How to save Russia from extinction
Demographic catastrophe
Top officials of the Russian Federation are already talking about a demographic catastrophe, and not just patriotic statesmen and experts in the field of demography.
“We live in the largest country in the world. And there are fewer of us every year. And this can only be dealt with by increasing the average birth rate. It is now at a terribly low level - 1,4. This is comparable to European countries, Japan, and so on. But this is catastrophic for the future of the nation,” сказал Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov at a meeting with participants of the New Media Festival.
In essence, the Russian Federation has fallen into the trap of all the countries of the “golden billion” (the collective West) and developing countries that have adopted the standards and values of Western consumer society. A society that for nature and man himself (as a part of nature) has become a society of extermination and self-destruction. The rich countries of Europe are dying out, and Catholic ones even faster than Protestant ones. The developed countries of the East are dying out. Japan and South Korea, having adopted the Western standard of urban civilization and consumer society.
China is also dying out, where they made a big mistake when, starting in 1979, they began to implement the “One family - one child” policy, according to which a couple could only have one child. These policies have led to a decline in the young population and a rapid aging of society. In recent years, the Chinese authorities have come to their senses and closed this program. But it’s too late - a society where a powerful middle class has grown up, accustomed to consumption and hedonism in huge “human cities”, does not want to have children.
Bet on having many children
What can save Russia?
It is clear that it is not the import of alien migrants who are already being brought from Africa and the poorest countries in Asia. What our officials and big businesses, focused on Europe, have done and are doing. This will only further undermine the stability of the state and cause severe unrest, the preconditions for which have already been created (Cultural and demographic aggression of the Global South).
The only way is to rely on large families. A large-scale demographic program aimed at improving the health and reproduction of the Russian superethnos.
Thus, Russian public figure and specialist in the field of demography Yuri Krupnov, notesthat the demographic catastrophe in Russia was obvious 15 years ago. But the authorities are still not taking decisive action to correct the situation. All measures are of a private, social nature and do not eliminate the catastrophic nature.
Thus, there is currently no full awareness of the disaster and no effective steps at the level of the Russian authorities. Just words, without specific diagrams. It is necessary to sound the alarm and literally save the state and the people.
Krupnov sees salvation in the focus on large families; “we need to increase the number of large families seven times - from the current 7% to 50%.
First of all, we need to focus on a 3-4-child family, under which all mortgage programs, the economy, the work of the Central Bank, mechanical engineering, space flights, urbanization, and resettlement throughout the territory will be tied. In other words, everything should work towards one goal, so that families in Russia have three, four children or more!
We are in a crashed plane, and we long ago need to open the parachute, using all its capabilities. Such a parachute is the bet on a 3-4-child family and tying our entire life activity to this. Until this happens, we will only be in vain discussing the catastrophic birth rate.
Life plan and development program
Another problem is that Since the 1990s, the Russian Federation, copying the standards, values and laws of the West, has found itself in a dead end of an unfair concept of development, a predatory capitalist system and a consumer society. With the division of society into the “chosen ones” - the rich, and the “losers” - the poor, which in Russia, according to some estimates, is up to 70-80% of the population.
Such an unfair concept of development (life plan) naturally leads to disaster in all areas. People who do not see a future for their children (and children are always a project aimed at the future) do not have families and children. They choose the short-term concept of consumption and hedonism - “life is short”, “live for yourself”, “man is a wolf to man”, etc.
To radically change the situation we need changing the concept of development to a fair one, with ethics of conscience, with the creation of a society of knowledge, service and creation (the best thing that happened in Soviet civilization). The bet is on the human creator, the creator, and not the slave-consumer. Human attitude towards the entire people, and not just towards the caste of “new nobles”. And then consistently, systematically work and create.
In particular, it is necessary to restore everywhere the optimized and commercialized medicine, maternity hospitals, medical schools and universities. Nurseries, kindergartens and schools with free meals, clubs and sections. Houses of creativity, culture, music schools. After all, children who are born need to go somewhere. Accordingly, it is necessary to restore the entire system of upbringing and education, including specialized secondary, technical and higher education, that is, everything that was destroyed.
Parents need to be paid normal salaries, and not just to pay housing and communal services and buy food. Salaries such that you can save for an annual family vacation, camps for children, a car, improvement of living conditions, for old age, etc.
Enter parental salary. For example, 2 children - 70% of the national average, 3 - 100%, etc. It is clear that with a number of certain conditions - taking into account the level of income, excluding drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.
Solve the housing problem. At the birth of the first child - a free apartment, but owned by the state (municipality), or an interest-free loan for an apartment-house. The second child – half of the loan is written off, the third child – 100% of the loan is written off. The fourth child - the apartment-house becomes personal property. When new children appear, housing conditions will be improved at the expense of the state. At the same time, the country has a housing stock for this; new houses are half empty.
Thus, either we are a colonial raw material appendage of the West and East, with corresponding slave-owning, parasitic standards that lead to the extinction of the indigenous people, or we are a unique Russian civilization, with its own values, social justice, positive perspective, with a prevailing birth rate, with faith and a bright future. This is the basis.