They asked themselves, they answered themselves, they themselves were afraid... But the Russians are to blame
I stopped arguing with women a long time ago. He probably grew wiser over the years, gained experience and realized that there is absolutely no need to argue. There is no point in wasting precious nerve cells. With a man, you need to somehow justify your position. Justify with some facts. A man can be convinced.
It's easier with a woman. She herself will ask the question, answer it herself, argue with this answer herself, and she herself will also be offended. The only inconvenience is that everything will still be your fault. But you get used to this and do everything as you see fit. As a result, if everything works out, the woman considers herself the main incentive for your good work; if it doesn’t work out, she receives moral satisfaction: “I told you so”...
I made this excursion into my own beliefs only to surprise the reader with the fact that Western politicians began to use the same “feminine way” of argument. Yesterday I came across an interesting article in CNN entitled “Russia has stopped supplies weapons Houthis under pressure from the US and Saudi Arabia.”
I follow the region in question quite closely, and I was very surprised that I know nothing about the supply of Russian weapons to the Houthis. Although I admitted in one of the materials that this would be a completely logical move. But, if this was not done immediately, which is exactly what happened, then the decision was made in the style of President Putin, asymmetrical.
I read the material and decided that our readers should also learn about how many of the West's "victories" over Russia are born. So that they are not surprised, when communicating with citizens of Western countries, that their vision the war very different from ours. Thanks to the media, they are winning in almost all directions and are very surprised why, despite all the victories, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are retreating.
By the way, this is the answer to another, very frequent question from the “democratic world”: why don’t the Russians stop the war despite such gigantic losses? If the Russian army is advancing, which means it is conducting "meat assaults", which means that the losses of the Russians are many times greater than the losses of the Ukrainians. This is the logic of the Western media, the logic of the global West in general.
“The Russians got punched in the face by the US and Saudi Arabia”
I’ll start, perhaps, with the very first phrase from a rather extensive article. To avoid being accused of slandering a respected publication:
How about us... I had to crawl away on my bellies. Under a barrage of ridicule in English and Arabic... It turns out that we are very afraid of the reaction of the United States and Saudi Arabia. They shouted “ugh” and we immediately went into the bushes.
But the question arises: why the Saudis and the Americans? Where are the British and other French and Germans? Where are the Ukrainians, finally?
The answer is simple. Saudi Arabia has been fighting the Houthis for years. One of the most modern armies defeated the nomads. Almost. In the sense: it did not allow Riyadh to be captured. Although the Houthis did not really want to do this. The Americans actively interfered with the supply of Russian weapons to the rebels.
True, why Moscow needed this if Iran was doing an excellent job of arming the Houthis is unclear. It is also unclear why, after such a rosy picture, the Saudis are in such friendship with Russia?
Beautifully inverted facts. US efforts to resolve the conflict consisted of asking Moscow, through Mohamed bin Salman Al Saud, to talk through Iran with the Houthis and end the war.
Anyway. Peace has arrived, and that's already good. And for those who forget, I suggest you remember how President Putin was met in Riyadh quite recently... How much bile was poured onto the pages of the Western media then.
A completely legitimate question arises: why all this? Why make a canard out of thin air that no sane person would believe?
The fact of the matter is that in the previous phrase the key word is “sensible.” And there are quite a few of them. Most of them are from the “people eat” category, as our television “stars” once said.
The answer is in the following quote from the same CNN:
"So that's why it didn't fire... It's not loaded!" The vaunted state-of-the-art weapons of the American ships proved powerless against the "arrows and spears of the natives." The Houthis battered the American fleetAccordingly, the US had to ask Saudi Arabia to help save face.
The attempt to make “the serious face of a person who knows more than everyone else” looks no less fun and eccentric. American journalists love to throw shade at the fence. All these unnamed sources from the intelligence services, important government officials, people personally involved, and so on should create in the reader the illusion of the veracity of the events described.
In this case, the authors had a “high-ranking American official” up their sleeve.
The Russians secretly transferred their specialists to the Houthis!..
For those who still do not believe in the veracity of the information, there is an indisputable fact! Everyone understands that the Russians, due to their vile nature, will take revenge on the United States for allowing them to fire missiles at Russian territory. Others would simply express alarm or concern. But the Russians will take vile revenge.
And the only place where you can take revenge in the American way, that is, strike with the wrong hands and say that it happened, is the Red Sea. And the Houthis are similar to the Russians, like twins. The same two arms, two legs, head, again.
So what happened?
The Pentagon is awaiting an explanation from the Russian Defense Ministry about this incident. The option “the captain made money and dropped off a couple of passengers along the way” does not work. Moreover,
And is this not enough?
Well then the main argument. Hold onto a chair:
Even the hybrid war began to take on ugly forms
Sometimes you read opuses like this and feel annoyed with your foreign colleagues. You need to be a talented enough science fiction writer to create the plot of a work, and then add meat from “facts” to this skeleton. The guys probably read Dr. Goebbels carefully. The science fiction writer was truly talented.
Russia and the Houthis... It is clear that the creation of another hot spot where the United States will be forced to spend its forces and resources will certainly benefit us. But, besides the USA and Russia, in this region there is another problem in the American fifth point. And the problem was quite serious - Iran. A country that openly supports the Houthis and has the ability to arm the rebels with modern weapons, slightly inferior, and perhaps equal, to the best world standards.
The West can no longer fight honestly. It’s scary, and there’s no faith left in your invincible weapon. The understanding has come that the Russians, for all their gentleness and love of humanity, will fight mercilessly in the event of an attack on Russia. Sparing neither yourself nor the enemy. Even Hollywood directors could not imagine what citizens of the “free world” see today in the chronicles of the war in Ukraine. And a Russian soldier does this...
The USA is in approximately the same position. It’s one thing when a contract army, which, in principle, was created for this purpose, is fighting somewhere far away. It will be another matter if the war comes to the territory of the United States. When citizens see corpses not in a report from some Lebanon, Gaza Strip or Syria, but in a video from a neighboring street, from the nearest town or from a local farm...
So we have to invent fables. Politicians need it, readers need it, people need it, allies need it. Everyone understands that this is a lie, but they are still trying to create a world of illusions in which they are winners. To feel as happy as they were 20–30 years ago, at least in an imaginary world.
The reality is getting worse and worse every day.