We are being pushed to storm Krasnoarmeysk... Why does the West need this?

We are being pushed to storm Krasnoarmeysk... Why does the West need this?
Photo © Sputnik / Sergey Bobylev

There are so many materials in the media today about Krasnoarmeysk (Pokrovsk in Ukrainian). You open almost any Russian, Ukrainian or Western publication and you will definitely find materials on this topic. It is understandable. If we consider the entire range of operations that are currently being carried out, Krasnoarmeysk is indeed a priority target.

And it has been a priority for many months. As far as I remember, General Syrsky spoke about the difficulties in the direction of Krasnoarmeysk in April of this year. Then in May. Moreover, in his May statement, Syrsky already called on the Ukrainian Armed Forces to go on the defensive and hold the occupied lines at any cost. This is what he called the main task of the Ukrainian armies.

One way or another, this section of the front was mentioned in interviews almost all summer long. Military and politicians of Ukraine. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine even called it the hottest section on the Russian-Ukrainian front. Only one expired soldier held out until the last. Zelensky acknowledged the worsening situation only on August 6, when it became impossible to hide the true situation on the front.

Readers already remember what happened next. On August 19, a forced evacuation was announced, on August 20, archives began to be taken out of the city and officials fled. Today, it must be acknowledged that there are no state authorities in Krasnoarmeysk. The situation looks twofold. On the one hand, the city is well prepared for defense, on the other, the authorities do not believe that it can be saved.

Will the Ukrainian Armed Forces be able to stop the advancing forces?

I have already written that sometimes it seems that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are deliberately surrendering settlements. They are running away so quickly. It is especially interesting to see the attempts of some units to gain a foothold in forest plantations, and sometimes almost in an open field.

But after a careful study of the video from the liberated settlements, these thoughts disappear. There was simply no serious engineering preparation for defense there. Perhaps this was one of the reasons for the adventure in the Kursk region. The Ukrainian Armed Forces were so confident in their defense line in the east that they did not care about the depth of defense.

Some Western analysts came to the same conclusion and even developed this idea. The Russians will stretch the communications, weaken the flanks, and that is where the Ukrainian Armed Forces will strike and drive the attackers into a cauldron... The idea, of course, is "new and original". Especially considering the speed of the offensive, air superiority, heavy artillery and tanks. There is no need to write about moral superiority. An attack is always the maximum release of adrenaline...

So, we liberate something every day. It is stupid to talk about which settlements we liberated today in an analytical article. Simply because by the time it is published, this information will be outdated. Moreover, if we consider again the entire LBS, the Russian army reacts very quickly and effectively to any problems of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. A brigade left the front line without waiting for its replacements to take its place - Russian units immediately use this situation for an offensive.

I have already written above about numerous publications concerning the defense of Krasnoarmeysk itself. Doesn't such attention raise questions among readers? In my opinion, we are being strongly encouraged to believe that we must make every effort to capture this city in the shortest possible time.

"A huge transport hub, the capture of which will create a bunch of problems for the entire group in Donbas"... Who argues, this is really so. But why should we throw all our forces specifically at liberating it? What if we bypass it and continue the offensive further, leaving the city in a ring of siege? Will something change? Will the highways and railways not be cut off? Will the garrison not end up on starvation rations?

Didn't the analysts think about such a decision? I don't believe it. Just as I don't believe that none of them looked at the calendar. September! There's very little time left for the massive use of wheeled and even tracked vehicles. Then there's the muddy season and a slowdown in the offensive in any case. Maybe this is the reason for such attention to the defense of Krasnoarmeysk?

I understand that there will be objections now in the sense that having a fairly serious encircled group in your own rear is quite dangerous. And taking into account the many years of engineering preparation of positions for defense, it is extremely dangerous. They will remember Mariupol. I agree. It is dangerous. But if you do not take into account the changed realities of the SVO.

And I will remind you of other cauldrons that were eliminated quite quickly. And not because the quality of the defenders changed, not because our attack aircraft gained experience, although these factors also play a role, but simply because the Russian army began to use more powerful ammunition. The same FABs successfully bury alive those hiding in underground communications.

Agree, it is difficult to raise the morale of the defenders to the required level in such conditions. A couple of buried underground passages and tunnels, turned into mass graves, will greatly dampen the ardor of the defenders. And the defense points on the surface will quickly turn into a pile of rubble after the use of the same FABs.

Thus, there is no need to bother with large strongholds. They can be worked on later, when the autumn thaw sets in. The task for today is the complete liberation of Donbass and access to Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov. We cannot delay this task any longer. Favorable conditions have been created, we must use them.

The dynamics of the offensive are such that the Ukrainian Armed Forces' defense is collapsing in the central Donetsk direction. We need to cut through the front. We need to get to operational space. Further defensive structures have either not been built or are under construction. Mechanized brigades introduced into the breakthrough can cause a lot of trouble in the rear of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Practically demoralizing Ukrainian units throughout the left-bank part of Ukraine.

If we look further, the question of Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov arises. I don't think that without a serious cleansing of the entire territory of the Left Bank it is worthwhile to begin their assault. Especially since there is a completely acceptable probability of these cities surrendering without an assault.

It is difficult, almost impossible, to defend a city with a population of a million, which is completely surrounded, and this is possible without much effort on our part. The army's losses will be so high that this could lead to the surrender of the entire army... Zelensky, if he is still in power by that time, will not do this.

Thus, the question of the possibility of stopping the Russian offensive at Krasnoarmeysk is removed. But the question of other sections of the front arises. There it is necessary to prepare units for the offensive. Kyiv will eventually first transfer its reserves to the central Donetsk direction, and then it will be the turn of combat brigades and battalions.

Brief conclusions from the situation

Looking so far ahead is a rather risky undertaking. The speed of development and unpredictability of events, especially the actions of the Kyiv regime, do create risks for more or less long-term forecasts. But only if we exclude the political component of the process. The situation in Kyiv simply "stinks of politics". Therefore, I will offer my own version of the development of events.

Kyiv's latest actions clearly show that Kyiv no longer hopes for any peaceful resolution of the conflict. The masks, as is often written, have been dropped. Just yesterday, Ukraine withdrew from the Treaty on Secret Communications. And that - from the Treaty on Gas Transit, etc. By doing so, Zelensky shows the West that he will go all the way. He is no longer interested in the fate of Ukraine itself.

I think the Ukrainian government has finally realized that Moscow will not negotiate with an expired president. But, in turn, Zelensky, with the help of the West, has established a system of governing the country in which any coup is simply impossible. Dictatorship, complete subordination of all branches of power.

I will repeat once again: Ukraine has lost, and Western aid is just a supplement that can “extend life,” but not cure. Neither the US nor Europe are planning an “organ transplant” operation, that is, the introduction of their own compounds and the start of a world war. The country is being “erased” from the world map.

So, the expired has two ways to save itself. The first, still illusory, is the introduction of NATO troops to participate in the war with Russia. This is an illusion that is being “fed” to the Ukrainian people today. But they are “fed” so actively that even the breadwinners themselves have come to believe in such a development of events. Just as they have come to believe that the West’s resources are limitless.

And the second, presumably already being implemented by Zelensky: to do everything to make the defeat of Ukraine as bloody and destructive as possible. Thus, to really wipe the country off the political map of the world. At the same time, to guarantee the assistance of Western countries in the evacuation of his own person. The usual practice of rats fleeing a sinking ship...
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  1. +8
    2 September 2024 04: 50
    It is not only the Ukrainian people who are fed with such illusions... And no less actively. And why the West needs this, it is clear without explanation... But why the Russian Federation and those who were given the opportunity to govern it...? As for Ukraine, they have clearly taken the position - Motherland or death...
    1. -18
      2 September 2024 05: 49
      Dear Sir! Respect the choice of the people of Russia by calling "The one who was given to rule" - - in a similar way
      1. +23
        2 September 2024 06: 34
        You made me laugh about the "people's choice". Either He or no one. And notice how many people go to vote. Have you forgotten about the rest? However, everyone should go to vote, and not justify themselves by saying that everything is already written there.
        1. +7
          2 September 2024 06: 51
          However, everyone should go and vote.
          All or some small part, the result will be the same wink
          1. +6
            2 September 2024 06: 53
            If people come and are against one, really one candidate, then they will simply spoil the ballot, since there is no column "against all"
            1. +15
              2 September 2024 06: 57
              If people come and are against one, really one candidate, then they will simply spoil the ballot, since there is no column "against all"
              Well-developed "election" technologies have existed for a long time. Ever since the time of Alkash, when a country sitting without work, and in some regions without electricity, when bandits give interviews on TV, votes with an absolute majority for the leader who brought this country to such chaos.
              1. +22
                2 September 2024 07: 38
                You have no idea how long these technologies have been around.
                M. Twain said: "If anything were decided at the election, we would not be allowed to participate."
                1. +1
                  3 September 2024 04: 33
                  Quote: bug120560
                  M. Twain said: "If anything were decided at the election, we would not be allowed to participate."

                  but when quoting Twain, for some reason they forget that he was a great joker. Elections are, of course, important and they do decide something. That's why the authorities take them quite seriously (they don't allow inconvenient people, they switch to a three-day workweek and electronic work, etc.).
                  As for the topic of the article, I believe that with the mass use of VPL drones, the concept of "operational space" has lost its meaning. Now there is no space -- drones are omnipresent!
                  1. -1
                    3 September 2024 11: 43
                    Mikhail, as they say: "There is a grain of truth in every joke." And you are a very naive person if you completely trust the official hype about the lethality and omnipresence of drones. Drones are omnipresent and lethal only where they are not countered, but where there is a real and modern air defense system of the battlefield, they are destroyed even faster than other means of destruction. An example is the "valiant" Arab fighters against the American fleet, who were never able to hit a single warship and therefore switched to attacks on merchant ships.
            2. +6
              2 September 2024 08: 03
              You have a very naive view of this process. Printing with a reserve is not a problem at all :((
            3. +5
              2 September 2024 09: 45
              If people come and are against one, really one candidate, then they will simply spoil the ballot, since there is no column "against all"

              Dear Dmitry.
              The task of the authorities is to ensure maximum turnout of the population at the elections.
              Well, and then the vote counting in the precinct election commission, in the municipal election commissions, in the territorial election commissions, in the election commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
              Well, and the summing up of the results in the Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation.
              In this long chain of calculations, “suddenly someone will make a mistake.”
            4. +2
              2 September 2024 10: 48
              There are packs of ready-made stuff there, you don't have to go there.
            5. 0
              2 September 2024 11: 24
              ...they will be against one, really one candidate, then they will simply spoil the ballot, since there is no column "against all"

              Dmitry, do you think there will be such a number "against all" that the elections will be declared invalid? It seems you don't know the country where you live...
              But let's fantasize further... let's remove the "one and only" and others will appear in his place... Do you have a worthy contender in mind or would you like anyone, as long as it's different?
              Let's say you personally have such a candidate, but are you sure that the majority will support him and he will pass? All the familiar faces that were nominated in the last elections will be nominated again and what... do you remember the result? lol
              1. +2
                2 September 2024 11: 29
                No, not just another one. But for a man who has made a bunch of strategic mistakes to remain in power is to ruin the country. Who will replace him? I can't say now. Perhaps one of the military men who distinguished themselves in this war. Otherwise, I agree with you.
                1. +6
                  2 September 2024 11: 53
                  I have similar discussions about the mistakes of our government, happen with friends regularly. And they escalate every year, almost reaching hand-to-hand combat, in particularly difficult moments of the SVO.
                  At first there was universal delight and support when it began, and only the most stubborn said that it should have started earlier, together with Crimea.
                  Then more skeptics began to appear because of the negotiations in Istanbul, which they considered a betrayal of all the hopes and goals of the SVO. Then there were regular flashes of criticism from losses at sea and in the air. The retreat from Kyiv, Kharkov and Kherson and the completely untenable Prigozhin putsch. Here many have already lost faith in the ability of the authorities to achieve the declared goal in the SVO.
                  And I always remember our 10-year wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya, and I think, why should it be easier and faster with Ukraine? I come to the conclusion that we are as we are and we cannot do better... And I have the least complaints about the authorities, because I myself am incapable of heading a state - I am not smart and have no character, and I have never aspired to it. So why blame others and hope that instead of "this", another will come and become better?
              2. +3
                2 September 2024 21: 31
                Do you have a worthy contender in mind or would you accept anyone, as long as it's different?

                there won't be a worthy candidate there, he will be eliminated long before he gets to the elections :((
                1. 0
                  3 September 2024 05: 55
                  he will be eliminated long before he gets to the elections :((

                  Yes, there was such an example with Grudinin from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation... But with him too, the question is, how worthy was he as a candidate if he got burned by hiding his accounts abroad?
                  Or the next contender, Kharitonov, a normal guy, but without mass promotion in the media, he, like all the others, like Slutsky, doesn’t have the slightest chance...
                  And the government is also learning and after Prigozhin and Surovikin, it stopped creating images of heroic defenders of the Fatherland in the media, potentially capable of throwing down a challenge, as Lebed once did... But we remember how little Lebed deflated, first with Khasavyurt, and then as Governor.
                  1. +2
                    3 September 2024 10: 22
                    Slutsky - is he the one who runs around the State Duma with his fly unzipped, grabbing women by the boobs as they pass? An excellent candidate, definitely. drinks
                    By the way, the LDPR is due to die soon, it is a party of one person who died. Now it is already a simulacrum.
                    1. 0
                      4 September 2024 06: 55
                      grabbing passing women by the boobs

                      So he had someone to learn from and take as an example. Zhirinovsky grabbed him by the hair, this one by the boobs... The next one will go even lower... everything is fine, the people will appreciate it and give him another percentage in the elections. fellow laughing
        2. +11
          2 September 2024 07: 20
          It is not the one who votes who chooses, but the one who considers it.
          1. +9
            2 September 2024 08: 01
            It is not the one who votes who chooses, but the one who considers it.

            Especially with electronic voting...
          2. +5
            2 September 2024 08: 24
            It is not the one who votes who chooses, but the one who counts

            You won the election, and I count the votes.
            Anastasio Somoza ©
            1. AAK
              2 September 2024 11: 34
              Damn it!!! You read the opinions of your VO colleagues above (a completely representative group) and you can’t understand where those same 87% out of 73% came from?
              But the question on the topic of the article is different. First, some small numbers. After the verbal "Lukashenko-Zelensky pact", a group of Bandera of 100-150 thousand pig snouts was "liberated" on the Belarusian border. Some of them (from 350 according to the bravura telereport of the brilliant strategist Mu-Mu to the even more brilliant Great One on 07.08.24/45/50, to the real 400-1 thousand snouts) climbed into the Kursk region, seizing more than 2000 sq. km of land there, at least XNUMX district center and, according to various sources, at least XNUMX hostages. Also, after the tightening of conscription legislation, the Bandera are forming several dozen new brigades, plus there are more than a dozen more brigades under reformation after the LBS, as well as in reserve. Well, and a thought crept into my head (including on the basis of some articles on VO) - what if "Drang nach Kursk" is just a diversionary operation, like in the film "Battalions ask for fire" - and a slap in the face to the Great, and a crushing blow to the snout of Mu-Mu, as a great strategist, and a cover for a relatively safe exit after the start of a serious "squeezing out" of the Bandera. And the squeezing out in earnest will begin no earlier than the end of September, somewhere before October-November, so that the Great has something to say to the electoral masses on the pre-New Year's broadcast. And somewhere in October, closer to the end of the month, somewhere in the south, where the muddy roads will not affect the cross-country ability of equipment so much, to deliver a short but harsh blow and gain a foothold until spring. Or the second, even worse option - a provocation on the Belarusian border and a strike through the south of Belarus into that part of Russian territory where no one expects war at all... but this is closer to winter, at the end of November approximately...
              1. 0
                2 September 2024 16: 19
                The junction of Gomel, Bryansk, Smolensk? But then the father simply MUST not sit out in the "partisans"... Or just along Bryansk. Desnogorsk is nearby, and Moscow is 400 miles and more.
        3. +10
          2 September 2024 07: 54
          Everyone should go to vote
          Here I agree with you, another thing is that the authorities are not asleep either and are correcting their mistakes made in the previous elections so that the candidate from the authorities will be elected for a new term with a 100% guarantee and at the same time everyone has the impression that all this happened with the unanimous support of the entire population. The last "puncture" of the authorities in the elections was the president of 2018, in these elections the candidate from the opposition (conditional) - P.N. Grudinin almost won. wink hi
        4. +6
          2 September 2024 08: 55
          Everyone should go to vote

          Vote, don't vote, you'll still get... From the people.

          “…In the most democratic republics, terror and the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie actually reign, manifesting itself openly every time the exploiters begin to think that the power of capital is wavering.”

          “... The bourgeoisie in the old parliamentary countries has excellently learned to hypocrite and cheat the people with thousands of tricks, presenting bourgeois parliamentarism as“ democracy in general ”..., skillfully hiding millions of parliamentary ties with the stock exchange and capitalists, using the corrupt, corrupt press and by all means using the power of money, the power of capital "

          “To decide once every few years which member of the ruling class will suppress and crush the people in parliament – ​​that is the real essence of bourgeois parliamentarism, not only in parliamentary-constitutional monarchies, but also in the most democratic republics.”
        5. +1
          2 September 2024 21: 42
          Quote from: dmi.pris1
          The "people's choice" part made me laugh. Or He,

          So you're afraid to name a politician you don't like? Why? Okay, okay with him, the politician you don't like, but I see the Russian people are also bothering you? What idiots, they chose HIM! Is that so? No, they should have chosen Netanyahu. tongue ..
          1. -2
            3 September 2024 06: 47
            The Russian people for the most part did not elect him. In his place? We need to see who will prove themselves in the war against the enemy. And despite all the mistakes, incompetence, and unwillingness from above. That is the one who should change.
            1. 0
              3 September 2024 08: 12
              Quote from: dmi.pris1
              The majority of Russian people did not elect him.

              Your "Russian people" who for the most part did not choose HIM, sit farting from fear in Israel... in Ashdod. My Russian people who chose lived, live in Russia, and will live in Rus'.
    2. -1
      2 September 2024 08: 02
      Who in Ukraine took this position? Anyone, but not the people!!!
    3. +1
      2 September 2024 19: 48
      What fools. Of course they will get death.
      But it was possible to come to an agreement and stop the bloodshed and start building a peaceful life
      There is no need for illusions, the shelling of old regions of the Russian Federation and the policy of terrorist attacks of Ukraine show that from such a neighbor one can expect only meanness
      That's why his teeth need to be knocked out so that he doesn't bite anymore and knows that he'll get more.
      Unfortunately, propaganda made from them is made from them being Russophobes, and only fear can stop them.
      1. +2
        2 September 2024 19: 53
        Quote: Saler
        There is no need for illusions, the shelling of old regions of the Russian Federation and the policy of terrorist attacks of Ukraine show that from such a neighbor one can expect only meanness

        I have never had these illusions, the essence of these (the rules do not allow me to name them) has long been known to me and their atrocities in Kursk did not surprise me at all.
    4. 0
      2 September 2024 22: 30
      Stop throwing it at the fan.
      Whether they gave us control or not, there is reality, there is political power, there is military command...
      and Navalny is no longer here, we don’t even have our own Juan, who is Guaido, or some Sveta.
      One of them... Ponomarev, who declared himself governor of the occupied part of the Kursk region.
      And when there are only smart guys around, who don’t recognize anyone but themselves, then this is Ichkeria of the 90s and Ukraine from the first Maidan onwards.
    5. 0
      5 September 2024 11: 14
      What kind of Motherland do Banderovites have!? Well, they sold it and resold it along with the memory of their grandfathers and faith.
  2. +22
    2 September 2024 05: 09
    from the author of the article we read the very naivety that Russia will not, they say, negotiate with an expired Ukrainian president. It will not negotiate with an expired president, it will negotiate with an appointed authorized representative. After all, they have been buzzing about these negotiations for two whole years already! And after all, there is a whole clip of those remaining in Ukraine like Medvedchuk, Kuchma, Yushchenko, Yanukovych, who will agree to be authorized to negotiate with Russia on behalf of Ukraine. After all, they cannot wait until new elections for a new president are organized and held there. In Istanbul, they did not negotiate with Zelensky, although he was not yet expired at that time. And the main naivety of Russia is that the talk is always about negotiations with Ukraine, and not about the unconditional surrender of Ukraine ...
    1. -13
      2 September 2024 05: 53
      And how would you like it? If we approach it not naively? What are your arguments and assumptions? Finally, forecasts? Post-negotiation forecasts for the country, for the team in the Kremlin, for the people. And isn't such an outcome obvious?
    2. +5
      2 September 2024 07: 13
      and after the negotiations our leader will resign and leave the country.
      1. +2
        2 September 2024 08: 20
        Does he have somewhere to go? Well, maybe to the DPRK, China (but it’s unlikely that they’ll let a guest in there)
        1. +1
          2 September 2024 08: 47
          Of course there is. There is nothing difficult for them.
          1. +2
            2 September 2024 08: 55
            I don't think so, Putin is now a very valuable piece and a trump card in the post-war world order. And an object of bargaining, no matter how cynical it may sound.
            1. +5
              2 September 2024 09: 02
              the president and the former president have completely different international "weight"... but if he does go, it will be in Sochi...
      2. +7
        2 September 2024 11: 33
        Vkrkhovny will resign and leave the country.

        I'd be interested to hear from you, which one? Maybe to Batka or Kim? Don't make people laugh with such predictions. We'll all run there before something like that happens... laughing
  3. +29
    2 September 2024 05: 56
    Briefly about the article so that people do not waste their time, Ukraine has lost! The front is about to collapse, we will take million-plus cities without losses, we are entering the operational space, and to the Indian Ocean, we are all getting ready to wash our boots. The only thing I did not understand is when all this will happen, so to speak, to prepare, buy champagne, a festive cap, so that immediately for the victory. So far I only see heavy fighting, the dedication of our army, not thanks to, but in spite of. Well, instead of solving problems, opening Ferris wheels, and discussing the future of museums, all sorts of games of the future, celebrations, concerts and other attributes of a warring country ...
    1. +2
      2 September 2024 06: 29
      Well, instead of solving problems, opening Ferris wheels, and discussing the future of museums, all sorts of games of the future, celebrations, concerts and other attributes of a country at war......
      The only theatre that was not evacuated from besieged Leningrad was the Operetta Theatre.
      Because people always I need an outlet from the horror and a symbol
  4. +18
    2 September 2024 06: 07
    It is somehow hard to believe that Ukraine has already lost, when it has already occupied the original Russian lands and is not going to leave yet. There are no problems with supplies. And there are no mass surrenders yet either.
    1. -9
      2 September 2024 06: 32
      We'll decide with Kurmkom, without any violent assaults, and few surrender. They've stopped taking prisoners. The black soil also needs fertilizers.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +2
      2 September 2024 11: 06
      You are right, I agree with you.
  5. +10
    2 September 2024 06: 18
    Kyiv no longer hopes for any peaceful resolution to the conflict.
    And what did he hope for from the first days of the SVO and in the following years? Or did someone encourage him? And now they throw up their hands and say: "Well, no way, it's not working out."
  6. +6
    2 September 2024 06: 47
    We are waiting for Skomorokhov's opus...
  7. +12
    2 September 2024 06: 53
    And whose drones are flying over the Belgorod and Rostov regions? Also the losing side's?
  8. +15
    2 September 2024 07: 13
    The article was written by Staver. Minus the article. Because he doesn't make mistakes, although it is possible. He does what is not allowed.
    1. +6
      2 September 2024 08: 22
      Why not? It's his job. Another question is how the employer will look at this clumsiness. After all, propaganda works in the opposite direction from him.
  9. +6
    2 September 2024 07: 55
    We need to get out into the operational space.

    Is this a call to our General Staff? Well, he won't hear it. And even if he does, the Russian Armed Forces simply don't have any reserves that could carry out this task. Maybe they do exist, but the Russian Armed Forces simply don't have enough numbers to carry out such operations.
  10. Des
    2 September 2024 08: 03
    Nevertheless, a wonderful example of an author's (!) article on VO from the main propagandist. Of course, you can recognize it from the first lines by its style. And it seems like you don't need to read it, but it's interesting).
    From the article: "Mechanized brigades introduced into the breakthrough can cause a lot of trouble in the rear of the Ukrainian Armed Forces."
    This characterizes the sample of an “analytical” article and the state (understanding) of the author.
    However, there are many emotionally unbalanced comments under this article. Probably someone needs this too, since the author has no competitors.
    1. +6
      2 September 2024 08: 50
      The author is simply a populist, without competent analysis. A couch writer, of which there are plenty these days. Alas, many people are ready to sing along with them.
    2. 0
      2 September 2024 10: 38
      Quote: Des

      However, there are many emotionally unbalanced comments under this article. Perhaps someone needs this too.

      This is how generals of sad comments are born. Then this "generals" create the information background on the site. And now the figure of 87% looks unnatural, but only for the endemics of the site. Now they will beat me with marshal's batons, I feel it ) Well, let them, they've had enough already, whiners.
      1. +4
        2 September 2024 15: 44
        Now the information background on the site is created by the public, which proves how bad everything is in Russia. The article about fires in the Rostov region was funny. As if you were visiting a Ukro site.
    3. +4
      2 September 2024 13: 58
      Well, yes. Staver: "Erste Kolonne marschiert und die zweite Kolonne marschiert"
  11. +7
    2 September 2024 08: 07

    Kyiv's recent actions clearly show that Kyiv no longer hopes for any peaceful resolution to the conflict.

    Did you have hope before? It looks like it wasn't Kyiv that had hope, since they banned negotiations :((
    Therefore, I will propose my own version of events.

    After Kherson, it makes sense for the author to ban forecasts, they end badly.
  12. +9
    2 September 2024 08: 47
    This is an illusion that the Ukrainian people are being fed today.

    The author of the article is no less a populist, he feeds people with his dreams, without even trying to estimate how much effort is needed for this or that thesis in his thoughts. Again, we throw our hats...
  13. +3
    2 September 2024 09: 14
    We are being pushed to storm Krasnoarmeysk... Why does the West need this?
    The West is pushing the General Staff to storm Krasnoarmeysk? Am I right in understanding that the West is playing Ukrainian and Russian soldiers? The Armed Forces of Ukraine are pushing the Russian Armed Forces to Kursk, to storm Krasnoarmeysk? smile "I play in life, I know all your secrets, you are sitting in the hall and your nerves are like threads securely sewn on
    to my fingers" (c) And as a result, "the puppets will be taken off the long thread, and, covered with mothballs, they will be put in chests in the form of rags (c), after the owner of the puppets has made a lot of money...
  14. +6
    2 September 2024 09: 16
    Quote from: dmi.pris1
    This is his job. Another question is how the employer will look at this clumsiness.

    A normal employer of such a worker as the author of this article should drive him away with wet (wet not from water, but from...) rags!!! And some kind of 2-3 year ban on mental-writing activity for this "analyst" should be introduced.
    1. +2
      2 September 2024 11: 58
      Quote: Gvardeetz77
      the employer of such a worker as the author of this article should...drive him away with rags

      Why is that? ))
      The plan for the shaft (number of notes, characters without spaces) gives.
      statistics of readings and comments (including yours and my comments, by the way) - excellent!
      the fact that some of the readers here may not like it, or may not agree with the style/content... well... that's a personal matter. as soon as they stop reading and commenting - they'll immediately chase you away, with rags or something else ))
  15. 0
    2 September 2024 09: 27
    The most realistic path for the West is to remove the expired ones.
    1. +1
      3 September 2024 18: 29
      Remove expired.

      Excuse me, who are you talking about?
  16. -6
    2 September 2024 09: 28
    If for Victory it is necessary to storm the city, as they stormed Izmail, Prague and Berlin, then so be it.
  17. +6
    2 September 2024 10: 16
    Quote: your1970
    Well, instead of solving problems, opening Ferris wheels, and discussing the future of museums, all sorts of games of the future, celebrations, concerts and other attributes of a country at war......
    The only theatre that was not evacuated from besieged Leningrad was the Operetta Theatre.
    Because people always I need an outlet from the horror and a symbol

    And don't confuse the siege of Leningrad with the performance of a symphony orchestra and these ... shows on television, the performance of various singers and the celebration of all possible holidays throughout the country, instead of helping the front.
    1. +5
      2 September 2024 11: 55
      And he deliberately confuses... imagine similar shows on the radio in besieged Leningrad... "as an outlet and a symbol..." instead of O. Bergholz and the rest...
  18. +9
    2 September 2024 10: 17
    And, Staver, everything is heading west again...
    What month is it?
    and we read: "General Syrsky spoke about the difficulties in the direction of Krasnoarmeysk in April of this year. Then in May....." etc.
  19. +5
    2 September 2024 12: 57
    Strange expressions when describing military actions: RUN AWAY, instead of retreat: HIDE, instead of take cover?
    Is this to lift the spirits?
  20. +1
    2 September 2024 15: 43
    "What if we go around and continue the offensive further, leaving the city under siege?"
    It seems that even in our wonderful General Staff they are fluent in the basics of military science.
    It feels like they're just not allowed to fight in a real way.
    It's a pity there is no German empress who could be accused of treason.
    1. +1
      2 September 2024 18: 17
      I don't think so, they all haven't heard of it.
  21. +1
    2 September 2024 16: 09
    We are being pushed to storm Krasnoarmeysk...

    Staver, I have confidence in you, you definitely won't storm it no matter how much they push you, but to give up something here is all in question
  22. +5
    2 September 2024 17: 58
    The article is written in the tone of March February 2022, but now it is 2024 and the fanfare needs to be toned down a bit.
  23. 0
    2 September 2024 18: 17
    I read the comments.
    My dear compatriots, ask your teacher friends what it’s like to count votes.
    There is. There is only one way to change power when the game is already being played by the rules of capital - when candidates are only from whoever is needed, and there are no real ones, only Putin. All the rest are purely to create a background, no SVO veterans will be allowed (as was the case this year), just as they will not allow any more surprises from other pocket parties (Grudinin).
    Only if you, nationwide, en masse, rocking the people and proving (like Garrisson, the steel rat) - including live voting in the square, that the elections were conducted incorrectly, the counting was incorrect (at least in 1 polling station, in 1 region), and after that bringing out people who have something to lose, who are PRINCIPALLY and they are ready for action - only then is it possible to change power not to a "trusted person of Russian capital".
    In all other cases, changes are possible only evolutionarily, if there are a lot of “ours” in: teachers, doctors, police officers, the army, officials, parties (various), and then the number of ours will beat the capabilities and resources of those who are not ours.

    For now, there are only a lot of different people of non-Russian nationality there, with all that that entails.

    So, go to the elections, don’t go, if it’s only for Putin to vote or not to vote and it’s possible)
  24. 0
    2 September 2024 19: 46
    Leaving a fortification in the rear, which has fighters, provisions and ammunition, is somehow not quite right, since blows in the back will be inevitable. And if you hold the encirclement and suppress it with fire, then this will divert resources from continuing the offensive. Therefore, it is much more profitable to clear Pokrovsk and move on without fear of blows in the rear and use resources for the offensive, and not to hold the encircled.
  25. -1
    2 September 2024 19: 55
    I think that the answer to this question, posed in the title of the article, must be sought in the goals of the military campaign against Russia.
    Let's start with the fact that the West actually consists of the Master (USA/UK) and his slaves (Ukraine and NATO countries).
    The Master has already turned Ukraine into a mindless military machine, which he controls from the driver's seat and which he regularly fills with money and weapons.
    He does the same, with some delay, with NATO countries.
    The goals that the Master is pursuing are obvious: the destruction of Russia and its people, the appropriation of our territory and resources, the creation of his own foothold in Eurasia to subjugate China, and the weakening of Europe with our hands.
    The Kursk operation must be considered, first of all, in the context of these goals.
    Then it becomes clear that it is in the direction of Kursk (NPP, nuclear blackmail) that his first of the main strikes against Russia may be directed. Potential theaters of military operations have already been prepared for other strikes from the Baltic countries, Finland and Norway. Plus – Japan’s ambitions and preparations for war with us in the Far East.
    With this approach of the Master, he will pour more and more forces into Kursk, drawing them from NATO countries, which outnumber us by 4,5 times.
    Thus, we are dealing with the destruction of Russia by “foreign hands” initiated by the USA/Great Britain, using superior forces of slaves, whom they, at the very least, do not feel sorry for.
    In these conditions, Russia, first of all, needs to eliminate the source of temptation and appetite of the Master himself.
    This source is still the “green light” given to them by our government for any actions against us, except for a nuclear attack by nuclear weapons and a “global” strike.
    As was the case 33 years ago, the US/UK are not declared an enemy and are our trading partners, completely safe and secure.
    Our Nuclear Doctrine does not create any threat to them in a proxy war, without the use of strategic nuclear weapons.
    Our commitment of 3.01.2022 to the nuclear “five” completely removes the threat of nuclear war for them.
  26. +3
    2 September 2024 22: 59
    An encircled group, processed by FAB-1500 and FAB-3000 with UMPK will quickly lose combat capability. The author is right. It was in Mariupol that we played it cool, suffered from "wenotakism", wanted to show how white and fluffy we are to someone. But there, one FAB-9000 at the beginning of the siege of "Azovstal" would have immediately ended any desire to continue sitting in the dungeons. So, an encircled enemy 20-30 km from the LBS is a tasty morsel for FABs of 1500, 3000, or even 5000/9000 kg.
  27. +1
    2 September 2024 23: 55
    In order to look to the future and not to your “wants”, you need to be completely honest with yourself.
    If you see your own death in the future, it is luck - you are warned and can find the means to correct the path. It is much worse to overlook it on your way.
    I'm now concerned with purely practical issues.
    It is already clear that the war against us is being waged by the USA/Great Britain - the Master of this campaign, and its goal is our destruction.
    They will act with the help of Ukraine and NATO countries, on several fronts at once along the perimeter of our borders. For this purpose, they have stocked up on bilateral agreements with countries adjacent to Russia on the provision of their territories.
    How “meaningless” are some of the enemy’s actions that are familiar to us?
    Random drone attacks on urban targets do not serve a military function. Or do they?
    The killing and maiming of civilians creates pressure on the authorities, forcing them to do everything possible to protect civilian objects within the enemy's reach.
    Considering their enormous number, it can be assumed that there are not enough air defense assets, and they have to be removed from directions that are not yet used by the enemy. This method can now be used by the US/UK to clear our air defense from the directions of future main attacks on Russia.
    No air defense will be enough if you respond to enemy aggression only with defense.
    To survive we need to seize the initiative from the US/UK, force them to end this war and retreat.
    1. 0
      3 September 2024 18: 12
      No air defense will be enough if you respond to enemy aggression only with defense.
      To survive we need to seize the initiative from the US/UK, force them to end this war and retreat.

      How to do this? Below I have quoted Murakhovsky. Our affairs are not so good. And what to do? I see only a way out in TNW. When after the strike in Western Ukraine radioactive ash flies to Europe many activists will think about it.
      1. +1
        3 September 2024 20: 01
        I see the only way out in actions that threaten the Master's territory, not his slaves. He doesn't care about the slaves. Moreover, he is interested in our entering the war with them in order to weaken Europe with our hands and destroy us. Therefore, your proposal to use tactical nuclear weapons is in line with the Master's plans. I think that only nuclear weapons can threaten him.
  28. -2
    3 September 2024 16: 35
    I apologize in advance, but my question is not exactly about Krasnoarmeysk. More precisely, not about it at all. It's just that I've been trying to understand for God knows how many years, why the hell did we go to Syria? Who pushed us there? And what are we doing there? Saving Russian speakers? Or did they, the bastards, attack us themselves? Anyway, whoever knows, enlighten me.
    1. +1
      3 September 2024 17: 49
      For God knows how many years I've been trying to understand why the hell we went into Syria?

      On the one hand, so what with this Syria? There's no use in it. On the other: We now have a military base in the Mediterranean, which is important in the upcoming confrontation with NATO. Another thing is that our warriors with stripes did not learn any lessons for the troops from that war.
      1. +1
        3 September 2024 18: 11
        We have a military base in the Mediterranean Sea

        Ah, I see. What do you mean, is the 6th fleet finished now? And who are we going to send to that base, to scare NATO? (Don't suggest the cruiser "Moscow".)
        1. +1
          3 September 2024 18: 17
          Intelligence can very well operate from that territory. Even carriers with nuclear charges can be placed in that territory.
    2. +1
      3 September 2024 17: 50
      To prevent the pipeline from being built to Europe. And the ISIS infection is like an epidemic. Look at the map of Russia...
      1. 0
        3 September 2024 18: 15
        And the ISIS infection is like an epidemic. Look at the map of Russia..
        And what does the map of Russia have to do with it? And as for watching - the live broadcast from Crocus City taught me more.
  29. 0
    3 September 2024 17: 44
    The task for today is the complete liberation of Donbass and access to Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov. We can no longer delay the implementation of this task. The dynamics of the offensive are such that the defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is collapsing in the central Donetsk direction. We need to cut through the front. We need to get to operational space. Further defensive structures have either not been built or are under construction. Mechanized brigades introduced into the breakthrough can cause a lot of trouble in the rear of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    And here are some authoritative people writing:
    The summer military campaign formally ended the day before, and it is too early to sum up the results. This point of view was expressed by an expert of the Russian International Affairs Council, a former professional military man, and the editor-in-chief of the magazine Arsenal Otechestva, Viktor Murakhovsky. According to him, despite the fact that the Russian Armed Forces are advancing in several directions, there is no talk of an operational breakthrough of the Ukrainian defense. Reserves are not yet sufficient to maintain the strength of the active army, let alone introduce mobile units into the breakthrough.
    – complains retired Colonel Murakhovsky on his Telegram channel.
    He reminds us that for the first time since 1944 we are forced to repel an enemy offensive on our territory. And this process, according to the expert, will not be quick. This mess will last a long time. The enemy does not surrender, the weekly reports of the number of prisoners are meager. Our shortcomings are well known to everyone. What causes them is also well known to everyone. This is how we live, this is how we fight
    - notes the specialist.
    1. 0
      5 September 2024 18: 40
      Our shortcomings are well known to all. What causes them is also well known to all. That's how we live, that's how we fight

      Well, here we go again. Everyone knows, but I don't know. Come on, share!
      1. 0
        5 September 2024 18: 47
        Our shortcomings are well known to everyone. What causes them is also well known to everyone. That's how we live, that's how we fight. Well, here we go again. Everyone knows, but I don't know. Come on, share!

        There are not enough trained reserves. There are not enough competent senior officers. There are not enough individual types of weapons and combat equipment. There is not enough order to use tactical nuclear weapons. That's all.
        And it’s only enough to hold and slowly squeeze out.
  30. 0
    3 September 2024 17: 48
    In Kyiv they are going crazy not because they "understand", but because they can. And they are "giving up" Pokrovsk, perhaps, to harm Akhmetov.
  31. 0
    3 September 2024 18: 29
    or maybe they just need us to stick our noses in there, and then again have the opportunity to trumpet about "Bucha" that we, like, used chemical or nuclear weapons to break the "worthy defenders of Krasnoarmeysk"? I'm not a strategist, but I would just arrange a "bank"-cauldron for them there and let them gnaw at each other there, but it would take a lot of troops away from other matters... =(
  32. 0
    3 September 2024 23: 25
    Quote: Wizzzard
    Remove expired.

    Excuse me, who are you talking about?

    I'm talking about Hitler, and who are you talking about? (C)
    1. 0
      5 September 2024 18: 36
      I'm talking about Hitler, and who are you talking about?

      That's what I mean about the mustachioed bastard. (To Comrade Major: Please take this into account when launching the case into production!)
  33. 0
    5 September 2024 19: 22
    Quote: Alexey Lantukh
    Our shortcomings are well known to all. What causes them is also well known to all. This is how we live, this is how we fight. Well, here we go again. Everyone knows, but I don't know. Come on, share!

    There are not enough trained reserves. There are not enough competent senior officers. There are not enough certain types of weapons and combat equipment. There are not enough orders to use of tactical nuclear weaponsIt's just that.
    And it’s only enough to hold and slowly squeeze out.

    I read this and literally see the face (well, let it be a face) of General Gurulev. He can't even eat without TNW (although SNW would be even better.) And with a non-nuclear country without nuclear weapons, how can you do without nuclear weapons? Or in the end: Is this how we live and fight?
  34. 0
    10 September 2024 13: 22
    Conversationalists can't stop talking about power, voting results and democracy. On any topic. At the same time, they don't separate the elements of "democracy" from the elements of monarchy, and republics from monarchies with their interaural ganglion. Not to mention dictatorships and various ...cracies. They don't realize their "consciousness". They don't have any system in their heads. What is power, the state in human history, its essence, origin, history - zero knowledge. That there is no ideal form of government and authority. And there has never been an ideal people. And no monarch. But the nature of loudmouths-dissidents-potheads is evident in every word. They are dissatisfied with anything, like that old woman in ASPushkin's story. They didn't give enough. They are dissatisfied with all methods at the same time, but they themselves don't disdain any of them.
    Dissatisfied with any government in their country for a thousand years. And especially dissatisfied with "the people". Because they have never managed to please the people, as the loudmouth specialist in the best arrangement of society, state and law wants. Not satisfied. Therefore, they dream of "their" people and "their" candidate, that is, of a spherical horse in a vacuum. And they are not even embarrassed to write and admit it.