Anti-copter net: new means of combating UAVs

Anti-copter net: new means of combating UAVs
The Wasp UAV with a characteristic firing device

To combat drones helicopter and multicopter types can use various means. One of the most effective methods is "catching nets". These nets get entangled in the rotors of drones, causing them to lose their ability to fly. Several such systems have already been created in our country to combat UAVs, and they are now successfully used in practice, demonstrating their effectiveness.

Interceptor drone

The Novgorod Scientific and Industrial Center "Ushkuynik" specializes in the development and implementation of advanced solutions in the field of military UAVs. In February 2024, the center presented its new product - the Osoyed interceptor quadcopter.

This UAV is designed to combat light drones that conduct reconnaissance or attempt to use weapon. The principle of operation of the "Osoed" is based on the use of a special net to intercept air targets. The net completely covers the target drone and blocks the rotation of its propellers, after which it falls to the ground.

Over the past months, the Osoyed has successfully passed all the necessary tests and confirmed its ability to intercept typical targets. Based on the results of the tests, a decision was made to launch serial production. Currently, the Ushkuynik Scientific and Production Center is working on this issue.

At the testing stage, the Osoyeds have already been transferred to units of the Russian army participating in the Special Operation to Demilitarize Ukraine. There, they are used for their intended purpose - to intercept enemy drones. They have confirmed their calculated characteristics and have found their place in the counter-drone system. aviation the adversary.

"Wasp Beetle" chases the target

Simultaneously with the launch of the series, the Scientific and Production Center "Ushkuynik" is working on improving the design and components of the "Osoed". Currently, two current development directions are being developed:

Firstly, the software is being improved and elements of artificial intelligence are being introduced. This will allow the UAV to independently perform some procedures and tasks. The second goal is to equip the drone with its own electronic reconnaissance system to improve its situational awareness and the effectiveness of searching for air targets.

The timeframe for the appearance of the upgraded Osoyeds with autonomous mode and improved search capabilities is not reported. These projects will probably be completed after the basic version of the interceptor goes into full-scale production.

Grid carrier

Back in February, the Ushkuynik Scientific and Production Center revealed the main characteristics of its new Osoyed and also demonstrated the operation of its product at the testing ground. Apparently, the operating principles and parameters of this UAV have not undergone significant changes over the past months.

"Osoed" is based on a serial 9-inch FPV drone. It has a typical design for such devices with a central body and four beams on which propeller-motor groups are installed. The key component of the complex is located on top of the frame - a shooting device with a net.

The basic platform of the Osoeda is equipped with electric motors, remote control, a course camera and a battery. The UAV is controlled by an operator within a radius of 4-5 km and at altitudes of up to 5-6 km. The flight speed reaches 140 km/h, and the flight time is 24 minutes.

Net shot

The "Osoed" firing device has a fairly simple design. It is a funnel with four tubular guides installed on each side, spread apart. A folded square net is placed inside the funnel, and the tubes hold four weights secured to the corners of the net. The tubes also contain throwing devices, probably of a pyrotechnic type.

The net thrower device is controlled automatically. The UAV independently determines the distance to the aerial target and after approaching to a distance of 5-6 m, it fires. Under the action of the throwing means, the loads leave their guides and pull the net out. At a distance of several meters from the UAV, the net straightens out and can capture the target drone.

The size of the net allows it to deal with various targets. It is enough to entangle small UAVs, such as the popular DJI Mavic. In addition, the net poses a threat to larger devices, such as the Baba Yaga.

The Osoyed is reported to be very cost-effective to operate. It is reusable and can intercept a large number of air targets during its service life. All it needs is a timely replacement of batteries and recharging of the net thrower.

Suspended load

The Osoyed project has obvious advantages in terms of technology and economics, but in its case we are talking about a specialized UAV with one function. There is an alternative solution that allows you to turn almost any available quadcopter into an interceptor.

Large size "Spider" with 3,6m mesh

The Moscow Region-based company Inmatten recently presented its development called "Taiga". This is a universal net launcher that can be installed on various aerial platforms. With the help of this shooting device, the existing UAV receives the function of an interceptor and can effectively fight other copters.

The developer offers two versions of the Taiga, which differ in size, characteristics and typical targets. The smaller net thrower is designed to combat light copters such as the Mavic. The second version of the product has a stronger, larger net and is capable of sending even the notorious Baba Yaga to the ground.

In the spring of 2024, Taiga products were delivered to the Special Operations area. Their combat debut took place at the end of April. An operator from one of our units successfully caught an enemy copter using a Mavic UAV with a net launcher. After that, the effective use of Taiga continued.

"Spider" vs. Copter

The Taiga product is similar in principle to the Osoyed net launcher, but has a different design and is used slightly differently. However, in both cases, when fired, a net opens up, covering the target and preventing it from flying.

The main element of the Taiga is a part called the "spider". This is a low cylindrical body with inclined guide tubes extending from it. Inside the body is a pyropatron, which serves as a source of energy for the shot. The end weights of the net are placed in the tubes, and the net itself is suspended under the body.

Interception result: UAV on the ground

To intercept small targets, a "spider" with eight tubes and a small octagonal net is used. For large targets, a net with a diameter of 3,6 m with 12 weights along the perimeter is intended. To launch it, a "spider" of the appropriate size and configuration is used.

"Taiga" has its own control systems. For example, this device includes a laser rangefinder-target sensor. It is used to determine the presence of a target, the distance to it, and the possibility of making an effective shot.

The Taiga device is lightweight and can be used by a variety of carrier drones. It is mounted under the hull and shoots a net straight down. The attack is carried out while hovering or flying over the target.

A complex approach

The Russian defense industry, represented by large enterprises and groups of enthusiasts, continues to work on methods of combating UAVs. Various solutions are proposed for suppressing, neutralizing or destroying such aerial targets. New models are included in the Special Operation zone, where they undergo the most stringent practical tests.

A comprehensive approach to the problem of combating UAVs has been formed through the joint efforts of enterprises and the army. These tasks are solved using “traditional” air defense systems — radars and anti-aircraft systems, as well as electronic warfare systems of various classes. Recently, the idea of ​​an interceptor drone has also been developing. One of the variants of this concept is a UAV with a net on board.

At the moment, several specialized interceptor drones have been created in our country, as well as devices for existing UAVs of other classes. Right now, they are demonstrating their capabilities on real drone targets and helping to achieve the overall goals of the Special Operation.
31 comment
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  1. -6
    30 August 2024 05: 42
    How long will the success last? recourse We need to continue the work. The Ukies will start sharpening the edges of the propellers, the drone propellers will continue to rotate and continue to cut the mesh of the networks...
    1. +9
      30 August 2024 06: 34
      You can cut anything that resists the screws. A net or thread does not resist, it winds onto a screw. Take a spool of fishing line, say a five, and throw it at a rotating car fan. Will it cut it much? But if you stick a twig into it, it will break it right away. In general, I am surprised: many years ago, they invented means of immobilizing animals. They shoot a net several meters, entangling a horse, a cow. Why not use them, the net is bigger and stronger there.
    2. +2
      30 August 2024 07: 33
      Do you yourself believe that a plastic screw can cut a nylon net? A knife doesn't take it right away, and here there is a thread that is not firmly fixed.
    3. -1
      6 October 2024 17: 37
      What if it's made of cable or Kevlar?
  2. +1
    30 August 2024 06: 02
    Cut the Kevlar thread????
  3. +2
    30 August 2024 06: 35
    I remember well how, at the dawn of drones, there were guns that ejected a net to protect the country's top officials. That's how Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was saved.
  4. -1
    30 August 2024 06: 39
    It is enough to stop, slow down, and even one of the four engines, and the drone loses its balance and falls.
    The propellers are plastic, thin and cannot cut anything.
    The drone has a processor that regulates the speed of each motor separately.
    By changing the speed you can move in any direction.
    Even in a strong wind, the drone stands rooted to the spot.
    Each drone has a compass, altimeter, accelerometer.
    Of course, means of communication with the satellite and the operator. Navigation devices like in an airplane.
  5. -3
    30 August 2024 07: 31
    Watch "Beverly Hills Cop" and copy.
  6. -6
    30 August 2024 08: 18
    It seems to me that if the drone is detected - and this is the most important thing - then its destruction no longer causes any particular problems - this can be done with a simple shot, without resorting to such a tricky option as a net...
    1. +2
      30 August 2024 09: 16
      This is a very presumptuous idea, to say the least...
      All you need to do is DETECT it, and then there are no problems - just a SIMPLE shot....

      Try it at home on children's copters, there are many different ones... you'll never knock one down.
      And it seems like every first adviser in the Ministry of Defense is like this...

      Why not have some fun, brazenly giving such advice? The losses are being suffered by someone far away, and it's warm in the office, the secretary is running around in a fancy skirt, bringing coffee and making eyes...
      1. 0
        30 August 2024 15: 45
        Well, why, he wrote correctly the main thing is to detect a drone, at what distance can one drone detect another using optics, well, in the conditions of the training ground, one drone hovered at a height of 50 meters, another flew up and fired a net, but in combat conditions, a drone was detected in such and such a square, our drone flies there, we need to survey the area at what height is the enemy's drone 50 meters or 500 meters, or maybe it is no longer there.
        1. 0
          30 August 2024 16: 30
          That's right, in the conditions of a firing range and in the absence of danger to life, measured in seconds - you can get ready beautifully and shoot, and nothing will happen to you for a miss...

          On the LBS, this bastard is buzzing from all sides, sometimes dozens of them within the naked eye's range, and at the same time bullets and shrapnel are flying... And the losses have now shifted significantly towards "drones"...
          In general, this is a very, very serious problem. Therefore, simple conclusions "this is the main thing, and then there are no problems" cause rejection.
      2. The comment was deleted.
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            1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      30 August 2024 11: 51
      It seems to me that if the drone is detected - and this is the most important thing - then its destruction no longer causes any particular problems - this can be done with a simple shot, without resorting to such a tricky option as a net...
      Did you find it at an altitude of 500-700 meters?
      What's next?
      The machine gun won't finish it off, the machine gun isn't very accurate, and the barrel of any armored personnel carrier/infantry fighting vehicle won't be raised that high - why would you lower it? ordinary to the fighter?
    3. +2
      30 August 2024 14: 13
      Quote: Luminman
      This can be done with a simple shot, without resorting to such a tricky option as a grid
      Calculate purely mathematically: network diameter net thrower Nevod-2SU - 6 meters:
      Do you have the caliber of a 6-meter bullet? - and if not, then divide by the area of ​​the bullet. If you think that the area of ​​the net is excessive, then try to hit it at a speed of 110-140 km/h (at this speed, the "wasp buzzard" intercepts fpv drones). If the target is maneuvering, then hitting it even with a net is not so easy.
      P.S. besides, the net launcher is lighter in weight than any other firearm, and this is critical for fpv.
      1. -1
        30 August 2024 22: 26
        Quote: VPK-65
        try to hit it at a speed of 110-140 km/h (at this speed the FPV drones are intercepted by the "wasp buzzard").

        No. The Wasp Buzzard attacks only hanging targets. It is almost impossible to cover a moving target manually, some kind of automation is needed here. The project turned out to be very niche, but quite functional. As far as I heard, the guys already have hundreds of grounded Mavics. Mavics serve as scouts and spotters for FPV drones, so they often hang near LBS.
        1. 0
          31 August 2024 07: 54
          Quote: Saxahorse
          No. The Wasp Buzzard attacks only hanging targets. It is almost impossible to cover a moving target manually, some kind of automation is needed here.
          Nonsense. The wasp attacks only at speed and only automatically:
          UAV interceptor "Osoed" (video):

          - Develops speed up to 140 km/h
          - The net is fired automatically at a certain distance (5 - 6 meters)
          - Working range - 4-5 km
          - Maximum height - 5-6 km
          - Flight time - up to 24 min.
          - Created based on a 9-inch fpv drone
          - When installing a thermal imager, it is possible to switch the day/night operating mode
          We practiced intercepting an enemy drone at average speeds of 40-50 km/h (average speed of movement of a loaded FPV). We also worked on intercepting a "kamikaze drone" when simulating an approach to a ground target:

          P.S. And about what you saw/heard (a net-thrower shot from above at a motionless drone). This is not a "Wasp", but a completely different project (see "Spider" in the post header). The "Spider" is placed under the belly of "Mavics" (too lazy to look for a photo) and they are mainly used to hunt them. True, sometimes a "Spider" catches a fish even larger, like hexacopters and octocopters (literally the other day one of these was shot down by immobilizing its 2 propellers with a net). But: there is no automation on Mavics for the spider and everything is really manual and only at a hovering - motionless target, that's one. And two: after the spider shot, the Mavic gets such a recoil that it flips over in flight (the autopilot then levels out this somersault). Mavic is weak for an interceptor, they were told right away: don't do this big money crap, but put it on a cheap fpv drone. There are no such problems with the "wasp-eater", it is initially based on a 9-inch fpv drone, shoots forward, not down and only at speed, so the recoil is not felt (due to inertia). In general, there are at least 4 types of similar interceptor models, and don't think that they are all "wasp-eaters".
          1. -1
            31 August 2024 19: 49
            Quote: VPK-65
            Nonsense. The wasp attacks only at speed and only automatically:

            Well, excuse me.. I read it in Telegram from the performers of this trick. Of course, maybe I missed something or mixed it up. There is a good channel - "Chronicles of a UAV operator", where the guys show their work and repost their colleagues.

            And the Mavic most likely won’t lift the “spider”, there’s probably some other drone there.
            1. +1
              1 September 2024 02: 02
              Quote: Saxahorse
              I read it in Telegram from performers of this trick. Of course, maybe I missed something or got it mixed up. There is a good channel - "Chronicles the operator UAV", where guys show their work and repost their colleagues.
              That's right: "performers". Any "operator" is not a developer. Here are some TG channels of our developers:
              And here is the enemy channel:
              A quick guide to UAV net throwers.
              As far as I remember, the first project was "Carnivora":
              Here is a close-up photo of two "Seines" installed on it:
              Work of "Seine", video:
              But the Carnivora project was long before the start of the SVO and nothing is heard about it now. IMHO: it is too big for LBS, such a huge aircraft-type drone could only be used in the deep rear to protect oil refineries from Ukrainian UJ-22 Airborne and the like.
              Quote: Saxahorse
              And the Mavic most likely won’t lift the “spider”, there’s probably some other drone there.
              Not all UAV operators are engaged in FPV drones, those who conduct reconnaissance and terrorize enemies with VOGs use Mavics. These "spiders" were made for them:
              Net thrower "Tarantula":
              "Tarantula" is designed for installation on DJI Mavic 3, DJI Mavic 2, Autel Evo2.
              Typical work of a Mavic operator with a net thrower:
              1. -1
                1 September 2024 21: 06
                Quote: VPK-65
                Typical work of a Mavic operator with a net thrower:

                There are many links, but in none of them I saw what our conversation began with: work with a net on a moving drone. Only here - "" there is a video and specifically work on a hanging Mavic.
                I agree that the "Tarantula" is suspended from Mavik, you are right about that.
                1. 0
                  1 September 2024 22: 53
                  Quote: Saxahorse
                  There are many links, but in none of them did I see what our conversation began with: net work on a moving drone.
                  Our conversation started with this:
                  UAV interceptor "Osoed" (video):

                  1. -1
                    2 September 2024 22: 19
                    Quote: VPK-65
                    Our conversation started with this:

                    Okay. For simplicity, let's assume that we've partially convinced. Although these are not combat shots, but demonstration performances. The low speed of the drones being demonstratively intercepted is very disconcerting, 40-50 km/h is not the speed at which FPV attacks are usually carried out.
                    1. -1
                      3 September 2024 00: 19
                      Quote: Saxahorse
                      The low speed of the drones that were demonstratively intercepted is very disconcerting, 40-50 km/h is not the right speed which is usually used for FPV attacks.
                      And I knew in advance that Ragulye would again be “disturbed” by something. lol It was written for woodpeckers:
                      at average speeds of 40-50 km/h (average speed of movement loaded fpv).
                      Even kids playing FPV toys:
                      know that they are only "racing" not loaded. Those 3 kilograms of BK what they hang on them is generally a mockery and a complete overload, but when it comes to a disposable kamikaze, no one pays attention to this. Everything works at the limit there, batteries die, engines pull with all their might, that's why the attack speed of a loaded FPV is such. But for such so-called "experts" like you, everything will always be wrong and you will always try to insert your "priceless opinion" everywhere, which you will never be able to confirm with a proof link to the existing reality. hi
                      1. -1
                        3 September 2024 22: 03
                        Quote: VPK-65
                        you will always try to insert your "priceless opinion" which you will never be able to confirm with a proof link to the existing reality.

                        I love "specialists" of this level. Once again then I will remind you of my question - show a video of a real combat interception of an FPV drone. And not this demonstration performance for officials that you copied as many as four times.

                        Let me remind you that there are real videos of interception and grounding of hovering Mavics. But there were no videos of FPV drone interceptions. Apparently, the idea of ​​some difference in interception tactics does not even occur to you. fool
    4. +1
      30 August 2024 22: 34
      Quote: Luminman
      It seems to me that if a drone is detected - and this is the most important thing - then its destruction no longer causes any particular problems.

      Primary detection is done via radio, the same "drone detectors". We are talking about intercepting scouts and spotters-observers, they do not hang directly over the target, they control it from the side. Then you need to get closer to it and confirm visually. But what next? You can't attach a machine gun to a light drone, even a shotgun can hardly carry it. The net is the lightest of the ammunition.
  7. +1
    30 August 2024 09: 03
    The net is good! But the shotgun is no worse! We put "recoilless" shot barrel blocks on the drones! (From one "end" of the barrel, the pellets fly out, including "linked" or "arrow"; and from the other - "counter-mass"! The barrels can be plastic... disposable! Or such a "recoilless" shotgun can be a revolver!
    1. 0
      30 August 2024 11: 48
      Quote: Nikolaevich I
      The net is good! But the shotgun is no worse!

      Yes, the main advantage of a shotgun is its multi-charge capability. The mesh is good for its reliability and non-destructive action, but making a "spider" multi-charge is a bit difficult.
  8. 0
    30 August 2024 09: 15
    Once I read some interesting nonsense, which may not be nonsense! It was as if the SVO's very skilled craftsmen began to make homemade "canister" air-to-air missiles for drones, using, for example, rocket engines from RPG shots!
  9. -2
    30 August 2024 19: 32
    Where is all this. When will all this appear? Our generals blinked and did not pay attention, and now our guys are experiencing all this on their own skin. How long will this disgrace continue? It's been three years since we tested anti-drone defense, everyone who goes into the forest for firewood on this issue.
  10. 0
    31 August 2024 12: 51
    "Net vs. Copter: New Means of Combating UAVs"
    "The Russian defense industry, represented by large enterprises and groups of enthusiasts, continues to work on methods of combating UAVs. Various solutions are proposed for suppressing, neutralizing or destroying such aerial targets. New models are included in the Special Operations area, where they undergo the most stringent practical tests."

    Here is my personal opinion... The SVO is the Ministry of Defense's money. Until there are results, no acts of acceptance into service, no agreements on quantities, characteristics, prices and delivery dates to the Ministry of Defense, all expenses (money, money and more money) are at the expense of either citizens or organizations. These citizens and/or organizations, in which citizens also work or are owners, are not indifferent to what happens to our military. I believe that career military personnel, from contract soldiers to the Minister of Defense, are also not indifferent.
    But the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Transport, members of the State Duma, members and others in the Federation Council, governors, deputies of all levels and orientations - they don't care. There are exceptions, but somewhere they wrote that Putin bought 5 sights and sent them by chance to LBS? Maybe Mishustin transferred 50 thousand rubles to purchase something that the Government did not even discuss? Or Vershinin and Khinshtein paid for Rogozin's treatment?
    Maybe everyone has started publishing their income, despite the permission not to publish?
  11. 0
    31 August 2024 18: 45
    Everything new is well forgotten old. Nets raised by balloons were used against German planes back in the Great Patriotic War. The difference is that the "little planes" have become smaller, and their range of use is greater. And they can cause more significant damage. They can also bring a "nuclear" projectile if necessary.
  12. 0
    1 September 2024 04: 22
    It is clear that drones-"drone killers" are against drones-observers (spotters, drone drops) and big bomb-carrying women, but not against FPV drones.
    Kirill, while they were sawing the throwing nets in the design bureau, People simply tie a stick, rather light, to their fighter, look for an observer (at any altitude) and stick it into his propeller.
    very effective - your drone gets a boost but stays in the air