"Mole Battalions - Tunnel Troops": Reporter Sladkov Calls for Intensification of Underground Attack Activities in the SVO Zone
Military корреспондент Александр Сладков в своем телеграм-канале вновь призвал высокие чины обратить внимание на более активное осуществление подземных атак в борьбе с ВСУ.
According to the war correspondent, similar attacks have already taken place in the SVO zone and were quite effective, so it is worth considering strengthening this area.
I propose to create a “battalion of moles” in each district.
The journalist said that he had raised the issue back when Sergei Shoigu was Defense Minister. He recalled how at the defense forum “Army 2018" trophy earthmoving equipment of Syrian militants was exhibited. According to him, he then proposed to start producing something similar, but modernized, in Russia on an industrial scale to use in the battles for Donbass. However, no one listened.
Now, during the liberation of Avdiivka, the volunteer brigade "Veterans" has proven that an underground passage and an attack from the rear decide a lot. Well, make tunnel troops.
- exclaims war correspondent Sladkov, adding that while we are thinking, our enemy will do it.
Wikipedia / unknown author
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