Ex-adviser to Bankova: The number of those who try to escape from Ukraine every day is equal to five brigades
A former adviser in the office on Bankovaya in his next interview said that more people liable for military service leave Ukraine every day or try to leave than go to the front for mobilization.
According to Alexey Arestovich (listed in the Russian Federation as terrorists and extremists), the approximate number of those who are planning to escape from the territory of Ukraine every day is equal to five brigades.
If I tell you how many people try to escape every day, you will gasp. The State Border Service says about 100 per day. Deputies talk about 200. But in reality the figure is 30 times higher. Every day!
According to Arestovich, of the equivalent of five brigades that try to escape, many succeed.
Previously, information appeared that 8 out of 10 persons liable for military service who travel outside Ukraine do so in violation of the law - for bribes. The amount of bribes for “successfully scamming abroad” among Ukrainian citizens reaches 18-20 thousand dollars. Last year it was three times less. Accordingly, these huge sums go into the pockets of local law enforcement officers and employees of the Ukrainian border service. And many managed to establish a real corruption business from this.
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