Russian Ambassador to the US: The American side has failed to properly prepare Ukrainian pilots to pilot the F-16

Russian Ambassador to the US: The American side has failed to properly prepare Ukrainian pilots to pilot the F-16

Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov commented on the loss of the F-16 fighter jet by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which was delivered as part of one of the military aid packages to the Kyiv regime. Recall that the Ukrainian Air Force lost the plane on August 26 during a Russian combined attack. According to the official version, the plane was intercepting missiles, and when approaching "another target", the connection with the pilot was lost. It later turned out that there was a plane crash, in which an experienced Ukrainian pilot named Mes, call sign "Moon Fish", died. MP Bezugla stated that the plane crashed as a result of a Patriot air defense system strike. After this, the commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleshchuk, was removed from his post, quoting Zaluzhny, making it clear that he did not agree with Zelensky's decision.

Anatoly Antonov:

It looks pretty funny when an (American) F-16 is shot down in the Ukrainian sky by a Patriot system from the USA.

According to the head of the Russian diplomatic mission in the United States, the American side has not been able to properly prepare Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16 fighters.

Commenting on the Ukrainian conflict, Antonov said that modern Ukraine, as a kind of tool for confrontation with Russia, is an American project. Antonov added that this approach has led to huge casualties among the Slavic people. According to Anatoly Antonov, the United States ignores reports that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are using the American weapon against the Russians in the Kursk and Belgorod regions.
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  1. +5
    3 September 2024 06: 18
    It looks pretty funny when an (American) F-16 is shot down in the Ukrainian sky by a Patriot system from the USA.

    This happens in war... For some reason I remembered our Il-20 in Syria, shot down by the Syrians with an S-200. There, too, the "friend or foe" identification system did not save.
    1. +1
      3 September 2024 06: 26
      Ukraine, as a kind of instrument of confrontation with Russia, is an American project.
      But the Maidanites don’t realize this! wassat
      1. -1
        3 September 2024 06: 48
        But the Maidanites don't realize this! wassat

        They certainly guess!!! They are even sure of it and are very proud that they have become an "instrument" and have such a friend behind them... for whom it is honorable to die. They consider their sacrifice similar to our international aid to our Bulgarian brothers at Shipka, then to the Republicans in Spain and further down the list: Korea, Vietnam, Egypt, Angola, Ethiopia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and now almost the entire Sahel in Africa... Only their internationalism is on the other side of the barricades.
        But one can recall the reception of the cannibal Bokassa in the USSR as the "best friend" of the Soviet people:
    2. +3
      3 September 2024 06: 48
      I suspect that there was a setup in Syria. The S200 first captured an Israeli fighter, which flew away after making an anti-missile maneuver, and then our IL20 came into play. On the other hand, each country should have its own identification systems. The used Patriot was from the USA, and the plane was from Holland.
      1. +1
        3 September 2024 07: 18
        There are two identification systems: NATO-Mk-12 and RF-Parol.
    3. +1
      3 September 2024 08: 01
      It looks pretty funny when an (American) F-16 is shot down in the Ukrainian sky by a Patriot system from the USA.

      It looks funny when drones from the US transmit data to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and no one shoots them down... You just laugh your ass off...
  2. 0
    3 September 2024 06: 45
    The American side has failed to properly train Ukrainian pilots

    So they can’t do their own either, judging by the shortage in the Air Force.
  3. 0
    3 September 2024 07: 56
    It is not at all a fact that the problem is due to a poorly trained pilot.
    Of course, there are many security elements in the Ukrainian air defense system.
    Error of the air defense missile system operator, pilot, regional control point, unified automated air defense system, software error, technician error, etc.
    The operator forgot to turn on the button, the programmer wrote the wrong code in the program.))
    Time, not testing is extremely small
    But the fact remains. The Ukrainian military made a mistake.
    Only armchair experts don't make mistakes)))
  4. 0
    3 September 2024 07: 57
    Russian Ambassador to the US: The American side has failed to properly prepare Ukrainian pilots to pilot the F-16

    Don't worry, Mr. Ambassador!
    They will find pilots from NATO (retired)...There are a lot of reserves there...
  5. fiv
    3 September 2024 08: 31
    Mr. Ambassador calls on Americans to better train pilots from 404? I also remember Zurabov - the Russian Ambassador to the Ukrainians. I miss V. Churkin, all the others either say something incomprehensible or read from a piece of paper.
    1. -5
      3 September 2024 08: 38
      The yapping of the Russian Foreign Ministry has long been taken seriously by no one, as well as the red lines of the GDP. Specifically, according to Mr. Antonov's statement, there is nothing more motivating than criticism and ridicule from the enemy. They will prepare better and more, if necessary, they will put their vacationers in jail. In light of recent events, it has become clear to everyone that the Kremlin is occupied by a hardened weakling and a person who, more or less, knows only one thing - bluff. IMHO, the most incompetent leader of the country since Nicholas II. Although he had much more spirit.
      1. -3
        3 September 2024 08: 47
        Did you just realize this now?
        1. 0
          3 September 2024 09: 00
          Unfortunately, it has been that way for a long time. It's just that many people still believe that it's all about bad boyars. IMHO, if Putin were the head of a large corporation, he would have been thrown out without a parachute for incompetence long ago. The entire top management was recruited not for business qualities, but on the principle of personal loyalty, constant failures in all key areas. Surprisingly, in the long history of Russia, for the first time in power at most top levels there are people who do not bear any personal responsibility for their areas. This did not happen even under the last tsar.
  6. 0
    3 September 2024 08: 32
    Anatoly Antonov:
    It looks pretty funny when an (American) F-16 is shot down in the Ukrainian sky by a Patriot system from the USA.
    There is nothing surprising in the fact that the coding of friend-foe blocks does not match crying By the way, a vivid example of how the Americans are fighting the Ukrainian war. By the way, GPS positioning units for M-777 howitzers were also not supplied, and if special equipment for artillery was not supplied, then in what connection can we hope that the friend-or-foe units supplied to American aviation in (to) Ukraine will suddenly start working well?! Ukrainians are not Americans, given the stakes in the Ukrainian game.
  7. -2
    3 September 2024 08: 47
    Let the representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense comment on the loss of the F-16 fighter jet by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and let Mr. Ambassador comment on his work and the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs aimed at preventing the delivery of the same F-16s to the Ukrainian Armed Forces! Damn it!
    1. -3
      3 September 2024 09: 02
      Are you kidding me? He'll have to resign then ) Absolutely useless guys, and with zero charisma.
  8. -1
    3 September 2024 09: 06
    Maybe, but sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut. You don't have to do the same thing as everyone else.
    Diplomacy first! Don't put yourself on the same level as the idiots from the USA, France, Poland, Germany, etc.
  9. 0
    3 September 2024 09: 48
    The ambassador turns out to be a flight training specialist* So maybe he's doing the wrong thing?
    And instead of sitting around in the US, he returns to the Russian Federation, and then to the North-Eastern Military District, to at least engage in flight and methodological work with domestic personnel.
  10. -1
    3 September 2024 14: 44
    It was not for nothing that we fed hungry Ukrainian birds so that they would fly into the Messerschmitt engine. However.