Future plans: Bundeswehr to deploy brigade in Lithuania

Future plans: Bundeswehr to deploy brigade in Lithuania
Personnel of the 10th tank Bundeswehr divisions during exercises, March 2024.

NATO continues to develop military infrastructure on its eastern flank. In Lithuania, under the pretext of protecting Europe and the Alliance from an imaginary Russian threat, construction of a new military base has begun. In the future, it is planned to house a permanent contingent of German armed forces. This project will require several years of construction and significant financial investment.

Cooperation plan

Previously, the Bundeswehr actively participated in various exercises and international programs military cooperation in Lithuania. However, until recently, the talk was only about the temporary deployment of a military contingent with their subsequent return to Germany.

Last year, Germany and Lithuania developed a plan for a permanent presence of German troops on Lithuanian territory. In December, the two countries' defense ministers, Boris Pistorius and Arvydas Anušauskas, signed a corresponding document.

Over the next few months, the German and Lithuanian military departments worked on various issues and prepared additional documents. An intergovernmental agreement is expected to be signed by the end of this year, which will finally determine the conditions for the deployment of German troops.

According to the previously signed plan, the preparation of infrastructure and the transfer of German troops to Lithuania will continue until 2027. A specially formed German ground force of about 4,8 thousand people with various equipment and weapons will be deployed in Lithuania. This will allow NATO to significantly strengthen the group of troops in the Baltics.

Real measures

Although the official intergovernmental agreement has not yet been signed, Germany and Lithuania have already started implementing the joint plan. At the moment, the talk is about preparatory work and construction of some objects.

German motorized infantry

In early April, the Lithuanian Ministry of Defence announced that the first Bundeswehr unit involved in the new international plan was arriving in the country. So far, this is only 20 logistics specialists from the German ground forces with the relevant competencies and tasks.

The arriving German military personnel must examine the state of the existing Lithuanian infrastructure and determine its compliance with NATO standards and armies Germany. Together with their Lithuanian colleagues, they must draw up plans for the repair and reconstruction of existing facilities, as well as the construction of new ones.

By the end of the year, the German contingent is planned to increase to 150 people. It is reported that these will also be specialists in supply and logistics who will participate in military construction. Until they complete their work, a full-scale transfer of combat units does not seem possible.

Military construction

According to the approved plan, German troops will be stationed at two bases in Lithuania. The bulk of the contingent will be at a training ground near the settlement of Rudninkai, which is located in the Šalčininkai district in the south of the country. The remaining troops will be stationed in the settlement of Rukla (Jonava district) in central Lithuania.

Preparations for two bases have already begun. In mid-August, Lithuanian and foreign media reported the start of construction of new facilities at the Rudninkai training ground. It is planned to create a full-fledged military town there, which will be able to accommodate about 4 thousand people.

The new Lithuanian base will have 20 buildings for various purposes: residential, administrative and for equipment. Training facilities, helipads and other necessary structures will also be built. This base will have to accommodate several battalions and provide for their service.

There has been no news yet about the construction of a similar base in Rukla. However, published data suggests that this facility will be significantly smaller and will be able to accommodate about 20% of the entire German contingent.

Organizational and staff structure

It is already known what military contingent will be sent from Germany to the base in Lithuania. It is reported that several existing army units will be transferred there. In order to optimize management processes, they will be included in the new unit.

A new 45th tank brigade will be stationed in Lithuania. This unit is planned to be formed and “activated” next year. It will be subordinate to the 10th tank division of the Bundeswehr ground forces.

At the first stage, the 45th "Panzerbrigade" will include the 203rd Tank and 122nd Tank-Grenadier Battalions. In the future, they will be supplemented by other units, including those of other purposes. The material base in Lithuania allows for the deployment of several more battalions or companies of auxiliary purposes.

However, the full list of units of the future 45th tank brigade in its final form remains unknown. Perhaps such plans have not yet been fully developed and may change in the future.

International problem

Thus, in about three years, an additional brigade of NATO troops will be permanently stationed in the Baltics. This will happen after Germany transfers about 4,8 thousand troops and dozens of units of equipment, various weapons, etc. to Lithuania.

Despite the limited number of personnel and equipment, an additional brigade at Lithuanian bases will significantly increase the potential of the NATO group in the region. Together with local armies and contingents of third countries, the German 45th Panzer Brigade can significantly change the balance of power in the Baltics.

Plans to strengthen the troop grouping on the eastern flank of NATO and Germany are justified in the usual and predictable way. The Alliance is again talking about the Russian threat and the need to protect eastern member states from a possible attack. Such rhetoric has been used for years and decades, and NATO still considers it relevant.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has responded to the latest reports about the start of military construction in Lithuania. The ministry recalled that NATO is actively operating near the Russian borders, and this is considered a provocation. The construction of a new base and the deployment of foreign troops there is another step of this kind.

The Foreign Ministry drew attention to how Lithuania and Germany are positioning the new base. It is considered one of the outposts in the Eastern direction. The German garrison will have to take the first blow of the Russian army. However, the department once again reminded that Russia has no plans to attack the Baltic states and troops on their territory.

The Foreign Ministry also noted that the build-up of NATO military potential near our borders increases tension in the region. In this regard, Russia will be forced to take countermeasures.

In turn, the Russian Defense Ministry does not comment on the future deployment of the German brigade. However, it is taking the necessary measures. Thus, the Leningrad Military District was recently re-formed and new units and formations were created in the North-Western strategic direction. They will have to fight a potential enemy, advancing from the Baltics, among other things.

Predictable future

Apparently, NATO, Germany and Lithuania are not going to listen to Moscow's warnings. They continue to prepare for the deployment of troops and are already starting to build new facilities. In the coming months, the transfer of personnel and equipment from the future 45th "panzer brigade" is planned.

It can be assumed that by 2027 NATO will have completed the implementation of its plans, and a new threat will emerge near our borders. However, the Russian Defense Ministry is already taking the necessary measures to neutralize it. And the response to such a threat may appear long before the new 45th Tank Brigade begins full-fledged service.
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  1. -1
    4 September 2024 03: 20
    Well, doesn't this remind you of 1941 before the attack on the USSR? The concentration of German troops on the border with the USSR. The Kaliningrad region is in danger, from the west there is a threat from Poland, from the east from Germany and Lithuania. It is time to form territorial defense troops in the region, and create our own Surovikin lines. And this must be done as quickly as possible. Not by 27, but already now by 25. The sad experience of the Kursk and Belgorod regions forces us to do this.
    Now we need ammunition with tactical nuclear weapons. And saturation with various types of air defense and UAVs, and training of operators for them. soldier
    1. -1
      4 September 2024 20: 09
      However, I seriously doubt the implementation of these enormous plans! The Volkswagen plant in Germany is closing. It would seem to be a civilian production, but the Thyssen concern, which produces submarines, is also having problems! And the chemical concern BASV is ordering a long life! And when the economy is dying - where to get the "tugriks" for military ambitions? The hegemon nicknamed the USA will not help - it has wet dreams of destroying Germany as an economic competitor! And even to take the most delicious cream of its economic pie for itself, luring its prize producers! So it is most likely the Poles who will "have fun" in the Lithuanian "open spaces"! And they, as they say, have "thinner soup and smaller pearls" - in terms of weapons! Which they will stock up on from Korea and the USA. And with the latter there may be a question - Americanists say that the election results, in case of defeat, will not be recognized by either Democrats or Republicans - so there may be nuances in the form of a fight! On a national scale! But for Russia in any case - "Si vis pacem - para bellum - If you want peace - prepare for war!"
      1. -2
        4 September 2024 22: 21
        In Germany, the Volkswagen plant is closing. It would seem to be a civilian production, but the Thyssen concern, which produces submarines, is also having problems! And the chemical concern BASV is also ordering long life!

        Aren't you tired of making a fuss?
    2. +1
      4 September 2024 20: 25
      This is an "offer" from the Yankees that is impossible to refuse.
  2. +1
    4 September 2024 04: 02
    Nobody wants to voice the centuries-old problem for Russia, which is called - The final solution of the German question. Although Germany has repeatedly voiced ideas for the final solution of the Slavic question. . . negative
    1. +1
      4 September 2024 06: 04
      The final solution of the German question
      It was high time to solve it in 1945! But something went wrong..... wink
      1. +3
        4 September 2024 06: 48
        Things didn't go that way because of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944.
        What a pest that Churchill was, he gave us a zug-zwang on the Vistula!
        Otherwise, the Vistula-Oder operation would have been carried out in October, and Berlin would have been taken by the New Year.
        And in February there would have been a meeting on the Rhine, and that’s all.
        1. +2
          4 September 2024 09: 01
          Zugzwang is a situation in chess when any subsequent move by a player leads to a worsening of his position. The use of this term is inappropriate.
          1. +1
            4 September 2024 19: 25
            Zugzwang is a situation in chess when any subsequent move by a player leads to a worsening of his position. The use of this term is inappropriate.

            I bet that if the uprising had been coordinated with the front commanders, it would have been a joint operation, like in Lublin and Vilnius. There, the Germans ran away with their heels flashing. But here, we are not ready, the Poles are acting on orders from London. They do not recognize us or the People's Army. So they trampled through. And the Germans wasted time transferring reserves to the Eastern Front, carefully surrendering France to the Allies. And since then, we have been helping them step by step in "developing" Germany, which was almost unprotected from the west. The result is the joint occupation of Germany, and even the division of Berlin, which was ENTIRELY taken by the Red Army.
    2. +3
      4 September 2024 06: 53
      Peter the Great tried to do this, using the feudal fragmentation of Germany. He had his sights set on all of Scandinavia and Europe, including Holland. Moreover, he devoted the entire 18th century to this (he bequeathed it to his descendants). They didn't manage it, which is a pity!
  3. +4
    4 September 2024 05: 33
    Who even listens to Moscow's warnings now? No one is afraid of them at all!
  4. -1
    4 September 2024 05: 37
    The "light-bearing" government of the FRG, which pursues an anti-German, anti-Russian and pro-American policy, is "breathing its last". Let's see who comes to power in the next elections. Maybe sane politicians will come to power in Berlin. Then there will be no deployment of the Bundeswehr at the borders of the Russian Federation.
    1. -1
      4 September 2024 06: 30
      Amateur, you reason like an amateur! . . . hi
      1. 0
        4 September 2024 06: 36
        Amateur, you reason like an amateur!..

        I express my opinion. You can express yours. But you have no right to criticize me. Especially to be rude.
        1. +1
          4 September 2024 06: 41
          I apologize generously. I was wrong. I will work on myself so that in the future, a priori, I cannot cause anyone even the slightest unpleasantness in communication. . . All the best to you. I apologize again if I caused you unpleasantness. . . hi
    2. +1
      4 September 2024 07: 58
      Quote: Amateur
      Maybe sane politicians will come to power in Berlin. Then there will be no deployment of the Bundeswehr at the borders of the Russian Federation.

      Every year Western politicians become more insane and there is no hope of improvement. The example of Germany after WWI is proof of this. A new Hitler is maturing in the depths of Germany.
      1. +1
        4 September 2024 08: 18
        A new Hitler is brewing in the depths of Germany

        If not Hitler, then certainly a claim to great power...
  5. +2
    4 September 2024 05: 58
    However, the department once again reminded that Russia has no plans to attack the Baltic states and troops on their territory.

    That is, if I understand correctly, in the event of an attack by German troops from Lithuania on Russian territory, there are no counter-defense plans.
    Yeah... our MFA is complete crap... it will turn out like with Kursk region.
  6. +3
    4 September 2024 06: 03
    Last year, Germany and Lithuania developed a plan for a permanent presence of German troops on Lithuanian territory.
    How wise our leaders were to allow the Baltics to join NATO!
    1. 0
      4 September 2024 06: 09
      I wonder how we would stop them?
      1. +3
        4 September 2024 06: 11
        I wonder how we would stop them?
        There are many solutions to ensure our safety. Including radical ones
        1. 0
          4 September 2024 15: 49
          Like SVO? That is, it was necessary to introduce troops into the Baltics with battles, so that the whole world would finally unite against Russia? What kind of security of the country could we talk about after this 7
          1. +2
            4 September 2024 18: 29
            That is, it was necessary to introduce troops into the Baltics with fighting so that the whole world would finally unite against Russia?
            At that time, it was possible to bring in troops without fighting. And what do you mean by "the whole world"? Are these liberals and democrats?
            1. -1
              4 September 2024 20: 01
              Lithuania was the first of the republics to announce its withdrawal from the USSR on March 11, 1990, followed by Latvia on May 4 and Estonia on May 8 of the same year.
              On March 29, 2004, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia officially became members of NATO.
              So what time are you talking about, when troops were going to be introduced into sovereign states in order to prevent them from joining NATO, 14 years after leaving the USSR?
              By the way, the use of newspeak words - "liberals, democrats" - shows a certain intellectual level of a person.
              1. 0
                5 September 2024 05: 14
                So what time are you talking about when troops were going to be introduced into sovereign states?
                About the time when they were not part of NATO
                By the way, the use of newspeak words - "liberals, democrats" - shows a certain intellectual level of a person
                Your sensitive care and maternal guardianship of the enemies of my country (I don't know where you live, but I can guess) also clearly shows your attitude towards Russia and its peoples. This can be felt even through the monitor of my tablet
                1. +1
                  5 September 2024 05: 57
                  I was born and live in the glorious city of Rostov-on-Don, I was connected with the army firsthand, I have seen many "patriots, exposers of enemies" like you - especially at party meetings and rallies.
                  1. -1
                    5 September 2024 06: 03
                    I have seen many "patriots, exposers of enemies" like you - especially at party meetings and rallies
                    I spent my whole life in the army and never attended a party meeting. And I saw a lot of people like you during perestroika and in the 90s. They usually talk about some "universal human values" and human rights. I have nothing against this, however, when they say it, it sounds like mockery of the country. Just like your texts
                    1. 0
                      5 September 2024 06: 50
                      And where did you see in my comments any discussion of "universal human values ​​and human rights"? The conversation was about your proposal to launch a military campaign against independent states! Or is international law a fiction for you?
                      1. +1
                        5 September 2024 07: 38
                        "The peace-loving policy of the Soviet Union and other countries of the socialist camp, which has met with understanding and support from all peace-loving forces of the globe, has ensured a certain improvement in the international situation."
                        "The foreign policy of the Russian Federation is peaceful in nature and is based on the desire for equal international cooperation." This is stated in the new Concept of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, which was approved by President Vladimir Putin.
                        What do you say? Different times, different countries, but the position seems to be the same.
                      2. -1
                        5 September 2024 10: 52
                        to launch a military campaign against independent states! Or is international law fiction for you?
                        You are our democratic liberal! There are no independent states, just as there is no international law. It was you who were deceived at the democratic rally. Or are you happy to be deceived?
                      3. -1
                        5 September 2024 12: 57
                        When you become an educated person (which I doubt), then we'll talk.
    2. -2
      4 September 2024 06: 13
      Wise or not, the main thing is, as they say in Russia: "Who else?"

      In the "holy" 90s, the people's silence regarding Yeltsin's election was called precisely "a manifestation of popular wisdom". The main thing for us, as always, is: "as long as there is no war".... One wisdom leads to another... And if universal wisdom ever comes to an end, it will come along with the wise men...
      1. -1
        4 September 2024 06: 31
        The 90s are a direct consequence of the belief in the infallibility of the Kremlin leaders, which was formed by the CPSU.
        The people and the party are one... smile This slogan from the communists has become firmly ingrained in the minds of simple-minded citizens.
        The party said it is necessary...the people responded: yes...the same thing is happening now.
        Blind faith in the infallibility of the gods of Olympus never leads to anything good.
        All current failures in domestic and foreign policy are all a consequence of the past.
        1. +1
          4 September 2024 06: 37
          There are also new slogans, for example: "Who else?"

          The people have no one to replace their leaders with, but the leaders have someone to replace the people with...half a million a year are already breaking in.
        2. 0
          4 September 2024 16: 08
          The attack on Kyiv at the beginning of the SVO is a clear example of faith in the infallibility of Soviet dogmas. Only the "brotherly Ukrainian people" did not rush to overthrow the hated Bandera regime with the help of the Russian army. But it was already once - "the German proletarian will turn his weapon against the oppressors, and not against the Red Army."
  7. +2
    4 September 2024 07: 19
    "The best German of 1990" would be happy......
    1. +2
      4 September 2024 08: 21
      "Best German of 1990" would be happy

      He did not live to see the apogee of his policy. But his work lives on...
  8. -5
    4 September 2024 07: 59
    Their industry is crumbling, their own equipment is half broken, and they are spending money on troops in Lithuania; the Germans have truly gone completely nuts.
  9. 0
    4 September 2024 20: 40
    From Kirill Ryabkov: "Apparently, NATO, Germany and Lithuania are not going to listen to Moscow's warnings...." Let me ask you a little curiosity, who in today's world listens to them now..... Perhaps Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Mali, Somalia - listen to Moscow, otherwise there will be no "free" grain... And about the rest of the world, if briefly and to the point, then everyone else simply "doesn't give a damn", including Lithuania and other Estonias with Latvias... The current world has stopped reacting, even, to the "unprintable" speeches of the Minister of Foreign Affairs - S.V. Lavrov, in which he (the world) stopped seeing a banal insult or hidden threat, for one simple reason: these are all words, words and only words, behind which there is the usual emptiness, political neoliberal uncertainty... But the world needs real actions, including unpopular, even questionable ones, then the world takes out its earplugs and begins to listen and even hear, "taking note", quickly "forming" respect, understanding, "healthy squeamishness" of governments and the population, in relation to vis-à-vis.... And I will finish my "angry" commentary, again from Kirill Ryabkov: "... by 2027 NATO will complete the implementation of its plans, and a new threat will arise near our borders." Nothing personal, only a comprehensive analysis of what is happening around us, our beloved ones, and our "body movements" in relation to those around us...
  10. The comment was deleted.