The Tokyo Stock Exchange recorded its biggest drop since Black Monday in 1987.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange recorded its biggest drop since Black Monday in 1987.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange fell sharply to a six-month low today, August 2. The Nikkei 225 index closed at 35, down 909,70 points, or 2 percent, from the previous day's close.

This was the first time in about six months that the index had dropped below 36. The aforementioned sharp decline was the second largest in stories following the Black Monday stock market crash in October 1987.

It is noteworthy that on August 1, the Dow Jones Industrial Average in New York also fell by more than 700 points. At the same time, the Institute for Supply Management's (ISM) key manufacturing index also fell short of market expectations, fueling concerns about a slowdown in economic growth.

As a result, combined with selling to take profits after recent growth, the market experienced a significant decline. The Dow closed at 40, down 347,97 points, or 494,82 percent.

Following the above trend, the Tokyo market opened with a sharp decline, which may indicate a certain dependence of the Japanese economy on the American one.

At the same time, a contributing factor to such a rapid decline in the Nikkei 225 index was the rapid strengthening of the yen, which put pressure on shares of export-related companies.
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  1. +24
    2 August 2024 13: 31
    Tokyo Stock Exchange records biggest fall
    To us, stock exchange players from VO. this is very upsetting! crying
  2. +5
    2 August 2024 13: 32
    Have the Japanese begun to rebel against the hegemon? laughing We need to look at the exchange rate of the yen to the dollar. And what about the yuan in China?
    1. -1
      2 August 2024 14: 00
      The Americans demand that the Japanese (and others) not interfere with the strengthening of the yen.
      The Japanese, on the contrary, need a “weak” national currency and therefore in recent days they have been selling foreign exchange reserves. It just turns out to be nothing...
      1. 0
        2 August 2024 14: 04
        аlystan. It really looks like zilch. There is no panic in the West.
        1. -1
          2 August 2024 14: 13
          Everything is calm in the West, probably just like with the domestic bourgeoisie.

          For some, crises and wars are a time of loss, for others - of opportunity.

          As a rule, the rich continue to get richer in any environment. Not everything is true.

          According to the latest data from the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, the richest Russians have earned $2024 billion (?!) since the beginning of 26. The wealth of the 26 richest Russian businessmen as of August 1 amounted to $362 billion.

          The top 3 richest Russians remained unchanged from last time:

          - Vladimir Potanin, Norilsk Nickel (+$500 million, up to $32 billion)
          - Vagit Alekperov, LUKOIL (+$3 billion, up to $28 billion)
          - Vladimir Lisin, NLMK (+$3 billion, up to $27 billion)

          The fortunes of the founder of the companies Eurochem and SUEK Andrey Melnichenko (+$6 billion, up to $25 billion) and the co-founder of Severstal Alexey Mordashov grew the most.

          The main losers:
          - shareholder of the largest iron ore producer in the Russian Federation, Metalloinvest, Alisher Usmanov (-$5 billion, up to $16 billion);
          - co-owner of NOVATEK Leonid Mikhelson;
          - owner of Volga Group Gennady Timchenko.

          It’s only strange to see Usmanov and Timchenko (you know who’s close to you) on the latest list.
    2. +1
      2 August 2024 23: 00
      In 87, burnt-out traders jumped out of windows, but now they didn’t even choke - well, the yen rose, so what!
  3. +1
    2 August 2024 13: 32
    At the same time, a concomitant factor for such a rapid decline in the Nikkei 225 index was the rapid strengthening of the yen,

    Why suddenly? They found a deposit of gas, oil, or diamonds. The country has debts to the maximum and then suddenly there is an increase
    1. +1
      2 August 2024 14: 05
      Probably we should look at the strengthening of the yen at the angle of the fall of the US dollar (as their standard). Even grandfather Biden apparently realized that an expensive dollar is useless now.
  4. +3
    2 August 2024 13: 33
    '87, you say?
    Will it be 45 soon?
    So that you no longer want islands.
  5. +5
    2 August 2024 13: 42
    What kind of bathhouse do we need? Are there anyone here who invested in Japanese securities and played on the Japanese stock exchange???
    I doubt it ...
  6. 0
    2 August 2024 13: 45
    The stock market will crash, the question is when? Will they make it to the US elections this fall or not?
  7. -4
    2 August 2024 13: 54
    American investors are withdrawing money, traditionally collapsing the Japanese (and now Korean) economy
  8. +2
    2 August 2024 13: 58
    The article is about nothing. The author did not name the cause of the fall; apparently, he himself does not know. Perhaps it’s just the manipulation of big players: all the small bulls will now start to dump shares in a panic, and the big player will buy them. As a result, the index will go up again, the gap will close, and there will be growth again.
    But if the reason is some political or economic event, then it’s more complicated; we need to make forecasts about the development of the situation.
    In general, nothing is clear, and such news on VO, it seems to me, is not entirely appropriate.
    And yes, the statement: “may indicate a certain dependence of the Japanese economy on the American one.” not true. There is not dependence, but interconnection. The American and other markets will also react to any major movement on the Tokyo stock exchange.
  9. +1
    2 August 2024 14: 17
    I was pleased with the “some kind of dependence”. Yes she is straight.
  10. -1
    2 August 2024 14: 35
    The Tokyo Stock Exchange fell sharply to a six-month low today, August 2. The Nikkei 225 index closed at 35, down 909,70 points, or 2 percent, from the previous day's close.

    It is noteworthy that on August 1, the Dow Jones Industrial Average in New York also fell by more than 700 points.

    The UK's biggest lenders have begun cutting mortgage rates, a sign that financial pressure on households may ease following the Bank of England's rate cut.

    Apparently, the reason is purely technical - profit-taking against the backdrop of a change in the Bank of England's policy aimed at lowering the interest rate. Other banks will make similar decisions later.
  11. +1
    2 August 2024 14: 47
    which may indicate a certain dependence of the Japanese economy on the American one.
    just opened my eyes laughing
  12. +1
    2 August 2024 15: 12
    Some made money on pieces of paper, others lost money on pieces of paper. The hucksters are speculating, but what do we do?
  13. 0
    2 August 2024 21: 55
    Is it possible that used panties and porn cartoons will become more expensive?