“Drone missile” in Ukrainian: product “Palyanytsya”

“Drone missile” in Ukrainian: product “Palyanytsya”
Preparing for flight: the UAV is removed from the container

Ukrainian authorities continue to search for a “miracle”weapon", which could have turned the tide at the front and prevented their defeat. Now they are considering "rocket-Drone"of its own design called "Palyanytsya". With the help of this device, Kyiv plans to attack remote Russian objects.

New sample

The creation of a new weapon was first reported on August 24, Ukraine's Independence Day. This project, called “Palyanytsia”, is given great importance, and was discussed at the highest level, including the self-proclaimed president.

The project has reportedly been in development for the past year and a half by a Ukrainian organization. However, the developer and manufacturer of the “drone rocket” are not disclosed for obvious reasons. The project was named “Palyanytsya” after a Ukrainian bread recipe that has recently become a code word for identifying regime loyalists.

To date, the “drone missile” has been tested and even entered into service. Vladimir Zelensky claims that in honor of Independence Day it was used for the first time on a Russian target, and the attack was successful. However, this information is not confirmed by anything other than the words of the “president” himself.

During the assembly process

Ukrainian official resources and media published several videos about the new product. One of them shows the process of preparing the product for launch and takeoff. Another video with pathos reveals the goals and objectives of the project, and also promises strikes on remote targets in Russia. It is noteworthy that in this case, “Palyanytsya” was shown only in the form of graphics, and real footage with other weapons, mostly foreign, was used in the editing.

Now Ukraine is going to set up production of new “drone missiles” and use them against Russia. In addition, they promise to develop other long-range weapons. Whether these plans will be fulfilled in the context of systematic demilitarization of industry is a big question.

Technical part

From the first official publications, the general appearance of the new Ukrainian weapons became known. Some technical features are also mentioned, but without details. This allows us to imagine what “Palyanytsia” is, what threat it poses and how it can be fought.

“Palyanytsia” is called a “drone rocket”. Such a term does not make sense, but you can understand what they wanted to say. It seems that this product attempted to combine some of the features of cruise missiles and aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles.

Working with devices

The product is built according to the aerodynamic “duck” design. There is a cylindrical fuselage with an ogival nose cone. It is equipped with a mid-mounted front horizontal tail and a high-mounted wing. The tail contains two keels with a slight camber.

The UAV does not have its own chassis. For takeoff, a small wheeled trolley is used, with the ability to accelerate due to external force. Return and boarding drone not provided.

The exact dimensions of the UAV are unknown. It can be assumed that the length and span of the wing are 1,5–2 m. The mass is also not disclosed, and according to available information it will not be possible to estimate it.

The “drone rocket” is equipped with a small-sized turbojet engine. Its air intakes are located on the sides of the fuselage, and the nozzle is discharged through an open tail. The parameters of such a power plant are unknown, but it is claimed that Palyanitsya is faster than other Ukrainian drones.

The exact flight range is not specified, while the promotional materials indicate the desired targets for strikes. Ukraine plans to launch its products at various Russian facilities, including the Dyagilevo airfields in Ryazan and Savasleika in the Nizhny Novgorod region. However, it is unknown whether the Palyanitsya is really capable of such a flight range.

There are no signs of the use of optical-electronic or other reconnaissance systems on the airframe of the product. Apparently, the drone is equipped only with navigation aids and an autopilot, which help it fly along a given route or to a specified target. There is no possibility of additional target reconnaissance or full homing.

Probably, the “drone missile” carries a high-explosive or high-explosive fragmentation warhead of limited mass. The existing dimensions can accommodate a charge weighing no more than tens of kilograms.

Long range attempt

Ukrainian sources use the specific term “drone missile” for the Palyanitsya product. In essence, we are talking about a long-range kamikaze unmanned aerial vehicle. In recent years, this type of weapon has been actively developing, and now Ukraine is joining such processes.

Little is known about the new Ukrainian project. However, even the available data allows us to draw preliminary conclusions about the potential of these weapons in the context of their combat use and possible danger.

The new Ukrainian weapon is supposed to have several advantages. Firstly, it is simple in design, production and operation. Secondly, the product must have sufficiently high flight performance and guidance accuracy provided by modern equipment.

At the start

However, there are also disadvantages. For example, a product may be too complex for Ukrainian industry to produce in its current state. Questions also arise about the possible production culture, which will determine the real qualities of “drone missiles.”

The Russian air defense will have to fight the Ukrainian Palyanitsa. The new UAV has limited dimensions and is partially made of plastic, which should reduce its radar signature. At the same time, there are apparently no other means and methods of reducing visibility. As a result, a drone should not be a difficult target for modern radars.

Defeating a UAV with modern firepower also looks quite possible. This will be facilitated by both the radar signature of the target and the presence of a turbojet engine with a fairly hot exhaust on it.

The Palyanitsya product is equipped with navigation and control electronics. This makes it susceptible to electronic warfare. It should be recalled that a significant part of Ukrainian drones launched towards our territory are successfully suppressed by interference and thrown off course.

In flight

In the presence of such factors, it will be possible to achieve success in an attack only with the massive use of drones. However, this requires a large number of products, up to several dozen per direction/target. It is unlikely that Ukraine, even with the assistance of its allies, will be able to accumulate a supply of Palyanitsa for even one such raid.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the Russian army will try to identify the production sites of new Ukrainian “drone missiles” and disable the assembly lines. Regular attacks on the military infrastructure of Ukraine show that such a task is quite feasible. In this case, not only the production of “Palyanitsa”, but also other projects may suffer.

Another attempt

Thus, Ukraine is again looking for a miracle weapon that will help change the situation at the front and avoid defeat. This time they are going to use something between a kamikaze drone and a cruise missile against Russia.

Ukrainian authorities claim that the product, called “Palyanytsya,” is already used in combat and has even hit an actual Russian target. However, there is no reliable information about this yet. It may not appear because either the weapon was not used or it did not reach its target.

Even if Ukrainian forces start using these weapons, they should not expect great results. Defense destroys or suppresses most enemy unmanned strike systems, and only a few reach their designated targets. There is no reason to believe that the new Palyanitsya will be an exception.
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  1. +8
    27 August 2024 04: 32
    Why a jet drone and not a compact cruise missile? According to the description, this is a cruise missile!
    Geranium-2 is a UAV, not a rocket, because the engine is not a jet, but a gasoline propeller, although the method of application is almost the same, but this is Polyanitsa, how is it different from the Kyrgyz Republic?
    1. +1
      27 August 2024 05: 56
      Let's proceed from the fact that any new type of weapon for the enemy is bad, but for us it is good... The conclusion suggests itself - it is necessary to produce as many new and effective types of weapons as possible, against which the enemy's new weapons will simply not be noticeable and Zelensky will simply be ashamed to brag about the lonely "Polyanitsa"... Of course, you can complain that there is not enough money and capacity, but you can remember how the industry was transferred to military rails at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and force private business, under the threat of deprivatization, to work not only for its own pocket, but also for the state... If our government wants to survive, it will have to do this anyway, at the same time remembering how it is there "to soak in the toilet"... Otherwise, we simply will not win... am
      1. +2
        27 August 2024 06: 40
        The conclusion suggests itself - we need to produce as many new and effective types of weapons as possible.

        New is not always the best. During Tukhachevsky's time, many new and different things were produced.
        1. +4
          27 August 2024 13: 56
          It may not appear because either the weapon was not used or it did not reach its target.
          Yes, the grass just caught fire and detonated.
    2. 0
      7 September 2024 14: 41
      UAV is an unmanned aerial vehicle. All missiles, quadcopters and aircraft-type drones are unmanned, regardless of the source of thrust - electric motors with propellers and impellers, gasoline engines with propellers, turbojet engines and jet (rocket) engines. Therefore, Palyanitsa and Geran are aircraft-type UAVs because they have wings. Iskanders are missiles, but they can also be classified as UAVs, but flying along a ballistic trajectory. In general, even Topol and Sarmat are also UAVs, but flying along ballistic and aero-quasi-ballistic trajectories. And all because they do not have a pilot (a person).
      1. -1
        7 September 2024 17: 08
        I disagree, a UAV is a controlled aircraft without a person on board! It can be with a jet engine or a propeller, but in any case it is controlled!
        And a rocket is actually a projectile launched one way, using a rocket engine! Geranium is not a UAV by and large either, it is not a controlled aircraft by and large either, but a flying munition with a given route of movement.
  2. 0
    27 August 2024 04: 41
    And if it is so simple, then why can't they manage to release it for at least one purpose? And there are different purposes. It's time to revive VNOS.
    1. 0
      27 August 2024 12: 04
      Quote from Kuzja
      And if it’s so simple, then why can’t they manage to release it for at least one purpose?

      It is not at all simple, and the equipment is all Western. Roughly speaking, the rocket has never been a simple product.
      And something that has a heat signature and significant speed is more likely + for identification by the Russian air defense system
      1. 0
        27 August 2024 12: 52
        It is not at all simple, and the equipment is all Western. .

        Not all of them. They probably make the engine themselves, and the body too. This means that Motor Sich is still in operation, just like other defense industry plants. It seems that all of our missile attacks have not caused them any particular damage. In order to seriously destroy their industry, direct massive bombings from the air by our aviation are needed. And this is not happening because the enemy's air defense has not yet been suppressed. This should be the primary task of our army. To destroy their air defense. If this is not done, our aviation will continue to work at half capacity in the backyards. This means that Bandera's enterprises will continue to produce the weapons and BP they need.
        1. 0
          27 August 2024 13: 05
          Quote: wladimirjankov
          Not all of them. They probably make the engine themselves and so does the body. This means that Motor Sich is still in operation like other military-industrial complex plants. It seems that all these missile attacks of ours did not cause much damage to them. In order to seriously destroy their industry, direct massive bombing from the air by our aircraft is needed.

          All this is garage work. If they were able to mass-produce such a UAV, there would be nothing but victories after victories in the media. In Ukraine there is only assembly, configuration and programming. There is no opportunity there now to mass-produce jet engines, the technology is at least a little, but it must be maintained. And with interruptions in no electricity
          1. +6
            27 August 2024 13: 34
            All this is garage work.

            Sorry, you can't make a jet engine in a garage. Or 152 mm barrels for the Bogdan SPG and other towed artillery. And they regularly launch Older, Neptune, Tochka-U missiles at us. They should have run out of the latter a long time ago, but for some reason this is not happening. And they are still churning out T-64 tanks and making Kozak armored personnel carriers. And they seem to have learned to make 122 and 152 caliber shells themselves. Otherwise, why don't they run out? After all, it is impossible to bring everything from the West.
            1. -1
              27 August 2024 14: 39
              Quote: wladimirjankov
              And they regularly launch alder, neptune, dot-y rockets at us. The latter should have ended long ago, but for some reason this is not happening. And they still rivet T-64 tanks and make Cossack armored personnel carriers. And it seems they have learned to make 122 and 152 caliber shells themselves. Otherwise, why don’t they run out of them?

              They are supplied with everything, why should they do it? Both shells and equipment, and even transferred the production of missiles to the EU. It is NOT possible to hide the production of shells only if they are made on the knees, in garages. But this is handicraft and costs hundreds of units per month, but thousands per day are needed.
            2. +5
              27 August 2024 17: 26
              Sorry, you can't make a jet engine in a garage

              You can simply buy the engine. The JetCat 400 Pro jet engine (weight 4 kg) with a thrust of 425 N and maximum fuel consumption: 1 kg/min costs 8.7 thousand €; JetCat 1000 Pro (weight 11.5 kg) with a thrust of 1.1 kN and a fuel consumption of 2.3 kg/min costs 20 thousand €
              For comparison, the Superjet with a takeoff weight of 46 tons has a thrust of 158 kN. Using the similarity method, we find that the JetCat 400 Pro can handle a glider weighing 120 kg, the JetCat 1000 Pro will lift 320 kg, and a pair of 2 JetCats 640 kg. The weight of the drone is 20-25% of the takeoff weight of the drone.
            3. 0
              27 August 2024 21: 53
              Sorry, but now you can make a jet (and turbojet) engine in a garage. Another question is what its resource and power will be. But as it was already written here, you can buy everything from the Chinese.
              1. 0
                28 August 2024 08: 53
                It is easier to buy it if you have access to the market.
          2. +1
            27 August 2024 17: 20
            You can tell the residents of Saratov and Engels that Ukrainian drones are homemade garage stuff, but I think they will not agree with this statement. Judging by the information in the article, this “bread” is similar to ours, or not ours, Geranium, the only difference is in the engine. With mass application, for targets such as substations and refineries, the damage will be serious.
        2. -1
          7 September 2024 14: 45
          They have a lot of money, and they buy small turbojet engines in England or Germany. Because there is free financing for such purchases from Europe and the USA. They have no time to make these engines. And the housings of such a Palyanitsa can be made even in a garage, stuffing Chinese electronics from the same Europe inside.
  3. +3
    27 August 2024 04: 55
    The Russian army will try to identify the production sites of new Ukrainian “drone missiles” and disable the assembly lines.
    Well, why bother looking for it? Knock out all their energy, and let them turn the machines with a crooked starter by candlelight. Although no, there won't be any candles, since they'll eat up all the fat, and oil is needed for paraffin, so they'll have to light it with torches or kindling. How much will they produce in such conditions?No.negative
    1. 0
      27 August 2024 05: 37
      The designer of this device should be spanked...somewhere in a restaurant on the way home.
      1. +1
        27 August 2024 06: 50
        The designer of this device should be spanked...

        It’s too late, he’s not the one else who will do something similar. Coming up with a design, even a very successful one, is only the end of the matter that ends the beginning. You need a machine tool base, materials, energy, skillful hands to carry out tests, and, as a rule, the first pancake is lumpy. Further refinement. As has been written here several times, the destruction of supplies and energy, bridges and tunnels.
      2. -2
        27 August 2024 15: 50
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        The designer of this device should be spanked...somewhere in a restaurant on the way home.

        It is quite possible that the designer of this device is not a Bandera-Ukrainian. And this palyanitsa is not their product. Some John Stenberg from Israel or England. They pass it off as their product. Like they don't allow us to use American-English weapons. We make it ourselves. We'll launch it wherever we want. They took some Storm Shadow and called it "tsybulya"... Like Seva Shenderovich from Vinnitsa created it.
  4. +8
    27 August 2024 05: 33
    The project was named “Palyanytsya” in honor of the Ukrainian bread recipe - author, when you write something, at least look at Wikipedia.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +3
      27 August 2024 09: 13
      In general, palyanitsa is an Old Slavonic word, like bread itself. In Ukrainian it is pronounced as palanytsa.
      1. +4
        27 August 2024 09: 15
        That's right, you're right, but this is by no means a recipe for bread....
    3. +1
      27 August 2024 12: 23
      Quote from: alexandre
      The project was named "Palyanytsya" in honor of the Ukrainian bread recipe

      This is not only bread, but also shibboleth - a characteristic word, by the pronunciation of which one can distinguish a truly Ukrainian person from one pretending to be one. Remember, at the beginning of the SVO, “kazhy palyanitsya” was a very popular means of primary identification.
  5. The comment was deleted.
    1. +3
      27 August 2024 06: 44
      That's right. We can be kidding (by the way, like them), but in any case, they are great, they hold on and resist (Russians don’t give up!) They are not going to give up, so that we don’t sing about NATO! I’ve been following my fellow countrymen for a long time, I love making things myself, I noticed that they create very interesting and interesting devices, but life forces them! Well, here we have UAVs flying around our country, which we “shoot down”, but the debris falls and somehow successfully!!!
  6. -6
    27 August 2024 06: 33
    Ukrainian "V-2". Once again I am convinced of the need for the Northern Military District and the destruction of the state “Ukraine”.
  7. +3
    27 August 2024 06: 35
    I do not agree with the mockingly ironic tone of the article.
    A cruise missile can cause a lot of trouble. Their advantages are well known to everyone.
    With the broadest support from the West, it will be done. Nothing prevents Ukraine from purchasing Western components and (or) mastering its production at Western factories.
  8. BAI
    27 August 2024 06: 37
    In addition, they promise to develop other long-range weapons. Whether it will be possible to fulfill these plans in the conditions of systematic demilitarization of industry is a big question.

    no question. it will succeed. no one bothers
  9. +5
    27 August 2024 06: 47
    I have a question for the commentators who suggest destroying everything possible in Ukraine: factories, power plants, bridges, airfields, railway junctions, etc. Everything down to the lunar surface. Use nuclear weapons. Burn everything!!! There will be contaminated territories and millions of sick people.
    Let's say we reach Lviv.
    And what next? There are 46 million people living in Ukraine. But there will be no light, gas, water, electricity, roads.
    People will have nowhere to work and live. The “gratitude” of the locals will know no bounds. Who will build the country anew?
    What will we do there? It seems that we are freeing them and bringing freedom to Ukraine.
    Let me note that these are Slavic people.
    Millions of family ties with Russia.
    Try to turn on your brain and think before you suggest something like that.
    1. 0
      27 August 2024 07: 24
      Demilitarization and denazification were proclaimed, but nothing was said about liberation.
      1. -4
        27 August 2024 07: 29
        The media writes all the time that such and such a village has been liberated
        So what to do with the Moon on which 46 million Ukrainians live. A quarter of them are Russian.
        1. -2
          27 August 2024 08: 09
          So what to do with the Moon on which 46 million Ukrainians live. A quarter of them are Russians

          You got the ratio wrong! Of the 46 million people who once lived in the Ukrainian SSR, probably a quarter considered themselves Ukrainians, and the rest were Russians and other nationalities!
          I myself was in Kyiv in 2012 and I only listened to the Ukrainian language on the radio in the car, but on the street, in shops and with everyone with whom I came into contact on a business trip, the Ukrainian language was not used and no one knew it! So even a quarter of a million Ukrainians (more than 10 million people for a minute) is also an extremely imaginative figure No.

          Now in Ukraine, due to Nazi laws, they are trying to transform the population into Ukrainians, banning their native language and forcing them to speak Ukrainian, and children are taught a fictitious history so that they do not know their roots and think as the Nazis of Ukraine need!
          1. 0
            27 August 2024 08: 34
            I have been to Ukraine, Crimea. I agree with you. According to official, pre-war, Ukrainian statistics, there are only 3% Russians there. Of course this is a lie..
            1. +1
              27 August 2024 14: 08
              There were 21% Russians, based on the population census of the 90s.
        2. -2
          27 August 2024 08: 58
          So what to do with the Moon on which 46 million Ukrainians live?

          Didn't understand. Send to the moon is a euphemism for murder.
          1. 0
            27 August 2024 09: 06
            I meant that we will destroy everything created by human hands in Ukraine. Which many people are calling for here. The lunar surface will remain.
            1. -2
              27 August 2024 09: 19
              I meant that we will destroy everything in Ukraine

              Avoid using the universal quantifier (all/everything) in vain; this is a sign of manipulation.
              I observed the lunar surface from horizon to horizon in Zaporozhye in 1986, while on a business trip I was at the Zaporozhye Titanium-Magnesium Plant. It is noteworthy that the windows in the plant area were frosted from chlorides that had settled outside.
              1. 0
                27 August 2024 09: 22
                Dirt is deposited on windows, not chlorides.
                1. +1
                  27 August 2024 10: 10
                  Dirt is deposited on windows, not chlorides.

                  If you don't know, don't write, titanium ore, in which titanium is in the form of TiO₂ oxide, is enriched, in electric furnaces with coal it is brought to a concentration in the slag of 80..90% TiO₂, this oxide in the presence of chlorine at a temperature above 1000 ℃ is converted into TiCl₄ (this is where all sorts of chlorides FeCl2, MnCl2, CrCl3 CaCl2, etc. fly out of the furnace) and finally TiCl₄ + 2Mg = Ti + 2MgCl₂ we get dirty metallic titanium.
                  1. +1
                    27 August 2024 11: 03
                    I know chemistry no worse than you.
                    In any quarry ore, the majority of it is waste soil, earth, etc. While it still gets to enrichment...
                    Part of the chloride in a dissociated state, combining with water, forms hydrochloric acid, corroding metals and glass.
                    And at the same time the lungs and eyes of the workers.
                    1. +1
                      27 August 2024 12: 10
                      And at the same time the lungs and eyes of the workers.

                      That’s what I wrote about in the area of ​​metallurgical plants in Zaporozhye, there was and will be a lunar landscape until metallurgy disappears there.
                      1. 0
                        27 August 2024 23: 04
                        Quote: Sensor
                        That’s what I wrote about in the area of ​​metallurgical plants in Zaporozhye, there was and will be a lunar landscape until metallurgy disappears there.
                        Relax. After the mid-1990s, neither ZTMC nor the nearby Kremniypolimer were working at full capacity... Not even at half capacity. No.
        3. -2
          27 August 2024 10: 04
          Quote: Stardock
          The media writes all the time that such and such a village has been liberated

          This is about Donbass, mainly, and new territories that became part of Russia.
          Quote: Stardock
          A quarter of them are Russian.

          Persons with Russian surnames are not always Russian - Budanov, for example.
          Quote: Stardock
          So what to do with the Moon on which 46 million Ukrainians live.

          Firstly, it’s far from 46 million, and secondly, let the West restore them - we don’t owe them anything, the only thing is that we need to return the 3 billion dollars that we lent them and take indemnity for the destruction in the Donbass and other territories , as well as punish war criminals.
          1. +1
            27 August 2024 10: 52
            The West will not restore our new territories. You write obvious nonsense.
            Will the West restore Crimea to us?))
            Everything that we have destroyed, we will restore. And who else? As now in the 4 known new territories. Today more than 1 trillion rubles are spent on this. The country's budget is 36 trillion rubles. We are a very rich country. There are no social problems.
            1. 0
              27 August 2024 11: 01
              Quote: Stardock
              You write obvious nonsense.

              1. We will restore our We will not restore new territories, Ukraine, or what remains of it. 2. No need to be rude
              1. -1
                27 August 2024 11: 13
                You are right, we will rebuild OUR new factories and power stations in Ukraine through taxes. Have you heard nothing about inflation in Russia?
                Ukraine has already filed a lawsuit in international court. They demand compensation. The court can seize any of our property abroad: companies, ships, planes, goods for sale, oil, gas... Anything.

                The term stupidity has no personal meaning. The term refers to your thought. And this is not the same thing.
                I personally didn't mean to offend you in any way.
                1. -2
                  27 August 2024 12: 02
                  Quote: Stardock
                  You and I, through taxes, will re-build OUR new factories and power stations in Ukraine.

                  I’m telling you one thing, and you’re talking about another: why should we restore Ukraine (or what will be left of it)?!
                  Quote: Stardock
                  Ukraine has already filed a lawsuit in international court.

                  So what? Well, we will also submit, who said that their demands will be fulfilled, but ours will not? Secondly, everything that they were not afraid of, they have already arrested - so what?
                  1. +1
                    27 August 2024 13: 04
                    There is international law. And Ukraine’s position here is strong.
                    Read the UN, EU, NATO resolutions on the war. They are not in our favor.
                    1. 0
                      27 August 2024 13: 27
                      Quote: Stardock
                      There is international law.

                      There is no international law, because it can be turned this way or that way - there is the law of the strong. We are strong - our cause is just - victory will be ours. All.
                      1. 0
                        27 August 2024 14: 47
                        The world lives by laws, not by concepts. Ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility.
    2. -2
      27 August 2024 07: 26
      Quote: Stardock
      46 million people live in Ukraine

      NOT living, but lived to be 91 years old... right now it’s not even 20... real estimates are 16-18 million and minus losses, which even their experts already estimate poorly, not counting the disabled.
      Quote: Stardock
      Millions of family ties with Russia. Try to turn on your head and think before suggesting this.

      Go to these relatives and say hello... you will be killed there and the kind “relatives” will not ask for your registration. They are armed and guilt does not require proof (c) Gleb Zhiglov. Just think... the Western project called Ukraine is blooming and smelling.
      1. +1
        27 August 2024 07: 32
        I understand you. We must burn everything. And happiness will come to Russia.
        1. -3
          27 August 2024 07: 40
          Quote: Stardock
          But there will be no electricity, gas, water, electricity, roads. ,....
          I understand you. We must burn everything. And happiness will come to Russia.

          Have they built something in 30 years? They sold everything they could, the country is in poverty, most of the people left even before the Northern Military District and even 2014. What are you talking about? Who washed you like that? Zelik is only begging for weapons to strike Moscow and St. Petersburg at any cost. If he had nuclear weapons, he would have used them without hesitation.
          1. -1
            27 August 2024 07: 48
            You need to read facts, not newspaper slogans. Until 22, the GDP growth rate in Ukraine was higher than in Russia. Ukraine was developing rapidly, receiving huge investments from the IMF and private banks. It was awaiting the fate of the former socialist countries - Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic. Even today, the standard of living there is many times higher than in Russia. And this is without the golden rain, from the sale of gas and oil, as we have.
            The main investor of Ukraine was money from Russian! businessmen. And business knows how to count money and will not take risks in vain.
            I understand you and respect your opinion.
            1. 0
              27 August 2024 07: 54
              Quote: Stardock
              received huge investments from the IMF and private banks

              Having doubled the external debt... excellent development, only the states are cooler laughing
              The fate of the former countries of the social commonwealth - Germany, ...

              That's exactly the fate... Germany will soon move into the Middle Ages in 2,5 years with a booby and co. The business is failing because it is not profitable, many energy-intensive industries are closing, etc. wassat
              Quote: Stardock
              The main investor in Ukraine was money from the Russians! businessmen.

              We know who the investor is there and buys everything at a cheap price and whose gas they comm... borrowed.
              Quote: Stardock
              I understand you and respect your opinion.

              And this is not my opinion, but the objectivity of what is happening. request
              1. -2
                27 August 2024 08: 02
                If they lend, it means they trust.
                Leader in US national debt. Fantastic amount.
                Why does the US give money? She always does! pays off his debts.
                . Highest reliability rating. Those who give and owe a debt earn well.
                Today no one will lend Russia a single dollar. They make do with internal borrowing.
                Even our rich "friends" - China and India do not give loans. As well as new technologies. They do not give loans, although we really need funds.
                1. 0
                  27 August 2024 08: 06
                  Quote: Stardock
                  If they lend, it means they trust.

                  And they probably pay extra without interest laughing
                  Quote: Stardock
                  Why does the US give money?

                  To turn the country into a colony and pump resources out of it. 6% of the world's population as states consume 80% of all resources.
                  Quote: Stardock
                  Today no one will lend Russia a single dollar.

                  God forbid... green bills are not backed not only by gold, but even by goods.
                  Quote: Stardock
                  Even our rich “friends” - China and India - do not provide loans.

                  And rightly so ... lending and investing are two different things.
                  Quote: Stardock
                  They don’t lend us money, although we really need the money.

                  I understand you too, you are a person who changes credit iPhones every six months. winked
                  1. 0
                    27 August 2024 08: 17
                    Is the dollar a piece of paper that is not backed by anything? )))
                    The dollar is the most stable currency in the world and the entire world economy uses it in calculations. Why? The US economy is extremely stable and stable. Has a huge production volume.
                    Everyone in the world is fools, but the smartest ones live in Russia?))
                    You really lack knowledge. Very.
                    You, dear sir, speak in slogans and erroneous cliches. They can easily turn over tomorrow, 180 degrees. Believe me, an elderly man who built communism. )))
                  2. 0
                    27 August 2024 15: 08
                    I don’t see any use in iPhones, much less take out loans. )
                2. +2
                  27 August 2024 08: 54
                  If they lend, it means they trust.

                  let's continue the educational program
                  You take strangers for a while, but you give yours forever.
                  If you can’t give it away, they describe the property and put it under the hammer.
                3. -5
                  27 August 2024 08: 55
                  If they lend, it means they trust.
                  Leader in US national debt. Fantastic amount.
                  Why does the US give money? She always does! pays off his debts.
                  The US domestic national debt exceeds 30 trillion dollars. By the way, the US is paying back its debts. The United States cannot pay off its internal debt, but what can we say about external debt?! laughing
                  Even our rich “friends” - China and India - do not provide loans. As well as new technologies. They don’t lend us money, although we really need the money.
                  The size of the population does not mean that the country is very rich, and India and China are rather rich in the number of their population than in their intellectual potential.
                  1. -3
                    27 August 2024 08: 59
                    For 28. We are not interested in knowing the population size. It is important to us how much money the country can give and under what conditions. . The origin of their money is indifferent to us.
                    An example is tiny Switzerland with its powerful banking system.
                    1. -1
                      27 August 2024 09: 03
                      For 28. We are not interested in knowing the population size. It is important to us how much money the country can give and under what conditions. . The origin of their money is indifferent to us.
                      An example is tiny Switzerland with its powerful banking system.
                      Not a word about collateral instead of an outstanding loan; by the way, in the example of Ukraine, collateral to repay a previously issued loan was calculated in advance.
                    2. 0
                      27 August 2024 09: 05
                      And, as if purely by chance, the main land owners in (in) Ukraine are large firms from the EU and the USA, and native Ukrainians seem to be on the side, along with green candy wrappers in the form of dollars and euros.
                      1. +1
                        27 August 2024 09: 10
                        For, 28. You cannot buy land in Ukraine. Rent only.
                        Dollars - candy wrappers? )))
                        Read how the modern world economy lives. Basics.
                        And why until recently our Central Bank kept its main reserves in dollars.
                      2. 0
                        1 September 2024 10: 23
                        As reported by the press service of the President of Ukraine, on April 28, Zelensky signed the law, previously adopted by the Verkhovna Rada, "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Conditions for the Circulation of Agricultural Land" No. 552-IX, which the Verkhovna Rada adopted on March 31, 2020.
                        This law allows the purchase of land in Ukraine by FOREIGNERS.
                      3. 0
                        1 September 2024 10: 58
                        Thanks Spider for the useful information.
            2. 0
              27 August 2024 14: 22
              Ukraine developed rapidly and received huge investments from the IMF and private banks

              This is definitely not true. Ukraine has not developed or grown since 2008. There was a short period of growth in the 2000s, since the 2008 crisis there has been nothing but stagnation.
              The fate of the former countries of the social commonwealth - Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic - awaited it.

              I doubt it very much. Firstly, the 3 named countries are very different. Secondly, Ukraine did not expect any of this - among other things, they found themselves in a very fortunate window of opportunity and took advantage of it in the 90s. No one could repeat the same trick in our crisis 21st century, and especially not Ukraine with its huge population, collapsing infrastructure and accumulated heap of problems.
              1. 0
                27 August 2024 15: 03
                Alexmach, in 2021 Ukraine’s GDP grew by 3,4%. Russia had about 2,6%. Please rely on reference data.
                1. -1
                  27 August 2024 15: 13
                  Well, yes. What do your reference data say over the 10 years until 2021?
                  Well, GDP is a rather conditional indicator and very much depends on who counts it and how.
      2. -2
        27 August 2024 14: 13
        NOT living, but lived for 91 years...

        52 to 91. probably even more. 52 was the estimate at the end of the nineties based on census 91.
        48 - this is already according to the 2000 census.
        Now, strictly by eye, it is no less than half of this figure. no way 16-18.
    3. +1
      27 August 2024 08: 05
      Quote: Stardock
      Let's say we reach Lviv.

      Quote: Stardock
      But there will be no electricity, gas, water, electricity, roads. ,

      Ukrainians During the retreat they destroy everything they can. So there will still be no light, no water, no roads. Only reaching Lvov will be much harder.
    4. 0
      27 August 2024 12: 27
      Quote: Stardock
      So what next? 46 million people live in Ukraine. But there will be no electricity, gas, water, electricity, roads. ,

      46 million do not even live in Ukraine now, but are only present in documents.
      And by the time Lvov is occupied, there will be about five million people on the territory of the former Ukraine, the rest will be graved or abandoned.
      Quote: Stardock
      It seems that we are freeing them and bringing freedom to Ukraine.

      Only for those who are ready to accept this freedom. According to the results of the last elections, this number is approximately 12%. The rest are for Vilna and Square and against the damned Muscovites.
      1. +2
        27 August 2024 13: 11
        No Russian Guard will be enough to contain the discontent of tens of millions of Ukrainians.
        I am saying that calls to raze everything to the ground and drop a nuclear charge are wrong and criminal.
        Try to see what will happen in the country tomorrow. Don't live one day at a time
        1. -1
          27 August 2024 14: 25
          No Russian Guard will be enough to contain the discontent of tens of millions of Ukrainians.

          Therefore, it is necessary to divide it into parts.
          And after 3 years of war, even if you bomb them into the Stone Age, even if you let them go right now, they will still hate them. They already hate it.
          But it is necessary to destroy the infrastructure simply so as not to lose the war.
        2. -1
          27 August 2024 16: 43
          Quote: Stardock
          No Russian Guard will be enough to contain the discontent of tens of millions of Ukrainians.

          Yes where are you tens of millions of Ukrainians will you find something? Especially if the initial conditions are:
          Quote: Stardock
          Let's say we reach Lviv.

          I wrote in black and white:
          Quote: Alexey RA
          By the time Lvov is occupied, there will be about five million people on the territory of the former Ukraine, the rest will be graved or abandoned.

          Only those who are truly for Russia, or who don’t care at all, will remain.
          And it is very difficult to raise the swamp on shares. These opportunists are more likely to pawn each other, wanting to curry favor with the new government.
          1. 0
            27 August 2024 16: 45
            Where did you come up with the figure - 5 million left? Did you come up with it yourself?!
            You don't know the mood in Ukraine very well.
            1. 0
              27 August 2024 16: 59
              Quote: Stardock
              Where did you come up with the figure - 5 million left? Did you come up with it yourself?!
              You don't know the mood in Ukraine very well.

              But what does today’s Ukraine and the current state of affairs have to do with it?
              You yourself set the initial condition:
              Quote: Stardock
              Let's say we reach Lviv.

              How many Ukrainians will remain on the Russian territory of the former Ukraine after the front line creeps across the entire country?
              Don’t forget to subtract those who will be mobilized while we are marching towards Lvov and will disappear. Dead civilians remained in their homes. And those who go abroad.
              1. +2
                27 August 2024 17: 14
                Your scenario is completely unrealistic for many reasons.
    5. -1
      27 August 2024 15: 55
      Quote: Stardock
      People will have nowhere to work and live. The “gratitude” of the locals will know no bounds. Who will build the country anew?
      What will we do there?

      What are your suggestions for resolving the Ukrainian issue?
      1. -1
        27 August 2024 16: 21
        We need to stop shooting.
        Savages in Syria and Africa, Chad, Nigeria, Sudan, and others use weapons to resolve disputes. And we do too.
        1. +3
          27 August 2024 16: 45
          Quote: Stardock
          Savages in Syria and Africa, Chad, Nigeria, and Sudan resolve disputes with the help of weapons.

          ...Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon. There is even an entire state that, since its founding, has been resolving disputes with its neighbors using weapons.
          Or This is different, you need to understand?
          1. 0
            27 August 2024 16: 47
            People always think the same about a person who waves his fists.
            1. +1
              27 August 2024 16: 54
              Quote: Stardock
              People always think the same about a person who waves his fists.

              But at the same time they use his currency, invest money in his bonds, trade intensively with him and even host his bases.
              And they can think whatever they want - as long as they bring money.
              1. +1
                27 August 2024 16: 57
                The world thinks about the United States differently than they say in our media.
                1. +1
                  28 August 2024 10: 42
                  Quote: Stardock
                  The world thinks about the United States differently than they say in our media.

                  What does the media have to do with it? In our media, the United States has been rotting for 60 years, but they still can’t rot.
                  But in fact, we have a country that solves its foreign policy problems with fists or the threat of using them. Yes, and internal political ones too - Wag the Dog.
                  Is this really a rogue country that everyone in the world has turned their back on? Right now, of course. This is the leader of the largest military-political bloc, in whose economy half the world is invested, and whose national currency serves as the world reserve currency and means of mutual settlements. Moreover, even potential opponents invest in the United States and work with its currency.
        2. -1
          27 August 2024 21: 50
          Quote: Stardock
          Savages in Syria and Africa, Chad, Nigeria, Sudan use weapons to resolve disputes

          tongue There are Banderaites in Ukraine, Americans all over the world, the British where they can, the French in the countries you listed . A Russia is defending itself... from your savages! bully
        3. 0
          1 September 2024 17: 08
          Yes, of course.
          "Civilized" countries solve problems by exporting "democracy" and "rule-based order." And those who disagree - quickly organize "orange", "rose", "tulip", "dignity" and other "revolutions."
          Laws on foreign agents can only be adopted by a master - a serf - no-no (Georgia's example). And there are many such examples. So, no need to talk about resolving issues "without weapons". Millions died in the chaos caused by the USA and Great Britain...
    6. 0
      28 August 2024 21: 57
      Let me note that these are Slavic people.
      Amazing argument. The Poles are also a Slavic people. And what?
      1. 0
        28 August 2024 22: 00
        We have lived with Ukrainians in peace and friendship for centuries.
        A large number of Russians live in Ukraine. As well as vice versa.
        Today, due to the nature of my work, I communicated with a lot of people. About 10% of them had either Ukrainian surnames or appearance.
        We can live together. We are neighbors forever.
        1. 0
          28 August 2024 22: 02
          We can live together. We are neighbors forever.
          So no one argues. This is a civil war.
          1. 0
            28 August 2024 22: 03
            You are mistaken. The civil war is going on among the citizens of one state.
            1. 0
              28 August 2024 22: 04
              Well, yes, among citizens of the former USSR, some of whom for some reason have Bandera as their hero.
              1. -1
                28 August 2024 22: 07
                You are a victim of propaganda. Right-wing Bandera parties have an insignificant number of votes, or none at all, in the Ukrainian authorities.
                These are facts.
                1. 0
                  1 September 2024 16: 54
                  Of course, there are no Nazis in Ukraine)
                  And who then renames the streets with the names of Nazi henchmen? Who awards them the title of Heroes of Ukraine?
                  1. 0
                    1 September 2024 17: 01
                    Streets named after Bandera do not necessarily mean fascism in state policy.
                    A Jew as the head of a fascist state? Isn't that funny?
                    Nobody except Russia calls Ukraine fascist. These are facts.
                    1. 0
                      1 September 2024 17: 59
                      Of course, in our opinion, the recognition of a fascist executioner as a national hero does not mean the rehabilitation of Nazism.
                      Just like the use of Nazi slogans at the state level. What was it? "Khokhlosvini ponav uske?"
                      And what is the ban on the Russian language? And the ban on the UOC? And the symbols of the SS divisions in active units?
                      You are deliberately distorting. Ukraine is not a fascist, but a Nazi state, the President has spoken about this. And one of the goals is denazification.
  10. -3
    27 August 2024 07: 21
    I hope that this thing at least won’t squeal as disgustingly as those “mopeds” that are increasingly flying over Voronezh.
    1. +1
      27 August 2024 07: 35
      For the sake of silence, they probably didn’t install the PUVRD laughing
      1. +1
        28 August 2024 21: 58
        For the sake of silence, they probably didn’t install the PUVRD
        What they were given, they gave it back.
        1. +1
          28 August 2024 22: 11
          Greetings Sergey! fellow soldier
          For a long time you... flew away laughing But promised to return wassat drinks
          1. +1
            28 August 2024 22: 12
            Yes, they suddenly banned me, I thought - forever, but it turns out - no. Hello, Alexey! drinks
            1. +1
              28 August 2024 22: 14
              Suddenly there is only a fart (c) laughing I'm with 8 friends right now. But for me it’s gentle, not a concentration camp, just a week drinks
              Quote: Aviator_
              Hi Aleksey!
  11. +1
    27 August 2024 09: 12
    Quote: Stardock
    For, 28. You cannot buy land in Ukraine. Rent only.
    Dollars - candy wrappers? )))
    Read how the modern world economy lives. Basics.
    And why until recently our Central Bank kept its main reserves in dollars.
    Yes, I understood that it’s impossible laughing I just want to ask: Who are you treating with this old Jewish recipe?! what request recourse laughing
  12. 0
    27 August 2024 09: 38
    This drone may have a JetCat 400 Pro turbojet engine.
    Its characteristics:
    -weight: 4 kg.
    -maximum fuel consumption: 1 kg/min;
    -Maximum thrust: 425 N
    -exhaust gas output power: 115 kW
    -cost: 8.7 thousand €. (excluding VAT)

    The characteristics of the drone itself are not clear. Probably b.h. about 20 kg, speed about 400-500 km/h; range 500 km.
    Ukrainians write that there will be several models of jet drones.
    JetCat 1000 Pro gives 1100 N thrust
    -maximum fuel consumption 2.3 kg/min. I think this drone can already carry warheads. up to 100 kg,
    -cost: 20 thousand €.
    If the project is successful, they can supply engines to Spark, and there will be a b.ch. and up to 200 kg. may grow to hit factories
    1. +2
      2 September 2024 05: 12
      The engines are quite commercial, they are available for free retail sale. There is a question of the feasibility of their use in terms of economy/fuel consumption. What was absurdly called "rocket - drone" is most likely a tribute to the Ukrainian geniuses of innovation and marketing. The most interesting thing is the control and guidance system. It is possible to note the convenience and ease of transportation and launch. With proper and mass use, such crafts can cause a lot of trouble.
    2. 0
      7 September 2024 14: 27
      The thermal radiation of such an engine will be an excellent reference point for the Buk or TOR air defense missile system. The fuel consumption at maximum thrust for such engines with a thrust of 20 kgf is 0,7 l/min. If the engine is more powerful, with a thrust of up to 40 kgf, then the consumption is about 2 kg/min. With such thrust and a speed of no more than 500 km/h, it will fly for 20 minutes if the fuel tank is filled with 40 kg of kerosene. This distance is about 150-180 km. Then it will fall .... The aerodynamic shape of this "Palyanitsa" is terrible, the frontal drag is huge, and the wing is suspiciously not strong. Its lifting force is low, because the profile does not correspond to the bombing concept.
  13. +4
    27 August 2024 09: 41
    Distance from the front line to major cities:
    Belgorod: 35
    Bryansk: 100
    Eagle: 170
    Voronezh: 190
    Rostov-on-Don: 200
    Simferopol: 210
    Sevastopol: 240
    Litsetsk: 280
    Smolensk, Kaluga: 300
    Tula: 320
    Krasnodar: 330
    Tambov: 380
    Moscow: 450
    Volgograd: 470
    Stavropol: 470
    Ryazan: 500

    Of these, only Moscow is almost completely protected; in other regions, “debris” is constantly flying in.
  14. +4
    27 August 2024 10: 04
    Note to the author: in the Ukrainian alphabet the letter “i” corresponds to the letter “s” in the Russian alphabet. The Russian letter "i" corresponds to the letter "i". And it should not be confused with the Ukrainian letter “ï”, which denotes a diphthong (a stable combination of sounds), which in Russian sounds approximately like “yi”. So the Ukrainian name "Palyanytsya" sounds something like "Palyanytsya". By the way, this word is a typical linguistic “shibolet” (that is, a word that, when pronounced by a person, allows one to guess that he has a different native language). For Russian-speaking people who do not live near the southern Dnieper region, the problem is caused by the palatalization (softening) of the consonant “ts” - in the Russian language this sound has long been hardened.
  15. +1
    27 August 2024 16: 19
    Any new enemy weapon must be taken seriously and an antidote must be created immediately. hi soldier
  16. +2
    27 August 2024 17: 08
    Typical article by comrade. Ryabova: They have a new weapon, but it’s not new, otherwise they probably won’t be able to do a good job, but here we can fight successfully, and in general this new weapon is nonsense and will not change the course of the Northern Military District. We have heard all this more than once about “Three Axes”, “Highmars”, armored vehicles, etc. We've also heard about drones. But even from the wreckage of old models, various important objects too often catch fire :(
  17. +1
    27 August 2024 18: 37
    As a result, a drone should not be a difficult target for modern radars.

    Why are there radars here? Having read your epistole, I realized that here need hats, preferably a couple of cars at least.
  18. osp
    28 August 2024 01: 34
    Nothing good - a prototype of a future ground-launched cruise missile, probably by
    powder accelerator.
    All developments since Soviet times were at the Kharkov aircraft plant.
    RK-55 "Relief" and "Granat" had a decent range of 2500 kilometers but low hit accuracy.
    With Western technologies there will be very serious weapons.
    Something like "Neptune" but smaller and more massive.
  19. 0
    28 August 2024 12: 11
    Doesn't look like a success. The solution with a turbojet engine for such a small target seems dubious to me both from an economic and expediency point of view. Considering the size of the “palyanitsa”, it is unlikely to be a radically long-range product, and, therefore, it will be just another one of the products operating inside the more or less saturated air defense and missile defense zone of the database and near rear. The impact range is unlikely to be more than 300 km+ since you can expect impressive efficiency qualities from a small turbojet engine, but there is no effective sophistication from the fuel. The wingspan and their configuration are also more likely to indicate that the object will rely on relative speed and maneuverability to overcome rather than on range.
    The dimensions of the product also suggest that the warhead there is insignificant, because the weight gain from a turbojet engine (relative to an internal combustion engine), as far as I understand, comes from a larger size.
    The principle of jet propulsion itself for modern air defense missile defense, as far as I understand, is easier to intercept than low-speed turboprop low-flying targets with practically no thermal trace.
    Therefore, at a minimum, there will be no major problems with intercepting these targets, and perhaps there will even be some improvements.

    The enemy, by wasting resources on products that operate in the zone of influence he already has, is doing us a favor. If he had chosen the path of creating a missile capable of operating within a radius of 500-700 km and carrying a large, variable warhead, this could have become a problem for us. The deployment of turbojet engines production will be determined by him. and economic hemorrhoids, let him spend his resources on this instead of creating radically long-range means of influence or a multiple increase in classic drones “a la “Geranium”.
  20. 0
    3 September 2024 07: 46
    Why write something just for the sake of writing?
  21. 0
    7 September 2024 13: 00
    Please read my opinion:
    This is a jet-powered aircraft using a small-sized turbojet engine (MGTRD). The thrust of such an engine is up to 20 kgf. The weight of the drone is approximately 25-30 kg. Acceleration along the strip with such a wing makes it possible to lift a useful combat load of up to 10 kg. In the air, the device can reach a speed of up to 500 km / h. But to our delight, the high kerosene consumption of such engines does not give such devices a long flight range. Maximum, it will fly 100 km. The cost of manufacturing such a drone is approximately 1,5-2 million rubles. The high temperature of the engine exhaust gases (up to 800 degrees) makes it easy to detect it in flight and shoot down with a Verba MANPADS.
  22. 0
    9 September 2024 04: 51
    Incorrect spelling of the word in Russian transcription - "polyanytsya".