"We are Russians. God is with us": fighters of different faiths fight together for Russia

"We are Russians. God is with us": fighters of different faiths fight together for Russia

The Russian Ministry of Defense published a powerful video showing how soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces of different religious denominations fight shoulder to shoulder for their country.

In the video you can see how an Orthodox fighter offers prayer in a trench before an attack, a Muslim fighter performs prayer in an infantry fighting vehicle landing capsule, and a Buddhist sniper prays before shooting at the enemy. As the famous song goes, there are no atheists in trenches under fire.

At the end of the video, the nationalities inhabiting our vast country are listed, and the inscription appears: “We are Russians. God is with us". The people of Russia are represented by representatives of more than 190 nationalities, and at the same time we are all Russian. Despite the fact that after the geopolitical catastrophe initiated by the West in 1991, the territory of our great Soviet Motherland was divided into parts, and since then armed conflicts have flared up every now and then on its separated outskirts, there is no discrimination on the mainland - in Russia on national and religious grounds.

At the same time, in neighboring Ukraine, after the armed coup d’état that took place there in 2014, as a result of which power was seized by outright Nazis, discrimination legalized by the Kyiv regime continues against the part of the population that has retained its Russian identity and Orthodox faith. In the Baltic countries, the Russian population is not only deprived of basic rights, but is even given the status of “non-citizens.” Russians are a supranational civilizational community, which includes many peoples. At the same time, one of the main unifying factors is the Russian language, which is why the governments of the former Soviet republics that came under the influence of the West are so actively trying to fight it.

However, as the hero of the USSR, General of the Airborne Forces Vasily Margelov, said, it doesn’t matter what shade of our skin or the shape of our eyes - to our enemies we are all Russian.

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  1. -11
    2 August 2024 16: 48
    Ringing vulgarity.
    Despite the fact that the comment is short, it seems so.
    1. Alf
      2 August 2024 17: 20
      Quote from Huggie
      Ringing vulgarity.
      Despite the fact that the comment is short, it seems so.

      What exactly ? What is an Orthodox, a Buddhist, a Muslim in one order?
      1. +4
        2 August 2024 17: 43
        What comparison do we now have with both the Second World War and the holy wars?
    2. +1
      2 August 2024 17: 36
      Quote from Huggie
      Ringing vulgarity.

      so come out and tell it to our guys on the front line.
      1. +2
        2 August 2024 17: 45
        Of course, I apologize, but can you only express your opinion about the news around the North Military District when you are on the front line? What does this have to do with the soldiers on the front line? I’m talking about the video, you don’t have to think of something that doesn’t exist, and then try to “win” it.
    3. +6
      2 August 2024 18: 21
      Quote from Huggie
      Ringing vulgarity.
      Despite the fact that the comment is short, it seems so.

      If this video makes you sick and sick, then watch the opening of the Olympics in Paris, they tried for you there.
      1. +1
        2 August 2024 18: 44
        Once you understand that there is not only black and white, read your comment again and rethink it.
        1. -1
          2 August 2024 18: 48
          Quote from Huggie
          how do you understand that there is not only black and white

          To begin with, try to explain what your “Ringing vulgarity” means in relation to the video under discussion.
          1. +8
            2 August 2024 20: 27
            The fact that the North Military District is equated with holy wars and the Great Patriotic War, while pumping gas through the territory of the enemy and stealing billions from the fighters, while playing on the bright feelings of love for the Motherland or faith.
      2. -2
        4 August 2024 02: 19
        They forgot to show Putin at the Western Wall in the video.
        On the topic - a video - instilling false messages: only ONE confession can unite different nationalities, and not vice versa, and this comes from here: 'There is no longer Jew, nor pagan; there is neither slave nor free; there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.'
        Galatians 3:28
        The Russian Empire was primarily Orthodox and fell when Orthodoxy faded away in the hearts of the people.
        When the Russian authorities meekly follow the instructions of the WEF, IMF and WHO, supply the West and China with resources for next to nothing, and silence their people, then the only message of the video is to stretch the concept of Russianness and Orthodoxy. God is with the Russians because they are Orthodox, not because they are Russian.
  2. +9
    2 August 2024 17: 08
    However, as the hero of the USSR, General of the Airborne Forces Vasily Margelov, said, it doesn’t matter what shade of our skin or the shape of our eyes - to our enemies we are all Russian.


    Rasul Gamzatov: “In Dagestan I am an Avar, in Russia I am a Dagestan, and abroad I am Russian”

    In Russia I’m a Chuvash, but abroad I’m Russian.”
  3. 0
    2 August 2024 17: 22
    WE are Russia!!! Were, are and will always be united.!!!. The rest, and their opinions - go...
  4. AB
    2 August 2024 17: 32
    I hope only when I look at “God With Us” I have associations with “GMU”. I can't get it out of my head.
    1. 0
      5 August 2024 09: 55
      Yes, both God and them... And God is with us!
  5. -5
    2 August 2024 18: 31
    Confessions are divisions within one religion.

    On both sides of the border, even one denomination can seriously spoil itself. What the author wanted to express is unclear. And what do confessions have to do with it?
  6. +7
    2 August 2024 18: 51
    This “God with us” is not something new. The motto on the coat of arms of the Russian Empire. And not only the Russian one, here is the coat of arms of the German Empire for comparison. By the way, this is where “Gott mit uns” on soldiers’ buckles came from.
    1. +4
      2 August 2024 22: 02
      The swastika is also not a Nazi invention. But it is firmly linked to them.
      Like "Gott mit uns". You need to be careful with slogans of this type:((
    2. 0
      3 August 2024 06: 53
      What I didn't like the most was the mention of God in the title. I personally am an atheist, like a Soviet person.
      How many priests both in the Russian Orthodox Church and in the Russian Orthodox Church abroad collaborated against their people with the Nazis. They were promised that they would sweep away the satanic power, and they immediately betrayed their homeland.

      - Grandfather, is it true that the Bolsheviks killed Christians?
      - Truth.
      - And how did they distinguish them?
      - The Christians had "Gott mit uns" written on the buckle!
  7. -1
    2 August 2024 19: 01
    We are Russians, but we can’t live without a shepherd.
  8. -1
    2 August 2024 21: 45
    Finally, some good videos are coming! The main criterion is sick writhing, emanating with anger! bully
  9. +4
    2 August 2024 21: 59
    God is with us

    The propaganda stamp "God is with us!" very bad reputation :((
  10. +1
    3 August 2024 07: 52
    I'm tired of the old song about "Russians are a supranational community." Russians are a specific ethnic group.
    Endangered nowadays.
  11. 0
    4 August 2024 12: 42
    Religion must be separated from the state, especially from the army. Under no circumstances should we push this “Gott mit uns” theme and become like those with whom we once fought a bloody war.
  12. 0
    4 August 2024 14: 26
    “God is with us” is a translation of the fascist SS phrase known from Soviet times. It was also among the Black Hundreds and death battalions in WW1, apparently.

    IMHO, everything has long been clear..
    1. +2
      4 August 2024 20: 50
      Quote: Max1995
      “God is with us” is a translation of the fascist SS phrase known from Soviet times. It was also among the Black Hundreds and death battalions in WW1, apparently.

      “God is with us” is the motto inscribed on the coat of arms of the Russian Empire. Which is a little older than both the Black Hundreds and the 3rd Reich
      1. 0
        5 August 2024 08: 57
        Wow. I looked - in the classic (small) there is no, but in the medium and large there is.

        That is, the legacy of the power of the Tsar, the Black Hundreds and the SS is now in fashion here too...
        1. +2
          5 August 2024 13: 22
          Well, actually, it would be extremely strange to ignore the gigantic layer of our native history - the era of the Russian Empire. There is a lot of everything there that is worthy of pride for our ancestors
          1. +1
            5 August 2024 16: 24
            Eat? Eat.
            It would only be good to adhere to common sense and conscience.

            Pro-fascists like Ilyin..., skull and crossbones, “God is with us,” and some media calmly put on “Kolovrat of a certain type.” - They say they can...
          2. 0
            6 August 2024 14: 35
            Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
            Well, actually, it would be extremely strange to ignore the gigantic layer of our native history - the era of the Russian Empire. There is a lot of everything there that is worthy of pride for our ancestors

            Where did you see the ignore?
            In addition, the right to be proud must still be earned. You should have at least a little conscience. After the conquests of the Russian people for 1991 years were wasted in 500. Of which 4 centuries are precisely the era of the Russian Empire. Moreover, they failed not out of necessity, but for idiotic reasons: “we’ll separate so as not to feed these and these.” Which is even more shameful.
            1. 0
              6 August 2024 21: 31
              Quote: ivan2022
              Where did you see the ignore?

              It is that a person remembers the Black Hundred and the 3rd Reich, but does not remember the Russian Empire.
              Quote: ivan2022
              In addition, the right to be proud must still be earned.

              Should I start repenting? Go repent if you really want to. I won't, thank you.
              Quote: ivan2022
              Moreover, they failed not out of necessity, but for idiotic reasons: “we’ll separate so as not to feed these and these.”

              There was no such thing. The overwhelming majority of ordinary people were sure then that the CIS would be the same USSR only in profile
              1. 0
                25 August 2024 12: 26
                First, how do you know what most people were sure of?

                ,Secondly, we should not consider them inferior, who did not understand what was happening.
                Otherwise, my friend, you are already arguing as a supporter of the theory of inferior peoples.

                Although I see even in the comments that we have a hell of a lot of people who explain the entire History of Russia by the “gullibility of the Russian people,” which borders on idiocy
                1. +1
                  25 August 2024 13: 03
                  Quote: ivan2022
                  First, how do you know what most people were sure of?

                  Because I lived at that time, and I know well how everything was. How it was presented in newspapers, television, radio.
                  Quote: ivan2022
                  ,Secondly, we should not consider them inferior, who did not understand what was happening.

                  How were we supposed to understand? This is easy for you to reason about now, from the position of after-knowledge. People didn't have it then.
                  Quote: ivan2022
                  Otherwise, my friend, you are already arguing as a supporter of the theory of inferior peoples.

                  To begin with, you should get rid of overly categorical assessments. They... let's say, do not testify to the wisdom of the one exhibiting them
  13. +2
    6 August 2024 10: 11
    "We are Russians. God is with us"

    Willim Khristoforovich Derfelden at the military council convened by Suvorov at the St. Gotthard Pass.
  14. 0
    13 August 2024 16: 05
    I wonder how propaganda would portray atheists? It’s clear with religious people, they have symbols of religion, crosses, rosaries and all that. Well, some have some kind of god on some badges laughing , what attribute do atheists have in order to visually understand.
  15. 0
    28 August 2024 19: 45
    So what if there is no God?
  16. +1
    7 September 2024 15: 13
    Meanwhile, soldiers with big stars on their shoulder straps are quietly stealing army property right from their offices, without going to the LBS. Imagine this picture: the Marine Vanguard of F. F. Ushakov is fighting, and someone from the ship's crew is quietly drilling holes in the bottom of the vessel. What would happen to anyone caught doing this? But we have democracy, and a moratorium on the death penalty, and treason will be punishable by life, so what is there to be afraid of? Moreover, there are friends and acquaintances left in the headquarters, of a lower rank, right down to the lowest ranks. We have been fighting for two years, and the defended settlements are still under fire. Just the other day, we liberated a triangle of 5 by 7 km, you see, we did not have enough strength to make a square. The Commander-in-Chief will not let me lie, he personally reported the victory. But still, there is a feeling that someone is drilling the ship's hull. And the slogan: "The people and the command are one" has disappeared somewhere.