Back in action. M-46 guns in Special Operations

Back in action. M-46 guns in Special Operations
M-46 gun of the Russian army in position

As part of the current Special Operation, Russian artillery units use all types of available weapons. In addition, M-46 guns, previously withdrawn to the reserve, have recently begun to be returned to service. Despite their age, such guns have fairly high tactical and technical characteristics and are capable of effectively complementing modern weapons.

Return to service

In the spring of this year, the first reports appeared that the M-46 guns would again be used in the army. At first, unofficial sources wrote about this, and then the information was confirmed in materials from the Ministry of Defense. Also, to date, the department has published several reports on the work of M-46 crews.

As we now know, in the recent past the Ministry of Defense decided to replenish the active fleet of artillery weapons with old guns. M-46 products are removed from storage, undergo restoration and repair, and then are sent to the army. The volume and pace of such work are still unknown.

According to unofficial reports, the M-46 guns use foreign-made ammunition. Photos of shells and cartridges with markings in foreign languages ​​were published online. This fact is associated with the peculiarities of the army supply system.

According to known data, M-46 guns have already been supplied to a number of units of the ground forces. Some of these guns with crews work as part of the “North” group of troops—they were the ones shown by the Ministry of Defense in its reports. Obviously, these guns are also available in other directions.

130 mm shot casings

Towed M-46 guns are used as long-range fire weapons and complement the existing howitzer artillery. With their help, troops attack and hit a wide range of fixed targets, such as enemy locations, command posts, concentrations of manpower and equipment, etc.

M-46 guns are actively used in counter-battery warfare. In terms of firing range, they surpass some of the enemy’s artillery systems. Thanks to this, our guns control large areas and defeat enemy targets that appear there.

Like other guns, the M-46 works in conjunction with modern reconnaissance and target designation systems. Data about the enemy comes from reconnaissance UAVs, counter-battery radars and other sources.

The M-46 and other towed guns operate exclusively from camouflaged firing positions. Such artillery is usually placed on the edge of forest plantations under the cover of trees and is equipped with additional camouflage. Active means of countering enemy reconnaissance, such as anti-drone systems, are also used.

If the enemy managed to identify the position and open fire, the crew is ready at any moment to move the gun to the stowed position and leave the position. This procedure only takes a few minutes.

During loading

In an interview with the Ministry of Defense, the crews of the M-46 guns speak well of their equipment and the results of its use. Despite their considerable age, such tools are quite capable of solving the entire range of assigned tasks. In some situations, the M-46 is as good as newer systems.

The enemy's guns

It should be noted that Ukrainian formations also have M-46 guns. However, in their case there is a very specific situation that imposes serious restrictions.

According to known data, before the start of the Russian Special Operation there were no M-46 guns in Ukraine. In August 2022, Croatia shipped 15 such guns and an unknown number of shells as military assistance. Subsequently, these systems repeatedly appeared in different sectors of the front.

15 guns from Croatia did not have a serious impact on the state of Ukrainian artillery. At the same time, they put an additional burden on logistics due to the need to introduce a new caliber. All this led to a clear result. The guns did not live up to expectations, and several units were destroyed by the Russian army.

In general, Ukraine cannot boast of positive experience in the use of M-46 guns. It is hampered by the small number of guns received, supply difficulties, the superiority of the Russian army and other factors. It is obvious that the remaining “Croatian” guns will also be destroyed in the foreseeable future and will not affect the course of the battles in any way.

Long story

The 130-mm M-46 cannon was developed in the second half of the forties by the design bureau of plant No. 172 (now Motovilikha Plants, Perm). It was intended for corps artillery of the ground forces and was supposed to replace the 122-mm A-19 mod. 1931/37

In 1951, Plant No. 172 began mass production of the new gun, and soon it officially entered service. Soviet industry produced M-46 products at least until the early seventies. During this time, several thousand guns were manufactured.

In the late fifties, the license and documentation for the M-46 were transferred to the friendly PRC. The gun entered service with the PLA under the designation "Type 59". Chinese enterprises built several thousand guns.

The main recipient of M-46 guns was the Soviet army. They were also exported to ATS and Third World countries. A number of foreign operators used their guns in combat.

At the time of its appearance, the M-46 was the longest-range domestic weapon that did not belong to the class of high and special power. This factor determined its service life. Guns of this type remained in units at least until the nineties. Then they were removed from service, mothballed and sent for storage.

Since that time, large stocks of 130-mm separate-case-loading rounds have remained available. They were no longer replenished, and ammunition with expired shelf life was disposed of. According to available data, in the tenth years the reserves were practically exhausted.

The moment before the shot

This is what now explains the appearance of foreign shells at the front. Iran and North Korea still maintain the production of 130-mm rounds and, apparently, helped the Russian army with their supplies.

Technical potential

M-46 arr. 1951 - a towed gun of a traditional appearance. During its development in the late forties, advanced ideas and solutions were used, which made it possible to obtain maximum tactical and technical characteristics.

The gun has a rifled barrel of 130 mm caliber and a length of 55 klb. The barrel is equipped with a muzzle brake with several rows of holes. A horizontal semi-automatic wedge valve is used. The barrel is mounted on hydraulic recoil devices.

The M-46 carriage has a traditional design with two sliding frames and a sprung wheel travel. The design of the carriage provides horizontal guidance within 25° to the right and left of the longitudinal axis. Vertical guidance – from -2,5° to +45°. There are sights for direct fire and from closed positions.

A wide range of 46-mm separate-loading rounds was developed for the M-130. It included shells of different types - several high-explosive fragmentation, armor-piercing, illuminating, etc. Guided ammunition was also created, but it did not reach series production. Foreign countries also have their own developments in the field of 130-mm shells.

Depending on the type of shot, the initial velocity of the projectile reaches 930 m/s. The maximum firing range of 33,4 kg high-explosive fragmentation ammunition is 27,5 km. Active-missile projectiles with a range of 35-37 km have been developed abroad.

The combat potential of the M-46 cannon is largely determined by its firing range. In this parameter, the 130 mm gun is superior to a number of modern systems of different calibers, up to 152/155 mm. The smaller mass of the projectile fades into the background.


The M-130 46 mm towed guns are used by both sides of the conflict and demonstrate some important principles and trends. For example, the guns of the Russian army showed that with proper organization of combat use, even old artillery can be effective.

At the same time, the great age of the guns leads to the need for their restoration and repair. It is also associated with problems with the supply of ammunition. The 130mm rounds had long been discontinued and their supplies were dwindling.

Ukrainian artillery does not show positive experience in using similar weapons. This is due to the small number of available M-46s, limited supplies of ammunition, etc. However, Ukraine’s failures are an exclusively positive factor that helps our army achieve its goals.
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  1. +3
    1 August 2024 04: 19
    M-46 arr. 1951 - a towed gun of a traditional appearance.
    The saying about the old horse only fits here.... winked
    1. +10
      1 August 2024 05: 14
      The saying about the old horse only fits here...

      No, it doesn't fit...
      1. +32
        1 August 2024 09: 24
        That is, a weapon created 70 years ago, in the USSR, which could only make galoshes, under the bloodthirsty tyrant Stalin is at the level of modern weapons of the Russian Federation?
        And what weapons were made and delivered to the troops over 25 years in the advanced Russian Federation under the leadership of the greatest geostrategist of our time and his effective managers? Judging by the fact that Shoigu’s gang alone stole 11 trillion rubles from the Moscow Region, there was money for this.
        1. +10
          1 August 2024 16: 49
          Quote: ramzay21
          That is, a weapon created 70 years ago, in the USSR, which could only make galoshes

          "Galoshes" is about consumer goods for our own people.
          And for the enemies of the USSR there were other goods that it produced The defense industry is cool, strong, and we are still proud of it. We are grateful to our grandfathers and our fathers for creating such a defense industry after the Great Patriotic War. © from the part of GDP’s speech cut off by the “patriots”.

          And as for “at the level” - every sandpiper praises its swamp. You can’t write that a 70-year-old system can only be used in those sectors of the front where the enemy does not have counter-battery weapons. And that the gun’s firing range is inferior to 155 mm/52 systems.
          1. +7
            1 August 2024 21: 19
            I’m wondering which option is better, the modern one (ZU-23-2 in the back of a truck) or these two old ones, decommissioned: (ZSU 57-2 and ZSU-37-2 “Yenisei”)
            1. +2
              2 August 2024 10: 24
              Quote: Bad_gr
              I’m wondering which option is better, the modern one (ZU-23-2 in the back of a truck) or these two old ones, decommissioned: (ZSU 57-2 and ZSU-37-2 “Yenisei”)

              ZSU-37-2 not decommissioned. They didn’t even accept it for service - they chose the ZSU-23-4.
              But the ZSU-57-2 needs to either raise the rate of fire, or install a normal fire control system + shells with a programmable fuse.
              1. 0
                2 August 2024 22: 54
                I think they would justify themselves even when working only on the ground, as the ZU-23-2 is often used. The crew is covered with armor on the sides, which is not unimportant.
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. +13
            2 August 2024 07: 02
            "Galoshes" is about consumer goods for our own people.

            from the part of GDP’s speech cut off by the “patriots”.

            Oh no, he’s a nice man, he said a lot of things there, and about galoshes, he was just talking about the USSR as a whole.
            As for the “patriot”, of course, as a true patriot, you certainly support the fact that under him Russia stopped producing even nails and galoshes.

            And as for “at the level” - every sandpiper praises its swamp. You can’t write that a 70-year-old system can only be used on those sectors of the front where the enemy does not have counter-battery weapons.

            The only reason for the appearance of antiques at the front is that, due to betrayal and sabotage by the top leadership of the country and the army, modern long-range artillery and precision-guided ammunition systems, as well as various reconnaissance equipment, were not developed and supplied to the troops.
            In addition, the crews were preparing for demonstration shooting from stationary positions and other window dressing instead of preparing for the realities of modern war, for rapid deployment, delivering an accurate strike on reconnoitered targets and quickly leaving positions.
            As a result, unjustified significant losses in people and equipment were suffered, and it is precisely the losses of more modern late Soviet artillery systems that are made up for by antiques.
            1. +3
              2 August 2024 10: 35
              Quote: ramzay21
              Oh no, he’s a nice man, he said a lot of things there, and about galoshes, he was just talking about the USSR as a whole.

              Nope. Galoshes are just consumer goods. You just need to listen to the whole performance, and not cut out convenient pieces.
              Yes, my dears, yes. There is no need to debate. The fact is that what we produced (and Yes, my dears, yes. There is no need to discuss. The fact is that what we produced (and there is no need to wave our hands) was not needed by anyone, because our galoshes no one bought it except the Africans, who had to walk on hot sand. That’s what it’s all about.
              We had a defense industry - cool, strong, and we are still proud of her. We are grateful to our grandfathers and our fathers for creating such a defense industry after the Great Patriotic War.
              From the audience: ... And the first satellite.
              Vladimir Putin: Both the first satellite and the first man in space are our common pride, these are the achievements of Soviet power, of which we are all proud. These are national achievements.
              But consumer goods... Zhirinovsky has already said this. Where were they? There weren't any. Let's not lie to each other and the people. The people know what happened and what didn’t happen.

              With figurative quotation you can turn Stalin into a bourgeois.
              Quote: ramzay21
              The only reason for the appearance of antiques at the front is that, due to betrayal and sabotage by the top leadership of the country and the army, modern long-range artillery and precision-guided ammunition systems, as well as various reconnaissance equipment, were not developed and supplied to the troops.

              The ambush is that they were developed just like that. The glitch happened at the testing and series stage.
              And yes, I still remember how the “patriots” laughed at the stupid bourgeoisie who throw UAB and URO at every target, and puffed themselves up with “Hephaestus-24”, which, without any of these expensive bourgeois gadgets, allows you to lay cast iron with hellish precision. Like, Why do we need UAB when Hephaestus can do the same?
              1. +6
                2 August 2024 14: 07
                Quote: Alexey RA
                Nope. Galoshes are just consumer goods. You just need to listen to the whole performance, and not cut out convenient pieces.

                He exaggerated this too. Although, of course, Soviet industry in this regard lagged very far behind capitalist industry, but as for galoshes, it’s like the Russia that we lost in 1917, and he found in 1991.
                1. +2
                  2 August 2024 16: 47
                  Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                  He exaggerated this too. Although, of course, Soviet industry in this regard lagged very far behind capitalist industry, but as for galoshes, it’s like the Russia that we lost in 1917, and he found in 1991.

                  I exaggerated it, of course... but in general, with consumer goods, that’s how it was. A product produced from military acceptance rejects, and which the buyer must modify himself, is not a product, but a designer item. And if the product is released at the end of the year... smile
                  We dress in self-made and self-knitted clothes, shoes are like torture pads (the Skorokhod factory was especially distinguished), electronics from the store are brought to perfection either by the owner or by an acquaintance. And that's if you were able to buy it at all - it was easier for my father to build the amplifier himself than to get one. The car is repaired by the owner himself, and spare parts for it are brought from all over the country - wherever he could get them. Plus a constant hunt for imports - Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, East Germany.
                  And this is in a city of a special supply category.

                  Oh yes, when instead of the term “buy” “get” is used everywhere, and the goods in the store are “thrown away” for sale - this is already an indicator.
                  1. +1
                    3 August 2024 14: 19
                    Well, you are also somewhat “exaggerating” .... In consumer goods, the so-called “fashion” plays a big role .... Many products that were then turned up their noses and were chasing imports, as it turned out, looking from today, were very up to date (shoes, clothes ) and are significantly superior in quality to modern “imported” Chinese consumer goods, but
          4. 0
            3 August 2024 14: 24
            Quote: Alexey RA
            And that the gun’s firing range is inferior to 155 mm/52 systems.

            Here you could play some magic with ammunition...
            1. 0
              5 August 2024 10: 21
              Quote: mat-vey
              Here you could play some magic with ammunition...

              For several dozen trunks?
              First of all, they will work on power supplies for 2A64 and 2A65. And for the M-46 - according to the residual principle.
        2. +3
          2 August 2024 15: 34

          Is it at the level of modern Russian weapons?

          Which one is this? Modernized Soviet self-propelled guns, where a ballistic computer was added? Or towed Soviet howitzers perched on a truck? Or are you talking about near-mythical coalitions that were built in ceremonial numbers?
        3. +2
          2 August 2024 19: 41
          That is, a weapon created 70 years ago, in the USSR, which could only make galoshes, under the bloodthirsty tyrant Stalin is at the level of modern weapons of the Russian Federation?
          - “Ostap got carried away” laughing
        4. +1
          5 August 2024 12: 20
          How have the guns produced 40-50 years ago changed from the modern ones?! Not really. But what makes a gun modern? The presence of modern targeting systems and modern ammunition. In this regard, even a gun from the time of "King Pea" can be made modern. Modernization and refinement in step with the times and you have modern weapons that allow you to solve the tasks on the battlefield.
          1. +3
            5 August 2024 12: 35
            How have the guns produced 40-50 years ago changed from those of today?! Not really.

            They haven't changed at all for us. And in normal armies from the USA to the DPRK, they were well aware that in artillery the main thing was to obtain intelligence information - quietly move the gun into position - strike - quickly leave the position. Moreover, the count for quickly leaving a position is in seconds! And from this it follows that artillery should be as long-range as possible, with a maximum rate of fire and as mobile as possible, and preferably self-propelled guns on a wheeled chassis.
            And the old guns are reliable, but heavy and their deployment and collapse takes too much time, which is generously paid for in the lives of our guys and the loss of equipment.
            Are you aware that in 2022 most of our losses were from enemy artillery? Do you understand that in a normal army with adequate counter-battery warfare this is impossible?
            1. 0
              6 August 2024 14: 57
              You are mainly talking about operational tactical support, and I mean the design. Much of what you said is decided both in production and by the forces of the trench design bureau. And you know that we entered the SVO unprepared. Until the very end, we expected to resolve the situation peacefully, hence the heap of mistakes and strategic miscalculations
              1. 0
                7 August 2024 07: 19
                I’m talking about facts, and they are such that no one has been and is not working on the combat effectiveness of our army for 35 years.
                Only a headless horseman or a traitor can hope to resolve a serious issue peacefully with a strong opponent without having an advantage in strength. If you want peace, prepare for war, that’s exactly what everyone who’s friends said.
    2. +6
      1 August 2024 17: 28
      Wait, they'll pull out another S-23 soon. Or maybe the entire triplex.
      1. +1
        2 August 2024 10: 35
        Quote: Oden280
        Wait, they'll pull out another S-23 soon.

        Will Bashar share? wink
        1. +1
          3 August 2024 18: 27
          They are on NZ. Repair and forward
    3. +1
      5 August 2024 18: 58
      Only "Made in USSR" is suitable here.
  2. +30
    1 August 2024 04: 23
    Weight, kg about 7700 (8450 on the march)

    M-46 guns are actively used in counter-battery warfare.
    Out of despair. request
    If the enemy managed to identify the position and open fire, the crew is ready at any moment to move the gun to the stowed position and leave the position. For this procedure it only takes a few minutes.
    foolHeavy nonsense. "Everything is fine, beautiful marquise!"
    1. +17
      1 August 2024 08: 27
      Despite their age, such guns have fairly high tactical and technical characteristics and can effectively complement modern weapons.
      - this is "with us"
      And this:
      Ukrainian artillery does not show positive experience in using similar weapons.
      - among the Ukrainians.
      As they say: “feel the difference.”
      1. +14
        1 August 2024 09: 46
        As they say: “Feel the difference. So who is the author? He has passages like this in every article laughing
    2. +1
      1 August 2024 20: 39
      If the enemy managed to identify the position and open fire, the crew is ready at any moment to move the gun to the stowed position and leave the position. This procedure only takes a few minutes.
      fool Heavy nonsense. "Everything is fine, beautiful marquise!"

      Yes. It is a bit heavy for a counter-battery.

  3. +37
    1 August 2024 04: 56
    Guns from the time of Comrade Stalin, shells from the DPRK. It would be funny if it weren't so scary.
    It looks like Russia will emerge from the "SVO" completely "demilitarized"
    1. fiv
      1 August 2024 08: 07
      The Motovilikha plant has been bankrupt since 2018, and assets worth billions of rubles have been transferred from the enterprise. What is the development of artillery? Rubles (or dollars) are the main goal of today's managers and owners, and guns and other things are secondary.
    2. -16
      1 August 2024 08: 27
      It looks like Russia will emerge from the "SVO" completely "demilitarized"

      What a powerful analysis. Tell me, do Roosevelt’s planes (B-52) not bother you? Are they also “funny and scary”? What about Trotsky's machine guns?
      1. +21
        1 August 2024 09: 41
        Tell me, do Roosevelt’s planes (B-52) not bother you?

        From the time of Roosevelt they only have monuments, if anything lol
        And the B-52 took off under Truman, and that’s all they have left from those times.
        And from the time of Stalin, we still have the Tu-95 and the Kalashnikov assault rifle, PM and Stechkin pistols, as well as T-54 tanks, and apparently a bunch of various artillery. Want to laugh about it?
        1. -9
          1 August 2024 13: 27
          The B-52 flew under Truman, and that's all they have left from that time.
          And from the time of Stalin we still have a Tu-95 and a Kalashnikov assault rifle,
          fool Truman is Stalin's time, if anything... Tu-95 Years of production 1955 - 1992 is no longer Stalin. request
          1. +6
            1 August 2024 13: 51
            Truman is the time of Stalin, if anything...

            So you already realized that the B-52 did not fly under Roosevelt? lol
            Tell me, do Roosevelt’s planes (B-52) not bother you?

            We just tried to change our shoes lol
            if anything...Tu-95 Years of production 1955 - 1992 is no longer Stalin.

            If the Tu-95 took off under Stalin in 1952 at about the same time as the B-29, which in your reality became the plane of Roosevelt, who died in 1945 lol
            You can also attach Gorbachev and Yeltsin to the Tu-95, it was also produced with them lol
        2. +4
          1 August 2024 16: 51
          Quote: ramzay21
          And we still have Tu-95s from the time of Stalin

          I’ll bore you: if they didn’t stay, they were all written off.
          The Tu-95MS has a very indirect relationship to the T-95 line. Because “in its maidenhood” it was called Tu-142MS.
          1. +6
            1 August 2024 19: 34
            I’ll bore you: if they didn’t stay, they were all written off.

            Well, I'll be boring. Those B-52A and B-52B that were produced in the 50s and 60s are also gone; they were written off in the 60s. There are no B-52S and B-52E built later either; they were written off in the late 60s and early 70s. B-52F and B-52G were also written off. Only B-52N remained. And they are also very different from the B-52B of the initial series.
            The Tu-95MS has a very indirect relationship to the T-95 line.

            What was the name of the Tu-142 when you were a girl?
            The Tu-95 differs from the Tu-95MS in much the same way as the B-52B differs from the B-52N. But in both cases, this is another modernization. Somewhere they changed the engine, changed the wing configuration, changed the avionics, but it’s still the same Tu-95. And the Tu-142 is a modernization of the Tu-95. The B-52 also had an anti-submarine version, but they didn’t add new numbers to it.
            1. +3
              1 August 2024 20: 28
              The difference is that the youngest B-52N is 60 years old, and the oldest Tu-95ms is 40. Moreover, in terms of its performance characteristics, the B-52H will probably be better than the Tu-95ms. But this is a lyric, an article not about bombers, but about guns. The M-46 was good in its day, I don’t know how it will be after our storage bases, and most importantly, it’s very heavy. It would be on a self-propelled chassis....
            2. +1
              2 August 2024 10: 44
              Quote: ramzay21
              Well, I'll be boring. Those B-52A and B-52B that were produced in the 50s and 60s are also gone; they were written off in the 60s.

              The fact of the matter is that the B-52H flying now are the same B-52H that were built from 1961 to 1963. The last “supplier” was released 18 years before the start of serial production of the Tu-95MS.
              Quote: ramzay21
              What was the name of the Tu-142 when you were a girl?

              Tu-95RTs. wink
        3. +3
          1 August 2024 21: 52
          .And the B-52 took off under Truman, and that’s all they have left from those times.

          I don’t argue about Truman, but ’51 and ’52 are a significant difference))) By the way, it was apparently designed earlier
          Since Roosevelt's time, all they have left are monuments, if that matters.

          Since '33 Browning M2, M-113 since '60, M-109 since '62. Wonderful monuments, still in service. "If needed"
          1. -1
            2 August 2024 07: 54
            I don’t argue about Truman, but ’51 and ’52 are a significant difference)))

            Roosevelt actually died in 1945, but that’s okay! Just think, only 7 years difference!
            Since '33 Browning M2

            And we have had DShK since 1938! And in the Black Sea Fleet there is a ship in service built under the Tsar!
            M-113 since 60, M-109 since 62. Wonderful monuments, still in service. "If needed"

            So it’s not just that it’s not Roosevelt, it’s not even Truman at all. And since the 60s, not only half of our armored vehicles and artillery, but we have tank tube radios developed in the 60s on modern tanks! Don't want to laugh?
            1. +2
              2 August 2024 08: 49
              Roosevelt actually died in 1945, but that’s okay! Just think, only 7 years difference!

              Are we talking about Roosevelt? I thought we were talking about the M-46 howitzer and the B-52 bomber? The difference is a year.
              .And we have had DShK since 1938! And in the Black Sea Fleet there is a ship in service built under the Tsar!

              And don't distort things. You claimed the following: "Since Roosevelt's time, all they have left are monuments, if anything lol". So what's up with Browning? And by the way, why did you assume that the conversation is only about Americans? In the first post I mentioned "Trotsky's machine guns" (Maxim)
              .. And since the 60s we have not only armored vehicles and artillery

              Well, the enemy has the same 60s. Leopard-1 '65, M-109, M-113 already mentioned.
              . We have tube tank radios developed in the 60s that are installed on modern tanks! Don't want to laugh?

              On the old ones, maybe. On the new ones, I doubt it. Even if they are tube ones. If the connection is provided, what does it matter?
    3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +17
    1 August 2024 06: 17
    This only says one thing: our artillery situation is already quite deplorable. No matter how the author tries to present this event in rosy tones. What next, empty storage bases or purchases abroad, who will sell what? They pre-reformed the economy, period. And they are also talking about some kind of long-term confrontation, in which we will “outplay them easily.”
    1. D16
      1 August 2024 08: 12
      This only says one thing: our artillery situation is already quite deplorable.

      This suggests that in war there is never too much artillery. Especially long-range. With good air defense and anti-tank missiles, these guns can operate in relative safety.
      1. +12
        1 August 2024 11: 15
        This suggests that in war there is never too much artillery.

        This speaks of treason and sabotage in our leadership, as a result of which we DO NOT have modern systems capable of conducting counter-battery warfare, there are no high-precision ammunition in adequate quantities, and no one has prepared artillery crews for the realities of a modern war with a strong enemy.
        By the way, we also don’t have RTR, like air and space reconnaissance, all because of the same sabotage and betrayal on the part of the top leadership.

        And the incoming antiques are replacing more modern systems that the enemy knocked out through counter-battery warfare and the successful use of UAVs.
        If we had modern long-range systems on a wheeled chassis in sufficient quantities with trained crews, plus modern RTR, aerial reconnaissance, space reconnaissance and space communications and, of course, professional and well-equipped UAV and electronic warfare units, we would not have to drag antiques to the front and The enemy would have run out of artillery long ago, many thousands of ours would have been alive, and the front line would have been in a completely different place.
        1. D16
          1 August 2024 15: 55
          This speaks of treason and sabotage in our leadership,

          It's your cockroaches talking to you. If they start calling for the transformation of the imperialist war into a civil war, go to Lostarmor and watch videos with examples of counter-battery warfare. Maybe it will feel better.
          There are NO modern systems capable of counter-battery warfare

          There are no systems, but there is genocide by Ukrainian artillery. It looks like an unsystematic genocide and not modern. Not good. laughing
          1. +4
            2 August 2024 16: 30
            There are no systems, but there is genocide by Ukrainian artillery

            Well, I don’t know, it’s more like genocide of OUR artillery,
            Which DOES NOT have long-range Weapons like Caesar and Archer.
            The Coalition could solve this problem, but it doesn’t fellow .
            Our much-hyped Malva hits at 24 km, and Bogdan’s dill “trash” at 42 km (This is with ordinary shells, active-reactive ones maybe at 60.)
            This is just me as an example.
            1. D16
              3 August 2024 08: 19
              NO long-range Caesar and Archer type guns.

              Twenty-five again. Anti-cannon guns, anti-tank tanks... laughing
              The winner is not the one who shoots further, but the one who knows WHERE to shoot, shoots longer and has a sufficient range of weapons (artillery, kamikaze drones, MLRS, tactical missile systems).
              Record-breaking range comes at a high cost in terms of gun reliability and lifespan. Ukrainians have seen this from their own experience.
              In general, it’s good for those who have army air defense and woe to those who have run out of it. And no single mega-guns will ever change the situation. The same covered air defense Malva will dump on the fortification. the enemy area with 20 km is much more OFS and more accurate than Bogdan with 38 km. The closer she gets to the LBS, the greater the chance of getting into Orlan’s lens. And such goals are a priority.
              Here's one from the last one.
              1. 0
                3 August 2024 10: 21
                The winner is not the one who shoots further, but the one who knows WHERE to shoot

                Do we have satellites to know where to shoot?
                Or maybe we have more drones than the enemy?

                And so it turns out that we can’t and don’t know belay
                1. D16
                  3 August 2024 16: 58
                  Our drones live broadcast the arrivals of Iskanders throughout the entire territory, where they reach by range. And as far as the range of their cannon artillery goes, there are no problems at all. Therefore, I am forced to repeat to you the obvious. The winner is the one who ensures clear skies from enemy reconnaissance. Satellites are still a strategic thing. UAVs hang and correct and illuminate here and now.
  5. +2
    1 August 2024 06: 20
    In 1951, Plant No. 172 began mass production of the new gun, and soon it officially entered service. Soviet industry produced M-46 products at least until the early seventies. During this time, several thousand guns were manufactured. In the late fifties, the license and documentation for the M-46 were transferred to the friendly PRC. The gun entered service with the PLA under the designation "Type 59". Chinese enterprises built several thousand guns

    For information. There is no exact data on the production of M-46 guns. Western sources claim that as of 2016, there were 650 guns of this type in storage in the Russian Armed Forces. Well, the well-known SIPRI reports that the USSR and Russia exported more than 4700 guns, incl. and from our army. This number does not include the numerous Chinese Type-59 clones.
  6. -1
    1 August 2024 06: 22
    It’s strange that the M-46 has 130mm, a range of 27 km, and the coastal artillery complex “Bereg” has 130mm, but a range of 22 km.
    In principle, the shells should fit, although the M-46 has separate loading, but the Bereg has no idea.
    Maybe you can fire shells from the Bereg M-46. soldier
    1. D16
      1 August 2024 08: 07
      Maybe you can fire shells from the Bereg M-46.

      It is forbidden. They use a unit from naval cannons..
  7. +19
    1 August 2024 06: 40
    M-46 guns, BTR-60, T-55, ...., Back in action! In Special Operations! Yeah...., let's eat it up. And how about:
    "- The Russian armed forces have the highest percentage of modern weapons and military equipment among the world's armies - almost 71%," Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, /July 14, 2021. /TASS/ !!!?
    1. +9
      1 August 2024 07: 46
      This is not for average minds. wink
      Shoigu’s mentioned attack referred to the PEACETIME army with which we came (about 100 thousand contract soldiers) to Ukraine, with a combat front of 2000 km.
      But we didn’t have wartime. They say that without starting a war, it is expensive and ineffective to maintain personnel divisions,
      they say, these days are high-tech times, not Borodino. Do you remember Perdyukov?
      But no one gave up there, maybe they wanted to, but the West didn’t give it.
      It turned out that you need not 100 thousand, but
      million, although technology, etc. For the “expanded” composition, samples of equipment from storage are used, which often show themselves well. If used correctly. You can easily use the latest weapons... or throw them away, as, unfortunately, happened.
      I hope it's "understood" now?
      1. +1
        2 August 2024 16: 14
        The aforementioned attack by Shoigu referred to the PEACETIME army with which we came (about 100 thousand contract soldiers) to Ukraine
        and in that army there was no adequate communications, reconnaissance and control, there were only one or two drones and there were no more hangars for the few aircraft actively under construction. And outdated beeches and S300 suddenly turned out to be deadly for our aviation
      2. ada
        3 August 2024 02: 57
        Quote: Alekseev
        ... It turned out that we needed not 100 thousand, but a million...

        I want to support you.
        Yes, a million, this is a numerical characteristic roughly corresponding to the emergency response of the first echelon of mobilization of the CHF PG and SS with short readiness periods for the complement of the active army in a given direction and only for the initial period of the first stage of a strategic operation (well, even within the framework of the SVO, this is justified by the current moment, according to at least). It was possible to obtain this kit back in the early 2000s when organizing conscription as part of partial mobilization, including hidden by legending planned collection events (relatively) and a number of others, but later - no longer.
        But a million, this is only for the start of the operation, and you also need approximately the same set - the second echelon for the mobilization period from among the SS and K military personnel with readiness periods within a month - three, as well as reserve troops from among units of remote areas of the districts for stabilizing the situation in the entire direction, developing success or stopping emerging threats in the initial period of the operation. Now, it would have been very difficult to obtain the second set of troops of the group in this way in the 2000s, but it is possible, it’s true - inevitably with the delay in the readiness of the units, of course.
        Well, and here, naturally, to equip the newly formed units and a number of spare weapons and provide other forces with weapons and military equipment, reserves of arms and military equipment would go, in addition to military ones in the units themselves, with equipment and equipment from the ECS, but also from the reserves of the center from arsenals and production, and, if necessary, from ROSRESERVA. But, this would have to be prepared in a time frame comparable to the present time and the same set of types and brands of weapons and military equipment. And it is obvious that obsolete samples of weapons and military equipment would also be used for the needs of the North Military District in the first place, and more recent stocks would remain in storage for explosive purposes.
    2. +18
      1 August 2024 09: 57

      This is just understandable. Another effective manager of the greatest geostrategist of our time supplied the reduced army with repaired equipment with a slight modernization and called it new, reported it loudly, all this was shown on TV, and the difference between the weapons that should have been and what he and his accomplices supplied amounted to 11 trillion rubles put it in your pocket. This is what all effective managers of the greatest geostrategy do!
      But then the SVO began and everything came out, and if it weren’t for the heroism of the Russian soldier, the remnants of Soviet civilization and not the heroic work of hundreds of thousands of people who began to replace the functions of those mediocrities appointed by the greatest geostratekh, then a series of Regroupings and Difficult decisions would have long ago led us to defeat.
      1. +3
        2 August 2024 16: 16
        But then the SVO began and everything came out
        and the military budget for theft has grown significantly, soldiers buy everything for themselves, or volunteers.
  8. +10
    1 August 2024 07: 29
    “For example, the guns of the Russian army have shown that with proper organization of combat use, even old artillery can be effective.” Then we wait for such guns to appear at the front. The main thing is to organize everything correctly.
    1. +5
      1 August 2024 09: 27
      Quote: papas-57
      The main thing is to organize everything correctly

      So, the main problem is not in the tools, but in the organization.

      We have seen many examples where, due to improper organization, completely modern weapons were ineptly lost. Actually, if there had not been an incorrect organization, there might not have been a need to use old weapons.
  9. +6
    1 August 2024 07: 41
    The quality of preparation for the SVO is becoming more and more obvious.
  10. +8
    1 August 2024 07: 55
    Active-missile projectiles with a range of 35-37 km have been developed abroad.
    1. Active-reactive projectiles with a range of 43-44 km have been developed abroad! (Iran, China)
    2. M-46 guns are designed for separate-case loading; but it is possible to use unitary rounds from naval artillery (there are "Syrian" photos where artillerymen "shove" unitary rounds into the breech of a 130-mm gun!)
    3. Due to their large weight, “abroad” 130-mm guns are often mounted on the chassis of powerful trucks, thereby producing self-propelled guns!
  11. +3
    1 August 2024 08: 18
    The combat potential of the M-46 cannon is largely determined by its firing range.

    The long firing range also determines the large dispersion. Which is ineffective for counter-battery warfare. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have the "Excalibur" supplied by the West for such purposes. We don't have any of those.
    Therefore, for such purposes we need to quickly establish more mobile and lightweight installations on six guides on the basis of long-range MLRS (220 mm, 300 mm). They will also have a much longer firing range. But they need missiles with GLONASS guidance. And such have already been developed and tested.
  12. 0
    1 August 2024 08: 56
    Quote: Monster_Fat
    Despite their age, such guns have fairly high tactical and technical characteristics and can effectively complement modern weapons.
    - this is "with us"
    And this:
    Ukrainian artillery does not show positive experience in using similar weapons.
    - among the Ukrainians.
    As they say: “feel the difference.”

    Why should we be surprised? The Ukrainians lubricate the shells with lard, that’s why their shells fly crookedly...
  13. Owl
    1 August 2024 09: 02
    At one time, with a tailwind and heated powder charges before firing, at the command of Soviet military specialists, these guns won the counter-battery fight against the Kuomintang coastal batteries that fired at mainland China during the civil war.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  14. +2
    1 August 2024 09: 12
    This weapon, like the Geatsint, is of naval origin, has a fairly large charge and, in connection with this, an increased firing range for such a caliber. and a caliber that is not standard for ground forces (which is why they were taken out for storage). Such a weapon surpasses 122 mm and 105 mm (of the enemy) in many respects. So there is no need to indiscriminately talk about the old age of the gun, inefficiency, etc. I believe that only people who use this weapon in combat can give it a correct assessment now.
    1. 0
      2 August 2024 14: 17
      And is the 152 mm system superior? Or is it still used because there are not enough 152 mm systems?
      1. 0
        2 August 2024 15: 36
        Dear Makar, each system occupies its own staffing “niche”. Back in the 80s, for example, they planned to remove the 122mm caliber from the divisions of motorized rifle (tank) regiments, replacing them with 152mm systems. However, it didn’t work out.
        And M46s were in higher-level units, not divisional, in my opinion even in the RVGK. And if M46s are used now, then it is justified by something. And this is neither good nor bad, it is a necessity. Of course, we would like something cooler and more modern, but it is not always possible. At the school we were told that M46 is a good system, but of a non-standard caliber. And if there are shells for it, then why not use it. Moreover, as far as I understand, more modern means are used for fire control than before. And officers now do not use the notches on the peak of their caps for the divisions of the protractor (if anything, this is such an ancient artillery joke wink ).
        1. +2
          2 August 2024 17: 02
          Dear Makar, each system occupies its own staffing “niche”.
          And what niche does the M-46 occupy in the modern weapon system of Russian artillery?
          And M46s were in units of higher subordination, not divisional, in my opinion, even in the RVGK.

          Korpusny. It replaced the 122-mm A-19 cannon in this role, giving way in turn to the 152-mm 2A36 cannon.
          And if they are using the M46 now, then this is justified by something

          And if there are shells for it, then why not use it.

          Naturally. If you fail the rearmament program, “suddenly” find out that 30 years of military development were carried out in a direction different from the real needs of the Northern Military District, fail to provide the troops with truly modern weapons and, by some miracle, do not have time to completely sell and dispose of the entire Soviet legacy, then yes - this is an excellent explanation!
        2. 0
          5 August 2024 10: 25
          Vladimir 290. No, not a joke. Evaluating deviations when shooting in this way is very quick and convenient. Save a few seconds. With large deviations, the discontinuity may not even fall into the field of view of the optical device. The next one can be measured more accurately.
          1. +1
            5 August 2024 16: 31
            I don't know. We don't have such visors anymore and we don't wear caps in the field. Maybe they really did that at one time, but in the Soviet Army it was a joke. In our artillery brigade they described fans of artillery fire (officers, of course) that way.
            1. 0
              6 August 2024 10: 35
              That's exactly what happened, they were joking. In peacetime, however. And in war... A small device can be attached to the helmet for quick assessment of large deviations in the first shooting bursts. Lifehack, so to speak wink After all, we see something similar among sports shooters; they close one of their eyes...
  15. Eug
    1 August 2024 10: 15
    In theory, there should be quite a few 130mm shells in the Navy...
    1. D16
      1 August 2024 16: 09
      The Navy uses toilets.
  16. +8
    1 August 2024 10: 49
    Low bow to the USSR for its galoshes.
    1. +7
      1 August 2024 10: 56
      True, I have a slight cognitive dissonance, if they have old Soviet weapons - ha ha, losers have nothing to fight with, but if we have - wow, the old horse does not spoil the furrow.
      1. +8
        1 August 2024 16: 55
        Quote from AdAstra
        True, I have a slight cognitive dissonance, if they have old Soviet weapons - ha ha, losers have nothing to fight with, but if we have - wow, the old horse does not spoil the furrow.

        This is the norm! ©
        Remember two articles in the Armament section: our X-35 is an anti-ship missile system at the level of the best world standards, and the Ukrainian "Neptune", which has the same ancestor, is a backward and unsuitable system.
      2. +1
        1 August 2024 18: 14
        Well, in general, it’s about the fact that 15 guns didn’t make a difference. And this has a slightly different meaning. Well, for the sake of objectivity.
  17. +1
    1 August 2024 11: 37
    On the topic of towed guns:
    installation of protective screens and remote sensing on them
    1. -1
      2 August 2024 16: 38
      It seems to me that with such a design it will still get damaged.
  18. +3
    2 August 2024 01: 17
    You can remember the classics “Only old men go into battle.” - M-46
    Where is the “youngster” “Coalition-SV”?
    The question is not an idle one, the resource of M-46 barrels is not endless - and a decision must be made - either start making replacement barrels for the M-46 or make new self-propelled guns with a caliber of 152mm, which must replace the M-46.
    1. -1
      2 August 2024 08: 52
      Regarding the M-46 specifically (and other guns taken from storage (the same D-20)) - their problem is not the barrels (there are so many guns in storage that the barrels will last for a long time), their problem IS THE LACK OF ACS ! Nobody is going to do anything for them!
    2. +1
      2 August 2024 09: 26
      The successor to the M46 is Giatsint-B. Worthy by the way. And there is a self-propelled option.
  19. -7
    2 August 2024 05: 01
    Quote: ramzay21
    That is, a weapon created 70 years ago, in the USSR, which could only make galoshes, under the bloodthirsty tyrant Stalin is at the level of modern weapons of the Russian Federation?

    Well then, let's discuss what was done under the kings then? For example, battleships? Or the mileage of Russian Railways under the Tsarist Empire compared to Stalin’s 5th? Moreover, we will measure 1 royal year and 1 five-year period. How do you like this challenge or challenge or whatever you want
    1. +2
      2 August 2024 09: 12
      Increase in the length of public railways:
      Year - km
      R P
      +1880 - 23 000
      +1900 - 51 000
      +1913 - 71 300
      +1917 - 73 800
      the USSR
      +1960 - 125 000
      and more + 102 km local roads (factories, mines, ports)
      (under the Russian Empire it was not considered necessary to build such routes and only a few factories had their own railways. The First World War showed how destructive this point of view was, when the shells simply could not be removed from the factories' warehouses in time, although they were there)

    2. +1
      2 August 2024 10: 55
      Quote: looker-on
      Well then, let's discuss what was done under the kings then? For example, battleships?

      Better artillery. Because there is accurate data on it as of June 22.06.1941, XNUMX.
      76-mm divisional guns: 8513 guns, of which 4475 are mod. 02/30 in 30 and 40 calibers.
      122-mm divisional howitzers: 8124 howitzers, of which 6561 are mod. 09/37 and arr. 10/30.
      Hull guns 107-122 mm: 2117 guns, of which 862 are 107 mm mod. 10/30.
      152 mm howitzers: 3817 howitzers, of which 2706 are mod. 10/37 and arr. 09/30.

      It’s better not to discuss battleships. At least four "Sev", whose entire contribution to the war was to train personnel for the future revolution. smile It would be better to spend the money on the army or the military industry.
  20. The comment was deleted.
  21. +1
    2 August 2024 07: 45
    This is very bad. This means the normal trunks are over. All that remains is to drag it from Korea.
    1. 0
      2 August 2024 09: 03
      "normal" - what are they, boy? announce the whole list!
      m-46, this is one of the peaks of development receiver artillery, in principle
      there was nothing better than what was done in the 40-50s of the 20th century
  22. 0
    2 August 2024 08: 14
    Continuation of the series of articles for the sake of a fee.
    Find 10 differences.
  23. 0
    2 August 2024 08: 30
    Instead of joking, the whole crowd should chip in and develop Baba Yaga. The military really asks for it. This is an analogue of such art systems.
    1. +1
      2 August 2024 09: 29
      Analogue? Comparing a scooter with a metro... wink
  24. +2
    2 August 2024 09: 01
    130mm towed gun of corps artillery
    another “galosh” produced in the USSR, according to one person
    We are still holding on to these “galoshes” only
  25. +1
    2 August 2024 09: 17
    I would like to read about the advantages of shooting at an enemy cursed with cannonballs and using flintlock rifles in assault operations.
    1. +2
      2 August 2024 10: 59
      Quote: Earl
      and the use of flintlock rifles in assault operations.

      Tromblons and boarding pistols are indispensable weapons in trench warfare. laughing
      1. +2
        2 August 2024 14: 29
        Quote: Alexey RA
        Tromblons and boarding pistols are indispensable weapons in trench warfare.

        And the Tsar Cannon can even fire nuclear shells. But it’s better to keep it in reserve for now, until we directly come together in the fight for all that is good with the spiritless NATO.
  26. 0
    2 August 2024 12: 24
    I wonder how things stand with ammunition - this caliber has not been used in the army for a very long time (not counting the Bereg complex, but there is not much of it). It can use naval shells - surely the sailors have plenty of 130-caliber ammunition in their warehouses?
    1. +1
      2 August 2024 22: 35
      Quote: Roman Efremov
      I wonder how things stand with ammunition - this caliber has not been used in the army for a very long time (not counting the Bereg complex, but there is not much of it). It can use naval shells - surely the sailors have plenty of 130-caliber ammunition in their warehouses?
      No, he can not.
      In the Navy (Navy) caliber 130mm - unitary shot (as a cartridge) - on land, 130mm caliber is separately loaded - shot (projectile) separately, propellant charge (case) separately.
      If I remember it right...
      This division came from the fact that in the Navy there was a “Main caliber” and an “auxiliary” (anti-mine - against destroyers). The main caliber had separate loading for different weights of gunpowder (for different firing distances), but the “mine-resistant” artillery fought against high-speed and small targets (destroyers) - the rate of fire was important there, which was ensured by the loading speed and the same weight of gunpowder (so as not to introduce different amendments).
      This has continued to this day - only the “Main Caliber” in the form of artillery left the fleet.
      1. -1
        3 August 2024 07: 57
        Now 130 mm main caliber. Isn’t it possible to “tear apart” unitary shots? The cartridge case is separate, the projectile is separate.
        1. 0
          3 August 2024 21: 00
          Quote: Roman Efremov
          Now 130 mm main caliber..
          Do you mean the Soviet installation? double-barreled AK-130, which is installed on Soviet-built ships (as an example TARK "Peter the Great" SF or drowned RK "Moscow" Black Sea Fleet...).
          For ships laid down or built in Russia, there is single-barrel 130mm AK-192, but how many of them are “in service”, for everyone else with a displacement of 500 tons exist 100mm AK-190 or AK-176MA for MRK...
          1. 0
            4 August 2024 06: 33
            I know. I meant that 130 mm is now the largest caliber in our fleet, not counting the museum cruiser with 180 mm artillery, which is laid up somewhere and seems to be still listed in the Navy.
            1. 0
              4 August 2024 19: 38
              Quote: Roman Efremov
              , not counting the museum cruiser with 180 mm artillery, which is laid up somewhere and seems to still be listed in the Navy.
              In the event that you mean cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" project 68 bis, which went into operation in 1955 - expelled from the Navy Russia in 1992 In 2001 it was transferred to Novorossiysk from Sevastopol to “eternal parking”, in 2002 it was opened as museum ship...
              So here he has main caliber 12x152,4 - 4 three-gun MK-5 turrets with 152,4mm caliber guns.
              Auxiliary artillery 12x100 - 6 twin 100mm universal guns SM-5-1S.
        2. 0
          3 August 2024 22: 14
          It is forbidden. In addition to the caliber, there are also other performance characteristics. For example, there was such a Br-2 cannon. Caliber 152,4. Seems standard. But it could only shoot with shells specially designed for it. Moreover, there were 2 modifications of the barrel and even between them the shells were not interchangeable.
          1. 0
            5 August 2024 10: 29
            We love you. We can. Let's practice. smile
            Moreover, this continued for long-range systems - remember the unique shots for “Genocide”.

            However, this also happened with conventional systems. Two howitzers immediately come to mind - M-10 and M-10T. One caliber. One ancestor. There are only one shells. But the charges are different. Moreover, to simplify supply, the field M-10 mechanized corps should have received “tank” charges.
            Or two Soviet 12,7 mm cartridges - a welted one and a non-weltted one. Thanks to comrades Shpitalny and Vladimirov.

            So the Germans with their zoo of shots were not the only ones.
  27. 0
    3 August 2024 17: 58
    Quote: Belisarius
    Guns from the time of Comrade Stalin, shells from the DPRK. It would be funny if it weren't so scary.
    It looks like Russia will emerge from the "SVO" completely "demilitarized"

    Do not wait.
    The M46 is a good gun, but it is a gun, not a gun. There is no point in opening a new production facility for a good but outdated gun; it is easier and faster to buy shells from the allies without diverting your production.
    Adherents, of course, can, as usual, say something like - Russia should do everything itself like the USSR and deprive itself of everything for the sake of the defense industry... But they miss one point - the whole West is fighting against us, which is buying up shells all over the world! But Russia, in their slow mind, for some reason should do everything exclusively on its own and not attract allies in any way
    Strange people.
  28. +1
    3 August 2024 22: 10
    Well, fluff with a firing range of up to 30 kilometers is very useful. And I don’t care what year it was made. And the North Korean comrades will indeed throw shells.
  29. 0
    4 August 2024 10: 55
    The Ministry of Defense has decided to replenish the active artillery fleet with old guns. M-46 products are removed from storage, undergo restoration and repair, and then are sent to the army.

    Where are the massive supplies to the troops of the SAO MALVA?
    What changed with Shoigu’s resignation, they released several samples for show and in the Northern Military District zone there was not a single artillery regiment equipped with Malva....
  30. Eug
    17 September 2024 15: 07
    Does this mean that Hyacinths is over?