How will events develop at LBS? Will we end the CTO in Kursk Oblast

How will events develop at LBS? Will we end the CTO in Kursk Oblast

As I thought, the material about the attack on Krasnoarmeysk gave rise to many questions among readers. Even the "short-sighted", those who, due to the peculiarities of their "vision", can see "only here", as the mayor of Kyiv would say, thought about a simple question - why? And how long will this last?

Indeed, I understand the perfectly normal human desire to drive the enemy from one's land and give civilians the opportunity to live as they did before. After all, that is the main task armies: to protect civilians from the enemy. But let's face it.

Will expelling the enemy really protect the civilian population of the border areas?

Alas, no. Kyiv is killing people remotely. Long-range artillery, MLRS, drones... Direct attacks on populated areas are becoming less and less. Ours are cleaning up the territory quite effectively, judging by the fact that Zelensky is forced to remove combat brigades from the central Donetsk direction, despite the fact that a critical situation has developed there.

The comments often say that our fighters are also having a hard time. The enemy is strong, and it is impossible to defeat such an enemy by force. Ours fight heroically. We read about their exploits almost every day.

Why go far, just yesterday three videos were posted on Telegram about the rescue of a modern Maresyev, a fighter with the call sign Yeti, who spent a month making his way to his own people alone. Even before he announced his call sign, the fighters began calling him Ded. By his appearance... And Ded is only 49...

With burnt legs, no communication, no food or water, under enemy drones, he crawled to his own. The only thing he carried with him, despite everything, was a machine gun and documents. He collected rainwater, ate what he found in the fields, but crawled to his own! A soldier remained a soldier even in the face of death.

When our scouts found him in the field, he, realizing that the drones could already see them, spent a long time persuading the fighters to leave. But I give credit to the motorized riflemen - they did not abandon him. Under mortar fire, they brought the fighter to the evacuation point and sent him to the hospital! And there are many such examples. We have learned to fight. To fight in such a way that the Ukrainian fascists are afraid of us.

Strength of spirit, the desire to win became the main factor of victories. Our opponents talk a lot about the superiority of the Russian Army in the air, in artillery, etc. But remember the recent feat of our fighters defending the women's colony. The battalion commander gathered the fighters, organized the defense so that the armored fist of the enemy ran into the wall.

Strength of spirit overcomes iron!

I have already written that the Ukrainian offensive practically died in the first days. It turned into a kind of raid by a large sabotage and reconnaissance group. Break into a populated area, do some mischief, hold a selfie show and retreat to the nearest forest so as not to get drawn into direct confrontation with the main forces of the Russian Army. The first days when this was possible are over. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost momentum.

Today, I am convinced of this, even those convulsive attempts to advance in the direction of Sudzha and Korenev look more like attacks by dead men than conscious tactical actions. They are attacking without hope of success. They are attacking by inertia, if such a comparison is appropriate when describing military actions.

There are a lot of reports from LBS that the enemy is digging in. Trying to build defensive structures on our territory. On the one hand, this is quite logical. There is no possibility to attack, we must move on to holding the captured positions. But this is for those same "short-sighted".

For the rest, it is enough to look at the BD map, at the location of our army units and the enemy, to understand that such defensive tactics will give a completely opposite result. The successes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (I wonder why) for some reason took place in a fairly narrow area. Thus, we can see a rather thin, forgive the comparison, gut that is stuck into our defense.

Moreover, given the terrain, this gut is quite vulnerable, and all the roads along which reinforcements can be delivered and the attackers supplied with everything they need are shot through by our barrel artillery. Not to mention drones and other longer-range systems.

So what is the fate of the attackers when they go on the defensive? And the Ukrainian Armed Forces have no countermeasures against attacks on the flanks...

Future boiler!

It seems to me, purely my opinion, that we have organized another "meat grinder" for the most combat-ready units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Moreover, this was done quite skillfully, taking into account the very policy that I wrote about in the previous article.

Even understanding the hopelessness of further offensive, Zelensky will be forced to continue it, and General Syrsky, being close to the "emperor", will fulfill the whims of the expired. In this, again, in my opinion, lies the answer to the question about the timing of the end of the operation.

The main thing for Zelensky today is PR

All possible goals that many experts and journalists have spoken and written about have failed. However, as in many other areas. Starting with the much-hyped naval landing on the Kinburn Spit and ending with the formidable Palyanitsa MLRS system, Ukrainian missiles like our Kalibr and American Tomahawks.

All goals, except one. The presence of Ukrainian units on Russian territory can be seen by an uninformed person as a small victory, but a victory. For the West, this is a sufficient condition for continuing supplies to Kyiv. And this, in turn, is vital for the Zelensky regime.

I have already written that the fate of Ukraine and Ukrainians is absolutely unimportant for the regime. The line, the preservation of which guaranteed the preservation of Ukrainian statehood, has been crossed. And it was crossed a long time ago. And the events in Kursk and other border regions became only a catalyst for this process.

If earlier, before the offensive on the Kursk region, some experts, although not as often as the West would like, spoke about preserving Ukraine, albeit with the loss of some territories, today such voices are no longer heard. Everyone understands perfectly well that preserving Ukraine, even in a truncated state, is mortally dangerous for Russia. And this means that the SVO will continue until Kyiv completely capitulates.

This can also explain the numerous war crimes that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are committing on Russian territory. These include kidnappings, killings of civilians, and the use of chemical weapons. weapons, and strikes on civilian targets. There is probably no crime today that the "warriors of light" from Ukraine have not committed.

Any crime is still "not noticed" in the West. Any crime against Russians is considered legal there... But that's for now. Until the moment when the West "smells something fishy" and realizes that all their efforts to break up Russia have gone to waste.

That's when we will read about how someone "saw the light," someone "always knew it," someone "fought to the best of their modest abilities," and so on. Moreover, it is these "seen the light" who will become the most brutal "prosecutors" for the regime. In this regard, I think, nothing has changed since the Great Patriotic War... That's when many terrible testimonies of the crimes of the Ukrainian regime will emerge.

Zelensky's punishers, nationalists and outright fascists understand this. They already have a premonition that their fate is in no way connected with Ukraine. They will not have time to escape - they will be hanged by the Ukrainians themselves in the squares of Ukrainian cities. They will fight to the end. In this, their desires completely coincide with the desires of the Kyiv authorities.

That is why, again, in my opinion, it is premature to talk about the imminent end of the SVO. We will have to cleanse the whole of Ukraine. It is like an oncological operation, the affected area must be removed completely. Even with a reserve. Otherwise, the tumor will be reborn again and again, spread and threaten the patient's health.

Only a complete and high-quality cleansing of the whole of Ukraine. There is no other way...

The Ukrainian Armed Forces begin preparations for the defense of the Right Bank

Now I will again provoke a lot of negative comments. "Well, the author, well, what a dreamer"... Yes, perhaps he is a dreamer. But let's look ahead, and not just at the LBS. We have broken the defense in the center. No one doubts that even the appearance of new brigades, about the transfer of which from Western Europe is already being discussed in the intelligence communities of Western countries, will not change the situation.

Even those sections of the front where nothing had happened for a long time, for many months, have come to life today. We have been observing and understanding this for quite some time, by the standards of the speed of modern warfare. the warThe transfer of Ukrainian Armed Forces brigades that have been defending positions for many months and their replacement with new ones formed from mobilized troops gives our units a chance to advance in their areas.

And the Western press is already publishing numerous materials about the fact that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are not ready to defend their existing positions. Many fighters and commanders are openly talking about withdrawing from the Left Bank of Ukraine beyond the Dnieper. Well, that is a completely reasonable opinion. Indeed, the Dnieper can become a great line of defense for some time.

I am truly confident that we will liberate a significant part of the Left Bank. I will not even write about Donbass. We will definitely liberate it. By the way, I advise you to take a closer look at the Luhansk region. More precisely, at what is happening there on the LBS. Perhaps we will see interesting events in the near future.

What they say in the West sounds pleasant to our ears, but... Scattering forces for the sake of PR is not in the traditions of our command. What our staff officers will come up with is still unknown. But in general, the existing trends will remain. We will advance. At least until the autumn thaw sets in.

And the exit to the Dnieper...

I don't think this is a strategic task for today. We must hurry slowly. Especially since slush does not protect the enemy from our Aerospace Forces' strikes.
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  1. +22
    5 September 2024 03: 18
    we can see a rather thin, forgive the comparison, intestine that is stuck into our defense.
    What, you don’t have the strength to cut this intestine?
    1. -28
      5 September 2024 04: 00
      What, you don’t have the strength to cut this intestine?
      I think that the enemy is being ground down. And no one wants to cut this very gut for this very reason. The enemy is bringing in reinforcements, they are being destroyed.
      1. +40
        5 September 2024 04: 02
        Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
        the enemy is being ground down.

        This "grinding" has been going on for three years already! And when will there be breakthroughs, wedges, envelopments, encirclements?
        1. +1
          5 September 2024 04: 04
          And when will there be breakthroughs, wedges, envelopments, and encirclements?
          You shouldn't ask me this: I'm not in the General Staff, but on the Combat Divan... hi
          1. 0
            5 September 2024 04: 05
            I see... It's a pity that the General Staff doesn't plan this...
            1. +11
              5 September 2024 08: 08
              It's a pity that the General Staff doesn't plan this...

              He doesn't plan anything - he just plugs holes...
              1. +8
                5 September 2024 09: 06
                Well, here it is. Alaudinov said... The Ukrainian Armed Forces are bringing in fresh forces to the Kursk region... The tone of this Chechen has clearly changed. In general, you should expect a stab in the back from people like him.
                1. +2
                  5 September 2024 15: 47
                  He said today that we have already won.
                  What else is there to talk about!
                  1. +2
                    5 September 2024 21: 56
                    Yes, I read Staver and also understood that we have almost won. When will the fireworks be in Moscow?
                2. +1
                  9 September 2024 18: 28
                  Quote from: dmi.pris1
                  Well, here it is. Alaudinov stated.

                  Ha-ha, you found someone to listen to. laughing
                  I understand Staver -
                  = All goals, except one. The presence of Ukrainian units on Russian territory can be seen by an ignorant person as a small, but still a victory. For the West, this is a sufficient condition for continuing supplies to Kyiv. And this, in turn, is vital for the Zelensky regime.=
                  But I want to look at the Kursk problem from another side.
                  Alexander correctly pointed out the "victory" of Kyiv - and the supplies of the West, and the preservation of the expired regime, and the rise of the spirit of the Ukrainian military, but all this is a minus for us. And if the minus ended there, then it would be nothing. But if we think about those dead civilians, about the destruction caused by military actions in the Kursk region, about the hundreds of thousands of refugees. (What material losses and expenses all this results in). Then these "small victories" of Kyiv turn into our major losses, both human and material.
                  And I remember how in 22 there was a lot of talk about creating territorial defense in the regions bordering the Outskirts. And how did it end? With a fizzle!
                  No one formed rifle units from local men. I'm not talking about artillery and tanks for them, but did the Ministry of Defense really not have any automatic weapons and machine guns with grenade launchers?
                  And where was the intelligence that missed the concentration of troops in Sumy Oblast? And I don’t even want to talk about our General Staff.
                  It is bitter, very bitter to watch what is happening. And not only in the Kursk region. We have not taken a single settlement or city. We are taking ruins. And all because we are using the "squeezing out" tactic.
                  Our General Staff is unfamiliar with the words: breakthrough, encirclement, encirclement, cauldron, forced surrender.
                  Bitter, very bitter.
                  1. +1
                    9 September 2024 18: 51
                    You have noticed correctly. It is very offensive for the State. And what's more, here they think that this is the implementation of some Kremlin plan... Yes, implement any plan! Just so that civilians do not suffer.
              2. +5
                5 September 2024 09: 59
                Quote: Luminman
                he's just plugging holes...

                This is more like the truth....
            2. +37
              5 September 2024 08: 16
              Staver, such Staver.. Convulsive attempts to attack Sudzha.. This village has been under enemy control since the beginning of last month.. The man does not understand what he is writing
              1. +13
                5 September 2024 08: 35
                Quote from: dmi.pris1
                Staver, such a Staver.

                Hurray! Let's do it!! Everything is fine, everything is according to plan!!!
                For the rest, it is enough to look at the database map,

                I wouldn't mind taking a look at it either. Staver, how did you manage to do that? Maybe you could give me a link or post a photo?
                1. +6
                  5 September 2024 14: 34
                  I read in Zen. This Chechen again... Russia has already won in the SVO. That's it, we can celebrate... feel belay stop
                  1. 0
                    5 September 2024 22: 38
                    The point is that after the Northern Streams were blown up, it made sense to fight for United Russia, as the Gazprom branch disappeared completely. So they are looking for a way to leave the party before they start asking questions about why it smells like shit and Santa Claus has a brown spot on his butt. That's where such idiotic statements from TikTok "generals" clowns come from. I only feel sorry for the boys.
                    Ceterum censeo Washingtago delendam esse
              2. +28
                5 September 2024 08: 58
                Quote from: dmi.pris1
                The man does not understand what he is writing.

                Yes, he understands everything. It's just that his function as a political officer is to instill optimism in the scum and engage in propaganda of the genius of the leader of the nation and his cronies.
                It's just that the Soviet people, which is what most of us are, have already acquired a fairly strong immunity to such direct and stupid propaganda. We have become accustomed to the fact that we are constantly lied to by the media, television, etc. They always lie. Where necessary and where, it would seem, absolutely not necessary. But this habit of lying has already become ingrained. And so the political officer is accustomed.
                In principle, he is the same Kiselev, Skobeev or Soloviev, only he couldn’t take off like them, the audience is small.
                By the way, my deepest conviction is that there should be propaganda for the masses. Only it should be smart and subtle, and not as idiotic as it is now.
                1. +19
                  5 September 2024 09: 54
                  Well, now it is fraught with danger to write articles that would reflect the real reality, so to speak, you can run into a fine or go to places not so remote!
                  But on the VO website they won’t let a lot of things through, and if they do accidentally let something through, they’ll delete it.
                  As for the author of this article, it is enough to read what he wrote about Kherson, Kupyansk, etc., etc.
                  As for TV, they are pouring rubbish into our ears, but that is not surprising. No matter how you look at it, you get the impression that everything is fine in our country. The SVO is covered in such a way that for the third year in a row we have been winning.
                  As for the Kursk region, the Chief of General Staff himself poured into the guarantor's ears that only 1000 people entered, and the guarantor ultimately called the invasion a PROVOCATION request
                  Now on TV they say that 11 thousand came in, but 6-8 thousand have already been destroyed. I wonder what they will say in a month when the numbers go over 10 thousand.
                  1. -5
                    5 September 2024 12: 30
                    to be fair, new reinforcements are arriving there, so it will be easy to get there in 10 minutes, nothing surprising
                    1. +7
                      5 September 2024 16: 12
                      What are you talking about))) Someone was pulling the wool over our eyes, saying that we can't gather regiments, divisions and brigades in any direction of attack, that everything is immediately identified and destroyed, that the maximum we can attack is with a squad. And then suddenly the Ukrainian Red Army moved several brigades, broke through and occupied part of the Kursk region. Not only that, but the reserves are also successfully approaching. Don't you think that somewhere, something doesn't add up, that we are being lied to openly and shamelessly.
                      1. +2
                        6 September 2024 08: 20
                        Don't write nonsense, reinforcements don't mean that divisions are moving in columns))))
                      2. -2
                        6 September 2024 15: 15
                        They didn't accumulate, but moved separately. When they accumulate in columns, we destroy them too. Such is modern warfare - a network structure that is not concentrated, we easily win the "shock fists" so beloved by generals and some armchair strategists.
                        Fortunately, many on LBS have already realized this and now the strike team consists of a maximum of 3 people. And even then, at a distance from each other.
                2. +10
                  5 September 2024 13: 36
                  Do you know what all this reminds me of? In order not to provoke the public and various employees of various services - I will not refer to the events of the mid-40s ... it reminds me of the records of ancient Egypt, they say the pharaohs forbade writing about their defeats, only about victories and personal bravery. Because the closer to the capital and more fiercely the pharaoh personally fought, the more enemies he personally defeated, the worse things were in the war, and apparently it is the same with us now ...
                  1. +1
                    5 September 2024 16: 14
                    Why go so deep into history? Under the tsars, it was forbidden by default to use the word “hunger.”
                    Well, now it is even more possible to openly lie to the guarantor and get away with it. hi
              3. +8
                5 September 2024 10: 49
                Quote from: dmi.pris1
                The man does not understand what he is writing.

                He understands everything perfectly well. And carries out the order.
              4. +11
                5 September 2024 10: 54
                What a loyal article. For half a moment I even wanted to believe what was written in it. But the half a moment quickly passed. Apparently I'm getting old, since such half a moment started to slip by. Or they just got on my nerves. The second, I think, is more correct. It's harder to analyze yourself, you want to believe in the best. hi
              5. +1
                5 September 2024 15: 48
                Why should he understand, they dictate to him over the phone
          2. 0
            5 September 2024 14: 51
            And what does the coming day have in store for us? Tension....
        2. +25
          5 September 2024 06: 50
          I agree. To be honest, this term - "grinding" - is getting a bit boring.

          Our army is fighting a well-equipped enemy. Prepared, with modern communications. And the bridges and railways in Ukraine are safe and sound. Gas flows through the pipeline. Zelensky is alive and well. The third year will soon be here.

          Thanks at least to Belousov, who started cleaning out the Augean stables in the Ministry of Defense...
          1. +15
            5 September 2024 07: 24
            Quote: Ilya-spb
            Our army is fighting a well-equipped enemy. Prepared, with modern communications. And the bridges and railways in Ukraine are safe and sound. Gas flows through the pipeline. Zelensky is alive and well. The third year will soon be here.

            A strange war. In the Kursk region - CTO, in Donetsk - SVO, in the rest of the border "old" regions - just border patrols. request what
            1. +5
              5 September 2024 12: 06
              They forgot that Frunzenskaya Embankment is not at war, but at work, from 10.00:18.00 to XNUMX:XNUMX.
              And then - baths-balls-women-grandmas.....
              And by the way, everything starts with "ba...", hee-hee... am
              1. +1
                5 September 2024 15: 49
                Money is their number one priority there.
        3. +22
          5 September 2024 08: 08
          Do you watch TV? We have breakthroughs all around: in the economy, in science, in sports, in diplomacy. There are wedges too, sometimes you look - there's a wedge everywhere! The "zeroed out" are no longer allowed into "decent" society - there's a wedge everywhere. And in the housing and utilities sector, we have a wedge almost everywhere: heating mains break in almost every city, explosions in boiler houses (Shagonar last winter), housing is falling apart (in Chernogorsk in Khakassia, the wall of an old Soviet dormitory collapsed). There you have it - a wedge. And there is scope: bureaucracy has covered every institution. Take a district clinic as an example. Doctors are forced to write reports and fill out various forms, and not treat patients. There you have the scope. And "irreplaceable specialists" have covered all markets, taxis, minibuses, etc. And there are entourages: former Defense Minister Shoigu surrounded himself with thieving generals, and now it is unknown where the 11 trillion rubles allocated from the state budget for the purchase of weapons went. And "kharant" himself surrounded himself with various figures like Chemezov, Khisnullin, Manturovo. So he does not change them, he shuffles them around like cards in a deck. So we have everything you are asking about.
          1. +3
            5 September 2024 10: 05
            Quote: fiberboard
            So we have everything you ask about.

            Namesake hi Thanks for the detailed analysis and information! +5
          2. +7
            5 September 2024 10: 07
            What are you talking about! belay Rafik is not guilty of anything, the "king's" friends cannot in fact be guilty.
            If the reality in Russia were a little different, then Rafik would have to, at a minimum, go to prison for life, and at most, to the gallows. hi
            So think about who is running the country. Aria has a good song, for the last 15 years I have always associated it with the current military-political leadership of the country "It's all a lie that he was the kindest king
            It's all untrue - he ruled with fire and sword" and there is a song with a slightly different meaning, but I can't get rid of the association request
        4. +10
          5 September 2024 08: 43
          Staver, as always, is too optimistic.
          In fact, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are increasing the Russian territory captured in the Kursk region every day. The Kursk salient has been expanding for a month now. There is no Russian Kursk counteroffensive yet. They have not even been able to create a stable front line yet.
          And the cunning plan to lure the enemy to Kursk land for destruction - that's a masterpiece. I can imagine if Staver had told our chief mechanic about this, whose wife's uncle, a civilian, was captured when he tried to take his own mother out of Sudzha.
          Perhaps our offensive near Krasnoarmeysk will continue to be successful if we manage to envelop it from the flanks, and not push it head-on, as in Chasov Yar. Otherwise, there will be another meat grinder with the complete destruction of the Russian city.
          1. -4
            5 September 2024 12: 33
            I haven't heard anything about VSU expanding in the last 2 weeks
            1. +6
              5 September 2024 13: 05
              Check out the telegram channels River of Change, Weapon Master, Sanya in Florida, Two Majors. wink
              You will learn a lot of new things for yourself. Yes
              On TV, Gerasimov said on August 9 that everything was fine with us. angry
              1. -5
                5 September 2024 13: 06
                Sanya in Florida, I read Two Majors every day, about Kursk 1 post out of 100
        5. +1
          5 September 2024 16: 36
          I think this will never happen, since there are not enough personnel. So we will continue to grind down our opponents.
        6. +1
          5 September 2024 21: 30
          as soon as Levitan replaces Konoshenko and instead of the hm... group of unknown+(n+u or, on the contrary, widely known in narrow circles) founding fathers (sorry, this is from another world) we will have Rokossovsky and Vatutin as generals here... but as Comrade IVS once said... I have NO other generals for you!!!
        7. +2
          7 September 2024 19: 00
          What are you talking about? The General Staff has remained the same, old and inert. Nothing has changed, the same people who were "crushed" by Yevgeny Prigozhin 2 years ago are still at the helm. They are happy with everything, big salaries, calm work in cozy offices, no fear of mistakes and errors in "work". Why should they change anything?
      2. +9
        5 September 2024 04: 59
        Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
        I think the enemy is being ground down.

        I think that there is a grinding going on, but not of the enemy. Because the ghost of peace treaties has loomed, and for our government the return to peaceful life of so many people who fought is very scary...
        1. +8
          5 September 2024 08: 13
          What are they afraid of? They are afraid as long as this mass is at the front with weapons. In the rear, disarmed, it does not pose any danger to them.
        2. -12
          5 September 2024 09: 32
          For the specter of peace treaties loomed
          And where did it appear? Do you have secret information?! I don't see any signs, not even hints of negotiations from our side. But the enemy constantly hints at them. In the US, in England, in the EU - there are a lot of people who really want to freeze the conflict. They won't wait.
          1. 0
            5 September 2024 20: 51
            And where did he appear? Do you have secret information?! I don't see any signs, not even hints of negotiations from our side.

            You should have laser vision correction)
      3. +2
        5 September 2024 07: 17
        We have been hearing about the grinding of enemy forces for the second year already. Where do the attacks come from that are courageously repelled, where do the forces that captured part of the Kursk region come from, where do the forces that terrorize the Belgorod region come from. Where do the forces come from that do not allow Volchansk to be taken. Where does all this come from?
        320 thousand mobilized, 400 thousand signed the contract by February. Every day 1600 people sign. And where is this power?
        1. -19
          5 September 2024 09: 35
          where do you get your strength from?и who are terrorizing the Belgorod region. Where do they get their strength from?и who do not allow to take Volchansk. Where does all this come from?
          Don't give yourself away so quickly. Try to write in Russian without mistakes. Forces. Forces - that's how it's called in Ukrainian... wassat
          1. +17
            5 September 2024 09: 42
            If I mixed up one letter, then I am Ukrainian. And from this, my powers have diminished. You are looking for enemies in the Kremlin. Aren't you tired of throwing shit around with your turbine?
            1. -26
              5 September 2024 09: 44
              You are looking for enemies in the Kremlin
              Why would that be? They are in the US, England, the EU, in Ukraine. Our enemies are there. And not in the Kremlin.
              1. +4
                5 September 2024 09: 48
                You wrote an article here with questions. The authorities answered you. And who surrendered the country's territories? There is article 280 p.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, under it they give from 6 to 10 years.
                1. -5
                  5 September 2024 14: 37
                  And who surrendered the country's territories?
                  And who turned her in? Specifics, please.
                  1. +2
                    5 September 2024 15: 59
                    And that Kherson is not Russian territory. But temporarily occupied.
                    1. +1
                      5 September 2024 16: 18
                      In accordance with Federal Law No. 61-FZ "On Defense", in the Russian Federation - Russia, a state of war is declared by federal law in the event of an armed attack on Russia by another state or group of states.
                      1. +1
                        7 September 2024 19: 06
                        Declared by whom? Please clarify.
                      2. -1
                        7 September 2024 19: 07
                        There is no one to announce, everything is in the fog
                      3. +1
                        7 September 2024 19: 09
                        So then only Hedgehog. am
              2. +13
                5 September 2024 11: 20
                Ah! Well, exactly.. It is the USA, England and the EU that are bringing villagers here. The Kremlin has nothing to do with it at all.. Yes And the country's policy for the present and future all comes from there.
        2. +3
          5 September 2024 21: 33
          also the traitor and enemy of the people Rezun (Suvorov) wrote (true about Arab generals, but + will be appropriate here)...what's the point of having 3 (THREE Karl) queens on your chessboard if you DON'T KNOW how to play chess at all...
      4. +14
        5 September 2024 08: 16
        Explain this to the border residents... They say it's a cunning plan.
      5. +10
        5 September 2024 10: 46
        Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
        I think that the enemy is being ground down. And no one wants to cut this very gut for this very reason. The enemy is bringing in reinforcements, they are being destroyed.

        Your nickname characterizes you perfectly - Grandpa-amateur!
      6. +8
        5 September 2024 14: 53
        Wouldn't it be better to do the grinding on someone else's territory? Because such arguments reek of the phrase: "... Yes, they shit themselves. But it's warm, and there won't be prostatitis..." There is no need to provide a scientific basis for the benefits of shitting yourself in the cold.
        And for those who try to put the stamp of "couch potato" on me - it won't work. I am a VBD who is tired of "spaghetti behind the ears".
      7. +2
        5 September 2024 17: 24
        I think the enemy is being ground down.

        And not only the enemy!
        Ours are also being squeezed very hard
      8. Maz
        5 September 2024 18: 33
        Sent by the person who is there.
        The problem is that at night in the Kursk region, even 30 km from the line, there is no one on the roads. Ukrainian DRG march in formation and do not meet resistance. They burn whatever they want and whenever they want. The police and the Russian Guard unscrew from the checkpoints with the last rays of the sun. I can assume because they are not equipped with night lights and heavy weapons, because they are not supposed to be.
        The military working there asked to pay attention to the problem, because the DRG are bothering them too, and they cannot be distracted by patrolling the roads because they have their own tasks. So this will take a long time. And the grinding is for those who watch TV. So that they don't worry.
      9. 0
        5 September 2024 23: 35
        I think the enemy is being ground down.

        It is not only the enemy that is being ground down, but also the Russian Armed Forces.
    2. 0
      5 September 2024 04: 12
      Will we end the counter-terrorist operation in Kursk Oblast?

      We will finish, but when...??? It is already clear that no one is going to rush to drive the Ukrainian Armed Forces out of the region... Either there is no strength for this today, or, as I understand it, for reasons that if we push the Ukrainian Armed Forces out onto Ukrainian territory, these units will immediately reinforce the directions in which our army is now successfully advancing... So, those Ukrainian Armed Forces units that are currently digging in in the Kursk region will most likely be destroyed (denazified, graved) there... And if there is still any possibility of evacuating our citizens from this zone, this must be done as quickly as possible...
      1. +5
        5 September 2024 15: 07
        We'll finish it, but that's just it. when... ???

        There is an even more important question: will we finish? THAN? The SVO's goals change 5 times a day. The same thing will happen with KTO. By the way, who is in charge of KTO? Either Dyumin, or Belousov, or the fairy-tale Aladdin... (But it is known who has nothing to do with it.)
        1. 0
          7 September 2024 19: 11
          This "WHO" is always out of business and always has nothing to do with it.
      2. +2
        5 September 2024 17: 30
        We will finish, but when...???
        not before the American elections. For us, this is the main thing, we are for Kamala, and if the Democrats boast about their victory over Putin again before the elections, they will definitely not lose, as they already did with Kherson. Ryabkov, a couple of days before Kursk, spoke about a bang for a bang, and that's what he was.
    3. AAK
      5 September 2024 11: 27
      The top is in complete disarray on this topic: they want to cut the "gut" and there are 2000 hostages there, with the help of which the Banderas expect to emerge from any cauldron with songs and unfurled banners "on the eve of a grand mess"...
    4. -2
      5 September 2024 15: 45
      There are forces, but no instructions.
      1. +3
        5 September 2024 16: 01
        Quote: Olive1
        There is no indication

        Moo-moo is sleeping, the Commander-in-Chief is always on the road... In B. Promyshlenochnaya a new shipyard is being laid down - to build tankers, gas carriers, although there is a similar shipyard nearby in B. Kamen!
        1. +1
          7 September 2024 19: 15
          What are you talking about? The man is in business. Look how many forums he has held in the last two years. He should be proud, we are first in the world in the number of forums!
          1. 0
            8 September 2024 01: 30
            Quote: golen
            We occupy first place in the world in terms of the number of forums!

            You won't get your food and clothes from forums...
  2. +18
    5 September 2024 03: 55
    The article somehow smells too high-flown. Can you make it simpler, author? For example, we will win and the end of the article laughing
  3. +13
    5 September 2024 04: 14
    We will advance. At least until the autumn thaw sets in.

    And I remember:
    We retreated silently for a long time,
    It was a shame, we were expecting a fight...

    If only the legal territories (which became part of Russia as a result of a referendum) could be returned, that would already be considered a great achievement.
    There is no indication of specific prospects in any of the management releases.
    “From the fence to lunch” is the principle of defining goals and objectives.
    The future of the country, blurred in time and space, where the place of the average Russian is completely undefined, is the cunningly conceived program of the Russian leadership.
    As for the offensive... At this rate we will advance until the Second Coming... Or until the end of the sixth...
    1. +13
      5 September 2024 05: 40
      Since the topic of Russia's readiness for negotiations has once again been re-voiced by the Supreme Commander, the "victorious end" to which we are fighting may happen long before the liberation of all Ukrainian lands.
      1. +1
        5 September 2024 16: 20
        The main thing is that it happens after the liberation of all Russian lands.
    2. -12
      5 September 2024 06: 40
      I wonder... Did Comrade Stalin set the task for the Red Army command to take Berlin by May 1st or not? I think it's unlikely. It's the same here, you need to attack not with shouts of "For the Motherland! For Putin!" at machine guns, but having well-worked the enemy, who has no desire to die or surrender. Moreover, he wants to kill you and then win.
      1. 0
        6 September 2024 03: 52
        Stalin, unlike the Garant, worked on the enemy with all possible weapons, and was not shy about demolishing logistics and bridges deep in enemy territory. But the current SVO, in which the use of anything with a caliber greater than FAB 3000 is prohibited, I won't even mention special warheads, is simply ridiculous to compare with the VO...
        Well, we will take Ukraine by storm with sapper shovels until 2124.
        1. 0
          6 September 2024 07: 11
          Before Comrade Stalin was working on the enemy with all possible weapons, the Red Army retreated to Moscow in 41 and to Stalingrad and the Caucasus in 42. And it went into attacks with bayonets on MGs.
          And you really want to use SBV?
          1. 0
            6 September 2024 13: 52
            Zhukov was Chief of General Staff from 1940, but Stalin was to blame for the defeats at the beginning of the war. Zhukov later became Stalin's deputy, but it was not Stalin who won the war, but Zhukov. Where is the logic?
  4. +14
    5 September 2024 04: 27
    How do you manage to do that, I am delighted with the presentation of the material. From the Kursk abscess, a cunning trap, and in three days, to let's wait, and long live the meat grinder. Moreover, according to the text, the entire defense of the invaders is literally held on the Holy Spirit, and is fired upon from all sides, and narrow, and there is nothing to defend, and a cauldron, I do not deny that preparations are underway for the operation, and we will begin, and the whole world will crumble into dust. It's just that the anniversary is coming soon, and there are more and more questions over the years. It's a shame that they talk about kidnappings, murders and shelling of civilians and our cities in such a way, well, excuse me, in the West it's not interesting... And it turns out that we are not interested either, well then after the war we will start to sort it out, yeah, at most the Investigative Committee will initiate another criminal case, and that's it... But we need to talk about it, we don't need to close our eyes, oh yes, then we need to admit our mistakes, and someone should answer for all this, but it seems like there is nothing, just a provocation with an accidental shooting. Although wait, what if the author is right, and everything will be as he wrote, but here apparently I can also be called a dreamer...
  5. +11
    5 September 2024 04: 41
    Of course, it's a strange military operation... Peskov recently said that the Ministry of Defense itself determines priorities in attacks on the energy system and logistics of Ukraine, the Commander-in-Chief has nothing to do with it... Don't judge me, they say, it's not us, it's the military... Hmm... I'm becoming increasingly convinced that the opposing sides are led from one decision-making center. And somehow I didn't see the same enthusiasm in the article, it's somehow sad smile
  6. +10
    5 September 2024 05: 20
    In general, we can sum up the summer campaign. Tactically, our army continued to maintain the initiative, as expected, almost liberated Krasnogorovka, also almost reached the Seversky Donetsk-Donbass canal near Chasov Yar, but the main thing was that we managed to move the Dzerzhinsky direction, which had been standing since 2022, liberating Zheleznoye, Kirovo and Novgorodskoye, and after the enemy's failure at Ocherechino, we managed to use the commanding heights to liberate significant territories in the center of Donbass, approaching the chain of medium and large cities of Krasnoarmeysk-Selidovo-Ukrainsk. Alas, these successes were very expensive. The losses were great
    The enemy also quite expectedly carried out his counterattack at the end of the summer, but the fact that he was in the Kursk region and our defense collapsed so quickly was an unpleasant surprise.
    Strategically, alas, there are no changes and probably will not be. The Russian authorities have once again been deceived about the possibility of a truce or at least a limitation on the force of strikes; the enemy held its own peace conference, the essence of which is to block any possibilities for a peace treaty. A truce is possible, a peace treaty is not.
    An increasingly significant factor is the exhaustion of the forces of both opponents. In short, Ukraine is bad with weapons, but very bad with people, we have the opposite - we don’t have enough people, but the main problems are with weapons.
    The main events of the fall will not even be on the battlefield, but in the USA. The elections will determine whether there will be negotiations and a truce already in the winter (under the prayed-for Trump) or whether Russia and Ukraine will kill each other for the amusement of the Western masters until they are completely exhausted. With the same truce in the end.
    1. +6
      5 September 2024 05: 24
      Quote: Belisarius
      Overall, we can sum up the summer campaign.

      In short, the main puppeteer - the USA - decided to continue the "game with dolls" - in the NWO.
  7. +7
    5 September 2024 05: 27
    Of course, we could throw our caps into the air again, if the Ukrainian Armed Forces hadn’t published such news that the Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled Donetsk, and that Russia, even without the Joint Venture, supplied more gas to the collective West, its unfriendly partners, than the USA. The North-Eastern Front continues to pump gas through Ukraine, and Russia pays for transit.
  8. +10
    5 September 2024 05: 45
    This means that the SVO will continue until Kyiv’s complete capitulation.
    Until our budget is completely depleted. The West is not helping Ukraine. It is weakening Russia.
    1. -10
      5 September 2024 13: 20
      So what now? And you just found out that the West is trying to weaken Russia?
      Are we going to hang white sheets on the windows now?
      By the way, I don’t have them at home, but in the yard there is a flag of the Russian border troops and it will stand as long as I live.
  9. +27
    5 September 2024 06: 22
    And what about those who lost their homes and now live in army tents with their children? Winter in them? What about the people who lost everything, and many were also denied payment of these s.. 10-15 thousand? Even for those who were paid, try living on them.
    Or should these people just quietly die under the fence, so as not to be an eyesore to the authorities? Oh yes, they are Russians, not Central Asian beasts, they have paid taxes all their lives, and they are not supposed to demand anything from the authorities who have settled down in full power. They are not savages from the near abroad. And for the pro-government chanticleers - welcome to the tent, for the autumn-winter period, you can also grab the irreplaceable one with the generals of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff and be sure to bring your families. Feel the charm of hopelessness on your favorite skin.
    1. -16
      5 September 2024 06: 42
      And now what? Bayonets in the ground, peace to the huts, war to the palaces!?
      And a new Brest-Litovsk treaty?
      1. +11
        5 September 2024 06: 47
        Correct the situation, and not pretend that this failure is a brilliant idea of ​​the General Staff. And it would not be bad to settle people, while their houses are being vacated and the broken ones are being built, in country residences.
      2. +5
        5 September 2024 07: 27
        Quote: Grencer81
        And now what? Bayonets in the ground, peace to the huts, war to the palaces!?
        And a new Brest-Litovsk treaty?

        You, sir, heard the ringing, but did not understand where it came from. Brest-Litovsk was annulled by November 1918. And by 1920 the Red Army had already taken Kyiv for the second time..... It seems that our media with their bayonets hit you in the brain, not in the ground laughing
        1. -5
          5 September 2024 12: 04
          Brest-Litovsk was annulled by November 1918.

          And did the Bolsheviks, when they signed Brest-Litovsk and sent trains to Germany, know that it would be possible to annul it in November?
      3. +7
        5 September 2024 10: 22
        And a new Brest-Litovsk treaty?
        Which Brest-Litovsk Treaty do you not like? The one that the UPR concluded with the Germans in January 1918 and after which the occupation of Ukraine began, or the one that the Bolsheviks concluded in March 1918? Moreover, during this period, the red detachments of the curtain on the territory of Soviet Russia held the defense against the Germans, and on the territory of Ukraine, the Red Guard detachments of the Odessa Soviet Republic and the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Soviet Republic resisted the invaders? In November 1918, the Brest Peace was annulled, and already on February 5, 1919, Shchors's division liberated Kyiv from the Petliurites, the forefathers of the current Ukrainian government.
        1. -9
          5 September 2024 13: 15
          The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was annulled in November 1918, apparently due to the victory of the World Revolution on the scale of the entire planet Earth?
          And the representatives of Soviet Russia signed it with happy faces in March, knowing that they would cancel it already in November?
          And how long did the Red Guard units "resist" the troops of the German and Austro-Hungarian empires, until November?
          So, are you suggesting to stick bayonets into the ground or what?
          1. +5
            5 September 2024 14: 50
            The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was annulled in November 1918.
            Because of the revolution in Germany, November 10, 1918, the Kaiser abdicated the throne at the end of December 1918, an armistice was signed between the Entente and Germany. You did not answer me, which of the two Brest peace treaties does not suit you? As you answer, I will answer about bayonets.. Do I understand correctly, war for palaces does not suit you, do you live in a palace?
            1. -7
              5 September 2024 17: 12
              A palace, not a palace, but a private home. That's one.
              I am not satisfied with both Brest peace treaties, I like the Act of Unconditional Surrender of the Ukrainian Reich more. These are the two.
              The war on palaces in Russia suits your Washington "friends", or rather the owners, for whom what you dream of is simply a gift on a silver platter. That's three.
              And all your fake tears, snot and drool are only in one direction, in the direction of Russia's capitulation with its subsequent destruction as a single state. That's four.
              And I really hope that you and your "friends" will get a big fig without butter.
              1. +6
                5 September 2024 17: 28
                So you live in a "hut", not in a palace, but you are ready to give your life for other people's palaces. Let's see what the new master in Washington will offer his serfs in Ukraine and Russia, will he allow them to continue killing each other or not, it seems that he will allow it. Wars are a profitable business for those who live in palaces.
                1. -7
                  5 September 2024 19: 16
                  For other people's palaces? Very interesting... Old propaganda, very old, to justify betrayal and traitors... What your Washington master will offer you, I don't know and I'm not interested in it.
                  What I don’t know yet is how much they transfer to your account for anti-Russian propaganda.
                2. 0
                  6 September 2024 04: 01
                  So you live in a "hut", not in a palace

                  Don't make up your minds for him, maybe he's another son of a deputy... And of course, for him, death to the palaces is more terrible than the arrival of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in his yard, there he can negotiate with the Ukrainian oligarchs, his own people, but with the people of the Russian Federation it won't work out that way. wink
                  1. +1
                    6 September 2024 06: 50
                    Yes, NATO will come with the Ukrainian Armed Forces, they will take away my palaces, yachts, oil and gas... And they will start building palaces and yachts for themselves... at the expense of the profits from my gas and oil... laughing hi
          2. +4
            5 September 2024 15: 23
            And the representatives of Soviet Russia signed it with happy faces in March, knowing that they would cancel it already in November?
            No, not with the happy ones. They assumed, but were wrong by 3 months, they thought it would be earlier.
            And how long did the Red Guard units "resist" the troops of the German and Austro-Hungarian empires, until November?
            The Soviet republics did not resist for long, from January 1918 to the end of April 1918. And as for bayonets... it's up to the boss in Washington to decide, to whom the first president of Russia, and then his successor, solemnly swore in the White House to fight communism to the last drop of blood. Have you forgotten? Or do you not want to remember? I don't think you do.
            1. -3
              5 September 2024 17: 05
              Is it possible to provide evidence of the second's oath...
              1. +2
                5 September 2024 17: 33
                And I also have to search for this video on the Internet for you, did you find the serf? laughing Seek and you will find, I understand you are familiar with the first one? So you will find the second one too.
                1. -4
                  5 September 2024 19: 19
                  So, you lied like you sneezed, sir, didn't you?
                  Let me remind you of one of the laws of democracy: the one who accuses must prove guilt... So you haven't proven anything and this is already an article of the Criminal Code.
    2. -1
      5 September 2024 07: 22
      They will go together and vote for Let's Eat Russia, and will thank the Guarantor that they were lucky enough to survive.
      1. +10
        5 September 2024 09: 28
        Quote: dimon642
        They will go together and vote for "Eat Russia" and will thank the Guarantor

        There is nothing but positivity in this regard, by the way!
        All those evacuated from the combat zones in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, which is about 300 thousand people, will be able to vote on a single voting day, which now takes place over 3 days from September 8 to 10!
        It's great, you've lost your farm, your car, maybe some of your friends and family, in fact EVERYTHING, you live with your family and a thousand other unfortunate people in some school gym, movie theater, or even a tent in a field, and an important thought haunts you: Elections are coming up, and how will I vote if my town is occupied by the enemy?
        And then a miracle happens!
        You suddenly discover that in the corner, having pushed aside you and your fellow sufferers and scattered your simple belongings to the sides, the authorities are setting up a polling station!
        And you are struck by the understanding: WE HAVE NOT BEEN ABANDONED! Our leaders and the Guarantor personally care about us and respect my constitutional right to vote. And your soul becomes so happy.
        Thanks to Putin and the Party for their concern!
    3. +8
      5 September 2024 07: 37
      And what about those who lost their homes and are now living in army tents with their children? What should they do?
      This is the most important and correct question.
  10. +17
    5 September 2024 06: 45
    This is a typical example of the Overton window. And yet another attempt to hide the General Staff's miscalculations behind the heroism of our soldiers and officers.

    To think that the enemy's invasion of the Kursk region could be an element of some of our next cunning plan is the highest level of skill. Then the sudden evacuation of more than 150 thousand residents of the Kursk region, hundreds of destroyed houses is also an element of this plan?

    I don’t even know what else to expect.

  11. +15
    5 September 2024 06: 46
    "Everything is fine, beautiful marquise"?
    The Ukies captured part of the Kursk region because they were "from the field of miracles". And ours gave up their territory because they were "smart". I'm tired of reading this Corvalol-based nonsense.
  12. +5
    5 September 2024 06: 58

    Indeed, I understand the perfectly normal human desire to drive the enemy out of one's land and allow civilians to live as they did before. After all, that is the main task of the army: to protect civilians from the enemy. But let's face it. Will driving out the enemy really protect the civilian population of the border areas?
    Alas, no. Kyiv is killing people remotely.

    So, in the author's opinion, Russia should move to Antarctica so that it won't be reached remotely?
  13. +15
    5 September 2024 07: 40
    Mr. Staver, you are again continuing the policy of justifying everything and everyone. It won't be long before you start justifying thieves and bribe-takers in the Ministry of Defense. They say the guys have nothing to eat, their children are sick, and their wives are wearing rags. And don't drag the heroism of our soldiers into the stupidity of some "comrades", for whose mere mention Prigozhin was slapped and Strelkov was jailed. And they were right, now everyone knows that.
    1. +6
      5 September 2024 10: 26
      Prigozhin was slapped and Strelkov was jailed
      And it turns out that Udaltsov, for supporting the SVO, was incorrectly supported. smile
  14. +3
    5 September 2024 07: 53
    The werewolves in uniform from the Tuvan circus did not think that they would have to fight.
    1. Idi
      5 September 2024 10: 22
      Only General Popov is not in their campaign.
  15. +14
    5 September 2024 08: 05
    I have read false accusations in Western media that Russian media allegedly received instructions to write about events in Kursk Oblast as something insignificant and secondary. I didn't believe it - this is the first case since the Great Patriotic War when Russian territory has been occupied, how can this be considered something insignificant?
    But now I read the article and began to doubt...:((
  16. +3
    5 September 2024 08: 20
    But remember the recent feat of our soldiers defending the women's colony.

    A separate article needs to be written about this feat.
    The media wrote a couple of lines about this, but there are many articles about Kirkorov’s baldness.
  17. +10
    5 September 2024 08: 52
    . Now I will again provoke a lot of negative comments. "Well, the author, well, a dreamer"... Yes, perhaps a dreamer.

    He is a dreamer. And this is the most positive characteristic!
    1. +6
      5 September 2024 12: 21
      Quote: Stas157
      He is a dreamer.

      A liar, not a dreamer. Forgive me.
  18. +12
    5 September 2024 09: 06
    the Ukrainian offensive practically died in the first days. It turned into a kind of raid by a large sabotage and reconnaissance group. Break into a populated area, do some mischief, hold a selfie show and retreat to the nearest forest
    ...attacks of the dead
    ...They attack without hope of success. They attack by inertia...

    This is not the first time I have approached you with this proposal:
    Instead of thousands of words, instead of all these colorful epithets - just place in the article a map of that part of the Kursk region that is controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
    And the reader will somehow draw his own conclusions.
    1. +12
      5 September 2024 09: 31
      Quote from sdivt
      Just place in the article a map of the part of Kursk Oblast that is controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
      And the reader will somehow draw his own conclusions.

      And if you place this map in dynamics, from the date of the beginning of the invasion to the current date, then the conclusions will be absolutely unambiguous.
  19. +4
    5 September 2024 09: 12
    Another explanation from the Author.... Fi
  20. -14
    5 September 2024 09: 15
    Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!

    Whatever you say, after Putin recreated the structure of his representative (Dumin), similar to the headquarters representatives during the Great Patriotic War, and the committee of front chiefs, the war went more merrily.
  21. +1
    5 September 2024 09: 15
    The great commander Kutuzov lured the French to Moscow. He waited for winter and won! The great Soviet commander Zhukov lured the Germans to Moscow. He waited for winter and won! The great Russian commander (....) lured the Ukrainian Armed Forces to Kursk - and will wait for winter?
    1. -10
      5 September 2024 09: 21
      Quote: Alexander Odintsov
      lured the Ukrainian Armed Forces to Kursk - and will wait for winter?

      Winter is just around the corner. Kolotun-babai is already close.
    2. 0
      5 September 2024 10: 03
      Well, that was the case with overseas troops who had never seen a real winter.
    3. +5
      5 September 2024 10: 34
      The great Soviet commander Zhukov lured the Germans to Moscow.
      Yes? And you recently wrote that it couldn't have happened without God's help. Maybe we should fly around the occupied territory of the Kursk region, like in 1941, with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God and everything will settle down?
  22. +4
    5 September 2024 09: 20
    How will events develop at LBS? Will we end the CTO in Kursk Oblast
    I believe that as long as we are ruled by liberals and capitalists, there will be no end to this nonsense... We need to trade - that's the main thing!
  23. 0
    5 September 2024 09: 29
    One of the few who writes the truth about Kursk:
    The world today with "Yury Podolyak"
    Kursk direction on the morning of 05.09.24/XNUMX/XNUMX...
    As before, so far no changes. The initiative is still with the enemy. His main attacks are along the line Malaya Loknya - Martynovka (to align the front and create a more convenient configuration for the future). So far unsuccessfully.
    We are mainly attacking his rear, making it difficult for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to carry out rotation and complicating the supply of the group that has entered the Kursk region.
    In recent days, the enemy (its main attention has finally shifted to Donbass and the problems it has encountered there) has stopped moving offensive units here and is increasingly bringing in territorial defense. It is mining the area and digging into the ground (including concreting its positions).
    Apparently preparing to repel our future offensive. Our units are becoming increasingly active on its flanks. But not very much so far.
    Let's keep our fingers crossed and pray for the guys.
  24. +12
    5 September 2024 09: 59
    I stopped reading after a few paragraphs. This nonsense is unreadable. Success propaganda doesn't work anymore, comrade Staver.
  25. Idi
    5 September 2024 10: 15
    Absolutely unconvincing, Mr. Author. Stop lying and "calming" citizens, considering everyone to be cattle who will swallow everything. What "jewelry" meat grinder??? A meat grinder for our Kursk residents who died? lost their loved ones, homes and property? and who were taken away to Ukraine by the Nazis like cattle? Tell the truth - our military and political leadership once again "slept through" the attack on our "old" territory, did not provide any defense lines in the border areas. For the first time in 80 years, the enemy occupied our "old territory" and is not going to leave. Has anyone answered for this crime against citizens and the country? No. And why? This is such a humiliation and such a slap in the face of a great power, a slap in the face of the entire people, our ancestors who won the Great Patriotic War! And the "SVO" will not continue until Kyiv completely capitulates, it will end in a new Istanbul. Because only a PATRIOTIC WAR can end with Victory and the unconditional surrender of the enemy.
  26. -8
    5 September 2024 10: 26
    What is happening near Kursk is part of a larger operation by the Master (USA/UK) to destroy Russia and seize its territory and resources at the hands of his slaves from Ukraine and NATO countries.
    This operation was being prepared for decades before our eyes. It is not surprising that it was finally prepared and launched.
    For this operation, its Master, in addition to the theater of military operations near Donetsk, has opened a theater of military operations near Kursk and prepared theaters of military operations in the west (Baltic countries), northwest (Finland and Sweden) and north (Norway). In the Far East, the US is preparing a theater of military operations with the participation of Japan, with which an agreement has already been concluded for the urgent delivery of 400 Tomahawk missiles of the latest modification.
    All this is a single plan that is already being implemented in practice.
    Kursk is the first link. This is the direction deep into Russia and toward Moscow, the seizure of the nuclear power plant and nuclear blackmail of Russia with the aim of getting it to take disadvantageous steps in the war.
    In this scenario, the Master will hold the bridgehead near Kursk, pouring any forces there from NATO through Ukraine. NATO's superiority in manpower over Russia is 4,5 times.
    Since one of the Master's tasks is to weaken Europe, he will not feel sorry for his slaves. Like Ukraine, they are expendable material.
    The key to saving Russia from destruction by superior forces is to force its Master himself to retreat and wind down the war. As one would expect.
  27. +4
    5 September 2024 10: 46
    Why does the author go on like this? Everything has already been invented before him!
    - Hello, hello, Gient, what's the news?
    I haven't been home for a long time --
    Fifteen days, like I'm away,
    Well, how are we doing?
    - Everything is fine, beautiful marquise,
    Things go well and life is easy.
    No sad surprise
    Except for a trifle.
    So, nonsense, an empty matter -
    Your mare is numb.
    And the rest, beautiful marquise,
    All is well, all is well.
    - Hello, hello, Marcel, a terrible incident!
    My mare died!
    Tell me, my faithful coachman,
    How did this death happen?
    - Everything is fine, beautiful marquise,
    Everything is as good as ever!
    Why grieve over a stupid surprise?
    This is, really, nonsense!
    What about the mare? It's a waste of time --
    It burned down along with the stables.
    And the rest, beautiful marquise,
    All is well, all is well!
    - Hello, hello, Pascal, my mind is going crazy!
    What an unheard of blow!
    Tell me the whole truth at once -
    When was the fire in the stable?
    - Everything is fine, beautiful marquise,
    And we're doing well!
    But your fate, as you can see, is a whim
    There was another surprise:
    Burned your home with a stable together
    When the whole estate was on fire!
    And the rest, beautiful marquise,
    All is well, all is well!
    - Hello, hello, Luka, our castle burned down!
    Oh, how hard it is for me!
    I'm beside myself.
    Tell me straight,
    How did this all happen?
    — Your husband found out, beautiful marquise,
    That I ruined myself and you,
    He couldn't bear such a surprise
    And he shot himself at the same hour.
    Falling dead by the stove,
    He knocked over two candles,
    The candles fell on the carpet,
    And he blazed up like a fire,
    The weather was windy -
    Your castle has burned to the ground.
    The fire burned the entire estate,
    And with her he covered the stable.
    The stable was locked,
    And the mare died in it.
    And the rest, beautiful marquise,
    All is well, all is well.
  28. +9
    5 September 2024 12: 02
    Why not voice the head of state’s speech at the Eastern Economic Forum in the context of the article?
    There is also an answer to the question in the title:
    "The Ukrainian Armed Forces' attack on the Kursk region only consolidated Russian society"
    "In the Russian border regions the situation has already stabilized, the enemy is being pushed out."
    "The sacred duty of the Russian army is to push the enemy out of the Kursk region and protect citizens," Vladimir Putin said. At the same time, he called the liberation of Donbass the primary task of the special operation.

    Reading and listening are not prohibited by law. And for now, thinking is not prohibited by law either...

    Draw your own conclusions, if you still have the ability to comprehend what you read and heard.

    Tomorrow will be the month of "squeezing".

    So, occupation of Russian territory by the enemy is very necessary for consolidation of society. Maybe they will explain to us, to what extent such occupation is permissible? 1000 sq. km or 10 sq. km? Or more?

    The media continues to publish official reports from the Ministry of Defense: "...attempts to attack in the Kursk region continue... successfully repelled..."
    I have no words....

    I consider all this disgrace a national disgrace. And I hope that its creators and organizers will be called to account, sooner or later. And again, I hope that not only politically, but also criminally. And I would like for accountability to come not too late.
  29. +11
    5 September 2024 12: 35
    I just don't understand!
    "When the West "smells something fishy" and realizes..."
    The Russians were divided and forced to fight each other. There are no threats to the West. None at all. Why should they "smell" anything there?! What nonsense? They don't give a damn who is winning/losing at the moment. The main thing is that the action continues.
    What threats to the West are we always talking about?
    1. +3
      5 September 2024 14: 47
      Quote: German
      What threats to the West are we always talking about?
      There is only one threat to the USA, it is the remaining Soviet missile and nuclear potential, and not the Russian "elite" whose interests are all in the West and with the West. In this, in essence, our bourgeoisie are the most direct foreign agents. Our men fight, and the bourgeoisie trades with our enemies. Of course, currency is needed, but they put their income in their own pockets, and until recently they paid ridiculous taxes. They developed mainly what could be quickly sold, that is, mainly raw materials.
      What will happen if our industry, optimized by thieves and traitors, will not be able to cope further against the collective West, all stockpiles of non-nuclear missiles and shells will be depleted? Nuclear weapons, against "partners"? How will our powers that be, and, simply, the masters of Russia, the newly-minted billionaires, burn all their property abroad... So, it is a deal, where the exchange coin can be the surrender of nuclear weapons under external control. If this happens, this will be the realization of the goal of destroying Russia as a great country. The lackeys will be left with their property.
  30. -7
    5 September 2024 12: 52
    I know what to do laughing
    1. Conduct additional mobilization.
    2. Advance around Kharkov from the northwest, then turn south, and from there reach Pavlograd and Pokrovsk.
    Advance from Belarus, along the Dnieper, to Kyiv, from two sides.
    Advance towards Zaporozhye along the Dnieper from the south.
    3. Transfer part of the industry to military rails, expand production in the existing defense industry.
    4. Gain air superiority and destroy enemy air defense systems.
    5. Stop attacking the defenses that have been built up over the years, stop pushing through densely populated areas, and find new directions.
  31. -1
    5 September 2024 13: 44
    Quote: Ilya-spb
    I agree. To be honest, this term - "grinding" - is getting a bit boring.

    Of course, you won't get any objective independent information now. I suddenly thought that the Ukrainians invaded Kursk region to "grind down" our units. Of course, there is a lot of pressure on the Russian Armed Forces - the enemy invaded old regions - and the president and the public are worried, demanding that everything be corrected. what
  32. +3
    5 September 2024 14: 23
    And the exit to the Dnieper...
    I don't think this is a strategic task today. We must hurry slowly.

    As comrade Saakhov said in "Prisoner of the Caucasus", - "Eh, no, no need to hurry, no need to hurry..."
    The third year, however, and not having liberated Donbass yet, we must now liberate the Kursk region. There is no need to hurry, by 2024, our oligarchs, "orphans", were so poor from the war and sanctions that the number of Russian billionaires reached a record of 125 people.
  33. +4
    5 September 2024 14: 59
    People with weapons and foreign passports have crossed our border and are killing our citizens! What does the state's approved defense doctrine say about this?
  34. +2
    5 September 2024 15: 53
    "meat grinder for especially combat-ready units"... Then why, when they show captured Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers in the Kursk region, are they all "forcibly mobilized, thrown into a minibus, then given almost no training, thrown to guard a checkpoint in Sumy, deceived, ended up on the Sudzha". Exhausted and mostly old men. Clearly not the elite of the Ukrainian troops. And those isolated scum from the Azov national battalion - are rarely caught at all.
    Next, author, who gave you the opportunity to write us your views on the vision of the SVO in a moralizing tone? Who are you, the chief of staff in Rostov? Or are you leading brigades into an attack on the LBS? You should think about who you are and how the reader perceives you based on your writing style. Even if you write something sensible, disrespect for readers and commentators will result in even greater disrespect for you.
  35. +7
    5 September 2024 16: 25
    I don't understand at all why NATO is fighting Russia, we just need to give these generals discounts on palaces, villas, yachts, superjets and in a couple of months NATO patrols will be parading around Moscow
    1. Minister of Defense General of the Army Sergei Shoigu - removed from office;
    2. First Deputy Minister of Defense Ruslan Tsalikov - removed from office;
    3. Deputy Minister of Defense Timur Ivanov (construction) - arrested;
    4. Deputy Minister of Defense Colonel General Yuri Sadovenko (MoD apparatus) - removed from office;
    5. Deputy Minister of Defense Tatyana Shevtsova (financial support) - removed from office;
    6. Deputy Minister of Defense, Reserve Army General Nikolai Pankov (State Secretary) - removed from office;
    7. Deputy Minister of Defense, General of the Army Pavel Popov (innovative research) – arrested;
    8. Former Deputy Minister of Defense Army General Dmitry Bulgakov (logistics) - arrested;
    9. Head of the Main Personnel Directorate, Lieutenant General Yuri Kuznetsov - arrested;
    10. Head of the Main Communications Directorate, Lieutenant General Vadim Shamarin - arrested;
    11. Head of the department for state defense procurement Vladimir Verteletsky - arrested;
    12. Press Secretary of the Ministry of Defense Rossiyana Markovskaya - removed from her position;
    13. Assistant to the Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Alexander Burachenok - removed from office;
    14. General Director of the Military Construction Company Andrey Belkov - arrested;
    15. Director of the Property Relations Department Mikhail Sapunov - removed from office;
    16. General Director of Voentorg Vladimir Pavlov - arrested;
    17. Director of the Patriot Park Vyacheslav Akhmedov - arrested;
    18. Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Innovative Development, Major General Vladimir Shesterov – arrested;
    19. Former head of the Property Management Department, reserve colonel Vladimir Demchik, arrested;
    20. Advisor to the Minister of Defense Andrei Ilnitsky - removed from office.
    21. Deputy Commander of the Leningrad Military District for Logistics, Major General Valery Mumindzhanov (former head of the Department of Resource Provision of the Russian Ministry of Defense) has been arrested.

    From the latest news:
    The head of the department in the Ministry of Defense that developed weapons based on new physical principles, Colonel Andrei Chekmazov, has been arrested on charges of accepting a bribe on an especially large scale. His former deputy, Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Fomin, has also been placed under house arrest.
    ⚡️According to the investigation, they received a bribe of 7,7 million rubles from the deputy general director of the company "Oborontest" Alexander Sukharev for accepting two contracts of the Ministry of Defense worth 1,5 billion with violations of research and development work.
    This is the answer to where the Russian developments of laser and other weapons are located. They are in the same place as the communications in the troops

    From the very latest news:

    Armenia has started supplying weapons to Ukraine, now openly and officially. Including air defense systems, which Kyiv desperately needs.
    While "grateful" Armenia supplies weapons to Ukraine
    Russia makes a counter-move:
    An agreement has been reached with Russia on restoration work on the railway damaged by flooding in northern Armenia (c) Nikol Pashinyan,
    ⚡️Prime Minister of the Republic Pashinyan and the head of Rosatom Likhachev discussed the construction of a new nuclear power unit in Armenia and considered the issue of extending the service life of the second power unit of the Armenian NPP (c).
    ⚡️Russia invests more than $1 billion in projects in Armenia (c)
    1. +1
      5 September 2024 21: 51
      Shoigu is funny - you think he was dismissed, but in reality he was promoted. Look up the Russian Federation's management structure. His team - yes, they are pinching, it is too early to sum up the results. And even if there was a team there... just jackals under cover. And there are many jackals in the country - that is why the regime like in 37 is only just getting going. The current ones can change their shoes if they want, as can those who are supposed to identify certain actions that fall under treason (it's just that the level of the defendants should have been raised a long time ago and real retribution should be done, not for show). Although now everything is blurred, where one thing seems to be in fact another. Has anyone seen anywhere the information why the bank's coat of arms on rubles was replaced by the coat of arms of the Russian Federation?!
      1. -1
        5 September 2024 22: 08
        In your opinion, does Shoigu deserve a promotion?
        The country is not being promoted under the regime of 37, at least because the opinion has already been voiced that in the year of the 80th anniversary of the victory, all the defendants will be amnestied. But the most important thing is being overlooked, I am glad that the cleaning of the stables has finally begun, namely, not who was raked in under the "panfare", but who came to take their place. Information about the first appointments has leaked out, look on the Internet, you will be very surprised.
        1. 0
          6 September 2024 19: 04
          How do I know who deserves what - I have no information about why and how they reshuffle officials. For example, I see some real screw-ups in the work at the level of my district or region. Or what traders do with their excessive transportation of goods. And what they do at the top - everyone sees what they want to see. Regarding the same key rate of the central bank, even economists do not have a single answer why they do it this way and not that way. Opinions are sometimes opposite and even delusional. For many actions, some should have been shot a long time ago, and not given suspended sentences. Haven't you come across information about some strange deaths of former top managers of some companies either?! There are more questions than real correct answers.
          1. 0
            7 September 2024 17: 49
            Well, I’m not suggesting that you evaluate the actions of this or that type.
            I'm just saying that instead of jumping up and down joyfully shouting "hurray, it's finally happened, the purges have begun" just think about why this is happening? We haven't noticed for so many years, and now suddenly everyone has suddenly woken up? I assume that such a metaphor is connected exclusively with the shrinking of the food supply, and with the appearance on the scene of the grown-up "new talented and energetic". Which is what I was actually talking about when I mentioned the new appointments. And if you perceived my post as an attack against you, I assure you that this is completely groundless.
            1. 0
              7 September 2024 20: 46
              Well, it was clear that the purges would begin. Haven't you watched the videos where people say that it is difficult to turn the entire nation, and especially officials, into a different direction of understanding the development of their country alone. Haven't you heard Belousov's words after his appointment about "I am ready to lay down my life" (approximately, I don't remember exactly, but I think the gist is clear)?! So, in order to change a lot in the country, people who can do it are needed. On the one hand, the head of the Central Bank can be replaced by the question of who and for how long this person will last. From the simple - in 2000, a decree was issued banning buses older than 10 years from being removed from routes. In 2008, carriers are not required to transfer data to ROSSTAT on passenger traffic (where there are no tickets and no understanding of the profitability of the route). In 2010, the bus fleet was replaced by about half. And in recent years, you have been transporting on what you have (new buses have almost doubled in price, spare parts even more). Drivers' salaries have been raised in some places, but in fact they work for three. Most of the old drivers have already left - 2 years have passed. And there are simply no new ones. And training places have been reduced, and prices have increased, and many simply do not even want to study for category B, let alone for a bus or a truck. And who wants to do this business here, problems with loans arise (interest rates fly multiple times) and taxation changes too often. How many specialized ministries are already to blame here?! How many people at once need to be replaced or explained that they are doing something wrong?! With the beginning of the SVO and mobilization, what did the people scream about? And what did they start doing then? How long did it take for the people to realize that times have changed in general? And even then, some still believe in a return to how it was in the times of 24-2005 at least. Previously, it was possible not to notice a lot, but a new generation has grown up. And changes will come. Maybe not as harsh as in 2020. But who knows what will happen?!
  36. +2
    5 September 2024 17: 14
    That is why, again, in my opinion, it is premature to talk about the imminent end of the SVO. We will have to cleanse the whole of Ukraine.

    I am afraid that at the current rate of advance, this process will have to be completed by our descendants, because ordinary people do not live that long. sad
    1. 0
      5 September 2024 21: 54
      There is no such time in the West - there the money and the economy will collapse earlier. The pace is calm - not the times and not the territory where you have to take everything out to the bare desert. Our people are there, you do not consider all the prisoners sitting in the prisons of the Russian Federation to be foreigners.
  37. +2
    5 September 2024 19: 23
    Does the author also live in a parallel world?
    we organized another "meat grinder"... quite skillfully,

    Of the 180 people subject to evacuation, 121 residents have already left the region.

    And otherwise, the beautiful marquise...everything is awesome.
  38. +1
    5 September 2024 21: 43
    With such a title... The author obviously doesn't know Russian history well or has forgotten. The CTO regime was in Chechnya and in Abkhazia with South Ossetia and in Kazakhstan. Well, and the Donbass and up to the Polish border there will be a CTO regime which was called SVO, but in fact the civil war has been going on since 1991 with breaks and varying degrees of tension and escalation. All borders have long been known and everything that was ours will be ours. History has long shown and proven that we can or cannot. Those who doubt and do not believe are the first to flee the country. Minuses to those who downvote you in your karma - comments in the fire. You still do not understand and there is no point in arguing with you.
  39. +1
    5 September 2024 22: 45
    We from Kursk read this pathetic article and laugh out loud!! The author should come to us and listen to the refugees about the intestine and hundreds of occupied settlements. Some propagandist is writing, and not a very good one at that.
  40. -2
    6 September 2024 06: 39
    There is a proposal on how to destroy the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk salient. It is necessary to declare mobilization in the United Russia party, age limit 25-55 years. Then form ten motorized rifle brigades from them and throw them into frontal attacks on the Bandrovites' positions. Provision of these brigades at the expense of personal bank savings of United Russia members. Yes, it is possible to attract mistresses (lovers) of United Russia party members as junior medical personnel. The vacant positions of United Russia party members should be staffed with veterans of the SVO.
  41. +1
    6 September 2024 11: 35
    You have to hurry slowly - ahaha brilliant! A new term for the secret police! What's the point of hurrying, we've only been fighting for 3 years, we haven't even started yet, no matter, our grandchildren will finish it.
  42. 0
    7 September 2024 02: 27
    -..."What our staff officers will come up with is still unknown" - from their "thoughts" the Ukrobanderites are already in the Kursk region. Thank you for taking Avdiivka. Stop "driving people around" it's time to call a spade a spade and who commands the so-called SVO..
  43. 0
    7 September 2024 13: 43
    Quote from Uncle Lee
    This "grinding" has been going on for three years already! And when will there be breakthroughs, wedges, envelopments, encirclements?

    Why? To raise your banner over Bankova?
    It was said - DENAZIFICATION. Which is equivalent to "grinding", physical destruction of the bearers of Nazi ideology.
    Encirclements - will not happen anytime soon. And in general, a rain of napalm is always preferable to some encirclements and wedges. So to speak, the final solution to the "Ukrainian question"...
  44. 0
    7 September 2024 13: 47
    Quote: Dutchman Michel
    Until our budget is completely depleted.

    You won't get it. Our budget, unlike the Ukrainian one, is doing quite well. These are the khakhly with an outstretched hand. And the Westerners, despite all their sanctions, are forced to trade with the Russian Federation, however.
  45. 0
    7 September 2024 13: 49
    Quote: Alexander Timchenko
    I am afraid that at the current rate of advance, our descendants will have to complete this process.

    The process, however, tends to gradually accelerate and the pace will increase.
    Probably, similar "experts" would have made a similar forecast in 1943, observing the advance of the front line...
  46. 0
    7 September 2024 13: 51
    Quote: Poru4ik
    I don't understand at all why NATO is fighting Russia, we just need to give these generals discounts on palaces, villas, yachts, superjets and in a couple of months NATO patrols will be parading around Moscow

    So why didn't they parade in the 90s?
    Like, dumber than a "Beacon of Pure Reason" like you? laughing
  47. 0
    7 September 2024 13: 54
    Quote: Alexander Odintsov
    We need to trade - that's the main thing!

    And you don't need this? Do you want empty shelves and rationed bread?
    Picking raisins out of a bun is a sign of infantilism.
  48. 0
    7 September 2024 13: 59
    Quote: avia12005
    Then the sudden evacuation of more than 150 thousand residents of the Kursk region, hundreds of destroyed houses are also an element of this plan?

    And why not? By the way, something like this has happened before. Should I remind you of the events of 2008, when the Georgian Napoleon was lured into a trap, using the lives of civilians and our peacekeepers as bargaining chips?
    Yes, alas, for the current government, the lives of ordinary citizens are nothing more than bargaining chips, chips in the Great Game. So what? We have the government, the regime that we fully deserve.

    "Beautiful Faraway, be cruel to us, but do not be merciful..."
  49. 0
    7 September 2024 14: 02
    Quote: Taimen
    And there is no need to drag the heroism of our soldiers into the stupidity of some "comrades", for the mere mention of whom Prigozhin was slapped and Strelkov was imprisoned.

    Prigozhin was rightly smacked, I immediately predicted that he would not survive when he was thinking of rebelling.
    In short, as they sing: "shut your mouth and respect our government!"
  50. 0
    7 September 2024 14: 06
    Quote: parusnik
    Due to the revolution in Germany, on November 10, 1918, the Kaiser abdicated the throne; at the end of December 1918, an armistice was signed between the Entente and Germany.

    The revolution in Germany is a direct consequence of the Brest Peace. If there had been no peace, there would have been no revolution in Germany. Lenin played a wonderful combination, formally not having any trump cards in his hand.
    Although he did have a joker - Bolshevik propaganda.
  51. 0
    7 September 2024 21: 07
    Somehow this doesn't look much like "Kyiv in 3 days"... What happened to our Armata, which has no analogues?
  52. 0
    8 September 2024 23: 48
    I haven't commented on articles on this site for a long time. And now I've decided to comment not even on the article, but on the comments. For quite some time now I've had a feeling of kinship or some kind of consonance, I don't know what word to choose here, between local comments and radio programs "Echo of Moscow". Sometimes it's downright creepy. Of course, the focus here is different, communist views prevail,
    but the smell is similar. I remember how 10 or 12 years ago I turned on "Echo of Moscow" and realized that I was sickened by these voices, intonation, endless attacks on the government and Russia in general. And here, don't blame me, what is, is, the same stench is standing. They seem to be patriots, experienced people (with stars), but the level of insight into the essence of the processes is like in the comments of bridges, generals, everyone is stupid, everything is bad and will be even worse, etc. And any opinion, even the most balanced and rational, different from these groans and screams is simply shitted out. Here are my observations, dear ones!
    1. 0
      9 September 2024 21: 06
      Please give an example of a "shitty" balanced and rational opinion.
      1. 0
        16 September 2024 11: 32
        Well, for example, any mention of the fact that we owe the current situation in Ukraine primarily to the Bolsheviks. Or any attempts to critically evaluate the role of this party in the history of Russia.