A survey conducted in Ukraine showed that more than half of respondents are in favor of starting negotiations with Russia

A survey conducted in Ukraine showed that more than half of respondents are in favor of starting negotiations with Russia

According to the results of a survey conducted in Ukraine, the majority of respondents (57%) were in favor of starting peace negotiations with Russia. At the same time, 38% of respondents are categorically against the start of the negotiation process.

It is noted that the dynamics of the results of sociological research demonstrate that currently the level of readiness for negotiations is the same as it was in May 2022, after which surveys showed a decrease in the demand for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. In the spring of 2023, after the failed “counter-offensive” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the readiness for negotiations began to grow again in Ukrainian society.

Could it be that statistics in Ukraine began to be deliberately adjusted to the task set from overseas? Why not.

At the same time, there is a tendency among the Ukrainian leadership to refuse to return the country to the borders of the former Ukrainian SSR of 1991. The head of the Kyiv regime, Vladimir Zelensky, did not even rule out the possibility of holding a referendum on giving up part of the territories in order to stop the fighting and conclude a truce along the current front line. All this may indicate that Zelensky is now trying to shift the responsibility for the loss of territories onto the shoulders of ordinary citizens. Like, you yourself decided that.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized that the conditions for a possible resolution of the Ukrainian crisis through negotiations is the complete withdrawal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the territory of the former Ukrainian regions that joined Russia, including the regional centers of Zaporozhye and Kherson. At the same time, a cessation of hostilities is not expected during the negotiations until the conclusion of a sustainable peace.

It is worth noting that, as the practice of the Minsk agreements concluded with Kiev in 2015 through the mediation of Germany and France, which acted as guarantors, has shown, the Kiev regime is absolutely incompetent and does not intend to fulfill its part of the obligations.
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  1. +5
    2 August 2024 14: 23
    By winter there will be even more people willing to negotiate
    1. +1
      2 August 2024 14: 30
      “By winter there will be even more people willing to negotiate” -
      1. -1
        2 August 2024 16: 01
        fool This has already happened here. More than one year in a row..And?
    2. +2
      2 August 2024 14: 35
      This is the treatment of an entire country. This is not a military operation, but a surgical one. The cancerous tumor of Ukrainian Nazism is being excised. Yes, alas, many healthy cells die, which unfortunately happen to be nearby. But it’s their own fault: the tumor had to be actively rejected. And don’t try to hatefully tolerate her and remain silent. So it grew with tacit consent. And of course, the patient does not yet feel any tender feelings towards the surgeon; he swears, swears, and curses. Well, here the West anesthesiologist came to the rescue. With various ingenious equipment to deceive the sick body. Otherwise he will die again. From painful shock.
      1. -1
        2 August 2024 14: 51
        Denazification, you say? There are even more Nazis there than three or four years ago. About surgery.... Don’t you think that a lot of surgeons died in this operation? I compare all this with an ill-calculated, unprepared adventure on our part. A belated attempt to stop the departing train.
        1. +3
          2 August 2024 15: 28
          I agree that the SVO was late, poorly calculated and prepared, but it was no longer possible to postpone it any longer.
      2. -2
        2 August 2024 16: 49
        I'm afraid the further it goes, the more difficult it becomes to treat; even chemotherapy won't help. All that remains is to kill the virus along with the carrier. But I didn’t start the SVO and it’s not up to me to decide!!!!. Although I myself think that there SHOULD NOT BE ANY NEGOTIATIONS WITH BANDERA TERRORISTS!!!. otherwise denazification, debanderization, demilitarization are just show-offs, especially for you and me!!! And the rest of the Ukrainians are probably already tired of the PROSTITUTE MOTHERLAND, which from time to time swings in different directions.
      3. 0
        2 August 2024 17: 08
        Rather, the removal of one of the metastases of the world's Western cancer tumor.
    3. +2
      2 August 2024 14: 43
      Nothing like that, while I was working on YouTube, I was rummaging through their resources, and so 60% of respondents from Ukraine are for restoring the 1991 borders, at the same time, 60% seem to be in favor of a cessation of hostilities, some kind of cognitive dissonance. By the way, 6 million men did not register with the military registration and enlistment offices, to the point that they quit their jobs and sit under the sofas, only going out to smoke late at night.
      1. -3
        2 August 2024 15: 26
        Take for example “our” VTsIOM... That’s all you need to know about these polls. And about the referendum... So there will be no less than 80% against
      2. +1
        2 August 2024 17: 37
        some kind of cognitive dissonance
        There is no dissonance: those who advocate negotiations there mean negotiations based on Zeli’s plan, i.e. on the conditions of the outskirts. It’s just that our writers of such articles and news take numbers and phrases out of context to create what someone at the top needs.
    4. -2
      2 August 2024 15: 41
      Optimus Prime
      Today, 14: 23
      By winter there will be even more people willing to negotiate.

      The Russian Federation still has trump cards and surprises, both for the arrogant Saxons and for the Banderreich and Finns (fin us)!
      One of them is the denunciation of the Belovezhskaya Accords (under the EBN they gathered for three).
      The Chinese Ambassador to Paris Lu Shai in 2023 has already stunned all tribolts and arrogant Saxons with the statement that all post-Soviet republics, except the Russian Federation, are non-sovereign, since the international legal status of these disintegrated ones has not been resolved and has not been properly carried out at the UN.
      The official authorities of the PRC did not support the ambassador, but did not recall him either - according to rumors, he will soon be deputy. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China!
      1. -3
        2 August 2024 17: 07
        It is also possible to hold a referendum in Russia with the question “what to do next with Ukraine?” Leave it as it is or until the Polish border." But you yourself understand that all this will not be right. And we all understand that there is neither the strength, time nor funds. And the denunciation of the Belovezhskaya Accords is cool, but too late.
    5. The comment was deleted.
  2. +2
    2 August 2024 14: 24
    the majority of respondents (57%) were in favor of starting peace negotiations with Russia.

    If Ze is not a legitimate president, as we believe, then what kind of negotiations can we talk about? They themselves will later refute all the agreements signed by him.
    1. +6
      2 August 2024 14: 29
      They had completely legitimate people sign agreements with us, but the next rulers said that the agreements were bad and tore them up. Here, without a limited contingent in Kyiv, nothing can be signed
  3. +4
    2 August 2024 14: 25
    The Kiev regime is absolutely incompetent and does not intend to fulfill its part of the obligations.
    This is what we need to start from! And then: “We are open to negotiations”...
    1. 0
      2 August 2024 14: 38
      Whatever they signed with Ukraine... The result is known. You can only talk to Ukrainians when their genitals are squeezed by our bell-bottoms... And never let go of the pincers.
    2. -1
      2 August 2024 14: 44
      Quote from Uncle Lee
      And then: “We are open to negotiations”...
      Yes, our leadership was deceived a little, either by Bandera’s supporters or by our dear “partners”. How Merkel openly spoke about the agreements in Minsk, how they cheated after Istanbul. Apparently, it doesn’t work out, so the new “Khasavyurt” is rushing forward, so that there will be a new, even more difficult war with a rearmed and strengthened enemy.
      There have been too many topics about Kyiv’s readiness for negotiations; rather, they are preparing us for the fact that our government is ready to be deceived again.
      1. -9
        2 August 2024 15: 38
        Well, Putin is unlikely to survive until a new war, but now they will call him a great restorer of the lands and praise him in every possible way. Even on the trail. 99,9% will credit the elections.

        And those who believe that in 14th more could have been done with little bloodshed will sit next to Girkin. Or they’ll just “lie down”...

        Well, in 10 years, Russians and Ukrainians will finally drown in blood, to the delight of the West... And perhaps not only the West. Many people will want to divide the territory depopulated by the Russians...

        And then there will be no one to remember the role of nanogenium in this disaster...
  4. 0
    2 August 2024 14: 27
    The coordinates of those who want to negotiate are probably already on their way to the center
  5. +3
    2 August 2024 14: 27
    “Could it be that statistics in Ukraine began to be deliberately adjusted to the task set from overseas?” —

    — In Ukraine, everything is adjusted to the task assigned from overseas...
    (Consciously and even unconsciously)
  6. +8
    2 August 2024 14: 28
    Not a day without news about peace negotiations. Although our opinion has been known for a long time - Ze must first shout to the whole world, I agree with Putin’s explosive plan and am withdrawing troops from four regions. This is where the fun begins.
    1. +2
      2 August 2024 14: 35
      It is by withdrawing troops from four regions of Russia that the Kiev regime will be able to show that it is ready for negotiations, and now the Ukrainians are simply preparing with the help of the media and social networks.
    2. +2
      2 August 2024 14: 57
      Quote: tralflot1832
      This is where the fun begins.

      The most interesting thing will begin when the front approaches (if it approaches, looking at all these attempts at negotiations) to the Zapadensk settlements. I really want to see how the Banderlogs will hide behind their children and dads. And requisition your belongings and vehicles for military needs. Although by the time the front line is heard, they will most likely have already surrendered, or rather, they will go over to the Russian side and hang red flags over their huts.
    3. -1
      2 August 2024 16: 07
      Not a day goes by without news of peace talks.

      Since the very beginning of the war, VO has always had news about negotiations. Which are all missing.
  7. 0
    2 August 2024 14: 35
    Could it be that statistics in Ukraine began to be deliberately adjusted to the task set from overseas?
    Don’t even go to a fortune teller, that’s the way it is. Statistics are like a butt with a handle - whichever direction you turn it spoils the air. And in Ukraine, statistics are completely controlled by Western “partners”. And you shouldn’t believe in the truth at all.
  8. +1
    2 August 2024 14: 38
    Another day, another pointless survey......................
    How many actual Ukrainians are left, in Ukraine, to survey?
    Those who could run away, ran away. Able bodied men, 20-65, are either busy fighting, surrendering, hiding, or are dead.
    This is just plain foolishness...................................
  9. +3
    2 August 2024 14: 59
    No concessions. I remember GDP said that the next proposal will be even worse for the suckers... I hope it will be so
    1. -5
      2 August 2024 15: 53
      I remember GDP said...

      Many times and many things. For example, “as long as I am President, such a decision will not be made” (about raising the retirement age)..
  10. +1
    2 August 2024 15: 20
    A survey conducted in Ukraine showed that more than half of respondents are in favor of starting negotiations with Russia.

    The leadership of the Russian Federation and we - the people of the Russian Federation - should proceed only from the interests of our national security and the security of our allies, remembering the words of the Russian Emperor Alexander I - Russia has only two allies, the army and navy, I would also add the Aerospace Forces and the Russian people.
    We will only be satisfied with unconditional surrender on the terms of the Winner - the RF Armed Forces in the Northern Military District!
    It is impossible to believe the stuffing of the arrogant Saxons, the false-under-West, which declared to inflict a strategic defeat on the Russian Federation; Minskys, Berlins and Fashingtons have already passed.
    1. -5
      2 August 2024 15: 41
      Alexander the First was stupid and history has clearly shown this.

      And it’s showing now... Where would this plywood marshal with his robot dogs be if not for Iran with the Martyrs and the DPRK???
    2. -2
      2 August 2024 16: 55
      words of Russian Emperor Alexander I - Russia has only two allies, the army and navy

      This expression is attributed not to Alexander I, but to Alexander III. The recklessness of such a categorical statement was confirmed two decades after his death, under the son of Alexander III, when both allies jointly stormed the royal residence - the Winter Palace - under the threat of six-inch guns of one of the allies.
  11. -1
    2 August 2024 15: 26
    The question is fundamentally wrong. Not peace negotiations, but the signing of an act of complete and unconditional surrender
    1. -6
      2 August 2024 15: 43
      Why should they capitulate???

      The war on the territory of Ukraine is only in Volchansk and several villages in the Kharkov region. The rest of the battles are taking place on Russian territory...

      Hitler shot himself when the Soviet Army was in Berlin... And not in 42 during the march to Stalingrad...
  12. -1
    2 August 2024 15: 33
    Poll in Ukraine? What is the percentage of error during interrogation by the SBU...............
  13. 0
    2 August 2024 15: 42
    .. (57%) were in favor of starting peace negotiations with Russia. At the same time, 38% of respondents are categorically against...

    And another 5% did not understand the meaning of the question asked at all? :)
  14. +1
    2 August 2024 16: 04
    What is of interest is not the results of the survey, but its existence.
  15. -2
    2 August 2024 16: 04
    According to the results of a survey conducted in Ukraine, the majority of respondents (57%) were in favor of starting peace negotiations with Russia.

    The author doesn't say anything. According to the same survey
    57% of Ukrainians believe that Ukraine should enter into negotiations with Russia to try to achieve peace. At the same time, 66% of respondents believe that Ukraine should return the territories under its control before 2014, including Donbass and Crimea.
  16. 0
    2 August 2024 19: 45
    Well, then, “what are denazification and demilitarization?” This is it
  17. 0
    2 August 2024 22: 50
    Maybe they should first ask what demands we will put forward, and then drown them for negotiations? What if we proposed to expel all Ukrainians from the Outskirts and shoot those who fought with us?
  18. 0
    2 August 2024 22: 56
    A survey conducted in Ukraine showed that more than half of respondents are in favor of starting negotiations with Russia

    OUT let's go! Geeks. Crooked bastard.
  19. 0
    3 August 2024 00: 02
    “In Ukraine, a survey showed that more than half of respondents are already in favor of starting negotiations with Russia”

    Reasonable. The war is of a positional nature, which excludes victory on the battlefield and the possibility of recapturing the provinces that have become part of the Russian Federation will not be possible.
    The Russian Federation has long been “open” to negotiations on reconciliation with Bandera’s supporters and Ukrainian nationalists, who are denazifying, denationalizing and demilitarizing themselves.
    After the conclusion of two dozen agreements on the security of Ukraine with members of the EU=NATO, there can be no talk of a neutral status for Ukraine.
    If bidding begins, Ukraine will be provided with the support of the EU=NATO and hundreds of other government entities in the world, this is significant.
    Dreams of lifting sanctions from the Russian Federation are partially being realized - Russian raw materials are closer and cheaper, and there will be money left over for everything else.
    Fantasies about non-expansion and return of Nata to the borders of 1979 were initially unrealistic
  20. 0
    3 August 2024 00: 53
    What are these “respondents”? Yes, these are “zradniki”, the SBU has them all, and to the front, into the trenches, under bombs, let them howl to their “puppy” and “die” about Europe. Until the last male! (I would also advise them to pray for Putin, he is very kind to them, some conventional Kadyrov would have long ago erased them into nuclear dust).
  21. 0
    3 August 2024 08: 16
    Those who are against go straight into the trenches. When they are destroyed, conduct a survey: Are you in favor of capitulation and handing over what Russia wants? Everyone who is against, go to the trenches.