Expert: AK-74 can be turned into a Marksman rifle

Expert: AK-74 can be turned into a Marksman rifle

Marksman or infantry rifle is weapon, designed for accurate shooting at medium and long distances. Unlike a sniper rifle, it has characteristics such as lightness, compactness, maneuverability and the ability to fire semi-automatically.

The host of the “Large-Caliber Trouble” channel, Alexey Smirnov, told how to make the above-mentioned weapon from a regular AK-74, which will not undergo major modifications.

According to the expert, to transform a Kalashnikov assault rifle into a Marksman rifle, a number of components will be required.

Firstly, a special stock with an adapter. The latter raises the axis of the butt to the axis of the barrel, which provides a reliable stop and increases stability when shooting.

Secondly, there is a folding bridge rail, which allows you to install any optical sight with a Picatinny base. Its installation, like the above-mentioned component, takes only a few minutes and does not require modifications to the weapon.

Actually, according to the expert, this is the basis for converting the AK-74 assault rifle into a Marksman rifle. The rest, as he put it, is “chips.”

He included the latter: a fire mode translator, which allows you to change without lifting your hand from the handle of the machine gun, an AKG fire control handle, a KSU-1 magazine reset button, a tactical handle and a forend that allows you to install tactical accessories.

All of the above-mentioned components, according to the author of the video, are made of light but extremely durable alloys, which, on the one hand, makes the weapon convenient to use, and on the other, reliable even in the most extreme conditions.

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  1. +17
    13 August 2024 10: 06
    According to the expert, to transform a Kalashnikov assault rifle into a Marksman rifle, a number of components will be required.

    Advertising? All these bells and whistles such as the stock and picatinny rails do not improve shooting accuracy; the thin barrel flutters. It’s better to install optics on the RPK-74, it will be a real sniper rifle, a thick, hard barrel, bipods and accuracy at 500 meters are better than the SVD, which also has a thin barrel that flutters.
    1. +4
      13 August 2024 10: 11
      Shot from RPK-74: AGREED.
    2. +4
      13 August 2024 10: 11
      So the RPK has a higher bullet speed than the AK!
    3. +4
      13 August 2024 10: 41
      Quote: Konnick
      It’s better to install optics on the RPK-74, it will be a real sniper rifle, a thick, hard barrel, bipods and accuracy at 500 meters are better than the SVD, which also has a thin barrel that flutters.

      Strange . My experience says just the opposite.
      Among other things... he was a weapons ranger in the MSR. Due to intensive use, it was necessary to shoot often.
      Every 5th AK-74 gave an accuracy of 100 meters - the size of a matchbox... others - the size of a canned fish. And this is with open sights .. and such a non-champion shooter as your p. servant.
      But I really didn’t like the RPK 74... it was impossible to achieve an accuracy smaller than a tea saucer. Besides... this machine is overgrown and terribly inconvenient. The long magazine really gets in the way. Bipods... hammer on the helmet... and unmask by ringing... etc., etc.
      And from AK 74, you can make a high-precision rifle. But ! What is needed here is the quality of the machine’s manufacturing... and the quality of the cartridges.
      1. +3
        15 August 2024 08: 29
        Quote: ammunition
        But I really didn’t like the RPK 74... it was impossible to achieve an accuracy smaller than a tea saucer.

        For the RPK-74, the accuracy may be worse than for the AK-74, only if the AK had newer, non-worn barrels, which is aided by a muzzle brake-compensator. Otherwise, the layouts are virtually identical, only the RPK has a longer and thicker barrel, the rear sight on the sight also has a reverse notch, a different stock, plus a bipod. If we talk about the use of the RPK-74 as a sniper rifle for shooters in an infantry unit, the RPK is more suitable. We remove (or remake the bipod), remake the stock, create a magazine for 10-15 rounds, plus optics. The fact that we have a problem with the quality of gunpowder and primers is a separate issue.
    4. +1
      13 August 2024 10: 55
      Why not try SKS? It's undergoing a great refurbishment now. And the accuracy is good.
  2. -2
    13 August 2024 10: 08
    Yeah, but won’t the standard banana magazine on the 74 interfere with accurate prone shooting? After all, it’s one thing to simply shoot from an automatic rifle, and another thing when you need a high-precision shot. We were told during urgent training that if you need to hit a single shot very accurately from a 74 in a prone position, then it is better to temporarily unfasten the magazine after chambering the cartridge and before firing.
    1. 0
      13 August 2024 10: 26
      Yeah, but won’t the standard banana magazine on the 74 interfere with accurate prone shooting?

      Nothing prevents you from installing an AK magazine.
      1. -2
        13 August 2024 10: 27
        Nothing prevents you from installing an AK magazine.

        How do you put a magazine on a 5.45 AK-74 from an AK 7.62? Share, magician. laughing Or did I miss something during my service???
        1. +3
          13 August 2024 10: 35
          How do you put a magazine on a 5.45 AK-74 from an AK 7.62?

          No one except you even thought about 7.62... I’ll clarify for an expert - from AK74
          1. -1
            13 August 2024 10: 47
            The article is about the AK74. Should one regular magazine be replaced with another? Meaning?
            Short magazines for the AK74 were never produced by the Soviet and Russian industry. If only the Chinese or Indians used chemicals....
            1. +1
              13 August 2024 10: 50
              The article is about the AK74. Should one regular magazine be replaced with another? Meaning?

              Some people thought the 45-round magazine was too big.
              1. -4
                13 August 2024 10: 51
                What does the store for 45 have to do with it? It comes standard with the RPK-74. Yes, it is interchangeable with the standard 30-round AK-74, so what?
    2. +1
      13 August 2024 10: 34
      Nothing prevents you from releasing magazines for 5 or 10 rounds.
      1. +1
        13 August 2024 10: 51
        Nothing prevents you from releasing magazines for 5 or 10 rounds.

        Remake in the garage in half an hour. Yes, and it’s not needed for 5-10, it’s fine for 30.
        1. 0
          13 August 2024 11: 00
          In my opinion, it is much more interesting to try to use assault rifles under 7,62x51 mm as snipers, the same G3.
  3. +3
    13 August 2024 10: 11
    According to the expert, to transform a Kalashnikov assault rifle into a Marksman rifle, a number of components will be required.
    All of the above-mentioned components, according to the author of the video, are made of light but extremely durable alloys, which, on the one hand, makes the weapon convenient to use, and on the other, reliable even in the most extreme conditions.

    I have some confusion in my head: are these recommendations for me, the hunter, to modernize my hunting weapon at my own expense?
    or recommendations to a fighter - how to modernize his weapons to defend the Motherland - but at his expense?
    1. +1
      13 August 2024 10: 27
      yes, it’s just a hat)) we have a lot of Marsmans, and if the command allows a soldier to use the collective farm machine gun entrusted to him, he won’t be able to command for a long time (it’s just a video on YouTube and this won’t happen en masse, but at his own expense in a separate unit in a single copy, yes, please)
  4. +4
    13 August 2024 10: 11
    Yes, our psychiatrists are busy, they work on the rehabilitation of victims... and they have no time for Experts. request
    According to the expert, to transform a Kalashnikov assault rifle into a Marksman rifle, a number of components will be required.
    And I didn't find it among the components extended barrel. Shaw, don't you need it? Well, sorry, I was wrong. request
    1. 0
      13 August 2024 10: 25
      Barrel length
      M-16 - 508 mm
      AK-74 - 372 mm request
      1. 0
        13 August 2024 10: 47
        Yes, only now they are armed with the M4, and there is a standard barrel - 370mm. By the way, 372mm for the AK-74 is only the rifled part of the barrel, and the total length with the DTK is 485mm.
      2. 0
        16 August 2024 20: 05
        Why M16? Marksman rifle - M110A1...
      3. 0
        23 September 2024 01: 26
        RPK-74 barrel length, 590 mm.
        1. 0
          23 September 2024 01: 35
          RPK-74 barrel length, 590 mm.

          If you don't have enough SVD and don't want to remake RPK, then you can use SKS with optics as a marksman rifle,
          Barrel Length - 520mm
          Cartridge - 7,62×39 mm.
          Powerful and lethal!
    2. 0
      13 August 2024 11: 08
      Quote: Mavrikiy
      Yes, our psychiatrists are busy, they work on the rehabilitation of victims... and they have no time for Experts. request
      According to the expert, to transform a Kalashnikov assault rifle into a Marksman rifle, a number of components will be required.
      And I didn't find it among the components extended barrel. Shaw, don't you need it? Well, sorry, I was wrong. request

      Where can I get an extended barrel for an AK-74?
      and maybe then it’s better to have an AK 47 at 7.62. Yes with an “extended” barrel?
  5. 0
    13 August 2024 10: 16
    The presenter of "Perepolokh" can hardly be called an expert. Although it’s cool to see what he shoots with.
    1. 0
      21 August 2024 18: 32
      Quote: ssergey1978
      The host of "Perepolokh" can hardly be called an expert.

      It was almost impossible, but they did it.
  6. +2
    13 August 2024 10: 19
    My personal opinion is that there is no need to invent anything, but give the opportunity to shoot up to five thousand rounds with proper shooting training. And when shooting with a conventional mechanical rear sight, it will show the desired good results. soldier
    Above 400-500 there are not so many sharp-eyed fighters with the right psychotype. Above only trained snipers or the fashionable word smarksman. soldier
  7. -4
    13 August 2024 10: 29
    And what kind of armored vehicle will a 5,45 caliber bullet in a short cartridge case penetrate? fool
    1. -1
      13 August 2024 10: 36
      Quote: Maxim G
      And what kind of armored vehicle will a 5,45 caliber bullet in a short cartridge case penetrate?

      Depends on what bullet
      1. 0
        13 August 2024 10: 44
        Depends on what bullet

        1. +1
          13 August 2024 11: 12
          Quote: Maxim G

          And there are no “magic” ones in the ammunition. There is an old 5,45 PS, index 7N6, PS - a bullet with a steel core, its armor penetration is not high.
          There are 5,45 PP, index 7N10, PP - a bullet with increased penetration, this one can already penetrate a simple body armor, 5,45 BP, index 7N22, BP - an armor-piercing bullet, these can already pierce a steel plate of a bulletproof vest, 5,45 BS, index 7N24, BS - armor-piercing core, and can penetrate titanium, 5,45 BPP, index 7N39, BPP - armor-piercing with increased penetration, the most powerful, provides penetration of 5-mm steel armor plate at a distance of up to 550 m, and 10-mm armor plate and chest section body armor type 6B23 - at a distance of up to 100 m.
          1. +2
            13 August 2024 12: 34
            For a sniper rifle you need a normal rifle cartridge, not a short one.
            1. -1
              13 August 2024 22: 56
              Quote: Maxim G
              For a sniper rifle you need a normal rifle cartridge, not a short one.

              Still, it’s worth making a distinction between a sniper and a “Marksman”
              1. +1
                13 August 2024 23: 53
                In the West, Marksman rifles are chambered for this cartridge, including rifles based on the G3.
  8. +2
    13 August 2024 10: 35
    Expert: AK-74 can be turned into a Marksman rifle
    Of course, of course, it’s only much easier, and most importantly, it’s better to do it from the RPK-74...
  9. +1
    13 August 2024 11: 08
    Are the SVDs already over?
    1. 0
      13 August 2024 11: 58
      Are the SVDs already over?

      Two reasons, the first is unified ammunition (a sniper as part of a squad), the second is the identification of a sniper’s shot with the subsequent concentration of fire on it.
  10. 0
    13 August 2024 12: 43
    Isn’t it easier to put a PSO-1 sight from a warehouse on an AK-74M and this will be a Marksman rifle
  11. -2
    14 August 2024 05: 51
    It’s a pity that I was busy and didn’t see the topic... I haven’t watched it for a long time, more than a year. I started watching the video... so much... that I'm too lazy to even comment.
  12. +2
    14 August 2024 13: 04
    Butt axle? Expert... winked
  13. +2
    16 August 2024 14: 26

    No one is promoted to expert status on the VO website.
  14. -1
    17 August 2024 15: 29
    Quote: Per se.
    Quote: ammunition
    But I really didn’t like the RPK 74... it was impossible to achieve an accuracy smaller than a tea saucer.

    For the RPK-74, the accuracy may be worse than for the AK-74, only if the AK had newer, non-worn barrels, which is aided by a muzzle brake-compensator. Otherwise, the layouts are virtually identical, only the RPK has a longer and thicker barrel, the rear sight on the sight also has a reverse notch, a different stock, plus a bipod. If we talk about the use of the RPK-74 as a sniper rifle for shooters in an infantry unit, the RPK is more suitable. We remove (or remake the bipod), remake the stock, create a magazine for 10-15 rounds, plus optics. The fact that we have a problem with the quality of gunpowder and primers is a separate issue.

    I agree!
    Clarification, not only is there a thicker barrel, but (the RPK) also has a thicker box (1,5 против 1mm at AK).

    If we were to make a Marsman, it would be from the PKK.
    PS sad PR people from YouTube are furiously playing with the hardware. But they don’t want to sign a contract with our Moscow Region and go to the Northern Military District? Does enuresis and flat feet bother you?
  15. -1
    20 August 2024 19: 48
    You can't make a bullet out of shit. The quality of the complex in this configuration will always be below par. The shooter himself, if he is not completely degenerate, will prefer something more interesting. For example, SAKO-75 30-06 will work stably at 800m on a 150mm target. Although this is purely a hunting rifle. And the cartridge is not high-precision.
  16. 0
    20 August 2024 21: 09
    It's possible, but not necessary. Why make a sniper out of an AK? Unless for the sake of ammunition and self-loading. In the described version, the game is not worth the candle. This is stupidity. Both these projectors and Lobaev live by old stereotypes. A rifle for a person will be completely different. Moreover, it is simpler and cheaper. Especially, self-loading will be cheaper. Well, the future belongs to rifles without a man.
    If I had money and permission 15 years ago, I would have done both. Well, today is an old man. Putin will come out to the square with a bag of dollars and start asking for weapons to be made for him... but we are no longer there.
  17. +1
    2 September 2024 21: 59
    In my opinion, this is stretching an owl to fit a globe. I understand if there were no SVDs in stock. We urgently need them. I understand. But they are there. The creativity is simply overwhelming...
  18. 0
    2 September 2024 22: 07
    If we consider the option of arming a field sniper, then I believe that the RPK74 is much better suited than the AK. And even then, until our own concept is properly developed without looking back at the Yankees. And then perhaps either Kalashnikov and Molot will offer something, or the same Lobaev. Also, we should not forget that the issue of changing the caliber to 6.5 is being considered in the future.
  19. 0
    29 September 2024 22: 49
    Questionable methods of testing the survivability of weapons, if I paid for the grenades out of my own pocket, one would be enough.
  20. 0
    12 October 2024 15: 40
    Half of the people have poor eyesight, myopia, and even with glasses it is not 100%. At the same time, such people easily see images on a smartphone without glasses. That is, a sight with a small screen would allow everyone to shoot better.