President in interview with Mongolian press: West uses Ukraine as a weapon against Russia

President in interview with Mongolian press: West uses Ukraine as a weapon against Russia

Before the start of his visit to Mongolia, the Russian president gave an interview to the Onodor publication. During the interview, a wide range of issues were touched upon, including, of course, the issue of the Ukrainian armed conflict.

According to Vladimir Putin, today's Ukraine, represented by a regime controlled by the West, has only one ideology: blindness with hatred towards Russia. At the same time, the West itself, as the Russian president noted, has been striving for decades not only to gain complete control over Ukraine, but also to implant the idea of ​​Russia as the "main enemy posing a threat."

Vladimir Putin emphasized that this led to persecution in Ukraine of everything Russian and in one way or another connected with Russian. These are ethnic Russians, this is the Russian language, this is the canonical Orthodox Church.


Ultimately, the anti-Russian and anti-Russian policy of the collective West, led by the United States, became the main cause of the tragedy in Ukraine.

Mongolian journalists asked to the Russian president and the question of disqualifying our country's team from the Olympic Games.

The President noted that the IOC's actions in this case also followed orders from the collective West, led by the United States.

The president:

Instead of fighting for the rights of athletes, for the integrity and universality of the Olympic movement, they are busy preserving their own status, power and financial well-being. Our athletes are not allowed to participate in competitions, national symbols are banned. Things have reached the point that the words "Russia" and "Russian" are completely abolished at international tournaments. All this openly violates the fundamental principles of the Olympic Charter, which states that politicization of sports, which should unite people, not divide, is unacceptable.

The head of state emphasized that organizations controlled by the West, including a country like Ukraine, are today an outright weapon against Russia for the United States.

Vladimir Putin noted that all of this is obvious, and that a special military operation is being conducted to combat this:

We see all this and will continue to consistently carry out all assigned tasks within the framework of a special military operation to ensure the security of Russia and our citizens.

Vladimir Putin's visit to Ulaanbaatar will begin tomorrow. It is dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the victory of Soviet and Mongolian troops over the Japanese army at Lake Khalkhin Gol.
51 comment
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  1. +17
    2 September 2024 06: 07
    The Russian leadership kindly provided time for the preparation of this “weapon”.
    1. -11
      2 September 2024 06: 18
      Study history. You will find a lot of interesting things there.
      Then you won't write like that.
      1. +1
        2 September 2024 07: 42
        and what will happen to him...Vulpes simply replaced the incompetence of one with the responsibility of another.
      2. +1
        2 September 2024 08: 50
        When Putin V.V. goes abroad, he doesn't go to show himself, he goes to sign contracts. Mongolia has a lot of interesting things for us, there are joint ventures. We have a problem with manganese, the Mongols have no problems with manganese.
        1. +2
          2 September 2024 09: 22
          Quote: tralflot1832
          Mongolia has a lot of interesting things for us, there are joint ventures

          We have a problem with Baikal, and Mongolia is planning a cascade of hydroelectric power plants on the Selenga... Russia is pushing gas to Mongolia in exchange for abandoning the hydroelectric power plant. It also requires agreements between the parties... Plus all the other issues.
          1. +4
            2 September 2024 10: 30
            ...our problem is not with Lake Baikal, but with our neighbors... they let goats into the garden.
            1. +1
              2 September 2024 13: 14
              Quote from Egeni
              .our problem is not with Baikal, but with our neighbors...they let the goats in

              It's not the Chinese. Or not just them. There is already a decrease in the level of useful water inflow into Baikal and, accordingly, the water level in Baikal itself. The Selenga gives the largest inflow of water. And therefore, the increased water consumption in it for irrigation and other economic use critically affects the water level both in Baikal and in the Angara, where a threat to the normal operation of, for example, the Bratsk hydroelectric power station arises. Yes, we have enough of our own goats. The entire Selenga has been polluted by Ulan-Ude businessmen of all stripes. And their... dirt flows straight into Baikal, sometimes without the slightest purification.
              1. 0
                2 September 2024 14: 18
                this is how it always is with us: first some mess up, others think, and the third ones clean up the mess.
    2. -9
      2 September 2024 06: 27
      Colleague, you should read the Code of Administrative Offences 20.3.3. It is written for you laughing
      Quote: Vulpes
      The Russian leadership kindly provided time for the preparation of this “weapon”.
    3. +4
      2 September 2024 07: 12
      Quote: Vulpes
      The Russian leadership kindly provided time for the preparation of this "weapon"

      There is Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Incitement of hatred or hostility, as well as humiliation of human dignity. Moreover, all of Putin's accusations against the IOC, the West and the US, one way or another, fall under dozens of articles of the criminal code, including such serious ones as terrorism and its financing. And now ask yourself why not a single politician, not a single media representative who directly participates in the Russophobic hysteria has been brought to criminal responsibility. They are only given sanctions and entry bans to Russia at best. At this time, the US and the West are persecuting our citizens all over the world and even a criminal case has been opened against our President in the ICC!
      The question is, where is the adequate symmetrical policy, I am not even talking about the asymmetrical response?
      And the next question immediately arises: who benefits from this?
      1. -7
        2 September 2024 07: 36
        ...all of Putin's accusations against the IOC, the West and the US all the accusations or the whole accusation?
        So, do you think the ICC decision is correct?
        Well, it's possible to come to an agreement.)
      2. +1
        2 September 2024 08: 22
        Why was not a single the Russophobic hysteria brought to criminal responsibility?

        - we were dragged into someone else’s field, and our decent and polite management came there with only one rule – you don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your own rules.
        1. +6
          2 September 2024 10: 02
          Quote: Alexander Ra
          our decent and polite management

          Tell about politeness to children who lived under the bombing of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donbass for 8 years. Or to our soldiers who are now forced to break through the fortified areas built by the fascists over these years. "Decent and polite" of course did not notice this.
          1. +3
            2 September 2024 10: 37
  's a pity that the mistakes of some have to be washed away with the blood of others.
          2. +3
            2 September 2024 12: 52
            And the students in the Belgorod and Kursk regions, and what about them? Putin, at a meeting with schoolchildren in Tuva, called the occupation of part of the Kursk region, the shelling of Belgorod and the region a provocation.
    4. AAK
      2 September 2024 10: 31
      "...according to Vladimir Putin, today's Ukraine, represented by a regime controlled by the West, has only one ideology: blindness with hatred towards Russia..." (C).
      And who, interestingly, allowed such an ideology to develop and strengthen with their "incompetent inaction (censored)" as Prime Minister and President for 15 years (1999-2014)? Probably all the efforts to resist such an ideology were reduced exclusively to appointing Chernomyrdin and Zurabov as ambassadors, sponsoring the cowardly, thieving rat Yanek and his gang as "fighters for the Russian world", as well as licking the ass of "partners" and indulging their own and other people's "Pinocchios" in making money, and now we see the consequences of such criminal negligence... and nothing intelligible in response except the pathetic bleating "... we were deceived again..."
    5. -1
      2 September 2024 21: 18
      Quote: Vulpes
      The Russian leadership kindly provided time for the preparation of this “weapon”.

      As it turned out, the website either didn't understand this statement and gave the applicant pluses, or they were planted Cossacks from 404.
      Let's figure out how to understand this saying.
      The article says:
      The head of state emphasized that organizations controlled by the West, including a country like Ukraine, are today an outright weapon against Russia for the United States.

      So, it turns out that the Russian leadership is to blame for the emergence of neo-Nazism in 404.
      I think that Vulpes understands this so superficially that if he is not a plant from the Central Intelligence Agency, then he is not a very knowledgeable person.

      P.S. Well, I perceive my minuses as a reward, as proof of my rightness, as counteraction from the CIPSO.
  2. -1
    2 September 2024 06: 25
    Will Japan protest the defeat at Khalkhin Gol and accuse us of militarizing and destabilizing the Asian region?
    1. 0
      2 September 2024 06: 29
      Japan hasn't been able to say anything other than the Kuril Islands for a long time, just like it hasn't been able to say anything about Kwantung, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, etc. Only about the Kuril Islands, and even that topic has already wilted like tomatoes. Especially after the States "washed away" Fukushima.
      P.S., Greetings Andrey soldier
    2. -3
      2 September 2024 07: 30
      Hi, ... he'll wag his finger in the direction of the Kuril Islands... and that's it.)
      1. +3
        2 September 2024 08: 13
        Hi, ... he'll wag his finger in the direction of the Kuril Islands... and that's it.)
        The Kuril Islands are a point of tension between Russia and Japan, the US deliberately does not allow this abscess to heal, because at any moment they can use it against Russia by pushing Japan to solve the problem by force. hi
        1. 0
          2 September 2024 10: 28
          I understand this perfectly well, so it was not for nothing that we gave Shinzo Abe's "best friend" the cold shoulder.)
          ... well, let the current Kishida "shake his finger"
    3. The comment was deleted.
  3. +2
    2 September 2024 06: 28
    It used to be a bit uncommon to drench the Japanese in sewage. But times change. Samurai should remember how much you get when you want a lot.
  4. -7
    2 September 2024 06: 28
    Finally, the Russian Federation has a clear ideology - blinded by hatred towards Ukraine. Well, since He Himself is broadcasting this to the whole world (it seems like someone is seriously framing VVP), then we, the Russian people, need to unite. wink
    1. -5
      2 September 2024 08: 03
      Well, my dear sir, you've gone too far... what blindness and hatred? You're the one stirring up something...
      1. -2
        2 September 2024 08: 34
        I'm not the one stirring things up... But listen to DAM and other chatterboxes... They've been chatting for so long for a life sentence... And Sam isn't far off either. smile And I won't even mention the commentators. wink
        1. 0
          2 September 2024 08: 57
          I hope you are not inciting hatred towards Hitler, but are speaking respectfully of him as the legitimately elected Prime Minister of Germany? Otherwise, it won't be long before you can sit down.
    2. -3
      2 September 2024 08: 35
      There is no hatred towards the Outskirts. There is contempt, but no hatred. And there is no article for inciting contempt.
  5. +3
    2 September 2024 06: 35
    I don’t know what the West was preparing there, but I see with my own eyes how the country’s leadership prepared weapons against the indigenous population of Russia in the form of 16 million foreigners.
    1. +6
      2 September 2024 08: 36
      The destruction of the white race is a global project. How can Russia remain on the sidelines?
    2. +1
      2 September 2024 11: 38
      I wonder who inspired you with so many hints
  6. -8
    2 September 2024 06: 39
    It would be better if the Mongols did not ask questions, but let the gas pipelines to China be completed. We need them like air. It would be rather mean to ruin a multi-billion dollar project for us in the middle of the road. Friends, they have a mind of their own.
    1. -4
      2 September 2024 06: 44
      By the way, yes. But it seems that the Mongols are afraid of a repeat of the Northern Streams in their country. Biden openly said at Scholz... you won't have gas if the Northern Streams begin. No sooner said than done. And the majority of that is capital investment from Germany itself. That's why they are afraid. But it's also not particularly profitable for us to pull it out entirely at our own expense. winked We get there. And I am more than sure in what territory there will be terrorist attacks because of it.
      1. -1
        2 September 2024 06: 50
        China is not standing still, but they need Power of Siberia - 2?
        1. 0
          2 September 2024 08: 01
          They don't need "power" but cheap gas, or even better, for free.
        2. 0
          2 September 2024 09: 19
          "China is not standing still, but they need Power of Siberia - 2?"
          The power of Siberia was supposed to go through Mongolia. Now it's stalled. China? They need gas, but they're asking for 5 times cheaper. That's the way things are
          1. +1
            2 September 2024 09: 28
            Yesterday I calculated based on the figures from Chinese customs - it came out to $266 per thousand cubic meters, according to Power of Siberia 1. Where do the rumors come from that the PRC buys everything from us for free?
          2. 0
            2 September 2024 12: 56
            But Russia is standing still, why gasify your own country? First, Europe was gasified, now Mongolia and China.
    2. +5
      2 September 2024 06: 45
      God grant that we too would first of all think about ourselves, and not about our “brothers” and “friends”!
    3. +2
      2 September 2024 06: 46
      And what will you, an ordinary person, gain from these gas pipelines, why are you so worried about them?
      1. -2
        2 September 2024 12: 49
        This is the country's economy. Sources of state income. Which on one side of the globe are blown up and closed, and on the other side are not allowed to be completed and are blackmailed with low gas prices. Doesn't this bother you?
        1. +4
          2 September 2024 18: 13
          No, this is the result of the fact that the enemies of the USSR were only capable of ruining all industries and turning the country into a poor, backward raw materials appendage and a market for foreign food, manufactured goods, science, and intellect. And they are even proud of it.
  7. +1
    2 September 2024 06: 49
    As the Tatar-Mongol proverb says: "No matter how much you whip a horse, the horse will not turn into a cow." winked
    1. -1
      2 September 2024 07: 00
      Quote: andrey martov
      a horse won't turn into a cow

      Well, he'll give kumiss laughing drinks The first time I drank was when I was 8 years old... so I even missed the September 1st matinee wassat
  8. -2
    2 September 2024 06: 52
    By the way, in Mongolia, Russian was abolished as a compulsory language in schools... Just by the way... winked They are humiliating... Maybe it's time to go to "home port"... Like we are successors of the empire of Genghis Khan, etc. Well, VVP knows history, I won't tell you. smile
    1. The comment was deleted.
  9. +5
    2 September 2024 06: 52
    Quote: Tlauicol
    It's pretty mean to ruin a multi-billion dollar project in the middle of the road. Friends, you have a mind of your own..

    They think about themselves. There are not enough slogans in diplomacy. What can Russia offer them? They have no economy, raw materials and electricity are not needed in large quantities. Industrial goods - just go to our stores - everything is China and Southeast Asia. They build policy on who is profitable to "be friends" with. Russia is not the USSR now! hi
    1. +1
      2 September 2024 18: 16
      And so much pathos that he came to a country with a population like one district of Moscow. This "great geopolitician" was not reformed by the world.
  10. +4
    2 September 2024 07: 06
    Ultimately, the anti-Russian and anti-Russian policy of the collective West, led by the United States, became the main cause of the tragedy in Ukraine.

    The West’s activity is one thing, but why is the logical break in the assessment of events in Russia’s reaction?
    State institutions, alas, not only failed to protect the national organism, but allowed it to be destroyed – the Belovezhskaya Plot. The Guarantor called the collapse of the USSR a geopolitical catastrophe, but why is there a monument to that destruction – the Yeltsin Center? – while it exists, “Bless America” still flies over Russia. EBN cut off a part of the people, history and land as a sacrifice to the West. Why has the state still not set the task of denouncing the conspiracy regarding Ukraine, but retains the formal right of the West to call us an aggressor, and, most importantly, does not set the task of restoring a single national organism?
  11. +8
    2 September 2024 07: 18
    Yeah. And if you remember who, like, while flying on the plane, threw out preliminary points to the Minsk agreement and "there is no alternative to Minsk..." and this was at a time when the current president Yanukovych had permission to restore order in hand, there was carte blanche. It was possible to turn Ukraine into a confederation of Novorossiya-Little Russia-Galicia, where in fact Ukraine would only be in Galicia. But then the devil from Switzerland - the Accountant - will appear and Putin immediately forgot about Novorossiya. Smarter people openly said that we are giving the West time to rearm, reformat the Ukraine... But Putin does not like smart people and does not listen to them. And at this time, the "loyal" ones were plundering warehouses (-1,5 million sets and cars from storage) and mastering 11 trillion in their pockets...
    And at this time, the Banderas were intensively building a long-term defense (8 years), ironing Donbass, so that the Alley of Angels appeared from the dead children. And thanks to Whom did this become possible? Moreover, the Banderas are already on the "native territory of Russia, in the Kursk province, and all thanks to the "wisdom" of the Indispensable. And now he tells obvious moments, as if he himself did not allow this and senseless excursions into history,
    Along the way, they are covering the Dnieper bridges, turning a blind eye to the import of millions of Central Asian savages, who are now terrorizing the indigenous population. All that's left is to tell fairy tales to the Mongols.
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. -1
    2 September 2024 17: 59
    "According to Vladimir Putin, today's Ukraine, represented by a regime controlled by the West, has only one ideology: blindness to hatred towards Russia.....Vladimir Putin noted that all this is obvious, and that a special military operation is being carried out to combat this:
    'We see all this and will continue to consistently carry out all the tasks set as part of the special military operation to ensure the security of Russia and our citizens.'"

    Really? Well then, how about not giving personal immunity to the head of the very Ukrainian regime that is such a threat to Russia and Russians? How about hunting down and destroying the political, military, cultural leadership and cadres of that regime? How about NOT fighting with your hands tied behind your back, practicing unilateral humanism, and looking back at what the enemy media will say all the time? How about finally STARTING to fight a war like it should be fought?
  14. +1
    2 September 2024 18: 20
    Ultimately, the anti-Russian and anti-Russian policy of the collective West, led by the United States, became the main cause of the tragedy in Ukraine.

    Well, yes, for 13 years of his rule he did not notice any of this, but as soon as in 2014 the Ukrainian enemies of the USSR overthrew his supposed friend Yanukovych, and the enemies of the USSR in the West imposed sanctions against him, he immediately became offended and saw the light.