How to save Russia from extinction

How to save Russia from extinction

Demographic catastrophe

Top officials of the Russian Federation are already talking about a demographic catastrophe, and not just patriotic statesmen and experts in the field of demography.

“We live in the largest country in the world. And there are fewer of us every year. And this can only be dealt with by increasing the average birth rate. It is now at a terribly low level - 1,4. This is comparable to European countries, Japan, and so on. But this is catastrophic for the future of the nation,” сказал Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov at a meeting with participants of the New Media Festival.

In essence, the Russian Federation has fallen into the trap of all the countries of the “golden billion” (the collective West) and developing countries that have adopted the standards and values ​​of Western consumer society. A society that for nature and man himself (as a part of nature) has become a society of extermination and self-destruction. The rich countries of Europe are dying out, and Catholic ones even faster than Protestant ones. The developed countries of the East are dying out. Japan and South Korea, having adopted the Western standard of urban civilization and consumer society.

China is also dying out, where they made a big mistake when, starting in 1979, they began to implement the “One family - one child” policy, according to which a couple could only have one child. These policies have led to a decline in the young population and a rapid aging of society. In recent years, the Chinese authorities have come to their senses and closed this program. But it’s too late - a society where a powerful middle class has grown up, accustomed to consumption and hedonism in huge “human cities”, does not want to have children.

Bet on having many children

What can save Russia?

It is clear that it is not the import of alien migrants who are already being brought from Africa and the poorest countries in Asia. What our officials and big businesses, focused on Europe, have done and are doing. This will only further undermine the stability of the state and cause severe unrest, the preconditions for which have already been created (Cultural and demographic aggression of the Global South).

The only way is to rely on large families. A large-scale demographic program aimed at improving the health and reproduction of the Russian superethnos.

Thus, Russian public figure and specialist in the field of demography Yuri Krupnov, notesthat the demographic catastrophe in Russia was obvious 15 years ago. But the authorities are still not taking decisive action to correct the situation. All measures are of a private, social nature and do not eliminate the catastrophic nature.

Thus, there is currently no full awareness of the disaster and no effective steps at the level of the Russian authorities. Just words, without specific diagrams. It is necessary to sound the alarm and literally save the state and the people.

Krupnov sees salvation in the focus on large families; “we need to increase the number of large families seven times - from the current 7% to 50%.

First of all, we need to focus on a 3-4-child family, under which all mortgage programs, the economy, the work of the Central Bank, mechanical engineering, space flights, urbanization, and resettlement throughout the territory will be tied. In other words, everything should work towards one goal, so that families in Russia have three, four children or more!

We are in a crashed plane, and we long ago need to open the parachute, using all its capabilities. Such a parachute is the bet on a 3-4-child family and tying our entire life activity to this. Until this happens, we will only be in vain discussing the catastrophic birth rate.

Life plan and development program

Another problem is that Since the 1990s, the Russian Federation, copying the standards, values ​​and laws of the West, has found itself in a dead end of an unfair concept of development, a predatory capitalist system and a consumer society. With the division of society into the “chosen ones” - the rich, and the “losers” - the poor, which in Russia, according to some estimates, is up to 70-80% of the population.

Such an unfair concept of development (life plan) naturally leads to disaster in all areas. People who do not see a future for their children (and children are always a project aimed at the future) do not have families and children. They choose the short-term concept of consumption and hedonism - “life is short”, “live for yourself”, “man is a wolf to man”, etc.

To radically change the situation we need changing the concept of development to a fair one, with ethics of conscience, with the creation of a society of knowledge, service and creation (the best thing that happened in Soviet civilization). The bet is on the human creator, the creator, and not the slave-consumer. Human attitude towards the entire people, and not just towards the caste of “new nobles”. And then consistently, systematically work and create.

In particular, it is necessary to restore everywhere the optimized and commercialized medicine, maternity hospitals, medical schools and universities. Nurseries, kindergartens and schools with free meals, clubs and sections. Houses of creativity, culture, music schools. After all, children who are born need to go somewhere. Accordingly, it is necessary to restore the entire system of upbringing and education, including specialized secondary, technical and higher education, that is, everything that was destroyed.

Parents need to be paid normal salaries, and not just to pay housing and communal services and buy food. Salaries such that you can save for an annual family vacation, camps for children, a car, improvement of living conditions, for old age, etc.

Enter parental salary. For example, 2 children - 70% of the national average, 3 - 100%, etc. It is clear that with a number of certain conditions - taking into account the level of income, excluding drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.

Solve the housing problem. At the birth of the first child - a free apartment, but owned by the state (municipality), or an interest-free loan for an apartment-house. The second child – half of the loan is written off, the third child – 100% of the loan is written off. The fourth child - the apartment-house becomes personal property. When new children appear, housing conditions will be improved at the expense of the state. At the same time, the country has a housing stock for this; new houses are half empty.

Thus, either we are a colonial raw material appendage of the West and East, with corresponding slave-owning, parasitic standards that lead to the extinction of the indigenous people, or we are a unique Russian civilization, with its own values, social justice, positive perspective, with a prevailing birth rate, with faith and a bright future. This is the basis.
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  1. +3
    5 August 2024 04: 15
    But in my opinion, the problem is the role of women in our society.
    The transfer of the status of a woman as a mother to the status of a man with all its attributes led to the breakdown of family values... where children faded into the background.
    Now a woman needs to make a career, earn money, strive for power and then.
    Where is the place for children in this chain...probably it is at the very end...when a woman, having achieved success in public life, finds herself alone in her personal life.
    Sadly it all.
    And I don’t know how to break this slide of our society into the abyss.
    1. 19+
      5 August 2024 06: 21
      Sadly it all.
      And I don’t know how to break this slide of our society into the abyss.

      You do not know?
      But the one you voted for knows.
      He knew this back in 2020.

      He not only knows, but also actively pursues this policy. He will decide everything for you. Live and don't worry.

      Putin: Russia needs an influx of new citizens
      ..."In my deepest conviction, Russia needs an influx of new citizens. Not only to increase the birth rate within the country, but also to attract people from abroad," the president said. ...

      "Moscow. July 3. INTERFAX.RU - Russia needs an influx of migrants for its economic development; it is necessary to get rid of harmful obstacles that impede this process, said Russian President Vladimir Putin.
      "Russia needs an influx of new citizens (...), to attract people from abroad. (...) As for the economy, it is quite obvious that with the development of the economy - we no longer have enough - and soon it will be very noticeable: there will not be enough workers. This is becoming a real objective limiter of economic growth in the country,” Putin said at a meeting with members of the working group on preparing amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

      He emphasized that this is state policy: Russia is interested in the influx of migrants.

      “But she is interested in the influx of those who the country needs,” the president emphasized....

      We haven’t forgotten how you chose the lesser of two evils, but “when choosing between two evils, you always choose evil.”
      You are complicit in the current state of affairs in Russia.
      1. -6
        5 August 2024 06: 24
        You are complicit in the current state of affairs in Russia.

        Oh how !!!
        Brothers, it’s my fault that women give birth less. belay
        And if Zyuganov becomes president, women will probably start procreating in droves.
        Everyone is ready to vote for for the communists, they will increase the birth rate of the Russian people.
        This is the solution to the problem!!!
        1. +2
          5 August 2024 06: 54
          Brothers, it’s my fault that women give birth less.

          Not funny.
        2. 11+
          5 August 2024 07: 10
          the hero of capitalist labor Zyuganov is not a communist. After all, if the elephant's square says bull. don't believe your eyes. And you voted for bringing in migrants...
          1. +5
            5 August 2024 13: 39
            no one will do anything listed by the author "that'll do"
            1. +1
              5 August 2024 16: 15
              no one will do anything listed by the author “and it will do”
              Do you need a lot of staff at a gas station?
          2. 0
            5 August 2024 22: 01
            Quote: Gardamir
            the hero of capitalist labor Zyuganov is not a communist. After all, if the elephant's square says bull. don't believe your eyes. And you voted for bringing in migrants...

            Is Gorbachev a communist? Yeltsin? Brezhnev? Khrushchev? Ah, I guessed it. You. laughing
        3. 0
          11 August 2024 20: 47
          Even arguing with you is boring. Excuse me generously.
      2. 19+
        5 August 2024 06: 52
        Posting quote:
        the demographic catastrophe in Russia was obvious 15 years ago
        . And what can we say about the government, which is just beginning to talk about a problem that was already obvious 15 years ago?
      3. +6
        5 August 2024 13: 48
        Quote: AA17
        Putin: Russia needs an influx of new citizens
        ..."In my deepest conviction, Russia needs an influx of new citizens. Not only to increase the birth rate within the country, but also to attract people from abroad," the president said. ...

        Is it interesting? But Putin did not say which citizens. There are plenty of the same Russians around the world. Take Paraguay, there are entire communities of Old Believers.
        Yes, even take the former USSR and the same Uzbeks. Why do we recruit exclusively illiterate people from rural areas of the country, instead of people with higher education. Like in Canada, for example. Migration policy does not work
        1. +5
          5 August 2024 13: 50
          Because they need a digital village. And nothing else is needed.
        2. +3
          6 August 2024 00: 20
          Quote: APASUS
          Why do we recruit exclusively illiterate people from rural areas of the country, instead of people with higher education?

          The literate people also come, but there are few of them in the general village background. And, by the way, literate people from Central Asia don’t rush into Russia that much. They prefer China, they pay more there.
          1. -1
            6 August 2024 14: 43
            I have cousins ​​in Tashkent who run a restaurant and a concrete factory in the Moscow region, the second one works for him, they obtained Greek citizenship, they live like samsa in a lagman))) the city is beautiful, everyone is Ogonyok and Bek Yakhshi, but the Kharyps go to work in the Russian Federation, and they don’t go to work and receiving benefits from them, everything goes smoothly with childbirth
            1. +1
              7 August 2024 04: 44
              They cannot receive benefits if they are not citizens of the Russian Federation. Even if they are citizens of the Russian Federation, they can now receive benefits only for those children who were born after receiving citizenship. At the same time, both parents and children must constantly remain on the territory of the Russian Federation. And the authorities of Uzbekistan have an extremely negative attitude towards the practice of dual citizenship. About childbirth. It is high in rural areas in Uzbekistan. It is in Tashkent that small families predominate.
      4. +6
        5 August 2024 18: 19
        The easiest thing is to blame everything on one person and his decisions.
        If a woman does not want to give birth, then no benefits will force her to do so.
        Lately, I have been communicating with different teams at work.
        And here is the conclusion: Young people do not want to give birth, not because there is nowhere to live or the salary is low, but because they want to continue enjoying life and think only about themselves and their pleasures. And children are a burden who do not allow you to go to nightclubs, party, drink, or travel. It’s easier to get a dog, which is what they do.
        1. 0
          5 August 2024 19: 44
          Well, drinking is nothing new. You also need to drink, sometimes. By the way, the increase in consumption of state-owned vodka at the end of the 19th century is somehow correlated with population growth. It is clear that in reality these things cannot be compared analytically, it’s just an interesting relationship.
          1. 0
            7 August 2024 12: 15
            It is clear that in reality these things cannot be compared analytically, it’s just an interesting relationship.
            Kerosene is expensive, the splinter takes a long time to fizz.
            What else to do in winter from 15:00 - when it’s dark outside and there’s no internet? lol ? They grabbed it and started making children.
            1. -1
              7 August 2024 13: 50
              So you can pull so much that you overdo it and there will already be tension with doing it laughing
              1. -1
                7 August 2024 14: 55
                So you can pull in such a way that you pull too hard and there will be tension with doing it laughing
                - they trained regularly in doing it, but it didn’t work out - then “God gave, God took!” "
        2. 0
          7 August 2024 04: 45
          On the other hand, I notice that almost all young families with small children have either a dog or a cat. I often see mothers with children walking in the park and their dogs being led on a leash.)
    2. 15+
      5 August 2024 07: 41
      Under this government, no measures will help. This is all you need to know about it
      1. 0
        7 August 2024 12: 17
        Under this government, no measures will help. This is all you need to know about it and under a different government by 1980, for some reason it also dropped to 2 in the RSFSR...
    3. 22+
      5 August 2024 07: 58
      But in my opinion, the problem is the role of women in our society.

      The problem is not with the woman, but with the political system.
      Everyone already understands everything with this fucking capitalism in Russia. But the guarantor and his accomplices are happy with everything.
      It is necessary to return socialism and all its advanced achievements. Planned economy. Free housing, medicine, education. Right to work. The right to rest. Social elevators. Etc.
      When the population has confidence in the future, it means there will be a strong belief that the state pays close attention to families.
      And the family is the unit of society.
      Until there is a change in the political system, we can forget about any development of the country. One can only dream of reproduction in modern conditions. We would like to survive here ourselves. What kind of children can we talk about? What can be given to them in modern realities? Mortgage debt?
      1. 0
        7 August 2024 13: 52
        I believe that first we need to return not so much “socialism” as the Soviet system. It is on this basis that the collegial decision will be made to decide what from the previous version of socialism should be taken on the road and what should be left behind.
    4. +2
      5 August 2024 08: 02
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      And I don’t know how to break this slide of our society into the abyss.

      Childbirth is a very biological process... that's why we need to turn to biology. From a biological point of view, we are highly social animals, and our behavior is a modified embodiment of instincts - food, sex and dominance. Satisfaction of these instincts causes the body to produce dopamines, endorphins, opioids, etc. The part of the brain responsible for the production of these substances does not care whether a person satisfies the sexual instinct with the help of a real partner or with the help of a monitor. Therefore it is necessary strictly limit access to pornography.
      In addition, the realization of the instinct of dominance is often embodied in games, where the modern child spends the overwhelming amount of free time. The hypothalamus absolutely doesn’t care about real or virtual success and it encourages victory in every battle through the production of dopamine, where can we think about lessons, sexual partners, development????? Here you need to either ban computers or create such products which would stimulate the desire to translate victories into reality.
      And thirdly, in society there is a system of signs of dominance: in Soviet times it was Montana jeans and Adidas sneakers, in the nineties - a six hundredth Mercedes, and now among young people the presence of an iPhone and the opportunity to lead an idle lifestyle. What kind of reproduction is there? The state must develop a system for instilling such signs of dominance as intelligence, communication skills, the desire to develop in reality; having many children should also become a symbol of dominance. On the contrary, sitting at games should become shameful. Only a strong state can do this.
      1. +4
        5 August 2024 09: 20
        Everything seems reasonable, but then this “the state must.”
        Yes, it doesn’t “should” do anything. It’s like “children should respect their elders and be smart and strong”, “old people shouldn’t get sick”, and so on.
        Good intentions are everything. Manilovism.
        But “those who are unable to compete must die out” is a reality.
        And “Man is man’s friend, comrade and brother” is a deception.
        Trying to influence biology by blowing up the state structure is fantastic.
        There are things that are not regulated by the state system.
        And expecting the state to make you have more children or more fingers is infantile.
        1. +5
          5 August 2024 09: 46
          Quote from Kuziming
          There are things that are not regulated by the state system.

          If the state sends you to die in a war, does that mean it is regulated, but the creation of a moral value system is not regulated? We respect Stalin because he was able to create a system that changed the perception of the world for more than one generation, but we ourselves cannot create anything because we expect everyone to do it for us.
          In fact, we are products of the information environment, and this environment was created by Hollywood in the 90s, adapted to our reality...
          It is quite possible to combat this with current information technologies; the main thing is not to give out pioneer ties to everyone. This right must be earned
        2. 0
          5 August 2024 21: 16
          Quote from Kuziming
          And “Man is man’s friend, comrade and brother” is a deception.

          it depends on which side you look at it smile . Two ideologies are fighting in the world - socialist, this is when a person lives for the sake of society, for example, family, clan, tribe, people, and capitalist - on the other hand, individualistic, when everyone is for himself. During the Second World War we won only thanks to such unification. It's easier to survive in a group. The more united the group, the easier it is for it to compete.
          Quote from Kuziming
          Trying to influence biology by blowing up the state structure is fantastic.
          the state is also a product of human social instincts; no one is going to blow it up.
          you look carefully at your comment, you are a finished product of information war, an atomized member of society living according to the laws of the jungle, but you went to VO, which means you are looking for something, some like-minded people, that is, you are showing social reactions... Tell me, is it possible to fight when there is no trust in others?
      2. +4
        5 August 2024 09: 20
        Great comment! A huge plus for logic and way of thinking hi
      3. 0
        5 August 2024 12: 27
        Have you ever forgotten that you are human? You are driven not only by your instincts, but also by your mind. And the mind says that the most convenient thing in the current conditions is 1-2 children. The problem is purely economic. And it must be solved from the point of view of economics, and not from discussions about endorphins.
        1. +1
          5 August 2024 14: 08
          Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
          Have you ever forgotten that you are human? You are driven not only by your instincts, but also by your mind. And the mind says that the most convenient thing in the current conditions is 1-2 children. The problem is purely economic

          Thanks for the comment, but you exaggerate the role of the mind in the modern world. A hundred years ago, the birth rate in Russia was 4 times higher, the reason for this was the need for labor in peasant farming, no one paid parental capital, there was almost no medical assistance. Muslims and Jews traditionally have a lot of children, they also don’t have maternity capital, the issue here is, firstly, in upbringing (from childhood the attitude is laid down that there should be a lot of children) and secondly, the absence of foreskin - masturbation is problematic smile .
          And what you call reason is just our conceit, delighting the instinct of dominance laughing
        2. 0
          5 August 2024 17: 35
          Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
          And the mind speaks

          I would be grateful for a definition of what the mind is? and what role does it play, for example, in military conflicts? winked
        3. +1
          7 August 2024 12: 26
          The problem is purely economic.
          - The USSR also thought so and introduced a tax for childlessness. But the number of children in 1970-80 for some reason continued to decline in the RSFSR....
          Apartments are free, as is medicine and education - and the birth rate has fallen....

          Because the problem is not in the economy - the problem is in the brain.
          2nd generation Caucasus and SA living in cities - 3 children, 3rd generation 1-2.
          The city gives too many temptations and the more people there are in big cities, the faster the birth rate will fall.
      4. +1
        7 August 2024 12: 22
        The state must develop a system for instilling such signs of dominance as intelligence, communication skills, the desire to develop in reality; having many children should also become a symbol of dominance
        And you know the ways drive in into the brain - that being a mother of many children is cool?
        The state can FORCE - for example, add a tax of 50 percent from the salary and at the same time a free apartment for 3.
        But it is impossible to teach intelligence and communication skills; they either exist or they don’t.
        1. 0
          7 August 2024 14: 48
          Quote: your1970
          But it is impossible to teach intelligence and communication skills; they either exist or they don’t.

          ++you are right, but the sought-after qualities must be symbols of dominance in our information environment, for this we need to abolish advertising in the form that it is now. The point of any advertisement is to hammer home the idea - buy it and you will be happy! Have you noticed how young children love advertising? because it is like a little fairy tale at the end of which everyone is happy. It is she who has already formed two generations of consumers. Because life is not enough to buy everything that is advertised, so there is no time for children.
          In addition to canceling advertising, of course we need to work with feature films, etc...
      5. +2
        8 August 2024 21: 54
        What, what? Deny access to computers? Your next generation of many children who do not have access to the latest information technologies will then be wiped out militarily by swarms of drones from technologically advanced countries. Nerds make up hackers, IT specialists, everyone who thinks with their upper heads and does not reproduce with their lower heads.

        You will also cancel condoms and generally move to the hut. Why is there so much space... You can set the kids up and let them jump in the mud
    5. 0
      7 August 2024 01: 13
      It’s very simple, stop the arrival of migrants and most of the problems will disappear.
  2. 21+
    5 August 2024 04: 21
    Stop talking about the topic when the conclusions were made a long time ago.
    In our conditions and with the existing formation - no way. Extinction will continue until the unity of the people is declared on the fourth of November...
    1. 13+
      5 August 2024 06: 18
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Extinction will continue until the unity of the people is declared on the fourth of November...

      Then we must admit that the events of 1991 were a crime, both as an unconstitutional coup d’etat and as a deliberate deception of the people. There was no talk about the revival of selected capitalism, just as there was no talk about the complete collapse of the Union; they talked about “democracy” and the “CIS” as a renewal of the USSR. This means that we need to return unity to November 7, to people’s power and the revival of socialism.
      1. 15+
        5 August 2024 07: 13
        How do you imagine that? A thief who picks a passerby's pocket will be appointed a judge? The authorities turned around so well that without condemning Yeltsin they came up with the expression “the wild nineties.”
        1. 10+
          5 August 2024 08: 34
          Quote: Gardamir
          How do you imagine that?
          All thieves had and still have a file, and no one will fight for them. They will say, suitcase, station, to the West, or on the bunk (against the wall). In fact, all of our moneybags are quite “agents of foreign influence”, just like everyone else in the West and with the West. They are a minority, and the majority are the robbed and deceived people of Russia.
          There is a war going on, and blood has been shed, a lot of blood, it is unlikely that these gentlemen will get away with it now; they will have to answer not only for the Donbass, but also for the collapse of the Union. The hard times will put everything in its place, otherwise we won’t win with these traitors.
          1. 0
            7 August 2024 12: 33
            It is unlikely that these gentlemen will now get away with it; they will have to answer not only for the Donbass, but also for the collapse of the Union.
            Will we take the Politburo and the Central Committee out of their graves and spank them? The entire marshalite?
            They are responsible for the collapse of the USSR - they were responsible for it and pimped it out
            1. 0
              7 August 2024 14: 13
              Quote: your1970
              Will we take the Politburo and the Central Committee out of their graves and spank them?
              Of course, no one will dig up Yeltsin. You didn't really understand the essence of the conversation.
              1. 0
                7 August 2024 15: 04
                You didn't really understand the essence of the conversation.

                That is you seriously Do you think that Tolik Ryzhy or Yeltsin in 1980-1985 was a person who could at least influence something at the level of leadership of the country?
                The collapse of the Union began precisely when the country’s leadership whole fell into insanity and lost governance of the country. What allowed MSG to come to power and begin to “accelerate” the collapse...
                И only later the right people were in the right place.
                To share...
                If there had not been a series of dead people, if there had been a tough hand in 1977, capable of informing the leadership, the country would have survived
                1. 0
                  8 August 2024 08: 39
                  Sergey, to put it in absolutes, they say about life that it is the most dangerous “disease” that always ends in death. The creation of the Soviet Union, the building of socialism, in many ways involved many mistakes; everything was done for the first time. My personal opinion is that the main, fatal mistake was the recognition of the Americans’ “landing” on the Moon. It was a matter of “life and death,” victory or defeat in the rivalry between the USSR and the USA, socialism and capitalism. Victory in space was for socialism, for the Soviet Union, the Moon deal, for détente and unprecedented concessions to the United States, made capitalism the winner. Just don’t remember “conspiracy theories”; it’s better to take an interest in the topic of space seriously and without bias.
                  Secondly, we were outplayed by Hollywood, the gloss of the West, and pop music. We squandered it, having acquired a fetish for the whole “made in is not ours” thing.
                  Well, and lastly, the main thing is that the events in Moscow (1991) are a XNUMX% anti-constitutional coup d'etat. Both the Constitution and the results of the All-Union referendum for the preservation of the USSR were violated. This is what the traitors will have to answer for in the future.
                  1. 0
                    8 August 2024 08: 59
                    Well, and lastly, the main thing is that the events in Moscow (1991) are a XNUMX% anti-constitutional coup d'etat. Both the Constitution and the results of the All-Union referendum for the preservation of the USSR were violated. This is what the traitors will have to answer for in the future.
                    You propose to hit the oligarchs who are the switchmen - because true Have the perpetrators of the collapse been buried long ago along the Kremlin wall?
                    I don't mind, it's just pointless.
                    Even if we strip Tolyan, burn him and at the same time turn him in a meat grinder, this will not restore the USSR and will not serve as an example to anyone. Purely for the sake of fairness, nothing more...
                    1. 0
                      8 August 2024 09: 15
                      The country needs to be revived, we can’t win without socialism, they once picked up capitalism from the dustbin of history and climbed into the base of the pyramid as a colony.
                      Hanging traitors on poles is far from the main thing; the main thing is to give a proper assessment of the events and draw the right conclusions for the renewed Union.
                      Naturally, if our newly minted moneybags have everything in the West and with the West, they are definitely, whether they like it or not, agents of foreign influence. What is happening with the Northern Military District is not to a small extent without their influence, when we fight and trade with the enemy at the same time, chew snot with “red lines”, drive our army into restrictions and frontal assaults. It is necessary to deal with such bad boys, with their “jar of jam” and “pack of cookies” in the coveted bourgeoisie. Again, you can’t win with them. Just as we must already understand that it is impossible to be in capitalism and to be free from its laws and rules. These laws and rules were not invented by the masters of pestilent capitalism for the benefit of the colonies. If you want to remember China, the communists are in power there too, albeit with a “national-communist” bias. The entire economic miracle of China, the initial assistance of the USSR under Stalin, thanks to which industrialization took place. Second, after Damansky, the West decided to make the PRC an eastern anti-USSR; willingly or unwillingly, it invested in strengthening the Chinese economy. Naturally, the Chinese themselves did a good job. We also need to draw conclusions from this bourgeois “NEP 2” and revive a truly independent pole of power, that is, socialism.
                      1. +1
                        8 August 2024 09: 37
                        The entire economic miracle of China, the initial assistance of the USSR under Stalin, thanks to which industrialization took place.
                        after Damansky, the West decided to make the PRC an eastern anti-USSR,
                        willingly or unwillingly, invested in strengthening the Chinese economy. Naturally, the Chinese themselves did a good job.
                        Everything was simpler - a wild amount of any labor for a bowl of rice + 5 years without taxes for foreign companies + promise of loyalty from the authorities
                        And the whole West rushed there with their industries.
                        Naturally, China is now the godfather of the king - salaries were voluntarily and forcibly pulled up and production cannot be taken out of there.

                        Regarding “for a bowl of rice” - many people don’t believe it.
                        Zhirinovsky said that he was with a government delegation in China at the beginning of the 90s. I bought something and was given a dirty and torn bill as change. The exchange rate is something like a bottle of vodka. And while going to a meeting in the corridor, he threw it into the trash can. Then he accidentally turned around and saw that one of the escorts had fallen behind, took it out and put it in his pocket. He was very surprised and asked the Chinese, how much is this bill? He was told that 1/4 of the salary of an unskilled worker.
      2. +1
        5 August 2024 09: 26
        And the events of 1917, and the elections of Misha Romanov, and the forced baptism of Rus', and the attack of Rurik, and the illegal seizure of power by Askold and Dir, and that Paleolithic leader Big Stone was also probably a tyrant and tyrant.
        1. +4
          5 August 2024 09: 47
          Quote from Kuziming
          The Paleolithic leader Big Stone was also probably a tyrant and tyrant.
          There is no need, Alexey, to exaggerate like that, if you don’t openly engage in demagoguery, they would also drag in the fall of Adam and Eve.
          There are people who work off their “bone” online, I hope that you at least sincerely believe in your sarcasm.
          1. +1
            5 August 2024 15: 15
            There are people here who believe that changing the date of the holiday will reduce the birth rate.
            No matter how much you prove that I’m not on grants from the Galactic Secret Government, they still won’t believe me.
            But seriously, there is no need to stir up history. She needs to be respected. It's too late to redo it.
            1. +2
              6 August 2024 06: 36
              Dates are allocated by the authorities, you must understand, “the birth rate will go down” not from the change of dates, but from the change of anti-people power, this is obvious, without a reason for banter.
              As for the “Galactic Secret Government”, conspiracy theorists are starting to nod, as a rule, to those who have something to hide and have to twist and dissemble.
              It is not for nothing that Charles Baudelaire once wrote: “The greatest trick of the devil is to convince you that he does not exist.” So it is with “conspiracy theories” and “secret government” or “galactic”.
              History, of course, must be respected, but even more so it must be studied and the right conclusions drawn. The past cannot be changed, but the present and future can be changed.
      3. +5
        5 August 2024 11: 14
        If These admit what you write about, then Their power will turn out to be illegitimate despite all the elections, and you won’t even laugh at Zelensky.
        1. +6
          5 August 2024 12: 01
          Quote from AdAstra
          Their power will be illegitimate
          In this regard, the pro-Western Moscow “Maidan” is no more legitimate than the coup in Kyiv. Now in the Northern Military District, in fact, Russians are killing Russians, depleting resources, both material and human. What will the demographics be like here, even without purely social problems and uncertainty about the future? Is that how it was intended?
          This “NEP 2” must already be ended, the masks have been dropped, both by the West and by our renegades, and simply by revealed enemies. The Anglo-Saxons do not hide the fact that they want to see Russia in its grave, for whom they are “partners” with whom they can again make peace in a new agreement; they can hardly talk about the good of Russia, only about their selfish interests in the bourgeoisie. You probably won’t laugh at Zelensky anymore, maybe they’ll even envy him.
  3. 24+
    5 August 2024 04: 54
    Betting everything on large families is also a mistake. Somehow I remember when entering maternity capital, who do you think ran to give birth? A working-age and educated population? No! Marginal strata of the population were drawn to maternity hospitals, who, in principle, gave birth not to future citizens, but to a future social burden on society, hospitals, zones... But in fact, the topic is already really hackneyed, in principle, everything is being done to ensure that our population rapidly decreases, SVO, migration, all sorts of bloggers advertising a world without men, all sorts of separate forums from our officials, the deterioration of education and healthcare, and it’s trivial that I just can’t afford a family on the existing salary, I can barely make ends meet on my own, prices in stores are stinging, I have this feeling in the stores it’s like I live in Norway. At work they are sending Autumn on a business trip to St. Petersburg, and I am terrified. My salary will not increase, but my expenses will jump, and I don’t know where I can get the difference, even if I quit. The country is driven to despair, we have stopped believing that we will have a future, we don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but everyone knows for sure that nothing good.....
    1. 16+
      5 August 2024 05: 14
      we stopped believing that we will have a future
      They will die, and we will find ourselves in heaven. A wonderful future, we just have to believe. smile
      1. +8
        5 August 2024 06: 23
        Quote: parusnik
        A wonderful future, you just have to believe.

        And wait a little...
        1. 12+
          5 August 2024 06: 25
          And wait a little...

          Yeah, before the US presidential election laughing
          1. 15+
            5 August 2024 06: 28
            Quote: parusnik
            US presidential elections

            We know more about their elections than the Americans themselves...Thanks to our TV!
            1. 13+
              5 August 2024 09: 27
              Yes, quite a phenomenon.
              Presenter: “Okay, now let’s talk about how the USA is falling apart”
              Expert “First of all, it’s terrible. Look, they left the rate at 5.5%. Well, you understand everything.”
              A chorus of experts (winking wisely at each other) “of course, we all understood what was incomprehensible here. The terrible end of the United States is getting closer.”
              1. +3
                5 August 2024 12: 34
                But given our trends, there is a bad feeling that Ukraine and Russia will ultimately suffer many times more than the permanently dying America, and my grandmother said in two what will happen to both countries and peoples in the end.
    2. +3
      5 August 2024 10: 23
      At work they send autumn on a business trip to St. Petersburg....

      This is a chance. laughing Change the life.... bully
  4. 10+
    5 August 2024 05: 09
    migrants arrive to live in Russia with unpoisoned “values” that a woman should
    live for her own pleasure, and God forbid that she give birth to only one child, or even live without children at all. So the women of the emigrants give birth to five or seven children and live on child benefits. By the way, like Chechen, Dagestan, Ingush women.
    And for Russian girls TV. the show has been drilled into the head since childhood showing that the Buzovs
    and the Volochkovs and all sorts of Lolitas wouldn’t be so “successful” if they had several children and a strong family. Migrants coming to Russia in their homeland are raised from childhood with the opposite values. Many children and then a strong family and large relatives!
    1. +3
      5 August 2024 12: 11
      migrants arrive to live in Russia with unpoisoned “values”

      Vidas, let's approach the problem from different angles. Here's one aspect.
      A woman in the regions you mentioned is a Muslim woman! According to Sharia, it is the property of the family that gave birth and raised it, even the loving one. Then she is a thing of her husband and his family, with whom you can do anything, but she must endure without complaint. And only after one of the heap of children born to her reaches adulthood, a woman moves from the category of a thing to the status of a respected member of society, whose opinion is listened to.
      What about Muslim men?
      Exactly the same applies to a man. If you have many children, you are respected, your opinion is listened to, you can become extremely authoritative if you have such urges. There are no children or their number is insufficient - who in your village, aul, in your diaspora will listen to you!
      This is why Muslims give birth a lot and diligently, because in general they have no other way to earn equal rights with respected fellow tribesmen in a tribal or clan society. Since ancient times, this custom has developed, do you understand? Why this happened is another, historical, question. But it is precisely from here that the mutual, and I emphasize this, mutual desire of Muslim men and women for uncontrollable reproduction, the more children, the better. Their interests converge! This is what you need to understand.

      Probably something similar happened a long time ago in Russian villages. A very, very long time ago. But we did not leave this state in one day; it took historical eras to destroy such a custom and the corresponding way of life. And man is designed in such a way that to plunge him into the initial demographic state desired by the authorities will require going through the same eras with the opposite sign of succession. These are the attempts, according to my observations, that the authorities are making. But the government doesn’t understand that all its attempts, all its movements in any direction look like a banal redistribution of property that does not evoke sympathy among the population. And her bullshit about demographics is equally banal hypocrisy.
      1. 0
        5 August 2024 13: 49
        Banal hypocrisy, since the only threat to capitalism in Russia is Russian tradition, and accordingly, its bearer must be quite disorganized. Feature of our time: Russophobia in Russia.
        the initial demographic state desired by the authorities will need to go through all the same eras with the reverse sign
        - this is impossible according to the law of irreversibility of evolution (L. Dollo): An organism (population, species) cannot return to the previous state that already existed among its ancestors (this also applies to ecosystems).
        The impulse of the new demographic generation will come from a healthy people (this does not apply to the current leadership) after its renaturation.
        1. 0
          5 August 2024 14: 41
          this is impossible according to the law of irreversibility of evolution (L. Dollo): An organism (population, species) cannot return to the previous state that already existed among its ancestors (this also applies to ecosystems).

          Law of L. Dollo - thank you, Alexander, for giving a name to what is felt instinctively. Man cannot evolve into a monkey - although there will be those who disagree with this statement. And it is not unreasonable to transfer Dollo’s law in a different formulation to social relations. But how many stubborn heads!
      2. +1
        7 August 2024 05: 20
        However, in such large Islamic countries as Turkey and Iran, the birth rate has sharply decreased. In Iran at present, small families generally predominate, especially among the Persians. Wealthy Arab Muslim states such as Saudi Arabia and the UAE are experiencing the same trend. And in the two largest Muslim post-Soviet states by population, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, there is also a decrease in the birth rate, especially in cities, primarily in capital cities.
      3. 0
        7 August 2024 12: 39
        But it is precisely from here that the mutual, and I emphasize this, mutual desire of Muslim men and women for uncontrollable reproduction, the more children, the better. Their interests converge! This is what you need to understand. in the village - yes, in the city - no
        There are already 2nd generation in the city, 3 children, 3rd generation 1-2. All...
        The city is a mountain of temptation even for Muslims.
    2. 0
      7 August 2024 05: 11
      Have you noticed that drunken migrant workers can increasingly be found on the streets of our towns? And girls, young Kyrgyz and Uzbek women, who came to work or study, can also often be seen with cans of beer or alcoholic cocktails in their hands. Somehow this does not fit with the fact that they all have patriarchal morals.
  5. +7
    5 August 2024 05: 12
    Again about the golden billion and its Western values, which were imposed on us... That is, they deceived us again... We are so naive, gullible, we can be easily deceived.." So you go, go to school and bam! Second change!" (c) Disgusting, low demographics.. Why? Western values ​​imposed... smile Article, from empty to empty..
    1. 11+
      5 August 2024 07: 31
      Not just deceived! They put the wrong people in... we have to bring in the right ones...
      1. 0
        7 August 2024 02: 45
        Heh... heh... The situation in which the Russians find themselves today is a wild and funny disgrace for the main people of the country. They understand this all other peoples besides the Russians themselves.
        Here's the most interesting thing...


  6. 12+
    5 August 2024 05: 26
    First of all, we need to focus on a 3-4-child family, which is the basis for all programs mortgages, economy, work Central bank, mechanical engineering, space flights, urbanization, settlement across the territory. In other words, everything should work towards one goal, so that families in Russia have three, four children or more!
    Thank you, neighing laughing
    Should we go through the points or is it clear? For example:
    - Mortgage i.e. debt hole. What side could there be at least one!!! child?
    For example, look here:Жилищно-строительный_кооператив
    Cost and financing:
    The loan for the purchase of an apartment was almost interest-free, and the share of payment in family expenses is insignificant. For a two-room apartment along with utilities, the family had to pay up to 50 rubles per month.
    That's exactly how much - 50 rub. per month My father and mother paid for the housing cooperative, while my mother earned 180 rubles. and dad generally has more than 300 rubles. was.
    - The Central Bank - as I understand it, Nabiullina sleeps and sees as if to people interest-free give loans? Author, this is a bad joke.
    - Space flights - who will we launch: a wife who sits with 4 children and therefore does not work, or a father who plows 3 shifts like dad Carlo?
    - Urbanization - do we still have someone to urbanize??? (to drive them to the cities) do you think there are people left in the villages? Go to the outback, look who is left there. And I don’t understand at all: why drive rural residents to the cities into concrete boxes where no one will definitely give birth. But on the contrary, from cities to the countryside to spacious cottages, yes, that’s where they would give birth.
    Etc. etc.
    1. +8
      5 August 2024 07: 18
      But in Sharia banks for the faithful, interest-free “loans” are called zakat. Since Sharia banks are the same as Sberbank, the interest rates for Russians will be exorbitant.
      1. +2
        5 August 2024 09: 29
        By the way, this project did not go well. It is not beneficial for the banks themselves. Although it sounds strange, it is true.
        1. +3
          5 August 2024 12: 48
          Let's hope. Because a certain lover of migrants during the years of crisis preferred to help bankers rather than people.
  7. 0
    5 August 2024 05: 53
    For a long time, children in a family had a practical meaning. They were also helpers of this family. Where people are fused with nature, there are no questions about demography. Nowadays, even in rural areas, families are not large. Why? They will grow up and move to the cities. When there were enterprises near the village, everything was fine there. Divorce in the family affects demographics more than the reluctance to have children. If a woman is not confident in her partner, she will not expand the family. Care We need to start thinking about the family with one child. Seeing this concern, women will take another step.
  8. 15+
    5 August 2024 05: 54
    Yes, housing is the main problem. What the hell, a large family in a dorm, in a rented apartment or in a two-room apartment with their parents? fool
    1. +4
      5 August 2024 05: 58
      Yes, housing is the main problem.
      I will support! Housing is number one for having children in a family!
    2. +8
      5 August 2024 07: 18
      Or in a “putinka” of 20 sq.m.
    3. 0
      7 August 2024 01: 08
      Oh really? Is it not migrants who are the main problem, which is also the cause of the demographic problem?
    4. 0
      7 August 2024 14: 52
      Yes, housing is the main problem. What the hell, a large family in a dorm, in a rented apartment or in a two-room apartment with their parents? fool
      Yeah ...
      The father-in-law's family had 11 children, parents and grandmother were housed in 68 sq.m. belay
      In 2 rooms...
      Grandmother was on the chest, my parents had a bed....
      But they were wild lol Soviet post-war times... No twist for personal space, etc.
      Nowadays, if they saw how their father raised them with a stick, half of the Social Security and human rights activists would immediately die - he beat her on the crowd children whoever it hits. Therefore, everyone knew that ANYONE would come and they didn’t do any harm, and they didn’t let the brothers/sisters misbehave - mutual responsibility...
  9. +8
    5 August 2024 06: 23
    Having traveled to different countries - with different reproduction rates and at different times... Having read different opinions of different experts over the last twenty years - nevertheless, I remain unconvinced in my opinion.. laughing
    Demographics are normal in countries where people FEEL like they are middle class and better.
    Not from our point of view - from ours.
    In Holland they felt it and are still reproducing it. In the states they really felt it - and everything was fine there with the demographics and without immigrants.
    Yes, in extreme cases (complete savages or religious fanatics - which, incidentally, is the same thing) - it is possible to force them to multiply.
    But all individual measures - the role of women, whether there are/are not apartments, etc. have one integral indicator - whether they really feel middle class or not.
    Please note that there is a subtle difference between “considering” yourself and “feeling” middle class...
    1. 11+
      5 August 2024 06: 55
      In my opinion, feeling like some kind of abstract statistical middle class is not a criterion. The criterion is to feel that all children born in your family will have a full future within the framework of the society that will exist when they grow up. And, especially, during the time when they will be brought up. The most important thing, as they hammered into our heads in the USSR (and, as it turned out, they were absolutely right) is confidence in the future, social optimism. Demand by society for every current and potential citizen.
      1. 0
        5 August 2024 17: 13
        Quote: Sunwenmin
        The criterion is to feel that all children born in your family will have a full future within the framework of the society

        And that's part of "feeling middle class" laughing laughing
        This also includes the absence of a daily struggle for existence - which is included in the difference between “considering” and “feeling” middle class. laughing laughing laughing
    2. 0
      5 August 2024 12: 39
      Your feelings have nothing to do with reality. The problem is purely economic. The economy has created such conditions where it is optimal to have 1-2 children in a family, get 1-2 children and sign for it. And don't expect miracles. We don’t have a fairy tale, they won’t exist.
    3. 0
      7 August 2024 05: 32
      Out of curiosity, I looked at the demographic indicators of Holland. In fact, the birth rate there is low. The vast majority of families have few children; many have one child and many have no children. Lots of singles. Well, as for the USA, this is a country of continuous migration. Migration was powerful in the 19th and 20th centuries, and now. There, probably more than half of the country's population are descendants of those who came to the United States in the second half of the 19th century and later.
      1. 0
        7 August 2024 06: 38
        Here are the American data. Quite good even without immigration (it was). And even 15-20 years ago there were SIGNIFICANTLY fewer Latinos... White acquaintances of those times had 2-3 children. Actually, you drive through a small town at that time - there are children all around, in stores there are 2-3 per mother... Well, this is subjective, although the numbers confirm it. To have an average of 2 you need quite a lot >2
  10. -4
    5 August 2024 06: 30
    1. The global trend towards population decline will not be broken in the coming years.
    The world has become denser. The population will decline.
    2. There are categories of the population that are better not to increase.
    - parasites incapable of work and learning (hikikomori, beauty bloggers);
    - antisocial subcultures (thieves and bandits);
    - descended subgroups (drug addicts and alcoholics).
    3. The economy needs to adapt to the population decline.
    - automation and robotization;
    - development of unmanned vehicles;
    - reducing the share of low-skilled labor.
    4. It is necessary to improve the lives of existing families:
    - gasification of rural areas;
    - reduction of working hours;
    - fight against drug addiction, alcoholism and degradation.
    5. Improvement of the environment.
    - limiting the use of pesticides near rural settlements;
    - improvement of water quality;
    - landscaping.
    1. +6
      5 August 2024 07: 20
      The world has become more dense
      Yes, in Russia all of Siberia is empty.
      1. +2
        5 August 2024 08: 46
        The North Pole is also empty, will you populate it?
        1. +3
          5 August 2024 10: 31
          Do you propose to let the Kyrgyz and Chinese go to Siberia?
          The Chinese are now on the rise, they will not give up the North Pole.
          1. +2
            6 August 2024 00: 27
            Quote: Gardamir
            Do you propose to let the Kyrgyz and Chinese go to Siberia?
            The Chinese are now on the rise, they will not give up the North Pole.

            Neither the Kyrgyz nor the Chinese will live in Siberia. It’s easy to extract minerals and cut down forests. And to settle there and live in tens of millions - there are no such fools.
            1. -1
              6 August 2024 06: 54
              Why do we need a desert in Siberia, moreover, created by the Chinese?
          2. +3
            6 August 2024 10: 58
            The Chinese don’t want to populate local Siberia. Look at the population density map below.
            They live in megacities in places with a good climate and work. Modern Chinese have also changed. And they don’t want to live in difficult conditions, which is a sin to blame them for.

            The southeastern part has four hundred million people, representing ninety-six percent of the total population; the northwestern part has only eighteen million, representing four percent of the total population of the country.

            the proportion has not changed since 1935.
      2. 0
        5 August 2024 22: 32
        Quote: Gardamir
        Yes, in Russia all of Siberia is empty

        Yes, if you drive 20 km. from any regional center, then “Siberia” begins...
        1. 0
          7 August 2024 05: 44
          Let's say not 20, but 30-50 km. In most federal subjects, a quarter to a third of the population, or even more, lives in the capital or regional center. And together with agglomerations, this share is even higher.
          1. 0
            7 August 2024 06: 22
            20 or 30 km. does it matter? It is important that the entire population gathers in several huge human settlements; this is utopian and extremely vulnerable.
            a quarter to a third of the population lives in the regional center

            Judging by my own opinion, the list is 50%, but in reality it is all 75%.
      3. +1
        7 August 2024 05: 39
        Compared to most of Canada, our Siberia, especially Western Siberia, is well populated. Are the Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Tyumen, Omsk, Tomsk regions, and Altai Territory sparsely populated? Novosibirsk is one of the largest cities in the country, third or fourth in population. And in the northern regions of Siberia and the Far East, the population cannot be large in principle. The zone of Arctic deserts and tundra, by definition, will always be sparsely populated.
    2. 0
      7 August 2024 15: 27
      Again, all the good against all the bad, and the list is controversial on this topic. Automation and robotization with UAVs. Why didn’t they think about it? - in a world where the dollar has no alternative and provokes inflation, only by increasing the quantity and quality of goods produced for sale for the dollar can countries survive, and for this they need robots, they don’t need a social package and housing with food. If it weren’t for the system of dollar dependence, it would be quite possible to live without producing millions of goods and work, it would be people who would be calling and the influx of new people would scale up, not a conditional second plant as demand increases, but the pursuit of money dictates the opposite trend, precisely towards a decrease in the number of people, which with On the one hand, it’s true, today there are too many of them and feeding them all is problematic, as is giving everyone a good life, a side effect of the model of Western civilization with all these 3 cars, and a robot vacuum cleaner for everyone. And here a billion or two for the entire planet already looks healthy because then it will give everyone a good life, the only question is whose nation will dominate, not everyone wants to go into the history book (well, unless in the 404th they decided to cut themselves out of the history of the planet (the ancients are very, We've gathered to retire, we're tired of moving civilization to the stars))))
  11. +9
    5 August 2024 06: 45
    Does the Kremlin need this? Just words...
  12. 11+
    5 August 2024 06: 46
    . the demographic catastrophe in Russia was obvious 15 years ago

    And only now the phlegmatic gentleman with a mustache said softly in his usual sleepy voice:

    . this is catastrophic for the future of the nation

    After this difficult realization, another gentleman may energetically promise us a breakthrough or breakthrough in terms of fertility. And with this the situation will calm down “safely”.
    1. +9
      5 August 2024 08: 20
      perhaps he will energetically promise us a breakthrough or breakthrough
      Why, we have one of the lowest debts per capita in the population. Soon we will owe no money to anyone at all. smile
  13. 0
    5 August 2024 07: 51
    How to save Russia from extinction

    The recipe is simple - stop engaging in teenage masturbation and start making children like adults; Nature, our mother, did not come up with any other recipes.
    1. +5
      5 August 2024 08: 20
      Quote: antiaircrafter
      The recipe is simple - stop engaging in teenage masturbation and start making children like adults

      Will modern emancipated ladies agree?
      They need good security first.
      1. -9
        5 August 2024 08: 55
        Quote: Stas157
        First they need

        Tax on childlessness from 18 to 55 years.
        And all their emancipation will pass like smoke from apple trees.
    2. 12+
      5 August 2024 08: 21
      stop engaging in teenage masturbation
      Are you talking about the modern social system?
      1. 0
        5 August 2024 08: 54
        I like the way you think, Comrade Marshal.
        1. +4
          5 August 2024 09: 10
          These are your thoughts, not mine. I asked a clarifying question
          1. +1
            5 August 2024 09: 11
            Then I answer - about the system too.
            1. +2
              5 August 2024 09: 12
              I like the way you think, Comrade Colonel
  14. 14+
    5 August 2024 08: 14
    It’s not clear. Why whine. We wanted a bright present, from which it is dark in the eyes, it has come, and it will become even brighter in the future. The countryside is dying out. In our village, or rather in the gardens of a former collective farm, seasonal workers work. It is not profitable for the new owner to hire locals permanently. No, in his office there are about 10 locals working in his office. And the rest are locals, working on shifts, whoever is where. Well, we have about 60 people in the fishery industry. Most of them, including me, have children who have moved to cities, the population is dwindling. The school, they say, will be closed because there are no children, an outpatient clinic, but before there was a clinic and a hospital with 20 beds, but All this has become an outpatient clinic, but it won’t be that way either.
    1. +3
      5 August 2024 09: 36
      In order for the population to grow in rural areas, there must be a year-round economic cycle. And this is only livestock farming and processing. You have a problem in the south, as you write. And further into the Non-Black Earth Region. In winter, what to do, just fell the forest and do it. But this is not for everyone and is a separate specificity.
      1. +3
        5 August 2024 09: 49
        there you need to have a year-round economic cycle.
        And then until 1993, it didn’t exist... And like the land, they distributed the land to the peasants, each with a piece of a garden, to others, a piece of meadow, to another, a feed production workshop, to another, canning shops, to a third, equipment, etc. so a year-round cycle and stopped. Everyone became their own boss, and then the market came up and decided everything... And later, accession to the WTO and so on, so forth, or as the author writes, “they accepted the standards and values ​​of Western consumer society” (c) smile
        1. +4
          5 August 2024 09: 52
          Farming in the Non-Black Earth Region is, in our climate, something akin to schizophrenia or, more simply, sabotage. In the south, this is real, but for some reason it is not farmers who are growing in southern land, but agricultural holdings. And where to take the grain, to hand it over to the port, there’s a price tag belay
          Wholesalers have already been squeezed out. They will finish off the farmers in the south.
          1. +6
            5 August 2024 10: 28
            Here in the village, we didn’t grow grain, the main direction was fruits, berries, honey, buckwheat, wool, fish. Wool, fish, as additional production.. Everything was fine when the collective farm was not just a collective farm, but a millionaire collective farm ...So much has happened and so much has gone.
            1. +3
              5 August 2024 10: 30
              But agricultural holdings now rule. Banks have ports, governors have holdings. Let the song go, in short. And they still transport grain in the same way they transport it. It's just hellish to imagine these transportations. But all farmers and processors signed the VAT Charter
              1. +3
                5 August 2024 10: 33
                Likewise, our gardens, which they did not have time to cut down, are used for cottages, meadows, or belong to some agricultural holding. They say they wanted to use them for apiaries, but they couldn’t find beekeepers, to use them for sheep, but the game is not worth the candle.
    2. +2
      5 August 2024 10: 04
      There was a hospital in our area, but now there is only a trauma center. Two huge empty buildings. And ambulances travel 80 km. And the Tula region is not the poorest region. You are also not from poor regions. What can I say then about the rest.
      1. +3
        5 August 2024 11: 22
        The Tula region is not a poor region, three times "ha" laughing
        1. +2
          5 August 2024 11: 44
          Far from being a beggar. What are you comparing it to? If with Cardiff in Britain, then rich, if with Monaco, then not very wealthy.
          1. +3
            5 August 2024 11: 48
            Of course with Cardiff, everything is certainly with Cardiff. Yes
            1. +3
              5 August 2024 11: 49
              It’s possible with Pakistan, I just don’t understand how you compare it. If with Cardiff, then the comparison is not in favor. I also took a good comparison. Because Cardiff is not the backwaters of history.
      2. +7
        5 August 2024 12: 56
        What to say? Yes, here we probably need to paint a picture like Vereshchagin’s. The apotheosis of capitalism. With skulls and empty houses. Lately I've been tired and irritated from watching everything that's happening. This reminds me very much of the entire eighties, when, despite the fact that they were talking on TV about how our factories were sputtering, a complete mess was going on in the country. We'll hold another call soon for three thousand thousand and there will be even more fun.
    3. +4
      5 August 2024 12: 59
      Quote: kor1vet1974
      The school, they say, will be closed; there are no children; the outpatient clinic, I'm sorry to say, there used to be a hospital with 20 beds, but it all became an outpatient clinic, but that too will no longer be the case.

      Congratulations on your effective optimization. lol
      Everything goes according to plan. Reports on combating demographics are already being written. laughing hi
      1. +5
        5 August 2024 15: 59
        Yes...there were two kindergartens, in totalitarian times, there was only one close until they were going to...And they tell me from all sides that I lived terribly poorly under Soviet rule, "patamushta" I had sausage and didn’t have a car ..they didn’t deliver herring to the general store..
        1. +4
          5 August 2024 16: 42
          Quote: kor1vet1974
          And they tell me from all sides that I lived terribly poorly under Soviet rule, “patamushta” I didn’t have sausage and didn’t have a car... they didn’t bring me to the general store... just herring...

          I, too, often have such victims of TV, trying to “open my eyes” to what kind of “Mordor” I lived in. laughing
          It seems like they are being churned out on an assembly line.
          The meaning of life turns out to be in sausage and a Chinese bucket with nuts, that’s where real happiness is, and I didn’t even know it! laughing
  15. 10+
    5 August 2024 08: 23
    Housing, salary, capital, education, medicine... - these are technical issues. What is important is the way of life, for the organization of which we in no way take personal and collective responsibility.
    For four decades in Rus' there has been revelry and celebration of the thief. What kind of health and prospects can we talk about if the body (people) is infected with parasites? The decile coefficient - about anthropo-predatory parasites - is officially 16-30, but in fact there are three levels! Any village healer knows that treatment must begin with getting rid of parasites.
  16. +5
    5 August 2024 08: 32
    In 1783, an English merchant sent a letter to his relatives, in which he said that the Russian peasant Fyodor Vasilyev should be presented to Empress Catherine II herself.

    “The 75-year-old Vasiliev attracted the attention of the authorities with his achievements in the field of childbirth: Fyodor had 87 children, of whom 84 survived. The peasant fathered 69 of them from his first wife: his wife gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, seven triplets and four quadruplets. When She was no longer able to give birth, Vasiliev remarried - this is how 18 more babies appeared: six pairs of twins and two triplets." (c)

    Neither in the article nor in the comments of my comrades did I find an answer to the question: why is this so? Why, under Catherine II, a child-loving Russian peasant could calmly give birth and raise 84 descendants, but now only one is a problem...
    Here they say that women were given rights, they were emancipated, and so on. But don’t you think, dear friends, that the matter is different? That too many rights have been taken away from men? At first, some rights were voluntarily given to the higher authorities due to state necessity, and then they only watched with a surprised and then completely indifferent look at the subsequent taking away of all their other rights by the authorities one step lower and then by local authorities at the lower level, until society became completely powerless. We delegated everything possible to the authorities at all levels and to lawyers, including our own lives.
    The peasant Fyodor Vasiliev in his small habitat had much more rights than any of us at the present time. He was the master of his own life, the rules of which seemed stable to him for a century to come and suited him...

    There is only one thing left for us to do - take more powers for ourselves. But things have gone so far with their loss that it will no longer be possible without the participation of higher authorities.
    1. +3
      5 August 2024 09: 11
      Without the participation of higher authorities it will no longer be possible.
      Do you hope that the authorities will allow you to steer?
      1. +7
        5 August 2024 10: 32
        Do you hope that the authorities will allow you to steer?

        They will portray a simulacrum, and people will be deceived - many of them. For example, the Russian Community. It would seem that the movement is from below. But in fact, under the close supervision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At first I bought it, I thought, people are waking up, taking local initiatives to manage public life into their own hands - that’s not the case, it’s just a picture. But, you know, for a start, at least this way, even under the supervision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - useful things are still being done, albeit at the local level...

        I remember 20 years ago activists and deputies were wandering around my village, trying to achieve something, some worked, some didn’t. And then, when it stopped working out at all (the moment came), the initiative faded away. The older generations, who got a taste for social initiative in the 90s and 10s, are tired, or are quickly leaving, in fact, they are gone, the youth, who grew up in an environment where initiative is painfully slapped on the wrist, because it, initiative, has finally become the prerogative of the authorities in the 20s - these young people are doing what is allowed, namely: to lead an absolutely irresponsible lifestyle before society, that is, to settle in it as best as possible at any cost - in the way that is convenient for you, and do not care about everyone else ...
        Based on the above about the real initiative of society on the ground, I came to the conclusion that the Russian Community is not an initiative from below and can be easily and bloodlessly covered up at any moment convenient for the authorities.
        And, most importantly, in recent years the opinion has developed that if you speak at a forum with sharp criticism of this and that, you have shown public initiative. But, apparently, the forums may come to an end. It seems that the authorities are no longer afraid that people deprived of Internet platforms will go to the radical street to express their desires - individual desires remain, public ones, shared with other people - only in a pixel version. And the pixels need to be covered, because they are enemy, from “that” side, which spoils the picture of the absolute righteousness of the authorities.
        1. +5
          5 August 2024 10: 36
          And the conclusion suggests itself, like the plumber who came to change the faucet: the owner here is not changing the faucet, but... smile
          1. +3
            5 August 2024 15: 43
            It’s not necessary to change the faucet, but..

            USSR 2.0? But the USSR was created with the help of the creative energy of the huge peasant population, and in our country at the moment it is exhausted, even the workers are exhausted. But Politburo 2.0, as a simulacrum of future beneficial changes, exists. But a simulacrum is just that: a simulacrum, it is simply a veil for the worthless action of redistributing large capitalist property. Under the slogan “Give USSR 2.0!” it, a large property, will first be nationalized, and then transferred to the right hands, without changing the capitalist essence of the property being added. And where is the benefit for disadvantaged people? As always, it will go away, driven by the wind, emitting a gnashing of teeth.
            1. +4
              5 August 2024 16: 09
              USSR 2.0 is a fiction. The bourgeoisie can do this to let the steam out of the window and nothing more... But everything will remain the same. I'm afraid that we will really die, and they will go to heaven, all sorts of oligarchs and others. Even if suddenly , some leftists will win the elections, I’m writing suddenly (suddenly, only kittens are born) and they will begin to carry out reforms, those at the bottom who were in power will start screaming, yes, I’m a real revolutionary, I’ve only been underground.. I I specifically stole from the budget in order to weaken this capitalist state, and now “ours” have come and I won’t steal... I wrote it chaotically, but I hope you understand me.
              1. +2
                5 August 2024 16: 57
                I hope you got what I meant.

                Of course, I understood you, Cornelius.
                Let's take demographics for example. All these cries about the need to give birth are the same simulacrum, which in the created system of relations is not supported by real preferences leading to a positive outcome. So what, the authorities don’t understand this? He understands, and how! But, unable and, it seems, unwilling to solve the problem due to his own ineptitude, or due to a complete lack of empathy for the Russian people, he is preparing an excuse for himself for the future. Like, “I told you to give birth, I did, but you didn’t listen to me! It’s your own fault that we are now a branch of Central Asia and the Caucasus! Go to the mosque!” And this is combined with the persistent introduction of the Western behavioral model, which excludes large families, into the Russian youth environment for more than 20 years. Introduced, and now she, the authorities, literally orders these young people: “Give birth like the Tajiks in the villages! Come on quickly!”
                This is called shifting from a diseased head to a healthy one.
    2. +8
      5 August 2024 10: 06
      Why, under Catherine II, a child-loving Russian peasant could calmly give birth and raise 84 descendants

      treat this information with a healthy dose of skepticism - the likelihood of it being fantastic tends to 100%
      1. +2
        5 August 2024 10: 09
        Why? This phenomenon has been documented. It’s just that in those years it was just a phenomenon, and not something ordinary.
        1. +4
          5 August 2024 10: 15
          This phenomenon has been documented.

          entries in church books?
          Not even funny.
          I had the pleasure of holding in my hands books not even from the 18th century, but from the end of the 19th century.
          The way they were conducted makes them completely unsuitable either for statistical purposes or as a source of information.
          1. +1
            5 August 2024 10: 16
            Not in this particular case. So what you say about the books is correct, it’s just that the story had a resonance and spread all over Europe. The father of many children was presented with imperial awards, but not in the style of “Lieutenant Kizhe”
            1. +5
              5 August 2024 10: 53
              the story was resonant and spread all over Europe

              which is in no way a sign of the authenticity of anything hi
              PS The mathematical probability of 35 multiple births in a row is 3,44*10^(-60). And the probability of survival of almost 100% of children at the same time... it’s even too lazy to waste time on calculations, considering that even after a century, 5 out of 2 newborns did not survive to 3 years.
              Monozygotic multiple pregnancies depend on the woman's genetics, not the man's. Therefore, the weak point of this whole story is the second wife, just like the first, who gives birth exclusively to several children per birth.
              1. +1
                5 August 2024 11: 48
                I emphasized that this is a phenomenon, not a rule. That's why it turned out to be well documented. Don't look for a catch where there is none. A unique case.
                1. +3
                  5 August 2024 12: 41
                  That's why it turned out to be well documented.

                  so good that they even manage to display a photograph of the family, as I found out after a quick glance at the Internet works on this topic wassat lol
                  1. +2
                    5 August 2024 13: 20
                    Well, these are already costs. Associated losses.
          2. +2
            5 August 2024 14: 10
            Quote: Nefarious skeptic
            I had the pleasure of holding in my hands books not even from the 18th century, but from the end of the 19th century.
            The way they were conducted makes them completely unsuitable either for statistical purposes or as a source of information.

            N.V.Gogol. "Dead Souls"?
            The father did not have a birth certificate. There was a certificate from the church book. There was information about birth and parents. The same certificate is kept about my grandfather.
            About fertility. "Being determines consciousness."
            1. +3
              5 August 2024 16: 12
              “We had a clerk in the district, in the patchports the year of birth was indicated only with a number. Ink, the scoundrel, you see, he saved. Then the matter became clear, he was sent to prison, but the patchports were no longer remade. The document is still there. Efimtsev, a merchant, third year of birth is recorded, from the birth of Christ, Kulikovo - second .." (c)
            2. +1
              5 August 2024 16: 25
              "Being determines consciousness."

              the materialist will say
              "Consciousness determines being"

              the idealist will say
              And both will be right.
              N.V.Gogol. "Dead Souls"?

              Banal personnel problems, when in consistories, when copying books “from the field,” they could not make out what was written and wrote what they thought was correct.
              But masterpieces of “creativity” at the parish level are generally a separate issue.
        2. ada
          7 August 2024 02: 52
          Quote: nikolaevskiy78
          ... This phenomenon has been documented. ...

          My relatives also had a “phenomenon” laughing
          Grandfather to grandmother: “Marusya, look, you are three brothers and a sister, from the same father and mother, and recorded in the church book in the same 10th year!”
          Grandmother: “Well, yes, we are all the same year, so what?”
          Grandfather: “Marus, what are you doing? You’re not triplets and the dates in the metrics are different for all of you!”
          Grandmother is in prostration of bewilderment.
          Her birthday dates... Life was worth nothing back then.
          The issue with relatives and their documents was not idle; my grandfather worked in counterintelligence.
          Most likely, the essence of the “phenomenon” of having three children in the same year at different times is purely economic. The fact is that life at the beginning of the last century on the right bank of Ukraine was “not sugar”. A total of 10 children were born in the family, 4 died. My grandmother’s father is a Pole, he decided to marry a local woman, which angered his well-born Polish mother and was expelled from the estate without support or help, he had to find a job wherever he could find one, and since he graduated from the Kyiv gymnasium, the Germans took him to save money (there were a lot of local Germans , it is noteworthy that the rest of the locals considered them to be inveterate drunks, partly because they were usually involved in distilling and running taverns, well, they didn’t disdain...), for the position of something like a manager, and for lifting they were allocated a cow for the family. The owner of the economy was a German, he himself lived in Germany and rarely appeared on site, others managed it and most likely (according to fragmentary information) - based on the composition of the family, it was allowed, in addition to the salary, to allocate something in kind from the products to a family member and, accordingly, the age of the children played an important role role in obtaining "benefits". This is partly confirmed by the periodically “burning” chapel of the local church with the loss of metric records, which were restored by visiting the local priest or clerk. Getting additional food or a piece of fabric for such a family was important for survival. This can be judged by the fact that the grandmother was sent to work as a laborer at the slaughterhouse or in the field, in the service of wealthy Jews, from the age of 10, and this despite the fact that her father was a manager in the economy - not the last person in the village. It was a hungry time and I suspect that she “changed” her age more than once. Grandfather, by interviewing relatives, approximately determined the year of her birth - the 7th or 8th, laughing Well, that is, 1907 or 1908.
          This is such a phenomenon.
    3. +2
      5 August 2024 10: 25
      It is difficult to even imagine what problems Comrade Vasiliev created for the rural community. Because after some time they obviously could not cope with the division of land plots. But we still need to give Vasiliev the highest score for perseverance, healthy lifestyle and determination
    4. +1
      5 August 2024 13: 06
      Drawing conclusions based on one peasant with many children is stronger than Goethe’s Faust. The point is not that men's rights have been taken away, the point is that too much of the results of their labor are being taken away from both men and women.
  17. +1
    5 August 2024 08: 34
    The author talks about the most pressing problem of our people, but proposes ridiculous and pathetic measures, as if people do not give birth because of poverty.

    At the same time, the Author, completely contrary to logic, argues that our troubles are supposedly due to the fact that we are a colonial appendage of the West - as if by the last paragraph he forgets about what he talked about in the first. The West has exactly the same problems!

    It's funny to stop a train by standing on the tracks in front of it with a red lantern.

    The problem of the extinction of nations will not be solved within any single nation. If nations do not try to solve this problem together, they will die out and be replaced by other nations.
  18. Owl
    5 August 2024 08: 49
    Without affordable housing, confidence in a stable future and real implemented social guarantees from the authorities, there will be no large Russian (indigenous peoples of Russia) families, there will be no victory over the demographic catastrophe. We hear the words of the “rulers”, but we do not see the deeds.
  19. +4
    5 August 2024 08: 54
    I wrote it many times and I can repeat it again.
    1. Side - material.
    Let's take an average Russian family: husband, wife, three children, and two grandparents.
    1. How much does such a family need for normal living?
    2. What percentage of men receive this kind of money? I’m not talking about women, because three children means the wife turns into a housewife, sick leave, sections, clubs, the child needs to be dropped off, and so on. In short, half a worker, at best, freelancing in time free from household chores.
    2. Moral. For 30 years we have been hammering into the heads of girls from all sides, TV series, social networks, and so on. If you want to become successful, find a sponsor or build a career. And best of all, all at once. Family, children later somehow. Yes, now they are trying to change something, at least from what I see now, but two generations of agitation just don’t work out that way.
  20. +6
    5 August 2024 09: 08
    The author, of course, described everything perfectly, like many others who write on this topic.
    But no one ever writes about the differentiation of all the benefits offered by region, depending on the birth rate and population density. If all the proposals are implemented equally for all regions, then the densely populated and large republics of the North Caucasus will immediately take advantage of all the proposed benefits, and again Allah will not grant the conditional Ivanovo or Vologda region, because no budget will be enough for everyone.
    Therefore, I believe that all these wonderful proposals must be implemented first in the Russian outback and in the Far East. At the same time, initially it will be applied to the indigenous population and with the inevitable introduction of a residency requirement of 15 years. Otherwise, there will be no benefit for the state-forming people.
    1. +1
      5 August 2024 10: 57
      Dear Alexander, I support:

      all these wonderful proposals must first be implemented in the Russian hinterland and the Far East. At the same time, initially it will be applied to the indigenous population and with the inevitable introduction of a residency requirement of 15 years. Otherwise, there will be no benefit for the state-forming people.

      Here it is, the most important thing - what no one before you decided to voice, although everyone had it in their minds.
  21. +6
    5 August 2024 09: 10
    You can also remember that the State Duma did not give deferments to fathers with many children during mobilization, unlike IT specialists and bankers....
    1. +2
      5 August 2024 09: 22
      so I agree with the name of our parliament voiced by Bastrykin...
    2. +3
      5 August 2024 09: 45
      This is not the Duma, it’s just Shadayev and Gref demonstrating influence. Think, it’s not about thinking, it’s about pressing and executing. When the time comes for Duma members to come up with initiatives themselves, the depths of the depths simply open up.
      1. +1
        5 August 2024 09: 49
        agree with you on all points good
    3. +1
      7 August 2024 06: 07
      No one will say this out loud for reasons of political correctness, but everyone understands that this delay would be taken advantage of mainly by representatives of the peoples of the North Caucasus and “new citizens” from among Central Asians.
  22. +2
    5 August 2024 09: 20
    Families need to pay for their children, this is not just mat capital, but real hard cash.
    Why can we recruit 500 thousand contract soldiers for our own, paying them 500 thousand - 2 million at a time, but at the same time we cannot give birth to an additional million Russian children by paying 1-2 million for each. It is clear that commissions should be organized so that money is paid only to wealthy families, etc. But how else can we save the indigenous population?
    If there were such a program, then my wife and I would most likely think about having two more children; for example, we would be able to completely close off the mortgage, and someone else would be able to improve their living conditions, buy a bigger car, because 3-4 children need to be transported somewhere .
    I think we will come to such a measure sooner or later, just so as not to be late.
    1. +4
      5 August 2024 10: 44
      Families need to pay for their children, this is not just mat capital, but real hard cash.
      Why can we recruit 500 thousand contract soldiers for our own, paying them 500 thousand - 2 million at a time, but at the same time we cannot give birth to an additional million Russian children by paying 1-2 million for each. It is clear that commissions should be organized so that money is paid only to wealthy families, etc. But how else can we save the indigenous population?
      If there were such a program, then my wife and I would most likely think about having two more children; for example, we would be able to completely close off the mortgage, and someone else would be able to improve their living conditions, buy a bigger car, because 3-4 children need to be transported somewhere .
      I think we will come to such a measure sooner or later, just so as not to be late.

      Without any mortgage. At 300 yards, hovering in the West, it was possible to build 15 million-plus cities.
      Start with the Far East in relatively warm areas, providing apartments on social rent to families of 4 children and above. For free. With the right of privatization after 20 years.
      All. The demographic issue has been resolved. At the same time they would populate the Far East.

      But our government prefers to import barbarians. Apparently, the history of the Roman Empire was poorly taught at school. wink
      1. +2
        5 August 2024 12: 19
        Quote: Arzt
        Apparently, the history of the Roman Empire was poorly taught at school.

        Only Roman?
        Everything there is bad from a logical point of view, even with an awareness of the country’s own history, but you swung at Rimskaya. lol hi
    2. +2
      5 August 2024 13: 18
      Do you want to know why? Let me tell you. Because our capitalists are simply forced to pay this money to protect their loot stolen from the people. They have no choice. But they won’t pay you for having children, because it’s easier and more profitable for them to bring in another batch of migrants. Finally, understand this economic system called capitalism is literally cannibalistic. And you will not correct it in any way, because its essence is like this from birth to death.
  23. +6
    5 August 2024 10: 47
    Parents need to be paid normal salaries, and not just to pay housing and communal services and buy food.

    The article directly smelled of Zhirinovsky: “You give every woman a man!” Beautiful, but unrealistic.
    It’s interesting how the author presents this, if every sneeze we have on the other side of the world is immediately reflected in the Russian Federation by a jump in inflation. Sovereign economy you say? laughing
    With deposit rates of 18-20 percent for the population, tell me, how much should banks earn then and what should the “growth” of GDP be then, and in fact inflation? And no matter how much you raise wages, there is a payback limit, otherwise prices will rise again, inflation again.
    And how do you propose having 3-4 children with such “stability”?! Not only did he give birth to children and forget them, but they also need to be raised and put on their feet, and this is time.
    And who will remember the time that they sang to us from high offices about technological jobs and for some reason, a salary of 2500 US dollars. dollars? Why is it in dollars? We have a sovereign economy, voiced by the same people who talk about salaries in dollars. laughing
    And yes:
    In essence, the Russian Federation has fallen into the trap of all the countries of the “golden billion” (the collective West) and developing countries that have adopted the standards and values ​​of Western consumer society.
    , only as long as they continue to socialize “Russia”, individuals who have imposed these very “standards” on the rest of the majority, nothing will actually change - again an imitation of vigorous activity for the sake of maintaining power, and then it’s either a donkey or a padishah...
    Who is first can be seen along the way from the demographic hole in the Russian Federation
    Each problem has a first name, last name and patronymic. And I would also add the system that these “full names” serve wink
    In the phrase:
    “Why are you worried about these people? Well, thirty million will die. They didn't fit into the market. Don't think about it - new ones will grow"
    , are there ideological executors with full names or is Biden again to blame for everything? laughing
  24. +5
    5 August 2024 11: 02
    A very difficult problem. Russia's demographics have been dealt two heavy blows in our memory. The first is the horrific decline in the birth rate in the 90s under Yeltsin and his gang of “privatizers”. And now there are two powerful flows of young men - to the Northern Military District and abroad. Many women of childbearing age simply cannot find a partner, but how can you give birth without having either a husband or a reliable partner? As a result, migration pressure on Russia has increased significantly, since it is necessary to somehow replace men who, for one reason or another, have dropped out of economic life.
    1. +1
      5 August 2024 12: 58
      The demands of these “women of childbearing age” are such that 0,1% of men can satisfy them.
      So as not to drink
      Didn't smoke
      And he always gave flowers
      Called his mother-in-law mom
      I gave my entire salary
      Was indifferent to toys
      And I'm not bored with company
      And besides, he was handsome and smart.
      Well, or alternatively money, here the percentage of “suitable” ones will be higher.
      1. +2
        5 August 2024 13: 18
        Not everyone has it. The overwhelming majority of Russian women just want a reliable person nearby, with whom they can at least leave a child if necessary. And, yes - not a drunk or a drug addict. There is no need to focus on dirty crushes from female stand-up or “advanced bloggers” and “Tiktokers” - they are a tiny minority. .
  25. +3
    5 August 2024 11: 09
    "How to save Russia from extinction"?
    According to our leaders, masturbeks will help us, as well as some southern emirates of the Russian Federation, Mr. Author. True, what will happen to these emirates when the Russians who earn money there run out, God knows.
  26. +5
    5 August 2024 11: 09
    When there was no war - remember the phrases - “the state did not ask you to give birth”, “live on pasta”, “migrants are necessary”
    Now we need a mass for the SVO, and of course, blah blah talking heads, but the reality is the same.
    Go on vacation - the price of trains has gone up, to pay for housing - the price has gone up, you go to the store - the price has gone up, you don't pay for electricity on time - it's turned off, pipes burst - you're stuck with barely warm water....

    If you have the strength left, you can think about having many children....
    1. 0
      7 August 2024 08: 35
      When there was no war - remember the phrases - “the state did not ask you to give birth”, “live on pasta”, “migrants are necessary”
      Now we need a mass for the SVO, and of course, blah blah talking heads, but the reality is the same.
      Go on vacation - the price of trains has gone up, to pay for housing - the price has gone up, you go to the store - the price has gone up, you don't pay for electricity on time - it's turned off, pipes burst - you're stuck with barely warm water....

      If you have the strength left, you can think about having many children....

      This mass still needs to grow for the SVO. And after 20 years - either an ischak or a padishah. laughing
      In the meantime, a possible surge in the birth rate is a burden on the social sphere, sort of. wink
  27. 11+
    5 August 2024 11: 11
    The only way is to rely on large families

    Beautiful! :-)
    Issues of solving the demographic situation must begin from afar; these are, first of all, not even issues of salaries - these are issues of affordable living space and a comfortable mental environment. None of them will breed in stress and depression - and our modern information soup is stress, depression, aggression, violence and the feeling of a huge growing uncertainty hanging over us. 18% key rate and God knows what kind of inflation, insane housing prices and insane mortgage rates, a stream of insane laws from the State Duma prohibiting familiar things, adopted with minimal resistance - all this and much more will stop people’s desire to reproduce within this society.
    Here we have “sort of” a year of family and children and blah blah blah. And what do I see besides rare posters calling for something in the spirit of the 1920s? I see a wave of collections for sick, deeply ill children from the zombie box, in the news, in advertising - just some kind of parade of epic illnesses with horse price tags. Even if you see a child on TV, it’s usually either some kind of prison, or it’s an unhealthy, suffering child, for whom they collect a huge amount of money, like 10-100500 for treatment. They show his mother stupidly killed by this and so on all day long with enviable frequency.
    Firstly, I have a question - where did that fund of 50 lard rubles go that we were promised with +2% VAT specifically for solving THIS problem? Is 50 lard per annum already not enough?
    Secondly, the people who do this are either very stupid and really don’t realize that a flood of this kind of information will torpedo women’s desire to give birth and create stable subconscious phobias in them, or we stupidly DO NOT have any kind of unified state information policy “on masses,” and brainwashing is carried out by several absolutely uncoordinated groups, each of which does not care that it is strangling the task of a related one.

    One way or another, observing what is happening, I conclude that no adequate progress is expected. The solution to our demographic problem, apparently, is seen in the importation of migrants and the distribution of citizenship to them.
    1. +2
      5 August 2024 13: 24
      The solution to our demographic problem, apparently, is seen in the importation of migrants and the distribution of citizenship to them.

      And there is no other way within the framework of capitalism. Because capitalism is competition, the pursuit of profit, the private nature of appropriating the results of social labor. Get it signed. Well, relax and enjoy the crisis of the third Rome in real time.
    2. +4
      5 August 2024 16: 14
      But the report on the national program “Demography” will be excellent - 400 thousand migrants a year will be flown in with their broods and all the holes in the papers will be closed. This is the simplest, this is the most wretched solution - that is why it will be done, and in excess of the plan. They will actually bring it from Bangladesh.
      1. 0
        5 August 2024 19: 05
        This is the only possible solution within the framework of capitalism. No one in the world has been able to solve the problem of the birth rate falling below the replacement level. And no one is capable. So take a comfortable seat and watch the Titanic sink.
        1. +1
          5 August 2024 19: 41
          Yes, I’m not actually floundering. So, I inflated an inflatable pillow just in case. I’m sitting here, watching. Seats are difficult, the first rows are sold out laughing
  28. -3
    5 August 2024 11: 34
    An increase in the standard of living has always led to a decrease in the birth rate and an influx of migrants, which is clearly demonstrated today by all developed government entities in the world - the USA, the EU, China and others. RF lesson is of no use. With the persistence of a maniac, the Russian Federation steps on the same rake over and over again, even trying to analyze and extract reproaches from other people’s experience.
    1. +2
      5 August 2024 14: 14
      So we need to go back to the 19th century? Does anything in such reasoning bother you?
      1. +2
        5 August 2024 18: 20
        The fascist non-mechanics were the most industrialized state formation in the world, but were inferior to the United States due to the size of its territory and population.
        In Hitler's non-Metropolitan area, a system of so-called repatriation was established. Volksdeutsch and increasing the birth rate.
        Thanks to these measures and despite the emigration of part of the population and 10 million killed on the fronts of the 2nd World War, the post-war non-metchina literally in a decade not only restored the pre-war number, but also surpassed it, despite the fact that there was no current flow of migrants to the non-metchina, to be there could not have been such failures of the working-age population in the post-war period as in the USSR-RF.
        Study negative and positive world experience, draw conclusions and comprehensively solve the problem in relation to time conditions and opportunities.
        You can go your own way - clone and grow in incubators, science allows
        1. +3
          5 August 2024 19: 10
          The main problem is not to give birth, but to raise. Even in the case of orphanages, this is all very stressful. And when this becomes not the exception, but the rule, the costs will be simply gigantic. No sane capitalist would do this.
        2. +1
          6 August 2024 10: 00
          In literally a decade, post-war non-mechanical troops not only restored their pre-war numbers, but also surpassed them

          This is the cunning of statistics - the Federal Statistical Office of Germany did not (and does not include) in its reports data on deaths in the period 1939-1945, even in the post-war period. Therefore, if you look at these same reports, you will find that excess mortality during the war years is only 50 thousand people per year compared to the pre-war period (except for 45). And so, pedaled by some narrow-minded people, the “Russian cross” (as a consequence of WWII, and not the machinations of the Bolsheviks) took place both in Poland and in Germany.
          despite the fact that there was no current flow of migrants to the German

          today’s did not exist, but it was significant - by 1980, 5,6% of the population were migrants, the population increased only due to them. The main influx is Turks and Yugoslavs, then Italians and Portuguese.
        3. 0
          7 August 2024 06: 17
          The US has been a more industrialized nation than Germany since the late 19th century. The Americans produced several times more products than the Germans in most industries.
  29. +7
    5 August 2024 11: 38
    The article is a rare idealistic nonsense.
    Suppose children were born - where should they study, where should they work?
    Well, parents will be paid extra, and who will produce the goods to buy this money? The whole country is in ruins—the manufacturing industry has been destroyed.
    Why do you all need more people?
    1. +7
      5 August 2024 12: 34
      rare idealistic nonsense.

      This is the creative credo of this author.
  30. +6
    5 August 2024 12: 00
    I don't know how to lift it, but I know how to finally break it.
    1. Raise the key rate even higher.
    2. Raise prices for housing, cars, and utilities even higher.
    3.Do not raise your salary, especially in key areas.
    4. Raise taxes, fines, introduce new taxes, fines.
    5.Give access to an even larger number of migrants from the countries of Central Asia and Africa.

    Repeat every year. You are beautiful! Your population decline is ideal. good
  31. +2
    5 August 2024 12: 40
    Quote: depressant
    migrants arrive to live in Russia with unpoisoned “values”

    Vidas, let's approach the problem from different angles. Here's one aspect.
    A woman in the regions you mentioned is a Muslim woman! According to Sharia, it is the property of the family that gave birth and raised it, even the loving one. Then she is a thing of her husband and his family, with whom you can do anything, but she must endure without complaint. And only after one of the heap of children born to her reaches adulthood, a woman moves from the category of a thing to the status of a respected member of society, whose opinion is listened to.
    What about Muslim men?
    Exactly the same applies to a man. If you have many children, you are respected, your opinion is listened to, you can become extremely authoritative if you have such urges. There are no children or their number is insufficient - who in your village, aul, in your diaspora will listen to you!
    This is why Muslims give birth a lot and diligently, because in general they have no other way to earn equal rights with respected fellow tribesmen in a tribal or clan society. Since ancient times, this custom has developed, do you understand? Why this happened is another, historical, question. But it is precisely from here that the mutual, and I emphasize this, mutual desire of Muslim men and women for uncontrollable reproduction, the more children, the better. Their interests converge! This is what you need to understand.

    Probably something similar happened a long time ago in Russian villages. A very, very long time ago. But we did not leave this state in one day; it took historical eras to destroy such a custom and the corresponding way of life. And man is designed in such a way that to plunge him into the initial demographic state desired by the authorities will require going through the same eras with the opposite sign of succession. These are the attempts, according to my observations, that the authorities are making. But the government doesn’t understand that all its attempts, all its movements in any direction look like a banal redistribution of property that does not evoke sympathy among the population. And her bullshit about demographics is equally banal hypocrisy.

    To be honest, I do not use as an example the circumstances of how to create a family so that Russian families can copy them from Muslim families, regarding the number of children and the attitude towards women in their families and in their society. I simply have not seen a single permanent and long-running television show on TV. Russia, where the participants would be large families, especially mothers, so that they would explain to everyone about happiness and tasks when there are many children in a family. And about work and responsibility, feeding and educating everyone, and not creating poverty.
    About all kinds of silicone dolls that don’t have children so as not to spoil their figure, there are plenty of these shows every day on every TV channel. And about the same males, who have five or six divorces! There was a program on Sundays While everyone is at home. But even there, large families were not advertised or promoted.
    1. 0
      7 August 2024 06: 21
      This program is still on today, with the same presenter, only on the Rossiya TV channel, and is called “When everyone is at home.”)
  32. -10
    5 August 2024 12: 48
    Do you want to increase your birth rate? Introduce a tax on childlessness of about 25 percent. And not only from men, but from women too. And the pension was reduced. Earned 50 rubles - 000 in hand. Use the money saved to encourage large families. But only native Russians. And Russian families who came from abroad. Uzbek and Tajik migrants are accepted only by middle-aged married men. Do not bring your family with you. Work and get out of here... Young people from Central Asia should not be allowed in at all. Greyhounds. Like all young people in general. Well? Who will agree to this and government officials? Nobody.
  33. The comment was deleted.
  34. +3
    5 August 2024 13: 01
    Dear author, it seems to me that you are confusing, the birth rate began to fall in the USSR, that’s why
    changing the concept of development to a fair one, with ethics of conscience, with the creation of a society of knowledge, service and creation
    will not help, because in order to give birth to 3-4 children, you need to start having children at 20 years old, and in our country, school ends at 25, plus the family needs to get on its feet, another 5 years +, so it turns out that they start having children around 30 years old. Therefore, know or know about the problem, biology is difficult to change; at 30 years old it is difficult to count on 3-4 children, God forbid having one.

    In particular, it is necessary to restore everywhere the optimized and commercialized medicine, maternity hospitals, medical schools and universities.

    again, who will work in medicine? These are not people from a vocational school, but you still want them to take care of 3-4 children during their studies and to study with straight A’s.

    Enter parental salary. For example, 2 children - 70% of the national average, 3 - 100%, etc. It is clear that with a number of certain conditions - taking into account the level of income, excluding drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.
    I agree with this, especially in terms of getting smart people to think and come up with incentive measures for the so-called middle class, so that being an exemplary family would be beneficial, including from a financial point of view.

    Solve the housing problem.
    This is also to the point, but we need to get away from human settlements, we need individual houses, so this suggests itself to me: we need to look towards rural areas and small towns and start developing them in this direction. Just think carefully so that the infrastructure is not lower than the city one, I mean, in the likeness of projects like the It-village, large corporations can be obliged to do this, the pandemic has shown that many people in our country can work remotely.

    We also need to change culturally
  35. +4
    5 August 2024 13: 39
    It is necessary not to give out money left and right, especially for the birth of the first child (on the contrary, it is even harmful), but to equip the infrastructure (in medicine, education, housing, etc.), leisure (high-quality kindergartens and schools, clubs, sections etc.) for the upbringing and education of children. Well, the state must pay off interest on the mortgage and write off part or all of it (depending on the number of children), but only for native citizens of the Russian Federation who are citizens of the Russian Federation from birth.
    1. -1
      5 August 2024 14: 17
      This will not solve the problem because it is not enough. And even what you propose, no one will do. Because capitalism.
      1. -1
        5 August 2024 19: 27
        Because capitalism because socialism because feudalism because because.

        Russian people don’t care about everything except their personal interests. That is why it gradually became a thing of the past after the end of the period of extinction of natural economy.
  36. +2
    5 August 2024 15: 54
    Every parent wants a happy, calm, prosperous life for their children. But with these parameters in the country it’s not very good. The country is small, just for its billionaire friends. That’s why the country “didn’t ask you to give birth” So. that Yaroslavna’s current cry, a call for a solution to the demographic problem, is a call from the deaf-blind to the deaf-mute.
  37. +2
    5 August 2024 17: 13
    Alexander, good afternoon. Tell me, why and when do adults have children? To continue the family line? Yes, first of all, for this. Both you and other authors who write about this understand this well. We are all normal people). But the birth, raising, and upbringing of children takes place within a specific political-economic framework, which is formed for us by the regime of power, in conditions where the overwhelming majority of the population lives in large, medium-sized, small cities, and megalopolises. In this anthropogenic landscape, all cultural, ethical and communal peasant norms are destroyed, and the population “becomes peasantized and disunited,” atomized, and lumpenized. Since, during the reign of private property, ANY financial and commercial oligarchy categorically DOES NOT NEED competing and its dominance is limited by subjective class associations, and it purposefully, through propaganda, through legislative and financial-economic policy, destroys any corporate unifying tendencies of the social interests of the city population. Both you and many VO authors understand this too. To put it simply, the oligarchy urgently needs the property of the common, ordinary population not to be a source of income, but ONLY A SOURCE OF EXPENSES. This means that the bulk of our population who create families will give birth to no more than 1-2 children. That is, we have a “fact on our face” (. The fact of a systemic struggle and war against the future state-forming ethnic group, and historical Russia. And without destroying these “frameworks” formed for us by the existing regime of power, it is impossible, at least, to reverse these catastrophic trends. After all, 30 years have passed since the establishment of oligarchic domination. Does anyone else have any doubts that what you are writing about is simply not feasible in our reality? When there is no alternative to the oligarchy, a serious and strong POLITECONOMIC subject of power, economics and politics, who is able to say “no” to it, it will “create” only what is beneficial to it! And all your and our good wishes and constructive suggestions will remain as such (. And in my opinion, there are only two ways out of this state of permanent catastrophe: revolutionary and evolutionary. Both you and all adult citizens also know about this. But today, in a situation where those same Bolsheviks who were obliged to “light the way for the working class”, this same working class, in the 90s and 2000s, were robbed, robbed and allowed to be robbed by predators from all over the world, we will NEVER have this revolution WE CAN'T WAIT. This means that we are left with only an evolutionary exit, with “moments” and measures of social revolution. That is, the salvation of the Papuans is the work of the Papuans themselves. What I mean? I think that the property that the bulk of the population owns or will own, in urban settings, should become, first of all, a SOURCE OF INCOME, AND NOT A SOURCE OF EXPENDITURE. This is only possible when urban residents, THEMSELVES, FROM THEIR PETROLEUM ENVIRONMENT, form economic structures of collective private property in the form of production, engineering, infrastructure and agricultural enterprises and organizations. These structures must enable our WORKING population not only to dispose and manage, but also to fully OWN them. Create sectoral corporate banks and cooperative financial organizations on their foundation, and form YOUR OWN district, city and regional government bodies. AND OURSELVES to form financial, economic, social and cultural policies, including the policy of supporting Russian families. Creation of nurseries, kindergartens, schools, technical schools and colleges, medical care, that is, all the necessary associated infrastructure. Without expecting all this, as “social handouts”, like the classic “poor” from the classic “rich”. And by collaborating with each other, in the segments of industry and inter-industry cooperation, mastering and applying the means and capabilities of cybernetic management of planning industry and inter-industry balances in the economy. You just need to understand that this regime of domination of private property has been cynically spitting on us for 30 years and will continue to do so. This means that neither we nor, especially, our children have a future.

    PS It is impossible to force the authorities to think.
    It is impossible to force power to be shared.
    It is impossible to choose YOUR power.
    It is only possible to become power. Power in their class, economic and political interests.
    1. +2
      5 August 2024 17: 30
      Quote: Oleg Plenkin
      PS It is impossible to force the authorities to think.
      It is impossible to force power to be shared.
      It is impossible to choose YOUR power.
      It is only possible to become power. Power in their class, economic and political interests.

      Our own - whose is it?

      He who becomes powerful will soon become rich, and will immediately begin to support the interests of the rich, for being determines consciousness.

      This is utopia.
      1. +1
        5 August 2024 23: 02
        Utopia is a general “equalization” imposed by the Soviet nomenklatura on our population. Since people, initially, by Nature, are not equal. And this inequality will always exist as long as human communities exist. It’s just that some, under the guise of protecting the interests of the poor and disadvantaged, cynically and arrogantly, create for themselves, first, a privileged position, and then, after the destruction of all conceivable and inconceivable competitors, this position is changed to a dominant one. And others, realizing that there will be inequality anyway, want to think rationally and intelligently and offer their view of the future. Without the domination of the slaughtered people.
    2. +2
      5 August 2024 17: 33
      You yourself answered.
      “You just need to understand that this regime of domination of private property has been cynically spitting on us for 30 years and will continue to do so. This means that neither we nor, especially, our children have a future.”

      And therefore, “if you want to do it well, do it yourself!”
      PS It is impossible to force the authorities to think.
      It is impossible to force power to be shared.
      It is impossible to choose YOUR power.
      It is only possible to become power. Power in their class, economic and political interests.

      Simply a wonderful program!
      But there are big doubts about its implementation, because they will bury you faster than they will give you the opportunity, no, not even an opportunity, but only for the desire to realize it.
      1. 0
        5 August 2024 22: 31
        Well, then those who want to “bury” me, as you put it, will have to “bury” tens of millions of the Russian urban population and rural owners. And who will those “diggers”, excuse me, live with later? With highly qualified specialists from Central Asia and Transcaucasia? I doubt. And very. You've probably heard about the objective laws of social development. Including the political economic law of correspondence between the level of productive forces and the quality of the state of social-production relations? So, no one except the Russian educated and qualified population will implement this political economic law, and will not save this country, in the circumstances of the outbreak of another world war. Since we are the only “social base” of the historical tradition of the state. And the “healthy forces” that exist in this state REALLY want to survive. And THERE is now a “showdown” going on, and the choice of the path of “development” in the future. And THEY WILL NOT GET OUT WITH half measures, like everyone else for the last 50 years. In the brutal, deadly battle of the global pirate gangs of the West, the Russian nouveau riche are JUST PREY.
        1. 0
          6 August 2024 13: 34
          It’s probably very good to live in a parallel universe, but reality is much more “fun”. And if you don’t want to juggle grenades on a plane, then there are also the irreplaceable specialists you mentioned, controlled crime, and just some crazy drug addict. I assure you that the state has plenty of ways to influence individuals or entire communities in order to change their worldview.
          1. 0
            6 August 2024 13: 58
            I think that you live in a parallel universe, or rather, on an inhabited, very lonely island, around which, for some reason, there are simply no strong and predatory alien civilizations, and their permanent goals and interests. The point is not at all about me, but about how, in the conditions of the unfolding world war, everyone can survive, and not just the rich bastards who in the 90s stole an entire country from their own population. They and their children will sit in the trenches, fight, and kill “strangers” for their property, assets, and capital,
            produce weapons and military equipment, grow and manufacture food, produce industrial goods, provide design, engineering, training, and treatment services to the population? No. And therefore, if they, as you write, “juggle” grenades and “bury” the ordinary, ordinary Russian population, then they will simply STAY ALONE. And all the surrounding wolves, jackals, hyenas, and sharks will eat them. With pleasure. Therefore, everything you write about is not government policy, but suicide. Are you suicidal?
            1. 0
              6 August 2024 17: 59
              You obviously don’t understand, I’m talking about the internal policy of the state, which looks like this: “Where the interests of the state begin, the rights of the citizen end.”
              But the boundaries of these interests are determined by the state and it is not interested in your opinion.
              And you are forcing a discussion on foreign affairs on me. And then why did you decide that they are antagonists? Russia and the West have no ideological differences, there are only economic disputes, that is, as lawyers say, disputes between economic entities. To which neither you, nor I, nor the people as a whole have anything to do. And the bourgeoisie will always agree among themselves, as an example, the leader said that those who are socially responsible would better return to their native land, because the West will definitely rob them. And indeed, since March 2022, in the Russian media, to the approving hooting of the scammers, there has been a wave of publications about the seizure of property, stadiums, yachts, accounts and castles of businessmen. And what? And then silence. Can you give me a list of those who rushed to Russia with suitcases full of money? No and will not be, because any lawyer will explain to you that arrest and confiscation are completely different actions. The same can be said about the billions allegedly stolen by the West from Russia. In general, there is an opinion that these billions have already been placed in the accounts of very respected people.
              And if you look at the situation of the confrontation between the West and Russia with “an inhabited, very lonely island, around which, for some reason, there simply are no strong and predatory alien civilizations,” then it becomes clear that all this “small and victorious war” is a product of only for internal use, and this is respectively for all participants in this so-called “conflict”.
              And how it is presented to the people as “aggression, defense, violation of democratic values” - I will repeat it all exclusively for internal consumption.
              Therefore, allow me to take my leave, because I have neither the time nor the desire to explain the common truths.
              1. 0
                6 August 2024 20: 52
                Don Basilio, the phrase “to catch up”). The state is a formalized and institutionalized system of power. And the laws that it adopts are a legal expression of the political will of the ruling class, which can, in its own interests, simply privatize it as its own property and turn it into an oligarchy. That is, at the mercy of the rich nouveau riche. And there WILL NOT BE that border between him and the citizen that you write to me about. Because EVERYTHING will be privatized for them. And even you yourself(.
                As for the relationship between “pirates and booty,” I think you are in a hurry. Since a new world war may last not for years, but for decades. Since the winner or winners will get the FUTURE, and the loser in it, not “on points,” but in fact, as I already wrote, will be slaughtered. Predators who have created their global power structure over several centuries ALWAYS play the long game. Both in foreign policy and in domestic policy.
                Hello Alice).
    3. 0
      5 August 2024 18: 48
      The Russian people have not yet developed to understand common interests, not only class ones, but even national ones. The Russian people, unlike Jews and Muslims, have not even come to a consensus on religion in a thousand years..... They have not come to a consensus on anything.

      Every man for himself. But in this case, it is not clear why save this people? And even more so, who will do this if he himself doesn’t care?
      1. Aag
        5 August 2024 22: 14
        Dear (true, Ivan 2022). Very often I do not agree with your comments on this “site”, but I must admit that despite the disagreement, there is a good amount of Truth in your comments...
      2. 0
        5 August 2024 22: 45
        I don’t know whether I will disappoint you or make you happy, but the Russian people no longer exist. Since the people's social consciousness, which arose during the great Troubles of the 100th century, has died and decayed over the past XNUMX years. And we are far from original here. Since ALL bourgeois Nations of the West went through this historical denial of popular, feudal-peasant relations. Through the Protestant reformations and bourgeois revolutions of the XNUMXth - XNUMXth centuries. And we, in this historical process, are not special at all, but will be forced to go through a path similar to theirs. Or rather, we are already passing. We are the last in Europe to go through a time of bourgeois revolutions, which always end in national revolutions. And therefore, farewell people, hello nation.
        1. -1
          6 August 2024 03: 43
          Russia already went through the bourgeois revolution a hundred years ago. The deadline is respectable. Only capitalism in Russia never led it to the flourishing of productive forces. For some reason, unlike other countries.

          And thirty years ago she went through a feudal-criminal counter-revolution. Much water has also flowed under the bridge since then.

          And such things happen in other nations and states that in peacetime to divide your own country into parts and think that this is a “transition to the formation of a nation” - I don’t remember something at all.

          So this is only like a transition from this world to the next.
          1. +1
            6 August 2024 10: 28
            This is similar to the classic bourgeois revolution that took place in France at the end of the 18th century, in Italy and in Germany after the First World War. That is:
            - changes in legal relations between forms of ownership and the state;
            - change in the political system;
            - change in the dominant ideology.
            And it doesn’t just look like it, it’s what she is. Another thing is that ANY revolutions are carried out in specific interests, specific groups, layers or political classes. In our country, the driving force behind the bourgeois revolution, which took place from 1989 to 1993, were the bastards of the party, economic and Komsomol nomenklatura, the management personnel of the union and republican ministries and departments, the administration of industrial enterprises and infrastructure organizations, as well as the leadership of the special services, and power ministries. They were the customers, the driving force and the main beneficiaries of the destruction of the USSR. But bourgeois revolutions always end in national revolutions, because the simple, ordinary population, from whom these nouveau riche steal the country, property, mineral resources, lands, savings of citizens, have to save themselves, and this is only possible in one case, when this very population, from its environment, forms a political-economic subject - a petty-bourgeois civil Nation, and at the “top” there are forces that, seeing this, are capable of carrying out radical national-bourgeois reforms of the economy, politics, culture, ethics, and consciousness of people and, finally, destroying the feudal-criminal oligarchy . We are not the first, nor are we the last.
            1. +1
              6 August 2024 11: 48
              That's what I'm talking about. Indicate a country in whose history there was a feudal-criminal revolution and we can assume the further course of events in Russia. In which country was “wrong” capitalism overcome by “correct” capitalists?

              Is it possible for “wrong” socialism to develop into “correct”? China seems to be leading by example. But there are repressions...

              And in Russia, “so that there would be no repression,” the country was plundered... and now they are “cleansing the ranks.”
              And “so as not to feed these and these” - the country was divided, and now “they are returning the lands” -

              Agree that the path is very strange: walking in a circle or even a narrowing spiral.
              1. +1
                6 August 2024 13: 01
                It all depends on your personal attitude towards the world around you, towards the time in which you live. For example, I see this world around me as a world in which constant change, development and transformation of matter takes place, in the specific interests of specific subjects of power and the CONSTANT struggle between them, and also, I perceive the time in which I live as the time of the dominance of private property. To put it mildly, I don’t like him very much, I don’t accept his values, goals and objectives, because these are the interests ONLY of the financial and commercial oligarchy, which forms for us the political-economic, legal, administrative, and “cultural” framework for the permanent privatization of EVERYTHING that surrounds us in the material world and in the world of ideas. The framework of the middle bourgeoisie, which, by analogy with colonels or lieutenant colonels, can only take one or two steps in their career and become generals, is also alien to me. And very few of them can overcome this temptation and remain devoted to their “property rank.” These are the classic “horses”. They are always not in the phalanx, not in formation, not in battle, always on the right or left, and always flee from the battlefield, and are always the first to betray (. That is, for the bulk of the petty-bourgeois population of Russian cities and towns, they are not comrades, not comrades-in-arms, and not even partners, but situational fellow travelers. And the poor and frankly impoverished population, who do not have property, and are physically in need of handouts from the “social assistance” of the rich, and therefore have neither economic nor political ones of their own. interests, also cannot act as a potential subject for the formation of the Nation. But, with one exception, those of the poor who have the desire and ambition to become the corporate masters of the country, and to join the future petty-bourgeois middle political class, in order to be the foundation of the civil Nation, to me. very interesting, since, I think that in ours, the richest country in the world, there simply shouldn’t be any poor people! And therefore, only Russian educated and qualified urban workers and rural owners remain, for whom the policy of petty-bourgeois socialization of property or nationalization is vital. . In which specialists not only work in economic structures, not only manage and manage them, but also own them as a collective private owner. And through these structures of economic interaction they form their own financial organizations, their infrastructure for providing and servicing industrial and agricultural production, local district and city governments, cultural and social policies that are beneficial to the BASIC MASS OF THE WORKING POPULATION of Russia.
                Therefore, yes, in a circle, but in a spiral.
  38. +2
    5 August 2024 20: 40
    As long as the henchmen of the thieves, who have now become oligarchs, are in power, Russia will die out.
    1. 0
      7 August 2024 02: 21
      In fact, for the main people of the country, this is all a terrible and funny disgrace. That’s how you see grins on the faces of representatives of other nations...

      But probably in the heads of modern people there are already some other convolutions... ....they don’t understand. Yes, that's okay. As they say: “if they don’t fuck you painfully, then there are no problems.” hi And the Lord God can manage without any people.
  39. 0
    5 August 2024 22: 41
    How many children do State Duma deputies have? How many children do members of the Federation Council have? How many children do the Ministers have? Not by name, but something like this... 85 heads of regions have so many children, 450 State Duma deputies have so many children, 170 members of the Federation Council have so many children.
    Then it’s easier for voters to feel ashamed. Or shaming the press secretary.
  40. -1
    6 August 2024 15: 54
    At their Council, the Russians themselves must voice and plan their development.
    It is already clear from today’s government policy that until the Russians take charge of themselves, there will be no sense.
    The policy begun by Lenin to destroy the Russian Empire continues through the national policy of the state. The Russian people are not seen as the source of statehood.
    Despite the change in the political system in the 90s, Russians are being sacrificed to political ambitions.
    1. 0
      6 August 2024 18: 35
      You're straight up following Hitler's leaflets!
      Hitler also said that Russians are inferior because they are not capable of creating a State for themselves on their land..... In other words, it’s clear. But the meaning is still the same. hi

      It's not difficult to guess. You have no complaints about the Holstein-Gottorp Oldenburg-Romanov kings. The German Fuhrer really, really appreciated this...
  41. +1
    6 August 2024 20: 16
    I have great doubts about the fact that a family should have three or four children. The author writes beautifully, but these are just desires, and there are no conditions for their fulfillment, and 100 years of globalization are making themselves felt. In order for a family to have many children, it must be strong and indivisible. Nowadays, starting a family for a young man is tantamount to getting into an unsteady swamp that must be navigated without being sucked in. Approximately 95% of marriages end in divorce, with corresponding consequences. After divorces, approximately 95% of children remain with their mothers; men are left with only child support payments, outstanding loans, mortgages and life on the street (exaggerating). And in such conditions, someone else will want to start families. Below is an example of a 3- and 4-year-old family consisting of: mother, father, wife’s child from her first marriage, wife’s child from her second marriage, wife’s child from her third marriage, and a joint child. Moreover, there is no talk of any fatherly love, even for his child, since the father has developed the attitude “don’t get used to it, he’s not yours, they’ll take him to any Maputo and won’t let you see him.” These are families like this, without love. r According to my observations, there are strong, strong families in Russia, but this is not for normal, average people, I would divide them into four groups in descending order. The first group, I would call them “perverts”. In such families, the wife cheats, and the husband also loves her for it. Well, if the husband starts cheating, then any woman will get divorced, that is, they can, but their husbands cannot. Well, either they both cheat on each other, or they are swingers in general. The second group is “don’t care.” Example: the husband works, pays loans, mortgages, utilities. The fourth maintains his wife, family, car, etc. The wife does shopping, walks the beauty slopes, minicures, pedicures, plumped lips, silicone breasts, exercise equipment, trainers, lovers, etc. But my husband doesn’t care, and it makes sense for him to change one “g” for another “g”. The third group is “religious at the level of fanaticism.” Well, here the name itself speaks for itself, and “The Law of God” is everything, and the rest is from the evil one. The fourth group is "dominant". Sometimes I come across both a husband and a wife, and both are dominant in the good sense of the word. And both their heads work, and things get done, and they take care of each other and the children. There are few such families, a piece product. There are also families with a combination of several groups - this brings families closer together. As for the last two groups, this is not for everyone, you have to be born into them, to those who are given, they are given, to those who are not given, then nothing can be done. But raising boys to be perverts and indifferences is quite possible. You can have 3 or 4 children there. And also, for a woman to give birth to three, four or more children, she must be confident in her husband that he will not leave her, that he will be able to provide financially for both her and the children, etc. d. Conclusion: what you wrote is impossible. And that Russia as a civilization will die - so be it.
  42. +1
    6 August 2024 20: 32
    Get one child ready for school... And then multiply this amount by 5...

    And all your dreams of having many children will end...

    While the state's priorities will be football, exhibitions and parades, there is nothing to talk about any demographics...

    And yes, rural schools, hospitals and cultural centers are also being “optimized” by Obama??? Or are they completely Golikov, Silanov and Putin?

    Probably Obama after all...
  43. 0
    6 August 2024 23: 08
    What are we? -Are we dying out? -The author and Peskov are more likely to die out - I don’t give a damn
    1. 0
      7 August 2024 02: 04
      The author did not report, but Peskov has 5 children.
      Are you okay, sir?
      I'm not talking about what's below... But about the head. hi
      Although I also feel deep and even deeper about people like you... ..
  44. 0
    8 August 2024 04: 24
    Enter parental salary. For example, 2 children – 70% of the national average, 3 – 100%, etc.
    - genius! I immediately thought - the alternative historian Samsonov wrote. And if the children die - 0% salary. And sell the apartment - 1 child - one room, 2 - two rooms, etc. The economy will explode, followed by the birth rate! Oh and...Rrr Russian thinker!
  45. 0
    8 August 2024 17: 15
    Only communism will save us from extinction.
  46. 0
    8 August 2024 17: 27
    It is necessary to change social policy in Russia 180 degrees, and this means a transition from capitalism to socialism, where the main thing in the country will be a working person with a large family, and not a thief-official and a thief-oligarch whose families and capital are abroad of the Russian Federation.
  47. 0
    9 August 2024 03: 39
    I love listening to the Great Litany. “Let us pray to the Lord in peace..” Previously, people lived in communities. And there it was forbidden to fornicate, beat wives, drink or take drugs. Well, what kind of birth rate can there be in the concrete jungle, when you have to save two or three lives for a hut? Development according to the Western model has naturally reached a dead end.
  48. 0
    9 August 2024 10: 04
    There is no way to save Russians from extinction. We passed the point of no return when the Self-Knowing One was elected president. Now it's a matter of time. The Tajiks will slaughter the rest
    1. 0
      10 August 2024 22: 31
      Elected President of the Self-Knowing
      How does it affect women's fertility?
      The Tajiks will slaughter the rest
      If the Chinese don’t move them to live with you sooner.
  49. 0
    9 August 2024 17: 48
    In general, all attempts of the current system to increase the birth rate are doomed. They correctly said that the whole problem is due to the fact that the population of the Russian Federation is almost exclusively urban. In such conditions, it is not at all necessary to produce more helpers in the family, and accordingly, the number of families has become less numerous. This was already noticeable during the Soviets, especially during the “developed sisialism.” So, INEVITABLY, demographics are going downhill, as in other countries. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s under capitalism or sisialism) The pathetic attempts of the old people to indulge in memories on the ruins of how good it was in the SS are akin to clownery, especially if you remember how the peasants were spread rot in their time and they really don’t like to remember about this. It is no longer possible to revive those times, literally at all. So, accept the fact that more and more people will come from villages, kishlaks and auls. Previously, you should have scratched yourself, and not shouted: “Odobryams!” at party gatherings.
  50. 0
    10 August 2024 05: 00
    Something doesn't fit:
    What do you mean geographically under the word parental salary? With 2 children, +70% of the average salary in the country, or even 70% of the average in the country?
    With each answer there are other questions. Who will pay this additional salary, the company or the state, where will they get so much money from if now they have nothing for anything. And why would they sell 3 and 4 children if their salary has already been increased by 70%!
    If you just pay 70% of the average, then what does it change? People generally receive no more than 70% of the stated average salary in the country!
    Yes, and with apartments there was also a personal emergency, i.e. You give birth first and then receive it, but it is not yours and they will take it away when they want.
    And also the fact that we have enough apartments... This is not true!
    Look at the statistics of the available apartments: 70-80% of all built in 10 years are ONE-ROOM and STUDIOS where you can only retire to the toilet, and the cardan standard in most apartments is terribly small.
    And for a family with 4 children, you need a MINIMUM of 3 ROOMS, and PREFERABLY 4 comments, and according to current standards, 18 meters per person in a family of 3 people is required. It turns out that we need apartments of 108 meters!

    It takes time to give birth to 4 children, and that after the birth of the next child the state will change apartments for them, and the family will, like gypsies, constantly change their place of residence for 10 years?
  51. 0
    10 August 2024 22: 28
    So, how are you going to reproduce in a human farm with a mortgage?
    Industrialization has displaced humans.
  52. 0
    23 August 2024 18: 20
    I took it from Google - the average Russian family should spend 25 thousand rubles per month on one child. In total, on average in Russia, annual “children’s” expenses will amount to 300 thousand rubles, and in general over 18 years - 5,4 million rubles... If you have two children, like me, who still supported a non-working property, a loan for an apartment, you understand that a comfortable old age is not for me. Children are expensive, very expensive.