US Congress: the possibility of the outbreak and outcome of World War III are being decided in Ukraine

US Congress: the possibility of the outbreak and outcome of World War III are being decided in Ukraine

The US Congress has published a rather banal report, which claims that the possibility of the outbreak and outcome of World War III the war depend almost entirely on the situation in Ukraine. American legislators believe that if the Russian Armed Forces win over the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Moscow will receive a border from the Arctic to the Black Sea, coming very close to the entire so-called eastern flank of NATO in Europe, and this, they say, could be fraught with a global military conflict between the Russian Federation and the alliance.

Well, yes, after the collapse of the USSR, it was Russia that moved by leaps and bounds towards the borders of the North Atlantic Alliance, and not vice versa, NATO expanded to the east, eventually standing close to the western borders of the Union State (RB and RF), and even bombarding Ukraine with promises of admission to military bloc. Which, by the way, still resonate to this day. If you don’t want to border on Russia, retreat, what’s the problem? It is more than obvious that without a good reason and on its own initiative, the Russian Federation will not start the Third World War.

However, although American congressmen consider Russia a constant threat, they place China in first place among their geopolitical enemies. After the Russian Federation and China, their allies, the DPRK and Iran, were declared as such.

The report states that China has already neutralized US military superiority in the Western Pacific and is preparing to attack Taiwan by 2027. However, even without a war, the blockade of the separatist island, which Washington seems to recognize as part of the PRC, will lead to Taipei losing at least five billion dollars in export revenues a year.

The document notes that Russia is consistently increasing its combat power and owns the world's largest nuclear arsenal. At the same time, congressmen recognize that the United States is no longer able to stand alone against China and the Russian Federation, therefore, and again the old song about the main thing, it is necessary to strengthen such Western military blocs as NATO and AUKUS (USA, UK and Australia).

American legislators are confident that if Russia achieves its goals in Ukraine, China and the Russian Federation will simultaneously begin pressure on two fronts. The United States will not be able to fight a war in two major theaters, so it is very important to continue to help Kyiv and achieve its victory over the Russian army. To do this, assistance to Ukraine should be increased and the use of weapons against targets in the Russian Federation. According to the authors of the report, only if the Russian Armed Forces are defeated will Beijing not dare to attack Taiwan.

There was no need to waste time and brainpower on publishing yet another report, in which, in fact, the American congressmen said nothing new at all, simply collecting literally thousands of times previously theses expressed by many in the West and in the United States itself, and habitually frightening ordinary people Third World War.

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  1. +4
    2 August 2024 15: 51
    The arrogant Russians are already moving their borders towards the NATO peace bloc. It’s interesting that they are not at all worried about the border between the USA and the Russian Federation, which is generally less than 4 km
    1. +6
      2 August 2024 16: 00
      Quote: APASUS
      to the NATO peace bloc

      NATO is a purely defensive bloc. Therefore, he tries to defend more, plow deeper and harvest as much as possible. Only business.
      1. +1
        2 August 2024 18: 01
        NATO is a purely defensive bloc. Therefore, he tries to defend more, plow deeper and harvest as much as possible. Only business.

        This means that NATO could get closer to Moscow, but Moscow cannot get closer to NATO... It’s not good somehow... Or maybe we dream of getting to know each other better and making friends, but distance gets in the way...??? hi
    2. +3
      2 August 2024 16: 12
      “The arrogant Russians are already moving their borders towards the NATO peace bloc. It’s interesting that they are not at all worried about the border between the USA and the Russian Federation, which is generally less than 4 km.”

      In fact, the length of the border is 49 km
      1. +4
        2 August 2024 17: 10
        Quote: I_Kov
        In fact, the length of the border is 49 km

        I don't know about the length. The Russian Federation and the United States do not have a land border, but from land to land it is exactly 4 km and a little less at low tide.
      2. 0
        5 August 2024 11: 49
        Quote: I_Kov

        In fact, the length of the border is 49 km

        Surely most of you know that Russia and America are separated by the Bering Strait, where the minimum distance between the countries’ territories reaches 89 kilometers. But in this area there are two small islands, one of which belongs to the states, and the other to Russia. They are located 4 km apart
    3. 0
      2 August 2024 20: 45
      Quote: APASUS
      The arrogant Russians are already moving their borders towards the NATO peace bloc.

      And if China annexes Taiwan, then it will also come closer to NATO, only from the other side.
      P.S. We need to patent the idea.
  2. 0
    2 August 2024 15: 52
    We should be grateful that we didn’t start approaching “NATO borders” earlier; the situation would have been completely different.
    1. +6
      2 August 2024 15: 55
      It’s too bad that they started moving it late. Not in 2014..
  3. +2
    2 August 2024 15: 56
    . the possibility of the outbreak and outcome of the Third World War almost entirely depend on the situation in Ukraine

    Is this some kind of weird thing, with the aim of blackmailing Russia? If you don’t want to fight with Europe, leave Ukraine alone. And we will skim the cream from overseas.
    1. +1
      2 August 2024 17: 05
      This is another attempt to intimidate Russia. “Permissions” and all sorts of other tricks didn’t work, now they will try to scare us with “Third World War.”
  4. 0
    2 August 2024 16: 00
    US Congress: the possibility of the outbreak and outcome of the Third World War are being decided in Ukraine.

    The best solution for the arrogant Saxons would be to get out of the zone of interests of the Russian Federation, including the constant threat from gay Europe - NATO is not needed!
    Vietnam, Afghanistan, the Houthis of Yemen - this is just a light reminder to all the arrogant Saxons of their fate in the event of a clash with the Russian Federation!
  5. 0
    2 August 2024 16: 09
    American legislators believe that if the Russian Armed Forces win over the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Moscow will receive a border from the Arctic to the Black Sea, getting very close to the entire so-called eastern flank of NATO in Europe...

    Maybe just by slightly pushing the insolent ones back for now?
  6. +2
    2 August 2024 16: 11
    will receive a border from the Arctic to the Black Sea, coming very close to the entire so-called eastern flank of NATO in Europe, and this, they say, could be fraught with a global military conflict between the Russian Federation and the alliance.
    well, yes, it was Russia that was moving towards the borders of the terrorist alliance
  7. +1
    2 August 2024 16: 19
    The PRC, with a unique oriental smile, welcomes everyone, but one at a time. The other day, Meloni was given the opportunity to meet in a friendly atmosphere with Xi Jinping. She was probably worried about Ferrari. laughing Scholz didn’t speak respectfully, now Porsche has problems. That’s why the West, when together they have China as an enemy, but one by one they are ready to do anything so that Xi will pay a little attention to them.
    1. +3
      2 August 2024 16: 23
      Less than six months later, Meloni withdrew from the Belt and Road initiative and on July 27 arrived in China for 5 days - with her hand outstretched.
      1. 0
        2 August 2024 17: 03
        Actually, I don’t understand, what about the Olympics in Paris, U.A. And after the “Algerian” beat the Italian woman in 46 seconds. Boxing is for women. Meloni has nothing to do there at all. Funny thing, after the Italian ran away from the ring in tears, she gave an interview to journalists: I have never been beaten like that in my entire sports career. (It’s a pity she doesn’t have Russian words in stock, she would have said it differently).
  8. +4
    2 August 2024 16: 32
    Congressmen live in their own parallel reality. Where the desired and the actual are intertwined. Russia's successes should bring congressmen back from behind the looking glass. Although... it’s not bad to sober up in other places in the USA.
  9. +1
    2 August 2024 16: 53
    1. A peaceful, purely defensive summer camp for scouts called NATO expresses its concern...
    if Russia achieves its goals in Ukraine,

    Not "if", but when.
    3. And here if If the Americans continue to play dirty tricks, it is possible that we, together with the PRC, will put them in a corner.
  10. +2
    2 August 2024 17: 25
    American legislators believe that if the Russian Armed Forces defeat the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Moscow will receive a border from the Arctic to the Black Sea, coming very close to the entire so-called eastern flank of NATO in Europe, and this, they say, could be fraught with a global military conflict between the Russian Federation and the alliance.
    Class. Just five points. And what about the fact that their “eastern flank of NATO” now directly touches Russia along the border of Finland, the Baltic states and Poland? Is this also where Russia treacherously approached them? Lycimers
  11. 0
    2 August 2024 21: 29
    in the event of a victory of the Russian Armed Forces over the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Moscow will receive a border from the Arctic to the Black Sea, coming very close to the entire so-called eastern flank of NATO

    Khutzpah, as it is, is worthy to take its place as a standard in the chamber of weights and measures. Jews are tearing their sidelocks out of envy...
  12. 0
    3 August 2024 01: 08
    Quote: Michael
    Quote: I_Kov
    In fact, the length of the border is 49 km

    I don't know about the length. The Russian Federation and the United States do not have a land border, but from land to land it is exactly 4 km and a little less at low tide.

    You wrote that the border is 4 km, and not to the border 4 km