New York Times: US will send more combat aircraft to the Middle East to help Israel

New York Times: US will send more combat aircraft to the Middle East to help Israel

The situation in the Middle East may worsen sharply in the coming days. Just yesterday, the American television channel CNN, citing sources, said that Iran could strike Israel in the next 72 hours.

Let us recall that in the last two days of July, two high-ranking members of organizations belonging to the Iranian “axis of resistance” were killed. On July 30, one of the leaders of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Fuad Shukra, was killed as a result of an IDF strike on Beirut. At the same time, the very next day, the head of the Hamas Politburo, Ismail Haniyeh, was assassinated.

Despite the fact that no one took responsibility for the liquidation of the latter, Tehran blamed Israel for this, promising retribution.

It is worth noting that immediately after this, Washington announced its non-involvement in this operation. In addition, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, during a conversation with the Qatari Foreign Minister, asked him to “convince” Iran and Hezbollah not to attack the Jewish state.

Probably, the diplomatic efforts of the Americans did not lead to the expected result. The United States will send more combat aircraft to the Middle East to help Israel, according to a New York Times report citing sources.

It is worth adding that Tehran has already launched a “retaliation strike” against Israel in April of this year. However, this attack, presented as a response to a strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, turned out to be very limited.
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  1. +1
    2 August 2024 16: 40
    The US will send more combat aircraft to the Middle East to help Israel

    Who would doubt that America will help Israel. Surely, all NATO aircraft located nearby will take part in intercepting missiles fired at its territory, as already happened in April 2024. And the ships' air defense systems will not remain on the sidelines either. But of course, this is a privileged partner. Ze will start whining again - “I also want such cover.”
    1. 0
      2 August 2024 16: 58
      Quote: Montezuma
      Ze will start whining - “I also want such a cover.”

      Not worthy. The pedigree apparently did not come out)))).
      I just don’t feel very good about it - the US reptilians are walking fast. Straight with three legs. Ukraine, Palestine, Taiwan are on the way.
      Is it really Armageddon? I’m already old - I don’t care, but I sincerely feel sorry for the children.
    2. 0
      2 August 2024 21: 25
      Even the Psheks sent their military transport there.
    3. 0
      2 August 2024 22: 51
      Interesting. Will Russia send Iran additional air defense systems and newer radars? Or how then should we understand this whole situation now?..
  2. -1
    2 August 2024 16: 58
    just bomb the mattress military bases first and then the Israeli bases
    1. 0
      2 August 2024 19: 03
      Ha ha ha!!! How do you feel and how do you imagine it?
  3. -2
    2 August 2024 17: 02
    Russia is simply obliged to transfer weapons to the Lebanese... which are bringing down these planes... in retaliation for supplying the Nazis with all sorts of missiles and surface drones.
  4. HAM
    2 August 2024 17: 06
    “The generals are preparing for the last war”......are the Arabs and Persians really so stupid that they will act as they did last time? But what about Eastern sophistication and cunning?
  5. -4
    2 August 2024 17: 07
    How did Bogdanov squeeze Hania's paw? Who is he now in life? Russia and Hamas are brothers forever?
    Why are Muslim brothers outlawed, but Erdogan holds them in high esteem!?

    Russians, are you thinking of setting the Turks against the Persians?

    Here is scream
  6. 0
    2 August 2024 17: 15
    It is very possible that the blow will be struck before these plans are implemented. For example, tonight (At night, satellites scan the territory of Iran with less productivity, Saturday is a day off in Israel, and assistance in interception did not arrive). In general, Israel itself is not ready for an escalation in the exchange of strikes with Iran (different margins of safety in terms of survivability and strike capabilities), and the United States is now also unlikely to want to send aircraft carriers to Iran, after Yemen.
  7. -1
    2 August 2024 17: 18
    The greatest Jewish pleasure is to watch the goyim butt heads. For some reason, rabbis are under pressure in the Russian Federation for this pleasure. The lower quality of human management on the part of state power, Russian of course. Jews don’t renovate apartments, don’t build houses, don’t sweep streets...they think! This is "terrible"!
    Well, what shall we fight for the last time? There has been a lot in history; the Russians already fought with the Jews in the 60-70s.
    Damn, I don’t want to fight with the Russians. Father is Russian. I am Jewish.
    The world has been scammed.
  8. 0
    3 August 2024 14: 15
    The time will come and everyone will understand when Muslim fanatics begin to slaughter the Slavs. They no longer consider the Slavs to be people. But these two creatures were not killed, but destroyed. You should see how they live in Chechnya and how they live in Tula or Bryansk....