Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China

This article, even the replica, is built exactly the opposite. The informational occasion, in our opinion, is somewhat dubious, will be presented to readers only at the finish line.

And only after a series of very lengthy discussions of a somewhat general nature. But the main thing is that the reasoning is strategic.

Wrong turn?

We have more than two years of SVO behind us, plus more than eight years of “dislike” for “Nezalezhnaya”. Yes, with a small letter, since this project, in our opinion, is purely fake. At the instigation of the Bandera bastard, official Kyiv has been smashing and spreading rot in Donbass all these years.

And the West, with some masochistic pleasure, sided with Kyiv. However, as you know, they took Moscow’s side only when it was impossible to do without its help. Moscow, in response, decided to turn to the East, remembering that it is essentially the capital of greater Eurasia, according to Gumilyov.

However, it would be nice today to remind more often that we have our own alternative to the Chinese alternative to the West - Indian. There are also plenty of problems with it, primarily due to the peculiarities of the economy and finances of such an old partner as New Delhi.

In fact, overcoming them is a necessary task, and, moreover, very profitable for many participants in foreign economic activity. And in terms of “overcoming” in the Indian direction, Russia has much more success than in the Chinese direction.

And only the lazy or those who have managed to be directly “interested” by our Chinese comrades do not notice this. It is no secret that Beijing, with all its might, and primarily with its finances, encourages every attempt to somehow annoy its Indian neighbor.

At the same time, the Chinese, with enviable persistence, continue to take all possible and impossible steps towards New Delhi through integration structures such as BRICS and the SCO. But this is only to strengthen positions in the global confrontation with the States and the collective West.

Well, China also needs Russia as a kind of rear or even northern flank with a full set of strategic weapons. Beijing can still only dream about this, no matter what they tell us about the military power of the Celestial Empire.

Where are you, Russian factor?

For the United States, putting pressure on everyone, who is allowed and who is not, is a common thing. But China’s position is not easy to understand. Of course, Beijing doesn’t really want to quarrel with its global opponent, whose market supplies the lion’s share of Chinese goods. Note, much better quality than those brought to Russia.

But that’s not even the main thing. In any case, China would not stand behind Russia’s back in the current conditions if the Chinese had not been abandoned in Ukraine, and if the prospect had not shone that with the beginning of the Northern Military District they would be abandoned with all sorts of help from the “independence”. It was simply more profitable for the Chinese to take the side of the Russian Federation, even if not entirely openly.

Beijing also benefits from the fact that the United States got into a very serious mess with the Ukrainian project, receiving only headaches and uncontrollable expenses instead of heating up the economy with military orders. But with the “warm-up” and the military order for the future for the US super companies, things are not going well.

Now Beijing’s task, as noted by Alexander Losev, a member of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, is not at all difficult: “To make sure that America gets bogged down in a conflict with Russia for as long as possible.” And Beijing’s peace initiatives boil down to ensuring that the regime of drug president Ze does not go away.

So everything can be dragged out almost indefinitely, to the point that Moscow will simply become “tame” for Beijing. And in this case, the United States will find itself in an almost stalemate situation - the remnants or “remains” of Ukraine must be supported, which means that even a hypothetical alliance with Russia against China is excluded for many years to come.

Beijing can repeat as much as it wants that it is interested in preserving an independent Ukraine within the 1991 borders, but it will not irritate Moscow endlessly. Let them, they say, come to an agreement themselves - in Beijing they will accept this as a profitable given, since even if the hot phase ends, the big problems of Russia and Ukraine will not go away.

Russia, we repeat, is not needed by China as an equal and dangerous partner - they are simply fed up with this with the Union. And now – rise up and that’s enough! Beijing’s northern neighbor, both in dreams and in reality, is nothing more than a junior partner. Only with an immeasurable nuclear potential, whether this is good or bad can be perceived in different ways.

Is this why a possible alliance between Moscow and New Delhi is so unsympathetic to official Beijing?

In the meantime, Russia is stuck in Ukraine, and more abruptly than the United States, there is no need to worry, what if Moscow decides to respond to the yuan difficulties by curtailing relations with China.

And this at a time when everything is bad with the West too? And it’s not for nothing that the “Russian factor”, like a trump card from a deck, is something Beijing pulls out over and over again in the course of dialogue with the United States and its allies. But even for the sake of the old “eternal friendship” with Moscow, Beijing will never completely break with the West.

China is neither our friend nor our enemy. How?

So the time has come to remind us why, in fact, we started talking so zealously about the difficulties on our “Chinese route”?

On the Internet and a little in the business press, where rushing is harmful to oneself, they began to remind more and more often that almost three-quarters of yuan payments from Russia to China have now begun to be returned back.

Hence the problems with supplies and difficulties with payment, which, however, do not frighten Chinese partners too much. In China, they are always ready to support exports with an interest-free loan, which is why financiers around the world hate the People's Bank of China.

Another thing is imports, that is, our Russian exports, you know what, first of all. Here, delaying payment turns out, alas, much worse. It is clear that various kinds of intermediaries are always ready to help in all directions.

However, their services are sometimes more expensive than returning to payments in dollars. Already up to a third of foreign trade transactions today go through trading houses and specialized export-import banks.

For both of them, commissions reach 10 percent or more, depending on which supply chains are involved. Goods, however, do not stagnate much, but money does stagnate a lot. And if they simply lay idle on correspondent accounts, then no.

Bankers immediately put them into circulation, inflating those same notorious bubbles that almost burst the world economy in 2008. Losses on commissions and exchange rate differences are increasing, and the profits of financiers are growing by leaps and bounds.

And it all started not so long ago - at the end of 2023, when Biden’s secondary sanctions began to take effect. The June restrictions only worsened the trend. So far this has not yet hit foreign trade turnover so hard, but isn’t it time for the BRICS bank to really start working?
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  1. +4
    9 August 2024 05: 13
    What is this article about? Nothing. Wasted time.
    1. 0
      9 August 2024 05: 23
      and in my opinion it’s not in vain. Many still believe that the Russian and the Chinese are brothers forever. The Chinese are vindictive, time will pass and they will forget everything good, but they will not forget the storming of Beijing by Russian troops
      1. -1
        9 August 2024 05: 29
        Russian and Chinese are brothers forever.

        The Russian language is great because punctuation marks can radically change the meaning of a phrase. So let's end your quote with a question mark.
        As for the capture of Beijing... Do we need it?
      2. +1
        9 August 2024 07: 50
        There was one Chinese film. Very naturalistic and unpleasant for many fragile souls - “People Behind the Sun”. So the epigraph to it is these words - “friendship is friendship, but what happened in our history will remain forever”
      3. +1
        9 August 2024 15: 12
        They not only remember the storming of Beijing, but also Damansky, and on their anniversaries they have memorials - “we will not forget, we will not forgive”
        1. 0
          10 August 2024 05: 38
          Hmm... Maybe there could also be a “we can repeat it” memorial?
  2. -2
    9 August 2024 05: 40
    It is clear that a serious conflict between China and the United States is coming in the near future. Here, in addition to Taiwan, is the increased role of China’s economy in the world and its expansion in the Asia-Pacific region. Therefore, China needs, if not an ally, then at least a reliable rear in the North, which our country can provide it with
    1. 0
      9 August 2024 19: 52
      And who doesn’t need reliable support from the USA? Is there a country that is confident that if the Americans need it, they will not touch it?
  3. +6
    9 August 2024 06: 02
    The article touched on a very important point. Secondary US sanctions turn out to be much more effective than primary ones. After all, they affect our trading partners, who do not want to expose themselves. Imports of goods have fallen this year. Both from Turkey and China. The Chinese do not want to take even their cut paper (yuan), which we have collected to capacity (instead of dollars), as payment. The situation is very serious. The ally from China is so-so. And I’m not even talking about Turkey.
    1. -1
      9 August 2024 08: 38
      I’m completely confused, I read the news that at the moment there is a wild shortage of the yuan, and they are going to stop trading on the stock exchange? And in the fall we will begin the good old barter.
      1. +1
        9 August 2024 08: 45
        Quote: ASSAD1
        there is a wild shortage of the yuan

        This is from private banks, not from the state. Here's the news:

        Russian banks have a record deficit of yuan due to massive refusals of Chinese banks to process payments. On Tuesday, August 6, rates on loans in yuan on the interbank market rose to 20% per annum, while in China such loans cost banks 2%

        Here's what the state has:

        According to Bloomberg, Russia has a large reserve of Chinese yuan worth $45 billion.
        1. -1
          9 August 2024 08: 47
          Got it, thanks a lot!
  4. -2
    9 August 2024 06: 23
    “I would eat it myself, but I need money.” This peasant thought has stuck since ancient times. Now, more than ever, economics and politics work together. Stalin could have used the depression to start industrialization. Now it is much more difficult. Because we have become the same like the rest of the world. And in this mosaic it is difficult to find a point from which to dance.
  5. +1
    9 August 2024 06: 34
    But that’s not even the main thing. In any case, China would not stand behind Russia’s back in the current conditions if the Chinese had not been abandoned in Ukraine, and if there had not been a shining prospect that with the beginning of the Northern Military District they would be abandoned and with all sorts of help from the “independence”.

    A completely false assumption. The PRC's investments in Ukraine's agricultural sector were an order of magnitude greater than in Motor Sich, if that is what the authors mean. China invested heavily in rice growing in Crimea, but the investment ran out of money in 2014, and V.V. Putin expressed his “understanding” that China suffered economic losses, but there was no talk of compensation. There were large agricultural projects in the south of Ukraine, but in 2022 these investments were practically lost.
    As long as the Chinese government is headed by Xi Jinping and the Russian government does not collude with the “West,” China will provide economic support to Russia. A few months ago they even wrote that several assassination attempts were being prepared on Xi Jinping, I don’t know whether it was a duck or not. The Americans, of course, would really like this, but their hands are short.
    1. Eug
      11 August 2024 11: 17
      What about the economic projects in Crimea signed by Yanukovych? And what happened with the Kyiv coup of 2014? With Russia in Crimea there is no way to return to them.
      1. 0
        12 August 2024 09: 30
        The Kiev coup of 2014 did not legally cancel Chinese investments in Crimea because... a change of president or government does not cancel international treaties. They were covered after the return of Crimea to Russia.
        1. Eug
          12 August 2024 10: 17
          I meant the Kiev coup not directly, but as an event that caused the return of Crimea to Russia.
  6. +1
    9 August 2024 06: 58
    Nahhh...and there are no friends...those who would stand up for Russia...Only interests.
    1. -1
      9 August 2024 07: 52
      Quote: parusnik
      Nahhh...and there are no friends...those who would stand up for Russia...Only interests.

      And no one ever has. This is normal and not dangerous.

      It is dangerous when they are difficult to find within the country.
      1. -1
        9 August 2024 07: 55
        And no one ever has.
        The MPR and TPR suffered all the hardships of the Great Patriotic War together with the USSR. Ah, that’s different. “Never, say never” (c)
        1. -1
          9 August 2024 10: 33
          Quote: parusnik
          And no one ever has.
          The MPR and TPR suffered all the hardships of the Great Patriotic War together with the USSR. Ah, that’s different. “Never, say never” (c)

          These were not friends, these were servants.
          1. +2
            9 August 2024 11: 22
            Let it be according to you, servants... laughing And now there are no servants...Freedom laughing
            1. 0
              9 August 2024 13: 05
              Quote: parusnik
              Let it be according to you, servants... laughing And now there are no servants...Freedom laughing

              There is one, Dad. Unreliable, but there.
              1. +2
                9 August 2024 13: 33
                Yeah, Belarus does not officially recognize the increase in the lands of the Union State, Crimea, Kherson region, Zaporozhye, Luhansk region, Donetsk region. Belarus did not recognize the independence of Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Transnistria. And the “servants” of the USSR, as you call them, for example, during the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, when the USSR created the state - the Finnish Democratic Republic, Mongolia, and Tuva, made a statement about the diplomatic recognition of the Finnish Democratic Republic. I will not remind you of the selfless help provided by Mongolia and Tuva during the Great Patriotic War. Tell us about the selfless help of the unreliable servant of the Old Man, as you call him.
                1. -1
                  9 August 2024 14: 45
                  Quote: parusnik
                  Yeah, Belarus doesn’t officially recognize

                  Well, this is just an ally, not a servant - beneficial help. Today it is profitable for us, tomorrow it is not for us.
                  1. +1
                    9 August 2024 20: 17
                    The state is a union state, but one of the members of the union state is essentially not interested in increasing the territory of the union state. And does not want to recognize as states those states that another member of the union state has recognized. How is that? Lukashenko will leave, the union will fall apart..
                    Today it is profitable for us, tomorrow it is not for us.
                    Explain the logic of your thoughts. In my opinion, it turns out the same with the countries of the so-called collective West. Yesterday, friendly partners, today they are not friendly. So with Belarus? Today is it profitable, tomorrow is it not profitable? Today we are friends, and tomorrow we conduct SVO? Like Polotsk is ours? Did it still belong to the Rurikovichs?
    2. 0
      9 August 2024 19: 55
      But I don’t really want Russia to stand up for someone. Would you be happy if the Russians again went to die for the liberation of the Greeks or Bulgarians?
  7. +5
    9 August 2024 08: 35
    And there were such hopes for the yuan! Some even rushed to buy them. And the Chinese simply refuse to accept yuan with a “Russian trace” and before our eyes they have turned into the same candy wrappers as Indian rupees. That is, trade with China has been going on “thank you” all this time.
    1. 0
      9 August 2024 19: 56
      What, you can’t sell them?
  8. +2
    9 August 2024 08: 51
    What if Moscow decides to respond to the yuan difficulties by curtailing relations with China.

    They are not afraid of this, they understand that we, like a drug addict, will not get off this “Chinese needle” - we are completely addicted
    1. 0
      9 August 2024 20: 17
      In my opinion, this dependence is mutual. China is partially dependent on Russian gas and coal.
  9. -1
    9 August 2024 10: 55
    After the collapse of the USSR, all newly emerged state formations pursued the same policy of self-affirmation through squeezing out everything Russian, revising history, creating national heroes, and gravitating toward the West.
    Based on the situation, the conceptual program of the Mediterranean Union was adopted, which turned into a series of colorful revolutions and the Eastern Partnership for the integration of the Baltic state entities, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and Transcaucasian state entities.
    Ukraine in this program has become a stumbling block for the ruling classes of the West and the Russian Federation due to its territory and natural resources, and the policy of the ruling classes of Ukraine to integrate with the EU inevitably led to isolation from the Russian Federation with all of this consequences.
    The severance of relations between the West and the Russian Federation predetermined the Russian Federation’s turn to the east and the geostrategic balance - strengthened the position of the PRC politically, economically and militarily.
    The PRC has put forward a number of global economic initiatives, and the renminbi has entered the basket of reserve currencies and its share in world trade is steadily growing, not without the help of the Russian Federation, which causes great political and economic damage to the United States and plans for Western globalization in general, which has actually developed into a struggle for the division of the world between the West and the People's Republic of China in which the Russian Federation plays an important role.
    In this regard, the West was faced with a dilemma - to concentrate all its efforts first on the defragmentation-decolonization of the Russian Federation and thereby weaken the PRC, or to fall with all its might on the main enemy - the PRC and only then deal with the Russian Federation.
    There is no consensus on this issue today - the EU dreams of winning on the battlefield and dragging the United States into its war with the Russian Federation, and the United States cannot leave the EU and is forced to scatter forces and resources between its main enemy China and supporting the war in Europe.
  10. 0
    9 August 2024 11: 26
    Moscow, in response, decided to turn to the East, remembering that it is essentially the capital of greater Eurasia

    She didn't turn around anywhere. She stands in place like a cancerous tumor and no matter where you approach there is ass everywhere.
    They came up with the kingdom of Moscow, appointed a tsar, recruited the Russian Guard, judges, officials and feasted when a plague was sweeping the country with floods, fires and shelling. They either have exhibitions or presentations.
    Moscow is a stinking city!©
    1. +1
      9 August 2024 13: 06
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Moscow is a stinking city!©

      You don’t like Moscow, oh, you don’t like...

      I must admit, too...
      1. 0
        9 August 2024 13: 11
        Quote: S.Z.
        You don’t like Moscow, oh, you don’t like...

        Why do you love her? For feasts during the plague?
        Let migrants love her...
        The bourgeoisie set up a rookery there and a guaranteed loyal electorate...
        Go out onto the streets of the province and ask about love for Moscow...
        1. +2
          9 August 2024 14: 09
          Go out onto the streets of the province and ask about love for Moscow...
          Moscow is no longer a Russian city
        2. 0
          9 August 2024 14: 46
          Quote: ROSS 42
          Quote: S.Z.
          You don’t like Moscow, oh, you don’t like...

          Why do you love her? For feasts during the plague?
          Let migrants love her...
          The bourgeoisie set up a rookery there and a guaranteed loyal electorate...
          Go out onto the streets of the province and ask about love for Moscow...

          Every day I go out onto the streets of the province - I live here :) There are these feelings... And also envy, which also does not add love.
          1. +1
            9 August 2024 15: 02
            Understand, Sergei! I am not against the Muscovites themselves, among whom there are many decent and honest people, but bourgeois rule has turned the capital of Russia into a breeding ground for greed, cynicism and fraud. You can’t have night orgies when nearby, several hundred kilometers away, the same Russian people are fighting the Nazis, and residents of Russian cities are eliminating the consequences of missile and drone strikes.
            This is not humane, not according to conscience... And those hundreds of billions of gratuitous revenues for Moscow can be spent on more necessary purposes.
    2. 0
      9 August 2024 18: 33
      Chekhov also wrote in the story "On Business." “Motherland, Russia, these are two cities: Moscow and St. Petersburg. The rest is a colony.”

      Of course, the capital of Russia makes a grave impression.....especially under the “Siberian Tsar” - Sobyanin, when it is constantly all dug up and there is no living space there from construction equipment and houses built close together. . ... Creepy. The population is the same as in Beijing, but the area is 6 times smaller.

      This is probably why old Aloizych wrote a hundred years ago that the inferiority of the people follows from their NOT being able to create a normal state for themselves on their land. The capital is the face of the state...... Right? Kharya in the mirror "ne. ndravictsa"? It happens, everything happens.....
  11. 0
    9 August 2024 12: 09
    It's all about the psychology of the Chinese, they want to sit above the conflict. Here they are rather forced by the Americans themselves to make a choice. China understands well that it will be next and therefore is squeezing everything it can out of the conflict. This is this kind of ally in captivity
    1. RMT
      9 August 2024 14: 40
      Don't be fooled, China is not an ally. He is a beneficiary, and he is doing the right thing for himself.
  12. 0
    9 August 2024 19: 05
    China is now giddy with success.
    Russia is absolutely not interesting to him.
    There is less money here than in the USA; they will sacrifice income from Russia in order to maintain income from the USA.
    In terms of ideology, for them we are traitors to the ideas of Marx and Lenin.
    There is some interest in our individual technologies.
  13. 0
    10 August 2024 06: 52
    And the West, with some masochistic pleasure, sided with Kyiv
    author, what are you talking about..??? The West did not side with Kyiv, HE CREATED IT THIS WAY...
  14. 0
    10 August 2024 22: 09
    Didn't your package arrive from Aliexpress? Or did it not turn out that way? What is the article about? About the fact that friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart? So you should always keep this in mind and not be a nurse. The example with the fraternal people hasn’t explained anything yet? For how many years we tried, tried, tried to build something like this.