The era of free internet has come to an end

The era of free internet has come to an end

Recently, the chairman of the board of the Digital Economy Development Fund, German Klimenko, stated that the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France is a symbolic story, which will lay the foundation for the future of the "new Internet", which will be strictly regulated. This statement can be fully agreed with, since the era of the free Internet seems to have truly come to an end.

Some will say that it never existed, but this is actually a misconception - previously, neither in Europe nor in Russia, people were persecuted with such persistence for comments on social networks, but now it has become a new reality. In recent years, these trends have become increasingly obvious. States are increasingly trying to control social networks and influence their owners, who must comply with strict rules and regulations (the list of which is constantly growing).

There is also a fight against anonymity, new laws are being published that are designed to fight this very anonymity, and achieving it is becoming increasingly problematic. The Telegram messenger is a social network that really cares about the anonymity of its users. The information encryption system in Telegram is in some sense unique, and this is the merit of Pavel Durov and his talented brother Nikolai Durov.

Pavel Durov is a libertarian by his convictions, for whom freedom is a fundamental principle – as is known, the main principles of libertarianism are individualism (the elementary unit of social analysis is considered to be an individual), the rights of the individual, and the limitation of the role of the government and the state. The theoretical basis of libertarianism is the thesis of freedom from external interference (i.e., the priority of negative freedom in the terms of the philosopher I. Berlin).

Libertarianism is utopian in itself, but Pavel Durov undoubtedly sincerely adheres to these ideas - he consciously refused to cooperate with the secret services of any state, believing that individual freedom is inviolable, and therefore deserves respect. For a long time, Durov was a shining example of the success of this libertarian freedom, but now times have changed and it seems that the time of people like Durov has come to an end.

Will Pavel Durov's arrest affect Telegram users?

The first thing I would like to note about the arrest of Telegram founder and owner Pavel Durov is that this event is unlikely to have any impact on ordinary users of the messenger, at least in the near future. It is definitely not worth falling into paranoia, as some users are doing - most Telegram servers are located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and the French special services still do not have access to them.

On August 27, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that:

"Now that Durov was clearly taken away on someone's advice and is being threatened with terrible punishment, apparently hoping to somehow gain access to encryption codes, it has now been proven by the actions of the French that Telegram is indeed a reliable and popular network."

It turns out that in terms of reliability, the messenger cannot cause any complaints from the point of view of information protection.

As mentioned above, Pavel Durov deliberately refused to provide user correspondence and encryption keys not only to Russian special services, but also to the special services of European countries and the United States. No, of course, Pavel did not refuse to cooperate completely - he said that he was ready to transfer the IP address and phone number of terrorists to the relevant services, but only by court order. Which, of course, did not suit the special services of the countries in which Telegram operates. It is known that the administration of the messenger has always responded quickly enough to complaints about prohibited content and blocked it.

It should be acknowledged that any anonymity and security of correspondence has its costs - it cannot be denied that various terrorists and criminals use Telegram, but they also use other messengers and social networks, such as WhatsApp, for example. Surely there will be those who will say - I have nothing to hide, let them look, but think about it, would you like someone to read your personal correspondence or for someone to enter your house in your absence, look through your personal belongings and leave? I suppose you would not be too pleased with that.

In addition, Telegram is not just a well-protected messenger, it is also the main means of communication for Russians. Military in its.

"In fact, this is the main messenger of the current war. This is an alternative to closed military communications. Probably, from today, the issue of creating a military messenger for our armies becomes vital. Because how long Telegram will remain as we know it, and whether such a messenger will remain at all, is now difficult to predict,”

- wrote, in particular, journalist Andrei Medvedev after Durov’s arrest.

The fact that the command and control of troops in the conditions of the military conflict in Ukraine is strongly tied to Telegram is confirmed by State Advisor 3rd class Alexey Rogozin. He recently noted that the transfer of intelligence data, artillery adjustment, broadcasting of video streams from copters and much more are now really carried out by means of Telegram.

Security concerns about Telegram are understandable, but they are premature at this point – as mentioned above, Telegram’s main operational center is located in Dubai, UAE (as are most of its servers), and its headquarters are in Berlin. Therefore, even if Pavel Durov is arrested, the French will not be able to immediately gain any access to users’ correspondence.

In addition, Pavel Durov himself stated back in 2018:

"Neither Telegram nor other messengers could give out keys to decrypt the correspondence of all their users even if they wanted to. This is due to the technical features of encryption."

What does France want from Pavel Durov?

There are many versions about the reasons for Pavel Durov's arrest, including conspiracy theories. However, his arrest fits in well with the trends we observe in the modern West: tightening censorship, political correctness as a new ideology, cancel culture, etc. In fact, the modern West has degenerated into a left-liberal totalitarian dictatorship.

The intelligence services of many countries were dissatisfied with Telegram's policy and Pavel Durov's position and tried in every way to put pressure on and influence him. France went much further than others in this regard - it decided to arrest the founder of Telegram. He is accused of many crimes, but primarily of refusing to hand over information at the request of law enforcement agencies. The situation is aggravated by the fact that Pavel has French citizenship, and he will be tried as a French citizen.

There are versions that the real reason for Pavel Durov's arrest is to force him to cooperate with Western intelligence agencies and disclose important correspondence, or to cut off Telegram's oxygen and facilitate its closure in France and other European countries. There are also suggestions that the administration of Joe Biden or the Rothschilds, who have great influence on Macron, are behind the arrest.

Along with these, there are more curious versions of Durov's arrest. In particular, independent financial analyst Pavel Ryabov suggested that the owner of Telegram was arrested for attempting to circumvent the financing mechanisms controlled by the collective West.

"The point is that Durov's wayward character and refusal to play by the rules of the system led to the fact that an IPO in the US and allied jurisdictions became impossible, and there are no other options for raising billions of dollars. In addition, problems arose with financing Telegram's development through alternative financing schemes (ICO, convertible bonds, etc.).

Apparently, large credit tranches have also become problematic. After the SEC decision in early 2020, institutional investors in the US and Europe turned away from Telegram, and the main demand for bonds came from Middle Eastern investors…

Durov planned to make Toncoin the main cryptocurrency integrated into Telegram. This would allow users to make transactions, pay for premium features, and support content creators directly in the app…

Durov wanted to create his own financial system, isolated and independent from the rules of the global financial system.”

This version looks quite convincing.

If we talk about disclosing correspondence, then, according to German Klimenko, the French authorities are unlikely to be able to use encrypted correspondence to steal classified information or other valuable data.

"When you and I start a dialogue in Telegram, each of us automatically creates a password - an access key to this dialogue. It is impossible to crack it, that's true.

But the thing is that France doesn't actually require any keys. France demands to provide the correspondence. Pavel replies: "I can't, they are encrypted", and the French authorities say: "We don't care, decrypt them if you want to work on our territory".

And so Pavel has a choice. Either he refuses to comply with the demands of the French authorities, in which case he faces prison, or he decrypts all correspondence on French territory, or Telegram simply leaves there altogether."

In fact, the peculiarity of Telegram is that while the history of regular chats is stored on cloud servers, those protected by end-to-end encryption are not stored anywhere except in the memory of the devices from which the dialogue is currently being conducted. Therefore, in order for third parties to gain access to encrypted communication channels, it is necessary not only to know the phone numbers to which the accounts conducting the dialogue are linked, but also to gain access to the devices themselves. For this reason, it is simply impossible to disclose secret information.

The arrest of Pavel Durov is an undoubted precedent; no social network owner has ever been tried for insufficient moderation. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to predict how this case will end. However, given the high-profile nature of the case, it seems unlikely that Durov will receive a very long prison term – up to 20 years, as the media writes. The charges against him are mostly far-fetched. Nevertheless, Pavel may be kept behind bars for some time on these far-fetched charges, mainly for the purpose of putting pressure on him.

As for the prospects of the Telegram project, much will depend on how the case of Pavel Durov ends. So far, Pavel's arrest has only led to an increase in Telegram's popularity.
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  1. +12
    30 August 2024 06: 00
    Free internet is a relative concept, it's one thing if they start fighting the shadow internet, terrorists, drug and slave traders, scammers and other scum, that's one thing. But if they start arresting people for likes and opinions, that's another. And I would like the first option, but usually they wanted the best, but it turns out as always. Well, our minus is that they haven't developed a closed messenger for the military and special services, well, by God, it's good that at least we don't have control over Odnoklassniki and VK.
    1. +8
      30 August 2024 08: 03
      States are increasingly trying to control social networks and influence their owners, who must comply with strict rules and regulations (the list of which is constantly growing).

      Well, that's where it was all heading... Social networks have acquired too much and massive influence on the population, having long ago overtaken the printed media and catching up and overtaking TV... Could the government really let this go on its own, especially since there's such crazy money spinning around there... But most importantly, without controlling social networks, this government could lose its very power over the population of its country...
      There is also a fight against anonymity, new laws are being published that are designed to fight this very anonymity, and achieving it is becoming increasingly problematic.

      It's only the beginning... am
      1. +9
        30 August 2024 08: 33
        The Internet and social networks are too convenient a tool for total control and management of the population of any country. No government can ignore this. The only exception is the Papuans from Limpopo, who do not have the Internet and social networks. So the screws will continue to be tightened all over the world. It cannot be any other way. Yes
    2. +2
      31 August 2024 08: 45
      If terrorists use the Windows operating system to send letters, then Bill Gates can be arrested as an accomplice, France is creating a precedent.
  2. +6
    30 August 2024 06: 11
    Quote: Victor Biryukov
    The encryption system in Telegram is in some ways unique, and this is thanks to Pavel Durov and his talented brother Nikolai Durov
    Pavel Durov is just a humanities manager who knows how to sell the products he has quite well. He probably sold tomatoes at the collective farm market just as well. But his brother Nikolai is actually talented, he has a mathematical education and won mathematical Olympiads in his youth. But, unfortunately, unlike his brother, a worthless upstart humanities student, he remains undeservedly in the shadows
    1. +7
      30 August 2024 06: 26
      It's rare that one person can do something. And everyone has different talents. The minimum team is two people.
      When a team grows, leading specialists are also bad.
      1. +3
        30 August 2024 06: 32
        It's rare that you can do anything alone.
        It is possible to do it alone. The creator of the search and media portal "Rambler", Dmitry Kryukov, wrote it alone and even held the sky for some time alone, until the portal grew, turning into a search engine of federal significance and it did not need assistants. Unfortunately, Dmitry is no longer with us
    2. +2
      30 August 2024 09: 59
      At the heart of many companies that later became large, it was always like this: one did the other promoted and both made an equal contribution to success. Many startups with very competent techies with a mathematical education did not take off because they did not have the proper promotion, did not find investors, etc., again due to the lack of marketing, the ability to negotiate, etc.
    3. +2
      31 August 2024 03: 19
      Have you ever thought about the fact that your intellectual brother, on the contrary, does not need close attention at all? Why do you think that he is "undeservedly in the shadows"? The man is a dollar millionaire. All needs are met. Maybe he does not need any fuss around his person? And Pavel skillfully plays the role of a wedding general, redirecting all attention and media to himself.
      1. +1
        31 August 2024 05: 41
        What makes you think that he is "undeservedly in the shadows"?
        Because I heard about it only two years ago, and only because I am interested in the IT world.
    4. 0
      5 September 2024 11: 12
      Well, he has a talent for PR and sales, he cuts other content and one family, a very stable connection.
  3. +4
    30 August 2024 06: 26
    Do you copy each other's articles? Fedorov, one of the authors on VO, wrote about this.
  4. -3
    30 August 2024 07: 18
    Now there is a dangerous phenomenon on the Internet. This is the desire of scientists to find an explanation for every phenomenon in life. And now the emergence of talented people is associated with the genes of their ancestors. Scientists do not care that life is much more complicated. That talents came out of the "dungeon" to conquer the world. Why is this phenomenon dangerous? Because these "scientific" explanations can turn into dogmas. As for Durov. He is as far from everything that is happening in the world as the sea is from the desert. This is a kind of outlet for especially emotional people.
    1. +1
      30 August 2024 07: 30
      Well noted by the way. Thanks for the interesting opinion.
  5. +9
    30 August 2024 07: 32
    The era of free internet ended long ago, with the adoption of the "patriotic act in the USA" and then several key decisions of the "Communications Commission", there. Those who have been following the news have been aware of this for a long time. If you want, spend your time and read the news of the early 2000s, you will learn a lot of interesting things about the internet.
    Damn it, they're making Durov out to be some kind of Mandela.
  6. -14
    30 August 2024 07: 34
    All power to the Soviets!

    1. I don't really give a damn what's happening to the citizen of France (and not only) in France. It's time for this subject to decide who he is on: - with Russia, waging a war with the West for its right to live the way we want, or he is on them - with the West, whose goal is to destroy us, to turn us into their slaves.

    2. "Tell the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth and never the whole truth"
    Dissemination of information, control over it - is management. Whoever owns the media, owns the minds of those who use these media in their lives. That is why sometimes the media are called "the fourth estate" (the media is one of many components of ideological power).

    The war against us is being waged on all six priorities of human governance (see fig.)
    1. The comment was deleted.
  7. +2
    30 August 2024 07: 58
    "The freedom to swing your fists ends at your neighbor's nose." (c) I don't remember who.

    The secrecy of correspondence exists until a court decision. The court decided to read the correspondence of individual citizens, Durov did not hand over this correspondence, he is being tried.

    This is not the end of Internet freedom, it is a minor episode when the beliefs of a significant figure in the media space and the law of the country clashed.

    In short, stupid lex...
  8. +5
    30 August 2024 08: 10
    It's not news that the ruling powers want to control the Internet in any country. Why do they close YouTube here? Because no one gives our people real access to it, and in addition to useful information for everyday life, there is a lot that exposes the government! Through all this, they influence the consciousness of ordinary people, of course, this is dangerous and this must be controlled. Another thing is that in our country this will, as usual, acquire a perverted character. For example, they force you to go to elections, they threaten and push you to drag someone else, or else... Yes, that's exactly how it is at work!
    This is not about Durov, this is a fight for the operating means of power to control the population.
    1. +8
      30 August 2024 08: 26
      In addition to useful information for everyday life, there is a lot of stuff there that exposes the government!

      Censors could simply ban political channels http and leave everything else. There is a lot of useful information on YouTube and when I go online, I always start with it...
      1. -14
        30 August 2024 09: 01
        All power to the Soviets!

        Quote: Vadim S
        Why is YouTube being closed here?
        Quote: Luminman
        There is a lot of useful information on YouTube.

        The Russian government has not given any orders to block YouTube. It is being blocked by providers, and most likely on orders from the West, so that it would be impossible to convey our point of view to the entire world.

        YouTube in Russia has not been working since August 29, since the very moment the Armed Rascals of Ukraine (AFU) invaded Russian territory in the Kursk region on August 29, 2024. The question is - whose interests do Internet providers work for in Russia? In my opinion, the answer is obvious...
        1. +5
          30 August 2024 09: 16
          Stop lying, and do it so stupidly.
          The Main Radio Frequency Center, subordinate to Roskomnadzor, has demanded that providers stop trying to speed up the work of the YouTube video hosting service. According to Kommersant, the agency has sent companies a corresponding letter.
          1. -9
            30 August 2024 09: 39
            Quote: tatra
            subordinate Roskomnadzor Main Radio Frequency Center

            I did not say that there is no fifth column in our country and nevertheless there were no such orders from the top officials of the state. However, the command to block YouTube was carried out with lightning speed throughout the country. By the way, let's all go to our "Platform":

            Quote: tatra
            According to Kommersant

            I laugh and cry :)))) Komenrant, Ekho Zapada in Moscow, London Dozhd - all these are hostile media of the West. To believe them is to disrespect yourself. (Imagine that in WWII you believed Goebel's propaganda - it's the same thing).
            1. +6
              30 August 2024 10: 10
              Maybe for you Khinshtein is also from the "fifth column"?
              On July 25, 2024, the head of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Alexander Khinshtein, reported on his Telegram channel that “the ‘degradation’ of YouTube is a forced step, directed not against Russian users, but against the administration of a foreign resource, which still believes that it can violate and ignore our legislation with impunity.”
              That's how it's been for the past 33 years: the enemies of the USSR would first do something, and then pretend that they had "nothing to do with it."
              1. -6
                30 August 2024 11: 07
                All power to the Soviets!

                Quote: tatra
                Maybe for you Khinshtein is also from the "fifth column"?

                Do you doubt it? laughing
                The remnants of the 90s haven't gone anywhere, they continue to cause trouble.

                Dissemination of information, and YouTube is used by people all over the world, including in Ukraine, is the dissemination of our information, our point of view on everything that happens in the world. A ban on its dissemination is a ban on us influencing the minds of citizens in other countries. There was their ban on RT, Sputnik. Now here is "our" ban on YouTube.

                All those who advocate banning YouTube are enemies of Russia. Today they are becoming more and more obvious.

                What problem does it have for providers in Russia to "filter" YouTube in Russia?
                None. Their goal is to incite the people against the government... that's all we need when the country is at war...
                1. +3
                  30 August 2024 14: 09
                  Boris, as always, you are looking for conspiracy theories. YouTube is blocked by our authorities, in the West they only block our channels. All these experiments with slowing down, blocking torrents, did not start yesterday. There is no point in the provider complicating its equipment for blocking. We can also recall the Yarovaya law, which obliges providers to store archives on Russian territory
                  1. 0
                    1 September 2024 08: 09
                    Quote from Kartograph
                    All these experiments with slowing down and blocking torrents did not start yesterday.

                    You are right. But the direction of reasoning is not in that direction. It is aimed at the needs of the individual, at obtaining information, and completely loses sight of the aspect that we cannot transmit our point of view to the World.

                    The main thing is that the World does not hear us. We are being isolated informationally. Durov is from the same "opera".
            2. +2
              30 August 2024 18: 44
              and yet there were no such instructions from the top officials of the state

              Do they report to you? lol
            3. The comment was deleted.
        2. +2
          30 August 2024 11: 59
          Actually, it hasn't worked since the beginning of August!!!
          1. 0
            30 August 2024 23: 51
            about YouTube... it's all strange, from a phone via a cell phone, even if I distribute YouTube from a phone, it's blaring and almost flying, in my home Rostelecom, YouTube is in the dead of night connection... it's hard to "get through" So for me, all this is a lie "about degeneration" and so on
        3. 0
          1 September 2024 16: 31
          The Russian government has not given any orders to block YouTube. It is being blocked by providers, most likely on orders from the West

          Are you really - seriously! - writing all this? Although, well, yes...
          In the USSR they jammed the BBC and Radio Liberty and (the list goes on and on)... Also on orders from the West?
  9. +7
    30 August 2024 08: 11
    Yes, there are many versions. But for some reason, no one wants to explain why Durov flew "to the city of Paris", where the firefighters are looking for him, the police are looking for him, they are looking and cannot find him? By the way, Durov is already free and is under the "watchful eye" of the French justice. And what does this mean? And the fact that while he is under the eye, he will not be extradited to anyone. Not even to Russia. It seems that Durov simply slipped away from the country, where the punishing sword of justice was reaching out to him. And now, he is in a "house" in France, under the "roof" of the French Themis, and in his homeland, they write about him: "Poor, poor Pavel" and "their" bastards bourgeois. Durov managed to climb a Christmas tree and pick pine cones on it, gilded ones. And a postscript. And where did you see free media? in Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, etc., even in the USSR, they were not free, but what's strange is that, having become free in the 90s, the media turned into a garbage dump, just like the Internet. For example, the historian Spitsyn created channels on YouTube and they all closed down, this is just one example of a free Internet.
    1. 0
      30 August 2024 09: 41
      I typed "Spitsyn" into YouTube search, there are plenty of videos. You can't close all the channels
    2. -1
      30 August 2024 14: 46
      Even Russia. It seems that Durov simply slipped away from the country where the punishing sword of justice was drawn towards him. And now he is in a "house" in France, under the "roof" of the French Themis, and in his homeland they write about him: "Poor, poor Pavel" and "their" bourgeois bastards.
      You can of course stretch an owl onto a stump - but he has NO citizenship of the Russian Federation and IS French citizenship, which allows him not to be handed over easily and without any trial....
      1. +1
        30 August 2024 15: 13
        Quote: your1970
        he DOES NOT have Russian citizenship

        Why does he not have Russian citizenship? Did he initiate the renunciation of citizenship?
        If it's not too much trouble, please provide a link to this process.
        In the meantime, as of today, Pavel Durov has 4 officially known citizenships (in reality, there may be more):
        1 - Russian Federation (by birth)
        2 - Saint Kitts and Nevis (2013)
        3 - UAE (February 2021)
        4 - France (November 2021)

        This is stated on his Wikipedia page, and Forbes writes about this
        1. -1
          30 August 2024 15: 35
          This is stated on his Wikipedia page, If it says there that I am the President of the USA, will that be okay?
          I repeat - when a citizen of a country is on the territory of the country of citizenship, the legislation allows not to extradite its citizens to third countries. Moreover, there are many countries where such extradition is prohibited by law.

          "By law, France allows dual citizenship. A Frenchman remains a citizen of his country while receiving citizenship of another state. And a migrant who has received a French passport does not have to renounce the passport of his country unless his homeland requires it.
          In practice, dual citizenship depends on whether the countries have signed a corresponding agreement. In any other case, we are talking about a second citizenship. Thus, Russia recognizes the institution of dual citizenship, but so far has concluded an Agreement on Dual Citizenship only with Tajikistan and South Ossetia (it has not been extended with Turkmenistan).
          This means that a Russian immigrant will not receive dual citizenship of Russia and France, but a second citizenship of France. Thus, a Russian who receives a French passport will be considered only a Russian citizen in Russia, and only a French citizen in France.. Countries do not share information with each other about obtaining a second citizenship."
          1. +1
            30 August 2024 17: 09
            Quote: your1970
            him NO citizenship of the Russian Federation and IS French citizenship

            Quote: your1970
            A Russian who receives a French passport will be considered only a Russian citizen in Russia, and only a French citizen in France

            You should at least somehow define your two statements.
            So he is categorical NO Russian citizenship, or does it exist?)

            And yes, regarding:
            Quote: your1970
            If it says there that I am the President of the USA, will that be okay?

            Why don't you try it?)
            I don't know why some people suddenly have such a sacred confidence that you can write absolutely anything in Wikipedia... try it! Make sure you are listed there as the President of the USA)
            Well, just for fun, at least)
            How long will it take you to do this? A week? A year? Ten years?)
            1. -2
              30 August 2024 19: 14
              How long will it take you to do this? A week? A year? Ten years?) 1 hour is enough. Then they'll cut it out. But then...

              I repeat - to get away from type persecution of him by Russia is enough for him, French citizenship is enough. And yes- for some reason the opposition did not get excited on the topic of "A Russian citizen is being tortured abroad, and the Russian authorities are doing nothing to save him!!"
    3. -1
      31 August 2024 08: 51
      why did Durov fly "to the city of Paris" where they are looking for him

      It has already been revealed that Macron himself invited Durov to have dinner with the great entrepreneur, and as usual he deceived him.
  10. +11
    30 August 2024 08: 23
    Officials in Russia: Release Pavel Durov, you are encroaching on freedom!
    The next day: so, Russians should cut out YouTube, because they have too much freedom, they watch whatever they want, you see!
    1. +6
      30 August 2024 09: 09
      Quote: Vladislav Markov_2
      Russians should cut out YouTube, because they have too much freedom

      I would add a few dozen more resources to which access was suddenly lost, but I'm afraid I'll get banned for spreading fakes)
      But this “interest” in Durov’s fate is simply an antiphase response to the Western community: you criticize – we praise!
      If, suddenly, Durov were invited to France not for arrest and trial, but to be awarded some unthinkable, the highest order in Europe, we would immediately be told how many mortal sins he has committed in his homeland.
      1. +1
        30 August 2024 09: 25
        Durov was not invited to France for arrest and trial
        The whole point is that no one invited him for arrest and trial.. "I came here myself! And the concert was recorded on tape!" (c).. "Plumbers, we want to fix the water supply" (c) have taken to visiting Durov.. And Durov.. "He left.. But how?" (c).. He got on a plane and essentially threw himself at the feet of the French justice system with the words: "I ask... I beg... I thirst... to be locked... in an armored cell! And assign armed guards!" (c)
        1. +2
          30 August 2024 09: 28
          Quote: kor1vet1974
          The whole point is that no one invited him for arrest and trial.

          I'm afraid you didn't read my comment carefully)
          Or they just copied only the part that was convenient to use
          Quote: kor1vet1974
          If, suddenly, Durov was invited to France not for arrest and trial

          1. +2
            30 August 2024 09: 34
            That's the point, no one invited him for arrest and trial, and even less so for an award. But it turned out the way I wrote in my comment. Or do you think he accidentally ended up in Paris, wanted to eat... kerosene, they allegedly didn't add enough...
  11. +3
    30 August 2024 09: 19
    Think about it, would you want someone to read your personal correspondence or for someone to enter your house in your absence, look through your personal belongings and leave?

    Actually, all this fuss is not very clear.
    Regarding viewing correspondence - forums are full of messages about "hijacked" accounts, the darknet has long been filled with thousands of offers to hack any user, any social network (including Telegram), at any time.
    Does anyone think that the secret services cannot (do not know how to) read any correspondence, at any time?
    It's not even funny
  12. +2
    30 August 2024 09: 39
    For me, the saddest thing in the story of Durov's arrest is the use of judicial power as a punitive one, turning "the law like a drawbar" in any direction convenient for the authorities. That is, not legal authority, law for power. And this is everywhere all over the world. crying
  13. +1
    30 August 2024 10: 00
    I can't understand the logic of French authorities. Based on their logic, for every car accident in France, the authorities should have to arrest the manufacturers of BMW, Audi, Mercedes, VW, Toyota, Hyundai, Peugeot, Nissan etc. If MS Windows or MS Word is used for illegal activities, would the French authorities arrest Bill Gates?

    If a country enforces 'Surveillance Capitalism' for mass control; the citizens would deviate from Nationalism and Patriotism. Suppressing the voice's of citizens through digital media's would invite large scale repercussions. If a state is expecting prudence, obedience, diligence, patriotism, nationalism etc. from their citizens, the state must stay away from oppressing their citizens through the censoring of digital media platforms and social networks. A state can't create law abiding citizens through synthetic means. Nationalism or Patriotism can't be forcefully induced. The truth is – Citizens can't be manipulated or controlled through Mass Surveillance, Psyops, Plandemics etc.
    1. +1
      30 August 2024 10: 30
      censoring of digital media platforms and social networks.
      When it comes to telegram paedos, dealers and jihadis started to be far too comfortable there and action is overdue.
      1. +1
        30 August 2024 11: 30
        So, from this point of view you are right. hi
        1. +1
          30 August 2024 11: 42
          I can note that Monsieur Du Rowe (as he is in his French passport) received citizenship, which seriously complicated his life, in 2021 through a special procedure. It is noteworthy that in 2018, Evan Spiegel, co-founder and CEO of Snapchat, became a French citizen in the same way. An interesting coincidence, especially since neither of them has made any special contribution to the glorification of France on the international stage, and they are not Francophones. Under this procedure, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers 10-20 requests a year, and not all of them end with receiving a red passport. Something like that.
  14. +4
    30 August 2024 11: 23
    "The era of the free Internet has come to an end"
    Is YouTube's speed limit different?
    1. +7
      30 August 2024 12: 05
      An unhealthy tendency to pass off agitprop as some kind of "analysis" is gaining momentum. I'm ready to bet a double imperial of 1755 against a hundred-ruble note that if Durov had been awarded the Legion of Honor, the same author would have written an article about the Internet being a source of Sodomite sins and Wahhabism, which Europe is vigorously introducing there, and would have called for fighting this in every possible way by disconnecting RuNet from this "world wide web."
      1. +1
        30 August 2024 12: 27
        The enemies of the USSR conduct their propaganda both against Soviet communists and against the enemies of Soviet communists in other countries - according to the same template, including the fact that if those against whom they are AGAINST someone or something, then the enemies of the USSR are automatically FOR those and them.
        1. +2
          30 August 2024 12: 30
          It's not entirely clear who's rooting for whom? belay
          1. +4
            30 August 2024 12: 41
            who's rooting for whom

            Bellum omnium contra omnes

            a war of all against all; and in this war all men have equal rights to everything
          2. 0
            30 August 2024 14: 49
            It's not entirely clear who's rooting for whom? belay
            Oh, come on, it's Tatra, and they always mix up "enemies of communists" with "friends of communists"
        2. +3
          30 August 2024 12: 55
          Dear Irina!

          You often write about haters of the USSR. I want to remind you that the USSR is dead.

          Don't you think that those who hate the USSR are, in some sense, necrophobes, and those who love the USSR are necrophiles?
          1. +1
            30 August 2024 13: 10
            It is completely normal to discuss the history of your country and people, and what is BETTER for your country and people, and it is an axiom that the USSR is a better State both in terms of development and for the majority of the people than it was before the USSR, and became after the USSR. In addition, the enemies of the USSR SLANDER against the USSR - this is the only justification they have had for their seizure of the USSR for 33 years, and we, honest people, expose their lies, slander, hypocrisy.
            1. +3
              30 August 2024 13: 20
              The USSR is the best state both in terms of development and for the majority of the people.
              Irina, how does this relate to the fact that when my mother was “standing” for boots in the USSR, my mother-in-law in France changed cars every 3-4 years?
              1. 0
                30 August 2024 21: 49
                Under L.I. Brezhnev, there was a plethora of goods in the USSR, from sausages to Czech shoes. Under Khrushchev, there were much fewer, and after Brezhnev, in connection with the "shootout and glasnost," Western agents arrived and the movement toward a "market economy" began. Everything began to disappear. Question: where did everything that people stood in line for appear on sale in the government on the second day of Gaidar's grandson's accession to the throne? Were they being held back for a bourgeois coup?
            2. +5
              30 August 2024 13: 38
              It is completely normal to discuss the history of your country and people, and what is BETTER for your country and people, and it is an axiom that the USSR is a better State both in terms of development and for the majority of the people than it was before the USSR, and became after the USSR.

              Have you ever thought about building something better instead of necromancy on the theme of the USSR?
            3. 0
              30 August 2024 14: 43
              "It is completely normal to discuss the history of your country and people, and what is BETTER for your country and people, and it is an axiom that the USSR is a better State both in terms of development and for the majority of the people than it was before the USSR, and became after the USSR."

              It's not that I agree with you, but your passion inspires me.

              I just want to say that it doesn’t even matter what the USSR was like – what matters is that it’s gone, it’s dead.

              A dead man has no friends or enemies.

              "Let the dead bury their own dead" (c) bible
              1. +3
                30 August 2024 15: 18
                Of course, there was a shortage of goods in the USSR. And you can argue about the USSR for a long time. But, damn it, our ancestors could do a lot and you can be proud of them for that. That is why today's Putin fans want to shut the mouths of everyone who remembers the USSR. Because if you compare Russia with the USSR, then Russia looks really bad.
              2. +2
                30 August 2024 15: 26
                What can we discuss? This anti-Soviet period, to which all the enemies of the USSR cowardly "have nothing to do", and their comments on the Internet about the Soviet period are much more numerous than about their anti-Soviet period?
                And for supporters of the USSR, this anti-Soviet period was a catastrophe for the country and the majority of the people.
                1. 0
                  30 August 2024 15: 46
                  “What can we discuss?”

                  It doesn't matter whether the USSR was good or bad, what matters is that this period has passed irrevocably. It is reasonable to look at what was good there, why this good is not there now, analyze the reasons for its absence and try to make this good, if possible.

                  It's too late to mourn the corpse, and it won't be possible to revive it.
                  1. +1
                    30 August 2024 15: 51
                    Honestly, I'm sick of you and your "corpse". For no nation in the world is the history of its State a "corpse".
                    And it’s not clear what you yourself are discussing here.
                    1. 0
                      30 August 2024 16: 23
                      Quote: tatra
                      Honestly, I'm sick of you and your "corpse". For no nation in the world is the history of its State a "corpse".
                      And it’s not clear what you yourself are discussing here.

                      For me, the history of my state is not a corpse, but a state formation like the USSR is a corpse.

                      The USSR is a part of Russian history, an era that has passed and cannot be returned. I respect this era, my best years were in it, but they are gone - and the era is gone.

                      It is equally strange for me to listen to both the enemies of the USSR and those who defend that era. In my opinion, both simply distract forces from building the future. Among my acquaintances there are both, and I respect them all equally, and even love some.

                      But the attitude towards the USSR as something that exists or as something that can be returned seems strange and illogical to me.

                      You can love the past, but you can’t bring it back.
                      1. 0
                        30 August 2024 18: 27
                        But the attitude towards the USSR as something that exists or as something that can be returned seems strange and illogical to me.

                        You can love the past, but you can’t bring it back.

                        You are simply not familiar with necromancy. The search for answers to questions about what death is and what lies beyond it is an important part of human knowledge of the world. Both science and religion offer ready-made answers to these questions. But there are people who prefer to go their own way and search for answers on their own. For such people who want to get direct answers to unanswerable questions, necromancy is very attractive. After all, necromancers believe that it is possible to communicate with the dead! Just watch the "Battle of Psychics" on TV.
                        The arsenal of tools of necromantic practices is quite wide. Some dig up skulls from graves, others use spells about "enemies of the USSR".
        3. -1
          31 August 2024 14: 02
          Dear, as many people tell you, the USSR is dead. And it set an anti-record for the life of the state. How can it be that the best state, which in your opinion is the best, has lived for 70 years?! If it is the best, then on the contrary, it will outlive all the others!)
          1. -1
            31 August 2024 14: 04
            How tired I am of the cowardly delirium of the enemies of the USSR.
            1. 0
              31 August 2024 14: 05
              Why nonsense? It's just history and numbers. You don't believe your own history and numbers?
      2. +1
        30 August 2024 13: 37
        Everything is correct, I agree.))
    2. -1
      30 August 2024 18: 49
      Quote from AdAstra
      Is YouTube's speed limit different?

      The article doesn't seem to specifically say who the bad guys are. It says that in all countries the screws are being tightened:
      "These trends have become increasingly evident in recent years. States are increasingly trying to control social networks and influence their owners, who must comply with strict rules and regulations (the list of which is constantly growing).
      There is also a fight against anonymity, new laws are being published that are designed to fight this very anonymity, and achieving it is becoming increasingly problematic."
  15. +3
    30 August 2024 13: 00
    All this is expected.
    The main thing is that people write a sea of ​​articles and get paid for it.
    The benefit is obvious. They will continue to write, essentially knowing nothing and guessing...
  16. +2
    30 August 2024 13: 20
    Digitalization is a multifaceted phenomenon. And its capabilities, both contribute to digital and economic globalization in the creation of the oligarchic "Matrix", and work to destroy it. The law of entropy - "nothing will be FOREVER" is true for everything in this world).
    And the actions of the French authorities are simply stupid (. It's like carrying water in a sieve or chopping off the head of the hydra of counterrevolution). Cut off one - three, five or a hundred new ones will grow! All the CENTURIES of developments of the world's special services in encryption, cryptography and multilateral duplication of information and data protection will contribute to the creation of dozens and hundreds of new programs, messengers and applications. And some of them will still "remain in the shadows", and some will become new "Telegrams". I have already written about this, that this fight, by analogy with the fight against marketplaces, visible and invisible applications for the sale of drugs, prohibited substances, weapons, criminal services, etc., will lead to nothing. The labor of Sisyphean (... Only the formation, creation and development of the Public consciousness of the civil Nation, as a Society of Creators, that is, the most effective "neural network", as a full-fledged strategic policy of creating Society, as a single, living organism, will be able to devalue and defeat the "Matrix". Or rather, show it its place, according to the law of unity and struggle of opposites.

    P.S. To even stand still, you need to run all the time. Dialectics).
  17. +1
    30 August 2024 13: 54
    The era of free internet has come to an end

    How could this era come to an end if it never began?
  18. +1
    30 August 2024 14: 34
    Freedom of speech by…
  19. +1
    30 August 2024 15: 00
    Previously, neither in Europe nor in Russia were people persecuted with such persistence for comments on social networks, but now this has become a new reality

    Sorry, author, but we don’t remember Assange and Snowden?
    As for us, well here you go
    The Leninsky District Court has completed a two-year review of the case on participation in the extremist community “USSR,” sentencing the founders and participants of the movement to real terms in a penal colony.
    Two organizers of the Sverdlovsk branch of "USSR" will spend six years in a general regime penal colony, and each of the nine participants - two years, 66.RU was told by the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region. All defendants were taken into custody in the courtroom.

    In 2019, the Supreme Court of Komi recognized "citizens of the USSR" (other names: "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics", "Union of Slavic Forces of Rus'", etc.) as an extremist organization. Despite this, the Sverdlovsk "citizens of the USSR" continued to revive the Union.

    According to the investigation, from July 11, 2019 to May 28, 2020, members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics organization were engaged in holding meetings, lectures, distributing booklets, propaganda materials discrediting Russian authorities and promoting the existence of the USSR
    1. 0
      30 August 2024 18: 52
      Quote: spektr9
      Sorry, author, but we don’t remember Assange and Snowden?

      These are not comments on social networks. Both of them leaked classified information. Snowden was still an NSA employee.
  20. +2
    30 August 2024 15: 22
    That's why the authorities strangled Durov in Russia and he was forced to leave. The smart and talented leave, but the unprincipled lackeys and thieves remain.
    1. 0
      30 August 2024 15: 43
      This is why the authorities strangled Durov in Russia

      Because he did not organize the telegram with Russian money, and it was mainly used by Navalny's movement... Well, after that the telegram turned out to be a very profitable tool, as a result of which Durov went freelance, and apparently money clouded his eyes so much that he did not want to give the telegram back to the organizers, they quickly reminded him who he was in the food chain
      1. +1
        30 August 2024 15: 45
        So whose money did he use to organize the cart? And who are its owners?
        1. 0
          30 August 2024 15: 51
          So whose money did he use to organize the cart? And who are its owners?

          The same ones that sponsored Navalny's movement in the mid-10s
          1. +1
            30 August 2024 15: 56
            I don't believe it, Navalny was really tight with money. But you still haven't named Durov's real owners, who paid him? I thought you'd say - the State Department.
            1. +1
              30 August 2024 16: 38
              Navalny was really short on money

              Now that's news! lol
              Well, in general, they showed Durov that he is not an independent figure, otherwise he began to forget
        2. +1
          30 August 2024 16: 17
          On the sheikhs' money. As for the owners, everything is ambiguous)
  21. +3
    30 August 2024 15: 45
    There is a certain problem with Durov as a kind of phenomenon. They say he is talented, a good manager, Telegu was either written by himself or by his brother, etc., etc.

    The problem is that Durov is simply an uneducated youth, with the level of the ever-memorable Dud. Members in the cabinet, the opinions of a semi-liberal schoolboy, airplanes made of 5000 bills, by the way, he gave a policeman a ride on the hood and thought that nothing would happen. Well, and even his personal relationships (they can be discussed, since Durov himself posts them online) - the level of an escort from a dumpling house in Chertanovo?

    Well, many people use all sorts of "Rybka", let's be honest, it's just that no one at a certain level would ever think of flaunting it. The issue is not about fish or an escort from a dumpling shop, but about a person showing that this is his level, demonstrating a permanent relationship in this. An ice bath, a worldwide donor to a sperm bank...

    In general, the problem is that the pro-Ukrainian, pro-Maidan supporter, liberal schoolboy Durov, for whom many have started to root, is not really needed here in Russia. So what, he will come, will he launch planes? Let him launch them in Dubai. He is a liberal pro-Maidan starlet schoolboy. He is simply stupid, and if anyone doesn't believe him - well, there is an interview. He cannot be an example, quite the opposite.

    But why is his brother still working at the Steklov Institute, and not writing super-messengers with a team and budgets allocated for this, that is what needs to be asked. Why Durov's brother in Russia does not yet have millions, status and super-products as a result of his talent. That's the problem. And Durov Jr., what's there to discuss about him?
    1. 0
      30 August 2024 23: 28
      It's just that Telegram is in fact a project of Russian special services, everything was obvious from that circus with the "blocking" of Telegram.
      1. 0
        31 August 2024 00: 29
        Captain Artemy Lebedev, log out again! laughing
  22. +1
    30 August 2024 16: 16
    Durov was released from prison on bail. For the simple reason that a "fake" was spread on the Internet - problems arose with the deal for 65 Rafales. That is, information appears, an hour of silence, suddenly everyone starts writing about a fake-fake and Pasha flies out of the kichi like a cork from a bottle)
    In general, he can close the issue for himself... by sacrificing Telegram. In the next few days, thousands of French deals may collapse, because Telegram has unlimited access to any details) but then it will not be possible to get a billion users.
    The author of the article is such a good guy) It is basically impossible to hack Telegram! Pasha provides information by court order! Here is jelly from mold, have you tried tea before? But drink it - and you will immediately forget about the mundane carousel...)
  23. 0
    30 August 2024 19: 46
    And that we had free internet. It's good that I found out.
  24. BAI
    30 August 2024 20: 10
    If all media are controlled, then why should Telegram be an exception?
  25. 0
    31 August 2024 10: 12
    laughing "" "" ""
  26. 0
    1 September 2024 00: 43
    The era of free internet has come to an end
    Are you that far behind progress? Remind me what year Eric Schmidt (the one who used to head Sun, then went to Google, now still an independent consultant for the secret services) did? It was around 2010. He then ironically treated the naive faith of some in a free, independent and anonymous Internet.
  27. 0
    1 September 2024 21: 08
    We will not go into details of the emergence and purposes of the Internet. In short and to the point - the Internet is a convenient, compact, all-weather system for collecting, analyzing, international information and influencing the audience, through its specific (information) "dissection" and distribution... Such systems cannot be free, protected and independent, by definition... Which is confirmed by a careful analysis of the work of this system...
  28. The comment was deleted.
  29. 0
    5 September 2024 09: 20
    Naturally it came up, because some striped non-comrades have learned to use this for their own purposes. The stage of regional firewalls and closed systems with the passage and moderation of content from the outside is coming. It does not bring anything bad for the average user, but various gray personalities will start howling because pinching of testicles is fast and inevitable. And the people will continue to watch cats as they have been watching them.