Central Asia without Russia: archaization and degradation

Central Asia without Russia: archaization and degradation

Water problem and degradation

The water problem caused by irrational deforestation and water management errors. The degradation of the water management system inherited from the USSR. Irrational use of water resources. For example, in the north of Kazakhstan, severe spring floods are followed by water shortages in the summer. Plus the egoism of national elites who do not take into account the interests of their neighbors.

The water issue is already capable of causing the war in Central Asia. The Central Asian republics are not capable of implementing large water projects that could improve the situation on their own.

A sharp decline in the quality of governance. A return to a new Middle Ages, in places to a tribal system. In Turkmenistan, serfdom has been practically revived. In Tajikistan, there is an authoritarian regime. In other republics, khans and bais also rule, redistributing financial flows in their favor.

After Russia left Turkestan in 1991, the vast territory that stretched from the Middle East and Iran to China's Xinjiang quickly began to turn into a huge powder keg that was ready to explode at any moment.

Russophobia and nationalism

The growth of Russophobic, nationalistic sentiments and radical Islam. Russia is to blame for everything. And for the fact that "Kazakhstan is deprived of water, so it must be shared." The Russians are to blame for the fact that "the Aral Sea has dried up", although this is obviously a natural process. New generations that grew up outside of Russian (Soviet) culture, processed by new education and media, believe that Russian (Soviet) colonizers are to blame for everything. If it were not for the Russians, the republics would live like Japan or South Korea.

General savagery, archaization of the population. Moreover, these village-aul traditions and standards are transferred by the youth from Turkestan to Russia. The authorities of the republics have been simply draining their social bottom into Russia for three decades.

Russia, leaving Central Asia, received three main problems:

1) the influx of “new barbarians” from Central Asia into the Russian Federation, with all the ensuing problems and the threat of migration riots in Russia itself;

2) continuation of the degradation and archaization of Turkestan, with the threat of a large-scale explosion of that powder keg. Transformation of a huge region into a zone of chaos and inferno, on the model of Afghanistan, Somalia;

3) strengthening the positions of the USA and Western Europe (NATO bloc), Turkey and China. A holy place is never empty.

What to do?

As the Russian General M.D. Skobelev, the hero of the conquest of Central Asia, quite reasonably noted, “the border must be defended at Kushka if we do not want to defend it at Taganrog.”

That is, it is impossible to simply leave Central Asia, to fence oneself off from it, as some Russian nationalists have suggested. A real border, a wall, should be built. Too many resources are needed. A real, natural border had already been created in the Russian Empire and the USSR. Along the mountain ranges.

You can't run away from a problem, or fence yourself off. This is what the experience of recent decades shows. The problems of Central Asia come to the Russian Federation itself: in the form of hordes of migrant aliens, their wild, primitive values ​​and standards ("Demographic aggression is a threat to national security"). And if unrest begins in Central Asia, then the Russian Federation will receive many new problems, since it does not have the resources to conduct a military offensive in the southern underbelly, and not only to pacify, but also to bring there a new development project.

The only way out is a visa regime. Expulsion of criminals who have been punished, and a "black ticket" - the impossibility of staying in the Russian Federation (tourism, work, etc.). Attracting labor only on the model of "oil monarchies", like Qatar. That is, only a work visa, a hostel, a step to the left or to the right - and not only the worker, but also the employer is responsible. No families with their legalization, no national ghetto communities, with their own laws and rules.

The main thing is to involve all the republics of the former USSR in a common creative project.

Equitable project, not in the interests of small groups of khans and oligarchs, their servants, but of the entire people. In such a project, it will not be necessary to attract masses of workers from poorer and richer countries. On the contrary, it will be necessary to bring production to the local level. To implement the standards and principles of the Russian project locally. Including the Russian language and culture.
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  1. +62
    4 September 2024 03: 40
    Moving production to republics that can nationalize this production at any moment is not a good idea.
    1. +25
      4 September 2024 07: 07
      We must break all relations with the ungrateful peoples - the Russophobes from Central Asia.

      Let them sit in their medieval manure.
      1. +19
        4 September 2024 07: 43
        Quote: Ilya-spb
        We must break all relations with the ungrateful peoples - the Russophobes from Central Asia.

        Central Asia should become a colony of the Russian Federation, under talk of friendship, neighborhood, and other tinsel. Otherwise, it will become a colony of the West. European companies entered Central Asia very easily. Any project must have a representative of the ruling clan, and you will be happy. For the bais of the East, their people are just a way to get rich, so all educational programs must be curtailed and their resources must continue to be pumped out. Developing industry in the East is a thankless and expensive business. The greed of the bais is boundless. Trade relations must also be reviewed. The perks of duty-free trade must be earned, not received for nothing. Learn from the colonizers of the West. hi
        1. man
          4 September 2024 11: 09
          Quote: fif21
          Quote: Ilya-spb
          We must break all relations with the ungrateful peoples - the Russophobes from Central Asia.

          Central Asia must become a colony of the Russian Federation, under talk of friendship, neighborhood, and other tinsel. Otherwise, it will become a colony of the West.
          European companies entered Central Asia very easily. In any project there must be a representative of the ruling clan, and you will be happy. For the bais of the East, their people are simply a way to get rich, so all educational programs need to be curtailed and their resources need to be pumped out. Developing industry in the East is a thankless and expensive business. The greed of the bais is limitless. . :

          Monkey, in the Mirror, seeing his image.
          Silently bear a sense of foot:
          “Look,” says: “My dear godfather!
          What kind of mug is there?
          What are her grimaces and jumps!
          I would hang back with anguish,
          Whenever she ever looked like her.
          But, admit, there is
          From my gossips of such krivlyak five or six:
          I can even count them on my fingers. ”-
          “Than to consider the gossips to work,
          Isn't it better to turn on yourself, godfather? ”
          She answered Mishka.
          But Misha's advice was wasted.
          1. +2
            4 September 2024 19: 28
            Quote: mann
            “Than to consider the gossips to work,
            Isn't it better to turn on yourself, godfather? ”

            A good fable. Everything is fair. With the collapse of the USSR, friendship ended. And someone is to blame that I want to eat. wassat
            1. man
              4 September 2024 21: 25
              Quote: fif21
              Quote: mann
              “Than to consider the gossips to work,
              Isn't it better to turn on yourself, godfather? ”

              A good fable. Everything is fair. With the collapse of the USSR, friendship ended. And someone is to blame that I want to eat. wassat

              Yes, I'm not talking about friendship; under capitalism there is no friendship, there are temporary fellow travelers when interests coincide.
              I am concerned that the younger generation has completely lost objectivity, a sense of self-irony, the ability to look at themselves from the outside. But this is very important, without it there will be no progress...
              1. -3
                5 September 2024 09: 13
                A sharp decline in the quality of governance. A return to a new Middle Ages, in places to a tribal system. In Turkmenistan, serfdom has been practically revived. In Tajikistan, there is an authoritarian regime. In other republics, khans and bais also rule, redistributing financial flows in their favor.

                Let them do what they want in their own country. The more primitive it is, the easier it is to influence the local elites (if you do it specifically, of course!). Trading with them is fine, but letting these savages in is absolutely forbidden.

                Let them support Russian schools at their own expense, where they study using our textbooks. And we will let those who graduate from these schools cross the border. I am daydreaming...
          2. +2
            5 September 2024 16: 55
            “Than to consider the gossips to work,
            Isn't it better to turn on yourself, godfather? ”

            Well, yes. Make the most global plans - and kiss the gums of the Taliban.
            Make the most global plans - and through the mouths of all the Solovyovs (but also the Tolstoys!) insult and humiliate Kazakhstan, hinting at the fate of Ukraine.
            Of course, with this approach it is easier and more convenient to count the gossips over and over again...
            1. +1
              6 September 2024 11: 33
              Quote: Wizzzard
              Make global plans - and kiss the Taliban on the gums.

              What can we do? Behind the Taliban is Pakistan, which created them. And behind Pakistan is China. So whether we like it or not, we will have to negotiate with the Taliban.
              The terrorists from Irgun, Levi and Haganah became respected statesmen. wink
              Quote: Wizzzard
              To make the most global plans - and through the mouths of all the Solovyovs (but also the Tolstoys!) to insult and humiliate Kazakhstan, hinting at the fate of Ukraine.

              Yeah... just insulting - out of the blue. Alas, but after the miraculous rescue, the leadership of Kazakhstan confidently took the path of Ukraine - "Russia must", "imperial oppression" + nationalism.
        2. -2
          5 September 2024 10: 49
          Western companies did not enter the markets of the Central Asian republics, these apricots, under Russophobic cries, to the detriment of their own economies, lay down under the West. It looks like "I'll freeze my ears to spite my mother." And they definitely need to be sent away, the candidate who proposed to free Russia from the Central Asian and Transcaucasian migrant will definitely win the next elections, if they are not framed for an article, like Platoshkin, Grudinin, Furgal, etc.
          1. +1
            5 September 2024 12: 28
            Quote: Beck69
            Western companies did not enter the markets of the Central Asian republics; these apricots, accompanied by Russophobic cries, fell under the West at a loss to their own economies.

            Just as the Russian Federation, amid cries of decommunization, once fell under the West. wassat
            Asians cannot be blamed for this. Everyone survives and lives as best they can. But the position of the Russian Federation is not clear. The Russian Federation does not owe anything to Central Asia, and the perks that Asia receives from the Russian Federation do not prevent the bais from lining their pockets in difficult times for Russia, hiding behind Western sanctions. Therefore, instead of the carrot, we need to use the stick more often. Abkhazia is a good example. hi
      2. +43
        4 September 2024 08: 08
        Maybe it's time to grow up? The president of the country is responsible for everything that happens in the country, not some strangers. If the president wants to import Central Asians, ask him.
        1. +3
          4 September 2024 08: 28
          All enemies of the USSR are the same, just as their common ideology for all 33 years was - WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH everything they did to Russia and its people, so their "leaders" "have nothing to do" with everything bad during their rule. In the 90s, Yeltsin blamed the Soviet communists for everything, his successor - the Soviet communists, the "bad boyars", and in the last 10 years - the West.
        2. +15
          4 September 2024 13: 37
          You ask him, how could he? He surrounded himself with a repressive apparatus, hangers-on and sycophants.

          If something happens - it's immediately not related or oh, they lied to me(((

          He degraded politically.
        3. -3
          5 September 2024 00: 09
          There is a fork - either we hold Asia by any by including migrants (this is money for their budgets, if anything), or we fence ourselves off with visas and tomorrow we automatically lose all levers of influence (and in a month the USA will be there, as was already the case with biolabs - but it will be with military bases).
          The problem is that both The options are extremely bad for Russia, and there are no other options.
        4. -1
          5 September 2024 22: 17
          He answers, asking made him smile. How do you imagine this? A law on the immunity of presidents has been adopted, and other state acts somehow do not imply accountability from the highest officials of the country.
          1. -1
            6 September 2024 06: 53
            I'm not talking about jurisdiction. It's just that citizens associate everything conditionally good with Putin, and someone else is responsible for all the troubles.
      3. +5
        4 September 2024 08: 26
        We must break all relations with the ungrateful peoples - the Russophobes from Central Asia

        This should have been done in 1991...
        1. +8
          4 September 2024 09: 26
          Quote: Luminman
          We must break all relations with the ungrateful peoples - the Russophobes from Central Asia

          This should have been done in 1991...

          This is what happened in 1991, when the republics of the former USSR fled to their national homes.
          There is just one question for these Russophobes - if things were so bad for you under the "Russian colonists", then why, without them, in 30 years of independence, have you not come one iota closer to the standard of living of Korea and Japan, but on the contrary, have you returned to the Middle Ages?
          1. man
            4 September 2024 11: 31
            If you were so bad under the "Russian colonists", then why, without them, in 30 years of independence, have you not come one iota closer to the standard of living of Korea and Japan, but on the contrary, have you returned to the Middle Ages?
            Everything is clear with them, but why haven't we come close to the level? And don't worry about the Middle Ages, they're just around the corner
            1. +5
              4 September 2024 12: 00
              Quote: mann
              Everything is clear with them, but with us, Why haven't we gotten closer to the level? And don't worry about the Middle Ages, they're just around the corner.

              Sir, maybe you forgot, but all the debts of the USSR, for all the "brotherly" republics, were paid by Russia. No matter how you look at it, but this money was taken from what Russia earned and it could not be used for internal development. In my opinion (if I'm not mistaken), Russia paid the last tranche to pay off the USSR debt in 2017. What prevented the Central Asian republics from developing?
              Or maybe you forgot that the Russian mattress padders Yeltsin with his gang of young reformers Gaidar, Chubais, etc. deliberately destroyed industry, freeing up the domestic market for Western goods? Chubais said, "Every closed plant is a nail in the coffin of communism," which was put into practice. No? Don't you remember? And if you remember, then why are you asking stupid questions?
              And yes, even if Russia did not reach the level of Japan, it did not slide into serfdom and, at least partially, it retained its industrial and scientific potential. Russia had a great chance of losing everything completely, but the mattresses and "co" did not have enough strategic patience and the West demonstrated its bastard nature ahead of schedule.
              Quote: mann
              And don't worry about the Middle Ages, they're just around the corner.

              What kind of "friendly Russian" are you? You're probably writing from Israel? You won't get it.
              1. man
                4 September 2024 14: 13
                Sir, perhaps you have forgotten, but all the debts of the USSR, for all the “brotherly” republics, were paid by Russia.
                It's not that simple, the USSR had a lot of expensive real estate abroad, as well as a lot of debtors, many of them, however, insolvent, but not all, Iraq and India, for example. Well, the Yeltsinoid government agreed with the republics that the Russian Federation would take on all the debts, and take all the assets for itself. I remember that Ukraine was the only one who did not agree. The decision, by the way, was not bad, but the execution... as always. The debts were mostly forgiven, the poor in full, the solvent depending on the kickback. Some countries also refused to recognize some of the real estate, well and... they gave up, also for a considerable bribe most likely.
              2. man
                4 September 2024 14: 23
                Whatever one may say, this money was taken from what Russia earned and it could not be directed towards internal development.
                Your mistake (adding "not") actually absolutely accurately characterizes the situation in the country at that time; this "money" would have been simply stolen by the Yeltsinites.
              3. man
                4 September 2024 14: 38
                Or maybe you forgot that the Russian mattress padders Yeltsin with his gang of young reformers Gaidar, Chubais, etc. deliberately destroyed industry, freeing up the domestic market for Western goods? Chubais said, "Every closed plant is a nail in the coffin of communism," which was put into practice. No? Don't you remember? And if you remember, then why are you asking stupid questions?
                You asked a stupid question. It's impossible to forget!
                Another thing is that in this direction, by and large, little has changed. Chubais' absurd point of view "we'll sell resources and buy the rest" won. And when it's hot, where are the personnel? Only thieves, speculators and office plankton, it's as easy as pie to make a trader out of an engineer, but vice versa, you need to study for 2 years! am
                1. +5
                  4 September 2024 20: 50
                  Gaidar and other scum are not liberal economists, they are charlatans, impostors and crooks. The most serious crime of Gaidar, Chubais and other liberals is the destruction of industry, plus the surrender of the domestic consumer market.... Even if not all goods in the USSR were of good quality, it was impossible to surrender the market to be torn apart like that. In any other country, the death penalty is prescribed for this. We have an economic forum named after Gaidar, it is monstrous.
                  1. man
                    4 September 2024 21: 14
                    Quote: BAT-MENT
                    Gaidar and other scum are not liberal economists, they are charlatans, impostors and crooks. The most serious crime of Gaidar, Chubais and other liberals is the destruction of industry, plus the surrender of the domestic consumer market.... Even if not all goods in the USSR were of good quality, it was impossible to surrender the market to be torn apart like that. In any other country, the death penalty is prescribed for this. We have an economic forum named after Gaidar, it is monstrous.

                    That's what I'm talking about! There simply haven't been anything like this in history... I just can't find the words... It's precisely because people are afraid of their return, and not without reason, that they vote for Putin, I don't see any other reasons
              4. man
                4 September 2024 15: 08
                What kind of "friendly Russian" are you? You're probably writing from Israel? You won't get it.
                "Let's leave the nonsense to the neighbors." I say what I think, I don't care about the minuses and I criticize, not because I'm happy, but because it's sad to see it
          2. man
            4 September 2024 11: 38
            This is what happened in 1991, when the republics of the former USSR fled to their national homes.
            The Balts and Georgia with Armenia were in the lead in this flight, the rest fled after the RSFSR. The Asians held out until the last, especially Nazarbayev, whom, as I understand it, we betrayed in 2022, preferring Tokayev
            1. 0
              4 September 2024 22: 51
              Was it only Nazarbayev who was betrayed?
              If we announce the entire list, and give a picture of Gorbachev and do not exclude the shamefully acting leader, then the position of sitting on two or three chairs and not letting Russia in deeply becomes clear...
              Batka said a long time ago - if you let us in, you will buy up everything and close all production... Well, where is he wrong? And the Central Asian leaders understand this perfectly well - if you let the Russian oligarchy into your country - that's it, hello, everything and everyone will be bought, sold and bought again. And there is no country...
              Primitive, small - but our own, that's how they reason. Where are they wrong?
              1. man
                5 September 2024 09: 46
                Was it only Nazarbayev who was betrayed?
                It's easier to say who we didn't betray... sad
                But let's be fair, in this regard Putin, if he is guilty, is to a much lesser extent than Yeltsin and his cannibals.
                Father said a long time ago: if you let us in, you will buy up everything and close all the production...
                But in this regard, under Putin, things have become even worse, and inside the country. He seemed to reproach them for such tricks, but they should have been jailed! After the war began, some things moved, of course, but basically we buy them abroad in friendly countries and pass them off as our own sad And when our specialists make something, there is an immediate howl, and it is worse than the Chinese, and more expensive. I usually answer them that let it be bad for now, they will learn! Let it be more expensive for now, the main thing is that our specialists grow!
                1. -1
                  5 September 2024 10: 50
                  That's right... I can't say anything in print about EBN...

                  We've been buzzing about our best friend - China. But what do we know about it?

                  Our leadership has TWICE given up its agents in the country to China. And the Chinese did not spare a single one, even after a verbal agreement the first time. They destroyed them all. So the betrayal of our elites has a long history.
                  But the Soviet leaders did not allow such abomination as the bastard Gorbachev and the alcoholic EBN...
                  The GDP is no less tainted by the surrender of the allies.

                  There is a feeling that his "elite" is continuing this course, playing, as if with matches... only the matches here are the country and its interests, and not the interests "for today", but historical ones....
                  However, what is there to talk about, what a story... they don’t even understand the meaning of these words...

                  Of course, we have a lot to do. To become an INDEPENDENT country. For this, we need a clear, high goal. This goal needs to be formulated in a simple, but close to the heart of the Russian people, packaged in simple and bright slogans - given to the masses.

                  We, with this "elite", are all engaged in talk, pure Gorbachevism. A road to nowhere, running on the spot.... For mastering trillions of rubles - simply a wonderful scheme.
                  There is an empty space to restore the country's greatness.
                  1. man
                    5 September 2024 21: 15
                    Our leadership has TWICE given up its agents in the country to China. And the Chinese did not spare a single one, even after a verbal agreement the first time. They destroyed them all. So the betrayal of our elites has a long history.
                    This is the first time I hear about this... But why? Why? And why hand it over, it was possible to revoke it? request sad Who is this for?
                    1. -2
                      5 September 2024 21: 42
                      Strictly speaking, three times, the first one back in the 30s... let's consider it the zeroth in the count...
                      Well, the first time was Nikita Khrushchev in 1953-54, during the period of surrendering the base in Port Arthur to China. True, some sources report facts of official surrender of agents back in 1949 with Stalin's consent. In general, this process itself was extended in time, so it can be combined into point number 1.
                      The second time - still under the power of Judas Gorbachev, but already as a result of a direct demand from Judas EBN, the biggest scoundrel was appointed to the KGB - Bakatin. It was he who gave the Chinese the lists of current agents, and the well-known case with the transfer of the plans for the dead drops in the American embassy under construction in Moscow.
                      We lost approximately 10 agents throughout China and in all structures, including in the leadership of the Communist Party of China just the first time...

                      And more:
                      approximately 30 thousand Chinese intelligence agents were infiltrated into the USSR in the early 60s... it's just between horror and nightmare...

                      The scale of the damage caused by the Judases Gorbachev and EBN cannot be calculated on any scale... approximately - like a defeat in a nuclear war.......

                      All these cases were not very widely published only in the late 90s - early 2000s.... yesssss...
                      1. man
                        5 September 2024 22: 05
                        Well, I have no illusions about the marked man and the drunkard, you could expect anything from Khrushchev, any idiocy... but I don't really believe that Stalin gave his consent... I'm sorry. I can't imagine any compelling reasons that could have made him do that...
                      2. -2
                        5 September 2024 22: 34
                        When I got into this topic, I assumed exactly the same as you...
                        But no, everything turned out to be much deeper and more complex.
                        I have not yet been able to find a firm reference to Stalin, I mean the documents themselves - decrees, notes, instructions, etc., although there are some materials about the work along the NKVD-MGB-KGB line.

                        But in the publications of veterans of the State Security Committee, such a fact is cited when describing work before 1953.

                        It may well be that the old agents ceased to perform their function for our leadership due to the change in goals and relations between the USSR and China, and that is why they were so harshly wiped out.

                        Almost all of it was destroyed.
                        And we created a new one.... maybe Comrade C got into the development, anything is possible....
                      3. man
                        5 September 2024 22: 45
                        It may well be that the old agents ceased to perform their function for our leadership due to the change in goals and relations between the USSR and China, and that is why they were so harshly wiped out.
                        Well, they could have simply recalled them, why lose experienced intelligence officers, they would have been useful in their homeland, as teachers for the PGU and GRU, for example. I'm not even talking about the moral side, and what would it have been like for our illegals to work if someone had found out...
                      4. -2
                        5 September 2024 22: 59
                        In politics, as we know, there is no morality....
                        Let me remind you of Paul the First... He is a shining example of what games of chivalry and nobility led to...

                        If people are a resource, and for I.V. Stalin they were, then he did not see a big problem in the sanitization of agents. What was his goal? Yes, there were many arguments to the right-left-up-down... Well, and in the end he believed that improving relations was worth it...

                        At that time Stalin and Mao had a very serious conflict, and I.V. publicly dropped Mao's face (albeit in a very narrow circle)... Mao did not forget or forgive this, I.V. understood this, but the deed was done...
                        So - for now, questions and questions...
                      5. man
                        5 September 2024 23: 05
                        At that time Stalin and Mao had a very serious conflict, and I.V. publicly dropped Moa's face (albeit in a very narrow circle)...
                        I read about this case. I remember that Stalin put him in his place on purpose, there were reasons
                      6. -2
                        5 September 2024 23: 12
                        That's great!
                        For a European, it's quite all right, well then we drank, sang and forgot...
                        Mao is a Chinese... and the head of state at that.
                        And they pointed it out to him that he doesn’t observe politeness in politics, like an uneducated and ill-mannered punk...
                        Mao tried several times to offer Stalin a compromise, but I.V. did not notice it at first, and then ignored it... And that was it, the relations between the two huge countries went down a path that was not at all friendly.

                        You can't do that with the Chinese in any form. A different culture. High culture. Fools don't notice it even today, and in vain... Comrade Xi gives signals, but our leaders don't read them, even without regard for the recommendations of professionals. The consequences are not far off.
                      7. man
                        5 September 2024 23: 23
                        You can't do that with the Chinese in any form. A different culture. High culture. Fools don't notice it even today, and in vain... Comrade Xi gives signals, but our leaders don't read them, even without regard for the recommendations of professionals. The consequences are not far off.
                        And where, in what area in our time do we listen to professionals? sad Perhaps only to Yasinovsky's protégés in the government...
                      8. 0
                        5 September 2024 23: 25
                        What do you mean "where"?

                        The EBN government and the alcoholic himself looked at him with such an open eye.
                        To the professionals of the Central Intelligence Agency... am
                        Do I need to write the country?
                      9. man
                        5 September 2024 23: 36
                        Quote: Vasily_Ostrovsky
                        What do you mean "where"?

                        The EBN government and the alcoholic himself looked at him with such an open eye.
                        To the professionals of the Central Intelligence Agency... am
                        Do I need to write the country?

                        No, I guessed it. smile
                        All the best! I'm leaving and going to sleep.
                    2. -1
                      5 September 2024 22: 01
                      By the way, China infiltrated the USSR with about 1962 thousand intelligence agents in 30.

                      And!!! About 2000 of them are "special period" agents, that is, trained to carry out sabotage and terror on the territory of the USSR during the PRC-USSR conflict....

                      So, friend Xi... by the way, grew out of the special services built with the direct participation of the KGB, trained and coached by it, and also equipped with special equipment of the USSR....

                      "The KGB of the PRC will include the heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, the Communist Party Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Commerce, the Committee on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs, as well as representatives of other departments. This structure will be directly headed by the new Chinese leader, Xi Jinping."
                      Source argumenti.ru

                      Interesting, isn't it?

                      Now the question: such friendship-friendship of two secret service agents - how is it? I think that our leader has information on this topic in full. Will he not be deceived?
                      1. man
                        5 September 2024 22: 14
                        But still, what made our leaders, excluding Gorby and the drunkard (everything is clear with them), act in such a way? Do you have any versions?
                      2. 0
                        5 September 2024 22: 28
                        Version?... I don't know...
                        If everything is more or less clear with Khrushchev - a cunning, but narrow-minded, narcissistic little man with a huge ego (exactly like that, dismissively, and let my relatives sue me),

                        then such decisions of Stalin are completely incomprehensible to me... perhaps it was a question of a high combination game, in which some of the agents were not people at all, but "positions" that could be improved, exchanged and lost for the sake of some super task... Stalin was undoubtedly a talented global player, and the price of human life did not interest him at all from those heights. For him, the end justified the means, in this regard he was simply an automaton and not a person... Perhaps this agent became a burden for our leadership in relations with China, and was given up for mutual important services...

                        I don't want to delve into this topic, it's not a simple story and deserves a long article...
                        Who would have written? There was a publication in VO on a similar topic, but of limited scope, that author would have continued...
                      3. man
                        5 September 2024 22: 30
                        And don't you want to write yourself? You've already opened up a lot of new things for me.
                      4. 0
                        5 September 2024 22: 40
                        No-no-no... I'm just a simple man in the street, well, trying to understand something, that's all...
                        I've just had a pause - my books are stuck, my dissertation isn't working either, in general, I'm in an intellectual stupor, and I'm filling the time with random writing. wassat
                        But to write about such topics - well, you have to at least work it out, read the archives, check the sources, identify the bullshit, talk to the veterans, and they, the dogs, drink... wassat etc.... It's a serious matter drinks
                      5. man
                        5 September 2024 22: 54
                        And to write about such topics - well, you need to at least work it out, read the archives, check the sources, identify the bullshit, talk to the veterans, and they, the dogs, drink... wassat, etc.... It's a serious matter
                        I don't think that the authors on VO are as meticulous as you are and take their writing as seriously.smile
                        I need to finish my dissertation, sorry to bother you.
                      6. -1
                        5 September 2024 23: 04
                        Thank you for the praise, kind words and the cat is pleased... feel
                        About scrupulousness? Well, you're not broadcasting at home on the couch, a lot of people read, and among them there are always professionals in the subject, or amateur researchers... And for you to be caught later on all the sins of humanity - somehow shitty...
                        If you sinned a little, you will be forgiven wassat
                        The dissertation is stuck, the bastard... I need to free my head, otherwise it's all over...
                      7. man
                        5 September 2024 23: 16
                        The dissertation is stuck, the bastard... I need to free my head, otherwise it's all over...
                        It's bad, you're distracted in vain, later, especially in old age, you'll start to evaluate the years you've lived and it will be "excruciatingly painful" that you didn't do enough, didn't work hard enough, etc., but you could have done much more for people...
                      8. -1
                        5 September 2024 23: 23
                        This is a feature - you need to switch if you get stuck. The work is going on in your head, just in the background. Then a solution rolls up and in a couple of hours - a couple of dozen pages feel

                        So, on average, you remember 30-50 pages, and at the peak, up to a hundred, in general, a person of average abilities. good

                        My colleague could recite up to a hundred by heart, that was awesome... My great uncle remembered all the workers at the plant, with their personal files, salary calculations, etc., and there were about one and a half thousand of them... they can't do that today... recourse
                      9. man
                        5 September 2024 23: 32
                        My great-uncle remembered all the workers at the plant, with their personal files, payroll, etc., and there were about one and a half thousand of them... they can't do that today...
                        Well... there were times when current factory managers hardly even notice the workers.
          3. 0
            4 September 2024 16: 11
            Quote: Nyrobsky
            This is what happened in 1991, when the republics of the former USSR fled to their national homes.

            After they scattered, they forgot to put up a high fence...
          4. 0
            4 September 2024 21: 22
            On the one hand, Korea and Japan are of course industrially developed countries, but the question is how people live there in terms of satisfaction. Judging by Korean films, not very well, only the top is doing well, and even then, depending on how you look at it, the clannishness is off the charts. Capitalism in its brightest manifestation. Maybe no one should strive to make it like theirs?
          5. 0
            5 September 2024 17: 00
            Why, without them, in 30 years of independence, have you not come one iota closer to the standard of living of Korea and Japan, but on the contrary, have you returned to the Middle Ages?

            Same question Russian feudal lords Don't you want to ask? Or have we already surpassed Japan in terms of living standards?
      4. man
        4 September 2024 11: 17
        Quote: Ilya-spb

        Let them sit in their medieval manure.

        We are actually sitting in the same place, except that the manure is decorated
        1. +1
          4 September 2024 12: 21
          So, how are things in Kyiv? Is there electricity?) laughing
        2. +4
          4 September 2024 14: 30
          You are an authority on "Space".
          This status is awarded to users who, in the opinion of the majority, are the most competent specialists in a given field (c)
          I took the time to look at your comments for the last month. Not a single one about space. And so - like everyone else - pluses, minuses...

          So here's the question: How does one become an AUTHORITY?
          1. man
            4 September 2024 14: 59
            Quote: Neo-9947
            You are an authority on "Space".
            This status is awarded to users who, in the opinion of the majority, are the most competent specialists in a given field (c)
            I took the time to look at your comments for the last month. Not a single one about space. And so - like everyone else - pluses, minuses...

            So here's the question: How does one become an AUTHORITY?

            No idea laughing I discovered this thing relatively recently, and I still can’t figure out where it came from and what to do with it.smile
            And I actually have nothing to do with space, except that in the second half of the 80s the boss came up with the idea to explore the shelf together with IKI and just to get in there, they gave me clearance, I don’t remember which one, either the third or the second, fortunately I had a crystal-clear biography. Well, we were there for a week, talked, agreed that it was necessary, and then such a catastrophe began that there was no time for that... sad
            But I didn't tell anyone about it at all. request
      5. -5
        4 September 2024 16: 40
        Quote: Ilya-spb
        We must break all relations with the ungrateful peoples - the Russophobes from Central Asia.

        It would be better to colonize the SVO.
        Otherwise, in five minutes there will be US bases there.
        1. 0
          5 September 2024 17: 03
          It would be better to colonize the SVO.

          Brilliant! We're missing just one more SVO!
          1. -1
            5 September 2024 18: 48
            Quote: Wizzzard
            Brilliant! We're missing just one more SVO!

            As if we don't have enough packs of new "Poland 2.0"...
      6. 0
        4 September 2024 20: 17
        Then our enemies will come there and use this territory as a springboard in the war with us. We are already going through this right now...
      7. -1
        4 September 2024 20: 41
        China will take all this into its hands within the framework of the One Belt - One Road strategy. Russia with its resources will not be needed then.
      8. -3
        4 September 2024 23: 24
        It's too late, sir, too late. We should not have conquered the Central Asian khanates in the 19th century and annexed them to the Russian Empire, but should have dealt with our own Russian people. We are still in for a terrible blow in the underbelly from these khanates. To be clear, the Basmachi were only liquidated there in the early 30s. The Basmachi were elusive even for Budyonny's cavalry - they dissolved among the local population, which had no traitors. And then Budyonny's men began to slaughter all the men in the villages. Only this and other draconian measures forced the Basmachi to lay down their arms by 20. Since then, there is no more hated name in Central Asia than Budyonny. This will not happen now, the Islamic world will not allow it.
      9. 0
        6 September 2024 17: 51
        The archaization is a big exaggeration and nonsense, the cities in Kazakhstan look the same as in Russia, the same five-story buildings. And the capitals were built with a modern design. In the information age, you have to try hard to become archaic.
        It is interesting that the legislation in the real estate sector in Kazakhstan is much better than in the Russian Federation, the notary checks the encumbrances, debts, etc. in a single database and the buyer is completely calm and protected, while in the Russian Federation a bona fide buyer can have his apartment taken away, that's where the archaism comes from.
    2. +6
      4 September 2024 07: 08
      It's not a problem that they will nationalize. The problem is that they will stop, steal and throw it to the wind, as they already did with the Soviet legacy. All these republics are dependents. They were built for them, they were trained, they were tried to raise them to the global level. Russia is gone and they plopped down from the said heights on their stinking asses. Hundreds of years of drug use and sexual perversions did their job, today we see in the country a herd of males - and Asian women reduced to an animal state. Ready-made consumption. And the religion of Islam is such that it tramples a person into the dirt. This Orthodoxy is trying to pull a person closer to God.
      1. +20
        4 September 2024 08: 52
        at first they squeezed out Russians sometimes and cut them out at home but it's boring and uninteresting to work you have to go to the Russians there are good benefits for children and again you don't have to work Ivan works and Nodir and Yulduz will live on benefits))) by the way the scheme is clear recently I went to the registry office of a simple small Kuban city I needed to get a copy of the certificate and there two Uzbeks with their wives received some kind of certificates for the newborn that is 30% of them are in line and this is far from Moscow the usual Stanichno-Kubanskoye
        1. +1
          5 September 2024 01: 03
          The same picture in the Nizhny Novgorod region. I went to the social security office to apply for a UBD, these specialists come running with their wives and newborn children, straight from the registry office with a certificate - we say we want to get money, money, money, give us money!
      2. man
        4 September 2024 11: 24
        The trouble is that they will stop it, steal it and throw it to the wind, just as they already did with the Soviet legacy.
        What are you saying??? What idiots! am It's a different story with us, we carefully preserved the Soviet legacy and even multiplied it many times over! And our asses smell like roses fellow
        “Than to consider the gossips to work,
        Isn't it better to turn on yourself, godfather? ”
        1. -1
          4 September 2024 16: 41
          Quote: mann
          It's a different story with us, we carefully preserved the Soviet legacy and even multiplied it many times over! And our asses smell like roses

          But Belarusians can say exactly that.
          Well, it's not a fact about the roses (but who would want to check?), but for the rest - yes.
          1. man
            4 September 2024 21: 05
            Belarusians should be grateful to Lukashenko for the rest of their lives! Can you imagine what would have happened to them if they had been led along our and other republics' paths? After all, Belarus has no resources at all to sell; in Soviet times, it was an assembly shop for the Soviet Union. I'm afraid that even with the indisputable hard work and honesty of Belarusians, such poverty awaited them that we would be horrified to visit it.
            And they almost elected some idiot as president... Truly, "no prophet is a prophet in his own country"...
        2. 0
          18 September 2024 16: 58
          Just imagine, there is a difference and a significant one. I know how everything collapsed in the west of Ukraine - instantly, and in the east - they saved it until the last, until the unthinkable. By the way, Ukraine still clings to the east with a death grip. And why would that be? Ukraine without Donbass is nothing and has no name. It was alive only by Donbass and the Donbass people.
          1. man
            Yesterday, 16: 46
            Imagine, there is a difference and a significant one. I know how everything collapsed in the west of Ukraine - instantly and in the east - they saved until the last, until the unthinkable.
            And I remember how Moscow was collapsing in 1992, with each passing day it was getting worse and more hopeless, like tsunami waves one after another, I remember the hopeless despair of the people and my own... Better not remind me, otherwise I am so overcome with gratitude to Putin that I lose the ability to criticize him for a long time smile sad I don’t know about other places, I didn’t have time to travel, I simply didn’t have money for a ticket, but if I had, I would have bought food for my daughter...
      3. +5
        4 September 2024 11: 38
        The opposition of "good" and "bad" religions is the worst thing one can talk about in vain. You are sowing discord, and you will be held accountable for it.
        Before you talk about males and animals, think about whether you have the right to condemn entire nations indiscriminately. For me personally, for example, the Bishimbayev case, the reaction of society and the laws adopted after it have caused even more respect for the Kazakh people,
        Hundreds of years of drugs and perversion? You are actually talking about outcasts, or about entire nations with a thousand-year history and rich culture. When Ukrainians and gay Europeans write about Russians as alcoholics and whores, I feel sick, because I understand that this is Russophobic propaganda. But when a Russian writes something like this about other nations... There are simply no words.
        1. +3
          4 September 2024 12: 25
          So then it really is HERE that the bais and khans dump all their social “sediment”.
          1. +2
            5 September 2024 07: 36
            I partially agree that the unemployment problem in some countries is solved by an outflow to neighboring countries. After all, those who leave are those who have not found themselves in their homeland, for various reasons, including education and qualifications, specialists leave less often, and then more often to the West. But who do you notice? There may be hundreds of decent migrants walking around you, but you don’t see or hear them, because they behave like everyone else.
        2. 0
          4 September 2024 15: 09
          I agree with you!

          Russians - in SPIRIT! Once Rus' was pagan, then it became Christian... Well, it will be Islamic or Chinese-communist. This is LIFE! It is stupid for scientific and philosophical to oppose life and being.

          Look, Pushkin is Russian! And any Ethiopian today can also become a REAL Russian.

          It is absurd to discuss such topics with a Russian worldview, but without a Russian WORLDVIEW.
        3. -4
          4 September 2024 21: 54
          You don't have any thousand-year history.
          1. +3
            5 September 2024 07: 29
            It's especially nice to hear this from Nazis like these. "No matter how much you say, halva won't make your mouth any sweeter."
        4. 0
          18 September 2024 17: 06
          Quote: Knizhnik
          Hundreds of years of drugs and perversion? You are actually talking about outcasts, or about entire nations with a thousand-year history and rich culture. When Ukrainians and gay Europeans write about Russians as alcoholics and whores, I feel sick, because I understand that this is Russophobic propaganda. But when a Russian writes something like this about other nations... There are simply no words.

          How pompous! Drugs are the calling card of Central Asia. They came to us, to Donbass, with this. The first Asians and immediately with them drugs and pedophilia. Previously, our children walked freely and went to school, now this is no longer the case. Uncles from Central Asia have come. And judging by the way the muftis behave, they teach their followers to beat women and not leave traces of beatings. There is a difference between religions and a significant one.
          1. 0
            Yesterday, 01: 14
            To answer your "black stuff" with "black stuff" - no, it's better to be pompous.
            Uncontrolled migration is the rake that many have stepped on. The absence of any filtering, multiple excess of norms, the absence of any work with the contingent. Did these people behave as badly in their homeland? People with a different mentality, a different culture of intersexual relations, did they receive new standards, or were they simply left to their own devices? Is this not how the worst qualities are brought up?
            These are all mistakes of your migration policy.
            Historical example. Since the time of Peter the Great, a mass import of Germans to Russia began, and under the following tsars this resulted in dominance. Among others, there were a large number of rogues. As a result, all Germans began to be treated as crooks and were widely disliked. Is Protestant Christianity to blame for this, or was German culture just that bad?
    3. 2al
      4 September 2024 09: 15
      Alisher Usmanov has fled from the Russian Federation to Uzbekistan in one fell swoop, so the major "Russian" businessman turned out to be quite Uzbek, and he has a bunch of followers from the "big guys". So the process of removal is in full swing and there is no talk of any nationalization and it is not even discussed in the State Duma. There is only a largely forced transfer of abandoned production facilities to new owners and even after major accidents this is not done.
      1. The comment was deleted.
    4. +5
      4 September 2024 10: 16
      Central Asia without Russia: archaization and degradation
      This is their natural state. It was Russia that pulled them out of the dark Middle Ages, but they stubbornly strive to go back. The Central Asians left their village, but the village is indestructible in the Central Asians)
      1. +5
        4 September 2024 12: 25
        Quote: Wend
        The Central Asians left their village, but the village is indestructible among the Central Asians)

        You can pull a Central Asian out of a village, but you can’t pull a village out of a Central Asian!” It’s in their blood!
        1. +3
          4 September 2024 12: 26
          If he feels comfortable in his village, why drag him out of it? Have you ever tried asking yourself this question?
          1. +3
            4 September 2024 12: 27
            Quote from Frettaskyrandi
            If he is comfortable in his village, why drag him out of it?

            That's exactly it! Let him stay there!
            1. +3
              4 September 2024 12: 32
              That's exactly it! Let him stay there!

              Cognitive dissonance is a state of mental discomfort of an individual caused by a clash of conflicting ideas in his consciousness. On the one hand, you want the "great empire" to be revived, on the other - let it sit there. It doesn't happen that way. Either put on your underwear or take off your cross.
              1. +1
                4 September 2024 19: 26
                Quote from Frettaskyrandi
                It does not happen.

                Anything can happen. Sometimes a girl's husband dies, but a widow's husband lives!
                1. +1
                  4 September 2024 21: 52
                  Anything can happen.

                  Yeah. Sometimes the end is short, sometimes the shirt is long. But yeah, everyone around is tolerant, I'm the only one who's D'Artagnan.
              2. +1
                4 September 2024 19: 46
                Cognitive dissonance occurs in people who are not smart enough. A normal person will always be able to reconcile with contradictions, according to the saying "at home first". A universal formula.
        2. -1
          4 September 2024 21: 28
          Quote: kalibr
          Quote: Wend
          The Central Asians left their village, but the village is indestructible among the Central Asians)

          You can pull a Central Asian out of a village, but you can’t pull a village out of a Central Asian!” It’s in their blood!

          I believe that the level of education in Central Asia has dropped. Two grades and pick cotton, go to Moscow to build human anthills, sell shawarma to the especially lucky ones. Of course, they, simple workers from Turkestan, do not like us. Half-slaves of our bureaucrats and their bais. Uneducated, stupefied by Wahhabism. Religious nationalism... Are they dangerous to Russian society? Hostile, illiterate, oppressed... A time bomb...
        3. The comment was deleted.
      2. +2
        4 September 2024 14: 34
        It was Russia that pulled them out of the dark Middle Ages.

        That Russia was called the RSFSR. Other Russias didn't give a damn about the Middle Ages in Central Asia.
        1. +4
          4 September 2024 15: 03
          Quote: A vile skeptic
          It was Russia that pulled them out of the dark Middle Ages.

          That Russia was called the RSFSR. Other Russias didn't give a damn about the Middle Ages in Central Asia.

          Not quite so.) Central Asia, having become part of the Russian Empire, received: the end of ruinous and senseless wars between khans and feudal lords, the liquidation of slavery, a noticeable rise and renewal of the economy. Railways and cotton factories were built (out of 220 such factories in the entire empire, 208 were built in Turkestan), the development of coal, oil, and other resources began, cotton growing, viticulture, and gardening were greatly developed. Workers appeared from local residents and visitors. Thanks to the commissioning of the Central Asian and Orenburg-Tashkent railways, trade turnover with Russia increased dozens of times. Moreover, local entrepreneurs took leading positions in the cotton industry. In Margilan district alone, out of 15 enterprises in the industry in 1895, 12 were locally owned. By 1917, in Uzbek regions alone, there were up to 400 madrassas, and maktabs (religious schools) were in most villages. Etc.
          1. 0
            4 September 2024 15: 37
            Not exactly like that.)

            Well, if they can pull people out of the Middle Ages like that, then we can assume that the English pulled the Indians out of the Middle Ages too ))
            I recommend reading the memoirs of V.P. Nalivkin about his service as a civil servant in Turkestan. Get a point of view free from the official "Potemkin villages".
            1. 0
              4 September 2024 15: 52
              Quote: A vile skeptic
              Not exactly like that.)

              Well, if they can pull people out of the Middle Ages like that, then we can assume that the English pulled the Indians out of the Middle Ages too ))
              I recommend reading the memoirs of V.P. Nalivkin about his service as a civil servant in Turkestan. Get a point of view free from the official "Potemkin villages".

              Well, you are confusing things here) The British were plundering Indian colonies, taking away valuables, minerals, servants, etc. It is not the point of view that is important here, but the facts. For example. In 1868-1872, Russia spent 29 rubles on Turkestan, and received 497 rubles in income from it. According to S. Yu. Witte, the budget deficit of Turkestan at the turn of the 414th and 10th centuries amounted to 588-549 million rubles annually, and according to another minister, A. V. Krivoshein, by 2, ownership of Turkestan cost Russia 4 million rubles, not counting extraordinary expenses for road construction, etc. The Russian government annually paid the Turkestan region 1912 million rubles for "current" expenses.
              1. +1
                4 September 2024 17: 09
                What's important here is not the point of view, but the facts.

                Facts without context can be twisted any way you like))
                Russia's spending on Turkestan is 75,45% (figure of Governor-General K.P. Kaufman) - military expenses (development and protection of 4000 km of border, maintenance of 50 thousand soldiers). And only 24,55% - civilian (which includes maintenance of all Russian sent administration and police supervision bodies).
                Quote: A. Statkevich “Is Turkestan unprofitable for Russia”, 1899
                The 132 million deficit accumulated between 1869 and 1896 is quite unfairly regarded as damage to the empire. On the contrary, after deducting 174 million in military expenditure, Turkestan brought Russia 42 million rubles in income, and this amount increases to 60 million rubles if we take into account the savings in maintaining the army in the regions that became internal.

                As for the point of view, it was voiced repeatedly by the Russian administration itself, the purpose of which was to resettle peasants from European Russia to the lands of the natives. Moreover, the government sold the land to banks, which, by agreement with the government, were to lend the settlers funds to buy land from themselves. A wonderful (and most importantly, non-corrupt) scheme lol
                Quote: A.V. Krivoshein
                its (Turkestan, my note) new population will be Russian

                The local population, oddly enough, did not want to accept this point of view. )))
                1. +1
                  5 September 2024 11: 56
                  Quote: A vile skeptic
                  What's important here is not the point of view, but the facts.

                  Facts without context can be twisted any way you like))
                  Russia's spending on Turkestan is 75,45% (figure of Governor-General K.P. Kaufman) - military expenses (development and protection of 4000 km of border, maintenance of 50 thousand soldiers). And only 24,55% - civilian (which includes maintenance of all Russian sent administration and police supervision bodies).
                  Quote: A. Statkevich “Is Turkestan unprofitable for Russia”, 1899
                  The 132 million deficit accumulated between 1869 and 1896 is quite unfairly regarded as damage to the empire. On the contrary, after deducting 174 million in military expenditure, Turkestan brought Russia 42 million rubles in income, and this amount increases to 60 million rubles if we take into account the savings in maintaining the army in the regions that became internal.

                  As for the point of view, it was voiced repeatedly by the Russian administration itself, the purpose of which was to resettle peasants from European Russia to the lands of the natives. Moreover, the government sold the land to banks, which, by agreement with the government, were to lend the settlers funds to buy land from themselves. A wonderful (and most importantly, non-corrupt) scheme lol
                  Quote: A.V. Krivoshein
                  its (Turkestan, my note) new population will be Russian

                  The local population, oddly enough, did not want to accept this point of view. )))

                  And what is the conclusion from all this? The Russian Empire also developed Central Asia, and not only during the USSR. Well, that's where we started) And there was discontent during the USSR))) We have an article on this topic on VO
                  1. -1
                    5 September 2024 12: 31
                    And what is the conclusion from all this?

                    He who can see will see request
                    The Russian Empire also developed Central Asia, and not only during the Soviet era.

                    You are confusing capital investment with "pulled out of the dark ages". I can't help you there. hi
                    1. 0
                      6 September 2024 14: 42
                      Quote: A vile skeptic
                      And what is the conclusion from all this?

                      He who can see will see request
                      The Russian Empire also developed Central Asia, and not only during the Soviet era.

                      You are confusing capital investment with "pulled out of the dark ages". I can't help you there. hi

                      No, I'm not confused. You idealize the USSR and demonize the Russian Empire.
              2. +3
                4 September 2024 19: 29
                Quote: Wend
                The British were engaged in plundering Indian colonies, taking away valuables, minerals, servants, etc.

                Ask any Indian student about this... And he will answer you - "We owe everything to the English!" Railways, schools, bridges, factories - they built everything.
                1. +2
                  5 September 2024 09: 59
                  Ask any Indian student about this... And he will answer you - "We owe everything to the English!"

                  Quite a self-confident statement))
                  In the coming days I will have the opportunity to test it and will report the results.
                  Of course, perhaps generations change, attitudes change. But when I worked in India, I asked this question. Those Indians looked at their shared history with the British differently.
                  1. 0
                    5 September 2024 10: 47
                    Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                    Quite a self-confident statement))
                    In the coming days I will have the opportunity to test it and will report the results.

                    It will be interesting to know the result. I lectured on Russian history to Indian students somewhere in the early 2000s, and it was like I wrote. In any case, I came across students at our PSU with exactly this point of view.
        2. The comment was deleted.
    5. +3
      4 September 2024 10: 21
      - Transfer of production to the republics,
      The production of condoms is very relevant.
    6. man
      4 September 2024 10: 41
      Quote: Eldorado
      Moving production to republics that can nationalize this production at any moment is not a good idea.

      I'm not even talking about such a trifle that before you take out the production, you need to have it. And preferably your own, and not Chinese with re-glued stickers.
  2. +3
    4 September 2024 03: 50
    And the foxes took the lists. They went to the blue sea, they lit the blue sea (they set it on fire, brought a match to the powder keg, made a fall towards the expansion of valuable specialists) . . . winked
  3. +11
    4 September 2024 03: 58
    In my opinion, the author is exaggerating a bit and is making the situation tense.
    I am Russian, I have lived in Tashkent for over 40 years, 30 of which I worked at TAPOiCh.
    Believe me, in Uzbekistan radicalism is literally strangled by the special services.
    The water problem, of course, exists, and Afghanistan has also joined in.
    Uzbekistan has a population of almost 40 million, an increase of 700 thousand per year, a large percentage of working-age youth.
    The state simply cannot physically provide everyone with work; its only hope is labor migration, and not only to Russia. Despite Uzbekistan’s nationally oriented policy, its ties with Russia are very strong.
    Gazprom, Lukoil, Moscow State University, Nuclear Power Plant and hundreds of other projects and thousands of joint ventures.
    1. +17
      4 September 2024 04: 17
      Blink between the lines in the text of your message, that you were forced to compose everything that you wrote... winked
    2. +3
      4 September 2024 07: 23
      Everything is clear! They were dependent republics in the USSR on the neck of the RSFSR and they remained so. Only the neck changed its name - Russia.
      1. +6
        4 September 2024 15: 23
        A market of 150 million "extra" consumers of Russian (!) products and a million-strong mobile resource are not "dependents".

        Don't confuse the Russian world with the "Moscow-Kiev-St. Petersburg" world.

        And they are right to "blame the Russians". The empire was destroyed in St. Petersburg, the Union in Moscow with the help of Minsk and Kyiv. What does Tashkent or Ashgabat have to do with it? People organized themselves to live and exist as best they could.

        If we tear the Motherland into "pieces-by-corners" twice in 2 years, WE are to blame. I repeat. We must honestly admit that both 100 and 1917 were crimes against good life, take the best from our past and calmly TOGETHER - it's easier that way - move on.
        1. +1
          4 September 2024 20: 12
          We are not guilty of anything. We were not here in 17, and we were not the ones making decisions in 91 either. Be that as it may, we live in the present and we must proceed from the realities of our day. Migrants are evil, they are a burden on all of us, they are uneducated, criminal, they bring with them savagery and violence. They are destroying our society and must be expelled from the country. This is my position.
          And if you are so kind to Central Asians, then go and live there. There you will be TOGETHER with them (I can even guess in what)). I categorically do not need this. We are already being diligently convinced from every iron that it is impossible to close the border and there is no way, absolutely no way, to stop migrants. No way? As one TV presenter says, I don’t think so!
      2. +6
        5 September 2024 08: 44
        Well, I lived in the Kazakh SSR. And how did you "sponsor" me, I'm embarrassed to ask? I worked at a construction site for a crushing and sorting plant. Gravel was needed to fill the second layer of the Chernobyl sarcophagus. Due to the urgency of the work, we worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week for a salary of 160-180 rubles. If we mentioned the small pay, we were immediately put in our place. "The Motherland is in danger. Aren't you ashamed?" We felt ashamed and shut up. I'm wildly irritated by all these tales about Russia always giving us away. How? And, in general, where did this cliche come from and why the hell are you feeding it? Everywhere in the USSR there were uniform labor standards, a uniform currency and pay scale. HOW DID YOU FEED US??? We had a 4-hour workday for the same salary as you? Our salary was yours multiplied by 2? Responsibility for parasitism did not extend to us? What is this unbridled desire to spread gossip? Someone barked on the porch - and it spread across all the resources! "We fed the Asians." At our sugar factory, at the entrance, in front of the alley with portraits of the heroes of labor, there was a map of the deliveries of our products. Among the small arrows pointing to Omsk and Novosibirsk, there was a fat pole pointing to Moscow. As schoolchildren, we spent a month in the spring and fall plowing in the beet fields for FREE. In the spring weeding, in the fall harvesting.
        I don't want to be rude... But my tongue just wants to swear! "Breadwinners", f... yours!
        1. 0
          18 September 2024 18: 38
          How did we feed you? Very simple! We took money from what the RSFSR and Belarus earned and contributed to the budget and gave it to you. Because the money that you earned with your shock labor in your fields and gardens and quarries was clearly not enough to maintain the average European standard of living. The fact that Russia fed you is clearly visible today. When you were left with your shock labor in your fields and quarries and it turned out that this money was enough only for the most miserable existence. There are no more subsidies. You go to Russia. And for free. This is exactly how you subsidize yourselves today. All yesterday's freeloaders of Russia came to Russia. They thirst for its subsidies. And they shit on Russia from an excess of gratitude.
          1. 0
            18 September 2024 18: 49
            They took money from what the RSFSR and Belarus earned and contributed to the budget and gave it to you.

            Where did you get the data, nurse?
            When you are left with your hard work in your fields and quarries and it turns out that this money is only enough for the most miserable existence

            In fact, the standard of living in Kazakhstan today is quite comparable to the level in Russia.
            You're going to Russia.

            I forgot to ask you if I, a Russian, can come to Russia. My grandmother from the Penza region was very convincingly asked to go to the Virgin Lands. She was a tractor driver and a front-runner. When they hinted about Kolyma, she agreed.
            And they are spoiling Russia out of an excess of gratitude.

            Yes. I've done so much shit in 20 years behind the wheel of an ambulance!..
            And less emotion, Cinderella, who has worked hard. I have given facts, and you are simply repeating the lies of the Zavalinsky old ladies.
    3. +10
      4 September 2024 07: 30
      The state of Uzbekistan must limit the birth rate if there are not enough resources for everyone.
      1. +2
        4 September 2024 15: 32
        The Earth is given and the Sun shines not for "states-religions-ideas", but for PEOPLE!
        1. 0
          18 September 2024 18: 41
          Everyone should eat their own bread, and not drag themselves into someone else's house and demand from the owner "Feed me!". Stretch your legs according to your clothes. Otherwise, we work as much as we want, and eat as much as our bellies can fit.
    4. +8
      4 September 2024 07: 58
      I have been living in Tashkent for more than 40 years, 30 of which I worked at TAPOiCh.
      So how does TAPOiCh work now? Why didn't it join the UAC? ​​Did the Washington Regional Committee ban it?
      1. +1
        4 September 2024 09: 50
        Quote: Aviator_
        So how does TAPOiCH work now?

        In 2012, dismantling of previously constructed infrastructure facilities began on the territory of GAO TAPOiCh. The letters "TAPOiCh" disappeared from the façade fence of the association, and the model of the Il-76 aircraft at the entrance to the plant was dismantled. As of mid-year, aircraft production has ceased, and the plant has been reoriented to other activities.
        1. +1
          4 September 2024 10: 04
          I wonder what? Airplanes are no longer needed?
          1. +4
            4 September 2024 10: 17
            Quote: Silhouette
            I wonder what? Airplanes are no longer needed?

            The policy of President Karimov, aimed at artificially limiting cooperation with Russia and neighboring countries, the lack of conversion, corruption and, as a result, the general decline in business activity, accordingly affected the state of the plant. Months-long delays in wages due to the actual shutdown of production, deterioration of working conditions and social protection, as well as the anti-Russian policy of the country's leadership, given that 90-95 percent of the enterprise's employees were Russian-speaking, caused a massive outflow of personnel
            Since 2000, the aircraft plant has switched to manufacturing small household items for the population - children's bicycles, strollers, pleasure catamarans, garden furniture, cauldrons, manty pans and other consumer goods - about a hundred items in total.
            1. +5
              4 September 2024 12: 28
              Why do they need airplanes if they have cauldrons? wassat
      2. +2
        4 September 2024 17: 41
        UAC proposed to Uzbekistan to create a joint venture on the basis of TAPOiCh by exchanging shares of both structures, but there was a counter offer to buy out 50% of TAPOiCh shares for 130 million% $. Agree, not so expensive for the early 2000s. This figure is the result of an audit of the enterprise.
        independent organization. By the way, all orders for TAPOiCh aircraft went only through Russia, through
        Ilyushinfinans. Undoubtedly, Uzbekistan received tens of thousands (!) of jobs with high qualifications, the government supported the plant with benefits as best it could, but there were fewer and fewer orders.
        Not a single one from the Russian Air Force. Private companies helped out - VolgaDnepr, Silkway (Azerbaijan). Jordan received two Il76 MF (!) Several Il114s were sold. It turned out to be a suitcase without a handle and, naturally, in 2012, on the eve of its 80th anniversary, the plant ceased to exist. On its premises in Tashkent, Technopark, TMZ from ZhD. And the branches in Andijan and Fergana live their own lives, also in business far from aircraft manufacturing.
        1. -1
          4 September 2024 19: 26
          Not a single one from the Russian Air Force
          Well, yes. That's it. There is no air force in Tashkent and there won't be. And Russia is to blame, as always. For some reason, the Air Force didn't order anything. Do you believe this nonsense?
    5. +7
      4 September 2024 08: 18
      The state simply cannot physically provide everyone with work

      It is enough to look at the facts of recent years related to TAPOiCh given in Wikipedia

      In 1990, cooperation was organized with the Ukrainian Antonov Design Bureau to supply wings for the An-70 aircraft.
      In 1992, the first Il-114 was flown.
      In 1995, production of the modernized Il-76MF aircraft with new PS-90A engines began.
      In 1997 it was transformed into a joint-stock company (GAO TAPOiCh)[2].
      Since 2000, the plant switched from direct aviation production to small-scale production of household items for the population.
      In 2002, production was actually stopped[25].

      Movement by inertia, the flight of specialists to Russia and who is now to blame for Uzbek unemployment, naturally Russia

      While the ethnocratization of the republic could not be stopped, since this would inevitably lead to a decline in the popularity of I. A. Karimov's regime, the Uzbek authorities increased pressure on the comparatively small Russian-speaking minority, which did not enjoy serious support from outside. Such measures could not lead to a repetition of events similar to the Osh tragedy, and, on the contrary, contributed to the consolidation of the Turkic-Iranian majority of "native Uzbeks" in opposition to the "foreign" Russian element. As a result, in 1989-1991 alone, about 145 thousand people left Uzbekistan for Russia.

      The Russian question in Uzbekistan and Russian-Uzbek relations


      "Persecution of Russians in Uzbekistan in the early 90s:" https://dzen.ru/a/ZWGxfdyckWAk_oD9 Very emotional material.
      1. +4
        4 September 2024 08: 59
        and what kind of TAPOiCH does it produce slippers or something)))? maybe they used to build planes now this is not Iblis's business Kharip should fly like a genie in the sky in a steel bird maximum a flying carpet Bek Yakhshi wrapped himself in a chapan and went swimming in the Syr Darya
      2. 2al
        4 September 2024 09: 24
        I will note that in the Russian Federation there were exactly the same “inertias”; KAPO and Ulyanovsk Aviastar were literally miraculously preserved.
        1. 0
          4 September 2024 10: 23
          I would like to note that the same “inertia” was going on in the Russian Federation.

          Only, unlike TAPOiCh, the loss of specialists was mainly due to natural aging.
          There are currently vacancies in both Ulyanovsk and Kazan
          Storekeepers 50 thousand
          Machine operator 80...150 thousand
          Design engineers, technologists >75 thousand
          In Kazan they promise a salary of approximately 20% more.
          1. 2al
            5 September 2024 09: 52
            No, there were massive layoffs of engineering and working personnel and delays in salary payments. They laid off "freeloaders" while administrative and production premises were leased out.
    6. +6
      4 September 2024 09: 15
      They will breed like rabbits, and Russia will have to feed this entire herd?
      1. +4
        4 September 2024 14: 45
        Yes, why?
        Do you have questions for Sam? And he has 87%.
        1. -1
          6 September 2024 01: 49
          Do you imagine Putin as an emperor with unlimited power?
          Unfortunately, everything is arranged much more complicated.
    7. +4
      4 September 2024 11: 07
      In my opinion, the author is exaggerating a bit and is making the situation tense.
      I myself am Russian, for more than 40 years.
      And as usual, everyone forgets how many people, whose historical homeland is Russia, remain in Central Asia. Oh yeah, whoever wanted to, left. Why does the Russian Federation need old people, it doesn't care about them. Since 91, it hasn't cared about anyone, including the young. And now the West's policy is to flood the Russian Federation with migrants, which is happening successfully with the connivance and direct participation of the authorities and oligarchs.
  4. +25
    4 September 2024 04: 17
    Problems are solved quite simply by administrative resources:
    1. Introduce a visa regime. Entry only with a deposit equal to the amount of the deportation fee, you leave it upon entry (this is so that the return trip is at the expense of paper and not at the expense of the Russian budget).
    2. Issuance of a passport only after 10+ years of living in the country without administrative penalties and offenses (any!!! administrative penalty means deportation with a lifelong ban on entry into the Russian Federation in any capacity).
    3. Issuance of a passport only after passing the exam in Russian language and history with excellent marks to the control committee.
    4. Collecting all biometrics, adding information about all immediate relatives to the database.
    5. Deportation with a lifetime ban on entry for serious crimes (the WHOLE family in full).
    6. Deportation with a lifelong entry ban for two administrative violations (drinking alcohol in the wrong place, crossing a double solid line or running a red light).
    7. Issuance of visas only to those who really prove their professional suitability and “need” for Russian society.
    8. Upon arrival, register with the local police officer.
    9. Prohibition on moving within the country without permission.
    10. Cancellation of payments of any benefits.
    1. -9
      4 September 2024 04: 25
      It seems to me that your project, in many points, is similar to the project of Russia building a "Great Wall of China" against all of Central Asia... which, in my opinion, is impossible in principle. It is easier to take matches and set fire to the "sea" than to build fortifications against the sea... hi
      1. +6
        4 September 2024 05: 15
        Well, you don't see very far. Or take off your rose-colored glasses.
        1. +1
          4 September 2024 05: 21
          Alas, I don’t have rose-colored glasses, and not tricolor ones, but red ones - the color of blood... hi
          1. -5
            4 September 2024 07: 48
            Quote: Andrey Martov
            Alas, I don’t have rose-colored glasses, and not tricolor ones, but red ones - the color of blood... hi

            Haven't had your fill of blood yet? You keep blabbering about the brotherhood of nations and the world proletariat. But it never existed, doesn't exist, and never will. wassat
            1. -6
              4 September 2024 07: 53
              Everything was, only your anti-Soviet people hate both the Soviet people and each other, and that is why you not only captured the USSR, but also divided it into your anti-Soviet-Russophobic States, contrary to the will of the majority of voters of the USSR in the referendum on preserving the USSR, because they did not want to continue to live together in one country. And you unleash wars because of hatred for each other.
              1. -4
                4 September 2024 08: 04
                Quote: tatra
                Everything was, only your anti-Soviet people hate both the Soviet people and each other.

                You have turned the "Soviet" people into slaves of the state and a small ruling elite that is parasitizing on the body of the country.
                Quote: tatra
                And you start wars because of hatred towards each other.

                wassat Emotions are not a reason to start wars. Wars are started for some purposes. For the purpose of ensuring one's own security, for the purpose of ensuring one's own interests... hi
                1. -1
                  4 September 2024 08: 09
                  That is why ALL of you, enemies of the USSR, are Russophobes and enemies of your country and people. It is an axiom that the USSR is the best State - both in terms of the development of the country and for the majority of the people on the territory of centuries-old Russia - compared to the Russian Empire and your degraded, impoverished, dying States on the territory of the USSR you captured, in which you have been getting rich for 33 years by robbing them and their peoples.
                  1. -5
                    4 September 2024 08: 18
                    Quote: tatra
                    It is an axiom that the USSR is the best State - both in terms of the development of the country and for the majority of the people.

                    The axiom has become a theorem. And there are problems with the proofs. wassat I will probably disappoint you, but in the USSR there was neither people's power nor socialism. The slogan "Land to the peasants", "Factories to the workers", "Power to the Soviets" was transformed by the efforts of the party elite into "Land to the collective farms", "Factories to the ministries", "Power to the CPSU". The communists are lying hypocrites. hi
                    1. -2
                      4 September 2024 08: 23
                      Ha, the enemies of the USSR will never surprise, they will never act like NORMAL people. You can write a million times that the USSR is a better State compared to the Russian Empire and your States on the territory of the USSR captured by you, and a million times you will rush to "refute" this with malice against the USSR.
                      Your low intelligence doesn’t even realize that by doing this you are only confirming that you are NOT capable of proving that the Russian Empire and/or your States are better than the USSR.
                      1. 0
                        4 September 2024 08: 50
                        And what words will you use to prove that the USSR was better than the Russian Empire?
                      2. 0
                        4 September 2024 08: 54
                        And such that the USSR is the development of ALL industries in comparison with the Russian Empire, it is the modernization of both the country and the people, it is great social benefits for the people, it is a reduction in mortality several times in comparison with 1913.
                        And for you, enemies of the USSR, who seized the republics of the USSR, everything is exactly the opposite. That is why you are so afraid to honestly discuss what you have done, the results of your highly paid work and your vaunted capitalism.
                      3. +4
                        4 September 2024 09: 14
                        You are too harsh in your judgments about the "enemies of the USSR" and are putting labels too early. I will not go into economic analyses of rapid growth, etc. This topic can be discussed at great length. I would like to clarify the situation in just one way. Who is to blame for the fact that the best country fell apart? The ruling elite? They come from the workers and peasants. Gorbachev, a tractor driver awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor back in Stalin's time. And so were all those who were in Belovezhskaya Pushcha on December 8. The people? With what enthusiasm did they greet perestroika, rallies for glasnost, etc. And this is our generation. Yours and mine. Did you defend the best country? NO! Who are you after that? An enemy.
                        P.S. The people who defended Ostankino in 1991 stormed it in 1993, having realized what they had done.
                      4. -3
                        4 September 2024 09: 26
                        It is useless to explain anything to people who seriously claim that countries can fall apart “by themselves,” and who shift the blame for the seizure of a country by some people onto those from whom they took the country.
                      5. 0
                        4 September 2024 09: 36
                        You are absolutely right, there is no point in explaining anything to you.
                      6. -6
                        4 September 2024 08: 52
                        Quote: tatra
                        and a million times you will rush to “refute” this with malice against the USSR.

                        If I were to refute. Life refutes. There are no ideal states. USSR, Warsaw Pact, CMEA, where are these countries and republics. I am not even going to prove anything. And I advise you not to engage in demagogy, get down to business. hi
                      7. -3
                        4 September 2024 08: 57
                        Ha, that's it, I've lost my nerve. Don't try to argue with me, I'll always out-argue all the enemies of the USSR, because I have the truth, and the enemies of the USSR have only lies, hypocrisy, malice against, cowardly, and we have nothing to do with it.
                      8. 0
                        4 September 2024 10: 13
                        To argue with you is to disrespect yourself. You have only a set of primitive, hackneyed slogans, outdated cliches, stupidity and malice. A worthy friend of Sharikova. No arguments, no evidence, nothing smart, nothing interesting.
                      9. -1
                        4 September 2024 10: 13
                        I will always out-argue all the enemies of the USSR
                        Irina, you still haven't answered my earlier question about the serious difference in the standard of living in the USSR and the decaying West. It so happened that I have first-hand information about how people lived there. And I remember the USSR myself.
                      10. -2
                        4 September 2024 19: 23
                        Quote: tatra
                        I will always out-argue all the enemies of the USSR, because I have the truth, and the enemies of the USSR only have lies

                        Yes, the most deceitful people are the communists! 70 years led to a "bright future" The donkey got tired and kicked you with his foot. wassat
                      11. -3
                        4 September 2024 19: 28
                        Ha, yes, compared to the MENTALLY lying enemies of the communists, the Soviet communists are examples of honesty.
                        You lied during the Soviet regime, you lied during your Perestroika, you have been lying for all 33 years of your evil and cowardly anti-Soviet period. You have falsified both the Soviet period, and the pre-revolutionary period, and your anti-Soviet period. You lie and are hypocritical not only against Soviet communists, but also against each other.
                      12. -1
                        4 September 2024 19: 34
                        Quote: tatra
                        . You lie and are hypocritical not only against Soviet communists

                        Who said - Our generation will live under communism? Who said - each family a separate apartment by 1985? Your promises and getting the people drunk led to a legitimate result. People began to drink less and work more. And before 85 they said - looking at life with a sober eye, you understand that you need to get drunk! wassat
                      13. -1
                        4 September 2024 22: 02
                        Quote: tatra
                        because I have the truth

                        You have a monopoly on the truth, don't you? This is a reason to see a doctor, Irina. Then it may be too late.
                    2. +6
                      4 September 2024 10: 19
                      Quote: fif21
                      In the USSR there was neither people's power nor socialism. The slogan "Land to the peasants", "Factories to the workers", "Power to the Soviets" through the efforts of the party elite, was transformed into "Land to the collective farms", "Factories to the ministries", "Power to the CPSU". The communists are lying hypocrites.

                      How is the current situation different from the Soviet one? How is the current government different from the communists? In name? Maybe some of the slogans mentioned have been realized? Are there more factories and plants? Is everything free? Are there more villages? Are there more fields and forests? Is there more holiday spirit? Is life freer and safer?
                      Just let's not touch progress, because it is inevitable. And don't talk about yards filled with cars and cheap trips to Turkey.
                      The country is "living out its days", everything Soviet. What next?
                      1. +2
                        4 September 2024 10: 34
                        And you noticed correctly.. Mozambique and Zimbabwe are also full of cars.. And some people credit this to the current ones.. But I remember how in the early 70s there was one disabled woman standing on our street, and already in the mid-80s half of the residents already had products from AZLK and VAZ
                      2. -2
                        5 September 2024 06: 29
                        already in the mid-80s half of the residents already had products from AZLK and VAZ
                        - through a preferential queue of 2 years for war invalids and 3 for war veterans? And the rest of the queue for postcards - as luck would have it?
            2. +7
              4 September 2024 08: 16
              It's time to make sure that the oligarchs' brotherhood exists. They will drive the people to hate Ukraine, and they themselves will sell gas to the same Ukraine.
      2. +2
        4 September 2024 07: 25
        Why is it not feasible? For example, I think it is very feasible.
      3. +1
        4 September 2024 07: 27
        This is not Central Asia. This is Middle Asia. A swamp in the center of civilization. A civilizational swamp. Which swells and stinks, threatening to flood and turn everything around into a swamp.
    2. +12
      4 September 2024 05: 36
      This is the form in which the president should sign it, but the current one is unlikely to do it, since it turned out that he is the guarantor not of the constitution, but of a handful of those in power.
      As long as it brings in huge profits, nothing will change.
      1. +7
        4 September 2024 07: 55
        Quote: leks
        In the end it turned out that he was the guarantor not of the constitution, but of a handful of people in power

        At the end of the term, the Constitution suddenly seemed unsuitable, incorrect to the Guarantor. And it was ceremoniously corrected by hundreds of insignificant amendments from the people and one significant one (Tereshkov's) about zeroing out.

        That the Constitution - everything flows, everything changes for the Guarantor, except his sitting on the chair. If he can guarantee anything, it is his presence on the throne and the wealth of the oligarchs. According to Forbes, the number of billionaires in Russia has jumped to a record 125 people. This is where the real breakthrough is, friends!
        1. +11
          4 September 2024 09: 37
          Quote: Stas157
          According to Forbes, the number of billionaires in Russia has jumped to a record 125 people. That's the real breakthrough, friends!

          Wow ..
          2000 - 30
          2005 - 30
          2010 - 62
          2015 - 88
          2020 - 102
          2024 - 125
          The Russian state is growing stronger! Hurray!
    3. +14
      4 September 2024 06: 22
      If you can't eliminate the mess, then lead it... And first you need to do as in the Persian Gulf countries - housing migrant workers in a camp, no citizenship or families... Regarding the situation in SA... And to minimize the influx here... Then you need to take on your own, employers. Set such conditions that you would be horrified, if anything. Entry without families and a contract with the employer is required. Notarized...
      1. +8
        4 September 2024 08: 01
        So then we need to take on our own employers.
        It is necessary. That's how it is done in Belarus - there are migrant workers, but very few, and without families, and all of them are quiet.
        1. +14
          4 September 2024 08: 28
          That's how it's done in Belarus
          This is because there is a good owner in Belarus...
    4. +9
      4 September 2024 06: 53
      Unfortunately, only the leadership that values ​​the interests of ITS citizens more than the interests of OTHERS' citizens can do this. And, as it happens in reality, everyone (literally) sees every day.
    5. -1
      4 September 2024 08: 21
      All these absolutely obvious things, apparently, are not at all obvious to those in power, or more specifically, to several individuals representing certain financial and industrial groups and having strong lobbying positions. Or, more precisely, they do not need this at all, not at all. And how to combat this phenomenon, observing legal methods, who can tell me?
    6. Egg
      4 September 2024 08: 36
      Quote from: FoBoss_VM
      Problems are solved quite simply by administrative resources:

      The broadest field for corrupt activity... literally in every point, starting with point 2.
      1. 0
        5 September 2024 06: 32
        The broadest field for corrupt activity... literally in every point, starting with point 2.
        P. 1 is also quite easy to monetize - visas are issued on the territory of foreign countries. It is enough to have the necessary lol dating and will drip from each visa
    7. +4
      4 September 2024 09: 30
      These are wonderful initiatives that I support with both hands.
      But this is unrealistic.
      The indigenous population is dying out at a furious rate, from 500 thousand to a million people per year. Officially, the number of migrants imported is up to 3 million per year, and there are constant calls to bring in even more. Of these, half a million are given passports.
      We are waging a protracted war in which tens of thousands of fairly young and healthy men are dying and hundreds of thousands are maimed (and there are also many young people who have fled the country), and there is no end in sight.
      The total fertility rate in 2022 was 1,416, down from 2021 in 1,505. In 2024, it was already 1.37, and in 2025, it is expected to be 1.29.
      To maintain the population at the same level, a total fertility rate of about 2,1 births per woman over her lifetime is needed.
      How can the leader of a nation report to the population about his victories and achievements if in fact we have the most horrific losses of population?
      Who will pay taxes to the leader? People are the new oil, remember?
      That's why they carried it, they carry it and they will carry it.
      I attach the official population forecast from the loyal Rosstat as a picture, anyone can check it on their website.
      1. +2
        4 September 2024 11: 58
        The Russian Academy of Sciences gave a loss figure of 600 thousand people.
        They went overboard with bringing in migrants; such a large number cannot adapt normally.
    8. 0
      4 September 2024 18: 51
      Problems are solved quite simply by administrative resources
      - are not resolved, because the main problem is that the Russian authorities never do what the people expect from them.
    9. 0
      4 September 2024 20: 55
      The wisest decision is to act the Chinese way. Loans, contracts, buying everything and everyone. Then establish your own rules on the purchased territory. If you can't pay, give up your independence!
    10. -2
      5 September 2024 06: 18
      Problems are solved quite simply by administrative resources
      And a year later you - with surprise!! - "And where did the American military base in Uralsk come from?"...
      By introducing the restrictions you propose, the Russian Federation will lose its last levers of influence in Central Asia.
      Examples of all sorts of Kuwait and others are irrelevant to us - they have no need to govern neighboring countries, and we forced do it.
  5. +12
    4 September 2024 04: 30
    The author presents wishful thinking as reality. The main problem of the Central Asian republics is logistics. Nevertheless, the EU is actively entering Kazakhstan, Japanese and South Korean companies have been working there for a long time. And the authorities of Uzbekistan are against labor migration to Russia. Turkmenistan receives income from gas and doesn't give a damn.

    The only thing that won't be sewn on ... is Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. These are two problematic states in Central Asia, both of them have Russian military bases and of course Russia has the closest ties with them. At the same time, Tajikistan has been at war for many years and is full of all sorts of extremists. And thanks to K. Zatulin and S. Lavrov, dual citizenship of Tajikistan and Russia is allowed? Kyrgyzstan is also no gift in terms of political stability.
    1. +1
      4 September 2024 05: 58
      And the Uzbek authorities oppose labor migration to Russia
      Not noticeable wink
      1. 0
        5 September 2024 06: 35
        Not noticeable
        Border guards say that there are very few Uzbeks and Turkmens among those entering the Russian Federation
        1. +1
          5 September 2024 10: 45
          There are very few Uzbeks and Turkmens among those entering the Russian Federation
          There are no Turkmens at all
  6. +15
    4 September 2024 04: 48
    Weak... Mr. Samsonov ran through the tops of the media, without trying to analyze and delve into the essence of the ongoing processes... And yes, General Skobelev's words are very appropriate... But Russia has lost "Turkestan" - the "Russian world" is not welcome there smile Even Russians (Russian-speaking) do not believe in help from the Russian Federation, if something happens. Well, maybe they will express concern.
    1. 0
      4 September 2024 07: 54
      Quote: curvimeter
      But Russia has lost "Turkestan" - the "Russian world" is not welcome there

      The East is waiting for money and gold. And all attempts to develop relations on the platform of universal human values ​​and ideologies are ridiculous and dead-end. hi
  7. 0
    4 September 2024 05: 29
    You are just some kind of Kremlin dreamer, Samsonov!
  8. +12
    4 September 2024 05: 33
    It has been proven more than once that anti-Soviets are equal to Russophobes. But since the destruction of the USSR began under the leadership of Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk and not, say, Tashkent, then the granaries from which modern Russophobia was sown and spread should not be sought in Tashkent or Astana. Anti-Soviets have only now begun to retreat in Russia and perhaps a section on the history of the USSR will be included in history textbooks as an Empire of the greatest achievement of friendship among hundreds of peoples of this Empire. Until now, under the editorship and direction of anti-Sovietists in Russia itself, the Great Stalin has been slandered in history textbooks, portraits of great Soviet commanders cannot be seen at the Victory Parade, German fascists are shown in films as great humanists, the Soviet soldier is shown as incapable of winning unless his "Penal Battalion" rescues him, and Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya is no longer a people's avenger but a saboteur and wrecker.
    So what do you want from the Tajiks or Kazakhs, that Russophobia has blossomed there like a lush weed after the collapse of the USSR. First, this weed must be "cut down" in Russia itself
    1. +3
      4 September 2024 20: 59
      I agree with you completely! You can't spit on your past, it's our history. A history full of victories and accomplishments!
  9. +5
    4 September 2024 05: 56
    That is, only a work visa, a dormitory, a step to the left or to the right - and not only the worker, but also the employer is responsible
    And no citizenship! Work the required term, and go home straight away with the money you earned!
  10. 0
    4 September 2024 05: 59
    There are certain forces in the entire post-Soviet space that want to return to the feudal past. Under the guise of a return to traditional values. And this is happening not only in Central Asia. These people cannot solve issues of social structure. And it turns out that somewhere there is a labor shortage, somewhere a shortage of jobs. Instead of attracting science, everything is solved by one's own efforts. This is also happening in solving problems with demography.
  11. +3
    4 September 2024 06: 03
    to begin with, if the government is really interested in solving the migration problem, it would be reasonable to at least, as an experiment, introduce a visa regime for 3 years and look at the result, from which one can plan and build further actions.. if this, the most obvious, simple and cheap solution, has not yet been implemented - it means the government is not interested... that's all... any further discussions on this topic are meaningless.. just a waste of pixels and time...
  12. +2
    4 September 2024 06: 10
    Somehow the contradictions in the article are just bursting out: everything has become so bad in the Central Asian republics, but they have bred so many people that there is nowhere to put them...

    Labor migration must be on a rotational basis, under the responsibility of the employer and at his expense.
    No passports for permanent migrants without passing an exam - an essay in Russian on a historical topic, using complex sentences and an oral retelling of the essay.
    1. +1
      4 September 2024 18: 56
      Somehow the contradictions in the article are just bursting out: everything has become so bad in the Central Asian republics, but they have bred so many people that there is nowhere to put them...
      - these are not contradictions, but a pattern: who will feed you in old age, if not your children? Where the pension system works, the population decreases. And it does not work where things are bad.
    2. 0
      5 September 2024 06: 43
      Somehow the contradictions in the article are just bursting out: everything has become so bad in the Central Asian republics, but they have bred so many people that there is nowhere to put them...
      Just the opposite - where things are bad, people reproduce, where things are not good.
      The examples of the USSR and, for example, Switzerland, convincingly prove this - as soon as life became good, the birth rate fell to 2 people with some change
  13. +6
    4 September 2024 06: 20
    The main thing is to involve all the republics of the former USSR in a common creative project.
    They have already involved us in two projects: CIS, AZES... True, the Turkmens are not involved, they do not understand their good fortune, Uzbekistan left AZES in 2008, but the main thing is that the work is going on... wink
  14. +6
    4 September 2024 06: 22
    Another hastily concocted utopia for everything good against everything bad.
    involvement of all republics of the former USSR in a common creative project.

    Who will be involved and in what project? What will we create? A shining city on a hill?
    1. +8
      4 September 2024 06: 32
      It was necessary to write about something, Samsonov, "galloping across Europe" and walked, the other authors of VO, in search of a "source of inspiration", tomorrow, tomorrow they will give it out, and Samsonov today is in the role of the "on-duty" author and the "on-duty" article. smile
  15. +4
    4 September 2024 06: 31
    The President and his government are not interested in solving the migration issue taking into account the interests of the indigenous population of Russia, everything is done to the detriment of the indigenous people. Here our government has already splashed not a spoon but a bucket of tar into the barrel and is trying to feed it to us.
  16. +1
    4 September 2024 06: 44
    In these countries, centuries-old traditions and wild foundations hinder development. On Discovery they showed about this, the stronger the attachment to old customs, religious foundations and other ancient rules, the more difficult it is to introduce something new into the heads, stopped
    development of intelligence. They essentially remained savages! You can't domesticate a wolf. They essentially lagged behind us by decades, if not more. If you didn't touch them, they would still be galloping across the steppes on horses. Will they adopt our customs here?! Until our ruling elite changes, savages will continue to arrive here
  17. +4
    4 September 2024 06: 49
    With Central Asia, Russia needs to do the most important and first thing - strengthen the border and introduce a visa regime, and then tell tales about various projects. And lovers of Central Asian flavor should not hide behind agreements on the free movement of labor resources, internal security in Russia is much more important than the profits of lobbyists of the current migration policy and especially the opinions of utopian internationalists.
    1. +1
      4 September 2024 07: 00
      For some, the people's misfortunes are from thieves and traitors, and for others, "from the utopia of internationalism." And this is in Russia, where about two hundred nations live...

      But everything is going for the best in the best of all possible worlds...

      If a people who are hampered by internationalism and their own balls (judging by demography) - - cannot not only give birth, but also replace leaders because "Who else?",
      then the leaders will definitely be able to replace such people. laughing

      For the Muslim wisdom has long been known: "if the mountain does not come to Mohammed, Mohammed goes to the mountain." Those who can do something survive, and not those who can't do anything. This is natural selection.
  18. -1
    4 September 2024 07: 02
    What will Russia do?
    Standard Model
    Will give there a lot more money and resources
    And there are a lot of migrants here
  19. BAI
    4 September 2024 07: 11
    then the republics would live like in Japan or South Korea.

    there is a decline in the birth rate, and in Central Asia it is growing
    1. -3
      4 September 2024 07: 17
      Well, the growth compared to other States of the USSR's enemies on the territory of the USSR they captured, and compared to the Soviet period, in Muslim States there was a decrease in natural population growth by 40-50%.
      And how the enemies of the USSR love to discuss others, but they themselves did the same thing as the other enemies of the USSR who captured the republics of the USSR - the destruction of that Russian/Russian that was in the Russian Empire and the USSR, total degradation compared to the Soviet period.
  20. 0
    4 September 2024 07: 17
    There are no national elites there. A bunch of self-loving bais, fed by London. If someone were guided by the interests of the countries, then this bug-infested place would have been put in its place long ago.
    1. 0
      4 September 2024 07: 26
      If an entire nation can do nothing but whine about its hard fate and fight among itself, someone should bring at least some order to this nest of bugs and vipers?
      Here London is suggesting...

      And why should London think about other people's interests when it has its own?
  21. +4
    4 September 2024 07: 20
    After Russia's withdrawal

    After the illegal collapse of the USSR, there is no need to compare a hedgehog with a snake.

    Russia left/came/approached etc. Russia is a capitalist country, it doesn't give a damn about any -stans. The goal of capitalist countries is always the same - to print coupons for their owners and protect those already printed, regardless of the interests of the peoples of Central Asia, Russia itself, the Congo or the penguin republic in Antarctica
  22. +10
    4 September 2024 07: 22
    "The khans and bais rule the republics", but who rules in our country? At least their "khans and bais" don't forget what nationality they are, but our "great leader" declares that: those who say that Russia cannot be called smart people for Russians. And this was said by Alexander III, by the way, whom the "brilliant multi-move" will definitely not reach. The fact that the authorities of the Central Asian republics have been dumping their "social bottom in Russia" for thirty years is the fault of the one who has been in power in Russia for these thirty years. I don't understand: the author claims that the border should pass at Kushka (according to General Skobelev) and then advocates for a visa regime. How is this to be understood? The author suggests moving production "locally", to the same Central Asia, well, that's what the communists did. They created a fairly powerful industry in the Central Asian republics. Only Russians worked there. The author suggests restoring everything again at Russia's expense and sending Russians there to work? Maybe it's enough to conduct experiments with Russians? Maybe we have something to do in Russia too? Maybe we Russians should live for ourselves, throwing all these "irreplaceable specialists" back to Central Asia and Transcaucasia?
    There is footage of the arrival of the "kharant" in Tuva on Viber. I remember how Gorbachev came to Komsomolsk-on-Amur, how Yeltsin came to Ulan-Ude. Crowds of people everywhere to look at the head of state. Here, a motorcade is speeding through a deserted city. From this, one can conclude about their popularity.
  23. -6
    4 September 2024 07: 41
    First of all, this needs to be thought about and discussed.
    In my opinion, we need to start by studying pre-Islamic traditions.
  24. +1
    4 September 2024 08: 03
    They'll run out of water and they'll come here.
    So it will be

    And during the USSR they lived and worked at home
  25. +1
    4 September 2024 08: 06
    If you want to see the degradation of the water system, go to the South of Russia, everything is there in all its glory.
    1. +5
      4 September 2024 08: 11
      The author described it in such a way that we are supposedly somehow better than them in management. Only due to the incomparably richer land and mineral resources we are able to somehow hide all the genius of modern managers.

      The multi-billion dollar interregional program for cleaning the Volga is worth something. Since we are talking about water, they almost never write about what is happening with the living program.
  26. +5
    4 September 2024 08: 10
    "Plus the egoism of national elites who do not take into account the interests of their neighbors." - that's capitalism!

    "The authorities of the republics have been simply dumping their social bottom into Russia for three decades now." - and the Kremlin elders happily accept them, to the delight of the indigenous population of Russia. Is the author against the Kremlin's policy?
  27. +2
    4 September 2024 08: 14
    It is not Central Asia that is to blame for Russia's problems with migrants, but the Russian leadership, which does not take into account the interests of the Russian population, allowing mass entry of migrants into Russia. In this way, the interests of the oligarchs are protected - cheap labor is provided instead of providing decent working conditions for their population. In addition, this allegedly finds a pseudo-solution to the demographic problem - the Slavic population, decreasing in number, is replaced by the Turkestan population. That is why entry is allowed to families of migrant workers. And this is fraught with not only riots of migrants, but also riots of the Russian population.
  28. 0
    4 September 2024 08: 22
    Quote: andrewkor
    In my opinion, the author is exaggerating a bit and is making the situation tense.
    I am Russian, I have lived in Tashkent for over 40 years, 30 of which I worked at TAPOiCh.
    Believe me, in Uzbekistan radicalism is literally strangled by the special services.
    The water problem, of course, exists, and Afghanistan has also joined in.
    Uzbekistan has a population of almost 40 million, an increase of 700 thousand per year, a large percentage of working-age youth.
    The state simply cannot physically provide everyone with work; its only hope is labor migration, and not only to Russia. Despite Uzbekistan’s nationally oriented policy, its ties with Russia are very strong.
    Gazprom, Lukoil, Moscow State University, Nuclear Power Plant and hundreds of other projects and thousands of joint ventures.

    A cement plant worth 140 million dollars is being built in the Bulakbashi district of the Andijan region using Chinese investment.
    And there are Chinese at the construction site.
    Why don't locals want to build?
    1. +1
      4 September 2024 09: 05
      The Chinese have a population of 1,5 billion
      Why would they give work to strangers?
  29. +7
    4 September 2024 08: 28
    Don't read Samsonov until the morning and don't read at all. As for the laborers. I'm surprised at people's naivety. Do you really believe that Russia needs workers? Migrants are brought in to replace Russians.
  30. +4
    4 September 2024 08: 36
    All these migrants, guest workers, behave the way our government allows them to. And no one will solve this problem. The enemies of the USSR have proven that they are capable of creating a bunch of problems for Russia and the people, but are categorically incapable of solving problems.
    They usually blame others, including Soviet communists, for the problems they created, and that’s it, “the problems are solved,” and nothing can be done.
  31. +2
    4 September 2024 09: 13
    Do you think that the moon-faced one will allow the income of his oligarch friends to be reduced?
    1. +2
      4 September 2024 10: 23
      It's not about him (he was appointed by "the right person"), whether to allow it or not, it's unlikely that he decides, we must understand, it's the clan of these same "friends", the actual owners of Russia, who, in turn, are in the West and with the West with their souls and bodies. Therefore, no matter what you say, they said it, and the pension reform came, they recognized Poroshenko, but they didn't recognize Donbass. They will say it, and there will be a new deal or something else that the true puppeteers of capitalism will decide.
  32. +6
    4 September 2024 09: 13
    We ourselves have degraded considerably. Corruption, nepotism and lawlessness at all levels. All sorts of family clans are gradually being organized. And the general course has been set: "traditional" values ​​and cosplay of the Russian Empire with terrible social inequality and punitive detachments of "Cossacks".
    If we solve the problem of corruption, nepotism and lawlessness, then it will suddenly turn out that all these foreign employees of housing and communal services wandering around doing nothing, foreign builders of low-quality roads and buildings, and young bearded migrants hanging around doing nothing and living on who knows what means in rusty green farting cars will suddenly disappear from the streets, moving to maximum-security prisons, where honest and incorruptible employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service will actually be engaged in their re-education, and not selling pistachios and drugs, thus compensating for their salaries and offensive working conditions.
  33. +1
    4 September 2024 09: 17
    The author said little about the Englishization of the former Central Asian republics. I was in Samarkand a year ago. Wherever you spit, you'll end up in an English language learning center. Although they speak Russian there no worse than in Moscow, but even more speak English. Fewer and fewer people speak Russian, but everyone without exception speaks English, and the West is much more attractive to them than Russia. If, as they said in the article, "social bottom"They are floating off to Russia, then the locals"social cream" mentally have long been in the West. And we can lose them completely, if we haven't already. And here you can't get away with migration policy. We need to increase trade turnover and an extremely active cultural policy, which is completely absent. And first of all, in relation to the most developed republics - Uzbekistan (first of all), Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. This is precisely the priority. If Kazakhstan is still integrated with Russia, Kyrgyzstan is largely dependent, then Uzbekistan is quite self-sufficient, and no longer needs Russia.
    I noticed that there are only Uzbek cars on the streets. Russian ones are rare, Chinese ones are even rarer. I think that says something.
  34. -3
    4 September 2024 09: 24
    "The border must be defended near Kushka if we do not want to defend it near Taganrog."
    Well, what's so special about that? A good line, for example, is Baikonur-Priozersk. And yes, everyone who doesn't want to be Russian, get off the beach.
    But this is not now - this is in fifty years...
  35. +5
    4 September 2024 09: 43
    Damn! First they abandoned Central Asia to its fate (or rather, the USA), and now they suggest running away from it even further. Will anyone in Russia start thinking with their heads, or will they step on the Ukrainian rake with a persistence worthy of a better use?
  36. -3
    4 September 2024 10: 07
    The main thing is to involve all the republics of the former USSR in a common creative project.

    Eh, Alexander... Goodness must be with fists, although I do not like this statement. In Soviet times, there was excess labor in Central Asia, by all logic, they built factories for it, but the locals did not go to the factories, they wanted to trade, or herd sheep... In addition, they had to bring Russians to the built factories and plants, and the problem was not solved, only worsened. After the collapse of the USSR, the local "Aryans" began to pump up their Asian nationalism, harass and drive out the Russian population. My ex-mother-in-law and her children abandoned her three-room apartment in Alma-Ata. Now, these "Aryans", already without Russians, can not live normally at home, now they are these same migrants, who especially do not want to work in our factories. I really do not like vile Anglo-Saxon "reptilians", but these scum and world parasites have something to learn in "healthy egoism". I hope that the Soviet Union and people's power will be revived in a new, better quality, not to the detriment of Russia and Russians, but in a fair and common sense manner.
  37. +7
    4 September 2024 10: 16
    I may say something unpleasant, but the elites that existed in 91 were pro-Russian, many of them were in no hurry to separate for weeks after the State Emergency Committee, and even after the Belovezhskaya Agreement.
    Until 93, they, except for Turkmenistan, even remained in our monetary system, and Tajikistan was forced to switch to its own currency only at the end of 94.
    And we abandoned them, pushed them away, just like we did with Honecker in the GDR.
    Even now we do not introduce pro-Russian views into schools, universities and everywhere else, even into those countries that almost entirely hang on our necks. Don't we want to?
    That is, someone at the very top does not want to deal with this, and passers-by, residents of the capital's outskirts and local police officers (of whom there will soon be none left) are asked to clean up the mess.
  38. +2
    4 September 2024 10: 30
    General phrases for everything good.
    But no matter how many general phrases you use here, it does not influence the Government.

    Previously, it was stated that we have been transporting, are transporting and will continue to transport migrants.
    Now: oh-oh-oh... we'll transport them, but we'll tighten the checks and laws. And we'll transport even blacks.

    Feel the difference with "unchangeable people living on another planet"
  39. +1
    4 September 2024 10: 30
    If a sheepskin tail with a burqa is a national idea of ​​Central Asia, then let it deal with it, but at home!
  40. +1
    4 September 2024 10: 30
    Great article! Great idea to finally solve the migrant issue. But to implement it, we need to get rid of the migrant lobby!
  41. +5
    4 September 2024 10: 31
    After the wild 90s, the elite took power into their own hands. The states degraded. They moved from a fair socialist society to the lower steps, on which they had been trampling for centuries, to a system of enslavement and oppression of the people. Some of the leaders, a little more modest, chose the capitalist system, some more drastically chose the feudal system, and the more abrupt ones are content with the slave system. And this is despite the fact that many leaders wanted to adopt Swedish socialism. Russia itself would like to separate from the oppressive system, but alas...
  42. +1
    4 September 2024 11: 19
    Quote: Ivan№One
    The Chinese have a population of 1,5 billion
    Why would they give work to strangers?

    But on the territory of Uzbekistan.
    Why don't they invite the locals?
  43. 0
    4 September 2024 12: 04
    I support Mr. Samsonov here, that's essentially all.
    However, I will note that the colors are somewhat exaggerated for Tajikistan, and in Uzbekistan, things are not bad at all and very good. I communicate with people from there - the guys are happy with everything except that there are problems with EE and that they have to study here, far from home. And there are some difficulties with nepotism - not everywhere it is a problem, but in general, yes, it is a significant inconvenience. However, we have this too. I can't say for the rest of Central Asia - Turkmenistan is, of course, a special case.

    Here I always speak from the position of a supporter of the idea that all (except for the Baltics) states of the former USSR should integrate more closely with us and be a zone working for the interests of our economy and industry. Only in this way will we remain a superpower, only in this way will we be able to maintain here some kind of technological alternative cycles comparable to foreign ones. In what form this should be - this is already a discussion, because the depth of the Union can be very different, as well as its characteristics. However, first of all, it is clear that this model should be DIRECTLY beneficial to us, without all these "benefits of respect and benefits of the masses". We should simply get more from this than we spend on it - and here is the key difference from the approach of the USSR, the goal of which was, among other things, to pull something out at the expense of the donor regions.
    Of course, all this is fantasy and there will be no movement in this direction - however, without it we will not be able to compete with countries that have already occupied world trade niches with their high-tech goods, we will not be able to produce our own such goods in large enough quantities so that their price is low, we will not be able to have funds for constant R&D to outpace competition.
    So, whether we like it or not, we will have to think ahead.
    1. +1
      4 September 2024 14: 56
      so that their price would be low
      There is an opinion that high prices for Russian products are a consequence of traditionally high margins and the bloating of the staff of non-production administrative workers - managers.
      1. +3
        4 September 2024 15: 16
        Not without it, but we must understand that our own market is too small for the combination of price-quality and development for products like Samsung or Apple to pay for itself. There must be large turnovers of companies, large lots, markets that support constant demand and absorb updated products of different segments.
        Regarding management - here, as I wrote a couple of years ago in an article, we absolutely need active and, in particular, organizing activity of the state for our companies in foreign trade expansion. In some way, we need some of the analytical functions of private company management to be taken over by state structures, because, in the conditions of inevitable increase in competition for markets, we will need an increase in state efforts to support our producers trading abroad. Including informational and legal.

        But this is, of course, reasoning from the series "how it should be". Alas, we will not do this, we have no need for a similar successful experience of the PRC.
        1. 0
          4 September 2024 15: 19
          took over the state structures
          Judging by recent events, this is a guarantee of failure.
          foreign trade expansion.
          South America, Maghreb. There, Russia has the image of a rich European state, and they have had their fill of Chinese quality.
        2. ada
          4 September 2024 16: 31
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart
          ... we absolutely need active and, in particular, organizational activity of the state for ...

          In the current result of the formation of the near-earth environment in nature, one of the perfect biomachines has been identified - man, where the cephalic-spinal innervation with a developed remote periphery is of fundamental importance and it is completely logical to use the human essence in building a semblance of a control system for his society, especially since we have our own advanced experience in systemic state management.
  44. ada
    4 September 2024 12: 30
    ... The main thing is the involvement of all the republics of the former USSR in a common creative project. ...

    This is indisputable because it corresponds to the instinctive foundations of the socialization of people with their acceptable concentration in the area. However, there is a problem with "concentration" - the value in "pieces", unknown, which in the first approximations loses its constructive component due to the expected sharp decrease in this quantitative indicator as a result of the manifestations of the peculiarities of the methods of waging war in this region. Simply - everyone will be killed there (in practical quantities).
    In connection with the stated expectation, it becomes theoretically obvious that the formation of communities of the population on our territory should be built on the basis of the expected challenges of modernity and directly predictable threats, of which the most dangerous for the preservation of the country in the form of a state formation that ensures the future of the population is a multi-level and multi-sided armed conflict with a high level of use of weapons of mass destruction, in particular - for the localization of significant natural territories from the formative influence of communities of people.
    Are you suggesting to invent something that will fix everything so easily and manage it as it should be? And who "needs" it and at whose discretion? Should we attribute it to God? No - He does not exist. Perhaps in the distant - distant space, where there is no pressure of elementary environments, there is something similar, but it is very far from us, which can be taken as a minor or insignificant condition. To a person? So take what is universal to all mankind and our people, our experience of previous generations - prepare for war and prepare new military generations of the country, learn to destroy and destroy, make and destroy alliances, live and give birth, educate in wartime conditions, build and restore what was destroyed, steadfastly endure all hardships and deprivations in the desire to conquer the future for yourself and those like you, otherwise our place under the Sun will be taken by others, with opposite foundations of life.
    This is the simple, frank essence. It is from this that we must proceed in our decisions, in particular on border and trans-border issues.
  45. +2
    4 September 2024 12: 45
    This is the result of the policy of the Russian authorities. A good example is Ukraine, where they hoped for Slavic brotherhood, and watched how Western NGOs raised Nazism. There is an almost identical process here. Kazakhs are taught anti-Russian sentiments in school and textbooks with complete lies can be found, but ours stubbornly remain silent. But it was necessary to simply block everything and everyone until the textbook is corrected.
    1. -3
      4 September 2024 12: 58
      Yes, all the enemies of the USSR who captured the RSFSR, including the fact that they equally falsified the history of our country - both Soviet and pre-revolutionary, equally pretend to be "innocent victims" in their "history" of our country.
    2. -1
      4 September 2024 16: 07
      This is the result of corruption. How much of it do we have? Do you think it's better there? For example, the Russian Federation allocated several billion for education in distant Uzbekistan. Great, something immediately went into the pocket and for other needs. Oops, and there's nothing to make a textbook with. And then an accomplice of the West appears and says: here's the textbook, compiled and printed. And here's a couple of tens of thousands for you personally, as well as the status of our friend. And as a result, Russophobia and so on. We rely on the masses, and the West on specific people.
      1. -2
        5 September 2024 08: 07
        Quote: a.shlidt
        This is the result of corruption.

        Corruption prints a textbook, signs decrees, rewrites history. This, brother, is a targeted action. Read the textbook History of Azerbaijan. You will learn a lot.
  46. -3
    4 September 2024 12: 59
    The biggest Trouble sits in Moscow.
    In 1991, the eve mafia carried out a coup d'etat in the USSR and its dismemberment into small entities. The political system was forcibly changed from socialism to capitalism. This is a fact that liberals cannot hide.
    In fact, all the republics appeared inside the USSR on the territory of RUSSIA, before the revolution of 1917 there were no republics, they were created artificially. In 1991 after the coup d'etat, there was a seizure of Russian lands. A coup d'etat is a criminal offense.
    All union republics could exist only as part of the USSR. No USSR, no republics, all the territory on which the republics were located as part of the USSR returns to the Russian Federation - Russia.
    The exit of the union republics from the USSR was possible only with a positive decision obtained at the USSR referendum and the implementation of the USSR Law of April 3, 1990 No. 1409-I “On the procedure for resolving issues related to the exit of a union republic from the USSR”.
    The Constitution of the USSR of 1977 was adopted by all the peoples of the USSR, and permission for the republic to secede from the USSR could only be given by the entire people of the USSR.
    The withdrawal of union republics from the USSR without a national referendum and failure to comply with the law of April 3, 1990 No. 1409-I is a criminal offense that has no statute of limitations.
    President of Russia V.V. Putin, in his speech in Veliky Novgorod, dedicated to the 1160th anniversary of the birth of Russian statehood, said: “Russia cherishes all the pages of its history and will not repeat the mistakes of underestimating the importance of its own sovereignty. Today's Russia is the legal successor of both Ancient Rus', and the Muscovite kingdom, and the Russian Empire, and the Soviet Union. All these are pages of our history, we will never give up on them, we will not rewrite history to please the political situation. The history of the country makes it stronger. And the main lesson of history is that it is mortally dangerous for Russia to weaken its sovereignty even for a while, to abandon national interests.”
    Russia did not transfer, sell or donate its territories, as well as its foreign assets, to the former Soviet republics of the USSR.
    1. +2
      4 September 2024 15: 02
      Quote: Vlad Gor
      Only the entire people of the USSR could give permission for the republic to leave the USSR

      What is this nonsense?

      Law of the USSR of April 3, 1990 No. 1409-I
      Article 2. The decision on the withdrawal of a union republic from the USSR is made by the free expression of the will of the peoples. union republic by referendum (popular vote).

      At least read more carefully.
    2. +2
      4 September 2024 15: 17
      Quote: Vlad Gor
      The secession of the union republics without a national referendum in the USSR and...
      This is a criminal offense that has no statute of limitations.

      What kind of heresy is this?

      Everything is spelled out in the law you mentioned from April 3, 1990, No. 1409-I. The entire procedure for exit. And about the transition period (5 years) and about the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.
      But there is not a word about National Referendum in the USSR
      Don't spout off your own thoughts, or add something like "in my opinion", and don't pass it off as the ultimate truth - to fool the minds of young people...
    3. +3
      4 September 2024 15: 22
      The significance and mandatory nature of the decisions taken at the All-Union Referendum can be seen in the example of the Ukrainian SSR.
      Where in March 1990 "everyone" was for preserving the Union.
      And in December 1990, “everyone” was for independence.
  47. +1
    4 September 2024 13: 37
    The best option for us is to introduce visas, expel 90% of the superfluous, leave 10% of the adequate ones (in the come-go mode), create competition for them with workers from other countries, for example, North Korea.
    And leave Central Asia to stew in its own juice, and when after a fairly short time they again start running with sticks and asking for help - to offer them your services in developing countries, for a very high price.
    1. -1
      5 September 2024 12: 47
      Many of our government and Duma officials talk about the shortage of labor. But 90% of migrants work in numerous dives, markets, taxis, warehouses, and not in those sectors of the economy where there is a shortage of personnel.
      1. -2
        5 September 2024 12: 55
        But 90% of migrants work in numerous dives, markets, taxis, warehouses, and not in those sectors of the economy where there is a shortage of personnel.

        If they don't work there ("in the numerous joints, markets, taxis, warehouses"), then the labor shortage will only get worse. Isn't that obvious?
        1. -1
          5 September 2024 13: 41
          It won’t get any worse, because if you close all these snake pits, no one will even notice their absence.
          1. 0
            5 September 2024 13: 58
            They won't notice the absence of "...markets, taxis, warehouses"? They are no longer needed?
            Very strange statement.
            1. 0
              5 September 2024 14: 05
              Markets will not disappear if Asian and Transcaucasian "friends" are thrown out of them, just like taxis and warehouses.
              1. 0
                5 September 2024 14: 31
                You are not good with mathematics and logic.
                You yourselves agree that there is a shortage of personnel.
                Quote: Pioneer1984
                in those sectors of the economy where there is a shortage of personnel

                That is, there is a sector where there are, conditionally, 100 local workers for 110 jobs.
                There are "markets, taxis, warehouses" where there are approximately 100 visiting workers for 100 jobs.
                You propose to remove the newcomers. We get 0 workers per 100 workplaces at "markets, taxis, warehouses".
                So, before your decision, the economy had 100+100=200 workers for 110+100 jobs, shortage of 10 workers. After your decision 100+0=100 workers for 110+100 jobs, shortage of 110 workers.
                How good it suddenly became wassat
                1. 0
                  5 September 2024 14: 54
                  Your "mathematics" for the feeble-minded is 100% suitable. laughing
                  1. 0
                    5 September 2024 14: 58
                    Your "mathematics" for the feeble-minded is 100% suitable.

                    Show me math that's not for the faint of heart.
                    Although I understand your personal interest in the influx of "guests from the south".

                    Strongly doubt
                2. 0
                  5 September 2024 14: 56
                  Although I understand your personal interest in the influx of "guests from the south". laughing
            2. 0
              10 September 2024 18: 26
              Russians can work in markets and taxis, just like they do in the provinces. Automation can be introduced in warehouses. Housing and communal services are generally an open field in terms of automation: watching 15 irreplaceable people sadly dig through the snow with breaks for a smoke is already boring, they can all be replaced by one car with one Russian driver at the wheel.
        2. 0
          10 September 2024 18: 25
          The opposite is obvious. They do not benefit either the indigenous people or the country, but only some businessmen, mainly them and corrupt officials.
  48. -1
    4 September 2024 13: 58
    It's a pity that the author's article is not read in the "towers".
  49. +2
    4 September 2024 14: 24
    It's easier said than done, who will do all this? The top brass has no brains
  50. +1
    4 September 2024 15: 17
    In fact, we do not even use those historical messages that they themselves cultivate and water in Central Asia.
    For example, the topic of protecting the Kazakhs from the Dzungars, the topic of the collapse of the Dzungar state by the Chinese and Manchus, when both of them came running to us "save, help us out." The topic of "and Shipilov who joined them" in the sense that the Kyrgyz were once against the Kazakhs. No matter how much pro-Western NGOs work there, the biggest problem for the Kazakhs is still the Kyrgyz, but the biggest problem is generally the Kalmyk belay .
    Skobelev is probably not the best example for the locals. The narratives here need to be more subtle.
    1. 0
      6 September 2024 11: 23
      Because it's a lie. It was the Chinese and Manchus who protected the Kazakhs from the Dzungars, not the Russians. The Kyrgyz have nothing to do with it.
      1. 0
        6 September 2024 16: 20
        Aga defended so that they destroyed the Dzungars in their own interests. Meanwhile, the same Dzungar tribes (Mongol-Oirats) later served us well in Russia, and are still part of the state.
        And how are the Dzungars worse than the Kazakhs, well, in the grand scheme of things? Just because some of the Kazakh khans came under our rule? Well, okay, but in the 19th century, the same Kenesary was not pursuing a pro-imperial policy at all (I'm smoothing this over). That's where the Dzungars could have come in handy.
  51. +2
    4 September 2024 15: 47
    This time the Aral Sea dried up, primarily because Turkmenistan was given water to drink.
    If you don't like Skobelev, who didn't stay in the Central Az. for very long, please, other names to choose from: Kolpakovsky, Shaitanov, Chernyaev, Kaulbars, Mushketov, Severtsov, Gedin, Merzbacher, Borghese. Nikolai Romanov, by the way. Konstantinovich. Who raised the red flag over his house when his brother abdicated the throne. Kornilov, the Karbyshevs. We can go on and on. Enough individuals shouting about the fence from their own history.
    A familiar rake.
  52. The comment was deleted.
  53. 0
    4 September 2024 20: 23
    The fence here is more needed than Trump needs the Mexican one
  54. 0
    4 September 2024 20: 27
    Quote from: newtc7
    The best option for us is to introduce visas, expel 90% of the superfluous, leave 10% of the adequate ones (in the come-go mode), create competition for them with workers from other countries, for example, North Korea.
    And leave Central Asia to stew in its own juice, and when after a fairly short time they again start running with sticks and asking for help - to offer them your services in developing countries, for a very high price.

    Kazakhstan has a bunch of tanks and planes that they can send against us with the general support of the Anglo-Saxons, plus a bunch of mercenaries from the surrounding steppes.
    But we don’t have a border in the South... the border there, according to the agreement, is guarded not by us, but by Kazakhstan.
  55. 0
    4 September 2024 21: 46
    I am Russian. And I don't want any projects with Asians. Only visas. Only prisons and the death penalty for criminals.
    Savages in hijabs are already walking in crowds along the streets of Russia... And the criminal government indulges them.
    1. -1
      5 September 2024 12: 43
      I fully support you.
  56. 0
    5 September 2024 00: 06
    Good article. Correctly written. Holy place is never empty. Everywhere from where Russia left came the West, etc. All the problems come from there. Yeltsin dispersed all the republics of the USSR because he was afraid... They would not accept him. He was a nobody, an upstart and had no authority among the republics.
  57. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  58. -2
    5 September 2024 08: 07
    So Koreans have developed in the 30 years since the Korean War!!! And what have our former ones done???
  59. -1
    5 September 2024 08: 38
    Former Soviet citizens completely reject the idea of ​​establishing order in their own country. Rather, it is because of the gigantic and overwhelming number of eccentricities in the Motherland.

    The most light-hearted Ukrainians simply flee without looking back. The government is pushing migrants....... Save yourself as best you can... The great exodus and the great arrival.

    And anyone who remembers the 70s can compare today's migrants with the invasion of a huge number of filthy riffraff, drunks and thieves from now-dead villages...
  60. -1
    5 September 2024 09: 01
    How can they not understand that flocks of sheep without shepherds simply will not survive, Russia will leave, China and Turkey will come, but they will still be “shepherded” by stronger countries.
  61. 0
    5 September 2024 09: 17
    "The only way out is a visa regime. Deportation of criminals who have been punished, and a "black ticket" - the impossibility of staying in the Russian Federation (tourism, work, etc.). Attracting labor only on the model of "oil monarchies", like Qatar. That is, only a work visa, a hostel, a step to the left or to the right - and not only the worker, but also the employer is responsible. No families with their legalization, no national ghetto communities, with their own laws and rules."
    As long as United Russia is in power, nothing like this will happen (Vasilyev's speech will be an example of this). There is no point in counting on other parliamentary parties either.
    We DO NOT have a Party of the State and the Patriot!!!! There are businessmen and lobbyists of oligarchs-capitalists. They live to grab....
  62. -3
    5 September 2024 12: 38
    I suggest that all concerned people vote on the LDPR website to limit migration. https://stopmigrant.ldpr.ru/
  63. +3
    5 September 2024 14: 29
    I wonder if Mr. Samsonov was in Central Asia at all? The article looks more like a collection of cliches from the Internet, aimed at worsening the Russian-Central Asian countries. Let's start with the fact that Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are very different in terms of population, as well as the level of industrial and cultural development. In addition, they do not get along very well with each other. And not at the level of leadership, but at the "everyday" level. Therefore, discussing them "in bulk" is the same as discussing "the average temperature in a hospital."
    1. 0
      5 September 2024 20: 35
      What they write.
      Citizens are informed that: the USSR as a subject of international law and a geopolitical reality ceased to exist in accordance with the Agreement of 08.12.1991 “On the Creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States” signed by the RSFSR, the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine.
      In fact, IT WAS DIFFERENT: the USSR as a subject of international law and a geopolitical reality ceases to exist in accordance with the Agreement of 08.12.1991 “On the Creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States” (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) signed by the Russian Federation (RSFSR), the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine.
      The text of the Agreement states that the High Contracting Parties (the Russian Federation (RSFSR), the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine) state (ONLY STATE!!!) that the USSR ceases to exist, but it DOES NOT SPECIFY FROM WHAT MOMENT IT CEASES, for example: "... from the moment of signing this Agreement" or "... from December 25, 1991" or other. Also, the Russian Federation (RSFSR), the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine did not sign the Union Treaty of 1922. In 1936, new subjects were established within the USSR in accordance with Article 13 of the Constitution (Basic Law) of the USSR dated 05.12.1936.
      In 1936, a new Constitution of the USSR was adopted, with the entry into force of which the Constitution of the USSR of 1924 ceased to be in effect, including the Treaty on the Formation of the USSR of 1922. The Treaty on the Formation of the USSR of 1922 did not exist as an independent legal document.
      The countdown of the union republics goes back to 1936, in the next Constitution of 1977, the entire people of the USSR confirmed the status of these subjects (union republics) within the USSR in a referendum. The entire people of the USSR voted in 1936 and 1977, and the exit from the USSR was organized by a handful of criminals and a small part of the people.
      There is no point in discussing private issues of relations between the new states, since their legality is questionable.
      Can newly formed states in the post-Soviet space be recognized as legitimate?
      1. +1
        6 September 2024 13: 08
        In the USSR, the first all-Union referendum in history was held in 1991. The 1936 Constitution was adopted at the Congress of Soviets, and in 1977 at a session of the Supreme Soviet.
  64. +1
    6 September 2024 09: 52
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Russophobia and Islamization have become so ingrained in the public consciousness that it is difficult to change them.
    Sadly, history will definitely require fencing off. And sacrificing Russia for the sake of the oligarch's business - construction or investing capital in Central Asia - is not a good idea.
  65. +2
    6 September 2024 10: 35
    Migrants are a time bomb, only idiots don't understand this.
    1. -1
      7 September 2024 07: 48
      Hey! Who are you calling an idiot here!? :)
      Quote: "Russia needs an influx of new citizens (....), to attract people from abroad. (...) As for the economy, it is quite obvious that with the development of the economy - we are already lacking - and soon it will be very noticeable: there will not be enough workers. This is becoming a real objective limitation on economic growth in the country. This is one of the serious problems," Putin said at a meeting with members of the working group on the preparation of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation."
  66. +2
    6 September 2024 10: 55
    From everything written earlier, one conclusion can be made: the problem lies in the inability of the authorities to control migration flows; another stone in the authorities' garden should be considered the lack of desire to select the flow of migrants and the distribution of citizenship not for any merits, but simply for "pretty eyes". Western Europe faced a massive influx of migrants and the problems that arose; the authorities did not draw any conclusions, simply dumping the solution to the migration problem on the Ministry of Internal Affairs and hastily adopted laws and other legal acts to please the local oligarchy. In my opinion, stupidity and short-sightedness also lie in the issues of military registration of "newly acquired homeland". I believe that the Ministry of Defense is quite skeptical about this issue, few of the Novorossiysk residents will defend the new Motherland. Most will immediately run off to their national republics. In general, what kind of stupidity is it for a person liable for military service to have several citizenships!? But receiving social benefits is sacred. They live like this, especially women on child benefits. In their Uzbek-Kyrgyz-Tajikistani, no one pays them for having children. The more you give birth, the more well-fed you will be in old age. And the budget of Russia is "limitless", give birth and sit on benefits, pump up your rights. On the issue of selection, we do not just need hands, we need specialists, of which there were not many in Central Asia and under the USSR. And now there are practically none at all. Since the creation of the world, Central Asia has lived in a buy-sell-naduri mode. With the advent of Soviet power, factories and plants began to be built more or less, where are they now? People were sent from the European part of the USSR to train and work in these republics.
  67. 0
    6 September 2024 13: 11
    It is necessary to consider the situation in each state of the region separately, it is very different. By the way, Kazakhstan is part of Central Asia, but it is incorrect to consider it part of Central Asia. At worst, part of its territory, not the largest, belongs to Central Asia.
  68. +1
    6 September 2024 14: 39
    I can't even imagine a visa regime - they'll just walk across the border... there's no border as such, in the USSR everything was fine with the border, now - only the name remains(((
    And then we have a shortage of labor resources, employers do not want to pay their Russians normal money, so the demand for migrant workers is high. Time has already been lost, of course something must be done. The very first thing is not to throw away Russian citizenship. It must be earned. They will work for 10 years without violations - then you can give it, during this time they should learn the language at least and learn how to behave
    1. -1
      7 September 2024 07: 45
      We have a labor shortage? I wonder which of these huge factories are short of labor?
  69. -1
    7 September 2024 07: 42
    I don't care about the future of the Central Asians, Lower Asians, Upper Asians, etc. Of course, we need to be friends with them, but the key to friendship with these bastards is lots of machine guns on the border and good air defense at the airfields.
  70. 0
    7 September 2024 08: 00
    Quote: tatra
    All enemies of the USSR are the same, just as their common ideology for all 33 years was - WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH everything they did to Russia and its people, so their "leaders" "have nothing to do" with everything bad during their rule. In the 90s, Yeltsin blamed the Soviet communists for everything, his successor - the Soviet communists, the "bad boyars", and in the last 10 years - the West.

    Putin reminds me of Nikolay the Second in 1914, what happened in 17, we all remember well.
  71. 0
    7 September 2024 16: 48
    What kind of common fair project does the author propose? Specifically. Otherwise, the article is just hot air. That it is necessary to adopt other options for the stay of labor migrants on the territory of the Russian Federation is clear. That it is necessary to review ALL passports issued to alleged compatriots is also clear, at the very least, if you do not speak Russian - goodbye.