England was going to attack the USSR with the help of the Wehrmacht and the SS

England was going to attack the USSR with the help of the Wehrmacht and the SS
Churchill crossing the Rhine in Germany during the Rhineland offensive. Together with the Prime Minister are Field Marshals B. Montgomery and A. Brooke. March 25, 1945

"Russian threat"

In 1998, the British government declassified archive documents that showed that an operation codenamed Operation Unthinkable had indeed been developed. These documents are held in the National Archives.

The initiator of the new big the war, which was to begin after the capitulation of the Third Reich, was British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. A long-time enemy of Russia. It was Churchill, as Minister of Armaments and Minister of War of Britain, who became one of the main supporters and main initiators of the intervention in Russia, declaring the need to "strangle Bolshevism in the cradle." According to Churchill: "of all tyrannies, the Bolshevik tyranny is the worst... the most destructive, the most humiliating and... it is far worse than German militarism."

At the same time, Churchill was one of the most outstanding statesmen of the British Empire, who tried with all his might to preserve the world empire of the Anglo-Saxons. Naturally, he clearly identified the main enemies of the British Empire - Germany and Russia. It was the Germans and Russians who could challenge England in Europe and the world.

During the war, Churchill initially delayed the opening of the Second Front in Europe in order to exhaust the resources of Germany and the USSR as much as possible (Why did Great Britain and the USA delay the opening of a second front?). The Allies operated in secondary areas and theaters – Africa, the Mediterranean.

When the war turned radically and the Russians Tanks quickly went to the West, the British Prime Minister promoted the so-called "Balkan strategy". In order to land troops in the south of Europe, take Belgrade, Budapest and Vienna, to occupy South-Eastern and Central Europe before the Red Army.

The goal of the operation was stated quite openly – to impose the will of the USA and Great Britain on the USSR. According to Churchill, "Soviet Russia has become a mortal threat to the free world." Therefore, it is necessary to create a new front, which "must go as far east as possible." The main goal of the Anglo-American armies is Berlin; Prague and Vienna must also be occupied.

In addition, London and Washington tried to prevent the establishment of a Moscow-created communist government in Poland by defending the legitimacy of the London-based government in exile.

Churchill expresses fears that the Russians are aiming for complete hegemony in Europe: “At any moment, if they so choose, they will sweep through the rest of Europe and drive us back to our island.”

Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin at the Yalta Conference. February 1945.

Operation Unthinkable

Churchill instructs the War Cabinet's Joint Planning Staff to submit their views on a possible military campaign against the USSR. The plan's principal developer is Brigadier General Geoffrey Thompson. The plan is ready on 22 May 1945.

The start of military operations was planned for July 1, 1945. The plan for the land campaign envisaged two main attacks in Germany in the direction of Poland. The attacks were supposed to be: northern, along the Stettin-Schneidemühl-Bydgoszcz axis; and southern, along the Leipzig-Cottbus-Poznan and Breslau axis. The main tank battles were supposed to unfold east of the Oder-Neisse line, and the outcome of the campaign would depend on their outcome. Anglo-American troops were supposed to occupy Berlin and push the Russians back to the Oder and Neisse rivers, several dozen kilometers east of the German capital.

The planners believed that, despite the Russians' numerical superiority, there was a chance of achieving success thanks to the element of surprise, superior command and control of troops, and aviation. However, if the Red Army does not suffer a decisive defeat at the first stage, then a total war is inevitable. And in it, the Russians in Europe have an advantage. Deep and rapid penetration of Anglo-American troops into the depths of Russia, following the example of the Germans, is impossible.

England and the United States had to stake everything on one "great battle." In essence, it was the same gamble as the Wehrmacht invasion in June 1941, when the Nazis bet that Russia's main forces would be destroyed before winter.

The plan noted that only 47 Anglo-American divisions, including 14 armored, would be used in offensive operations. According to their estimates, they would be confronted by Red Army forces equivalent to 170 Allied divisions, of which 30 would be tank divisions.

Therefore, the Allies planned to use Polish rebels and 10-12 German divisions on their side. Later, even more German units could be formed. German prisoners of war were going to be used in the war with the Russians. For this purpose, uniforms and weapon The Third Reich was preserved for a while.

The Anglo-American command also tried to retain German command personnel, including SS men. People with such experience were needed by England and the USA to build their new world order (Why did the US cover up Nazi criminals?).

There was also hope that the Allies' advantage in world communications, at sea, and the cessation of Lend-Lease supplies would create critical problems for the USSR.

"Beyond our capabilities"

Churchill's ideas and Thompson's work were sent to the highest headquarters of Great Britain - the Joint Chiefs of Staff. On June 8, the conclusion of the British General Staff was drawn up.

The British generals were rather cool to Churchill's idea to start a new world war. The Prime Minister's chief military adviser Hastings Ismay wondered how the authorities would explain to the people that they had started a war against the Soviet Union, which for several years had positioned itself as the main opponent of the "black-brown plague" (Nazism and fascism), as an ally of Britain and the USA. It was also unacceptable to involve Wehrmacht and SS units in the war with the Russians, which would raise many questions and a negative reaction from the world community.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff noted that the Anglo-American forces had complete superiority only at sea and in strategic aviation. There would be no quick victory. The war would be total, long and costly. The numerical superiority of the Russians made even a short-term and limited success on land doubtful.

The key conclusion, signed by Field Marshal Alan Brooke, was clear:

"We therefore believe that if war comes, it will be beyond our power to achieve a quick limited success, and we shall find ourselves engaged in a long war against superior forces. Moreover, the superiority of these forces may be increased immeasurably if American fatigue and indifference increase and they are drawn to the magnet of war in the Pacific."

"Advance to the North Sea and the Atlantic"

On July 11, the British prepared a defensive plan, which retained the code name "Unthinkable." The British military noted that if the Americans left Europe (for example, to the Pacific theater), the Russians would be able to advance to the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The British would have to, following the example of the 1940 campaign, evacuate to the British Isles and rely on the defense fleet and aviation.

In this way, Churchill wanted to do what some leading figures of the Third Reich had proposed just before the fall of the German Empire. Eliminate Hitler and use the remaining power of the Wehrmacht, the SS and the military-economic potential of the German Empire in the fight against the Russians. The Germans were becoming outright "cannon fodder" for England and the USA in the fight against the "red threat". The Anglo-American divisions became the second echelon.

Churchill lost the election in July 1945, losing his place as prime minister. However, he retained his status as the leading ideologist of the Western world. On March 5, 1946, at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, Churchill gave a speech that became famous and is considered to be the starting point of the Cold War.

In essence, this was the beginning of the third world war – an ideological, informational, economic confrontation between two world poles. A diplomatic and secret war, a war of special services, a small war in third countries (Korea, Vietnam, Angola, Afghanistan, etc.).

The Anglo-Saxons, led by Churchill, were unable to start a “hot war” due to the military and economic might of the Soviet superpower. Analysis by the British and American military showed that the Russians were invincible on land at that time and could reach the Atlantic coast in the event of a new war in Europe. Neither Churchill, nor the British generals, nor their American allies were suicidal.

Allied troops parade in Berlin on September 7, 1945, marking the end of World War II. A column of 52 Soviet IS-3 heavy tanks from the 2nd Guards Tank Army marches along the Charlottenburg Highway
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  1. +11
    30 August 2024 05: 47
    Many politicians are far from reality, both in ancient times and now. Churchill was slowed down by the military. I wonder what our military reported to the SVO? Our leadership also turned out to be far from reality.....
    1. +1
      30 August 2024 11: 21
      The USSR was also not ready for war by June 1941. The leader knew this. They reported. He dragged his feet.
      Do you order the Red Army to retreat to Siberia and continue preparations until ready, sir?
      1. +2
        30 August 2024 15: 43
        It was mortally dangerous for Stalin to lie
        1. +1
          30 August 2024 22: 18
          And sometimes telling the truth was no less dangerous.
    2. 0
      2 September 2024 13: 51
      That's right. But not only the GRU guys. The SVR couldn't cope either. Some misjudged the military potential of the dancers and their already completed integration into the NATO military machine, while others miscalculated the speed of weapons deliveries, which were almost instantaneous, and the sanctions strike. Every mistake has a name, and now we know them all by name. But they all still hold their positions and are close to the sun, while combat generals and patriots are scattered across Africa and pretrial detention centers.
    3. +1
      8 September 2024 22: 16
      In Russia, all decisions are made by a person with unlimited absolute power. But the most disgusting thing is that he was told what he wanted to hear, unlike Great Britain in 45, where Churchill was stopped by those who could really assess and predict the development of events. I do not rule out unprofessionalism and bungling in the Russian General Staff and in intelligence. Everyone knows what the rotten Ministry of Defense was like up until Shoigu's resignation and the start of numerous criminal trials against the so-called generals
  2. +5
    30 August 2024 05: 55
    Quote: Samsonov Alexander
    Anglo-American troops were to occupy Berlin and push the Russians back to the Oder and Neisse rivers
    I wonder if the Americans, who were dreaming of the collapse of the British Empire in their favor, agreed with this plan? wink
  3. 0
    30 August 2024 07: 11
    But in China, the Asian version of the operation was successful and Japanese troops, after the capitulation of the Japanese Empire, fought together with Chiang Kai-shek against the PLA for several more years.
  4. +1
    30 August 2024 07: 38
    The Prime Minister's chief military adviser, Hastings Ismay, asked how the authorities would explain to the people that they had started a war against the Soviet Union, which for several years had positioned itself as the main opponent of the "black-brown plague" (Nazism and fascism), as an ally of Britain and the USA.

    One of the main reasons for the plan's cancellation: what is there to fight for?

    It would be very difficult to explain anything intelligible to the people of England, exhausted by a 6-year war.
    1. +5
      30 August 2024 10: 04
      and one more thing: the US at that time was waging a difficult war in the Pacific Ocean, which had to be ended and without the USSR it was problematic
    2. +1
      31 August 2024 01: 02
      Quote: Olgovich
      One of the main reasons for the plan's cancellation: what is there to fight for?

      It would be very difficult to explain anything intelligible to the people of England, exhausted by a 6-year war.

      They should have told us about the "ideals of democracy" that Stalin tramples on at home. And if he is not stopped now in Germany, he will soon establish Soviet power in England.
      People would have swallowed it.
      1. 0
        31 August 2024 11: 13
        Quote: Comrade
        They should have told us about the "ideals of democracy" that Stalin tramples on at home. And if he is not stopped now in Germany, he will soon establish Soviet power in England.
        People would have swallowed it.

        I'm not sure - too sharp a turn
  5. -4
    30 August 2024 07: 40
    He was a narrow-minded man, though cunning. Hatred clouds reason. He was chosen precisely because of the war, so he wanted to prolong it indefinitely, just like Zelensky. The fool did not understand that the threat was not in the USSR, but in the USA, that is why they lost their empire, turning into mongrels of former slaves.
  6. +2
    30 August 2024 08: 06
    At the same time, Churchill was one of the most outstanding statesmen of the British Empire.

    Apart from the British, no one else thinks so...
  7. 0
    30 August 2024 08: 13
    The plan noted that only 47 Anglo-American divisions, including 14 armored, would be used in offensive operations. According to their estimates, they would be confronted by Red Army forces equivalent to 170 Allied divisions, of which 30 would be tank divisions.

    even if we add 12 German divisions and, stretching an owl onto a globe, 12 Polish (without equipment). attacking 170 is very doubtful. let's not forget about the war in the Far East
  8. +7
    30 August 2024 10: 06

    We like to present well-known historical facts as historical sensations. And to "understate" them a little and "a little"...to interpret them.
    Sleight of hand and no cheating, yeah

    It is only necessary to keep silent in the text that this plan was calculated as at least some kind of confrontation, if the Russians decide to go to the English Channel... sweeping away the troops of England and America with their selected, tested and numerous army. And even then, at the end of the calculations, they decided that it would not be possible to resist normally. (This was written repeatedly)

    In this case, we can arm either the Germans or the Poles, just to save our asses...

    And the general staffs exist to make plans for all eventualities.
    1. +3
      30 August 2024 16: 38
      Quote: Max1995
      Sleight of hand and no cheating, yeah

      Samsonov, sir!
  9. -1
    30 August 2024 12: 30
    I already thought this was about May 1941. It was quite possible for Hitler to make peace with England and together with the USSR. Especially since Hitler was quite an Anglophile. If only these gentlemen weren't sick of the former corporal.
    1. +1
      30 August 2024 16: 35
      Quote: Larich
      It was entirely possible for Hitler to make peace with England and together with the USSR.

      The British did not agree to this - leaving old Europe under Hitler was not part of their plans.
      1. 0
        4 September 2024 07: 07
        Well, for some reason the Anglo-Americans nurtured a system that later captured all of Europe. Is there another example in world history of such rapid growth of a military-economic regime, in 20 years? I don't think so. In 404 they couldn't even do it in 30 years
        1. 0
          4 September 2024 18: 33
          Quote: Larich
          Well, for some reason the Anglo-Americans nurtured a system that later took over all of Europe.

          You shouldn't view the US as something single-indivisible-eternal. The USSR of Stalin's time and the USSR of Gorbachev's time are two slightly different USSRs in terms of foreign policy. The US is exactly the same.
          At the end of WWII, Roosevelt saw the future as a peaceful coexistence of two superpowers - the USSR and the USA, the presence of two second-tier powers (England and China) and all the rest. But he died, the narrow-minded Russophobe Truman came to power, the British, who did not want to move to the second rank, incited, of course, and as a result, the US course changed abruptly by 180 and the Cold War began with all the inflows and outflows
  10. 0
    30 August 2024 12: 52
    These are just speculations like playing "Risiko!" where you can conquer the world jut being sit on your chair. Real world is different. To continue this fantasy war game I can say that UK should have planned to use American's nuclear weapons over USSR and especially over Moscow, Kiev, Leningrad to bend population and the military factories in Urals to destroy the sovietic industrial complex. Hazardous plan. More than Hitler's.
    1. +2
      30 August 2024 15: 24
      Quote: Ender Dorghut
      Hazardous plan. More than Hitler's.

      Madmen's plans for war are always dangerous.
  11. +1
    30 August 2024 16: 33
    England and the United States had to stake everything on one “great battle”

    Samsonov again "forgot" to mention that the Americans did not take part in the development of the "unthinkable". Churchill suggested it to them and was sent far away and into the forest. That is why the "unthinkable" was created exclusively by the British military. Who, yes, categorically did not like all this.
    And in general, trying to stretch the idea of ​​Anglo-American aggression onto the "unthinkable" is, let's say, unwise. Churchill needed two things:
    1 A plan in case the USSR, contrary to all agreements, continues to conquer Europe after the defeat of Nazi Germany
    2 Understanding to what extent it will be possible to negotiate with the USSR and whether there is a possibility of political pressure on Stalin.
    As a result of the "unthinkable" it turned out that:
    1. England and the USA have almost no chance of holding on to Europe if the USSR decides to seize it.
    2. It won't work to put pressure on Vissarionovich
    Churchill was upset, of course, but took note
  12. +3
    30 August 2024 16: 35
    British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Russia's long-time enemy. It was Churchill... etc.

    Medinsky must be jealous. Respect to the author.
    Churchill, of course, hated us fiercely - to the point that he even sent ships to Murmansk. Caravans - with weapons, equipment, food. Etc.
    1. +4
      30 August 2024 16: 58
      Quote: Wizzzard
      Churchill, of course, hated us fiercely - to the point that he even sent ships to Murmansk. Caravans - with weapons, equipment, food. Etc.

      Well, that didn't stop him from hating us, he just needed us as allies. "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would at least speak favorably of Satan in the House of Commons" (c)
  13. BAI
    30 August 2024 20: 02
    The start of hostilities was planned for July 1, 1945.

    Without waiting for the USSR to transfer troops to the Far East and defeat Japan.
    Stupid choice of start date.
    1. 0
      30 August 2024 22: 28
      Without a powerful and balanced navy, it was impossible to defeat Japan. And at that time, only the United States had such a navy.
      1. BAI
        30 August 2024 23: 24
        the fleet of course, but the Kwantung army only from land
        1. +1
          31 August 2024 02: 21
          but the Kwantung army only from land

          Which our armed forces did brilliantly, having carried out in a short period of time a literally standard operation to defeat and destroy the Kwantung Army and its local allies. Although, of course, this army was not fit to hold a candle to our units transferred from the Western Front, and the Japanese tanks were, to put it mildly, "not very good". Nevertheless, this operation is still studied in all serious Military Academies around the world.
          In terms of its concept, scope, dynamism, method of accomplishing its tasks, and final results, the Manchurian operation is one of the outstanding operations of the Red Army in World War II. Soviet military art was enriched by the experience of conducting an unprecedented scale regrouping of troops from the west to the east of the country over distances of 2 to 9 thousand km, maneuvering large forces over long distances in the mountain-taiga and desert theater of military operations, and organizing the interaction of ground forces with the Navy and Air Force.
          1. +1
            4 September 2024 08: 34
            Quote: Sea Cat
            Although, of course, this army was not fit to hold a candle to our units transferred from the Western Front, and the Japanese tanks were, to put it mildly, "not very good". Nevertheless, this operation is still being studied in all serious Military Academies around the world.

            By the way, the Soviet side also used outdated BT tanks.
            The Japanese had poor armor, but their artillery and aviation were not so bad. In addition, the Kwantung Army had well-equipped defensive positions. So, the enemy was quite serious, do not underestimate it.
            1. 0
              4 September 2024 21: 50
              I agree, it shouldn't be underestimated.
              But as for aviation, the allies (Americans) had knocked it out almost completely by this time, only old stuff remained. The Pacific theater ate it all up, as did the best infantry units.
    2. -1
      2 September 2024 22: 01
      "The Unthinkable" is a plan in case the USSR joins forces with Japan against the Allies.
      The input data (the conditions from which the planners must proceed) were set as follows:
      The action receives the full support of public opinion in Britain and the United States, and the morale of the Anglo-American troops is high;
      Britain and the United States have the full support of Polish troops and can count on the use of German labor and the remaining German industrial potential;
      The armies of the other Western powers cannot be relied upon;
      The USSR enters into an alliance with Japan;
      The date of declaration of hostilities was July 1, 1945[21].
  14. 0
    31 August 2024 08: 52
    Does the author collaborate with VTsIOM?
    There are not many commentators on VO, but their reaction to such text needs to be digitized.
  15. 0
    1 September 2024 00: 45
    The British generals reacted very coolly to Churchill's idea of ​​starting a new world war.
    I recommend that the author find a recording of the program The Path to Victory, where the plans described in the article were discussed.
    Historians explained that these plans were purely hypothetical, Churchill had no real intention of attacking the USSR, and the option of “the USSR attacks England” was also purely hypothetical.

    In simple terms, it was standard practice for the British Armed Forces to make plans based on possible probabilities - to ensure a high degree of variability, which is the normal job of a smart General Staff.
    (and not the only option like yes, we will strike now, and the enemy will immediately surrender)
  16. 0
    4 September 2024 08: 37
    Quote: Wizzzard
    Churchill, of course, hated us fiercely - to the point that he even sent ships to Murmansk. Caravans - with weapons, equipment, food. Etc.

    Because he understood perfectly well that the more German soldiers were destroyed by the Red Army, the less English blood would be shed during the fighting.
    Emotions have nothing to do with it - just pragmatic calculation.