    The morgues are unable to cope, although many of the dead are simply listed as "missing in action." In the Kursk region, our troops are forced to simply pile up the bodies of dead Ukrainians near forest belts, covering them with bleach and covering them with film so that they don't stink. Ukraine responds to calls to take them away with silence. And this is still a good outcome, since many of the dead are found earlier by wild animals.
  5. +2
    4 September 2024 10: 05
    I read an article in the NYT.
    1 article is called "Scenes of carnage after Russia's attack on the Ukrainian military academy and hospital". They could have also written about the maternity hospital - why the hospital?
    2 There was no parade formation.
    3 strikes (arrivals) were recorded one minute after the air raid alarm was announced.
    4 bodies in the square, failing the run to the bomb shelter.
    5 There really is a massacre there, full of dismemberment.
    1. 0
      4 September 2024 10: 13
      NYT. Poltava 51-271. Who is bigger?
  6. +5
    4 September 2024 10: 06
    The blow was not only demoralizing, but also dematerializing, denazifying, demilitarizing and disinfecting.
    As surgeons say: "If you need to cut, cut, it won't get worse, and the patient may experience positive dynamics."
  7. +3
    4 September 2024 10: 38
    We need more STRIKES like this!!!
  8. 0
    4 September 2024 11: 18
    demoralizing blow
    Ah! Ah! Did the Americans feel sorry for them or something? Let them finally be demoralized. It was high time to come to their senses, and not jump around in saucepans on the Maidan am am Satanists
  9. +1
    4 September 2024 11: 23
    The Ukrainian Armed Forces will now have a major shortage of communications and electronic warfare officers. And besides, many others were trained there. A particularly important target is specialists in Swedish AWACS aircraft.
  10. 0
    4 September 2024 11: 55
    The blow was strong. We must not miss the counter-blow now. I hope that the commanders and chiefs of all ranks understand this perfectly well and will take the necessary measures, I really hope...
  11. +1
    4 September 2024 12: 46
    It would be demoralizing if it was dealt at the beginning of a special operation and not just once. Then the spirit would be undermined. That's the harsh everyday life of war.
  12. +1
    4 September 2024 14: 45
    NATO instructors hit by Russian Armed Forces at military school in Poltava
  13. 0
    5 September 2024 13: 00
    Official death toll from Poltava missile strike reaches 54