During a meeting of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, a senator from the Tula region was detained on suspicion of organizing a murder

During a meeting of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, a senator from the Tula region was detained on suspicion of organizing a murder

Another high-profile arrest, this time of a famous Russian politician, a former top manager of a large state-owned company, took place today in Moscow. The press and social networks report that during today’s meeting of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia, senator from the Tula region Dmitry Savelyev was asked to leave the meeting room; employees of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation were already waiting for him at the door, most likely, taking into account the identity of the suspect in organizing the crime, made an arrest.

Before this, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Igor Krasnov, directly during the meeting, addressed the Federation Council with a proposal to revoke the immunity of Senator Dmitry Savelyev. Law enforcement agencies reported that the basis for this was Savelyev’s suspicion of involvement in organizing the murder. Members of the Federation Council did not object. Savelyev tried to leave the hall, but was detained at the door. Savelyev himself has a birthday tomorrow.

At today's meeting of the Federation Council, the chamber agreed to lift Savelyev's senatorial immunity

— Vyacheslav Timchenko, head of the Russian Federation Council Committee on Regulations, told reporters.

Earlier, the Investigative Committee of Russia brought charges against Dmitry Savelyev in the case of organizing a murder and made a petition for the arrest of the senator. The Russian Investigative Committee told reporters that in August 2023 in Moscow, Dmitry Savelyev, guided by personal hostility towards his former business partner Ionov, who was himself in a pre-trial detention center at that time, hired, through an intermediary, a FSIN employee to physically eliminate the entrepreneur. However, he contacted the FSB, and the murder was staged. Having received information about the murder, “Savelyev handed over a reward to the accomplice for committing the crime” ($100 thousand), investigators reported.

Дмитрий Савельев является членом экономического комитета Совета Федерации России, представителем от исполнительного органа власти (правительства) Тульской области. Служил в составе воинского контингента советских troop в Афганистане. Сенатором он стал еще в 2016 году. До этого Савельев более десяти лет был депутатом Госдумы РФ, входил в комитет по природным ресурсам, природопользованию и экологии

In 1998-1999, he held the position of General Director (President) of JSC AK Transneft, and at the same time was a member of the board of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation. Savelyev was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky (2019) and Honor (2012), two medals “For Courage” (1988, 1989), and the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2010). In 2020, Savelyev was included in the Forbes Russia ranking as one of the richest Russians.

As for the very detention of such a famous person as Savelyev, it is worth noting that such actions are carried out deliberately in public for a reason, because the arrest could well have been carried out quietly. On the one hand, the security forces seem to show society that for them everyone is equal before the law. On the other hand, having learned about the next arrest of a high-ranking official, politician or businessman, someone vested with power and money shudders greatly, remembering his shady dealings. In addition, publicity reduces the ability of well-connected people suspected of crimes to use them to put pressure on the investigation and the court.
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  1. 26+
    2 August 2024 17: 08
    Friday becomes a difficult day for officials. One question, couldn’t it have started earlier?
    1. Egg
      2 August 2024 17: 14
      in order to start, you need to have a strong rear and support from your immediate and distant circles... apparently the time has come to clear this swamp... arrests are happening all over the country, the arrests of such influential "masters" are widely covered in the media, and how many of them are at a lower level , at the level of regions and districts they have already been arrested.... they have already reached the observers. And how many “brilliant” businessmen... some are already imprisoned, and some managed to go abroad...
      At the same time, replacements for the thieving officials are being prepared from among the participants of the Northern Military District under the “Time of Heroes” program.
      1. +9
        2 August 2024 17: 20
        The food supply is dwindling, there is not enough for everyone, competition is intensifying. Well, the use of “mask shows” as a tool for this competitive struggle is already familiar.
        1. +6
          2 August 2024 17: 44
          The food supply is dwindling, there is not enough for everyone, competition is intensifying.

          Well, they moved from the Ministry of Defense to the Federation Council, and then you see, all this will reach the Duma and the government (Cabinet of Ministers)... “Someone’s” children are in line!!! In queue... am
          1. 15+
            2 August 2024 18: 35
            “they moved to the Federation Council,” - they were already in the Federation Council, so they didn’t move. Arashukov was also captured in the building of the Northern Fleet in 19. So it would be more correct to switch from the Northern Fleet to the Moscow Region. And that’s because the SVO has begun. And so, the Moscow Region would continue to live without problems. .
          2. 12+
            2 August 2024 20: 15
            So what happens when there are corrupt enemies all around? Is it then that we have such a vertical power? who appointed them all? What about yourself then?
            1. +4
              2 August 2024 20: 52
              Quote: ALARI
              So what happens when there are corrupt enemies all around? Is it then that we have such a vertical power? who appointed them all? What about yourself then?

              All came from the people, there is one source.
              1. -1
                3 August 2024 19: 20
                That is, analyzing your post =Are you stealing too? You can talk, I won’t tell anyone.
                1. 0
                  4 August 2024 10: 24
                  Quote: ALARI
                  That is, analyzing your post =Are you stealing too? You can talk, I won’t tell anyone.

                  Let me explain. Not all the people are thieves, but all thieves came from the people. Based on this, it is still necessary to heal the source so that it does not rot completely. This prevention is difficult, persistent and constant, and not temporary attacks. First of all, education.
                  1. -1
                    4 August 2024 11: 45
                    There was education under the USSR, under the tsars. Then there were revolutions, i.e. revolution and perestroika and began to educate in a new way. Our upbringing before the new government in the Kremlin?
        2. -2
          2 August 2024 19: 02
          Quote: UAZ 452
          The food supply is dwindling,

          who? an employee of the FSIN, an employee of the FSB, or the prosecutor general?
          1. +7
            2 August 2024 19: 27
            Quote: poquello
            who? an employee of the FSIN, an employee of the FSB, or the prosecutor general?

            Everyone has.
      2. 25+
        2 August 2024 17: 34
        At the same time, replacements for the thieving officials are being prepared from among the participants of the Northern Military District under the “Time of Heroes” program.

        You touch me with your naivety...
        Tell me, does your wonderful scheme for “replacing embezzled officials” take into account that citizen Savelyev is also a “participant” and a well-deserved (once) hero?
        1. +1
          2 August 2024 18: 45
          "and without fools a well-deserved (once) hero?" - definitely “no fools”? Otherwise, somehow his Afghan period was completely lost. Either it’s not mentioned at all, or it’s “passed urgently.”
          1. 11+
            2 August 2024 18: 54
            Two medals “For Courage” were not easily issued in the USSR, without specific real feats on the battlefield. The fact of “ordinary” participation or stay in a combat zone could be marked with a medal “For Military Merit”, in some cases (and mainly for officers) - with the Order of the Red Star. The overwhelming majority of privates and sergeants returned home with the standard “Afghan set” - the USSR badge “Internationalist Warrior” and the DRA medal “From the Grateful Afghan People.”
            1. +1
              2 August 2024 19: 13
              Well, that is. No one knows. I didn’t get it for anything, not about his “combat” past. It's clear.
              By the way, his Wikipedia has been cleaned up; there is not a word about his “combat”, let alone his commercial path.
              1. +4
                2 August 2024 19: 26
                Why no one? Without a doubt, there are representations in the personal file with a description of merits, resolutions of commanders, signatures, seals, etc. The fact that it is not posted publicly is in the order of things. The fact that Wikipedia is “silent” on this matter is also a so-so justification...
                By the way, do not forget that if you accuse someone of violating the law, which includes illegal nomination for a state award and its presentation, then the burden of proof of the commission of a crime actually lies with you, and not with the person who He says that since there are awards, it is deserved.
                1. -5
                  2 August 2024 19: 32
                  “if you accuse someone of violating the law, which includes illegal nomination for an award” - you don’t want to be clever about the awards of citizen Ivanov. Tell me something smart about him as a member of the SVO.

                  “Actually, it lies with you, and not with the one who says that since there are awards, it means it’s deserved.” - so I ask “the one who speaks” what the reward is for, but he cannot say anything intelligible in response.
                  1. +4
                    2 August 2024 19: 35
                    so I ask “the one who speaks” what the awards are for

                    According personal courage and bravery in battles with the enemies of the Soviet Union in the theater of military operations, while protecting the inviolability of state borders, or when fighting saboteurs, spies and other enemies of the Soviet state.
                    1. -7
                      2 August 2024 19: 39
                      Well, that is, you don’t know. Yes Well, okay, perhaps as a result of a criminal case, someone will voice it.
                      1. +3
                        2 August 2024 19: 43
                        Why dont know? I wrote why, that’s enough for me. Of course, I do not and cannot have access to a personal file describing the specifics of his exploits, but I have no doubt about the fairness of the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to recognize Savelyev’s merits on the battlefield in the distant past, and even twice.
                        And now tell me why you think that the awarding is unlawful and the awards were given undeservedly.
                      2. -4
                        2 August 2024 19: 45
                        "Why do you think that the awarding is unlawful and the awards were given undeservedly." - don’t tell me where I wrote this - which is unlawful and undeserved. hi
                      3. +2
                        2 August 2024 19: 46
                        "and without fools a well-deserved (once) hero?" - definitely “no fools”? Otherwise, somehow his Afghan period was completely lost. Either it’s not mentioned at all, or it’s “passed urgently.”

                        You wrote. request
                      4. -5
                        2 August 2024 19: 50
                        And where did I write that “undeservedly and unlawfully”? I wrote that there is no data.
                        But you just stated that it was deserved, but when I asked what exactly, you somehow couldn’t answer. Well, because you don't know.
                      5. +5
                        2 August 2024 20: 00
                        That is, any SVO participant or veteran of other military operations who has state awards is obliged to report to you on the legitimacy of the award, otherwise, when you hear the words “he is a hero,” you will shrug your shoulders and say “there is no data”?
                        You don’t take much on yourself?
                      6. -3
                        2 August 2024 20: 21
                        “That is, anyone is obliged to report to you on the legitimacy of the award” - not at all. But if I ask a person a normal question - “what were you awarded for?” then the person always calmly talks about it or is modest and makes it clear that it is a little shy for him to talk about his feat. And that's okay.
                        But if the question is “what were you awarded for?” , can’t say anything intelligible and starts yelling that “I don’t have to report to you” and “you don’t take on too much?”, then this is where the question arises - has the reward found the right hero? what
                      7. +2
                        2 August 2024 20: 27
                        But if I ask a person a normal question - “what were you awarded for?” that person...

                        I don’t remember your questions to me, for which I was awarded anything.
                        That is, you do not share the question directly with the recipient and the question with an outsider with whom you are discussing the grounds for awarding a third party? lol
                      8. -3
                        2 August 2024 20: 32
                        "third party?" - Well, it’s you who fit in as this “third party”. And they told me: “Aren’t you taking on too much?” request
                        And I just asked you about the details of the award, and instead of saying - I don’t know, at first you claimed that everything was “good”, and then, when they couldn’t give confirmation of this “good”, they said that no one owes me anything and I take on a lot. It's all strange.
                      9. +4
                        2 August 2024 20: 38
                        All this is strange.

                        Nothing strange. F@#sing, you are wagging, instead of recognizing the obvious presence of the character in question having real merits in the distant past. That's all.
                      10. -7
                        2 August 2024 20: 45
                        “F@#sing you wag” - please watch your words.

                        It’s just that someone was screaming foaming at the mouth about “real merits,” but could not prove them - that’s really all.
                      11. +3
                        2 August 2024 20: 46
                        It is you who cannot prove your words, not me.
                      12. -7
                        2 August 2024 20: 48
                        I didn’t have words, but questions. But you didn’t have the words to answer these questions. Alas.
                      13. +4
                        2 August 2024 20: 50
                        I had an answer and you read it. This is the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Why don't you recognize him?
                      14. -10
                        2 August 2024 20: 58
                        "This is the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR." - this is not proof of the legitimacy of receiving awards. It is quite possible that the “Presidium” was not aware of the situation.
                      15. +6
                        2 August 2024 21: 00
                        This is not proof of the legitimacy of receiving awards. It is quite possible that the “Presidium” was not aware of the situation.

                        That is, the decrees of the USSR PVS are not legal for you based on the personal assumption that “it is possible that the Presidium was not aware of the situation”? Where did you get this from? Any evidence? It’s not just Savelyev, but all other awards need to be reviewed.
                        I’ll ask again - don’t you take on too much?
                      16. -6
                        2 August 2024 21: 02
                        "Where did you get this from?" - from the fact that the person may have turned out to be a criminal. Do you need to repeat this 100 times?
                      17. +3
                        2 August 2024 21: 04
                        may have turned out to be a criminal

                        In 1988-1989, while serving as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan?
                      18. -9
                        2 August 2024 21: 07
                        Yes. And now we need to check whether he served there at all. It is possible that even then he showed his “inclinations”.
                      19. +5
                        2 August 2024 21: 07
                        Great. Have you checked it? What are the results?
                      20. -7
                        2 August 2024 21: 15
                        "Excellent" - simply great.

                        "Have you checked? What are the results?" - “You don’t take on too much?” That is, everyone is obliged to report to you"?

                        Talk to yourself, it's good for you. laughing
                      21. +4
                        2 August 2024 21: 46
                        I understand that verbiage is your strong point.
                        Will there be answers to questions?
                      22. -7
                        2 August 2024 21: 53
                        “Will there be answers to questions?” Well, he answered - “You don’t take on too much?” That is, everyone is obliged to report to you"?
                        I can pour more water, as you like to do - “You want the “test results” to be posted here. Based on what legal act do you allow yourself to do this?” .
                        Is that enough or do you want more “answers”?
                      23. +4
                        2 August 2024 21: 54
                        I understand that verbiage is your strong point.
                        Will the questions still be answered or not?
                      24. -8
                        2 August 2024 21: 55
                        “Will there be answers to questions?” Well, he answered - “You don’t take on too much?” That is, everyone is obliged to report to you"?
                        I can pour more water, as you like to do - “You want the “test results” to be posted here. Based on what legal act do you allow yourself to do this?” .
                        Is that enough or do you want more “answers”?
                      25. +4
                        2 August 2024 21: 56
                        I don’t want “answers,” but I want answers.
                        They will?
                      26. -6
                        2 August 2024 21: 58
                        What are the questions, what are the answers. What exactly should I tell you?
                      27. +5
                        2 August 2024 22: 00
                        Why do you question the legality of the decisions of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding Soviet military personnel who took part in hostilities on the territory of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan?
                      28. -8
                        2 August 2024 22: 05
                        “Why do you question the legality of the decisions of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR?” - I do not question the legality of the decision. What I'm saying is that a legitimate decision could have been based on incorrect information. And it was wrong. This is not a fact, but in the light of the information revealed about the citizen, this decision may need to be verified.
                      29. +4
                        2 August 2024 22: 17
                        An assertion/assumption that a decision is erroneous is a questioning of its legality.
                        Savelyev’s activities at the time of committing the acts that received state awards did not intersect in any way with his subsequent activities, for which he is under investigation.
                        What kind of verification do you propose to carry out against a soldier of the Soviet Army in 1989 on the basis of his subsequent actions as a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation? What connections do you expect to find?
                        But “for once” you, for a moment, question the legality and legality of all the awarding of state awards to our fathers for their exploits in Afghanistan.
                        Sorry, but your assumption is based on your personal attitude towards the character under discussion and, from my point of view, is not explained by any logical connections.
                      30. -7
                        2 August 2024 22: 23
                        “for a minute, you question the legitimacy and legality of all the state awards given to our fathers for their exploits in Afghanistan” - please do not write ad-libs and nonsense - all our fathers were not detained due to suspicions of committing a crime. It was you who equated them all to citizen Savelyev.
                        I don't question all decisions. I question the decision when it turned out that the citizen in respect of whom it was made turned out to be a suspect in a serious crime - organizing a contract murder.
                      31. +3
                        2 August 2024 22: 25
                        Well, yes, you still exemplarily continue to wiggle the place where the back loses its noble name.
                        It is a pity.
                        It would be much more interesting for me to communicate with an honest person.
                      32. -6
                        2 August 2024 22: 31
                        Your comment is not at all constructive. It can be seen that it is due to the lack of opportunity to bring at least some argument in response to my clear and verified message to you.
                      33. +3
                        2 August 2024 22: 32
                        clear and precise message to you

                        Thanks, laughed laughing
                      34. -5
                        2 August 2024 22: 33
                        My pleasure! And thank you. drinks Now the main thing is that there are no consequences.
                      35. +2
                        2 August 2024 22: 47
                        .or being modest

                        That is, if I send you to hell with the question of what I have a reward for. Is this modesty or doubt that my award is deserved?
                      36. -6
                        2 August 2024 22: 57
                        Well, firstly, it will show that you are poorly brought up or that you have something wrong with your psyche. Secondly, this will certainly raise doubts about how a person with such a shaken nervous system could end up in the DB zone. Therefore, there will be 2 options left - you are either a mummer or you really committed a heroic act, but then something happened to you that affected your attitude towards others.
                      37. +2
                        2 August 2024 22: 59
                        Or I just don’t want to tell some freak about life. Not?
                      38. -7
                        2 August 2024 23: 01
                        Well, if you approach it this way, then you can come from the other side - but why listen to some fancy-dressed psycho who hung the medals of his grandfather or father on himself. Not?
                      39. +2
                        2 August 2024 23: 05
                        Even when I was younger, my friends who went through Afghanistan, when asked what the medal was for, said, it’s better for you not to know. That is, according to your logic, I should have spat in their faces - don’t say it, so you don’t deserve it?
                      40. -7
                        2 August 2024 23: 07
                        “my friends who went through Afghanistan,” - this is the key - your friends.
                      41. +2
                        2 August 2024 23: 01
                        When a swimming champion saved bus passengers in Dagestan. When asked by reporters, he said: Well, that's how it happened. Is there doubt about what he did? He doesn’t give you any details.
                      42. -6
                        2 August 2024 23: 04
                        "in Dagestan, a swimming champion saved bus passengers." - this is a detail and there is no doubt about it, because... many have seen this. Your logic is somehow strange.
                      43. 0
                        9 August 2024 17: 20
                        Did you communicate with witnesses in Afghanistan? How many of them are ready to tell?
                      44. +1
                        3 August 2024 18: 34
                        I can explain with my own example. My homeland did not deprive me of attention for my participation in its fate. But if some leftist uncle suddenly asks me “what were you awarded for,” then the only normal answer would be something like “For service.”
                        I have never heard anyone start talking about their exploits.
                        Well, of course, if someone starts “yelling”, this is more than strange. Although yes, I am sure that this also happens. There are many awardees, anything can happen. :)
                  2. +4
                    2 August 2024 19: 57
                    You don’t want to be smart about Citizen Ivanov’s awards. Tell me something smart about him as a member of the SVO

                    By the way, about Ivanov.
                    Four boxes of some kind of awards - this was intended for amateurs. For those who don’t understand anything about these very awards.
                    He is not a member of the SVO.
                    He has only three state awards (Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III and IV degrees, medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, I degree), which, by the way, is quite a bit for a Russian official of the RF Ministry of Defense of his rank. Everything else is departmental badges from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Emergency Situations and “awards” from public organizations. No military awards.
                    1. -5
                      2 August 2024 20: 14
                      “Four boxes of some kind of awards” - it’s not bad that you let people who were awarded these awards go. It turns out they were given some kind of nonsense there.

                      "He is not a member of the SVO." “The defense asked to take into account that [Ivanov] “is a direct participant in the SVO and is under sanctions from all countries of the world,” follows from the resolution.” And who should we believe, you or Ivanov’s lawyers who are conducting the criminal case? what

                      "No military awards." - and those. You apparently think that the state award of the Russian Federation, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, is nonsense and is given out to everyone and in general, in your opinion, this is not an award. Once you have concentrated your attention so much, this is not a “combat” reward. OK. request
                      1. +3
                        2 August 2024 20: 36
                        It turns out they were given some kind of nonsense there

                        Yes, that's right.
                        "He is not a member of the SVO." “The defense asked to take into account that [Ivanov] “is a direct participant in the SVO and is under sanctions from all countries of the world,” follows from the resolution.” And who should we believe, you or Ivanov’s lawyers who are conducting the criminal case?

                        There is no medal for “Participant of the Northern Military District” among Ivanov’s awards. As for faith, that’s up to the Russian Orthodox Church, not to me.
                        ...the state award of the Russian Federation, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, this is nonsense and is given out to everyone and in general, in your opinion, this is not an award.

                        You write nonsense about “this is nonsense and it is given out to everyone and in general, in your opinion, this is not a reward.” I never said that anywhere. The Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" (Fatherland, for your information, is always written with a capital letter), is awarded for various services to the state in a variety of fields. But the signs of this order and the medals for it for military merits are awarded with swords. And Ivanov has such no.
                      2. -5
                        2 August 2024 20: 43
                        “And about faith - this is in the Russian Orthodox Church, and not for me” - that’s precisely why, faith in your “words” - “and without fools, a well-deserved (once) hero?” - No. Because their cost is zero.
                      3. +5
                        2 August 2024 20: 45
                        Because their value is zero

                        That is, you are challenging two decisions of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR?
                        I’m telling you about this - explain on what basis???
                      4. -5
                        2 August 2024 20: 47
                        "explain on what basis???" - unconfirmed data.
                      5. +5
                        2 August 2024 20: 49
                        unconfirmed data.

                        Why not confirmed? Who and where should have confirmed them for you? Based on what regulations?
                      6. -7
                        2 August 2024 20: 50
                        "Why not confirmed?" - because there is no confirmation. That is why.
                      7. +6
                        2 August 2024 20: 51
                        Eat. Decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Prove otherwise.
                      8. -8
                        2 August 2024 20: 56
                        The proof is that the person was detained for suspicion of involvement in a serious crime. Therefore, how legitimate it was for him to receive awards now raises questions - how and in what way he received these awards.
                      9. +6
                        2 August 2024 20: 58
                        The proof is that the person was detained for suspicion of involvement in a serious crime.

                        And how does this relate to his service in Afghanistan and awards in 1988-1989?
                      10. -6
                        2 August 2024 21: 01
                        I started small - at first I received in an unknown way, rewards that were not due. And he ended up being led out of the Federation Council building in “handcuffs” in disgrace. After this, there are doubts about his past.
                      11. +4
                        2 August 2024 21: 03
                        ... received in an unknown way, undue rewards

                        This is an accusation. Do you have evidence?
                      12. -5
                        2 August 2024 21: 05
                        "It's an accusation." - this is a suspicion. Suspicion based on the fact that a person may be a criminal.
                      13. +6
                        2 August 2024 21: 06
                        "It's an accusation." - this is a suspicion. Suspicion based on the fact that a person may be a criminal.

                        Doesn't matter. This does not exempt you from providing relevant evidence.
                        I hope you are familiar with the completely legal concept of “libel”?
                      14. -6
                        2 August 2024 21: 10
                        “The concept of “slander” is just an accusation. And here there is suspicion. It is clear that you do not understand the difference, because for you it is “Not important.” Just as there is a statement - that a person is a criminal, with all that follows from this and there are only suspicions.
                      15. +4
                        2 August 2024 22: 33
                        You may not be aware, but this approach to reasoning is called “anticipation of reason” (petitio principii in Latin) - introducing the conclusion that needs to be proven, hidden in the proof as one of the premises.
                      16. -5
                        2 August 2024 22: 37
                        Do not know.
                        "the introduction of a conclusion that needs to be proven, hidden in the proof as one of the premises." - some very complex scheme. Well, for understanding the first time. lol
                      17. +5
                        2 August 2024 22: 58
                        It was not so easy to receive awards in Afghanistan. He was neither a senator nor a businessman then. On what basis to doubt the legitimacy of his awards?
          2. PC
            2 August 2024 21: 41
            Didn’t conscripts perform feats across the river? Why is it so contemptuously “urgent”?
            1. -6
              2 August 2024 21: 45
              They did. And I didn’t want to convey any contempt in the “urgent” manner. He simply said that there is no information at all about “those years.”
        2. PC
          2 August 2024 21: 36
          Two "Courage" is very honorable. But...
        3. +1
          2 August 2024 23: 18
          There was a hero in Afghanistan, but the 90s corrupted him, he believed in impunity.
          1. PC
            3 August 2024 06: 00
            Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened. And not only with him alone.
      3. 20+
        2 August 2024 17: 37
        Quote: Telur
        arrests are taking place all over the country, the arrests of such influential “masters” are widely covered in the media, and how many of their smaller level, at the level of regions and districts, have already been arrested.

        How many?:))))
        Quote: Telur
        At the same time, replacements for the thieving officials are being prepared from among the participants of the Northern Military District under the “Time of Heroes” program.

        Blessed is he who believes
        1. Egg
          2 August 2024 17: 57
          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          Blessed is he who believes

          What does he have to do with faith? open your eyes and look around
          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          How many?:))))

          a lot of :)
          For example, in the Belgorod region, the entire administration has changed :) some are already in prison, some are under investigation, some have been dumped.
          1. -2
            2 August 2024 18: 50
            “For example, in the Belgorod region, the entire administration has changed :)” - this is called a redistribution of spheres of influence, or even simpler - a showdown among themselves. This has nothing to do with “health” at all.
            1. Egg
              2 August 2024 18: 53
              Yes, I don’t really care what you call it, the main thing is that the current government has turned its face to the people and is quite sensitive to the problems of the population.
              1. +2
                2 August 2024 18: 57
                "turned its face to the people and reacts quite sensitively to the problems of the population." - yeah, she turned around. With gadgets rejected by migrant “laws”, refusals to fathers with many children. Yes, she reacts, but not to the problems of our population, everything is clear there - passport, citizenship and all payments quickly and without delay.
              2. +7
                2 August 2024 19: 12
                Quote: Telur
                Yes, I don’t really care what you call it, the main thing is that the current government has turned to face the people

                Yes, yes, read the names of these people in the Forbes directory
              3. +2
                2 August 2024 19: 50
                Quote: Telur
                The current government has turned its face to the people and is quite sensitive to the problems of the population.

      4. +2
        2 August 2024 19: 11
        You are such a naive person that you are ashamed to even put a minus, although you were stupid about:
        At the same time, replacements for the thieving officials are being prepared from among the participants of the Northern Military District under the “Time of Heroes” program.
      5. Hey
        2 August 2024 19: 55
        At the same time, replacements for the thieving officials are being prepared from among the participants of the Northern Military District under the “Time of Heroes” program.

        A good military man, a hero, does not mean a good business executive and organizer.
    2. +5
      2 August 2024 17: 18
      Quote: tralflot1832
      One question, couldn’t you have started earlier?

      Apparently it's better late than never...
      It is worth noting that such actions are carried out deliberately publicly for a reason, because the arrest could well have been carried out quietly.
      Without a decision from the Federation Council, it is impossible to carry out such an action, and how can “silence” be maintained?
      1. 0
        2 August 2024 19: 17
        Without a decision from the Federation Council, it is impossible to carry out such an action, and how can “silence” be maintained?
        It’s very simple, a gene comes to you. the prosecutor comes to the gathering, and calmly declares: “Tomorrow you, not entirely respected, will resign, and show all the documents, otherwise you will not see freedom.”
    3. 0
      2 August 2024 17: 28
      The question is illogical. If the cleansings had not been carried out before, then it was impossible, because if it had been possible, they would have started earlier.
      1. +3
        2 August 2024 18: 12
        But how is everyone equal before the law? laughing
        1. +1
          2 August 2024 18: 55
          But some are smoother.
          Yes, a short comment.
        2. -2
          2 August 2024 18: 59
          Do you believe in fairy tales? You can say anything...
      2. +2
        2 August 2024 18: 58
        If cleanings have not been carried out before, then it was impossible

        What was stopping you? Constitution? Some articles of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation? Please justify.
        if it were possible, they would have started earlier

        This is from the realm of faith. And since there were no legal obstacles to the start of operational activities back in 2023 (unless, of course, you name them when answering the first question), then from my point of view, they would have started earlier if it had been necessary, not "if it were can", as you say.
        1. +3
          2 August 2024 19: 06
          Circumstances got in the way, apparently the one who started these purges was preparing the apparatus, the conditions so that everything would work out and not turn out to be nothing. Before detaining someone, painstaking investigative work is usually carried out, with the collection of evidence and a bunch of other actions, so that the case does not fall apart in court, because high-ranking officials will have the coolest lawyers.
          1. 0
            2 August 2024 19: 18
            Circumstances got in the way

            Desire - thousands of possibilities. Reluctance - thousands of reasons.
            This is not about uncovering a spy network, but about an ordinary criminal offense - attempted contract murder. And isolating a suspect with cutting off his connections with those around him, as a rule, contributes much more to the success of the investigation in such cases than leaving him free, and even in such a position.
            Once again. We are not talking about a simple banker or mediocre official. This is a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation! A representative of one of the highest echelons of power! And then it turns out that he (or his family) had a house in the UK back in 2020...
            And here is a citizen with property on the shores of Foggy Albion and suspected of committing a criminal offense rrrr! ... and again, after the election of the President and the reappointment of the government, in some way incomprehensible to me, I was still in the chair of the Senator...
            Is this really normal in a state that claims to have legal status and in a society that calls itself civil?
            1. +2
              2 August 2024 19: 30
              This is a conversation about nothing, we don’t know all the circumstances of the case. Who would be surprised by a house in the UK now? Almost all of them have property abroad, so what? What is not prohibited by law is therefore permitted. Cases of contract killings are complex and cannot be resolved quickly; if you rush into arrest, you will ruin the whole case, and then the customer will be released and apologize, and witnesses will begin to die under strange circumstances, so everything must be carefully prepared and iron-clad evidence collected for the trial.
              1. -1
                2 August 2024 19: 32
                Well, yes. And the fact that all this time you continue to be led by a suspect in a serious criminal offense apparently does not bother you at all...
                1. +2
                  2 August 2024 19: 38
                  The suspect is not a convicted person. In addition, he was under close surveillance by the special services (so that he would not escape if something happened). But it’s embarrassing, it’s not embarrassing, we’re not muslin young ladies here, we’ll be patient. We should be happy that the ice has broken, and not be embarrassed by how many years we have been waiting...
          2. +2
            2 August 2024 19: 44
            after all, high-ranking officials will have the coolest lawyers.
            Why do they need lawyers? Waste of money. If there is an order from the top to imprison a particular bureaucrat, then the judge will imprison him in any case, even if the lawyer turns away. You need a lawyer if there is an order “not to touch your own people”, yes, but it’s not for the judge to invent reasons why he cannot imprison him.
        2. 0
          2 August 2024 19: 28
          “if it was needed,” - who? And when this someone understands that he needs it, he gives the go-ahead and then it’s possible.
          1. +1
            2 August 2024 19: 30
            Absolutely right! As long as it was necessary, a potential criminal in the country’s leadership did not raise any questions. And when something else became necessary, they pinned it down.
            But this is not about the law, but about concepts. And we seem to live in a rule of law state. Or not?
            1. -1
              2 August 2024 19: 36
              "Or not?" - they answered themselves. After all, you understand perfectly well that the supremacy of the current “legal justice”, “is not about the law, but about concepts.”
      3. 0
        3 August 2024 07: 14
        If the cleansings had not been carried out before, then it was impossible, because if it had been possible, they would have started earlier.

        What about the possibility that no cleaning was needed before? Well, except for isolated cases of particularly objectionable ones.
        Everyone was happy with everything, the business is spinning like mud.
        1. 0
          3 August 2024 10: 58
          Purges are always necessary for the top management, otherwise such individuals discredit the authorities, what is the point of the authorities covering them up or turning a blind eye? It’s just that the power itself, if it is not strong enough, is afraid of the elites, because the elites can easily destroy it, so the power acts only when it is certain. Even Stalin and Beria, remember how powerful they were, and then they lost in the fight with the party elites, they were simply destroyed.
    4. +4
      2 August 2024 18: 09
      Quote: tralflot1832
      Friday becomes a difficult day for officials. One question, couldn’t it have started earlier?

      Yes, they would have been pulled out of the senatorial cage before. A couple of years ago, the Federation Council lost a “fighter for the good of the people” in the person of Senator from K-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov. By the way, also on suspicion of serious crimes related to murder.
      It will not be possible to arrest “early”, since this is only possible after the investigation has received reinforced concrete grounds for arrest. If you drag senators out of the conference room by the scruff of the neck without justification, then this is a job of preventive fear without isolation from society. This only causes them hiccups, and even that goes away after a couple of months..
      So with this pretzel, they first received information, opened an operational case, documented all his “wishes, moves and passes,” faked a murder, received a reward, arrested him, closed the case and sent it to court. How else? request
      1. -1
        2 August 2024 18: 36
        Nyrobsky. hi Details have come out. Tomorrow is Savelyev’s birthday. Do you think it’s an accident?
        1. +2
          2 August 2024 18: 45
          Quote: tralflot1832
          Nyrobsky. hi Details have come out. Tomorrow is Savelyev’s birthday. Do you think it’s an accident?

          Just in time for his birthday, the senator received a splash!
          We must admit, the FSB can “congratulate” unforgettably!!! wink
        2. +4
          2 August 2024 19: 54
          Details have come out. Tomorrow is Savelyev’s birthday. Do you think it’s an accident?
          Of course not. Apparently the invited colleagues from the Federation Council are too busy spending
          millions for gifts, so they decided that it was cheaper to shut down the unlucky birthday boy.
          1. +1
            2 August 2024 21: 16
            Indeed, Matvienko calls the Prosecutor General and says we are too lazy to chip in for so-and-so’s birthday, is there anything on him? laughing
            1. +1
              2 August 2024 23: 34
              Well, or as an option, he didn’t invite Matvienka to her birthday, but she was offended. Well, then everything according to your scheme. laughing
    5. 0
      2 August 2024 18: 30
      We haven't started yet! (WITH)

      Everything in the power structures in Rus' is rotten.

      We need either Stalin or Lukashenko. Which "gets fucked" (c)
    6. 0
      2 August 2024 19: 42
      “One question, couldn’t you have started earlier?” - one question: “Is it ever possible to please the trawl fleet with something?” Permanent dissatisfaction. Everything is wrong and always wrong...
      1. +1
        3 August 2024 11: 48
        the trawl fleet is just a child in this regard, have you heard about Beruzhlivy? It’s strange, by the way, that he didn’t check in here and didn’t get sick for an hour.
        1. +1
          3 August 2024 19: 13
          Not only heard, but also actively “got with” him laughing Hidden somewhere or changed account. I'm sick of these whiners, everything is wrong for them, wrong, wrong, wrong...
    7. 0
      3 August 2024 00: 59
      there were still 2037 years left until 13... The authorities and the people sincerely hoped that the “bad people” would reform.
  2. 0
    2 August 2024 17: 11
    Judging by his physiology, he could. winked
    1. +8
      2 August 2024 17: 18
      Quote: Captive
      Judging by his physiology, he could. winked

      I am, of course, not a physiologist, but to me all the physiognomies there seem, if not the same, very similar
      1. +5
        2 August 2024 17: 21
        "Yes, we all have good faces...", "Gentlemen of Fortune"
    2. -1
      2 August 2024 18: 05
      A nut for the finger, a chain for the neck and a red jacket, a familiar type.
  3. +6
    2 August 2024 17: 11
    But he was once a heroic guy. Two Afghan medals "For Courage". Damn money, what does it do to people...
    1. 19+
      2 August 2024 17: 14
      Damn money is just an indicator of who you really are. And power is the same indicator. Few can stand it unfortunately
      1. +1
        2 August 2024 17: 17
        War is a much greater indicator of what a person really is. And loot, as has been known since biblical times, simply breeds evil.
      2. +1
        2 August 2024 17: 38
        Not mine, of course, I spied it on the Internet, but how exactly:
        The higher the possibilities, the shallower the soul!
        1. +3
          2 August 2024 18: 19
          Quote: Poru4ik
          Not mine, of course, I spied it on the Internet, but how exactly:
          The higher the possibilities, the shallower the soul!

          There, everyone around the guarantor is by no means better, and maybe it will be worse. Greedy, vile, cowardly, vengeful creatures, plundering the country.
          1. +4
            2 August 2024 18: 47
            Dmitry Savelyev has been a member of the Federation Council since 2016. Before joining the Federation Council, Savelyev was a State Duma deputy for 17 years.

            In addition to the house in the UK, Savelyev also owns more than a dozen hectares of land in Russia. The total area of ​​land exceeds 156 thousand square meters. The senator also has two houses with a total area of ​​1579 square meters, a 247-meter apartment, a garage, a gatehouse, a bathhouse and shares in non-residential premises.
            And of course no one knew about this until today. Wonderful are your deeds, Lord!
            And how many other Savelyevs and Ivanovs are there?
            Moreover, this strange phrase: “I am responsible for everything that happens in the country”
            Maybe it’s really enough to keep silent, maybe it’s time to stand up and answer?
            1. +1
              2 August 2024 21: 18
              Yeah, especially about the house in Britain.
              1. 0
                2 August 2024 21: 32
                Shhh, don’t stutter about it, but now the gentlemen guards will come running and assign you to TsIPSI, or whatever it’s called.
                1. -1
                  3 August 2024 10: 33
                  Mouth to lock Yes "" ""
          2. 0
            3 August 2024 19: 16
            “...The whole entourage of the guarantor is there...” - are you talking about your clown, little guy?
      3. +2
        2 August 2024 17: 50
        Quote: Kolobochek
        Damn money is just an indicator of who you really are. And power is the same indicator. Few can stand it unfortunately

        Well said! I will add that 99% of local fighters for justice, if they were in the place of the officials they so curse, would behave in exactly the same way.
        1. +3
          2 August 2024 18: 21
          Didn’t they admit the idea that a considerable percentage of local fighters for justice refused the position of officials, knowing full well what this cesspool represents?
          1. 0
            2 August 2024 18: 30
            Not a “considerable percentage”, but a vanishingly small one. Because the temptation is too great. Where do bribe-takers and abusers of positions and positions come from? Are these some special people? Alas, the most ordinary ones who, by chance, ended up in positions of power. And the only people who do not take advantage of their position are those who simply do not have such an opportunity.
            1. +5
              2 August 2024 20: 01
              Alas, the most ordinary ones who, by chance, ended up in positions of power.
              Ordinary people, especially by accident, will never get there, literally at all. Here you either have to be a complete bastard, climbing over the heads and corpses of others. Or there is already a furry paw there that has already crawled in there like that before. Neither the first nor the second can be called an ordinary person.
              1. -1
                2 August 2024 20: 22
                Well, as an example. activities of one of the talented and effective:

                June 14 Melikyan A.R. - this same investor - Moscow authorities put him on the federal wanted list in a case of fraud involving the withdrawal of funds from AktivKapitalBank (https://news.rambler.ru/incidents/53051344-podelnik-benefitsiara-ruhnuvshego-aktivkapital-banka-ambartsum-melikyan -obyavlen-v-rozysk/), during the collapse of which 25 billion rubles disappeared. bank clients. Moreover, Melikyan was previously arrested, spent more than a year in a pre-trial detention center, and then was released on bail.

                Now imagine how eager officials of the Government of the Ryazan Region must be to attract such an investor in order to completely ignore his being under a preventive measure in a criminal case of billions of dollars in theft?! Also, who violated his recognizance not to leave, and having fled from Moscow, entered into a serious contract. Maybe the officials were really expecting some gifts from Melikyan? Maybe they received them? Well, or they are simply in love with the talents of this unique person.

                Melikyan is also the beneficial owner of other legal entities (in addition to Usich LLC): Stroyinvetproekt LLC, Zarya LLC, Stroymontazhexpert LLC, Chikina Peasant Farm, Golikova Peasant Farm, Artel Rodina SEC, Stavr LLC, Stroytsentr”, etc. Almost all of these legal entities have appeared in court proceedings (problems with taxes, bankruptcy, legal claims, etc.), and not only in the Ryazan region. Thus, Stroymontazhexpert LLC has outstanding outstanding debts amounting to 418 million rubles. and does not submit reports; Zarya LLC earned 1,8 million rubles last year. revenue, and accumulated debts of 33 million rubles, and today “moved” from Spassk-Ryazansky to Moscow and is in bankruptcy proceedings; SEC "Artel Rodina" last year earned a loss of 1,3 million rubles, received 0 rubles. revenue, and enforcement proceedings for 573 thousand rubles, and this year I decided to transform and conduct agricultural business under another legal entity with a new tax identification number and without “tails”.

                At the same time, when studying the activities of his companies, an amazing recurring detail emerges: first, loud statements in the press about the development of agriculture, then some subsidies/state subsidies, and then the agricultural enterprise simply disappears - goes bankrupt or does not start working at all. This happened with the Dairy Plant in Spassk-Ryazansky, the construction of which was announced in 2013 (!), but this production never opened. The same thing happened with the construction of an agro-industrial complex by Zarya LLC in the village of Isady: 4000 heads of chickens, a sheep farm for 1500 heads, a goat farm for 200 heads, 800 heads of cattle, with an investment volume of 150 million rubles. and the project implementation period is until 2024. Now there are no chickens or cows, and the Regional Government has entered into agreement N294-6 p. with this company.

                Usich LLC, with which the Government and the District Administration entered into an agreement on the development of a military camp, has 2 employees, one of whom is a director, the company has 713 thousand rubles. tax debt, with a loss for 2023 in the amount of 2 million rubles. and revenue of 70 thousand rubles. Where will this company get 161 million rubles from? investment? From stolen funds from AKB Bank? Moreover, according to independent experts, this project costs at least 430 million rubles
              2. +3
                2 August 2024 20: 29
                There is a concept of managing society called "meritocracy", that is, "the power of the worthy." But the irony is that the most worthy do not strive to have power precisely because they do not consider themselves worthy enough for this.
                Accordingly, power is possessed by those who strive for it, but who are not at all worthy.
                Therefore, we have what we have, and it will always be so.
        2. 0
          2 August 2024 19: 34
          Quote: Magnetar
          99% of local fighters for justice, if they were in the place of the officials they so curse, would behave in exactly the same way.

          Judge by yourself?
          1. +1
            2 August 2024 19: 57
            People are people. Even the change of the socio-political system as a result of the Revolution failed to defeat corruption, bureaucratic lawlessness, and eliminate the untouchables and golden youth.
            This is as impossible as eliminating crime. The problem is not in the social order, but in the human psyche. There will always be those who, for one reason or another, will consider themselves better than others.
            It's not about the current government, but about power in general. As long as someone considers himself better than others without any reason, there will be corruption and everything else.
            1. -1
              2 August 2024 20: 01
              There is absolutely nothing to object to. But really 99 percent?
              1. +1
                2 August 2024 20: 14
                Judging by the endless chaos observed throughout human history, this is even a completely optimistic assessment.
                1. 0
                  2 August 2024 20: 17
                  Quote: Magnetar
                  This is even a completely optimistic assessment.

                  Yeah. I thought, analyzed (well, if I may say so) and I agree with you!
    2. 0
      2 August 2024 17: 19
      Quote: golen
      Damn money, what does it do to people...
      1. -2
        2 August 2024 17: 22
        feel laughing laughing laughing
    3. +3
      2 August 2024 17: 23
      "fire" passed
      probably "water"
      "copper pipes" couldn't sad
      1. +3
        2 August 2024 17: 28
        Copper pipes are something else. This metaphor means that a person has passed the test of glory. But he simply burned because of banal greed, like millions of people before him and millions will burn after him.
    4. +6
      2 August 2024 17: 29
      But he was once a heroic guy. Two Afghan medals "For Courage". Damn money, what does it do to people...
      Or maybe the point is not in Savelyev himself, but in the system, in the nutrient medium in which such heroes are reborn (or cannot help but be reborn?) or is it still a matter of a specific person?
      1. +7
        2 August 2024 17: 31
        Of course in the system. But the system is created by people in power. A rotten system indicates that its creators are rotten people.
    5. +9
      2 August 2024 17: 29
      A brave non-Afghan medal. sad "For courage" - Soviet medal. A heroic guy is not necessarily a decent person. A coward cannot be decent, a brave man can easily be a scumbag.
      1. -2
        2 August 2024 17: 38
        Thank you for enlightening me. Otherwise, stupid me, I didn’t know that the medal “For Courage” was approved after the armed conflict between the USSR and Japan at Lake Khasan in 1938 and was awarded to Red Army soldiers and junior officers for personal courage and bravery shown in defending the Fatherland. And I didn’t write a word about the “senator’s” decency
    6. 0
      2 August 2024 17: 52
      Damn money, what does it do to people...

      The comrade got into the power and leadership economic structures. And there you can see its own laws and morals. I'm not surprised by anything.
      1. 0
        2 August 2024 19: 16
        Quote: frruc
        you can see its laws and customs there

        There are concepts lol
    7. +2
      2 August 2024 20: 06
      But he was once a heroic guy. Two Afghan medals "For Courage". Damn money, what does it do to people...
      But this also wouldn’t hurt to check whether he was included in the reward lists for a bribe. Otherwise, it may well turn out that he was actually a cash-in-charge there all the time and was trading weapons with the Mujahideen.
      1. 0
        5 August 2024 16: 21
        Now try to figure it out. How much time has passed. “Some are no longer there, others are already far away.”
  4. +1
    2 August 2024 17: 11
    Congratulations on your birthday. Epic: right at the meeting. Exemplary spanking.
    1. +5
      2 August 2024 17: 33
      Quote: Olesya Lesya
      Congratulations on your birthday. Epic: right at the meeting. Exemplary spanking

      "He served as part of the military contingent of the Soviet troops in Afghanistan."

      "awarded .... two medals “For Courage” (1988, 1989)"

      As a shuravi, he apparently showed himself with dignity in the fight against dushmans. However, then... Woland said that the housing problem spoils people, but, as we have seen for a long time and repeatedly, big money is also quite capable of changing a personality. Not everyone can stay within the law and “resolve issues” in a civilized manner.
      And as for the arrest on the eve of his birthday... Well, the surprise to the security forces was a success.
      1. +6
        2 August 2024 17: 51
        Shuravi, he was in another country... And then the Yeltsins, Gaidars, Sobchaks, Sobchak briefcase carriers came...
        1. 0
          2 August 2024 18: 15
          And then came the Yeltsins, Gaidars, Sobchaks, Sobchak briefcase carriers...

          Without manured soil, these sprouts would dry out. Blat, nesuny, majors, fartsa, etc. not much in percentage terms, but they did it.
  5. 25+
    2 August 2024 17: 12
    In order not to ASK every time for the lifting of immunity from a deputy, you need to completely deprive them of it.
    Let them be like all citizens of Russia, live according to the Law and bear full responsibility according to their deeds.
    Deputies have too many “perks” and privileges, which, by the way, they established for themselves without asking their voters, not counting their exorbitant salaries.
    You yourself established the Law, so live by it, without exceptions. It will be fairer that way!
    1. +3
      2 August 2024 17: 20
      Quote: K-50
      In order not to ASK every time for the lifting of immunity from a deputy, you need to completely deprive them of it

      It would be cool, but.... At least they would allow us to deprive them of immunity on the list, otherwise it would be a chore to run through everyone. laughing
    2. +6
      2 August 2024 17: 27
      if you’re like an “ordinary citizen” then they’ll come up and put a bag of heroin in your pocket and it’s already evening in a pre-trial detention center
      and then you confess to the Kennedy assassination and at night, out of grief, you “hang yourself” sad
      1. +5
        2 August 2024 18: 10
        hang yourself

        Nope! These are old methods! Nowadays, “blood clot separation” is in fashion) It seems that the person involved in the “Timurka” case also had a blood clot come off. Apparently, for good money, he is ready to have fun anywhere and with anyone. This “thrombus” is very selfish laughing
    3. -1
      2 August 2024 18: 17
      Let them be like all citizens of Russia, live according to the Law and bear full responsibility according to their deeds.
      No way, we need incriminating evidence lying in the safe for the time being.
    4. 0
      2 August 2024 19: 03
      So they fought against the privileges of the CPSU, won and established themselves. Who spent as much as they could
  6. +2
    2 August 2024 17: 17
    well..and great..20 is normal for such...it doesn’t matter..Did he ORDER or kill himself.
  7. 10+
    2 August 2024 17: 18
    It seems to me that half of the squad (no less) can be sent to the Northern Fleet this way.
    1. +2
      2 August 2024 17: 24
      The horse's mother must be thinking
      1. 15+
        2 August 2024 17: 30
        Do not make me laugh. She, like Shoigu and other “friends” of GDP, has an indulgence.
      2. +3
        2 August 2024 18: 56
        You are mistaken, there is super immunity that cannot be penetrated by anything.
        1. 0
          3 August 2024 11: 25
          It should work with rifle butts.

          This is me... I'm thinking...
    2. +2
      2 August 2024 17: 49
      Narusova alone is worth it!
      Or maybe vice versa, it’s not worth representing the people of the Republic of Tyva in the Federation Council.
  8. 11+
    2 August 2024 17: 27
    A person can become a deputy, but a deputy can become a person...
  9. +9
    2 August 2024 17: 28
    ...in August 2023 in Moscow, Dmitry Savelyev, guided by personal hostility towards his former business partner Ionov, who was himself in a pre-trial detention center at that time, hired, through an intermediary, an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service to physically eliminate the entrepreneur. However, he contacted the FSB...

    That is, a person who has committed a particularly serious crime, which was known to the competent authorities for certain, is still whole year (!!!) continued to take part in the leadership of the state as part of the highest, so to speak, echelon of management?
    Yes, they would have come to him the next day if the goal was precisely legality and fair retribution!
    1. -1
      2 August 2024 19: 17
      Quote: Bogalex

      That is, a person who has committed a particularly serious crime, which was known to the competent authorities for certain, is still whole year (!!!) continued to take part in the leadership of the state as part of the highest, so to speak, echelon of management?

      Perhaps they have only now received testimony and evidence for an arrest - he acted through intermediaries, and hardly with two witnesses.
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. +2
    2 August 2024 17: 40
    Savelyev himself has a birthday tomorrow.

    - How old are you, Dmitry Vladimirovich?
    - tomorrow will be 56!
    - wow, what an optimist!!!
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. 13+
    2 August 2024 17: 47
    This “patriot” turns out to have real estate in the UK, children study in other countries (and something tells me that not in Belarus and Moldova)...

    Well, the enemies of Russia: Strelkov, Udaltsov, Kagarlitsky.

    And THIS, apparently, is friends...

    And yes, EdRo immediately pretended that this was not their character and they didn’t know anything... Apparently, they cheated us again and fooled us by the nose
    1. 0
      2 August 2024 18: 31
      Not only with him... Only everyone and not everyone can do it there.
  14. +2
    2 August 2024 17: 48
    The problem with such people is greed. They cannot live with a certain income; they need more than what they physically can use in their lifetime. request
  15. 12+
    2 August 2024 17: 49
    The usual mafia showdowns, escalating as they eat up what can be plundered.
    Yesterday he was a great “patriot” and a “great statesman”, but today he turned out to be a murderer and a bandit.
    And of course, as befits a “patriot” in the Russian Federation, Yeltsin-Putin has no real estate in the west - “The family of Senator Savelyev, detained for the murder, had a house in Britain.”
    1. +1
      2 August 2024 20: 23
      why was it?
      ours will not be able to confiscate
      and the “family” will definitely use it sad
  16. The comment was deleted.
  17. -1
    2 August 2024 18: 01
    The press and social networks report that during today’s meeting of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia, senator from the Tula region Dmitry Savelyev was asked to leave the meeting room; employees of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation were already waiting for him at the door, most likely, taking into account the identity of the suspect in organizing the crime, made an arrest.
    At today's meeting of the Federation Council, the chamber agreed to lift Savelyev's senatorial immunity

    — Vyacheslav Timchenko, head of the Russian Federation Council Committee on Regulations, told reporters.
    Happy Airborne Forces Day!!! recourse Is it a coincidence?! request
  18. 0
    2 August 2024 18: 01
    I'm shocked, there are a lot of murderers and thieves in SF, this is the plot......)))
  19. +1
    2 August 2024 18: 04
    Business and Power have grown together with the roots of the almighty Hydra. And the anti-corruption amendments are still being kept under wraps by our powers that be.
    1. +4
      2 August 2024 18: 21
      One “tower” has eaten up the “other” - now it is clearing the clearing from “strangers” and “unjustified” and placing “its own” and “promising” ones. The vertical of power is unchanged. The future is foggy...
  20. +6
    2 August 2024 18: 17
    Yes, no matter who you poke at, everyone has a snout. Some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. You can simply drive through their places of residence and everything will become clear. True, these places are heavily guarded so that the plebs cannot come close with their curiosity.
  21. +1
    2 August 2024 18: 29
    Not all senators have crystal clear eyes...What can we say about houses abroad. Western partners are pulling their strings...Maybe sexual...
  22. +8
    2 August 2024 18: 53
    The family lives in England, the children study there.
    What kind of war with the West can we talk about???
    1. K_4
      2 August 2024 19: 56
      I've always talked about this. Those who have dual citizenship, property and children abroad are out of power. With forged feet, otherwise we will just mark time. This is not a war, but a complete discrediting and setup.
  23. 0
    2 August 2024 19: 41
    execute, cannot be pardoned
  24. +1
    2 August 2024 19: 49
    And what was he missing in his life? I went through Afghanistan, received 2 higher educations, made a career and a lot of money. Had 5 children.
    Man is weak before the temptations of the devil and the golden calf. And there are a legion of such people in the ranks of United Russia and in power. Will Russia be cleansed of ghouls? This is an even bigger question under the current regime...
    1. 0
      2 August 2024 20: 35
      In the 20s, my grandmother (a member of the RCP(b) since 1919) worked on the party commission. There, the personal files of party workers who took bribes were examined. She was amazed at how people who shed blood for Soviet power, the order bearers so easily cooperated with the class enemy!
      So it's always been there.
    2. 0
      2 August 2024 20: 38
      Quote: Factor
      And what was he missing in his life?

      Money in itself is of little interest to a person. This is just a resource that people perceive as universal. But that's not true. The only thing that is difficult for a person to satisfy is ambition. It is never satisfied if it is an end in itself. Ambitious people come to power - there is no escape from this. And here the stereotype imposed on us comes into force, that a person is measured by the strength of his influence - regardless of its nature. Although it should be the case that power without truth should not be respected. And truth is compliance with moral standards expressed in laws. Nobody passes laws that directly contradict moral standards. It's all about their adequate execution. The problem is that only strict adherence to the law can weed out the adequately ambitious from the unscrupulous, and in our tradition it is to put a bolt on it, for the sake of “all that is good,” of course.
      Even among those who fight these ghouls, this is considered normal. As long as this mentality continues, people like this senator will continue to be in power.
  25. 0
    2 August 2024 20: 11
    Quote: Magnetar
    the most ordinary ones who, by chance, ended up in positions of power.

    This was possible in the USSR. Now the role of “chance” is played by certain amounts of money, and the more, the higher the position received. All positions have their own rates.
  26. +1
    2 August 2024 20: 53
    General Shevtsova turned out to be a French spy. I wonder which country Nabiulina will turn out to be a spy???
  27. +1
    2 August 2024 20: 57
    Yes, you can plant them all in a row. For life. Everyone there has already earned their money for a long time. But usually in the Russian Federation those with connections and money receive the minimum.
  28. 0
    2 August 2024 21: 18
    However, they began to sweep away the criminals, despite their ranks...
    One deputy minister was detained after a meeting of the board of the Ministry of Defense, otherwise he would not have been taken.
    An entire senator was taken under his white hands right during the meeting.
    When will the go-ahead be given for the collective detention of those who have gone too far?
  29. 0
    2 August 2024 21: 41
    that in August 2023 in Moscow, Dmitry Savelyev, guided by personal hostility towards his former business partner Ionov, who was himself in a pre-trial detention center at that time,

    This is what you need "personal enmity" experience (as if I couldn’t even eat laughing), that in a pre-trial detention center you can’t reach a person! It seems that the character is already soaring on his bunk. Or maybe just for this reason? In general, the wording is so-so. The question arises, why exactly was she “hooked”?
    1. +2
      2 August 2024 22: 13
      The question arises, why exactly was she “hooked”?

      Why was he “not noticed” for so long and was even promoted and awarded in every possible way?

      Dmitry Savelyev is a member of the economic committee of the Federation Council of Russia, a representative from the executive body (government) of the Tula region. He served as part of the military contingent of the Soviet troops in Afghanistan. He became a senator back in 2016. Before this, Savelyev was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for more than ten years, and was a member of the Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology

      In 1998-1999, he held the position of General Director (President) of JSC AK Transneft, and at the same time was a member of the board of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation. Savelyev was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky (2019) and Honor (2012), two medals “For Courage” (1988, 1989), and the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2010). In 2020, Savelyev was included in the Forbes Russia ranking as one of the richest Russians.

      The other day, Solzhenitsyn’s widow was awarded by the head of state, don’t understand why? Although mentioning and exalting Solzhenitsyn himself seems to be bad manners and this is not even welcome.
  30. +1
    2 August 2024 22: 03
    Everyone needs to be checked, everyone in power is under suspicion, especially those who have real estate over the hill!
    1. 0
      3 August 2024 11: 29
      So we will have no power left
      1. 0
        3 August 2024 18: 03
        This is not an argument - a total check! - By the way, you are the first.
  31. +2
    2 August 2024 22: 16
    During a meeting of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, a senator from the Tula region was detained on suspicion of organizing a murder

    The further you go, the weirder it gets :((
    The Russian Investigative Committee told reporters that in August 2023 in Moscow, Dmitry Savelyev, guided by personal hostility towards his former business partner Ionov, who was himself in a pre-trial detention center at that time, hired, through an intermediary, a FSIN employee to physically eliminate the entrepreneur. However, he contacted the FSB, and the murder was staged. Having received information about the murder, “Savelyev handed over a reward to the accomplice for committing the crime” ($100 thousand), investigators reported.

    Why weren’t they delayed when transferring the money, but they are talking about this only a year later? Strange affair.
  32. +3
    3 August 2024 00: 24
    Not the state apparatus, but some kind of viper, by God
  33. +4
    3 August 2024 00: 49
    This clown's family lives abroad. He is rich like a padishah.

    What was the prosecutor's office not interested in before?
    A disgrace and a show off.
  34. +4
    3 August 2024 00: 53
    Legislative bodies are like thieves' raspberries. Bandits, murderers, leaders of organized crime groups, not to mention ordinary thieves laughing
  35. 0
    3 August 2024 01: 44
    Most likely he wasn’t a fagot, that’s why he was arrested
  36. 0
    3 August 2024 06: 56
    There is no crime that a business would not commit for the sake of 300% profit. And it doesn’t matter whether the founder said it or not.
  37. 0
    3 August 2024 08: 19
    Yes, there is at least one, and even more often.
  38. +1
    3 August 2024 09: 55
    I see the GDP has gone berserk: it’s driving generals to the tsugunder for bribes, and sending Senator Savelyev to a pre-trial detention center for organizing a murder. I'm wow... I mean I'm surprised. Now there is a consistency in his actions: he created the oprichnina (Russian Guard), appointed new governors, teaches young people politics at all sorts of courses and, probably, with his KGB brains, he stirs up some other crap. No matter how they bang him.
  39. +1
    3 August 2024 11: 05
    And such representatives of the people (servants) with such representatives and enemies are not needed. Pig under the oak tree. Krylov's fable.
  40. 0
    4 August 2024 10: 47
    Amazing stability, like a swindler and a bandit, so a “former” member of United Russia just yesterday....
    It seems they are specially trained there according to party manuals...