The Pentagon confirmed the next tests of the hypersonic weapons program

The Pentagon confirmed the next tests of the hypersonic weapons program

The United States is trying to close the gap with Russia and China in the development of hypersonic weapons, but to date not a single American development has been adopted for service. Nevertheless, the Pentagon is conducting tests as part of a program to create such weapons.

According to a statement from the US military department, the US Army (Ground Forces) and the US Navy recently conducted a joint test of a new hypersonic system. The launch of the new hypersonic missiles was supposed to take place at Cape Canaveral in Florida. The Pentagon did not explain how the tests were completed or what systems were tested. However, they did say that they were “very important” in terms of obtaining information about the operation of the equipment and software.

The US Army and Navy recently began testing a conventional hypersonic system at the US Space Force base at Cape Canaveral in Florida. These tests were an important milestone in the development of field-ready hypersonic technology. Important insights into the operation of hardware and software have been obtained that will help move closer to the deployment of hypersonic weapons

- leads TASS words of a US Department of Defense official.

As has been repeatedly reported, the United States simultaneously launched several programs to create hypersonic weapons, and it is not a fact that all of them will “shoot”, considering that several have already been closed. The Pentagon admits that they lag behind Russia and China in this area, but they promise to certainly catch up and even surpass them. According to the latest data, a decision has been made to accelerate the development of hypersonic systems and put them into service.
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  1. +1
    30 July 2024 07: 03
    Yes, they will accept it in the near future, and proudly declare that they are again “number one”, but they will stick a question on it, although they accepted the “raw” 35th and don’t care about anything.
    1. +1
      30 July 2024 07: 25
      Quote: Murmur 55
      and don’t worry about anything.

      But so many other states have already been “sold…” that one can only quietly envy.
      Quote: Murmur 55
      will proudly declare that they are again “number one”
      To each his own. They are “numbered”, we are “unparalleled in the world”
      1. 0
        30 July 2024 07: 56
        To each his own. They are “numbered”, we are “unparalleled in the world”

        Any “numberuvan” sooner or later becomes a “numbertu”... But ours “having no analogues in the world” will remain ours, because it is impossible to repeat what our designers created with the help of a pencil and a compass and the technologists came up with... It’s easier to do something of your own come up with... recourse
    2. +1
      30 July 2024 07: 36
      although they accepted the “raw” 35 and don’t worry about anything.
      ...not raw, just a golden calf..there’s nothing outstanding about it..but the cost and service are simply prohibitive
  2. +3
    30 July 2024 07: 23
    The launch of a new hypersonic missile was supposed to take place at Cape Canaveral in Florida.
    Our ships to Cuba have become more frequent, and the Chinese have expanded their intelligence center on its territory. I really hope that our “peaceful seiners” will now restore their registration off the coast of Florida
    And the photo on the screensaver made me smile. So I think, what should it mean here now? Previously, it was shown under materials about our strategic missile system "Burevestnik"
    1. +1
      30 July 2024 07: 50
      And the photo on the screensaver made me smile. So I think, what should it mean here now?
      .. is this really so important... there’s nothing to show yet... it’s been said that “several programs to create hypersonic weapons were simultaneously launched in the USA”
      1. 0
        30 July 2024 13: 10
        Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
        ..nothing to show yet..

        Well, why, recently the Americans showed a prototype launcher for medium-range hypersonic missiles
        1. 0
          30 July 2024 14: 22
          recently the Americans showed a prototype PU
          ..this is certainly addition
          ready-to-use hypersonic technology.
          ..yes, this is really have to start being just need to determine from what moment
          1. 0
            30 July 2024 14: 26
            Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
            .we need to start being afraid...

            Afraid?????? Take into account and prepare for their appearance at the enemy. Even the “old” ATAMS gave us certain problems, but here are completely new missiles with very high speeds and maneuverability
            Quote: Crimean partisan 1974
            you just need to determine from what moment
            Much depends on the work of our military intelligence. But we already need to be ready for this
            1. 0
              30 July 2024 14: 35
              Even the “old” ATAMS gave us certain problems,
              ..these are precisely the specific problems...and on the other hand, our air defense guys train well in combat conditions...and as for being ready....this is not about striped hypersonic...because if it does exist, it will be fabulously expensive to transmit it to all sorts of penniless people
  3. 0
    30 July 2024 08: 14
    The Pentagon has confirmed the next tests of the hypersonic weapons program.

    Blank shot again? The wrong chips were inserted in the wrong places.
    The Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, warns - do not use questionable materials and components (including chips) purchased from unverified manufacturers, which can serve as a source of fires and unpredictable consequences for the test subjects.
    1. 0
      30 July 2024 14: 36
      Quote: ZovSailor
      The Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, warns - do not use questionable materials and components (including chips) purchased from unverified manufacturers, which can serve as a source of fires and unpredictable consequences for subjects

      This is aerobatics! good
  4. -1
    30 July 2024 09: 31
    Well... They will have hypersound.
    And we will lose the advantage that allowed us from Munich to “put this lively cow in a stall” by using hypersound on them... defenseless.
    I am sure that “our partners” will not stand on ceremony and we will experience all the delights of its impact.
    We have to suffer in order to want to sing “Get up, huge country!”...
    1. 0
      30 July 2024 12: 00
      I dare to_notice_
      Today, 09: 31
      Well... They will have hypersound
      We have to suffer in order to want to sing “Get up, huge country!”

      To take the word of mattress covers is not to respect yourself.
      Do not forget that the arrogant Saxons are empires of lies!
      Our intelligence officers and agents are vigilant and will warn in advance if WHAT!
  5. +3
    30 July 2024 10: 51
    Apparently, the states did not manage to steal everything in the 90s, if they haven’t already done so.
    1. 0
      30 July 2024 11: 40
      I listened to a documentary about our developments, which Yeltsin forced us to give up, and our people hid them from him and didn't give everything up, they developed them in the "basements" quietly, and with Putin's arrival they "came into the light" and funding and work continued. This is what is saving us now.