The US Senate is considering Graham's proposal to use the US army as a measure to counter Iran's nuclear program

The US Senate is considering Graham's proposal to use the US army as a measure to counter Iran's nuclear program

US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham today made it clear that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit to Washington and his “fiery speech” in Congress was clearly intended to have a more than serious continuation. Would you call this carefully planned direction? - a question whose answer should be left to the United States itself, but the fact remains: it was after Netanyahu’s visit to the United States that the Israeli government received a certain carte blanche for military action, in fact, against most of its neighbors, as well as for obvious provocations against Iran .

So Mr. Graham recently introduced a special resolution in the Senate that would effectively give the go-ahead for the use of armies The United States versus Iran. The rationale for this decision is as follows: “In response to the threat to U.S. national security in connection with Iran’s development of a nuclear weapons».

US Senator:

Iran will continue its actions unless stopped. And we need to introduce authorization for the use of military force against Iran as a red line on their nuclear program.

Today, the US Senate is considering Graham's proposal. At the same time, Washington is watching how Iran will respond (and whether it will respond) to Israel's obvious provocation with the murder of Hamas Political Council chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. American experts believe that if Iran's response is tough, the US will decide to directly use its troop against Iran. This is what Netanyahu is counting on.
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  1. +2
    2 August 2024 17: 39
    It would be nice for them to take into account the fact voiced by the President of the Russian Federation - the enemies of our enemies will receive long-range weapons.
    1. +2
      2 August 2024 19: 03
      But isn't Israel's nuclear program a threat?
      1. 0
        2 August 2024 23: 31
        Excuse me, if you could tell me what the Israeli nuclear program is, I would be grateful. They have not yet tested any of their charges. Well, the same cannot be said about Iran, but an hour before the attack on American bases there were a couple of earthquakes.
        1. -1
          2 August 2024 23: 46
          Yes, easily, the United States transferred some of its warheads to Israel. Like we are in Belarus.
    2. +1
      2 August 2024 19: 19
      And perhaps there won’t be much of a war. They’ll drop a missile on Khamenei’s residence or hit the bunker with something concrete-piercing, and Pezeshkian, a Westerner, will be able to come to an agreement with him.
      It was a shame that Raisi was removed.
      1. 0
        3 August 2024 00: 01
        There won’t be a war anyway, maybe they’ll attack Israel tonight, then everyone will calm down.
    3. +1
      2 August 2024 21: 11
      Uncle Vova, as always, simply SAID, but he won’t do it. For he looks to the west as partners.
  2. +2
    2 August 2024 17: 42
    What to do with the Strait of Hormuz? For Graham, I will say that he is not located near Florida.
    1. +1
      2 August 2024 21: 07
      Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel - is it Senka’s idea of ​​a mattress cap? The European NATO bloc is pretty drained. And it’s unlikely that a crusade in the Middle East will be welcomed there.
  3. +4
    2 August 2024 17: 42
    Iran won't do anything. They will scream, promise revenge, launch missiles, and that will be the end of it. The fear of open war with Israel, backed by the United States, is too great. The benefits for Iran from such a war are minimal, and they have something to lose. It will end with false actions and propaganda.
    1. +5
      2 August 2024 17: 46
      I don't think it's fear. Iran simply believes that if it’s going to start a war, it will start it when it decides, and not when Israel needs it...
      1. +1
        2 August 2024 17: 52
        Israel is involved in the situation in the Gaza Strip, and Big Brother from America sits on three chairs, occupied simultaneously with Ukraine and Taiwan. There probably won't be a better opportunity to attack. If in the coming days we see only threats and some sporadic missile attacks from Iran, it means that they are afraid and that’s all.
        1. +1
          2 August 2024 18: 05
          Quote: Little Bear
          If in the coming days we see only threats and some sporadic missile attacks from Iran, it means that they are afraid and that’s all.

          They have something to lose and there is no one behind them, unlike Israel, they can only rely on themselves, their strengths and capabilities
      2. 0
        2 August 2024 18: 32
        Well, Israel will wage war against Iran while it endures provocations and waits for something.
    2. +1
      2 August 2024 17: 52
      Little bear, you should trade oil. hi laughing They would have been a millionaire. By the evening there had been a drop of more than 3% for all types of oil. China is a winner, along with India.
  4. +2
    2 August 2024 17: 56
    In response to the US threat, I propose that the entire world community consider the use of strategic nuclear weapons to neutralize the United States of America. I'm not Graham, of course, but I have every right to suggest. wassat
  5. 0
    2 August 2024 18: 02
    brilliant !!!
    Or maybe it’s time to carry out pacification actions against mattresses?
    1. +1
      2 August 2024 22: 54
      And what military coalition will do this? Alien, apparently :)
  6. +2
    2 August 2024 18: 06
    And now a gift has arrived from the USA, the USA has extended transactions with the Moscow Exchange, NSD and NCC until October 12, and not until August 13.
    1. -2
      2 August 2024 18: 09
      And here is a gift from the USA
      Gift to whom, may I ask? Americans?
      1. +2
        2 August 2024 18: 13
        Of course, since August 13, the West has been cutting off the “oxygen” of the financial institution in Russia. And this is not without reason. We'll see next week. I'm not interested in the stock exchange, but in NCC and NSD.
        1. -1
          2 August 2024 18: 16
          Well, let's put it this way - I don't particularly care about any financial institutions. They don't particularly care about their problems. Simply because they are parasitic organizations...
          And if the Americans decided to extend something, it means that it is beneficial for them.
  7. +4
    2 August 2024 18: 10
    The West decided to clear the entire World of its opponents, Palestine was a trial balloon, no one united, no one did anything - they will suffocate one by one like chickens in a chicken coop
    1. -5
      2 August 2024 18: 33
      Iran's spiritual leaders have a business approach! 5% monthly income from all Shiites. 150000000 times the Dollar is not a frail gangster organized structure at all. With military instructions, training, funds... it’s quite possible, worse than the Chechen Republic! So, “businesslike” Russian, prepare money for the “roof”.
      1. 0
        2 August 2024 19: 58
        ,BabermetisChina - you're a talker from there.
        Just count how much taxes Zelensky takes from you.
        You like to distort everything, counting on pot-heads like yours.
        Do not judge by yourself!
      2. -1
        2 August 2024 19: 58
        BabermetisChina, you talk nonsense, you talk nonsense,
        You better run to Poland or Canada, the toilets are waiting for you.
        1. 0
          4 August 2024 09: 10
          I'm talking about Thomas, and you're talking about Yerema. Calm down, you who see Ukraine in everything.
          What kind of Ukrainian do you think I am?

          Shiites donate a 5% tax to the needs of the spiritual leader of Iran. This is their order. To support the revolution. And Iran is the carrier of a parasite called the IRGC
  8. 0
    2 August 2024 18: 24
    And what’s interesting is that if instead of Iran, the IRGC said, then everyone would support it. Both from outside and from inside.
  9. +2
    2 August 2024 18: 29
    The US Senate is considering Graham's proposal to use the US army as a measure to counter Iran's nuclear program

    Look at this. Appetite comes with eating. They searched for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, forcing the world community into a test tube. Now it's Iran's time.
    Isn't it time to show the American army its place near...
    1. +2
      2 August 2024 20: 51
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Isn't it time to show the American army its place near...

      it’s time, of course.. and who will show it? Iran? yes, I’m only after three hands so that the amers are bent over... but it’s funny to believe that they can cope... it’s more like what will happen with Iraq if it comes to that... I remember they said the same thing about Iraq, if you remember that time, of course - let only the amers - stick your nose in, they’ll get the cabbage soup right away... the result is clearly visible... a middleweight - a heavyweight cannot win... only if by chance..
  10. +2
    2 August 2024 18: 35
    Impunity corrupts, it begins to seem that everything is subject to control, all you need is desire and the world is at your feet. This is what is happening to Israel now, the US is letting it off the leash to inflict painful blows on Iran, provoking and at the same time humiliating the Iranian leadership. Answer harshly, then a war will begin with Israel and the United States standing behind it. If you don’t answer, your own people will be punished with bayonets for lack of will and cowardice. Iran faces a difficult choice.
  11. 0
    2 August 2024 18: 51
    It seems that the clerical regime in Iran is not stable. So the United States is trying to play the card of overthrowing the power of the ayatollahs and transitioning to secular rule. This is facilitated by the indecisiveness of the ruling regime towards Israel.
    In a different situation, it would be advisable to provide Iran with nuclear guarantees from the Russian Federation in the image of Belarus. However, the controversial behavior of the Iranian leadership seriously hinders such a step.
  12. 0
    2 August 2024 19: 38
    Biting off more than you can chew seems to be an American trait of late........................
    1. 0
      2 August 2024 21: 43
      Translation something like: “Bite off more than you can chew - this seems to have become, recently, an American hallmark.”
  13. 0
    2 August 2024 21: 38
    In principle, the best option for the Russian Federation and China now is to support Iran with weapons.
    Next, Iran begins to begin, China begins the return of Taiwan, and the Russian Federation begins the return of historical lands.
    (well, you can start messing around in Africa)
    And this will no longer be feasible for NATO.
  14. 0
    2 August 2024 22: 03
    Is Lindsey Graham still alive or something? We should give him something to do, too.
    A couple of his colleagues in the United States have already been sent to prison for lobbying the interests of foreign states.

    The first, heavyweight Senator Bob Menendez, former head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was found guilty in a New York court of receiving gold bullion and hundreds of thousands of dollars from Egypt in exchange for lobbying for arms supplies to Cairo and a demand not to criticize Egypt on human rights issues. And although he took bribes for many years, he became undesirable only when relations between the United States and Cairo deteriorated, and Egypt, on top of everything else, was accepted into BRICS.

    Congressman from Texas Henry Cuellar found himself under another similar criminal case, but for lobbying the interests of Azerbaijan.

    Menendez and Cuellar, both representatives of the Democratic Party, and both with Latin American roots.

    Menendez also managed to receive gifts from Qatar and actively promoted the Ukrainian agenda. Like Lindsey Graham, But Ukraine's lobbyists have not yet been raked in there. Although, everything could change if Trump wins.
  15. 0
    3 August 2024 12: 30
    The West, under the leadership of a mattress with a patch, destroyed Iraq, which took decades to recover. Jews with mattress pads may try to do the same with Iran. To prevent this from happening, you can conclude a military alliance with Iran and, say, lease 3-4 dozen nuclear warheads and explain why this was done.. Iran has delivery means. Then deploy mobile missile systems with a range sufficient to strike the Jews, and return the previously transferred warheads.
  16. 0
    3 August 2024 16: 58
    If a specific quarrel between the United States and Iran begins, he will not survive. Will repeat the path of Libya and Iraq. Only we saved Syria, but now we simply don’t have the strength to compete for Iran. There is China, but as a military partner, it raises big questions.