Who might benefit from the murder of Irina Farion?

Who might benefit from the murder of Irina Farion?

To questions of philology

If not everyone, then many know who the odious, or rather grotesque, Ukrainian nationalist Irina Mikhailovna Farion was. At least in Ukraine, where she earned such, to put it mildly, an obscene reputation that it dripped from the ears.

But who ordered her murder – no one knows for sure yet. Skinheads - this is how they take responsibility for everything somewhat vile, for any lawlessness. And besides, parties interested in financial terms who remain behind the scenes often, or rather, very often, use their services.

And this is understandable, since among skinheads there are such scumbags, usually drunk or on drugs, who simply have nothing to lose. Except for your chains, of course. Now, in order to sensibly evaluate the versions of what happened, you need to understand who benefited from Farion’s activities.

A philologist by training, Irina Farion gained fame far from being due to major achievements in her scientific work. She is now so far from philology that not so long ago students at the Lvov Polytechnic demanded that she be fired from there because of openly seditious and offensive statements.

About what? And about the fact that the participants in the military actions, speaking Russian in everyday life, are not Ukrainians, and something else in the same obscene spirit. However, the most infuriating students of the university, where there is military department, there was her saying that “military service is not a merit.”

Not only the students of the Lvov Polytechnic could not tolerate this, but also a significant part of Ukraine, especially those who were either fighting or had already conquered, or their relatives, especially the relatives of those who returned from the front line as “two hundredth”.

At first, Irina Farion was indeed fired, but she protested the decision in court, and she was successfully reinstated. Right up to 2013, Farion denied her vigorous activity in the Komsomol, and she denied cooperation with the KGB of the USSR until her death, although there was irrefutable evidence of this.

Are you tired of committee uniforms?

Nevertheless, the committee shoulder straps of Irochka’s bad memory did not prevent her from riveting out dissertations on the oppression of the Ukrainian language by the Soviet authorities. This biographical fact alone gave reason even to the most ardent Russophobes in Ukraine to consider Farion a double agent, either priest Gapon, or Yevno Azef in a skirt.

And in general, the Svoboda party, of which she was a member, inspired and continues to inspire great suspicion among many, even the most radically minded Ukrainians. If we are already talking about this supposed party, then first of all it infuriates even its own people with its excessive tendency to provocations, and of a very clumsy nature.

But what can we say if in Ukraine now many people consider Maidan-2 a joint provocation of Russia and the collective West to divide Ukraine into parts. True, this version cannot but be considered worthless, since in this case such sanctions against Russia and Belarus would not have been followed by the West.

And the question arises, who was bothered by such a scandalous person as Irina Farion? She was killed, as we know, by a skinhead, only for some reason with a regular civilian haircut and dressed not in grinders or Fred Perry clothes and without a scarf around his neck with the symbols of the Lviv FC Karpaty.

By the way, I must admit that the author forgot, he is a murderer, not even a Westerner at all, but actually from the Dnieper. How can one not recall the phrase from Balabanov’s cult “Brother”: “How could this staff clerk bring down Chechen?”

On the one hand, if something happens, such organizations very often take responsibility. And with undisguised joy. And even if they didn't do it at all.

On the other hand, far-right organizations actively use business structures to fight competitors.

Everything is simple here - they themselves don’t need to pay much, and their scumbag members usually have nothing to lose. Moreover, their cynicism often competes with the behavior of Stepan Bandera himself at the Polish trial. As is known, he was sentenced to death by the Polish authorities, which for some reason was replaced by long-term imprisonment.

By right of self-determination

Remember the letter from “Red Tarzan” Datsik addressed to the President of the Russian Federation, as if deliberately written in Russian-Belarusian language. In it, Datsik almost tearfully asked to be accepted into the ranks of United Russia, because, you see, its emblem supposedly depicts the Waffen SS symbol.

Therefore, of course, this “guy from the Dnieper” (this is his own self-definition), who allegedly killed Farion, is nothing more than a pawn. And did he even kill her?

One thing is clear: the Russian special services definitely have nothing to do with this. Exactly the same as, indeed, in the case of Navalny’s death on the eve of the presidential election. Farion, for all her worthlessness, was a universal bogeyman for the entire Russian-speaking population of Ukraine.

And not only for him - Farion was literally hated by his own nationalists. And even more so about the population of new regions of the Russian Federation, in her own words, “compromising not only Ukrainian nationalism, but also the Ukrainian national idea in general.”

Well, now someone will have to look for another Irina Farion. Even if not a Komsomol member, and not an FSB agent.

Perhaps her former ally Tyagnibok is suitable for this role, but will he agree to such a dubious prospect, seeing the sad fate of his former ally?
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  1. +4
    2 August 2024 05: 33
    I already wrote, whoever needed it and ordered it. Whoever needed it was killed. “Beautiful and brave” Farion, she crossed someone’s path, there in Ukraine. Farion, not even Trump, to discuss her murder, a shot down witch. She’s been around for a long time, They didn’t remember, about eleven years ago, they remembered when they killed. There was one like that.
    1. -1
      2 August 2024 07: 52
      Once he compared her with Baba Yaga, it was in vain that he offended the old woman of the forest... Baba Yaga, in comparison with Farion, is simply a storehouse of virtue... Farion is a bundle of hatred for everything Russian, which she even considered in the Nazis... This is her hatred and devoured... Well, to hell with her, in a couple of years everyone will forget about her, because she never did anything good for people in her entire rotten life... am
  2. 0
    2 August 2024 06: 16
    and there is no need to look for another Farion now. There are a dime a dozen of them there, but not all of them are “philosophers and philologists”, Tyagnibok is a Nazi among doctors, and Turchinov is generally a Nazi among Baptist metallurgists. Having gone abroad, they left vacancies that, through competition, who is the biggest Nazi-Russophobe, should be filled by those who are able to get ahead of their competitors. In Ukraine, capitalism, and capitalism even in Nazism and Russophobia, dictates its rights and conditions. The main thing is competition.
    Something else is surprising. Did Farion deserve it at all, so that she would be remembered so often by the media now? Moreover, if her sentence was passed not by those who suffered from her Nazism, but by her accomplices, fellow Nazis. Further see the words of my comment above, about competition under capitalism. Competitors for the first place of the Nazi-Russophobe must be eliminated.
    By the way, the same Tyagnibok, Turchinov and Yaitsenyuk took this into account, stinked, stank, but refused the “competition” to fill the vacancy of the leader of the Russophobe Nazi and fled from Ukraine to the West in time. But they are alive... well, for now Sudoplatov Nr2, they say, has only just started his last year of school.
  3. +2
    2 August 2024 06: 59
    Maksimka died, and what the hell with him... When are we going to chew this crap?
  4. +2
    2 August 2024 07: 58
    I wonder which other VO author will write about Farion’s death, on the same topic: who killed, who benefits? Even if we find out, the rivers will flow back or the dollar will fall, gas and oil prices will rise, and a line will line up for Russian gas and oil? Or maybe it was suicide? laughing
  5. +3
    2 August 2024 08: 22
    Why all this writing? Is there irrefutable evidence? Or do we just warm our hands with “hot potatoes”?
  6. 0
    2 August 2024 10: 07
    For me, I would not consider the version with the murder of Farion because of ideological contradictions. The Nazis rule Ukraine and it doesn’t matter who is more Nazi. They all follow the same path. She was an organizer of ideology, a mouthpiece for hatred and did her job well. But it’s not clear what happened to her property, it’s not written anywhere what kind of house in Bulgaria she decided to visit, wasn’t it for money????
  7. Des
    2 August 2024 11: 15
    Alexey Chichkin, Roman Mamchits, Ivan Grekov, Alexey Podymov, Victor Malyshev, Mikhail Vikentyev, Victor Alekseev, etc. (including female pseudonyms).
    And there is only one author (I hope))) - “podymych Alexey”.
    Be carefull).
    1. 0
      2 August 2024 13: 07
      Alexey Podymov provides his account on the site to all kinds of no-names. Perhaps - for a small share.
  8. +1
    2 August 2024 14: 53
    Dozens of farions are not worth one Trump ear.
  9. 0
    9 August 2024 09: 44
    The crazy witch got everyone. Whoever did this - find and give a bonus
  10. 0
    21 August 2024 09: 09
    N A P L E V A T!!! We don't care who it is