NATO will practice the use of nuclear weapons

NATO will practice the use of nuclear weapons

NATO is preparing for an exercise codenamed Steadfast Noon, which aims to test the functioning of the alliance's nuclear deterrent system. The air maneuvers will take place from October 14 to 24 in the airspace of Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. The aircraft will also operate from bases in Italy and the United States.

The purpose of the exercise is to test the readiness of aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons. weapon. In addition, the exercise provides an opportunity to realistically practice safety protocols and procedures associated with handling nuclear weapons. In addition, compatibility is enhanced. The exercise scenario is designed to require coordination between different types of aircraft, different countries and different control systems.

The exercises are intended to demonstrate the alliance's readiness to protect its members by all available means, including the use of nuclear weapons. NATO has been a nuclear alliance since its inception, and although there are occasional voices that NATO leadership supports nuclear disarmament, official doctrine assumes that as long as other countries have nuclear weapons, NATO will also have them in its arsenal.

For NATO to use nuclear weapons, the agreement of representatives of all thirty-one members of the Nuclear Planning Group is required. Of all NATO members, only France is not included in this group. The second condition for the use of nuclear weapons is the joint consent of the US President and the British Prime Minister.
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  1. +3
    25 August 2024 04: 37
    Things seem to be heading towards a big mess. There is only one question: will the states decide to launch a nuclear strike? So far, only green pieces of paper are falling on them for military equipment. What if “Sarmatians” and “Bulava”? I don’t think the paddlers and small-shaven people will dare - for them this is a definite skiff. And no one else in NATO has nuclear weapons.
    So why spread the peacock's tail then?
    1. 0
      25 August 2024 05: 17
      Things seem to be heading towards a big mess. There is only one question: will the states decide to launch a nuclear strike?

      Well, since games with nuclear weapons have resumed in the world, it means a big mess is brewing... So it’s not in vain that our country has been developing its nuclear forces in recent years... They are the only ones that are probably holding back NATO forces from participating directly in the war in Ukraine.. We cannot cope with NATO with conventional weapons, so the likelihood of using nuclear weapons in this war is constantly increasing... Well, then only time will tell who will go to HEAVEN and who will go to HELL... am
      1. 0
        25 August 2024 10: 50
        ...yes, something like this is brewing.
      2. +6
        25 August 2024 11: 15
        You can recall the situation in our Moscow Region, high-profile processes involving thefts in the trillions, as well as the “missing” 1,5 million sets of uniforms. Then questions begin to arise: is everything okay with our nuclear deterrent forces? Have all sorts of Ivanovs, Vasilievs, Serdyukovs gotten into their budget?
      3. +1
        26 August 2024 21: 13
        Since neither one nor the other exists, for everyone there is one fate - flaming ashes instead of a mortal body. There, those who rule know this better than anyone. As long as this option exists, they will never start. First we need to divide us into specific principalities and destroy the nuclear triad. Let's live some more.
    2. 0
      25 August 2024 06: 35
      Quote: pudelartemon
      Things seem to be heading towards a big mess. There is only one question: will the states decide to launch a nuclear strike?

      It’s a long way from the states to make a decision, and the first planes and missiles with nuclear weapons will fly from Europe and Russian weapons will fly on them, and only then on the states.
    3. +1
      25 August 2024 08: 52
      Today, 04: 37
      [/ I]
      [/quote]It looks like things are headed for a big mess. There is only one question: will the states decide to launch a nuclear strike?[Quote]

      NATO will practice the use of nuclear weapons.[i]

      The whole point is, if you believe the article without the name of the author, of which there are a great many now appearing, you have noticed the period of the next scarecrows of the false West against the Russian Federation, October 14-23, 2024, the eve before the elections.
      It is never worth relaxing, but for the globalist shareholders of the arrogant Saxons, the primary goal is not the Russian Federation, but China and Taiwan, why there is no need to rush to prepare the Asia-Pacific NATO bloc, including Japan, the South Caucasus, Australia and other small players as a counterweight to China.
      Bolivar can’t stand two people, not even one, as the sources of mattresses and close-shaven hysteria about the state of affairs in the NATO armed forces are not necessary, who had experience of wars only with the civilian population, the tribes of Libya, the Taliban of Afghanistan, from which they scrapped after 20 years of successful disintegration of the army drugs and local violence.
      And the leadership of the Russian Federation, without cooperation, certainly and preventively needs to respond harshly to wallets arrogant Saxons, as the main movement in their parasitic heads.
  2. +8
    25 August 2024 04: 43
    I hope that during these “exercises” our military-space forces of “NATA containment” will be brought to full combat readiness?
    The main thing here is not to oversleep, as with the Kursk region.
  3. +7
    25 August 2024 04: 59
    And if nuclear weapons are used by a third party, not from NATO, but against us, and the “partners” look from the outside at our reaction, at our pale red lines, what then?
    1. -2
      25 August 2024 05: 50
      And if nuclear weapons are used by a third party, not from NATO,
      Let me know who? China? North Korea? So we have normal relations with them. Israel does not need this at all, especially since their nuclear weapons are tactical, and there are no carriers capable of reaching our territory. Australia has not yet created nuclear weapons. And they don’t have ballistic missiles either...
      So which country is able to strike at us?! Besides the USA, Great Britain, France?
      1. +3
        25 August 2024 06: 20
        So which country is able to strike at us?! Besides the USA, Great Britain, France?

        China if they need it.
        1. 0
          25 August 2024 15: 01
          China if they need it.
          They absolutely don't need it. At the moment they have too good a relationship with us. And since, for them, we are, first of all, a huge market for their products, they won’t need it for a very long time.
      2. -1
        25 August 2024 08: 21
        Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
        Let me know who? China? North Korea?

        They will be transported to Ukraine and sent from there by drone... belay
        ICAN: The US has secretly stationed about 150 nuclear warheads in five European countries

        Here's an example:
        The newest bomb variant is the B61-11 (B61 mod 11). A bomb with a reinforced body (according to some sources, containing depleted uranium) and a delayed fuse, which allows it to penetrate several meters into the ground before exploding, allowing it to destroy particularly fortified underground structures. The mass of the bomb is about 540 kg.
        The B61-11 has only one charge power option, some sources indicate 10 kilotons, while others suggest 340 kilotons, like the 7th modification.
        1. 0
          25 August 2024 15: 04
          The mass of the bomb is about 540 kg.
          Are you serious?.. belay And what kind of UAV, with such a mass, will be able to cover a sufficient number of kilometers?
          ...The US can, of course, come up with delivery methods. But there was a question about countries that are not members of NATO.
      3. +3
        25 August 2024 09: 38
        Let me know who? China? North Korea? So we have normal relations with them.

        Reading your comment, I got the impression that you are captive of some dangerous illusions inspired to you through the media. Neither one nor the other are our friends and our relationship is purely commercial, nothing more.
        At the moment, it is profitable for China to trade with us, it is profitable for North Korea to trade with us, and this is where “normal relations” end.
        For example, I now live and work in China. I can tell you that they do not accept Russian bank cards for payment at all. That is, before your trip, be kind enough to buy foreign currency in Russia, because rubles can only be exchanged for you in border cities, and even then not everywhere. Do you know why? The Chinese are afraid of American sanctions and do not work with our banks. One can also discuss North Korea, for example, about their regular violations of our state border by their sea poachers.
        I would like to remind you of one historical fact. Before the Great Patriotic War, we were quite firmly “friends” with Hitler’s Germany. Treaties, pacts, joint trade, we gave them bread and other resources at Korefan prices, they gave us their technologies and technical specialists..... in general, they had fun as best they could. They ate at the gums and drooled. And then June 22, 1941 happened.... We miscalculated, but where? "Comrade Stalin believes in the Non-Aggression Pact!" (With)....
        1. +3
          25 August 2024 12: 36
          You, of course, remember the fact of cooperation between the USSR and Germany before the war, but you just interpret it somehow... As if without understanding the reasons for the appearance of this fact. And there was certainly no miscalculation that there would be a war. The only mistake was in timing.
        2. +2
          25 August 2024 13: 08
          Well, yes, now the Chinese will be forced by sanctions to use up their nuclear weapons on us, so that fewer American missile bases will fly to the American missile bases now being built on the islands around China when they start
        3. -2
          25 August 2024 15: 13
          Reading your comment, I got the impression that you are captive of some dangerous illusions inspired to you through the media.
          Well, to be honest, we are all captive of our illusions. And you included.
          Neither one nor the other are our friends and our relationship is purely commercial, nothing more.
          At the moment, it is profitable for China to trade with us, it is profitable for North Korea to trade with us, and this is where “normal relations” end.
          Please, tell us more about the DPRK and especially about trade with us. As far as I know, we do not have any special trade relations with them. There are diplomatic contacts, yes. Trade? Please provide facts.
          China - yes. Trading partner. But the trade between us is too good for the PRC to start a nuclear war with us. And they won’t fight with the USA either, unless they are forced to.
          I would like to remind you of one historical fact. Before the Great Patriotic War, we were quite firmly “friends” with Hitler’s Germany. Treaties, pacts, joint trade, we give them bread and other resources at Korefan prices, they give us their technologies and technical specialists.....
          Regarding the treaties with Germany, I will say one thing: it was known that there would be a war with them. And they were preparing for this war. And now it is clear that NATO is quite ready to go to war against us. Nevertheless, they traded then, and now gas and oil go to Europe. And that's right. This strengthens our financial base.
          1. +1
            26 August 2024 22: 59
            Does this strengthen your financial base? It's funny to read comments like this. Of all the profits from energy resources, a considerable share of expenses is only for the SVO; all other projects of the power of traders and “social services” are paid for by the citizens themselves. Over the course of a year, fines alone amounted to a quarter of the budget of the Republic of Belarus.
            1. -1
              27 August 2024 05: 45
              Your Is this strengthening the financial base? It's funny to read comments like this. Of all the profits from energy resources, a considerable share of expenses is only for the SVO; all other projects of the power of traders and “social services” are paid for by the citizens themselves. Over the course of a year, fines alone amounted to a quarter of the budget of the Republic of Belarus.
              In fact, with finances everything is as simple as shelling pears. They must work. Money lying under the pillow warms the soul, but gradually depreciates. The financial base is not about storage, it is about the ability to produce something.
              And it’s funny for me to see that a citizen of another country can accurately report something about our financial base. smile
              1. 0
                27 August 2024 09: 23
                What kind of citizen are you talking about me? Funny. In other respects, you are right. I was and am a citizen of the USSR, I consider the destruction of the country and the lowering of the red flag illegal.
                And yet the “financial base” is with the oligarchs, their henchmen from the government and smaller hucksters. And the hard worker's survival.
                1. 0
                  27 August 2024 15: 04
                  In other respects, you are right. I was and am a citizen of the USSR, I consider the destruction of the country and the lowering of the red flag illegal.
                  So why do you now consider the collapse of the USSR illegal? In more than 30 years? Why didn’t they protest in 91, raise up the people?.. Then it was necessary to stand up to defend the country, now it’s too late... Now “citizens of the USSR” are a banned sect in the country, if that’s the case. They write all kinds of heresy in documents, and strictly in red ink. They don’t consider their passports valid, they don’t consider Russian money as money either... Are you one of them?
                  1. 0
                    28 August 2024 00: 06
                    For some reason, he protested and tried to reach out to the same hard workers. I quickly understood how it would all end for us, but the majority did not want to believe that the benefits of socialism would instantly collapse when the bourgeoisie arrived. The hegemon behaved inertly and allowed the backbone to perch on his neck.
                    Well, this is the first time I’ve heard about such a “sect” and who banned it by the way? Please state the law number. This is their business; people have the right to express their attitude towards the power of the usurpers. It's not for you to judge them.
                    1. 0
                      28 August 2024 04: 45
                      Interregional public organization “Citizens of the USSR” (other names “Power of the Union of Soviet Light Clans”,
                      “Council of Soviet Socialist Regions”, “Council of the Union of Soviet Socialist Regions”, “Supreme Council of the Union of Soviet Socialist Regions”, “Supreme Council of Warriors of the Power of the Union of Soviet Light Clans”, “Superpower Union of the Soviet Light Clans”, “Supreme Council of Warriors of the Superpower Union of the Soviet Light Rodov", "Eastern Power of the USSR", "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics") (decision of the Samara Regional Court dated 16.06.2022/19.08.2022/XNUMX) (data posted: XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX);
                      1. 0
                        28 August 2024 07: 33
                        Well, where about the legal ban on all this, state fool? The decision of the Samara court means nothing.
  4. +4
    25 August 2024 05: 06
    The purpose of the exercise is to test the readiness of aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

    smile Oh really.
    But in fact, they are practicing nuclear strikes on Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities in western Russia.
    This is what NATO was created for.
    1. Qas
      25 August 2024 06: 34
      Russia and beyond the Ural range all the way to Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. This is where our production is, and the best people in the country are.
      It’s infuriating when Russia is measured exclusively by the Moscow ring road.
      1. 0
        25 August 2024 06: 40
        Moscow and St. Petersburg are prime targets for NATO missile attacks.
        Here, at least don’t freak out... the first blow will be at the residence of Putin and the Russian government. request
        And then throughout the rest of Russia.
        1. Qas
          25 August 2024 06: 49
          What narrow thinking you have.
          Does the country's leadership sit exclusively within the Kremlin walls?
          Not in the depths of the Ural Mountains, not in buried command posts far from the points of probable attack?
          1. 0
            25 August 2024 06: 54
            Not in the depths of the Ural Mountains, not in buried command posts far from the points of probable attack?

            This place was discovered back in Yeltsin’s times.
            Our government will merge there only in an emergency situation... I admit that there are several such places in Russia that we do not know about. smile
            1. 0
              25 August 2024 12: 35
              There are enough basalt and granite mountains in Russia. Metro construction miners have not lost their qualifications. There is also a ZKP for the commander-in-chief, and there are also places for missile silos.
        2. 0
          25 August 2024 07: 03
          the first blow will be at the residence of Putin and the Russian government. request
          And then throughout the rest of Russia.

          In this case, you are not entirely right.
          Firstly, the main targets of the strike are missile silos and command centers of the Strategic Missile Forces. In order to minimize the consequences of a retaliatory strike;
          secondly, there will be no “then”. All targets are determined in advance, their coordinates are entered into the on-board computers. There are no “extra” goals. There will be the first, also the last, massive strike, because both we and they know that after it there will be nothing left to take off. Whoever is the first to deliver this first, disarming blow will win this fight. And then just a war will begin... not the first, and not the last. Only a person who is not very smart or knowledgeable can believe that a nuclear war means the death of all humanity on Earth. Because man is a very tenacious creature, possessing intelligence, willpower and the ability to self-organize.
          1. 0
            25 August 2024 07: 08
            Believe that a nuclear war means the death of all humanity on Earth,

            There is a detailed calculation by scientists of how many people will survive after a mutual exchange of nuclear weapons.
            The main problems will begin for the survivors with the onset of nuclear winter...those who live on the periphery of the Pacific Ocean will be the luckiest.
            1. 0
              25 August 2024 07: 12
              The main problems will begin for the survivors with the onset of nuclear winter...

              This is a mistake. Which has taken root as one of the myths... There will be no nuclear winter, it’s just that someone was at odds with mathematics when they substituted the corresponding coefficients into the calculation formulas. In short, the phenomenon of “nuclear winter” is a consequence of errors in calculations, which were bashfully kept silent.
              1. 0
                25 August 2024 07: 14
                In short, the phenomenon of “nuclear winter” is a consequence of errors in calculations, which were bashfully kept silent.

                And this is interesting...are there any conclusions of serious scientists on this matter in the media?
                I'd like to get to know them hi
                1. -1
                  25 August 2024 07: 22
                  Are there conclusions of serious scientists on this matter in the media?

                  Try starting with this:
                  If you are interested, you can go deeper into the topic, if you wish. I’ll tell you honestly, I didn’t dig that deep...what I read is enough for me.
              2. 0
                25 August 2024 12: 38
                Quote: Brylevsky
                The main problems will begin for the survivors with the onset of nuclear winter...

                This is a mistake. Which has taken root as one of the myths... There will be no nuclear winter, it’s just that someone was at odds with mathematics when they substituted the corresponding coefficients into the calculation formulas. In short, the phenomenon of “nuclear winter” is a consequence of errors in calculations, which were bashfully kept silent.

                laughing Of course .. of course ... They will distribute croissants and lavender coffee lattes especially to gifted extras .. tongue
          2. 0
            25 August 2024 23: 21
            Totally agree.
            However, public consciousness is very inert and not flexible, hence old fears are not modified by real changes in the structure and quality of nuclear weapons.
            After replacing previous generations of nuclear warheads with modern ones, the question of the death of humanity does not arise for professionals; even countries (USA, RF, China) will retain a sufficient amount of resources and economies for subsequent recovery.
            European countries will be the most affected due to high crowding and concentration of economic complexes, but they will also survive.
            So private infantry Vasya is not at all the last figure in a future war if, God forbid, it begins.
            But this does not add joy...
            By the way, many people don’t even know/don’t remember, due to their age, what the intensity of the military danger was in the early 80s... Today it’s still like that, a warm-up... with the exception of the Northern Military District, of course...
      2. +5
        25 August 2024 06: 49
        when Russia is measured exclusively by the Moscow ring road.

        Beyond the Urals (together with Vladik, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk, etc.) only 12 million people live. Less than inside the Moscow Ring Road. And there is less asphalt throughout the Urals than in Moscow.
        1. 0
          25 August 2024 21: 22
          Quote: dauria
          . And there is less asphalt throughout the Urals than in Moscow.

          The quality of a person is not measured by the amount of asphalt.
  5. +1
    25 August 2024 05: 08
    There are statements for the media and ordinary people like those described in the article... and there are real plans for nuclear strikes on Russia in the operational plans of NATO and the United States.
    I would really like to take a look at them. smile
    1. +1
      25 August 2024 05: 25
      I would really like to take a look at them.

      Do you live in a city with a population of over a million, close to strategic enterprises, a large railway junction, sea or river port?
      1. +2
        25 August 2024 05: 38
        Do you live in a city with a population of over a million, close to strategic enterprises, a large railway junction, sea or river port?

        In my area where I live, the Pentagon will hit you with its nuclear missile first of all...maybe even more than one. request
        One consolation... I have a 20-30 minute head start... I'll have time to jump into the well.
        1. +4
          25 August 2024 06: 04
          In my area where I live, the Pentagon will hit you with its nuclear missile first of all...maybe even more than one.

          Well, then count on 330 or 450 kt and act accordingly. I hope you are familiar with the basics of civil defense (not the godless “bzhd”, namely civil defense)? If you don’t take care of yourself, no one will take care of you.... For example, my city is in the area of ​​operational responsibility of the 7th Fleet of the US Navy, and they don’t even need to go to sea to fire at it with Tomahawks. And in the 70-80s, when the Pacific Fleet was in its heyday, as many as three combat units were allocated for us (and here, they nits, they were stingy) - one in our city, and two, about 30 km to the east. Therefore, since childhood, I have known what an “alarm suitcase” is and how to behave if it starts. We must understand that neither you nor I will be able to prevent this in any way, we will simply be presented with a fait accompli. Three hundred kilotons... and the further success / failure of our actions will be determined by what we can or cannot do, know or do not know. And the conclusion from all this is quite simple: know and be able to. And teach if you are responsible for someone else besides yourself.
        2. +2
          25 August 2024 06: 19
          This is only if Biden calls you personally. wink
        3. +4
          25 August 2024 06: 47
          One consolation... I have a 20-30 minute head start... I'll have time to jump into the well.

          ...provided that you are notified in advance: "Attention, Atom!"
          1. -1
            25 August 2024 06: 50
            provided that you are notified in advance: “Attention, Atom!”

            I read a detailed description of the consequences of an atomic explosion... what
            Most of all I remember the smell of ozone, thunderstorms...however, it is better to die immediately than to suffer for several days from the consequences of radioactive contamination.
            1. 0
              25 August 2024 07: 08
              However, it is better to die immediately than to suffer for several days from the consequences of radioactive contamination.

              As I understand it, your theoretical preparation on this issue is not going well. Throw the thought you voiced out of your head - this thought is fundamentally wrong. You can and should survive.
              1. +2
                25 August 2024 07: 10
                You can and should survive.

                Yeah ... smile unless you find yourself at the epicenter of an explosion of a 300 kt nuclear warhead.
                I hope it doesn't come to that.
                1. +1
                  25 August 2024 07: 17
                  Yeah... smile unless you find yourself at the epicenter of an explosion of a 300 kt nuclear warhead.

                  I gave you examples of priority targets for nuclear missile attacks. If you live next to one of them, then definitely change the location. Well, least take the trouble to study the “wind rose” in your place of residence, I mean the region or region.
                  1. +4
                    25 August 2024 07: 19
                    I studied the compass rose... smile I was unlucky.
                    I'm too old for a change of location... come what may.
                    1. 0
                      25 August 2024 21: 50
                      Wow, Alexey. As soon as the families of the city authorities begin to leave, take the stew with pasta, a box of ampicillin and get into the car before the roads are clogged with people leaving. laughing You’ll drive 30 kilometers, and then it depends on the situation. My city still has a khan. They won’t disdain with splitting heads for a million people, so that a comrade doesn’t talk about “priority” targets. For some reason, according to the ABM treaty, ours chose Moscow as a protected area, and not the launch sites in Chukotka.
  6. +3
    25 August 2024 05: 21
    Yesterday We practiced, today they.
    Everything is it should be.
  7. -1
    25 August 2024 05: 21
    Vanguyu another broken arrow awaits us
  8. 0
    25 August 2024 05: 46
    Well, yes, “at this rate” in October the escalation of hostilities between the Russian Federation and NATO countries (together with proxies) will reach such an intensity that the use of nuclear weapons will seem like an acceptable option?
    If only during these “exercises,” NATO members would not be tempted to “unauthorized launch (with subsequent hypocritical “apologies”)” of some kind of missile with a nuclear warhead in the Russian direction, and the Kremlin and the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Aerospace Forces, Strategic Missile Forces and Air Defense (as well as -bomb shelters and “trained” plans for sheltering the population in them) the Russian Federation would be decisively ready for this!
    1. 10+
      25 August 2024 06: 00
      I doubt that the Kremlin is ready for anything at all. request
      They solve problems as they arise... and they don’t know how to get ahead of events.
      1. 10+
        25 August 2024 06: 13
        and when problems arise, they solve them by scratching their bald head
      2. 0
        25 August 2024 06: 16
        They solve problems as they arise... and they don’t know how to get ahead of events.

        Or maybe they have this kind of cunning military plan? Maybe we don’t understand something, or don’t know? No, seriously...what if? It can’t be that everything would be as you say....
        1. +7
          25 August 2024 06: 20
          Maybe they have a cunning military plan? Maybe we don’t understand something, or don’t know? No, seriously...what if? It can’t be that everything would be as you say..
          Maybe so.
          But this doesn’t make it any easier for the citizens of the Kursk and Belgorod regions under the whistling of bullets and drone explosions.
          1. +2
            25 August 2024 08: 31
            Quote: Brylevsky
            Or maybe they have this kind of cunning military plan?

            We have been introduced to their cunning plans for a quarter of a century, can you tell what these plans are about?
            Quote: Lech from Android.
            They solve problems as they arise... and they don’t know how to get ahead of events.

            They voice problems as they arise... Solving problems is not their competence. Yes
            1. 0
              25 August 2024 08: 43
              We have been introduced to their cunning plans for a quarter of a century, can you tell what these plans are about?

              How do I know this? However, if you analyze the situation and impartially evaluate the facts, and not words or political statements, then you can identify a certain trend, probably indicating the presence of a certain plan (or pattern) of action. But this is only in the realm of speculation. It is impossible to know for sure what is in a person’s head, what guides his actions.
          2. -5
            25 August 2024 08: 35
            Was it easier for the citizens of the USSR, almost half of its population, at 41-45? Was it easier when the “invincible red army...” scurried towards Moscow?
            Somehow we survived and now we will survive. You can also recall the 300-year Tatar-Mongol or Napoleonic war of 812 with the burning of Moscow. We survived and now we will survive. And don’t worry about the citizens of Kursk and other regions, they (if they are citizens) must defend their homeland and civil rights. Or not?
            I don’t know how it is now, but in the Soviet army, I still remember, “.. Endure all hardships and hardships” or are these duties only for 18-year-old Soviet boys?
            1. +2
              25 August 2024 10: 48
              And don’t worry about the citizens of Kursk and other regions, they (if they are citizens) must defend their homeland and civil rights. Or not?

              In general, this is why the army and police exist. Or not?
              I don’t know how it is now, but in the Soviet army, I still remember, “.. Endure all hardships and hardships.”

              That's how it is in the army. Soviet....But citizens are not in the army. Therefore, this postulate does not apply to them. Here's a puzzle...
            2. 0
              25 August 2024 21: 34
              Quote from Traktoris
              I don’t know how it is now, but in the Soviet army, I still remember, “.. Endure all hardships and hardships” or are these duties only for 18-year-old Soviet boys?

              Ninety-five percent of our Soviet boys served in the SA-Navy. For better or worse, they received a military specialty and masculine training. Don't you know how? Let's teach. Can't you? Do it. Tired ? Keep running. Be a man, not a snot. And that was it. What percentage
              Have modern, young 20-27 year old men now received a military registration specialty? Ten to fifteen percent. The rest, well... watch a movie and stick a sticker on your car - "Thanks to Grandfather"... Inert, poorly educated young people.. Not a man, not a girl... Maybe universal conscription is necessary?
  9. +2
    25 August 2024 06: 13
    Quote: Brylevsky
    In my area where I live, the Pentagon will hit you with its nuclear missile first of all...maybe even more than one.

    . And the conclusion from all this is quite simple: know and be able to. And teach if you are responsible for someone else besides yourself.

    Yes, you are absolutely right... hi
    That is why I am interested in military affairs in all its aspects.
  10. The comment was deleted.
    1. +3
      25 August 2024 06: 17
      The French will not let Durov out alive...they will rip everything out of him...what a goofball...they warned him that freedom of speech is a fiction.
      1. +3
        25 August 2024 06: 24
        Durov is a French citizen and is not subject to exchange or extradition, French media report. “You’ll be tired of swallowing dust” (c). But they warned that getting involved with “true democracy” would cost you more.
        1. +3
          25 August 2024 06: 26
          French justice issued an arrest warrant for Durov immediately upon his arrival in France... smile
          Lured into a classic fool trap...what to do request This is sue la vie...he is just prey for French predators.
          1. +2
            25 August 2024 06: 54
            And he was put on the wanted list a few minutes before the plane landed, right before entering the glide path.
      2. 0
        25 August 2024 08: 13
        just not the guardians, but representatives of the striped ones in the field
  11. -4
    25 August 2024 06: 34
    We are defenseless against NATO; what we have is not enough even for Europe. Our pro-European leadership has disarmed to the extent that NATO tanks are in the Kursk region. Even if we start production of nuclear weapons now, how long will it take and how much can we do? 100 pieces per year? We could have prevented a NATO attack on Donbass and Russia if we had immediately used nuclear weapons at the beginning of the Northern Military District, now everyone has prepared, brought up troops, NATO nuclear weapons are already on the Russian border. We are waiting. When we wait, then we will express everything we think about the actions of the one who cannot be named.
    1. 0
      25 August 2024 06: 44
      We could have prevented a NATO attack on Donbass and Russia if we had immediately used nuclear weapons at the beginning of the Northern Military District,

      Nuclear weapons of the last day...we are in heaven, they are in hell. smile
      To be honest, problems with our security began with Gorbachev’s perestroika... when he began to disarm our army and country. request
      And withdraw troops from Eastern Europe.
      1. -5
        25 August 2024 06: 54
        They have enough for us, but we don’t have enough for them.
        1. 0
          25 August 2024 07: 07
          Even if we detonate all our existing nuclear warheads in Russia, life on planet Earth will disappear in about six months. For the onset of nuclear winter, approximately 10% of the available weapons are sufficient. This is data obtained independently from each other by ours and the Americans somewhere in 1990.
          1. -3
            25 August 2024 10: 53
            This is data obtained independently from each other by ours and the Americans somewhere in 1990.

            This is fiction. Errors were made in the calculations. “Nuclear winter” is one of the myths, among many others.
        2. 0
          25 August 2024 08: 42
          Quote: staer-62
          We are defenseless against NATO; what we have is not enough even for Europe.

          Quote: staer-62
          They have enough for us, but we don’t have enough for them.

          Stop repeating this crap:
          The area of ​​Europe without Russia is 5 km².
          The area of ​​Russia is 17 km².
          One Sarmat is enough for GB...
        3. 0
          25 August 2024 08: 45
          They have enough for us, but we don’t have enough for them.

          Why did you decide this, you can answer smile ?
    2. +4
      25 August 2024 06: 52
      Even if we start production of nuclear weapons now

      But we never finished it (nuclear weapons production). Just as we started in 1949, we continue to do so. Or do you think that the new YARS, Bulava, Sarmats are equipped with old warheads from the time of “Kuzka’s Mother”? lol
      1. -2
        25 August 2024 06: 55
        How much in pieces? Somehow the quantity does not change, and this is the main thing.
        1. +1
          25 August 2024 07: 00
          Or maybe you should give me the keys to the apartment where the money is located? laughing
        2. -1
          25 August 2024 08: 52
          They have enough for us, but we don’t have enough for them.

          So maybe you're looking in the wrong direction? And why nuclear weapons? There are things much worse than this...for example, chemical and bacteriological. At least because its application is not obvious. For example, just one bucket (10 liters) of nerve agent is enough to completely destroy a modern metropolis. Note - without noise and dust... And delivering it to its destination is much easier.
    3. 0
      25 August 2024 07: 28
      We are defenseless against NATO; what we have is not enough even for Europe.
      1. 0
        25 August 2024 07: 29
        What to do with this data?
  12. +2
    25 August 2024 06: 57
    Quote: staer-62
    They have enough for us, but we don’t have enough for them.

    You are mistaken... there are more than enough tactical nuclear weapons in Europe to destroy everything there several times... for the USA it is enough to stop its existence as a state.
    The only problem is the political will of the Kremlin... what
    Is he able to press the red button in time at the decisive moment?
    Zakharova’s red lines sowed deep doubts in me about the adequacy of our leadership.
    1. -1
      25 August 2024 13: 28
      “there are more than enough tactical nuclear weapons for Europe / enough for the United States” - well, if everything starts only with Europe, then there will not be enough for the States. This is first of all. And secondly, if the States do strike, it will be not only from their territory, but also from many of their bases, and this is the end. We will not be able to repel such a blow. First there will be an attack from all possible types of conventional missiles from all sides and we will not be able to repel it. And after that, with the defense completely collapsed and bloodless, the final nuclear strike will take place. Alas, in such a global conflict, we have no chance. But the States will emerge from it at most slightly battered, no more.
  13. 0
    25 August 2024 10: 02
    Quote: pudelartemon
    Things seem to be heading towards a big mess. There is only one question: will the states decide to launch a nuclear strike? So far, only green pieces of paper are falling on them for military equipment. What if “Sarmatians” and “Bulava”? I don’t think the paddlers and small-shaven people will dare - for them this is a definite skiff. And no one else in NATO has nuclear weapons.

    The Baltic states will be resolved unambiguously.
  14. 0
    25 August 2024 10: 15
    The exercise scenario is designed to require coordination between different types of aircraft, different countries and different control systems.

    Is it time to dust off "The Dead Hand"?
  15. -1
    25 August 2024 12: 20
    Someone peed themselves in horror)) The clearer the situation becomes in which it is unrealistic to defeat Russia with the forces of ancient Ukrainians using conventional weapons, and it will also not work to raise the peoples of Russia to riot, the more our “Western partners” gain points. They apparently quote Bismarck to each other, about the fact that the Russians always come for their losses, and pee in their pants in unison.
    The blow to our Empire was very effective. There they decided that it was all over and rushed to rob. They have nothing to give, they lost everything long ago. Very scary! And now “dear partners” are frantically clutching at a fairly rotten nuclear club. They say she won’t let you down! Fear us, Russia, we are scary!! Well, in general, the readiness of your club raises serious doubts...
  16. 0
    26 August 2024 21: 19
    Quote: Grandfather is an amateur
    And since, for them, we are, first of all, a huge market for their products, they won’t need it for a very long time.

    It's not about the sales market at all. We are a loyal neighbor for China, from where there is no threat, and this is much more important.