Mortar complex 2S12 “Sani” in Special Operations

Mortar complex 2S12 “Sani” in Special Operations
Unloading a 2B11 mortar on wheels

The most important component of the Russian land forces troop is mortar artillery, which has weapons of a number of classes and types. One of the most common examples is the 2S12 "Sani" transportable / towed mortar complex based on the 120-mm mortar 2B11. Such weapons are actively used during the Special Operation and show what mortars are capable of with the correct organization of combat work.

Mortars in battles

Mortar units equipped with “Sleighs” have been participating in the Special Operation from its very beginning. Together with other units and formations, they carry out their tasks on the front line or in the immediate rear.

The tasks of mortar men are to fire at and destroy various targets. 2S12 complexes are used to destroy strongholds, enemy locations and concentrations, as well as other objects. The 2B11 mortar from the Sanya can hit targets at a maximum range of up to 7-9 kilometers, depending on the type of ammunition.

The Ministry of Defense and unofficial resources regularly report on various episodes of combat work by mortar gunners and their 2S12 systems. Photos and videos from firing positions, objective control footage and interviews with personnel are also published.

2S12 "Sleigh" and crew participating in the Special Operation

Regardless of the assigned tasks and the current situation, the combat operation of the 2S12 “Sani” mortar system during the Special Operation follows the same algorithm. The crew with the complex travels to a given position, where it quickly deploys. The mortar is lowered from the carrier vehicle to the ground and prepared for firing. It takes no more than one or two minutes to prepare to fire after stopping at a position.

To save time, the mortar can be left on the truck platform and fired directly from it. This leads to increased loads on the vehicle, but allows you to speed up the departure from the position after firing.

Through standard communication channels, the crew receives data about the target and begins firing. If necessary, data is received to adjust the fire. The mortar uses 120-mm mines of the required type - conventional high-explosive fragmentation or guided KM-8 "Gran".

Having solved the fire task, the crew dismantles the mortar and leaves the position. Due to the constant threat of a retaliatory strike, all procedures are carried out as quickly as possible. The mortar complex must leave the firing position before it is discovered and attacked by the enemy.

Due to its high mobility, "Sleigh" can work as a so-called. roaming mortar. This means that the complex moves between several positions and delivers a series of attacks on one or different targets.

The process of aiming a mortar

Ukrainian formations have sufficient air and counter-battery reconnaissance assets to detect our mortars and other weapons. This creates additional risks for our artillerymen and requires them to react quickly in combat conditions.

Fortunately, Russian mortar men have all the necessary skills and abilities. This allows them to complete assigned tasks quickly and efficiently. In addition, measures are being taken to camouflage positions and protect against attackers. drones. This reduces risks and increases the likelihood of successful work.

Like other artillery, 2S12 / 2B11 mortars work in conjunction with other weapons. Target data comes from various intelligence systems. The task of searching for objects to strike is mainly solved by unmanned aviation systems. UAVs are also responsible for adjusting fire and recording shooting results.

Supported by industry

During use, equipment and weapons inevitably wear out. 2S12 mortars, like other models, are regularly transferred from combat units for repair and modernization. The restoration and maintenance of mortar systems is carried out by enterprises of the military-industrial complex that are part of the Rostec state corporation.


In recent years, including before the start of the Special Operation, it was not only about repairing mortars. A planned modernization was carried out according to the modern 2S12A project. The updated complex receives a new tractor vehicle and a number of auxiliary equipment. At the end of the last decade, the Sleigh included the KM-8 Gran guided weapon system.

The mortar itself is also being modernized. In version 2B11A it is equipped with a new base plate, which allows the fire to be transferred to large angles. A number of other technical and technological changes are envisaged. The tactical and technical characteristics remained at the same level.

Defense industry enterprises regularly deliver new batches of repaired and modernized mortars to the ground forces. The next batch of systems was sent to the army just a few days ago. It is expected that in the coming months Rostec will ship a new batch of mortar systems. They will be sent to the combat zone and demonstrate the potential for modernization.

Technical aspects

The towed / transportable mortar system 2S12 "Sani" includes several main components with different functions. To simplify development, production and operation, mainly off-the-shelf products were used.

The mobility of the complex is ensured by a truck with a covered platform. In early versions of the “Sleigh” it was a GAZ-66 truck, but later they began to use the “Ural-4320” in two- and three-axle modifications. In recent years, some 2B11A mortars and other equipment have been placed on KamAZ vehicles.

Shooting from a carrier truck platform

The key component of the 2S12(A) complex is the 2B11(A) mortar. This is a 120 mm smoothbore gun with a traditional layout, loaded from the muzzle. The mortar barrel is mounted on a round base plate and is equipped with a biped with shock absorbers. The mass of the product in firing position is 210 kg.

The mortar is aimed using the MPM-44M sight. The drives provide vertical guidance in the sector from +45° to +80°. The original 2B11 had horizontal guidance within 4° to the right and left. In the 2B11A modification, a new base plate and hinge were introduced that provide circular guidance.

With a trained crew, the 2B11(A) mortar shows a rate of fire of up to 8-10 rounds/min. A standard 120 mm mine leaves the barrel at a speed of 325 m/s. Firing range - from 480 m to 7,1 km.

After a recent modernization, the 2B11A can use the KM-8 guided weapon system. It includes a high-explosive fragmentation mine with a semi-active laser homing head. It has a firing range of up to 9 km and is capable of hitting stationary and moving objects.

The mortar has a large mass, which is why it is equipped with a removable wheel drive. The frame with holders and wheels with a total weight of 115 kg allows the mortar to be towed behind a vehicle or moved by crew over short distances.

Target hit

The main method of transportation is loading onto a vehicle platform. A gangplank and a winch are used for lifting and lowering. Along with the mortar, ammunition caps are transported on the platform.

The combat crew of the 2S12 mortar system consists of five people. During the march, some of the fighters are in the cab of the truck, and the rest are riding on a platform with a mortar. The entire crew participates in the deployment and firing process.

Modern and relevant

The first version of the 2S12 “Sani” mortar system was created in the late seventies and entered service with the Soviet army in 1981. It still remains in service, and timely repairs and upgrades extend service life and operation.

Using the example of "Sleigh" you can see that the efficiency weapons does not always depend on his age. Regular updating and replacement of components, as well as the use of new auxiliaries, allow you to maximize the potential of the existing design.

During combat operations, the 2S12(A) complex demonstrated its effectiveness and ability to successfully carry out assigned tasks. This suggests that the Sleigh will remain in service. In the near future, these mortars and their crews will continue to participate in the Special Operation and help achieve common goals.
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  1. 26+
    31 July 2024 04: 23
    Author, you will certainly excuse me, but this article is more like propaganda material. (just in case, I served 2 years on the 2S12 SOB).
    The system is certainly good and has prospects, but I would not call it “high mobility”. All aiming, entering adjustments, loading, installing the fuse and much more is done manually. In modern combat operations there is a huge danger for calculations.
    It is based on a mortar manufactured in 1938.
    Along with these systems, self-propelled mobile (wheeled) systems should be developed, and with this we have “small” problems.
    1. +4
      31 July 2024 06: 14
      I largely agree. Talk about “high mobility” when towing and even more so when loading into the back..... fool
      self-propelled mobile (wheeled) systems should be developed,
      As far as I know, NATO members give preference to tracked systems.
      1. 10+
        31 July 2024 06: 25
        “It takes no more than one or two minutes to prepare to fire after stopping at a position.”
        The author is just a little off topic.
        There is one unloading of the mortar and installation at a position of 1,5 minutes, and ahead of the crew there is topographical reference, obtaining and processing pointing angles, unloading the ammunition rack (each box with mines weighs about 45 kg), installing the fuse and loading. If the topographic reference is from a KShM, then it can be done quickly in a couple of minutes, but if not, then the process will take longer.
        And one more thing - as far as I remember, the crew of the gun is not 5 (as in the article), but 6 people - the driver is a staff member of the crew.
      2. +3
        31 July 2024 10: 30
        Quote: Mavrikiy
        As far as I know, NATO members give preference to tracked systems.

        In the USSR, a self-propelled 120-mm mortar "Tundzha" was created based on the MT-LB, but was given to the Bulgarians!
        1. +1
          31 July 2024 11: 54
          Already in Russia there was a new attempt.
          Sort of like the Delema cipher.
          Essentially, Sani is inside MTLB.
          It could have worked out very well.
        2. 0
          31 July 2024 13: 49
          What is NONA based on infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers?! Essentially the same thing. And it seems to be on the Tiger base. Do they fire 120 mm mines? They shoot. The purpose of the guns is slightly different and the capabilities are slightly greater.
          1. +1
            31 July 2024 15: 00
            This situation fits well with the definition: “Fedot is not the same!”...................
            1. +1
              31 July 2024 16: 54
              What else can you come up with without a motor of this caliber?! I'm talking about the fact that it didn't work on the basis of MTLB. What did I want to say to the author - mobility is again too small?! The use of any weapon must be competent. Everything that is towed is essentially for a permanent location. Only one person could carry 120 mm, and even across the river in the same area.
        3. 0
          2 September 2024 13: 14
          Tunja was not accepted into service in the SA, because Nona appeared. There is a version of Tunja-Sani. 300+ pieces were produced. Supplied abroad. Still in service in the Bulgarian army, more than 250 pieces.
    2. +5
      31 July 2024 08: 25
      The system is certainly good and has prospects, but I would not call it “high mobility”.

      In the 94th year of the last century, I was dragging this “sleigh” behind a ZIL-130 to a training ground near Khabarovsk, and at almost every turn the students put the “sleigh” on the wheels.
      Poor cart design, IMHO.
      1. +3
        31 July 2024 09: 17
        In the combat manual, the speed when towing is limited to 40 km/h, but taking into account the roughness of the road, this value can tend to zero. The cart is really very rolly, it has wheels from Moskvich (real), and the suspension is practically useless.
        As far as I remember, the standard tractor was GAZ-66. hi
    3. +4
      31 July 2024 10: 26
      this is a series of notes from the political officer and his green book)) so the PPSh is better than the AK when attacking trenches, especially with a horn
    4. +1
      26 August 2024 18: 47
      Modern and relevant

      About the first one. It's not even funny. It is long outdated, bulky, heavy and far from mobile. The 120 mm mortar must be placed on a mobile platform with good maneuverability and its topographic location, aiming and firing with modern mines must be automated as much as possible.
  2. +4
    31 July 2024 07: 25
    The mortar is reliable, but in general remains at the level of its ancestor - the mortar mod. 38-63 years old.
  3. +6
    31 July 2024 08: 51
    Claims should be addressed not so much to the mortar itself, but to the limited ammunition for it.
    We need an analogue of the 120-mm IMI M971 cluster mines made in the USA and Israel, and we need proximity fuses for detonation at a height of 5-7 meters. This is what can truly increase the effectiveness of fire.
    1. 0
      31 July 2024 11: 00
      Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
      We need an analogue of the 120 mm IMI M971 cassette mines made in the USA

      In addition to the "Gran" mine with a laser seeker, there were reports of tests of the "Gran-1" mine with a laser seeker and GPS... I haven't heard anything else about the "Gran-1" mine... I also had to "hear" about the developments of other 120- mm min with seeker, but most likely the development is closed! The "free patents" describe the design of a 120-mm mine with a SPBE (self-aiming combat element) in 2 variants: 1. anti-tank and 2. anti-personnel ... The Wehrmacht in WW2 used an 82-mm “foundling” mine ... perhaps you can make the same 120-mm mine ... cheap and cheerful!
    2. +2
      31 July 2024 18: 22
      There are a lot of complaints about the mortar itself. What do you need:
      - A standard sighting system, with a digital map, satellite navigation and a ballistic computer, which is now being solved with the help of programs not accepted for service and “banned” tablets/smartphones
      - the ability to quickly install a mortar and quickly leave a position, which can be solved using a pickup truck/truck with a hydraulic drive or MTLB
      - increasing the range of destruction and the possibility of using high-precision mines, the best solution is the NONA-M1 mortar
  4. +1
    31 July 2024 10: 14
    The wheels are big.
    Is it possible to attach it to a motorcycle in place of a cradle?
    In theory, military motorcycles should be stored somewhere, right?
    1. +2
      31 July 2024 10: 27
      Normally an 80ka mortar rode on a motorcycle; this one can’t be shoved in
      1. +1
        31 July 2024 10: 28
        It is a pity.
        Perhaps the military should order something of this caliber based on a motorcycle.
        Mobility is fierce (unless it turns over).
        1. 0
          31 July 2024 10: 30
          Urals are sold in the USA, good for domestic buyers, a little expensive 1650000, I looked at it myself and was surprised
          1. +2
            31 July 2024 14: 01
            So there is already a slipway there, not a conveyor. Motorcycles killed the 90s. Give everyone a car - it’s more comfortable. In reality, no one has made anything new from motorcycle factories in the Russian Federation. The injector was installed only because of the Euro exhaust that no one needed. And they were brought under strict environmental standards in California. Hollywood actors take it there. Give ours imports. All imports. And by closing the import of equipment, they would gradually modernize their own. Chief engineers at factories should be in the forefront. And you need to look at the number of motorcycles sold per year in addition to the price. Our loaf is also riveted together like a retro car. Remove from government procurement and that’s it. The end of the plant. AvtoVAZ Oka was pushed away in time, as was Izh-2126.
            1. +1
              6 August 2024 21: 56
              Why motorcycles and mopeds disappeared is not such a simple question. I don't know the answer. I would still travel outside the city light. Why did this suddenly disappear from sale?
              1. +2
                7 August 2024 06: 32
                Starting from the fact that the engines have been the same since the 40-50s. Well, they made dropsy based on the Jupiter motor - it didn’t go far. On the Planet base, the launchers were also water-cooled - but they had never even seen such water-cooled motors. At first, the Ural engines lagged even behind the Dnieper engines - they were able to make collapsible connecting rods with liners there. There is still no Irbit. Four-stroke one and two-cylinder vertical engines were also not invented. And they opened the borders - bring in whatever you want - everything was killed. A private trader should not trade directly with other countries - everything is killed at once. There is so much to describe here - it makes no sense when the top leaders leaked everything themselves. Euro exhaust finished everyone off in 2008. The Urals are the only ones left with Buran snowmobiles from the past. Burans mainly go to Taiga and Yakutia. Model 3 two-stroke models are still available. The Ural is the only heavy motorcycle with a sidecar in the world, and it’s also made in retro style, but with fuel injection and disc brakes. Our people are already full of them, like Oka, Zhiguli and Izh Oda. Niva and Bukhanka will fly there anyway. Even if the UAZ Hunter is no longer in government procurement and is sold just like the Ural motorcycle at around 1000 per year and cheaper than this motorcycle...
              2. +1
                7 August 2024 08: 03
                I’ll also add that the motor from the RM-500 quad is more expensive than the ZMZ-405 motor. Yes, and any VAZ. And the ZMZ-524 eight costs almost the same. The difference is simply almost 4 times in weight. What kind of margin do Ural motorcycles and RM quadrics get?! Unknown. Here one person made a stand for a winch for 15 thousand rubles, spending on metal - in the store a similar one costs 170-200 thousand.
    2. +1
      31 July 2024 10: 31
      Is it possible to attach it to a motorcycle in place of a cradle?
      In theory, military motorcycles should be stored somewhere, right?

      Possible, but smaller in caliber
      1. 0
        2 September 2024 13: 21
        What's in the photo - IZH-49?
    3. +2
      31 July 2024 18: 27
      A 120-mm mortar and its ammunition for a motorcycle with a sidecar are overkill. At a minimum, you need a pickup truck, and if you need to carry a sufficient BC, then something like “shishigi”, “Sadko”, or “Athleta”
      1. +2
        31 July 2024 18: 30
        Quote: Cympak
        carry sufficient BC

        I confess, I didn’t even think about such a “little thing”.
  5. 0
    5 August 2024 15: 54
    Let's read. Let's see. Let's remember. How some commentators laughed...
    1. 0
      6 August 2024 21: 51
      And what? It was this conflict that showed that the time of self-propelled mortars was over. They are relatively easy to detect and then defeat by drones and other means. This is trench defensive artillery weaponry in modern conditions.
  6. -1
    6 August 2024 16: 06
    The propaganda team is working on its soldering... :)